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赵云龙  唐海萍  李新宇  张新时 《生态学报》2006,26(12):4234-4243
山盆系统是由山地和盆地组合而成的一种典型地貌组合。以河北怀来县为例,通过对区域生态经济系统的评价分析,以及对系统产业结构调整和土地利用结构优化的探讨,以生态环境恢复重建和农业可持续发展为目标,构建了怀来山盆系统“山间盆地.低山丘陵-中山山地”生态.生产范式。怀来山盆范式的功能带包括3“圈”5“带”:(1)山间盆地:①官厅水库,②环库水源保护带,③河谷平原高效农业经济带;(2)低山丘陵:④低山丘陵舍饲养畜和人工林(果园)灌草带;(3)中山山地:⑤中山山地林灌草生态保育带。  相似文献   

何颖  马松梅  张林  张云玲  贺凌云 《生态学报》2023,43(11):4664-4673
基于植被净初级生产力(NPP)法开展干旱区流域生物多样性维护功能重要性评价可为区域生态安全建设提供科学依据。基于玛纳斯河流域MODIS13Q1数据和环境数据,利用卡内基-艾姆斯-斯坦福方法模型(CASA)估算2001—2020年流域植被NPP,结合地形因子构建流域生物多样性维护功能重要性评价模型,利用地理探测器分析气候、地形、土壤类型等因子对流域NPP的空间异质性影响。研究结果表明:(1)近20年,流域植被NPP均值呈上升趋势,高值集中于山地区低山丘陵带和绿洲区中部,低值区分布于荒漠生态区;(2)从流域不同土地利用类型的NPP均值看,耕地>林地>草地>建设用地>未利用地>水域;(3)流域生物多样性维护功能的一般重要区、中等重要区、重要区和极重要区的数值范围为:0—0.12、0.12—0.22、0.22—0.47和0.47—0.84,分别占流域总面积的20.17%、20.14%、19.91%和19.85%,山地区低山丘陵带和绿洲区中部是流域生物多样性维护功能的极重要区;(4)年平均降水、土壤类型是流域NPP空间分异解释力最强的因子;各因子的影响呈非线性增强及...  相似文献   

三峡库区农业生态经济分区的研究   总被引:28,自引:1,他引:27  
选取31个生态经济指标,以行政县(区)为单元,采用ISOTATA模糊聚类分析方法,把三峡库区分为4个农业生态经济区,即1主城区郊丘陵菜旅花牧加生态经济区,II江万丘陵低山粮经果牧加生态经济区,Ⅲ武秭中山低山果林粮牧特生态经济区,Ⅳ兴宜低中山丘陵林果牧粮生态经济区,通过对各区生态经济特征的分析,提出了其生态经济的发展方向和生香环境保护的策略,可为三峡库区农业可持续发展和生态环境保护提供理论依据。  相似文献   

分析了斑叶蝉族昆虫在中国以及贵州动物地理区的分布情况,探讨其分布格局形成、起源和演化原因。根据中国和贵州斑叶蝉族的地理分布数据,运用MEGA 6.0、SPSS 22.0和ArcGIS 10.2等软件,对斑叶蝉族昆虫的区及亚区分布进行支序聚类分析,结果表明我国斑叶蝉族现代分布中心为西部山地高原亚区、华南区的台湾亚区及滇南山地亚区,分布热点地区为西双版纳地区、海南地区和台湾地区。贵州斑叶蝉现代分布中心为黔东低山丘陵省、黔北中山峡谷省和黔南低山河谷省,分布热点地区为铜仁北部的沿河地区、遵义的务川地区及贵州黔东南州的榕江、雷山地区。斑叶蝉族昆虫中国分布区形成的顺序先是东北区,其次是青藏区和蒙新区,最后是西南区、华北区、华南区和华中区。贵州分布区形成的顺序先是黔西高原中山省和黔中山原丘陵省,其次是黔南低山河谷省,最后是黔北中山峡谷省和黔东低山丘陵省。中国分布区中,B21和B22聚类群属级阶元的相似性最高,区间关联性最强。在贵州分布区中黔东低山丘陵省和黔北中山峡谷省属级阶元的相似性最高,物种交流最为频繁。目前,斑叶蝉族昆虫的地理分布格局主要是历史气候变化、当前气候条件以及植被覆盖等生态环境共同作用的结果;区系起源和演化主要受地质构造运动作用;斑叶蝉在各区的分布相似性可能与气候变化引起的物种由南向北扩散有关。  相似文献   

