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利用心得安阻断β-肾上腺素受体(β-受体),从而干扰药物成瘾患者对药物环境线索记忆的某些环节(如再巩固等),进而降低或抑制其对成瘾药物的渴求,已成为未来治疗复吸的潜在途径.但目前,心得安对吗啡相关环境线索记忆的获得及提取的影响尚不清楚.因此,该实验检测了心得安对小鼠吗啡诱导的条件化位置偏爱(conditioned place preference,CPP)环境线索记忆的获得和提取的影响.该研究首次发现在吗啡CPP记忆的获得期,心得安不影响CPP的表达和消退,提示β-受体不参与吗啡诱导CPP学习记忆的获得;而在吗啡CPP记忆的提取期,心得安可延缓CPP的消退,提示β-受体与吗啡诱导CPP学习记忆的提取相关.该结果表明,药物成瘾过程与β-受体相关,为成瘾等精神疾病的治疗提供了新的理论依据.  相似文献   

药物成瘾是一种全球性的公共卫生问题,其发生机制十分复杂。γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid,GABA)是中枢神经系统中主要的抑制性神经递质,其通过调节GABA受体(如:GABA_A,GABA_B)的活性参与多种药物成瘾和依赖性的发生与发展过程。吗啡、可卡因、甲基苯丙胺等药物引起的奖赏、戒断和复吸作用与GABA受体的激活或抑制密切相关。本文将对GABA受体在药物依赖中的作用及机制进行综述,从而为治疗药物成瘾提供新的策略。  相似文献   

条件化位置偏好(conditionedplacepreference,CPP),常用于研究药物成瘾的相关记忆。这里主要综述了一些药物对CPP的影响。神经肽S,神经肽FF,肌肽,孤啡肽,α-2受体激动剂,L-左旋千金藤啶碱,东莨菪碱,丙戊酸钠,巴氯芬对吗啡CPP有抑制效应;聚肌胞苷酸,氟伏沙明和金刚烷胺能增强吗啡CPP;阿坎酸能抑制乙醇和某些类别的滥用药物的条件化奖赏效应,但不影响吗啡引起的条件化奖赏效应;褪黑激素逆转吗啡诱导的奖赏效应;人重组干扰素-α导致吗啡CPP的恢复。  相似文献   

奖赏刺激和伴药环境之间的强烈关联记忆,使得成瘾者在戒除药物数月或数年后暴露于类似环境即可诱发复吸。研究成瘾记忆的神经生物学基础有重要意义。本研究以可卡因条件位置偏爱(conditioned place preference,CPP)实验为行为学模型模拟分析药物与环境之间关联的建立。c-Fos、Zif268是常用的反映神经元活动增加的即早基因标记物。本文旨在通过采用免疫组织荧光染色方法,对可卡因环境相关的奖赏记忆提取后小鼠各脑区c-Fos、Zif268表达进行定量,比较分析它们的表达差异,以此来观察环境相关奖赏记忆提取时不同脑区神经元的激活情况。C57BL/6小鼠分为三组:生理盐水提取组、可卡因环境相关奖赏记忆提取组以及可卡因未提取组。后两组均接受CPP训练(一侧为伴可卡因侧,另一侧为伴生理盐水侧),训练结束后可卡因环境相关奖赏记忆提取组提取相关记忆,可卡因未提取组不提取。生理盐水提取组在放入CPP箱两侧前均腹腔注射生理盐水。结果显示,在药物成瘾相关脑区伏隔核核部,可卡因环境相关奖赏记忆提取组c-Fos、Zif268蛋白表达量显著高于生理盐水提取组。可卡因环境相关奖赏记忆提取组杏仁核基底外侧核Zif268蛋白表达量显著高于生理盐水提取组。在中脑边缘多巴胺系统的其他相关脑区如前额叶皮层、海马等,各组间c-Fos、Zif268蛋白表达量并未观察到明显的差异。以上结果表明伏隔核中央核和杏仁核基底外侧核在可卡因环境相关奖赏记忆提取过程中被激活,这提示伏隔核中央核和杏仁核基底外侧核脑区内激活的神经元是可卡因环境相关奖赏记忆的重要神经基础,为进一步解析药物成瘾记忆机制打下了基础。  相似文献   

