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Action potential (AP) propagation in myelinated nerves requires clustered voltage gated sodium and potassium channels. These channels must be specifically localized to nodes of Ranvier where the AP is regenerated. Several mechanisms have evolved to facilitate and ensure the correct assembly and stabilization of these essential axonal domains. This review highlights the current understanding of the axon intrinsic and glial extrinsic mechanisms that control the formation and maintenance of the nodes of Ranvier in both the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and central nervous system (CNS).Axons conduct electrical signals, called action potentials (APs), among neurons in a circuit in response to sensory input, and between motor neurons and muscles. In mammals and other vertebrates, many axons are myelinated. Myelin, made by Schwann cells and oligodendrocytes in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and central nervous system (CNS), respectively, is a multilamellar sheet of glial membrane that wraps around axons to increase transmembrane resistance and decrease membrane capacitance. Although myelin is traditionally viewed as a passive contributor to nervous system function, it is now recognized that myelinating glia also play many active roles including regulation of axon diameter, axonal energy metabolism, and the clustering of ion channels at gaps in the myelin sheath called nodes of Ranvier. Together, the active and passive properties conferred on axons by myelin, result in axons with high AP conduction velocities, low metabolic demands, and reduced space requirements as compared with unmyelinated axons. Thus, myelin and the clustering of ion channels in axons permitted the evolution of the complex nervous systems found in vertebrates. This review highlights the current understanding of the axonal intrinsic and glial extrinsic mechanisms that control the formation and maintenance of the nodes of Ranvier in both the PNS and CNS.  相似文献   

Saltatory conduction in myelinated axons requires organization of the nodes of Ranvier, where voltage-gated sodium channels are prominently localized [1]. Previous results indicate that alphaII-spectrin, a component of the cortical cytoskeleton [2], is enriched at the paranodes [3, 4], which flank the node of Ranvier, but alphaII-spectrin's function has not been investigated. Starting with a genetic screen in zebrafish, we discovered in alphaII-spectrin (alphaII-spn) a mutation that disrupts nodal sodium-channel clusters in myelinated axons of the PNS and CNS. In alphaII-spn mutants, the nodal sodium-channel clusters are reduced in number and disrupted at early stages. Analysis of chimeric animals indicated that alphaII-spn functions autonomously in neurons. Ultrastructural studies show that myelin forms in the posterior lateral line nerve and in the ventral spinal cord in alphaII-spn mutants and that the node is abnormally long; these findings indicate that alphaII-spn is required for the assembly of a mature node of the correct length. We find that alphaII-spectrin is enriched in nodes and paranodes at early stages and that the nodal expression diminishes as nodes mature. Our results provide functional evidence that alphaII-spectrin in the axonal cytoskeleton is essential for stabilizing nascent sodium-channel clusters and assembling the mature node of Ranvier.  相似文献   

Accumulation of voltage-gated sodium (Na(v)) channels at nodes of Ranvier is paramount for action potential propagation along myelinated fibers, yet the mechanisms governing nodal development, organization, and stabilization remain unresolved. Here, we report that genetic ablation of the neuron-specific isoform of Neurofascin (Nfasc(NF1??)) in vivo results in nodal disorganization, including loss of Na(v) channel and ankyrin-G (AnkG) enrichment at nodes in the peripheral nervous system (PNS) and central nervous system (CNS). Interestingly, the presence of paranodal domains failed to rescue nodal organization in the PNS and the CNS. Most importantly, using ultrastructural analysis, we demonstrate that the paranodal domains invade the nodal space in Nfasc(NF1??) mutant axons and occlude node formation. Our results suggest that Nfasc(NF1??)-dependent assembly of the nodal complex acts as a molecular boundary to restrict the movement of flanking paranodal domains into the nodal area, thereby facilitating the stereotypic axonal domain organization and saltatory conduction along myelinated axons.  相似文献   

