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麦田昆虫群落结构及多样性的季节动态   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
通过2年对麦田昆虫群落的系统调查,共查得昆虫11目、62科1、13种,其中植食类51种、捕食类23种、寄生类24种、腐食和食血类15种,种类数和个体数分别占群落总数的45.13,20.35,21.24,13.27%和92.89,2.19,3.63,1.35%。麦田昆虫群落可划分为4个营养层、6个功能团和19个类群,麦长管蚜Macrosiphum avenae(Fabricius)是绝对的优势种,其数量变动决定着总群落结构和多样性的季节动态。麦田昆虫群落多样性表现为前期和后期高、中期低的时间格局,类群多样性与物种多样性的变化趋势最为相似,可用类群多样性代替物种多样性进行群落分析。  相似文献   

多样化松林中昆虫群落多样性特征   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
刘兴平  刘向辉  王国红  韩瑞东  戈峰 《生态学报》2005,25(11):2976-2982
马尾松和湿地松是我国南方的2种主要松树。通过对6种不同林分结构下的马尾松林和湿地松林内昆虫群落调查与多样性指数分析,表明2种松树内的昆虫种类和数量无显著差异,混交林中的昆虫群落的种类和数量比纯林多,尤其以捕食天敌类群的种类和数量更为明显。整个昆虫群落和植食类群多样性指数以湿地松林内较大,而天敌(捕食类群和寄生类群)多样性指数则以马尾松林较高。从不同林分结构下昆虫多样性的比较来看,混交林内昆虫群落多样性指数波动较小,明显地高于纯林。但不同林分结构下昆虫多样性随水平分布和垂直分层格局而变化,松树北面和东面各样地之间的昆虫群落多样性指数差异显著,而南、西面之间差异较小;树冠层各样地之间的差异达极显著水平,而枯枝落叶层和树干层之间差异不显著。由此,还进一步讨论了混交林中昆虫群落稳定性问题。  相似文献   

森林冠层叶片被取食水平具有高度的时空变异性.本文论述了定量冠层昆虫取食水平的研究意义和方法,分析了各类取样方法和技术的优缺点,并对国内相关研究案例进行了评述.本文将定量冠层食叶昆虫取食水平的研究方法区分为针对绿叶样品的方法和针对落叶样品的方法.对冠层内绿叶的取样包括破坏性采叶法和原位连续观测法,依据取样技术又可分为基于地面的取样技术和基于冠层的取样技术.针对落叶样品的研究方法是指通过对林分内的凋落叶进行系统性采样、测定叶面积缺失比例、继而评估林分尺度上冠层昆虫取食水平的方法.文末提出了与森林昆虫取食相关的3个重点研究领域.  相似文献   

冠层树种多样性是自然森林生态系统功能和服务的重要基础。及时掌握冠层多样性的现状及变化趋势, 是探讨诸多重要生态学问题的前提, 更是制定合理生物多样性保护策略的基础。但受制于传统的多样性信息采集方法, 区域尺度的高精度冠层多样性监测发展较为缓慢; 许多在气候变化和人类干扰下的生物多样性分布信息得不到及时更新。近年来基于无人机的冠层高光谱影像收集与分析技术的发展, 使得冠层多样性监测迎来了新的发展契机。本文从森林冠层高光谱影像出发, 介绍了与多样性监测相关的无人机航拍和基于深度学习的图像处理技术, 并结合已有文献, 探讨了无人机高光谱应用于森林冠层树种多样性监测的研究现状、可行性、优势及缺陷等。我们认为冠层高光谱影像为多样性监测提供了不可或缺且丰富的原始信息; 而无人机与高光谱相机的结合, 使得区域化高频率(如每周)、高精度(如分米乃至厘米级)的冠层多样性信息自动化收集成为可能。然而高光谱影像数据量大、数据维度高与数据结构非线性的特点为影像处理带来了挑战, 而深度学习技术的飞跃, 使得从冠层高光谱影像中提取个体及物种信息达到了极高精度。恰当地使用这些技术将大大提升冠层树种多样性的自动化监测水平, 由此也将帮助我们在当前剧变环境下及时掌握森林冠层多样性的现状与变化, 为生物多样性研究与保护提供可靠的数据支撑。  相似文献   

