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【目的】为了探讨入侵火蚁在我国成功定殖及其之间的竞争机制。【方法】运用行为学方法研究红火蚁Solenopsis invicta(Buren)和热带火蚁Solenopsis geminata(Fabricius)在个体水平和群体水平上的攻击性、攻击手段及合作能力。【结果】一对一攻击试验中,红火蚁和热带火蚁之间攻击级别多集中在3级,两种入侵蚂蚁间以相互威胁为主;红火蚁大型工蚁与热带火蚁兵、工蚁间最为好斗,其攻击级别达到4级的比例最高,分别为33.04%、37.92%。热带火蚁兵蚁与各型红火蚁间攻击强度差异不显著;热带火蚁工蚁与红火蚁小型工蚁之间的攻击性最强,其攻击性(3.49)显著高于热带火蚁工蚁与红火蚁大、中型工蚁的攻击性(3.32和2.97)。在攻击手段上,3级打斗时各型红火蚁更倾向以物理攻击主动威胁热带火蚁,而热带火蚁兵、工蚁会采取多种方式主动攻击红火蚁,双方皆以躲避应对为主;4级打斗时两种火蚁主要以混合攻击为主动或应对手段。群体攻击试验显示,红火蚁群体间攻击强度和合作性会随着群体数量的增加而显著增加,热带火蚁合作性较差,其群体对抗红火蚁的优势仅仅是由于个体数量的增加。【结论】红火蚁比热带火蚁具有更强的竞争优势。研究结果为入侵蚂蚁间不对称竞争机制和长期群落替代的内在原因提供理论基础。  相似文献   

红火蚁与两种本地蚂蚁间的干扰竞争   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了探讨重大入侵生物红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren与本地蚂蚁的竞争机制以及红火蚁成功入侵的机理, 本研究以红火蚁和2种本地蚂蚁黑头酸臭蚁Tapinoma melanocephalum (Fabricius)及亮红大头蚁Pheidole fervida Smith为材料, 室内测定了红火蚁分别与黑头酸臭蚁、亮红大头蚁之间在个体水平和种群水平上的攻击性和攻击强度。一对一攻击试验结果表明:红火蚁和黑头酸臭蚁之间攻击级别多集中在Ⅲ级, 即竞争优势明显的红火蚁对黑头酸臭蚁缺乏激烈的攻击, 只是在相互攻击时多摆出威胁姿势; 红火蚁与亮红大头蚁之间攻击性较强, 尤其是红火蚁中型和小型工蚁与亮红大头蚁兵蚁之间的攻击性(3.35和3.30)显著强于红火蚁大型工蚁与亮红大头蚁兵蚁的攻击性(2.70)。群体攻击试验结果表明:与黑头酸臭蚁群体攻击的红火蚁各处理组合中, 无死亡红火蚁出现, 而黑头酸臭蚁死亡率为31.80%; 而与亮红大头蚁群体攻击中, 红火蚁死亡率为0.20%~12.00%, 而亮红大头蚁平均死亡率为49.91%。可见, 红火蚁的群体攻击能力强于黑头酸臭蚁和亮红大头蚁, 其中红火蚁与亮红大头蚁间的相互攻击程度激烈, 死亡率较高, 而与黑头酸臭蚁间的攻击程度较弱, 可能由于黑头酸臭蚁化学防御对本身起到一定的保护作用, 这为进一步加强红火蚁发生区本地蚂蚁优势种--黑头酸臭蚁的保护利用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