成瘾药物戒断诱发负性情绪并伴有脑内应激系统的激活,是导致负性强化并使成瘾个体持续觅药和复吸的重要因素。促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素(corticotrophin-releasing hormone, CRH)是应激系统发挥生理作用的重要递质,在介导焦虑、恐惧等负性情绪的重要核团--中央杏仁核(central amygdala, Ce A)中广泛分布。然而在Ce A中这类表达CRH的神经元在成瘾药物戒断引发的负性情绪中作用还并不清楚。本研究采用CRH-Cre转基因小鼠,通过依赖Cre-Lox P系统的化学遗传学方法特异性激活或抑制小鼠Ce A中的CRH神经元,结合条件性位置厌恶(conditioned place aversion, CPA)、高架十字迷宫、自主活动能力测试等行为学实验,探究Ce A中CRH神经元对小鼠吗啡戒断产生的厌恶、焦虑等负性情绪的影响。结果显示,抑制Ce A中CRH神经元可抑制小鼠吗啡戒断诱导的CPA形成,并降低小鼠焦虑水平。直接激活Ce A中CRH神经元可使未经历吗啡暴露的小鼠产生CPA和焦虑。吗啡自然戒断和CRH神经元的活性改变对小鼠的自主活动能力都没有显著影响。以上结果提示,Ce A中CRH神经元参与调控小鼠吗啡戒断诱导的负性情绪。本研究为药物成瘾与复吸机制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

Han J  Li YH  Bai YJ  Sui N 《生理科学进展》2007,38(4):327-330
下丘脑是调控自然奖赏的重要脑区,它能特异性地表达一种神经肽——食欲素(orexin),这种神经肽在药物奖赏中的作用受到广泛关注。在成瘾研究中,发现不同脑区中的食欲素神经元对奖赏和动机行为的调节作用是不相同的:围穹窿区(PFA)和背内侧下丘脑区(DMH)的食欲素神经元主要参与激活应激系统,而外侧下丘脑(LH)的食欲素神经元主要通过激活与奖赏学习相关的大脑环路参与奖赏行为的调控。提示食欲素系统可在延长戒断防止复吸发生中成为新的研究目标,食欲素受体可以作为治疗药物成瘾的一种新的治疗靶标。  相似文献   

药物成瘾者戒断后的持久复吸是治疗药物成瘾的难点.成瘾者出现持续复吸的重要原因是由于成瘾记忆的长期存在.成瘾物质的长期反复使用导致前额叶-边缘多巴胺系统结构和功能的适应性改变,这种改变是成瘾记忆形成的神经基础.本文从学习记忆的角度来理解成瘾形成,介绍了成瘾记忆的初始形成阶段、习惯化阶段和成瘾行为维持阶段及其相应的神经基础.回顾了近年来成瘾记忆的临床干预方法,包括消退干预方法、增强消退干预的多情境干预方法,以及直接干预消除成瘾记忆的记忆再巩固干预方法,并总结了虚拟现实、神经调控技术在成瘾记忆干预中的应用.对记忆再巩固干预方法与虚拟现实、神经调控技术相结合干预成瘾记忆进行展望,为药物成瘾的临床干预和治疗提供了新方法、新思路.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨激活MrgC受体(Mas-related gene C receptors)调制吗啡耐受的细胞学机制。对大鼠连续6天鞘内注射10μL生理盐水、吗啡(20μg)、吗啡+牛肾上腺髓质8-22(bovine adrenal medulla 8-22,BAM8-22,1 nmol,隔天注射)或(Tyr6)-2-MSH-6-12(MSH,5 nmol,隔天注射);用Western blot、免疫组织化学和实时荧光定量PCR的方法检测脊髓和背根神经节(dorsal root ganglion,DRG)中与吗啡耐受相关分子的表达。结果显示:鞘内给予选择性MrgC受体激动剂BAM8-22或MSH,能抑制慢性应用吗啡所诱发的脊髓背角和/或DRG中谷氨酸转运体(GLAST、GLT-1、EAAC1)的减少和神经元型一氧化氮合酶(neuronal nitric oxide synthase,nNOS)的增加。此外,检测到MrgC受体样免疫活性表达于脊髓背角浅层;慢性应用吗啡使脊髓背角MrgC受体样免疫活性和DRG中MrgC受体mRNA水平都增加。这些结果提示,MrgC受体通过抑制慢性应用吗啡所诱发的脊髓和DRG中的痛介质增加,而抑制吗啡耐受。  相似文献   