不同林分类型对昆虫群落多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究近自然森林经营下的华北落叶松人工林不同林分类型对昆虫群落多样性的影响,以塞罕坝自然保护区内的华北落叶松纯林和混交林作为研究对象,对6种不同林分类型中的昆虫群落结构进行了研究。共获得昆虫标本9542头,隶属于7目,68科,187种,以双翅目、半翅目和鞘翅目为优势类群。研究结果表明:6种林分类型中的昆虫在物种和个体数上存在差异,相似性分析显示群落结构均不相似;群落多样性指数分析表明华北落叶松纯林和其它类型的混交林均具有较高的丰富度指数和多样性指数;主成分分析表明各林分类型中捕食性类群和寄生性类群是影响昆虫群落结构的主要因素,且捕食性类群和寄生性类群对植食性类群的控制作用较强;稳定性分析显示6种林分类型昆虫群落结构均具有较高的稳定性。  相似文献   

访花和传粉昆虫对于维持生态系统功能具有重要作用,但我国相关昆虫类群的本底数据非常缺乏。作为基于特定基因序列的物种划分方法, DNA条形码在标本鉴定、新物种发现、生物多样性保护、种群遗传和进化等研究领域具有重要的应用价值。本文报道了福建戴云山国家级自然保护区双翅目、膜翅目和鞘翅目3个类群访花昆虫的815条线粒体COI条形码数据,并详细提供了所获样品的海拔分布信息。该数据集可为地区性昆虫多样性的DNA条形码数据库构建、隐存种发现、海拔梯度物种遗传多样性和生物多样性保护等方面研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

濒危植物四合木(Tetraena mongolica)为我国特有的蒺藜科单种属落叶小灌木.对四合木林地昆虫群落进行了调查,共得昆虫标本11363号,263种.隶属于67个科(或总科)11个目.同翅目的个体数量和优势度指数最高;膜翅目的物种丰富度和多样性指数最大;双翅目的均匀度最大.数量优势类群(>10%)为木虱和叶蝉类,常见类群(1%~10%)是象甲、小蜂、粒脉蜡蝉、拟步甲、蚂蚁、蝽科、皮蝽、盲蝽、斑翅蝗科昆虫.营养结构中植食性类群在种类和数量上占绝对优势,其中的吸食类昆虫优势度最大;天敌昆虫以寄生性类群为主,多样性最高;捕食性和中性昆虫的种类和数量相对较少,但捕食者的均匀度最高.灌木层与草本层相比,灌木层昆虫群落的物种丰富度和个体数量明显占优;优势种的优势度大.而草本层昆虫群落的多样性和均匀度高.2层整体的相似性低.膜翅目的共有种最多.  相似文献   

朱慧  王德利  任炳忠 《生态学报》2017,37(21):7368-7374
在草地生态系统中,大型草食动物放牧是重要的管理方式之一,对草地生物多样性起着关键的驱动作用。昆虫是草地生态系统中生物多样性的重要组成成分,对生态系统的食物网结构以及其功能与稳定性起着关键作用。已有研究结果表明,大型草食动物与昆虫存在密切联系,放牧对草地昆虫多样性或有正向、或负向、或无明显作用,这依赖于放牧管理方式、昆虫类群以及草地类型。放牧必然通过直接(采食、践踏或粪尿)或间接(植物群落组成或植被结构)作用对昆虫多样性产生显著的影响。当前,关于大型草食动物放牧对草地昆虫多样性影响研究较多,但是,从研究系统性、深入性和延续性来说还存在一定问题。本文在综述国内外对放牧对草地昆虫多样性的影响研究基础上,提出了今后的研究方向,对于理解放牧管理的草地昆虫多样性变化规律,以及为积极探索维持草地昆虫多样性的长期有效的科学管理措施提供理论指导。  相似文献   

为研究近自然森林经营下的樟子松人工林不同林分类型对昆虫群落多样性的影响,本文以塞罕坝自然保护区内的樟子松纯林与混交林作为研究对象,对5种林分类型(樟子松、樟子松-落叶松、樟子松-白桦、樟子松-山荆子、樟子松-落叶松-白桦-山荆子-山刺玫)中的昆虫多样性进行分析.共获得昆虫标本9617头,隶属于7目70科195种,以双翅目、半翅目和鞘翅目为优势类群.5种不同林分类型中的昆虫物种均比较丰富,且各林分类型之间的昆虫群落结构均处于中等不相似水平,樟子松混交林内的昆虫物种数和个体数均高于纯林,但昆虫群落特征指数在不同林分类型之间无显著差异.主成分分析显示,植食性类群、捕食性类群和寄生性类群是构成昆虫群落结构的主要成分,且捕食性和寄生性等天敌类群对植食性类群的制约作用较强,各林分内昆虫群落结构均具有较高的稳定性.  相似文献   