红火蚁与黑头酸臭蚁对不同食物资源的竞争   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren与黑头酸臭蚁Tapinoma melanocephalum(F.)在不同食物资源上的竞争的实验结果表明:红火蚁与黑头酸臭蚁对鸡蛋诱饵的竞争最为激烈,当二者同时出现在鸡蛋诱饵时,红火蚁取胜并占有食物诱饵的比例为53%,略高于黑头酸臭蚁(47%),但二者的占有率没有显著的差异(P>0.05).两种蚂蚁对蜂蜜和花生油诱饵表现出不同的喜好性.红火蚁喜好花生油食物诱饵,而黑头酸臭蚁喜好糖类食物诱饵.红火蚁在鸡蛋和花生油诱饵上的工蚁召集量平均分别为269头和219头,显著高于在蜂蜜诱饵上的平均工蚁数量,仅为16头;且对鸡蛋和花生油诱饵诱饵的占有率显著高于蜂蜜诱饵.黑头酸臭蚁在鸡蛋和蜂蜜诱饵上的工蚁召集量平均分别为240头和219头,显著高于在花生油诱饵的工蚁数量,为10头以下;且对鸡蛋和蜂蜜诱饵诱饵的占有率显著高于花生油诱饵.  相似文献   

【背景】红火蚁入侵后对新发生地区生物多样性的影响及与土著物种的关系是入侵生物学研究的重点之一,解释红火蚁与类似生态位的土著蚂蚁的关系对全面了解该蚁入侵的生态学效应具有重要意义。【方法】通过野外模拟设置蚁巢,观察、记录距离红火蚁和黑头酸臭蚁蚁巢30 cm处诱集到的黑头酸臭蚁工蚁在红火蚁入侵前、入侵中及移除后的数量变化,研究短期入侵红火蚁实验种群与荒草地和荔枝园黑头酸臭蚁间的干扰竞争。【结果】红火蚁实验种群短期入侵对荒草地生境黑头酸臭蚁的干扰较明显,而对荔枝园生境黑头酸臭蚁的干扰较小;红火蚁未入侵荒草地生境黑头酸臭蚁受干扰最明显,移除红火蚁20 min后,处理诱饵上召集的黑头酸臭蚁数量才与入侵前差异不显著;红火蚁未入侵荔枝园生境黑头酸臭蚁受干扰最小,移除红火蚁仅5 min后,处理诱饵上黑头酸臭蚁数量就恢复到入侵前,甚至超过入侵前数量。【结论与意义】红火蚁入侵对黑头酸臭蚁的觅食行为存在较大的干扰抑制作用,其影响程度与生境的复杂性有着密切关系。研究结果可为了解红火蚁入侵的生态学效应提供证据。  相似文献   

【目的】本研究旨在分析红火蚁Solenopsis invicta毒腺细菌群落多样性,并与热带火蚁Solenopsis geminata和聚纹双刺猛蚁Diacamma rugosum比较毒腺细菌群落差异。【方法】采用Illumine Hiseq 2500测序平台对红火蚁(工蚁、有翅蚁和蚁后)、热带火蚁(工蚁)及聚纹双刺猛蚁(工蚁)毒腺细菌群落16S rRNA基因V3-V4区测序,基于测序数据进行生物信息学分析。【结果】变形菌门(Proteobacteria)在红火蚁工蚁、有翅蚁和蚁后以及热带火蚁工蚁毒腺中占优势,而厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)在聚纹双刺猛蚁工蚁毒腺中占优势。与红火蚁工蚁和有翅蚁相比,柔壁菌门(Tenericutes)在红火蚁蚁后毒腺中更丰富。广州红火蚁蚁后毒腺中假单胞杆菌Pseudomonas相对丰度显著高于其在有翅蚁及工蚁中的。螺原体Spiroplasma相对丰度在热带火蚁毒腺中显著高于在聚纹双刺猛蚁工蚁毒腺中的。毒腺中细菌多样性分析发现,芽孢杆菌属Bacillus和乳酸杆菌属Lactobacillus在广西红火蚁工蚁中的相对丰度显著高于在广州红火蚁工蚁中的。然而,乳酸杆菌属细菌在聚纹双刺猛蚁工蚁毒腺中的相对丰度显著高于广西的热带火蚁工蚁毒腺中的。【结论】毒腺细菌组成和多样性在3种不同种类蚂蚁工蚁和红火蚁不同品级中存在差异。  相似文献   

