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不同放牧强度下高寒草甸植被演替规律的数量分析   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
 本文采用数量分析方法,研究了不同放牧强度下高寒草甸植被的演替规律。聚类分析的结果,当相关系数R>0.850时,组成群落的24种植物聚合为6类,它们分别属于植物群落不同演替阶段的建群种,优势种或主要伴生种,当R>0.870时,6个放牧强度下的群落聚合为2类,分别属于以禾草植物为共建种的两层结构的植物群落和以矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)以及 杂类草为共建种的单层结构的植物群落。  相似文献   

青藏高原高寒灌丛植被对长期放牧强度试验的响应特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在青藏高原中国科学院海北高寒草甸生态系统定位研究站对金露梅高寒灌丛草场植被开展了长期不同放牧强度试验,分别在短期(4年)、中期(11年)和长期(18年)放牧阶段研究不同放牧干扰强度对草地植物物种多样性、群落结构、地上生物量和草场质量的影响.研究表明,在不同放牧阶段,随着放牧强度增加植物群落的高度和盖度都降低.在中期放牧干扰阶段,物种多样性数和均匀度指数随着放牧强度增加呈现典型的单峰曲线模式;在长期放牧干扰阶段,随着放牧强度增加,占优势地位的灌木和禾草被典型杂类草替代,其中的重度放牧干扰简化了高寒灌丛植被群落结构,减少了地上现存生物量,特别是可食优良牧草生物量.植被对放牧的响应除了与放牧强度和放牧时间阶段密切相关外,还与该地区水热条件的变化有一定的相关性.针对长期放牧干扰的反应特性可将金露梅灌丛草场中植物划分为增加型、敏感型、忍耐型和无反应型4种类型.除了丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数外,其它一些特征参数并不支持著名的中度干扰假说.本研究发现,长期重度放牧促进了青藏高原高寒草地退化,适度放牧有利于高寒灌丛草场的生物多样性保护和牧草利用;"取半留半"的放牧原则在青藏高原草场放牧管理实践中值得推荐,它将有利于防止草场退化,提高牧草利用率和维持较高的生物多样性.  相似文献   

高原鼠兔扰动对高寒草地植物群落特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高原鼠兔是青海湖流域高寒草地主要的啮齿动物.本文基于R-Vegan中的RDA排序方法,以有效洞口数差异将高原鼠兔扰动强度划分为4组,分析不同扰动强度下高寒草地植物群落特征,进而提出群落演替的概念模型,探究高原鼠兔扰动对高寒草地生态系统及放牧质量的影响.结果表明:随着扰动强度加大,出现以灯芯草为优势种的群落向以草地早熟禾、海乳草为优势种的群落演替.当扰动强度较小时,群落的总盖度、地上生物量、物种多样性和物种丰富度较高,但杂类草植物比例较高;当扰动强度较大时,各群落特征值较低且杂类草植物比例最高;当扰动强度适中时,各群落特征值比较高,禾本科和莎草科植物比例最大.因此,轻度扰动时,虽然群落特征值高但放牧质量低;过度扰动时出现草场植被退化;而扰动强度在阈值内可维持高寒草地生态系统稳定并提高放牧质量.  相似文献   

 不同放牧强度下高寒灌丛植物在生长发育、生理生态,物质生产和群落结构等方面主要有以下变化:1.在高寒灌丛草场,禾草类、莎草类和灌丛类植物的叶面积指数和平均生长速率随着放牧强度的减轻而增大;随着放牧强度的增加而减小。植株平均高度,植被盖度水平也与放牧强度呈负相关(p<0.01)。2.各项生长分析参数中:叶面积比率(LAR)、叶面积干重比(SLA)和叶干重比(LWR)与放牧强度之间存在负相关。叶面积指数(LAI)与地上生物量呈正相关(p<0.5),地上部现存在量与放牧强度呈负相关(p<0.01)。3.不同放牧强度条件下,高寒灌丛中的禾草类、莎草类、灌丛类和杂类草植物的种类组成和数量变化明显。其中禾草类和莎草类、灌丛类植物的生物量和种类组成比例在重度放牧下减少,在轻度放牧下增大。反之,重度放牧下杂类草的组成和数量明显增加,而轻度放牧下其比例降低。  相似文献   