采用叶面观察和诱捕相结合的方法调查了江西南昌柑橘冠层节肢动物群落。共调查到节肢动物数量144037头,分属25种。其中,高密度种类有2种即柑橘全爪螨和矢尖蚧;常见种类有13种,包括桔小实蝇、柑橘花蕾蛆、柑橘木虱和中华草蛉等;其它为低密度种类。在群落结构指数的变化过程中,分别于5月下旬和9月下旬出现Shannon-Wiener多样性指数极大值和Simpson优势度指数极小值。对高密度种类和部分常见种类的种群动态进行了分析,表明柑橘全爪螨在5月下旬至6月上旬发生严重,矢尖蚧则于7~8月发生严重;柑橘花蕾蛆幼虫和柑橘木虱发生动态相似,均仅于柑橘春梢阶段出现最高密度;桔小实蝇成虫则在9月下旬出现密度高峰;中华草蛉的发生动态与其主要捕食对象—柑橘全爪螨的相似。研究结果初步明确南昌柑橘冠层节肢动物的重要成分及重要类群的时序动态,为该地区柑橘重要害虫的防治与控制,天敌昆虫的保护与利用提供基础信息。  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare canopy herbivore diversity and resultant insect damage to vegetation in two distinct and adjacent ecosystems, specifically a dry forest ecosystem and a cerrado (savanna) ecosystem that occur together in an abrupt transition zone in southeastern Brazil. In the dry forest, the canopy was reached using a single rope climbing technique, whereas the shorter canopy of the cerrado was assessed using a 7 m ladder. Insect specimens were collected by beating the foliage, and 20 representative leaves were collected to calculate the specific leaf mass (SLM) and leaf area loss through herbivory. Also, we collected ten soil samples from each habitat to determine soil nutrient content. We sampled 118 herbivorous insects from ten families, mostly in dry forest trees (96 individuals belonging to 31 species). A higher abundance of chewing and sap-sucking insects were observed in dry forest trees than in cerrado trees. The same pattern was observed for the richness of chewers, with a higher degree of diversity of chewers found in dry forest trees than in cerrado trees. Herbivorous insects were not affected by SLM regardless of guild and habitat. However, we observed a negative correlation between the herbivory rate and the specific leaf mass (SLM). The cerrado trees showed a higher SLM and lower herbivory rates than trees occurring in the dry forest. These results suggest that herbivory rates in the transition dry forest–cerrado may be driven by soil nutrient content, which is thought to influence leaf sclerophylly.
Abstract in Portuguese is available at http://www.blackwell-synergy.com/loi/btp .  相似文献   

Abstract The vertical stratification of insect species assemblages inhabiting tropical rainforests is well established but few have examined whether these patterns are reflected in vertical stratification of body size or feeding guilds. We used Malaise and Flight Interception Traps to sample beetle assemblages from five locations, at both canopy and ground zones of a tropical lowland rainforest site near Cape Tribulation, Australia. Beetles from 4 years of sampling were sorted to Family and morphospecies, and allocated to one of five feeding guilds. Within feeding guilds the number of species and individuals, from canopy‐ and ground‐caught traps were compared. The body lengths of species were measure and compared within feeding guilds and families. Herbivores was the dominant guild but was not the majority of all species or individuals. Most beetle species (69%) were less than 5 mm in length and the mean size of canopy‐caught species was greater than that for ground‐caught species. This was probably due to slightly more species of plant feeders (herbivores and xylophages) present in the canopy, which were significantly larger than saprophages, fungivores and predators. Among feeding guilds, there were few overall canopy–ground differences. These results contrast with species composition results presented elsewhere where strong differences between the canopy and the ground were evident. We suggest that our guild groupings may have been too coarse to detect fine‐scale differences and that resource partitioning may have also masked faunal stratification. We propose that fine‐scale differences in resources between the canopy and the ground, together with strong microclimate gradients, are likely to be important in structuring the vertical stratification of insect assemblages at the level of species, but not with respect to functional groups.  相似文献   