贵州两栖动物区系及地理区划的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
魏刚  陈服官 《动物学研究》1989,10(3):241-249
本文报道贵州省两栖动物63种,其中省新纪录2种,即阔褶蛙和锯腿树蛙。将贵州划分为黔西高原中山、黔北中山峡谷、黔中山原丘陵、黔东南低山丘陵盆地和黔南低山河谷五个动物地理省。认为黔南低山河谷省属于向华南区过渡的华中地带。讨论了各动物地理省的地貌、气候、两栖动物区系特征及地理替代种类。分析了各动物地理省两栖动物区系的相似性及数量关系。  相似文献   

优厚的自然条件和丰富的资源我省位于华东的西北部、跨长江、淮河流域,境内自然分成平原、丘陵、山地。淮北平原是华北大平原的一部分,江淮之间是大别山地带和淮南丘陵,长江以南为低山、丘陵其间有驰名中外的旅游胜地黄山和我国四大佛教名山之一的九华山。真可谓“山青水秀景色宜人”。淮北为暖温带半湿润季风气候,淮河以南为亚热带湿润季风气候,四季分明。年平均降水量淮河以北为700—800毫米,南部一般在800—1,700毫米,适宜各种植物生长。粮食作物以稻米为主,其次为小麦、杂粮、豆类、薯类;经济作物以棉花、红麻、油料较多;名特产有  相似文献   

海南岛热带森林景观类型多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王伯荪  彭少麟  郭泺  叶有华 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1690-1695
依据景观生态学原理,按地貌、气候、土壤、植被和土地利用方式的分异,以带、域、省、区、类型为5个基本单位及亚、组等为辅助单位,组建海南岛热带森林景观类型分类体系。把海南岛热带森林景观作为省级单位,它隶属于全球热带林景观带、亚洲(东方)热带林景观域、中国热带林景观亚域,其下划分为东部潮湿森林景观、西部半干旱森林景观、中南部山地森林景观、热带常绿针叶林景观、热带竹林景观和热带人工林景观6个森林景观区;以热带低地沟谷热带雨林为代表的11个森林景观亚区;以热带低地沟谷龙脑香森林景观为代表的26个森林景观类型组;以热带低地沟谷青皮林为代表的54个森林景观类型。海南岛热带森林景观类型分类体系较全面地表达了海南岛热带森林景观类型多样性。  相似文献   

基于GIS的下辽河平原地下水生态敏感性评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
孙才志  杨磊  胡冬玲 《生态学报》2011,31(24):7428-7440
从地下水系统结构特征、区域自然条件、外界压力、资源与保护和生态环境5个方面考虑,构建了下辽河平原地下水生态敏感性评价指标体系.运用GIS空间分析技术,从水量和水质两方面对下辽河平原地下水生态敏感性进行评价.结果表明:在水量敏感性方面,主要以轻度与中度敏感区为主,占研究区总面积的65.14%;在水质敏感性方面,主要以轻度和中度敏感区为主,占研究区总面积的86.56%.综合水量和水质两方面,下辽河平原地下水生态敏感性在中度敏感以上的区域面积占研究区面积的59.62%,生态敏感性较高,容易受到破坏.从空间分布来看,不敏感和轻度敏感区分布在新民一辽中平原、东部山前冲洪积平原;中度敏感区域主要分布在中部平原及西部低山地区;高度敏感和极敏感区分布在辽阳和抚顺城区、平原周围山区.  相似文献   

豫南地区嗜人按蚊种群分布与土壤关系的探讨   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
嗜人按蚊(An.anthropophaga)是传播恶性疟的主要媒介,在河南省固始、淮滨、商城、潢川等县的丘陵水稻区呈点状、带状、片状分布。作者在现场调查中发现这种分布现象与土壤有一定的关系,故于1984~1986年在淮滨、固始二县进行了探讨性研究。调查区位于北纬31°48′~32°27′之间,地处大别山北麓,淮河以南,属北亚热带向暖温带过渡的生物气候带,地形由南向北分为低山、丘陵、垄岗、平原四种类型,海拔50~300米,河流甚多,西南至东北流向,注入淮河。黄棕壤地带性土壤,水稻田占耕地面积的50~70%。水库和水塘为主要灌溉水源。稻田土主要有黄棕壤…  相似文献   