Neurofascins are required to establish axonal domains for saltatory conduction   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Voltage-gated sodium channels are concentrated in myelinated nerves at the nodes of Ranvier flanked by paranodal axoglial junctions. Establishment of these essential nodal and paranodal domains is determined by myelin-forming glia, but the mechanisms are not clear. Here, we show that two isoforms of Neurofascin, Nfasc155 in glia and Nfasc186 in neurons, are required for the assembly of these specialized domains. In Neurofascin-null mice, neither paranodal adhesion junctions nor nodal complexes are formed. Transgenic expression of Nfasc155 in the myelinating glia of Nfasc-/- nerves rescues the axoglial adhesion complex by recruiting the axonal proteins Caspr and Contactin to the paranodes. However, in the absence of Nfasc186, sodium channels remain diffusely distributed along the axon. Our study shows that the two major Neurofascins play essential roles in assembling the nodal and paranodal domains of myelinated axons; therefore, they are essential for the transition to saltatory conduction in developing vertebrate nerves.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent sodium channels are uniformly distributed along unmyelinated axons, but are highly concentrated at nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons. Here, we show that this pattern is associated with differential localization of distinct sodium channel alpha subunits to the unmyelinated and myelinated zones of the same retinal ganglion cell axons. In adult axons, Na(v)1.2 is localized to the unmyelinated zone, whereas Na(v)1.6 is specifically targeted to nodes. During development, Na(v)1.2 is expressed first and becomes clustered at immature nodes of Ranvier, but as myelination proceeds, Na(v)1.6 replaces Na(v)1.2 at nodes. In Shiverer mice, which lack compact myelin, Na(v)1.2 is found throughout adult axons, whereas little Na(v)1.6 is detected. Together, these data show that sodium channel isoforms are differentially targeted to distinct domains of the same axon in a process associated with formation of compact myelin.  相似文献   

Rapid nerve impulse conduction in myelinated axons requires the concentration of voltage-gated sodium channels at nodes of Ranvier. Myelin-forming oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system (CNS) induce the clustering of sodium channels into nodal complexes flanked by paranodal axoglial junctions. However, the molecular mechanisms for nodal complex assembly in the CNS are unknown. Two isoforms of Neurofascin, neuronal Nfasc186 and glial Nfasc155, are components of the nodal and paranodal complexes, respectively. Neurofascin-null mice have disrupted nodal and paranodal complexes. We show that transgenic Nfasc186 can rescue the nodal complex when expressed in Nfasc(-/-) mice in the absence of the Nfasc155-Caspr-Contactin adhesion complex. Reconstitution of the axoglial adhesion complex by expressing transgenic Nfasc155 in oligodendrocytes also rescues the nodal complex independently of Nfasc186. Furthermore, the Nfasc155 adhesion complex has an additional function in promoting the migration of myelinating processes along CNS axons. We propose that glial and neuronal Neurofascins have distinct functions in the assembly of the CNS node of Ranvier.  相似文献   

目的:研究有髓轴突横断损伤后郎飞结区钠通道聚集状态的变化.方法:用雪旺细胞-背根神经元髓鞘化共培养系统复制周围神经髓鞘形成和郎飞结发育,于髓鞘化培养基中共培养第14天用前房角切开刀造成有髓轴突横断损伤,在损伤后1、2、3、4、5、6、7、14天进行髓鞘碱性蛋白和钠通道免疫荧光染色,损伤前共培养作为对照.利用SPOT图像分析软件测量钠通道聚集簇的直径、长度和直径/长度比.结果:损伤前钠通道蛋白在有髓轴突郎飞结区形成直径/长度比略大于1的聚集簇;有髓轴灾横断损伤后钠通道蛋白沿轴突纵向扩散,钠通道聚集簇的直径/长度比逐渐减小,损伤后第14天已无法检测到钠通道表达.损伤区出现节段性脱髓鞘.结论:轴突横断损伤可造成钠通道聚集簇扩散、消失,导致郎飞结结构破坏.  相似文献   