Biologists are still trying to grasp the global dimensions of the phylum Arthropoda and its major class the Insecta, in spite of the fact that over a million species of arthropods have been described. The canopy of rain forest trees is believed by many to hold the key to the immense diversity of insects. In recent years the use of knock-down insecticides to sample insects from rain forest canopy has revealed information on the canopy's arthropod inhabitants and community structure. The sampling techniques involved are outlined and data reviewed on taxonomic and guild structure, species abundance, body size and biomass of insects, and the faunal similarity of trees. Calculations by Erwin (1982), based on knock-down insecticide studies of the beetle fauna of one species of Central American tree, suggest there may be 30 million species of tropical forest arthropods. Reanalysis of these calculations, using additional data, produces a range of possible estimates from about 10 to 80 million. The unknown range of plant host-specificities of tropical insects is the main weakness of this method of calculation. Assessment of the faunal importance of the canopy in relation to that of other rain forest biotopes requires comparative quantitative studies. The preliminary results of one such simple study suggest that over 42 million arthropods may be found in a hectare of Seram rain forest (at the time of study), and that 70% occur in the soil and leaf litter and 14% in the canopy. They also suggest that Collembola and Acarina are the dominant groups in this hectare, and that there are as many ants as all the other insects (excluding Collembola).  相似文献   

Nocturnal flying insects were collected monthly for 13 months using ultra violet light-traps set at various vertical levels in a weakly-seasonal, tropical lowland dipterocarp forest in Sarawak, Malaysia. Abundance, faunal composition, size distribution and guild structure of these samples were analyzed with respect to temperal and vertical distributions. The nocturnal flying insect community in the canopy level was highly dominated by fig wasps (84%) in individual number, and by scarabaeid beetles (28%) in weight. A principal component analysis on monthly catches detected non-random, seasonal trends of insect abundance. The first two principal trends were an alternation of wetter (September to January) and less wet seasons (February to August) and an alternation between the least wet (January to March) and the other seasons. Many insect groups were less abundant in the least wet season than the other seasons, whilst inverse patterns were found in Scarabaeidae and Tenebrionidae. Significantly positive and negative correlations between monthly catch and rainfall were detected only in ovule-feeders and in phloem-feeders, respectively. Delayed, significant negative correlations between monthly catch and 1–3 month preceding rainfall were more frequently detected in phytophages, phloem-feeders, seed-feeders, wood-borers and scavengers. The peak in abundance along vertical levels were found at the canopy level (35 m) for phloem-, ovule-, seed-, root-, fungal-feeders and nectar collectors, at an upper subcanopy level (25 m) for scavengers and aquatic predators, and at a middle subcanopy level (17 m) for ants. Catches at the emergent level (45 m) did not exceed those at the canopy level.  相似文献   

通过对京津冀太行山片区不同生境昆虫群落多样性调查,为京津冀太行山片区生物多样性的保育和决策提供科学依据。在2019年7月-2020年10月,在京津冀太行山片区的9个县(区)(包括北京市的昌平区和房山区,以及河北省的涿鹿县、蔚县、涞水县、涞源县、易县、唐县和阜平县)的6种生境(即森林、人造林、湿地、灌丛、草地和农田)共设置106个样点,具体采用“样线踏查法”和“马来氏网法”相结合共进行了6次昆虫调查。共采集昆虫62 450头,隶属于14目153科608种。不同生境间昆虫的 Margalef 丰富度指数(P<0.01)、多样性指数 H (P<0.01)和均匀度指数 E (P<0.05)存在显著或极显著差异。 Margalef 丰富度指数依次为森林>人造林>湿地>灌丛>农田>草地,且森林的 Margalef 丰富度指数最高为5.64、草地最低为2.70;多样性指数 H 依次为草地>灌丛>湿地>农田>森林=人造林;均匀度指数 E 依次为草地>森林>灌丛>湿地>农田>人造林。不同生境之间昆虫种群相似度分析表明,森林和人造林的相似度系数最高为0.51,表现为为中等相似;其余生境间的相似度指数均低于0.5,表现为不相似或极不相似。森林、人工林和湿地等生境昆虫物种丰富度较高,是主要的昆虫物种储存库,但对应的昆虫群落多样性指数 H 较低,突显了这些生境环境保护的重要性。  相似文献   