金华地处浙江中部,具有亚热带季风性气候,地带性植被主要是中亚热带常绿阔叶林,地形属浙中丘陵盆地区,地势南北高而中部低,在植物区系上属泛北极植物区,中国——日本植物亚区,华东地区。由于金华地形复杂、气候温暖湿润、雨量充沛,因而植物区系成分多种多样,珍稀濒危保护植物较多。现作一介绍如下:  相似文献   

Leptodactylus labrosus属于陆地坐-等型的捕食者,其食物包括地表的、掘地的及飞行昆虫,其中蚂蚁数量最多。曾有报道Bothrops asper是其天敌。L.labrosus主要栖息于落叶及半落叶林潮湿的环境中,偶尔也栖息于常绿林中。L.labrosus分布于厄瓜多尔西海岸的北部、中部、南部;秘鲁西海岸的北部、中部,分布地海拔可达600 m;及位于南厄瓜多尔和北秘鲁海拔高达1 300 m的干燥的安第斯山谷。其分布地区包括了厄瓜多尔和秘鲁海岸的潮湿的、季节性干燥的森林。在安第斯山脉斜坡的潮湿地带,L.labrosus与其他3种细趾蟾科的分布区重叠,但表现为生境分离。其分布特征与其他几种活动区域受限的两栖动物相似。Tumbesian地区应被认为是地方特有两栖动物的分布区。Choco和Tumbesian的中间区域是L.labrosus与其他细趾蟾科的生境分布重叠区,其生态及气候特征使其形成了独特的动物区系,包括几种地方特有物种。因此该地区应被划为西厄瓜多尔地方种区域。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the latitudinal extent of terrestrial breeding birds in Nicaragua. In particular, associations among latitudinal midpoint, body mass, and latitudinal extent are examined; significant differences between natural history characteristics (trophic guild, forest dependence, number of forest types) and latitudinal extent are identified; and a test is undertaken of Rapoport's rule for birds at the edge of their northern or southern range in Nicaragua. Birds in Nicaragua were classified into four categories based on latitudinal extent: birds generally restricted to Central America (20%); birds near the edge of their range within Nicaragua (34%); Neotropical birds (42%); and Pan‐American birds (4%). Latitudinal midpoint had a significant negative correlation with latitudinal extent over different taxonomic scales. Natural history characteristics of trophic guild, forest dependence and number of forest types can account for significant differences in species latitudinal extent. Carnivores had greater latitudinal extents than most other trophic guilds, non‐forest birds had greater latitudinal extents than birds that require patchy forest, and birds that occur in four or more forest types had greater latitudinal extents than birds restricted to one or two forest types. Contrary to Rapoport's rule, birds with a northern affinity or latitudinal midpoint north of Nicaragua had significantly smaller latitudinal extents than birds with a southern affinity or latitudinal midpoint south of Nicaragua. A comparison of natural history characteristics of birds with northern and southern affinities found no difference between trophic guild or forest dependence but a significant difference among the number of forest types used by forest birds. Birds with a southern affinity were restricted to fewer forest types than birds with a northern affinity.  相似文献   

Plant endemism in two forests in southern Bahia, Brazil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An important factor in determining species rarity is the geographic distribution of species. Estimates were made of the level of endemism of the flora of two sites in the southern Bahian wet forest zone. Estimates were made for endemism in the Atlantic forest biome and for the much more restricted area of southern Bahia and northern Espi´rito Santo and are derived from analyses of the distributions of the species known from each area. The species checklist for each area is based on identified specimens resulting from intensive collecting in a forest near Serra Grande (40km north of Ilhe´us) and the Una Biological Reserve (40km south of Ilhe´us). Slightly less than half of the species (45.2% at Una and 47.7% at Serra Grande) have widespread distributions and 7.4% at each site are disjunct between the coastal forests and Amazonia. In the Una Reserve, 44.1% of the species are endemic to the coastal forest and 28.1% endemic to southern Bahia and northern Espi´rito Santo. At Serra Grande, 41.6% of the species are endemic to the coastal forest and 26.5% endemic to southern Bahia and northern Espi´rito Santo.  相似文献   