放牧对藏北紫花针茅高寒草原植物群落特征的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
基于放牧试验,研究了不同放牧强度下藏北地区紫花针茅(Stipa purpurea)高寒草原植物群落特征的变化规律。结果表明,随着放牧强度的增强,植物群落盖度、地上生物量均呈现显著降低的趋势;紫花针茅等禾草类植物的重要值逐渐降低,莎草类中青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii)、牲畜不喜食的杂类草及有毒有害植物均有增加的趋势;如果持续过度放牧,植物群落表现出由紫花针茅等禾草为建群种的草地型向青藏苔草(Carex moorcroftii)、杂类草(Herbarum variarum)草地型过度的趋势;在中度放牧强度下,紫花针茅高寒草原α物种多样性达到最高水平,而继续增强放牧强度,则造成各项指标的迅速降低。  相似文献   

以时空转换的方法确定典型高寒嵩草草甸演替过程的4个关键阶段,以此为研究对象,探讨冬春放牧对高寒草甸生态系统植物功能群数量特征的影响,及在现有放牧制度下不同退化程度草甸植物群落数量特征对禁牧和减牧的响应。结果表明:当禾本科功能群在群落中的地位大于等于莎草科功能群时,减牧可以提高禾本科和莎草科功能群而降低杂类草功能群在群落中的地位;禁牧可以提高禾本科和杂类草功能群而降低莎草科功能群在群落中的地位。当莎草科功能群在群落中的地位大于禾本科功能群,且莎草科功能群以根茎密丛型植物为优势种时,放牧强度降低可以提升禾本科功能群但降低莎草科功能群在群落中地位;而莎草科功能群以密丛型植物为优势种时,放牧强度降低可增加莎草科功能群在群落中的地位,而禾本科功能群在群落中地位的变化取决于草地中裂缝的性质,一定强度的裂缝可以增加禾本科功能群在群落中的地位。因此,退化高寒嵩草草甸自我恢复方式的选择取决于可食性牧草组分、地表特征及恢复目标。当可食性牧草以禾本科功能群为优势种(或禾本科同莎草科功能群为共优种)时,减牧容易提高草地的牧用价值,而禁牧容易增加草地中杂类草功能群的比例,不利于畜牧业生产;当高寒嵩草草甸可食性牧草以莎草科功能群为优势种时,禁牧较减牧更容易加快其牧用性的恢复。小嵩草草甸草毡表层开裂期为该演替系列的激变期,而由于冻融交替形成的裂缝是草地恢复的新生带,如加以利用可以加速草地恢复。  相似文献   

祁连山金露梅灌丛草甸群落结构及主要种群的点格局分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
金露梅灌丛草甸是青藏高原高寒草地生态系统的重要组分之一,采用Ripley的K(t)函数分析方法,对放牧和封育条件下主要种群的分布格局和种间关系及金露梅灌丛群落动态变化进行了研究.结果表明:(1)经过6年的围栏封育,金露梅灌丛草甸主要种群的空间分布格局表现出从均匀或随机分布向随机或聚集分布转变的趋势,聚集强度随围封尺度增大而增加,随放牧的干扰而降低,聚集分布有利于种群发挥功能群整体效应.(2)围栏内不同功能群之间主要呈显著正关联;围栏外的禾草与杂类草、莎草与杂类草之间均呈显著负关联,出现种间资源竞争,且随着尺度的增大负关联逐渐增强,不同物种的生态位差异明显.(3)围栏内外种群点格局分布都具有明显的尺度依赖性,植物间相互作用和外界放牧干扰是影响物种不同尺度下空间格局变化的主要原因,点格局的变化驱动了群落结构的变化.可见,长期夏季放牧抑制了高寒金露梅灌丛草甸禾草和莎草植物的分株和生长,促进了杂类草的生长,金露梅灌丛草甸呈现出退化的趋势,围栏封育有利于草地生态系统的恢复演替.  相似文献   

不同放牧强度下高寒灌丛植物的生长特点   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
不同放牧强度下高寒灌丛植物在生长发育,生理生态,物质生产和群落等方面主要有以下变化:1.在高寒灌丛草场,禾草类,莎草类和灌丛类植物的叶面积指数和平均生长速率随着放牧强度的减轻而增大;随着放牧强度的增加而减小。植株平均高度,植被盖度水平也与放牧强度呈负相关(p<0.01)。2.各项生长分析参数中:叶面积比率,叶面积干重比和叶干重比与放牧强度之间存在负相关。叶面积指数与地上生物量呈相关(p<0.5),  相似文献   