The abundance, activity and species richness of arthropods, particularly of insect herbivores, were investigated in the upper canopy and understorey of a lowland rainforest at La Makandé, Gabon. In total 14 161 arthropods were collected with beating, flight interception and sticky traps, from six canopy sites, during the day and at night, from mid-January to mid-March 1999. The effects of stratum were most important, representing between 40 and 70% of the explained variance in arthropod distribution. Site effects represented between 20 and 40% of the variance and emphasized the néed for replication of sampling among canopy sites. Time effects (diel activity) explained a much lower percentage of variance (6–9%). The density and abundance of many arthropod taxa and species were significantly higher in the upper canopy than in the understorey. Arthropod activity was also higher during the day than at night. In particular, insect herbivores were 2.5 times more abundant and twice as speciose in the upper canopy than in the understorey, a probable response to the greater and more diverse food resources in the former stratum. Faunal overlap between the upper canopy and understorey was low. The most dissimilar herbivore communities foraged in the understorey at night and the upper canopy during the day. Further, a taxonomic study of a species-rich genus of herbivore collected there (Agrilus , Coleoptera Buprestidae) confirmed that the fauna of the upper canopy was different, diverse and very poorly known in comparison to that of the understorey. Herbivore turnover between day and night was rather high in the upper canopy and no strong influx of insect herbivores from lower foliage to the upper canopy was detected at night. This suggests that insect herbivores of the upper canopy may be resident and well adapted to environmental conditions there.  相似文献   

The vertical stratification of lepidopteran and coleopteran communities in a cool-temperate deciduous forest in Japan was examined to evaluate the hypothesis of an expected uniform distribution of mobile flying insects between the canopy and understory of temperate forests. Lepidopteran and coleopteran insects were trapped using light traps at three sites in each of the canopy and understory for three consecutive nights each month from April to October 2001. For Lepidoptera, species richness, abundance, and family richness were significantly higher in the understory than in the canopy. For Coleoptera, only abundance was larger in the canopy relative to the understory; species and family richness did not differ between the strata. The beta diversity of the lepidopteran community was larger between the strata than among sites, but the coleopteran community showed an inverse pattern. These results imply the presence of vertical stratification within the lepidopteran community, but not within the coleopteran community, in the temperate forest. The understory contributes more than the canopy to lepidopteran diversity in the temperate forest, although this stratification may be relatively weak because, in contrast to the situation in tropical forests, the canopy and understory assemblages share many species.  相似文献   

毛竹林冠层与林下层节肢动物类群的关系   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
张飞萍  陈清林  侯有明  尤民生 《生态学报》2005,25(10):2623-2628
根据生境的异质程度将毛竹林节肢动物群落划分为竹冠层和林下层类群。通过大面积系统调查,结果表明:竹冠层与林下层类群物种组成相似性高,两类群的共有种为258种,其中植食性、蜘蛛类、寄生性、捕食性昆虫和螨类、中性物种分别有88、53、41、38种和38种,主要隶属于蜘蛛目、膜翅目、双翅目和鞘翅目,天敌总共有种为132种,占共有种总数的51.16%。物种在二类群间可相互交流,林下层类群物种更替比竹冠层类群更为频繁,中性物种交流比其它类物种更为频繁,一年中3~7月份和10~11月份的物种交流多。竹冠层类群在林下层类群的重建和瓦解中起着物种“源”和“库”的作用。典型相关分析表明,二类群的关系主要表现为林下层类群丰富度和物种多样性与竹冠层类群物种多样性、均匀度、丰富度之间的关系,保护林下层天敌和物种多样性有利于保护竹冠层天敌和物种多样性。  相似文献   

Aim Plant and arthropod diversity are often related, but data on the role of mature tree diversity on canopy insect communities are fragmentary. We compare species richness of canopy beetles across a tree diversity gradient ranging from mono‐dominant beech to mixed stands within a deciduous forest, and analyse community composition changes across space and time. Location Germany’s largest exclusively deciduous forest, the Hainich National Park (Thuringia). Methods We used flight interception traps to assess the beetle fauna of various tree species, and applied additive partitioning to examine spatiotemporal patterns of diversity. Results Species richness of beetle communities increased across the tree diversity gradient from 99 to 181 species per forest stand. Intra‐ and interspecific spatial turnover among trees contributed more than temporal turnover among months to the total γ‐beetle diversity of the sampled stands. However, due to parallel increases in the number of habitat generalists and the number of species in each feeding guild (herbivores, predators and fungivores), no proportional changes in community composition could be observed. If only beech trees were analysed across the gradient, patterns were similar but temporal (monthly) species turnover was higher compared to spatial turnover among trees and not related to tree diversity. Main conclusions The changes in species richness and community composition across the gradient can be explained by habitat heterogeneity, which increased with the mix of tree species. We conclude that understanding temporal and spatial species turnover is the key to understanding biodiversity patterns. Mono‐dominant beech stands are insufficient to conserve fully the regional species richness of the remaining semi‐natural deciduous forest habitats in Central Europe, and analysing beech alone would have resulted in the misleading conclusion that temporal (monthly) turnover contributes more to beetle diversity than spatial turnover among different tree species or tree individuals.  相似文献   

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