Two variants of ankyrin have been distinguished in rat brain tissue using antibodies: a broadly distributed isoform (ankyrinB) that represents the major form of ankyrin in brain and another isoform with a restricted distribution (ankyrinR) that shares epitopes with erythrocyte ankyrin. The ankyrinR isoform was localized by immunofluorescence in cryosections of rat spinal cord gray matter and myelinated central and peripheral nerves to: (a) perikarya and initial axonal segments of neuron cells, (b) nodes of Ranvier of myelinated nerve with no detectable labeling in other areas of the myelinated axons, and (c) the axolemma of unmyelinated axons. Immunogold EM on ultrathin cryosections of myelinated nerve showed that ankyrinR was localized on the cytoplasmic face of the axolemma and was restricted to the nodal and, in some cases, paranodal area. The major isoform of ankyrin in brain (ankyrinB) displayed a broad distribution on glial and neuronal cells of the gray matter and a mainly glial distribution in central myelinated axons with no significant labeling on the axolemma. These results show that (a) ankyrin isoforms display a differential distribution on glial and neuronal cells of the nervous tissue; (b) an isoform of ankyrin codistributes with the voltage-dependent sodium channel in both myelinated and unmyelinated nerve fibers. Ankyrin interacts in vitro with the voltage-dependent sodium channel (Srinivasan, Y., L. Elmer, J. Davis, V. Bennett, and K. Angelides. 1988. Nature (Lond.). 333:177-180). A specific interaction of an isoform of ankyrin with the sodium channel thus may play an important role in the morphogenesis and/or maintenance of the node of Ranvier.  相似文献   

This study explores in detail the functional consequences of subtle retraction and detachment of myelin around the nodes of Ranvier following mild-to-moderate crush or stretch mediated injury. An equivalent electrical circuit model for a series of equally spaced nodes of Ranvier was created incorporating extracellular and axonal resistances, paranodal resistances, nodal capacitances, time varying sodium and potassium currents, and realistic resting and threshold membrane potentials in a myelinated axon segment of 21 successive nodes. Differential equations describing membrane potentials at each nodal region were solved numerically. Subtle injury was simulated by increasing the width of exposed nodal membrane in nodes 8 through 20 of the model. Such injury diminishes action potential amplitude and slows conduction velocity from 19.1 m/sec in the normal region to 7.8 m/sec in the crushed region. Detachment of paranodal myelin, exposing juxtaparanodal potassium channels, decreases conduction velocity further to 6.6 m/sec, an effect that is partially reversible with potassium ion channel blockade. Conduction velocity decreases as node width increases or as paranodal resistance falls. The calculated changes in conduction velocity with subtle paranodal injury agree with experimental observations. Nodes of Ranvier are highly effective but somewhat fragile devices for increasing nerve conduction velocity and decreasing reaction time in vertebrate animals. Their fundamental design limitation is that even small mechanical retractions of myelin from very narrow nodes or slight loosening of paranodal myelin, which are difficult to notice at the light microscopic level of observation, can cause large changes in myelinated nerve conduction velocity.  相似文献   

Calcium-activated protein for secretion (CAPS) is proposed to play an essential role in Ca2+-regulated dense-core vesicle exocytosis in vertebrate neuroendocrine cells. Here we report the cloning, mutation, and characterization of the Drosophila ortholog (dCAPS). Null dCAPS mutants display locomotory deficits and complete embryonic lethality. The mutant NMJ reveals a 50% loss in evoked glutamatergic transmission, and an accumulation of synaptic vesicles at active zones. Importantly, dCAPS mutants display a highly specific 3-fold accumulation of dense-core vesicles in synaptic terminals, which was not observed in mutants that completely arrest synaptic vesicle exocytosis. Targeted transgenic CAPS expression in identified motoneurons fails to rescue dCAPS neurotransmission defects, demonstrating a cell nonautonomous role in synaptic vesicle fusion. We conclude that dCAPS is required for dense-core vesicle release and that a dCAPS-dependent mechanism modulates synaptic vesicle release at glutamatergic synapses.  相似文献   

Amyloid precursor protein (APP), commonly associated with Alzheimer disease, is upregulated and distributes evenly along the injured axons, and therefore, also known as a marker of demyelinating axonal injury and axonal degeneration. However, the physiological distribution and function of APP along myelinated axons was unknown. We report that APP aggregates at nodes of Ranvier (NOR) in the myelinated central nervous system (CNS) axons but not in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). At CNS NORs, APP expression co-localizes with tenascin-R and is flanked by juxtaparanodal potassium channel expression demonstrating that APP localized to NOR. In APP-knockout (KO) mice, nodal length is significantly increased, while sodium channels are still clustered at NORs. Moreover, APP KO and APP-overexpressing transgenic (APP TG) mice exhibited a decreased and an increased thickness of myelin in spinal cords, respectively, although the changes are limited in comparison to their littermate WT mice. The thickness of myelin in APP KO sciatic nerve also increased in comparison to that in WT mice. Our observations indicate that APP acts as a novel component at CNS NORs, modulating nodal formation and has minor effects in promoting myelination.  相似文献   

