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目前,中国人群头型、面型、鼻型、唇型、耳型尚未见大样本的资料报道。我们测量了中国115个族群的63449例头面部指标值,计算了头长宽指数等7项指数值,进行了指数与年龄的相关分析、年龄组间的方差分析,以及指数与纬度、年平均温度的相关分析。采用主成分分析方法研究了7个年龄组指数值。相关分析显示,随着年龄增长,中国人头型变得更长一些,更低一些;面变得更窄一些,鼻翼更宽一些,唇更薄些,耳变得更细长些。主成分分析结果也证实了这种规律。相关分析结果表明,随纬度的增大,中国人男性、女性头长宽指数、形态面指数值增大,鼻指数、容貌耳指数值减小。随年平均温度的升高,中国人男性、女性头面部头长宽指数、头长高指数、形态面指数值减小,鼻指数、容貌耳指数值增大。中国人头长宽指数的圆头型率、中头型率较高。男性、女性头长高指数均以高头型为主,头宽高指数均以狭头型率最高,形态面指数以超狭面型率最高。超过一半的人鼻指数为中鼻型,其次为狭鼻型。  相似文献   

本项目对1896例腊尔山区6~16岁苗族学生(男919例,女977例)进行了人体测量,测量了10项头面部形态指标,并根据公式计算13项头面部指数值。结果表明,苗族学生头面部各指标均值随年龄增长而增加,同年龄段头面部各指标均值男生一般高于女生,且多数年龄段差异有统计学意义;男性的头长宽的、形态面的、形态上面的、容貌面的、颧额宽的、容貌上面的和容貌上面高的指数以及女性的形态面的、形态上面的、容貌面的、颧下颌宽度的、容貌上面高的指数随年龄增长总体趋势是先增加后递减;男性头面高的以及女性的头长高的、头宽高的和头面宽的指数随年龄增长逐渐增加;男女性之间的头长高的、头宽高的和额顶宽的指数比较显示,多数年龄段差异有统计学意义;苗族学生头型以中头型、高头型、阔头型多见,面型以阔面型、阔上面型为主;相对于其他族群,腊尔山苗族男生面型短而宽,头型偏长,女生面型偏短,头型稍偏长而窄。腊尔山苗族学生头面部特征与融水苗族、土家族等族群较为接近,与哈萨克族、新乡汉族相距较远。  相似文献   

本文对广西三江侗族自治县的 7— 16岁乡村侗族男女中、小学生 2 0 87名 (男 10 5 5 ,女 10 32 )的头面部9项指标进行测量 ,并计算有关指数 ,分析和比较了儿童青少年容貌特征发育与年龄增长的关系。根据头面部指数分型 ,确定了广西三江侗族自治县侗族儿童青少年的头面部形态。依各项指数 ,侗族儿童青少年多属圆头型 ,高头型 ,阔头型及阔面型。  相似文献   

广西玉林地区汉族儿童青少年头面部发育特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解广西玉林地区汉族儿童青少年头面型,本文采用分层随机抽样方法对广西玉林地区1119名7-16岁城镇汉族儿童青少年的9项头面部指标进行测量,分析和比较儿童青少年容貌特征的发育与年龄增长的关系,按头面部各项指数分型。结果显示:汉族儿童青少年头面部的9项指标除头最大宽外均随年龄的增长而增大,各年龄组的性别间存在显著性差异。头面型以中头型和圆头型、高头型、狭头型及阔面型和中面型为主。  相似文献   

河南新乡地区儿童头面部测量   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本文对河南省新乡地区汉族儿童(4-13岁)头面部进行了测量,比较和分析了儿童体质发育与年龄增长的关系,据儿童头面部各指数数值大小分型,确定该地区汉族儿童面部的形态为:圆头型、高头型、狭头型、狭面型、狭鼻型。  相似文献   