不同浓度吗啡对心肌动作电位的作用及其机制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
薛冠华  王正义 《生理学报》1990,42(4):323-330
用微电极技术研究不同浓度吗啡对豚鼠右心室乳头肌动作电位的作用及作用机制。低浓度吗啡(0.2—1.6 umol/L)使动作电位时程(APD)和有效不应期(ERP)缩短,呈剂量依赖性。此作用可被1μmol/L 纳洛酮、酚妥拉明,四乙胺和氯化铯阻断,但不能被异搏定阻断。高浓度吗啡(15—120μmol/L)则使 APD 和 ERP 延长,呈剂量依赖性,这作用不被1.2μmol/L纳洛酮阻断,但可被10μmol/L 纳洛酮、酚妥拉明、四乙胺、氯化铯和异搏定阻断。这些实验提示低浓度和高浓度的吗啡可能作用于不同的阿片受体亚型,低浓度吗啡的作用可能与钾通道有关,高浓度吗啡的作用可能与钾通道、钙通道或钙激活的钾通道有关。阿片受体的作用与α受体存在密切关系。  相似文献   

Yang G  Liu XF  Liu N  Zhang J  Zheng JW  Sun HY  Zhang WD  Ma YY 《生理学报》2007,59(3):305-310
药物成瘾被认为是药物长期作用于脑而产生的一种慢性复吸性脑疾病,长期反复的药物(如吗啡)滥用会导致一系列严重后果,如药物依赖、药物耐受、强迫性药物寻求等。本实验利用条件化位置偏好(conditioned place preference,CPP)模型来检测大鼠对吗啡依赖和心理渴求等过程;采用双声刺激听觉诱发电位来研究大鼠在慢性吗啡给予、戒断以及再给药过程中海马感觉门控(N40)的动态变化。吗啡组大鼠注射吗啡(10mg/kg,i.p.)12d,经历第一次戒断12d,再次注射吗啡(2.5mg/kg,i.P.)1d,之后经历第二次戒断2d;对照组大鼠注射同体积生理盐水,其余实验条件与吗啡组相同。CPP实验表明,这种药物给予方法促使大鼠对吗啡产生药物依赖和心理渴求。双声刺激诱发电位实验表明,吗啡组大鼠在吗啡给予期间海马感觉门控受到损伤;第一次戒断期的第1~2天海马感觉门控能力减弱,第3天增强,第4~12天逐渐恢复到正常水平;再次给予吗啡后海马感觉门控能力与对照组相比显著降低,并且随后2d的戒断期内海马感觉门控能力也一直保持较低水平,表明再次给药使大鼠海马感觉门控对吗啡更加敏感化。结果提示,长期反复的吗啡给予及再给药干扰了海马的感觉门控能力,吗啡成瘾对大脑可能产生长期影响。  相似文献   

Learning and memory systems are intimately involved in drug addiction. Previous studies suggest that galanin, a neuropeptide that binds G-protein coupled receptors, plays essential roles in the encoding of memory. In the present study, we tested the function of galnon, a galanin receptor 1 and 2 agonist, in reward-associated memory, using conditioned place preference (CPP), a widely used paradigm in drug-associated memory. Either before or following CPP-inducing morphine administration, galnon was injected at four different time points to test the effects of galanin activation on different reward-associated memory processes: 15 min before CPP training (acquisition), immediately after CPP training (consolidation), 15 min before the post-conditioning test (retrieval), and multiple injection after post-tests (reconsolidation and extinction). Galnon enhanced consolidation and extinction processes of morphine-induced CPP memory, but the compound had no effect on acquisition, retrieval, or reconsolidation processes. Our findings demonstrate that a galanin receptor 1 and 2 agonist, galnon, may be used as a viable compound to treat drug addiction by facilitating memory extinction process.  相似文献   