Amyloid precursor protein (APP), commonly associated with Alzheimer disease, is upregulated and distributes evenly along the injured axons, and therefore, also known as a marker of demyelinating axonal injury and axonal degeneration. However, the physiological distribution and function of APP along myelinated axons was unknown. We report that APP aggregates at nodes of Ranvier (NOR) in the myelinated central nervous system (CNS) axons but not in the peripheral nervous system (PNS). At CNS NORs, APP expression co-localizes with tenascin-R and is flanked by juxtaparanodal potassium channel expression demonstrating that APP localized to NOR. In APP-knockout (KO) mice, nodal length is significantly increased, while sodium channels are still clustered at NORs. Moreover, APP KO and APP-overexpressing transgenic (APP TG) mice exhibited a decreased and an increased thickness of myelin in spinal cords, respectively, although the changes are limited in comparison to their littermate WT mice. The thickness of myelin in APP KO sciatic nerve also increased in comparison to that in WT mice. Our observations indicate that APP acts as a novel component at CNS NORs, modulating nodal formation and has minor effects in promoting myelination.  相似文献   

Rapid nerve impulse conduction depends on specialized membrane domains in myelinated nerve, the node of Ranvier, the paranode, and the myelinated internodal region. We report that GPI-linked contactin enables the formation of the paranodal septate-like axo-glial junctions in myelinated peripheral nerve. Contactin clusters at the paranodal axolemma during Schwann cell myelination. Ablation of contactin in mutant mice disrupts junctional attachment at the paranode and reduces nerve conduction velocity 3-fold. The mutation impedes intracellular transport and surface expression of Caspr and leaves NF155 on apposing paranodal myelin disengaged. The contactin mutation does not affect sodium channel clustering at the nodes of Ranvier but alters the location of the Shaker-type Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 potassium channels. Thus, contactin is a crucial part in the machinery that controls junctional attachment at the paranode and ultimately the physiology of myelinated nerve.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent sodium (Na(+)) channels are highly concentrated at nodes of Ranvier in myelinated axons and play a key role in promoting rapid and efficient conduction of action potentials by saltatory conduction. The molecular mechanisms that direct their localization to the node are not well understood but are believed to involve contact-dependent signals from myelinating Schwann cells and interactions of Na(+) channels with the cytoskeletal protein, ankyrin G. Two cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) expressed at the axon surface, Nr-CAM and neurofascin, are also linked to ankyrin G and accumulate at early stages of node formation, suggesting that they mediate contact-dependent Schwann cell signals to initiate node development. To examine the potential role of Nr-CAM in this process, we treated myelinating cocultures of DRG (dorsal root ganglion) neurons and Schwann cells with an Nr-CAM-Fc (Nr-Fc) fusion protein. Nr-Fc had no effect on initial axon-Schwann cell interactions, including Schwann cell proliferation, or on the extent of myelination, but it strikingly and specifically inhibited Na(+) channel and ankyrin G accumulation at the node. Nr-Fc bound directly to neurons and clustered and coprecipitated neurofascin expressed on axons. These results provide the first evidence that neurofascin plays a major role in the formation of nodes, possibly via interactions with Nr-CAM.  相似文献   

Sequence homology predicts that the extracellular domain of the sodium channel beta1 subunit forms an immunoglobulin (Ig) fold and functions as a cell adhesion molecule. We show here that beta1 subunits associate with neurofascin, a neuronal cell adhesion molecule that plays a key role in the assembly of nodes of Ranvier. The first Ig-like domain and second fibronectin type III-like domain of neurofascin mediate the interaction with the extracellular Ig-like domain of beta1, confirming the proposed function of this domain as a cell adhesion molecule. beta1 subunits localize to nodes of Ranvier with neurofascin in sciatic nerve axons, and beta1 and neurofascin are associated as early as postnatal day 5, during the period that nodes of Ranvier are forming. This association of beta1 subunit extracellular domains with neurofascin in developing axons may facilitate recruitment and concentration of sodium channel complexes at nodes of Ranvier.  相似文献   

