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俞佳俐  严力蛟  邓金阳  李健 《生态学报》2020,40(10):3338-3350
城市绿地是人工与自然耦合的城市景观之一,是改善居民居住环境重要组成部分,更是提高居民身心健康的有效途径。以杭州主城区为研究对象,通过GIS技术对城市绿地遥感图像进行解译得到杭州主城区绿地空间布局图,同时,以人口密度为阻力要素,基于交通路网的500m网络距离可达范围内绿地数量和面积作为分类标准。通过对45个高、中、低不同档次的居民区进行问卷调查得到665份居民感知数据并进行统计整理。利用结构方程模型进行以绿地数量及游玩时间为标准的组间分析,区别不同组别的差异及其原因,分析城市绿地数量、面积,居民认知、动机,绿地吸引力等与居民身心健康福祉及满意度之间的关系。结果显示:城市绿地数量、居民游玩绿地次数时间等与居民福祉有显著的正向关系;居民对绿地作用的认知、去往绿地的动机进一步影响居民身心健康福祉;城市绿地的自身引力会激发居民去往绿地的积极性,从而增加去往绿地频次。另外,不同社会属性的个体对绿地需求不同,所产生的福祉效应及满意度也会有所差异。从增加居民区周围的街头绿地及邻里公园数量、提升绿地吸引力、提升居民对城市绿地作用的认知3个方面对城市绿地今后的发展规划提出建议。  相似文献   

武汉市绿色廊道景观格局   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
蔡婵静  周志翔  陈芳  郑忠明 《生态学报》2006,26(9):2996-3004
绿色廊道作为城市关键的景观结构要素,在维持城市生物多样性,改善城市生态环境,调节小气候等方面发挥着重要的作用.以武汉市建成区为例,探讨城市绿色廊道景观格局定量研究的方法,使其充分发挥生态功能,从而指导城市绿色廊道的规划与建设.利用GIS处理基础资料,对城市廊道系统进行提取与分类,生成拓扑关系图,并计算景观格局指标参数.从廊道景观的构成和绿色廊道的网络结构两方面详细分析了武汉市建成区各行政区内各类型绿色廊道的景观格局.结果表明:在武汉市建成区内,灰色廊道最长,占廊道总长的63.53﹪;绿色廊道极其缺乏,总密度仅为2.63 km/km^2;在绿色廊道中,绿色道路廊道最长,占绿色廊道总长的60.29﹪.绿色廊道普遍较窄,绿带的长度不到其它类型绿色廊道总长的1/3;绿色道路廊道最窄,少数达20 m.绿色铁路廊道面积较小,为1.68 km^2,其它类型的绿色廊道面积相当,各占总面积的30﹪左右;3个行政区中,武昌的绿色廊道长度最长,面积最大.绿色廊道网络线点率、环通度及连通度均不高,网络结构简单,不利于城市生物多样性的维持.绿色道路廊道网络结构相对最复杂;绿带的网络连通性最差,没有回路存在;武昌的绿色河流廊道、绿带以及绿色铁路廊道网络结构最复杂,绿色道路廊道网络最复杂的是汉口.武汉市绿色廊道的建设,应注重长度和宽度的增加,提高绿带的比例;重视各类型绿色廊道及其在各行政区间的均匀分布;减少绿色廊道的断开区,增加网络连通性;使其走向与城市主导风向一致,兼顾通风走廊的功能.  相似文献   

Recent data have provided evidence for an unrecognised ancient lineage of green plants that persists in marine deep-water environments. The green plants are a major group of photosynthetic eukaryotes that have played a prominent role in the global ecosystem for millions of years. A schism early in their evolution gave rise to two major lineages, one of which diversified in the world's oceans and gave rise to a large diversity of marine and freshwater green algae (Chlorophyta) while the other gave rise to a diverse array of freshwater green algae and the land plants (Streptophyta). It is generally believed that the earliest-diverging Chlorophyta were motile planktonic unicellular organisms, but the discovery of an ancient group of deep-water seaweeds has challenged our understanding of the basal branches of the green plant phylogeny. In this review, we discuss current insights into the origin and diversification of the green plant lineage.  相似文献   