测定了低温处理后热带火蚁Solenopsis geminata(Fabricius)工蚁的存活情况以评价其耐寒能力.热带火蚁工蚁低温下的存活率(S)T与低温暴露温度T和暴露时间t之间的关系均符合逻辑斯缔曲线方程.当处理时间为0.5 h,热带火蚁在-8℃时存活率为5.33%;当处理时间为1 h、2 h和4 h,工蚁在处理温度分别为-9℃、-8℃和-8℃才可全部致死.当处理温度为-7℃,需要经过14 h工蚁才全部死亡,在-8℃,需要35min.结果表明,热带火蚁工蚁在低温暴露0.5 h条件下LTP50和LTP90为-7.39℃和-7.85℃,相差0.46℃;当暴露时间为4h时,热带火蚁工蚁的致死敏感高温区为-7.15℃~-7.54℃,相差仅为0.39℃.当热带火蚁工蚁暴露于-7℃的低温时,LT50和LY90分别为8.54 h和13.77 h;而当暴露于-8℃的的低温时,LT50和LT90分别为8.74 min和19.14 min.  相似文献   

中国陕西圆颚切叶蚁属一新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
记述采自陕西太白山的圆颚切叶蚁属StrongylognathusMayr1新种瘤点圆颚切叶蚁S.tylonum,sp.n.。该新种与卡氏圆颚切叶蚁S.karawajewiPisarski相似,但前者上颚外缘具4个小的疣突,并胸腹节末端具1对非常钝的小齿,腹柄节下方不具齿突,第1腹柄节顶端水平。文中提供了该属中国已知3种的检索表。  相似文献   

红火蚁Solenopsis invicta是火蚁属重要的入侵蚂蚁,与其近缘种黑火蚁S. richteri和杂交蚁S. invicta × S. richteri形态相似,难以区分。为了快速准确鉴定3种火蚁属近缘种,本研究利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪(GC-MS),解析3种火蚁的工蚁、有翅雌蚁、有翅雄蚁的表皮碳氢化合物种类和含量,并进行主成分分析、判别分析及聚类分析。结果表明:3种火蚁共检测到62种表皮碳氢化合物,主要包括一甲基烷烃、二甲基烷烃和正构烷烃等;红火蚁、黑火蚁及杂交蚁不同品级的表皮碳氢化合物种类及含量存在显著的种间差异,红火蚁不同地理种群的表皮碳氢化合物种类及含量相似度较高;建立3种火蚁相应品级的分类判别函数,可准确区分各品级下的3种火蚁。因此,表皮碳氢化合物组成分析可用于红火蚁及其近缘种的分类鉴定,为口岸火蚁属蚂蚁的快速检疫鉴定提供新技术。  相似文献   