为分析夏尔巴人的体质特征,2016年在西藏测量了182例(男性98例,女性84例)夏尔巴人成人的头面部及体部指标。运用Excel 2010和SPSS 21.0对数据进行统计分析。夏尔巴人的分析结果显示,根据头面部指标均数,夏尔巴人男性和女性属于圆头型、高头型、阔头型、中鼻型。根据体部指标均数,夏尔巴人男性和女性属于中躯干型、中肩型、窄骨盆型和亚中等身高,男性为亚长腿型,女性为中腿型。与其他族群对比发现,夏尔巴人体质特征与门巴族最接近,其次是珞巴族,属于藏彝走廊类型。国内目前尚无夏尔巴人的体质特征报道,本研究丰富了民族体质数据资料库,为研究夏尔巴人的族源提供了一定的数据支持。  相似文献   

中国独龙族与莽人的体质特征   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
在云南省贡山县独龙江乡调查了200例(男为97例,女为103例)独龙族人的体质,在金平县金水河镇调查了56例(男33例,女23例)莽人的体质,计算了体质指数,统计了指数分型情况。研究结果显示:1)独龙族、莽人体质特征接近,并与侗、拉祜、彝、德昂族较为一致。2)在蒙古人种南亚类型诸人群中,独龙族、莽人眼内角间宽值较大,而其他多数指标值偏小。3)独龙族男女均以高头型、狭头型、中胸型、中骨盆型率最高。男性还以中头型、狭面型、中鼻型、长躯干型、中腿型、宽肩型率最高。女性还以圆头型、阔面型、狭鼻型、中躯干型、亚短腿型、窄肩型率最高。4)莽人男女均以中头型(头长宽指数)、高头型、中鼻型、中腿型、中胸型、宽肩型、中骨盆型率最高。男性还以中头型(头宽高指数)、阔面型、长躯干型率最高。女性还以狭头型、中躯干型率最高。女性超阔面型率与阔面型率相等。5)独龙族与莽人蒙古褶率低,鼻根高度较低、鼻宽值多大于我国蒙古人种北亚类型诸人群。  相似文献   

中国僜人体质特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在西藏察隅县调查了144例(男为60例, 女为84例)僜人成人的67项体质指标, 计算了31项体质指数, 统计了指数分型情况, 对僜人的体质进行了初步分析。结果显示: (1)僜人上眼睑皱褶率、蒙古褶率极低,鼻翼高度多为中等型, 鼻根高度男多为中等型, 女多为低型, 耳垂、上唇皮肤部高度多为中等型。(2)在藏缅语族中, 僜人头面部的很多指标值小或偏小, 只有头宽值较大。僜人男女均以高头型、狭头型、中面型率最高。此外, 男性还以中头型(头长宽指数)、中鼻型率最高, 女性还以圆头型、狭鼻型率最高。(3)僜人男女均以长躯干型、中骨盆型率最高。此外, 男性以中腿型、中胸型、宽肩型率最高, 女性以亚短腿型、宽胸型、中肩型率最高。僜人男女身材均以矮型率最高, 僜人体部测量指标值均很小。(4)僜人体质特征与独龙族最为接近, 属于蒙古人种南亚类型的体质特征。  相似文献   

贵州仁怀苗族头面部体质人类学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对世居在贵州仁怀后山乡的378名(男196人, 女182人)年龄在21-60岁的苗族进行头面部活体观察和测量(观察项目6项, 测量项目16项)。结果表明, 仁怀苗族男女眼裂倾斜度水平、上眼睑有皱褶、睫毛长者占多数; 鼻尖类型钩型与直型出现率接近; 舌运动类型非卷型略占优势;前额发际男性尖型多于平型、女性平型稍多于尖型。头型以特圆、高、阔头型多见;面型以超狭面型为主; 属中鼻型。与我国南方其他5个苗族以及贵州其他族群的聚类分析显示, 仁怀后山乡苗族男性与贵州王卡苗族、贵州布依族男性最为接近, 女性与湖南苗族女性最为接近。  相似文献   