2016年7月8-10日在中国上海召开了第二届国际城市生态学大会,会议的主题是“快速城市化和全球环境变化背景下城市生态学面临的挑战”。会议设16个专场,主要议题包括:城市化动态、城市可持续性研究、城市生物多样性评估和城市生态学教育等。城市绿地是大会的研究热点之一,会上讨论了城市绿地与城市生物多样性的密切联系、城市绿地的温度调节作用和文化服务,以及城市绿地与紧凑城市的关系等众多城市发展中的重要科学问题。为了推动城市绿地和城市生态学研究的进一步发展,本文对SURE大会上与城市绿地相关的研究内容进行综述和介绍。本次大会对未来城市绿地研究具有重要启示:(1)加强城市绿地的生态系统服务与可持续科学教育的研究;(2)加强小尺度城市绿地的评估、规划和管理研究;(3)加强城市绿地多功能的综合性研究。  相似文献   

城市带状绿地宽度与温湿效益的关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
带状绿地是城市绿地系统中的重要组成部分,其对城市绿地的建设和城市生态环境的改善起到其他绿地不可替代的作用。选择北京市西四环旁侧6块不同宽度带状绿地作为研究对象,利用小尺度定量测定的技术方法,分析城市带状绿地宽度与温湿效益的关系,为城市带状绿地建设提供科学依据。每天8:00-18:00,每2h分别对6块不同宽度带状绿地和对照处的温度、相对湿度进行同步测定,连续测定7d。结果显示:(1) 当城市绿地宽度为6m时,绿地内部具有一定的增湿效应,但降温效果不明显;当绿地宽度为16-27m时,绿地内部的降温增湿效果较明显;当绿地宽度为34m时,绿地内部的降温增湿效果明显;当绿地宽度超过40m时,绿地内部的降温增湿效果极其明显且趋于稳定。经SPSS方差分析,6块绿地与对照间的温、湿度差异均达到显著水平,通过Duncan’S两两比较(P=0.05),认为城市园林绿地可以明显发挥温湿效益的关键宽度为34m左右(绿化覆盖率约80%),此时绿地已经表现出较佳的温湿效益;可以显著发挥温湿效益的关键宽度为42m左右(绿化覆盖率约80%)。(2)绿地对旁侧人行道的增湿降温效应存在一定影响,但由于其受周边环境影响较大,规律不明显。 (3)根据3d内6块绿地平均温湿度值进行相关性分析,作出夏季带状绿地温、湿度关系的回归方程Y(相对湿度)=184.721-4.038x(温度),温度每升高1.0℃ ,相对湿度降低约4.0%。  相似文献   

武钢厂区绿地景观类型空间结构及滞尘效应   总被引:41,自引:8,他引:33  
应用景观生态学原理和对比分析方法分别对武钢厂区绿地景观类型的空间结构及滞尘效应进行了研究。结果表明,武钢厂区绿地斑块数目多,破碎化指数高,体现了工业区见缝插绿的绿化特点,以道路绿带为骨架,成片防护林和观赏绿地为中心,将各分厂绿地连接成四大绿化区域的武钢厂区绿地系统已初步形成,其滞尘效应主要表现为对交流污染物及二次飞扬的阻滞作用,以乔木为主的防护林斑块平均面积大,滞尘效果好,滞尘率达38.9%-46.1%,但优势度不高,专类园和观赏草坪斑块植物种类丰富,景观效果好,但滞尘效果较差,道路绿带优势度和破碎化指数最高,构成了厂区绿色廊道网络,并在阻滞交通污染中起着重要作用,其中多行复层绿带的滞尘率(46.2%-60.8%)比单行乔木绿带的滞尘率(14.8%-39.2%)高,但道路绿带仍不完整,多行复层绿带的比例不高。  相似文献   