The ability to express different phenotypes can help define species distributions by allowing access to, and exploitation of, new environments. Social insects employ two markedly different reproductive strategies with contrasting cost/benefit characteristics: independent colony foundation (ICF), which is associated with high dispersal range and high risk, and dependent colony foundation (DCF), characterized by low risk but low dispersal. The ant Myrmecina nipponica employs both of these strategies, with the frequency of each apparently varying between populations. We combine molecular data with data on reproductive strategy from different populations of this species throughout Japan to explore how this polymorphism is linked to environmental factors and whether this relationship can help explain the current and historical biogeography of this species. Reproductive strategy exhibited a strong geographic pattern, with ICF predominant in southern populations and DCF more common in northern and southern highland populations. Molecular analyses clearly divided populations into broad geographic regions, with the southern lowland populations basal to (southern highland (+ northern)) populations. Intra‐population polymorphism in colony‐founding strategy was widespread, and polymorphism was reconstructed as the likely ancestral state. The frequency of different strategies was linked with climate, with DCF more common in colder areas. A recent inferred origin to the northern lineage suggests that colonization of northern Japan was a rapid event coincident with warming at the end of the Last Glacial Maxima, likely facilitated by the cold‐adaptive advantages of DCF. We discuss how such polymorphisms could help explain the biogeography of this and other social insects.  相似文献   

Data from 300 forest stands, scattered over 29 states within the eastern North American deciduous forest, were subjected to detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) and two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) in an effort to identify classifiable units. Most species are widespread which provide a great deal of continuity in the vegetation.The deciduous forest can be divided into three forest regions: (1) northern, (2) central and (3) southern. The northern region corresponds to the hemlock-white pine-northern hardwood forest of Braun (1950). The central region includes the beech-maple and oak-hickory forests. The beech-maple as identified here includes the mixed mesophytic, beech-maple, maple-basswood and about half of the western mesophytic forests of Braun (1950). The oak-hickory includes Braun's oak-hickory, oak-chestnut and about half of the western mesophytic forests. The southern region coincides with the southern mixed hardwood forests.  相似文献   

Brood-site mutualisms represent extreme levels of reciprocal specialization between plants and insect pollinators, raising questions about whether these mutualisms are mediated by volatile signals and whether these signals and insect responses to them covary geographically in a manner expected from coevolution. Cycads are an ancient plant lineage in which almost all extant species are pollinated through brood-site mutualisms with insects. We investigated whether volatile emissions and insect olfactory responses are matched across the distribution range of the African cycad Encephalartos villosus. This cycad species is pollinated by the same beetle species across its distribution, but cone volatile emissions are dominated by alkenes in northern populations, and by monoterpenes and a pyrazine compound in southern populations. In reciprocal choice experiments, insects chose the scent of cones from the local region over that of cones from the other region. Antennae of beetles from northern populations responded mainly to alkenes, while those of beetles from southern populations responded mainly to pyrazine. In bioassay experiments, beetles were most strongly attracted to alkenes in northern populations and to the pyrazine compound in southern populations. Geographical matching of cone volatiles and pollinator olfactory preference is consistent with coevolution in this specialized mutualism.  相似文献   

辛蓓  党英侨  王小艺  杨忠岐 《生态学报》2019,39(24):9379-9386
生物都有一定的适生区,低温导致其分布北界的形成是不争的事实,然而一些种类还存在分布上的南界。昆虫的生长发育与环境的关系非常密切,研究其分布南界的形成原因对预测昆虫种群的扩散和暴发具有重要意义。从环境、寄主和人类活动等方面总结了北半球昆虫分布南界形成的机制及影响因素。低纬度地区夏季高温引起昆虫死亡率上升、生殖率下降、昆虫体内共生菌解体和冬季低温过高导致昆虫滞育节律被破坏等是昆虫分布南界形成的主要原因。此外,寄主的分布和人类活动也对昆虫分布南界存在一定影响。气候变暖对不同种类昆虫的分布南界影响不同,大部分昆虫的分布范围会扩大,但一些受环境限制的昆虫分布南界往往北移。建议今后对全球气候变暖背景下昆虫分布南界的变化、检疫性害虫在其原产地和入侵地分布南界的差异及其原因进行研究,以期为分析昆虫分布的变化提供依据,也为害虫防治提供新的可能途径。  相似文献   