为了探究孟高棉语族未识别民族族群特征,研究组以412名(男性220人,女性192人)云南孟高棉语族未识别民族成人为例,运用人体测量学方法对该族群男女头面部与体部58项指标及20个指数进行测量和分析,并选取头长、头宽、面宽、形态面高、身高、坐高、肩宽、骨盆宽8项指标与30个已研究族群进行比较。结果表明:1)男性各项体质指标除大腿围和6项皮褶厚度指标外,都大于女性各项指标,男女身高均以矮型为主;2)孟高棉语族未识别民族男性上眼睑皱褶率为88.2%,女性上眼睑皱褶率为94.3%。男性蒙古褶率为41.8%,女性蒙古褶率为36.5%。鼻根高度男性以中等型为主,女性以低平为主。耳垂类型男性以圆形率为主,女性以三角形率为主;3)依据指数分型出现率得出:孟高棉语族未识别民族男女均以圆头型、高头型、阔头型、狭鼻型、中腿型、中胸型、宽肩型率最高;4)聚类分析和主成分分析显示孟高棉语族未识别民族与布朗族、基诺族、布依族、侗族比较接近。遗传因素、环境条件与饮食习惯是这些民族体质特征接近的原因。  相似文献   

Tracking head motion in a simple, portable and accurate manner during performance of postural tasks in a virtual reality environment could have important implications for investigating normal and pathological head kinematics. We investigated concurrent validity of head tracking of two Head Mounted Displays (HMDs), Oculus Rift and HTC Vive, vs. a gold-standard motion capture system (Qualisys). Head kinematics of N = 20 healthy young adults was quantified during static and dynamic postural tasks. While wearing the Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, participants observed moving stars (static tasks) or a flying ball (dynamic task). Head kinematics were recorded simultaneously by the Rift or Vive and Qualisys camera system. We calculated head directional path, acceleration in 6 directions and volume of translation movement. Intra-Class Correlations (ICC) and 95% Limits of agreement were calculated. Most ICC values were around 0.9 with several at 0.99 indicating excellent agreement between the HMDs and Qualisys. Weaker agreement was observed for vertical displacement during a static task and moderate agreement was observed pitch and yaw displacement during a dynamic task. A negative bias of a small magnitude (indicating more movement in VR) was observed for most variables in static tasks, while a positive bias was observed for most variables in the dynamic task (indicating less movement in VR). Our results generally support the concurrent validity of Oculus Rift and HTC Vive head tracking during static and dynamic standing tasks in healthy young adults. Specific task- and direction-dependent differences should be considered when planning measurement studies using these novel tools.  相似文献   

Summary The characterization of head activator (HA) as a morphogen capable of increasing the number of tentacles regenerated by hydra was re-examined. Gastric tissue was excised from HA-treated whole animals and allowed to regenerate. At the cellular level the differentiation of head-specific ectodermal epithelial cells was monitored by quantifying monoclonal antibody, CP8, labeling. This labeling has been correlated with a rise in head activation potential and the determination of tissue to form head structures (Javois et al. 1986). At the morphological level tentacle number was monitored. HA-treated regenerates began the head patterning processes and evaginated tentacles sooner than controls but did not produce extra tentacles. The kinetics of CP8 labeling did not reveal major differences between treated and control regenerates after the initiation of head-specific epithelial cell differentiation. HA appeared to act more like a growth factor stimulating the differentiation of head-specific cell types rather than a morphogen which altered head morphology. An additional aspect of the study examined axial-specific effects of HA on the initiation and extent of head-specific epithelial cell differentiation. The cellular response of ectodermal epithelial cells to HA was dependent on their original axial location. More CP8+ tissue differentiated in regenerates of apical as opposed to mid-gastric origin.  相似文献   

We compared whisking movement patterns during acquisition of tactile detection and object discrimination under conditions in which (a) head movements are excluded and (b) exposure to tactile discriminanda is confined to the large, moveable vibrissae (macrovibrissae). We used optoelectronic instrumentation to track the movements of an individual whisker with high spatio-temporal resolution and a testing paradigm, which allowed us to dissociate performance on an “indicator” response (lever pressing) from the rat's “observing” responses (discriminative whisking). We analyzed the relation between discrimination performance and whisking movement patterns in order to clarify the process by which the indicator response comes under the stimulus control of information acquired by the rat's whisking behavior. Whisking patterns over the course of task acquisition differed with task demands. Acquisition of the Detection task was correlated with modulation of only one whisking movement parameter - total number of whisks emitted, and more whisking was seen on trials in which the discriminandum was absent. Discrimination between a sphere and cube differing in size and texture was correlated with a reduction in whisk duration and protraction amplitude and with a shift towards higher whisking frequencies. Our findings confirm previous reports that acquisition of tactile discriminations involves modulation by the animal of both the amount and the type of whisking. In contrast with a previous report (Brecht et al., 1997), they indicate that rats can solve tactile object detection and discrimination tasks (a) using only the large, motile mystacial vibrissae (macrovibrissae) and (b) without engaging in head movements.We conclude that the functional contribution of the macrovibrissae will vary with the nature of the task and the conditions of testing.  相似文献   