Summary The use of green nesting material is widespred among birds. Recent evidence suggests that birds use secondary chemicals contained in green plants to control ectoparasites. We manipulated green nesting material and ectoparasites of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) to test two hypotheses: (1) ectoparasites adversely affect prefledging survival and morphometrics or postfledging survival, and (2) green nesting material ameliorates the effects of ectoparasites. We recorded fat score, numbers of scabs, tarsal length, body mass, and hematocrit level on each nestling 17 days after hatching. We also fitted each nestling with unique patagial tags and resighted the starlings for 6–8 weeks after fledging to estimate survival and sighting rates. Nests devoid of green nesting material and dusted with the insecticide, carbaryl, had fewer high ectoparasite infestations, and nestlings had significantly lower scab scores, and significantly higher body masses than nestlings in undusted boxes. However, there was no difference in postfledging survival between birds from carbaryl-treated and undusted nests. There also was no difference in prefledging survival and morphometrics or postfledging survival between nestlings from boxes with and without green nesting material. These results do not support the hypothesis that starlings use green nesting material to control nest ectoparasites. We suggest an alternative hypothesis; green nesting material is used for mate selection or pairbonding in the starling.  相似文献   

王沫  刘畅  李晓璐  高俊宏  李霞  董丽 《生态学报》2022,42(20):8254-8264
城市绿地为城市动植物提供了重要栖息地,对城市生物多样性保护具有重要意义。然而,传统社区公园绿地("传统绿地")主要围绕安全、景观和游憩功能,植物种类偏少,群落结构单一,为城市野生动物提供食源和栖息地的资源有限。北京市以2035规划"留白增绿"为政策背景,在中心城区建设一系列小型近自然社区公园绿地("近自然绿地"),在植物物种组成、群落结构和管理方式上有别于以往的传统绿地。一般认为生物多样性在一定范围内随面积的增大而提高,那么对于受到高度干扰的小型绿地,"近自然"特征是否能够显著提高其包括昆虫、鸟类在内的生物多样性?为探究这类近自然绿地的生物多样性特征,在2020年8月至2021年3月,综合采用样方法、样线法,对北京市西城区2个近自然绿地及4个传统绿地的植物、昆虫和鸟类进行调查,分析比较其多样性特征。结果表明,近自然绿地的灌木和草本层丰富度和多样性显著高于传统绿地,均匀度则无显著差异;近自然绿地的昆虫和鸟类的丰富度、多样性显著高于传统绿地,均匀度则无显著差异。与传统绿地相比,近自然绿地具有更丰富的鸟类食源、蜜源植物,以及更为复杂的植被垂直结构。根据以上结果,近自然绿地具有比传统绿地更为显著的生物多样性优势,建议在进行城市绿地建设时,应增加植被结构复杂的近自然绿地的比例,增加绿地的灌木和草本层多样性。研究成果不仅丰富了小面积绿地的生物多样性内涵,且可为大都市近自然绿地营建提供理论依据。本研究还将为今后公园设计、改造和管理提供新的思路,引导绿地向基于生物多样性保护的方向可持续发展。  相似文献   

Integument from blue and green areas of the variant blue frog were analyzed biochemically for pteridines and carotenoids. Solvent extraction and absorption spectrophotometry indicated that β carotene was greatly reduced in the blue skin, and present in high quantities in the green skin of the blue frog. Thin layer and paper chromatography indicated that the pteridines were almost totally lacking in the blue skin, and present in normal quantities in the green skin of the blue frog. Light and electron microscopy indicated that the xanthophore pigment cells were either greatly altered or absent from the blue integument and present in the green integument. The fine structure of the xanthphores of the green integument contained the normal ultrastructural components of xanthopores found in regular green integument. The blue integument contained an abnormal cell type that occupied the position in the dermal chromatophore unit normally held by the xanthophores. The possibility of these cells being abnormal xanthophores or some other cell type is discussed.  相似文献   