Association between the reward caused by consuming drugs and the context in which they are consumed is essential in the formation of morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP). Glucocorticoid receptor (GRs) activation in different regions of the brain affects reward-based reinforcement and memory processing. A wide array of studies have demonstrated that blockage of GRs in some brain areas can have an effect on reward-related memory; however, to date there have been no systematic studies about the involvement of glucocorticoids (GCs) in morphine-related reward memory. Here, we used the GR antagonist RU38486 to investigate how GRs blockage affects the sensitization and CPP behavior during different phases of reward memory included acquisition, retrieval and reconsolidation. Interestingly, our results showed RU38486 has the ability to impair the acquisition, retrieval and reconsolidation of reward-based memory in CPP and sensitization behavior. But RU38486 by itself cannot induce CPP or conditioned place aversion (CPA) behavior. Our data provide a much more complete picture of the potential effects that glucocorticoids have on the reward memory of different phases and inhibit the sensitization behavior.  相似文献   

Mao Y  Yang SC  Liu C  Ma YY  Hu XT 《动物学研究》2011,32(6):670-674
To interfere with the drug-cue memory processes of addicts such as reconsolidation by the administration of the β-adrenergic receptor (β-AR) of norepinephrine (NE) antagonist propranolol (PRO) has become a potential therapy in the future to decrease or inhibit relapse. However, the relationship between PRO and the acquisition or retrieval of morphine-cue memory is not clear. This study examined the effects of PRO on the acquisition and retrieval of memories in morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) mice model. We found that during memory acquisition period, PRO had no effects on the expression and extinction of morphine-CPP, which suggests that the β-AR was irrelevant to the CPP memory acquisition. However, during memory retrieval period, although PRO did not affect the expression of CPP, but it delayed the occurrence of CPP extinction, which indicates that PRO has an inhibit effect on CPP memory extinction, and β-AR plays an important role in modulating the extinction of morphine-CPP. Our study further improved the relationship between drug addiction and β-AR, and proposed a new theory to help developing potential therapy to cure addiction and other neuropsychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

Glutamate receptors in mesolimbic areas such as the nucleus accumbens, ventral tegmental area, prefrontal cortex (PFC), and hippocampus (HIP) are a component of the mechanisms of drug-induced reward and can modulate the firing pattern of dopaminergic neurons in the reward system. In addition, several lines of study have indicated that cAMP response element-binding protein (CREB) and c-fos have important role in morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) induced by drugs of abuse, such as morphine, cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol. Therefore, in the present study, we investigated the changes in phosphorylated CREB (p-CREB) and c-fos induction within the nucleus accumbens (NAc), HIP, and PFC after intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of different doses of CNQX or vehicle during extinction period or reinstatement of morphine-induced CPP. In all groups, the CPP procedure was done; afterward, the conditioning scores were recorded by Ethovision software. After behavioral test recording, we dissected out the NAc, HIP, and PFC regions and measured the p-CREB/CREB ratio and c-fos level by Western blot analysis. Our results showed that administration of CNQX significantly shortened the extinction of morphine CPP. Besides, ICV microinjection of CNQX following extinction period decreased the reinstatement of morphine CPP in extinguished rats. In molecular section, in treatment group, all mentioned factors were dose-dependently decreased in comparison with vehicle group (DMSO) after ICV microinjection of different doses of CNQX but not in pre-extinction microinjection. These findings suggested that antagonism of AMPA receptor decreased p-CREB/CREB ratio and c-fos level in the PFC, NAc, and HIP. Modulation of the drug memory reconsolidation may be useful for faster extinction of drug-induced reward and attenuation of drug-seeking behavior.  相似文献   