A relation between head circumference and brain weight of humans is generally believed to exist, but the literature contains only two studies which exhibit a quantitative aspect of the relation, showing that brain weight is proportional to the cube of the head circumference from birth through age 3.5 years. By assembling data from autopsy records, we have been able to show that this cubic relationship holds through brain maturation at around age 18 years.  相似文献   

Here we describe a new method for quantifying encephalization in the growing individual and provide a worked example of the methods. The new method is based on the use of conditional SD scores derived from brain and body growth references. These encephalization SD scores control for age, sex and body size effects on brain size, and therefore, control for the confounds associated with allometry as well as growth differences between the brain and body and between the sexes. The methods also control for distribution skewness. Encephalization SD scores derived from pre- and post-natal data may be directly compared and changes in SD score over time assessed. These methods may be applied to a broad range of data where relative size during growth is to be quantified. Derived SD scores may also be applied to correlation and regression analyses where statistical relationships with other variables are of interest.  相似文献   

Summary Hydra regenerating heads release at least two substances into the surrounding medium: one stimulates and one inhibits head formation. The inhibitor is released mainly during the first hour after cutting, the activator is released more slowly with a maximum in the second hour and with substantial release still during the following six hours. The release of both substances seems to be specific for head regeneration: it is not found in animals regenerating feet. The sequential release of these substances leads to the early changes observed at the cellular level during head regeneration inhydra: the inhibitor produces a decrease, the activator an increase in the mitotic activity of interstitial and epithelial cells, if assayed on intact animals. Head regeneration is blocked, if the release of the head activator is prevented. It is therefore suggested that these substances are necessary to initiate head regeneration inhydra.  相似文献   

日本血吸虫尾蚴头器、腺体及体被超微结构的观察   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文报告用扫描与透射电镜观察大陆品系日本血吸虫(Schistosoma japonicum)尾蚴的头器、膆体及体被的超微结构。 从不同角度扫描电镜观察日本血吸虫的尾蚴头器前端,见有5对钻腺的开口,开口的周围有围褶,围褶的外侧分布有7对无鞘单纤毛的感觉乳突,这些结构靠近头器的腹侧围成马蹄形,顶端为无棘区。作者综合有关图像重建日本血吸虫尾蚴头器表面结构的示意图,供参考。 日本血吸虫尾蚴的体被、头腺及钻腺与曼氏血吸虫尾蚴基本相似,但在前钻腺分泌小体我们另见有连续性条索状透明物,对它的形成及其性质进行了讨论。  相似文献   

目的:探讨存在难产因素初产妇产程图的临床意义。方法:对2009年6月至2010年6月在济南军区总医院住院分娩的326例单胎头位初产妇的产程图进行回顾性分析。结果:产程图异常组中难产因素的构成比和剖宫产率均高于产程图正常组;存在难产因素的组别(胎方位异常组、宫缩乏力组、巨大儿组)产程中各阶段时限均较正常产妇组长,宫颈扩张速度均较正常组慢,胎头位置均高于正常组,以上差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论:在产程中对产程图中各阶段时限、宫颈扩张速度及胎头位置等指标进行监测,来预测和及时发现头位难产因素的存在,及时给予处理,改善母儿预后。  相似文献   

Sporisorium reilianum is the causal agent of head smut in corn, a worldwide disease that causes significant economic losses in the principal areas where maize is cultivated. To attack this problem, resistant commercial hybrids and synthetic fungicide seed treatment have been used, but with low effectiveness. In this study, a native strain of Bacillus subtilis isolated from the soil of corn crops in Mixquiahuala, Hidalgo, in central Mexico, was applied as a seed treatment in the field to test for the biological control of head smut. It significantly decreased the Smut Incidence Percentage (SIP) while increasing maize productivity. This work represents the first report in which B. subtilis has been used to control S. reilianum in the field.  相似文献   

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