城市绿色空间格局的定量化方法研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陶宇  李锋  王如松  赵丹 《生态学报》2013,33(8):2330-2342
城市绿色空间格局的变化是影响城市生态系统社会、经济与生态功能的重要因素.在分析城市绿地数量和结构时空动态变化的基础上,重点综述了城市绿地斑块和廊道连接的景观格局指数法和网络分析方法,探讨了城市绿地与居住用地的空间交互作用以及可达性分析方法,比较了城市绿地沿城乡分布的梯度分析方法.并总结了城市绿色空间格局研究的热点领域,包括城市绿色空间格局的空间显式表征和多尺度分析,以及格局的定量研究与规划的结合,并应用于生态系统服务的评价.  相似文献   

绿量对城市热环境的调控功能已成为目前研究热点。本文从绿量的概念与发展、绿量与城市热环境的调查方法、绿量与城市热环境的关联性以及其在城市规划方面的启示4方面进行论述,总结国内外研究进展,提出了未来该领域的4个发展方向,包括三维绿量调查方法的改善、城市热环境的监测与预测、城市绿量三维空间格局指标体系的构建以及关联绿量与城市热环境研究的三维空间格局分析方法的创建。本文为研究绿量调控城市热环境提供了一种三维空间分析的视角,以期更深入地探索城市绿量的三维空间格局、平衡城市热环境的适宜性和多方面生态效益,为城市绿色空间规划与设计提供科学依据,也为人类适应气候变化并科学调控城市热环境提供理论支持。  相似文献   

Chlorophyll a and phycocyanin synthesis in the cyanobacterium Calothrix crustacea Schousboe (ecophene Rivularia bullata) have been studied in white light after the application of red and green light pulses. The light quality produces a complementary pattern in the pigment synthesis. Chlorophyll synthesis is stimulated by red light pulses whereas phycocyanin synthesis is by green light pulses. Because the effect of red light on chlorophyll synthesis shows some far-red photoreversibility, the action of phytochrome is proposed. The green light effect on phycocyanin synthesis is only partially reversed by far-red light. This reversion is lost after incubation in white light for two hours. The effect of green light on phycocyanin synthesis could not only be due to phytochrome since theoretically in green light the level of the active form of phytochrome is lower than in red light. Thus, the action of a specific green light photoreceptor is proposed.  相似文献   

The green lineage (Viridiplantae) comprises the green algae and their descendants the land plants, and is one of the major groups of oxygenic photosynthetic eukaryotes. Current hypotheses posit the early divergence of two discrete clades from an ancestral green flagellate. One clade, the Chlorophyta, comprises the early diverging prasinophytes, which gave rise to the core chlorophytes. The other clade, the Streptophyta, includes the charophyte green algae from which the land plants evolved. Multi-marker and genome scale phylogenetic studies have greatly improved our understanding of broad-scale relationships of the green lineage, yet many questions persist, including the branching orders of the prasinophyte lineages, the relationships among core chlorophyte clades (Chlorodendrophyceae, Ulvophyceae, Trebouxiophyceae and Chlorophyceae), and the relationships among the streptophytes. Current phylogenetic hypotheses provide an evolutionary framework for molecular evolutionary studies and comparative genomics. This review summarizes our current understanding of organelle genome evolution in the green algae, genomic insights into the ecology of oceanic picoplanktonic prasinophytes, molecular mechanisms underlying the evolution of complexity in volvocine green algae, and the evolution of genetic codes and the translational apparatus in green seaweeds. Finally, we discuss molecular evolution in the streptophyte lineage, emphasizing the genetic facilitation of land plant origins.  相似文献   