封育是天然草地管理的一种有效措施,利于草地生产力提高和退化草地恢复。该研究通过对青藏高原高寒草甸放牧和封育草地物种多样性、植被构成、植物种生态位特征、草地演替度等分析,解析高寒草甸植物种间关系及草地演替方向。结果表明:(1)封育显著降低了草地群落植物物种数以及α和β多样性指数,显著增加了草地1年生植物种数、地面芽植物种数和地上生物量。(2)放牧草地地上生物量以莎草科(59.7%)和禾本科(23.9%)为主,封育草地地上生物量以禾本科(85.0%)为主;放牧草地优势种为矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)和线叶嵩草(K.capillifolia),封育草地优势种为垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)和早熟禾(Poasp.)。(3)放牧和封育草地的群落植物种重要值均与各自的生态位宽度变化规律一致。(4)草地植物种间竞争主要发生在不同科属植物种之间,封育增加了群落植物种整体生态位重叠值和植物种间竞争。(5)草地群落演替度为封育地放牧地,封育群落处于较稳定状态。研究认为,封育促进了高寒草甸由莎草+杂类草群落向禾草+杂类草群落演替。  相似文献   

临安次生灌丛植物多样性对林火烈度空间异质性的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以同一过火3a后临安市太阳镇天然次生灌丛为对象,采用样地调查法按不同林火烈度设置火干扰样地进行植物群落调查,以检验林分内部的林火烈度异质性是否与局部的植物多样性变化相关。结果表明:研究区共有高等植物83种,分属于38科67属,群落区系组成以亚热带科属为主,表现出常绿阔叶林已退化过渡到位于演替早期阶段的落叶次生灌丛群落的性质;低林火烈度对灌木层的树种组成有影响,但不明显;中烈度林火对灌木层的物种组成影响较大;低、中林火烈度下草本层的物种组成变化都很明显;灌木层的物种数和多样性指数都表现出低烈度火未火烧中烈度火的趋势;草本层的物种数、多样性指数和均匀度指数表现出中烈度火低烈度火未火烧的趋势;草本层的物种组成和多样性受林火烈度的影响较灌木层更大。研究表明次生灌丛群落过火区内部林火烈度异质性在初期会引起植物多样性的响应差异;低烈度火干扰可以增加次生灌丛生物多样性、促进群落更新;中烈度火干扰下木本植物物种多样性丧失较大,而草本植物多样性显著增加,不利于群落的正向演替。  相似文献   

桂西不同灌丛植物群落物种组成及其多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究通过野外设定样方、每木检尺的方法,调查了桂西9个市县的10种不同灌丛类型群落,分析了灌丛群落优势种重要值、物种组成、生长指标和物种多样性指数等生物学特征。结果表明:桂西灌丛资源丰富、分布广泛、类型多样,在调查的10个群落类型中,共有灌木树种87种,隶属于47科78属,以大戟科、蔷薇科和马鞭草科的树种较多;草本56种,隶属于31科48属,以禾本科、菊科和蔷薇科为主。灌丛群落主要分为灌木层和草本层,灌木层盖度为30%~70%,灌木的平均高度介于0.75~3.25 m之间,一般不超过5 m;草本层盖度为3%~90%,草本的平均高度在0.4~1.3 m之间,一般在1 m以下。不同灌丛群落的优势种重要值、物种多样性均不同,单优势种群落的优势种重要值普遍较高;而多优势种群落的物种多样性指数较高,即多优势种群落的物种数量多、分布均匀、结构更加复杂和稳定。物种丰富度S、多样性指数H′、优势度指数D和均匀度指数E之间存在显著的正相关性。综合分析,群落9(白栎+马桑+火棘灌丛)和群落10(黄荆+灰毛浆果楝灌丛)的组成丰富、多样性水平较高。  相似文献   

青海省高寒灌丛物种多样性、生物量及其关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物种多样性对生态系统功能的作用是生物多样性研究的核心领域之一,生物量水平是生态系统功能的重要表现形式,而植物群落的生物量则是生态系统生物量的基础,因此研究植物群落物种多样性与生物量的关系,对于阐明植物多样性对生态系统功能的作用具有重要意义。通过对青海省高寒灌丛生物量、灌丛物种多样性特征以及与生物量的关系调查,得到以下结果:(1)被调查灌木植被群落的40个样地中共出现了207种植物(其中灌木植物18种,草本植物189种),隶属于130属,43科,灌木以蔷薇科、杜鹃花科为主,而草本以菊科、龙胆科、毛茛科和莎草科占优势。(2)群落多样性指数偏低,植物群落结构简单,物种组成稀少。小叶金露梅群落的多样性指数最大,金露梅群落、细枝绣线菊群落和鲜卑花群落次之,百里香杜鹃+头花杜鹃群落最低。(3)不同高寒灌丛类型生物量介于1893.03—7585.41 g/m~2之间,平均值为3775.9 g/m2,其中灌木生物量占灌丛总生物量的73.55%,草本为26.45%。(4)总生物量随草本物种多样性和群落物种多样性的增加而减小;草本生物量随其物种多样性的增加而减小,而灌木物种多样性与其生物量并无显著相关性。  相似文献   