中国猛蚁属系统分类研究(膜翅目:蚁科)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
记述中国猛蚁属PoneraLatreille昆虫8种,其中在云南省西双版纳自然保护区发现并描述5新种,模式标本保存于西南林学院资源学院昆虫标本室。中华猛蚁P.sinensisWheeler(图4~6)分布于香港;阿里山猛蚁P.alisanaTerayama(图10~12)和知本猛蚁P.chiponensisTerayama(图19~20)分布于台湾省。提供了8个种的工蚁分种检索表。新种模式标本和示差鉴别特征如下 1.五齿猛蚁Ponerapentodontos,新种(图1~3)   正模工蚁,No.A97-2046,730m,云南省勐腊县补蚌,1997-Ⅷ-17,曾光。副模1工蚁,同正模;1工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2028;8工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2089。本新种与中华猛蚁P.sinensisWheeler(图4~6)接近,但上颚具5个近等大的齿;头部较宽,头比CI95-98;腹柄结较窄,腹柄结比PNI76-81;腹柄下突前下角圆钝。 2.勐腊猛蚁Poneramenglana,新种(图7~9)   正模工蚁,No.A97-2046,730m,云南省勐腊县补蚌,1997-Ⅷ-17,曾光。副模4工蚁,2雄蚁,同正模;3工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2024;9工蚁,同正模但No.A97-2029;7工蚁,1脱翅雌蚁,No.A97-1134,660m,云南省勐腊县勐仑镇翠屏峰,1997-Ⅷ-10,何云峰;6工蚁,同No.A97-1134但No.A97-1153,柳太勇;9工蚁,2雌蚁,同No.A97-1134但No.A97-1162,徐正会。本新种与中华猛蚁P.sinensisWheeler(图4~6)接近,但身体较大,头长HL0.65-0.68,头宽HW0.58-0.60;侧面观腹柄结后上角较隆起;腹柄下突后下角仅具1微小齿。 3.南贡山猛蚁Poneranangongshana,新种(图13~15)   正模工蚁,No.A98-824,1620m,云南省勐腊县南贡山,1998-Ⅲ-15,何云峰。副模3工蚁,同正模;1工蚁,同正模但No.A98-819;6工蚁,同正模但Nos.A97-2184,A97-2186,1525m。本新种与阿里山猛蚁P.alisanaTerayama(图10~12)接近,但柄节末端不到达后头缘;唇基前缘中央缺少1钝齿;腹柄下突后下角不具齿。 4.龙林猛蚁Poneralonglina,新种(图16~18)   正模工蚁,No.A97-1315,1050m,云南省勐腊县龙林,1997-Ⅷ-11,何云峰。本新种与分布于菲律宾的女山神猛蚁P.oreasWheeler(图25~27)接近,但复眼仅具1个小眼;腹柄结较窄,腹柄宽DPW0.25,腹柄结比PNI71;侧面观腹柄下突后下角齿较小,指向后方。 5.巴卡猛蚁Ponerabaka,新种(图22~24)   正模工蚁,No.A97-2990,840m,云南省勐腊县勐仑镇巴卡小寨,1997-XII-08,杨比伦。本新种与知本猛蚁P.chiponensisTerayama(图19~21)接近,但头前部与后部等宽;唇基前缘中央缺少1钝齿;上颚只具3个端齿;侧面观腹柄结较薄,腹柄下突具小窗斑,前下角钝角状,后下角只具1个小齿。  相似文献   

中国西北地区箭蚁属三新种记述(膜翅目:蚁科:蚁亚科)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
记述了采自我国西北地区的箭蚁属3新种。光唇箭蚁Cataglyphis glabilabia sp.nov.与C.aenescens (Nylander)接近,但本种唇基前缘无一排长缘毛;头腹面无立毛;上颚基齿钝到不明显。黄胫箭蚁Cataglyphis flavitibia sp.nov.与C.aenescens(Nylander)接近,但本种上颚、触角、足腿节端半部以外均为浅黄色;头腹面无立毛;工蚁多型不明显;社群很小,仅几十头。贺兰山箭蚁Catalyphis helanensis sp.nov与C.aenescens(Ny-lander)十分接近,但本种腹部第一节背板具立毛;体具十分粗糙的细密纵刻纹;唇基仅具刻点;体黑色,暗无光泽。模式标本保存在宁夏农学院标本室。  相似文献   