The impact of human‐induced stressors, such as invasive species, is often measured at the organismal level, but is much less commonly scaled up to the population level. Interactions with invasive species represent an increasingly common source of stressor in many habitats. However, due to the increasing abundance of invasive species around the globe, invasive species now commonly cause stresses not only for native species in invaded areas, but also for other invasive species. I examine the European green crab Carcinus maenas, an invasive species along the northeast coast of North America, which is known to be negatively impacted in this invaded region by interactions with the invasive Asian shore crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus. Asian shore crabs are known to negatively impact green crabs via two mechanisms: by directly preying on green crab juveniles and by indirectly reducing green crab fecundity via interference (and potentially exploitative) competition that alters green crab diets. I used life‐table analyses to scale these two mechanistic stressors up to the population level in order to examine their relative impacts on green crab populations. I demonstrate that lost fecundity has larger impacts on per capita population growth rates, but that both predation and lost fecundity are capable of reducing population growth sufficiently to produce the declines in green crab populations that have been observed in areas where these two species overlap. By scaling up the impacts of one invader on a second invader, I have demonstrated that multiple documented interactions between these species are capable of having population‐level impacts and that both may be contributing to the decline of European green crabs in their invaded range on the east coast of North America.  相似文献   

焦敏  周伟奇  钱雨果  王佳  郑重  胡潇方  王伟民 《生态学报》2021,41(23):9154-9163
在气候变化和快速城市化的双重影响下,全球城市面临日益加剧的热岛效应。绿地能够有效改善城市热环境。城市土地资源紧缺,优化绿地布局,使有限面积的绿地发挥更大的降温效果具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。其中,如何设置绿地斑块大小则是优化绿地布局的首要考虑因素之一。从斑块和景观的尺度总结了现有绿地斑块大小对其降温效应影响的研究进展,结果表明:1)在斑块尺度,随着绿地斑块面积增加,绿地的降温效应相应增加,但增加的趋势为非线性变化,表现为温度随绿地斑块面积的增加先下降,后趋于平稳,表明可能存在降温效率(单位面积绿地降温能力)最强的斑块大小;2)在景观尺度,绿地斑块大小在空间上的配置对热环境的影响研究结果存在差异,尚无一致性定论。基于已有研究,本文指出了现有绿地斑块大小对其降温效应影响研究中的问题与不足:1)主要关注绿地斑块大小与温度的统计关系,缺乏对其具体影响过程和内在机制的深入探讨;2)更多关注地表温度,而对与人体舒适度和健康直接相关的其他热环境指标的研究较少;3)研究中缺少对城市中数量巨大,分布最广的小型绿地斑块的考量。未来的研究应加强从遮阴和蒸腾等降温过程深入解析绿地斑块大小对热环境影响的内在机理机制,从降温效率的角度,探讨是否存在最优的斑块大小,并进一步探讨绿地周围建筑环境对绿地斑块大小与其降温效应关系的影响,为优化城市绿地分布,改善城市热环境提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Green plants (Viridiplantae) are ancient photosynthetic organisms that thrive both in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, greatly contributing to the changes in global climates and ecosystems. Significant progress has been made toward understanding the origin and evolution of green plants, and plant biologists have arrived at the consensus that green plants first originated in marine deep-water environments and later colonized fresh water and dry land. The origin of green plants, colonization of land by plants and rapid radiation of angiosperms are three key evolutionary events during the long history of green plants. However, the comprehensive understanding of evolutionary features and molecular innovations that enabled green plants to adapt to complex and changeable environments are still limited. Here, we review current knowledge of phylogenetic relationships and divergence times of green plants, and discuss key morphological innovations and distinct drivers in the evolution of green plants. Ultimately, we highlight fundamental questions to advance our understanding of the phenotypic novelty, environmental adaptation, and domestication of green plants.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis was used to study the structural basis of color diversity of fluorescent proteins by the example of two closely related proteins from one organism (coral polyp Zoanthus sp.), one of which produces green and the other, yellow fluorescence. As a result, the following conversions of emission colors were performed: from yellow to green, from yellow to a dual color (yellow and green), and from green to yellow. The saltatory character of the spectral transitions and the manifestation of the dual-color fluorescence suggest that chemically different fluorophores are responsible for the green and yellow fluorescence. The simultaneous presence of three residues, Gly63, Lys65, and Asp68, is necessary for the efficient formation of the yellow rather than green fluorophore.  相似文献   