Aim  To establish the geographical position of the biogeographical transition between Indochinese and Sundaic faunas using distributional data for the best-documented taxon, the birds.
Methods  Distributional data of 544 resident forest and forest edge bird species of Thailand and the Thai–Malay peninsula were examined at 45 sites spanning 15° of latitude from northern-most Thailand to the southern peninsular Malaysia. Sites were grouped into 23 degree or half-degree latitudinal zones and avifaunal similarity coefficients were calculated between each zone.
Results  A Mantel test revealed a significant transition between northern Indochinese and southern Sundaic (Indomalay) avifauna assemblages just north of the Isthmus of Kra (10°30' N). Northern and southern range limits of 152 species (> 269 species and subspecies combined) lie between 11° and 13° N.
Main conclusions  This transition between zoogeographical subregions is not coincident with the widely recognized transition between floristic provinces which is traditionally placed 400–500 km further south at the Kangar–Pattani line, but is associated with a change from wet seasonal evergreen dipterocarp rain forest to mixed moist deciduous forest north of the Isthmus of Kra in the northern Thai–Malay peninsula. Climatological and ecological factors associated with the distribution of forest types today are reviewed and it is hypothesized that the avian transition tracks the northern phytogeographical boundary. Palaeogeographical factors, including hypothetical Neogene seaways, which may account for the historical development of both phytogeographical and avifaunal transitions are also described.  相似文献   

Woodland key habitat (WKH) inventories have been conducted in northern European countries, with the aim to create networks of minimally disturbed forest stands for protection. The goal of national forest inventory is to provide information relevant to forest management, such as on forest types, trees species composition, age structure and wood volume. The aim of this study was to link these two inventory databases to identify districts of Latvia most deficient in connectivity and habitat quality, in order to prioritize districts needing conservation effort. As an example, the area of deciduous forest with nemoral tree species (oak, ash, lime, maple and elm) and aspen was chosen. These forests provide habitat for a specific community of epiphytes. Using information in the WKH database, habitat quality in different districts of Latvia was estimated by the frequencies of occurrence of structural elements and selected indicator epiphyte species in nemoral tree species and aspen WKHs. Using digital data in the national forest inventory database, fragmentation metrics were determined for forests that, according to age and tree species composition, could potentially be nemoral tree and aspen WKHs. On a regional level, the lowest habitat quality in WKH occurred in districts that had the least fragmentation of potential WKH forest. In the less fragmented areas, the habitat quality of the existing WKH will likely increase in the future, and could be promoted by management to create structural elements typical of natural forests. The districts with the most fragmented nemoral and aspen forests, contained WKHs with the best habitat quality. A focus on protection should be given to these stands as they are the most likely to support source populations, and there is a need to improve spatial continuity of suitable tree substrate in these areas.  相似文献   

We must consider the role of multitrophic interactions when examining species' responses to climate change. Many plant species, particularly trees, are limited in their ability to shift their geographic ranges quickly under climate change. Consequently, for herbivorous insects, geographic mosaics of host plant specialization could prohibit range shifts and adaptation when insects become separated from suitable host plants. In this study, we examined larval growth and survival of an oak specialist butterfly (Erynnis propertius) on different oaks (Quercus spp.) that occur across its range to determine if individuals can switch host plants if they move into new areas under climate change. Individuals from Oregon and northern California, USA that feed on Q. garryana and Q. kelloggii in the field experienced increased mortality on Q. agrifolia, a southern species with low nutrient content. In contrast, populations from southern California that normally feed on Q. agrifolia performed well on Q. agrifolia and Q. garryana and poorly on the northern, high elevation Q. kelloggii. Therefore, colonization of southern E. propertius in higher elevations and some northern locales may be prohibited under climate change but latitudinal shifts to Q. garryana may be possible. Where shifts are precluded due to maladaptation to hosts, populations may not accrue warm‐adapted genotypes. Our study suggests that, when interacting species experience asynchronous range shifts, historical local adaptation may preclude populations from colonizing new locales under climate change.  相似文献   

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