入侵中国大陆的红火蚁的鉴定及发生为害调查   总被引:81,自引:5,他引:76  
根据形态特征鉴定结果首次证实红火蚁SolenopsisinvictaBuren入侵中国大陆 ,并调查了广东省吴川市红火蚁发生为害情况。调查结果表明 ,发生区内部分地点红火蚁发生密度较高 ,主要发生于较稳定的生态环境中 ,如荒坡、草地、长满杂草的田埂等。红火蚁已对当地农业生产、人们的身体健康、日常生活等造成了不利影响。此外 ,Cytb基因序列分析结果表明 ,采自美国佛罗里达和广东吴川的红火蚁与采自广东 4个地方的热带火蚁S .geminata (Fabr.)两物种间有 61个变异位点 ,种内变异为 0。限制性酶切多态实验 (RFLP)的结果显示 ,BamHI酶在红火蚁的特异扩增片段中有一个识别位点 ,而在热带火蚁中无酶切位点 ;MspI酶在热带火蚁的扩增片段中也有一个识别位点 ,而在红火蚁中无识别位点。有酶切位点的扩增产物在酶切后分别获得近 2 0 0bp与 2 5 0bp的片段各一带。因此 ,用PCR RFLP的方法可以简单快速地鉴别红火蚁和热带火蚁。  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to examine the phenology, geographic distribution, and host specificity of the Solenopsis invicta virus-1 (SINV-1). Two genotypes examined, SINV-1 and -1A, exhibited similar seasonal prevalence patterns. Infection rates among colonies of S. invicta in Gainesville, Florida, were lowest from early winter (December) to early spring (April) increasing rapidly in late spring (May) and remaining high through August before declining again in the fall (September/October). Correlation analysis revealed a significant relationship between mean monthly temperature and SINV-1 (p<0.0005, r=0.82) and SINV-1A (p<0.0001, r=0.86) infection rates in S. invicta colonies. SINV-1 was widely distributed among S. invicta populations. The virus was detected in S. invicta from Argentina and from all U.S. states examined, with the exception of New Mexico. SINV-1 and -1A were also detected in other Solenopsis species. SINV-1 was detected in Solenopsis richteri and the S. invicta/richteri hybrid collected from northern Alabama and Solenopsis geminata from Florida. SINV-1A was detected in S. geminata and Solenopsis carolinensis in Florida and the S. invicta/richteri hybrid in Alabama. Of the 1989 arthropods collected from 6 pitfall trap experiments from Gainesville and Williston, Florida, none except S. invicta tested positive for SINV-1 or SINV-1A. SINV-1 did not appear to infect or replicate within Sf9 or Dm-2 cells in vitro. The number of SINV-1 genome copies did not significantly increase over the course of the experiment, nor were any cytopathic effects observed. Phylogenetic analyses of SINV-1/-1A nucleotide sequences indicated significant divergence between viruses collected from Argentina and the U.S.  相似文献   

Lloyd W. Morrison 《Oikos》2000,90(2):238-252
The mechanisms of interspecific competition among an invasive and two native Solenopsis fire ant forms were investigated in a series of laboratory experiments. In separate trials each with a different food resource, the native S. geminata × xyloni retrieved the greatest amount of a protein- and lipid-rich artificial food resource and a high protein natural food resource, and the native S. geminata retrieved the greatest amount of a high carbohydrate food resource. In trials investigating aspects of interference competition at the colony level, the invasive S. invicta proved to be initially more aggressive than S. geminata , but less aggressive than S. geminata × xyloni . Solenopsis invicta eventually controlled more of the foraging arenas against both native forms when colonies were equivalent by worker biomass, but not when colonies were equivalent by worker number. When paired with S. invicta , S. geminata suffered a significantly greater proportional reduction in both workers and entire colonies when colonies were initially standardized by worker biomass, but not when colonies were standardized by worker number. When paired with S. invicta , a significantly greater proportional reduction of workers occurred in S. geminata × xyloni , regardless of how colonies were standardized. In pairwise trials at the individual level, majors always exhibited significantly less mortality than minors, regardless of the Solenopsis form. The majors of both native forms suffered significantly less mortality than those of S. invicta . Superiority in colony-level interference ability appears to be an important mechanism allowing S. invicta to displace native Solenopsis forms. The ability of S. invicta to reach high population densities, because of intrinsic biological characteristics or an escape from natural enemies, plays an important contributory role. Similar mechanisms may underlie the success of other invasive ant species.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide primer pairs were designed to unique areas of the small subunit (16S) rRNA gene of Thelohania solenopsae and a region of the Gp-9 gene of Solenopsis invicta. Multiplex PCR resulted in sensitive and specific detection of T. solenopsae infection of S. invicta. The T. solenopsae-specific primer pair only amplified DNA from T. solenopsae and T. solenopsae-infected S. invicta. This primer pair did not produce any amplification products from DNA preparations from uninfected S. invicta, seven additional species of microsporidia (including Vairimorpha invictae), or Mattesia spp. The Gp-9-specific primers recognized and amplified DNA from Solenopsis xyloni, Solenopsis richteri, Solenopsis geminata, the invicta/richteri hybrid, and monogyne and polygyne S. invicta, but not from T. solenopsae, and, as such, served as a positive control verifying successful DNA preparation. Multiplex PCR detected T. solenopsae in worker fire ants infected with as few as 5000 spores. Furthermore, multiplex PCR detected T. solenopsae in all developmental stages of S. invicta. However, detection could be made more sensitive by using only the T. solenopsae-specific primer pair; ants infected with as few as 10 spores were able to be discerned. Multiplex PCR detection of T. solenopsae offers the advantages of a positive control, a single PCR amplification, detection of all developmental stages, and increased sensitivity and specificity compared with microscopy.  相似文献   