Observations and sticky-trap tests were used to assess the effect of fruit color on the behavior of adult male and female Rhagoletis juglandis Cresson (Diptera: Tephritidae), a tephritid that infests husks of Arizona walnut in southeastern Arizona. In the first experiment, during which flies were observed foraging among walnut models suspended from small walnut trees, models were painted green to appear ripe and uninfested or yellow with brown patches to appear ripe and infested. Flies used for this first experiment were also of two types: prior to observations, one group of flies had access to real walnuts for 1.5 days (prior experience) while the other group of flies was held without real walnut fruits (no prior experience). Regardless of prior experience with real walnut fruits, female flies landed on green models more than yellow/brown models. Experienced males also were more likely to land on green models than on yellow/brown models. More interactions also occurred on green models, because there were more landings.In the field behavioral assay, flies from a natural population given a choice of green, yellow, and yellow/brown models landed most often on green models, and all interactions and oviposition attempts occurred on green models. Flies also distinguished models by color in field sticky trap assays.These results suggest that female response to ripeness cues is innate, while males develop a preference for green based on their encounter rate with females.  相似文献   

The light-harvesting complexes (LHCs) of land plants and green algae have essential roles in light capture and photoprotection. Though the functional diversity of the individual LHC proteins are well described in many land plants, the extent of this family in the majority of green algal groups is unknown. To examine the evolution of the chlorophyll a/b antennae system and to infer its ancestral state, we initiated several expressed sequence tag projects from a taxonomically broad range of chlorophyll a/b-containing protists. This included representatives from the Ulvophyceae (Acetabularia acetabulum), the Mesostigmatophyceae (Mesostigma viride), and the Prasinophyceae (Micromonas sp.), as well as one representative from each of the Euglenozoa (Euglena gracilis) and Chlorarachniophyta (Bigelowiella natans), whose plastids evolved secondarily from a green alga. It is clear that the core antenna system was well developed prior to green algal diversification and likely consisted of the CP29 (Lhcb4) and CP26 (Lhcb5) proteins associated with photosystem II plus a photosystem I antenna composed of proteins encoded by at least Lhca3 and two green algal-specific proteins encoded by the Lhca2 and 9 genes. In organisms containing secondary plastids, we found no evidence for orthologs to the plant/algal antennae with the exception of CP29. We also identified PsbS homologs in the Ulvophyceae and the Prasinophyceae, indicating that this distinctive protein appeared prior to green algal diversification. This analysis provides a snapshot of the antenna systems in diverse green algae, and allows us to infer the changing complexity of the antenna system during green algal evolution.  相似文献   

The metabolic syndrome (MetS) represents an emerging health burden for governments and health care providers. Particularly relevant for prevention and early management of MetS are lifestyle conditions including physical activity and the diet. It has been shown that green tea, when consumed on a daily basis, supports health. Many of the beneficial effects of green tea are related to its catechin, particularly (−)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG), content. There is conclusive evidence from in vitro and animal studies which provide the concepts for underlying functional mechanisms of green tea catechins and their biological actions. An increasing number of human studies have explored the effects of green tea catechins on the major MetS conditions such as obesity, type-2 diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the human studies addressing the potential benefits of green tea catechins on the MetS.The number of human studies in this field is still limited. However, the majority of human epidemiological and intervention studies demonstrate beneficial effects of green tea or green tea extracts, rich in EGCG on weight management, glucose control and cardiovascular risk factors. The optimal dose has not yet been established.The current body of evidence in humans warrants further attention. In particular, well-controlled long-term human studies would help to fully understand the protective effects of green tea catechins on parameters related to the MetS.  相似文献   

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