In state-dependency, information retrieval is most efficient when the animal is in the same state as it was during the information acquisition. State-dependency has been implicated in a variety of learning and memory processes, but its mechanisms remain to be resolved. Here, mice deficient in AMPA-type glutamate receptor GluA1 subunits were first conditioned to morphine (10 or 20 mg/kg s.c. during eight sessions over four days) using an unbiased procedure, followed by testing for conditioned place preference at morphine states that were the same as or different from the one the mice were conditioned to. In GluA1 wildtype littermate mice the same-state morphine dose produced the greatest expression of place preference, while in the knockout mice no place preference was then detected. Both wildtype and knockout mice expressed moderate morphine-induced place preference when not at the morphine state (saline treatment at the test); in this case, place preference was weaker than that in the same-state test in wildtype mice. No correlation between place preference scores and locomotor activity during testing was found. Additionally, as compared to the controls, the knockout mice showed unchanged sensitization to morphine, morphine drug discrimination and brain regional μ-opioid receptor signal transduction at the G-protein level. However, the knockout mice failed to show increased AMPA/NMDA receptor current ratios in the ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons of midbrain slices after a single injection of morphine (10 mg/kg, s.c., sliced prepared 24 h afterwards), in contrast to the wildtype mice. The results indicate impaired drug-induced state-dependency in GluA1 knockout mice, correlating with impaired opioid-induced glutamate receptor neuroplasticity.  相似文献   

Kotlinska J  Pachuta A  Dylag T  Silberring J 《Peptides》2007,28(11):2235-2242
Neuropeptide FF (NPFF) has been described as an anti-opioid peptide. It plays a role in opioid antinociception, dependence and tolerance. Previous study has indicated that 1DMe ([D-Tyr(1), (NMe)Phe(3)]NPFF), a stable analog of NPFF, inhibits acquisition of the rewarding effect of morphine but not of ethanol in mice. The rewarding effects of these drugs were measured in the unbiased paradigm of conditioned place preference (CPP). The present study examines the influence of NPFF on the expression of morphine- and ethanol-induced CPP in the biased procedure in rats. Our experiments showed that NPFF, given intracerebroventricularly (i.c.v.) at the doses of 5, 10 and 20 nmol, inhibited the expression of morphine-induced CPP. NPFF gave itself, neither induced place preference nor aversion, although a tendency to aversive effect was seen at the highest dose of 20 nmol. NPFF did not indicate fear behavior in the elevated plus maze test, and did not disturb locomotor activity of rats. However, NPFF was unable to inhibit the expression of ethanol-induced CPP. Probably this effect is due to the fact that ethanol reward is a more complex process and apart from the role of opioids, there are other neurotransmitters also involved in this mechanism. These results suggest that NPFF is involved in the expression of morphine reward. Moreover, our study supports an anti-opioid character of this peptide.  相似文献   

Li W  Gao YH  Chang M  Peng YL  Yao J  Han RW  Wang R 《Peptides》2009,30(2):234-240
Neuropeptide S (NPS), a recently identified bioactive peptide, was reported to regulate arousal, anxiety, motoring and feeding behaviors. NPS precursor and NPS receptor mRNA were found in the amygdala, the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the substantia nigra, the area thought to modulate rewarding properties of drugs. In the present study, we examined the influence of NPS on the rewarding action of morphine, using the unbiased conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm. Morphine (1, 3 and 6 nmol, i.c.v.) induced a significant place preference. For testing the effect of NPS on the acquisition of morphine CPP, mice were given the combination of NPS and morphine on the conditioning days, and without drug treatment on the followed test day. To study the effect of NPS on the expression of morphine CPP, mice received the treatment of saline/morphine on the conditioning days, and NPS on the test day, 15 min before the placement in the CPP apparatus. Our results showed that NPS (0.3-10 nmol) alone neither induced place preference nor aversion, however, NPS (1 and 3 nmol) blocked the acquisition of CPP induced by 3 nmol morphine, and acquisition of 6 nmol morphine-induced CPP was also reduced by NPS (6 and 10 nmol). Moreover, the expression of CPP induced by 6 nmol morphine was also inhibited by NPS (0.1, 1 and 10 nmol). These results revealed the involvement of NPS in rewarding activities of morphine, and demonstrated the interaction between NPS system and opioid system for the first time.  相似文献   