A neogregarine parasite of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, was discovered recently in Florida and tentatively placed in the Mattesia genus based on morphological characterization. S. invicta infected with this Mattesia species exhibited a characteristic yellowing of the cuticle which was designated Mattesia "yellow-head disease" (YHD). The 18S rRNA gene sequence from Mattesia YHD was elucidated and compared with the neogregarine pathogens, Mattesia geminata and Ophriocystis elektroscirrha. The sequence data support the previous conclusion that Mattesia YHD is a new species that infects S. invicta. Furthermore, high sequence identity between Mattesia YHD, M. geminata (95.7%), and O. elektroscirrha (86.2%) correctly place the YHD organism in the Mattesia genus and Neogregarinorida order. Oligonucleotide primer pairs were designed to unique areas of the 18S rRNA genes of Mattesia YHD and S. invicta. Multiplex PCR resulted in sensitive and specific detection of Mattesia YHD infection of S. invicta.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Phorid flies in the genus Pseudacteon are parasitoids of ants. Variation in host size preferences of four South American and two North American Pseudacteon species on monogyne and polygyne forms of their host Solenopsis species [ S. invicta Buren and S. geminata (F.), respectively] was documented.
2. Monogyne Solenopsis workers were, on average, significantly larger than polygyne workers, and the average size monogyne worker attacked was significantly larger than the average size polygyne worker attacked in four of the six Pseudacteon species.
3. Three South American Pseudacteon species attacked larger than average size workers, whereas one attacked smaller than average size workers, in both monogyne and polygyne forms. Both North American Pseudacteon species attacked larger than average size polygyne workers and smaller than average size monogyne workers.
4. Three Pseudacteon species were reared from eggs to adults in infected ants in the laboratory. The size of the emergent phorid fly was related positively to the size of the host worker ant, with females emerging from larger hosts. Similar patterns were documented for both monogyne and polygyne forms.
5. The mean size of worker host from which phorids emerged did not differ significantly between the monogyne and polygyne forms in the subsample of phorids reared to adults.
6. The observed patterns elucidate factors that may cause variation in Pseudacteon sex ratios, and have implications for biological control efforts of pest Solenopsis species.  相似文献   

本文研究呋虫胺对红火蚁Solenopsis invicta Buren中型工蚁的毒杀活性及爬杆能力、抓附能力、行走能力、攻击能力等行为影响。以水试管喂毒法对红火蚁进行试验。结果表明,1 mg/L和5 mg/L呋虫胺处理13 h后,红火蚁中型工蚁校正死亡率分别为55.56%、97.78%,0 mg/L、1 mg/L和5 mg/L呋虫胺处理9 h后,红火蚁中型工蚁爬杆率分别为100.00%、45.56%和7.78%,抓附率分别为100.00%、33.33%和15.56%,行走率为100.00%、42.22%和25.56%,攻击率为100.00%、36.67%和0.00%。呋虫胺对红火蚁中型工蚁具有良好毒杀活性和行为影响,在红火蚁防控上具有良好应用前景。  相似文献   

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