Summary Binding sites for antibodies against membrane proteins of synaptic vesicles have been shown to be enhanced at nodes of Ranvier in electromotor axons of the electric ray Torpedo marmorata and sciatic nerve axons of the rat, using indirect immunofluorescence and monoclonal antibodies against the synaptic vesicle transmembrane proteins SV2 and synaptophysin (rat) or SV2 (Torpedo). In the electric lobe of Torpedo, vesicle-membrane constituents occurred at higher density in the proximal axon segments covered by oligodendroglia cells than in the distal axon segments where myelin is formed by Schwann cells. Antibody binding sites were enhanced at nodes forming the borderline of the central and peripheral nervous systems. Filamentous actin was present in the Schwann-cell processes covering both the nodal and the paranodal axon segments as suggested by the pattern of phalloidin labelling. Furthermore, in rat sciatic nerve, Schmidt-Lanterman incisures were intensely labelled by phalloidin. A similar nodal distribution was found for binding sites of antibodies against actin and myosin. Binding of antibodies to tubulin was enhanced at nodes in Torpedo electromotor axons. The apparent nodal accumulation of constituents of synaptic vesicle membranes and the presence of filamentous actin and of myosin are discussed in relation to the substantial constriction of the axoplasm at nodes of Ranvier.  相似文献   

Action potential conduction velocity increases dramatically during early development as axons become myelinated. Integral to this process is the clustering of voltage-gated Na(+) (Nav) channels at regularly spaced gaps in the myelin sheath called nodes of Ranvier. We show here that some aspects of peripheral node of Ranvier formation are distinct from node formation in the CNS. For example, at CNS nodes, Nav1.2 channels are detected first, but are then replaced by Nav1.6. Similarly, during remyelination in the CNS, Nav1.2 channels are detected at newly forming nodes. By contrast, the earliest Nav-channel clusters detected during developmental myelination in the PNS have Nav1.6. Further, during PNS remyelination, Nav1.6 is detected at new nodes. Finally, we show that accumulation of the cell adhesion molecule neurofascin always precedes Nav channel clustering in the PNS. In most cases axonal neurofascin (NF-186) accumulates first, but occasionally paranodal neurofascin is detected first. We suggest there is heterogeneity in the events leading to Nav channel clustering, indicating that multiple mechanisms might contribute to node of Ranvier formation in the PNS.  相似文献   

Myelination allows the fast propagation of action potentials at a low energetic cost. It provides an insulating myelin sheath regularly interrupted at nodes of Ranvier where voltage-gated Na+ channels are concentrated. In the peripheral nervous system, the normal function of myelinated fibers requires the formation of highly differentiated and organized contacts between the myelinating Schwann cells, the axons and the extracellular matrix. Some of the major molecular complexes that underlie these contacts have been identified. Here we review current knowledge in this field.  相似文献   

The myelin of central and peripheral nervous system of UDP-galactose-ceramide galactosyltransferase deficient mice (cgt -/-) is completely depleted of its major lipid constituents, galactocerebrosides and sulfatides. The deficiency of these glycolipids affects the biophysical properties of the myelin sheath and causes the loss of the rapid saltatory conduction velocity of myelinated axons. With the onset of myelination, null mutant cgt -/- mice develop fatal neurological defects. CNS and PNS analysis of cgt -/- mice revealed (1) hypomyelination of axons of the spinal cord and optic nerves, but no apoptosis of oligodendrocytes, (2) redundant myelin in younger mice leading to vacuolated nerve fibers in cgt -/- mice, (3) the occurrence of multiple myelinated CNS axons, and (4) severely distorted lateral loops in CNS paranodes. The loss of saltatory conduction is not associated with a randomization of voltage-gated sodium channels in the axolemma of PNS fibers. We conclude that cerebrosides (GalC) and sulfatides (sGalC) play a major role in CNS axono-glial interaction. A close axono-glial contact is not a prerequisite for the spiraling and compaction process of myelin. Axonal sodium channels remain clustered at the nodes of Ranvier independent of the change in the physical properties of myelin membrane devoid of galactosphingolipids. Increased intracellular concentrations of free ceramides do not trigger apoptosis of oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

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