Inbred mouse strains show marked variations in morphine-induced locomotion and reward behaviors. As increases in mesolimbic dopamine release and locomotion have been implicated as being critical aspects of drug-seeking and reward-related behaviors, the present study sought to determine the relationship between morphine-induced changes in locomotion and mesolimbic dopamine release. Freely moving microdialysis of the ventral striatum was performed in mouse strains chosen on the basis of their documented differences in locomotor and reward response to morphine (C57BL6 and DBA2) and use in the production of genetically modified mice (129Sv). Both C57BL6 and 129Sv mice showed significant increases in locomotion and ventral striatal extracellular dopamine levels following subcutaneous morphine administration (3 mg/kg), with the former strain showing the largest increase in both parameters. Ventral striatal extracellular DA levels increased in DBA2 mice to a similar extent as 129Sv mice following morphine administration, despite this strain showing no locomotor response. Intra-strain analysis found no correlation between morphine-induced locomotion and mesolimbic dopamine release in any of the strains studied. Thus, no universal relationship between morphine-induced mesolimbic dopamine release and locomotion exists between, and particularly within, inbred mouse strains. Furthermore, morphine-induced increases in mesolimbic activity correlate negatively with the rewarding potential of morphine described in previously reported conditioned place preference studies.  相似文献   

Ma YY  Yu P  Guo CY  Cui CL 《Neurochemical research》2011,36(3):383-391
Drug addiction, as well as learning and memory, share common mechanisms in terms of neural circuits and intracellular signaling pathways. In the present study, the role of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, particularly those containing NR2B subunits, in morphine-induced conditioned place preference (CPP) and Morris water maze (MWM) learning and memory task was investigated. CPP was used as a paradigm for assessing the rewarding effect of morphine, and MWM was used to measure spatial learning and memory in male Sprague–Dawley rats. We found that ifenprodil, an antagonist highly selective for NR2B-containing NMDA receptors, dose-dependently blocked the development, maintenance and reinstatement of morphine-induced CPP, without evident impairment of the acquisition and retrieval of spatial memory in the MWM task. However, the consolidation of spatial memory was disrupted by a high dose (10 mg/kg) of ifenprodil. These results clearly demonstrate that NR2B-containing NMDA receptors are actively involved in addiction memory induced by morphine conditioning, but not in the acquisition and retrieval of spatial learning and memory. In conclusion, NR2B-containing NMDA receptors can be considered potential targets for the treatment of opiate addiction.  相似文献   

The present study focused upon the role of SB-334867, an orexin-1 receptor antagonist, in the acquisition of morphine-induced sensitization to locomotor activity in mice. Behavioral sensitization is an enhanced systemic reaction to the same dose of an addictive substance, which assumingly increases both the desire for the drug and the risk of relapse to addiction. Morphine-induced sensitization in mice was achieved by sporadic doses (five injections every 3 days) of morphine (10 mg/kg, i.p.), while a challenge dose of morphine (10 mg/kg) was injected 7 days later. In order to assess the impact of orexin system blockade on the acquisition of sensitization, SB-334867 was administered before each morphine injection, except the morphine challenge dose. The locomotor activity test was performed on each day of morphine administration. Brain structures (striatum, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex) were collected after behavioral tests for molecular experiments in which mRNA expression of orexin, dopamine, and adenosine receptors was explored by the qRT-PCR technique. Additionally, the mRNA expression of markers, such as GFAP and Iba-1, was also analyzed by the same technique. SB-334867 inhibited the acquisition of morphine-induced sensitization to locomotor activity of mice. Significant alterations were observed in mRNA expression of orexin, dopamine, and adenosine receptors and in the expression of GFAP and Iba-1, showing a broad range of interactions in the mesolimbic system among orexin, dopamine, adenosine, and glial cells during behavioral sensitization. Summing up, the orexin system may be an effective measure to inhibit morphine-induced behavioral sensitization.  相似文献   

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