Woody species encroachment of grasslands globally causes many socioecological impacts, including loss of grazing pastures and decreased biodiversity. Soil microbial communities may partially regulate the pace of shrub encroachment, as plant-microbial interactions can strongly influence plant success. We measured fungal composition and activity under dominant plant species across a grassland to shrubland transition to determine if shrubs cultivate soil microbial communities as they invade. Specifically, soil microbial communities, abiotic soil properties, and extracellular enzyme activities were quantified for soils under four common Chihuahuan Desert plant species (three grasses, one shrub) in central New Mexico, U.S.A. Extracellular enzyme activity levels were fairly consistent under different plant species across the grassland to shrubland transition. Activity levels of two enzymes (alkaline phosphatase and beta-N-acetyl-glucosaminidase) were lower in the ecotone, presumably because soil organic matter content was also lower in ecotone soils. Community composition of soil fungi mirrored patterns in the plant community, with distinct plant and fungal communities in the shrubland and grassland, while grassland-shrubland ecotone soils hosted a mix of taxa from both habitats. We show that shrubs cultivate a distinct microbial community on the leading edge of the invasion, which may be necessary for shrub colonization, establishment, and persistence.  相似文献   

Aims The eastern Himalayan region of Southwest China represents the world's most biodiverse temperate region as well as a cultural hotspot undergoing rapid cultural and ecological change. This area represents the center of origin for many plant groups including horticulturally valuable species of Pedicularis, Rhododendron and Primula. Alpine meadows here also provide summer pastures for Tibetan yak herders and the source for important medicinal plants. Stocking levels for livestock here have quadrupled over the last five decades and shrubs are encroaching into many historical rangelands. Yak herders voice concerns over both shrub encroachment and shrinking grasslands. In this study, we sought to determine: (i) Are alpine rangelands in Deqin County overgrazed and degraded? (ii) What are the local impacts of grazing on plant diversity and community composition? And (iii) which environmental variables covary with these differences in species composition across the grazing gradient?Methods To examine the ecological impacts of grazing in Deqin County, northwest Yunnan and assess its long-term sustainability, we used county records to determine historical population and livestock numbers, confirmed the results of interviews by Haynes (2011) and surveyed plant species richness and cover along a grazing gradient extending away from herder huts. Along these transects, we sampled 1?m 2 quadrats at 5 m intervals, noting species present and percent cover for vascular plants, grasses, sedges, rushes, moss, lichen, exposed rock, bare ground and feces. We also measured the average and maximum plant height within each quadrat. We then computed species richness for each of the 38 transects, calculating alpha and beta diversities. We used one-way ANOVAs to compare mean species richness values and average and maximum plant height across grazing intensities. To chart changes in composition along the 100m gradient, we also plotted the percent cover of graminoid, forb, shrub and bare ground versus distance from the hut. We applied NMS ordination to relate community patterns to environmental variables and grazing intensity using distances to determine species groupings.Important findings Livestock impacts are clearly evident with proportions of grass and bare ground decreasing, shrubs increasing and forbs maintaining even cover with increasing distance from the huts. In comparison with earlier surveys of sites farther from huts, we found reduced plant cover and diversity. Plant species richness almost doubles with increasing distance from herder huts from 9.9 to 19.3 species per 1 m 2 quadrat. An ordination of species and environmental variables demonstrates that grazing strongly affects plant community com position across these plots with strong impacts on palatable plants. If herd sizes remain large and suitable areas for grazing continue to decline, the cumulative impacts of grazing appear likely to degrade the rich diversity of the region and reduce rangeland quality, threatening its ability to sustain current grazing levels.  相似文献   

长白山苔原带植被正在发生显著变化,灌木苔原中灌木植物分布范围萎缩,重要值下降。通过样方调查数据,分析灌木苔原中优势种的变化,灌木分布格局和灌木群落结构特征沿海拔的差异,旨在揭示长白山灌木苔原退化的区域差异,为明确其退化机理提供基础数据。研究表明:(1)长白山西坡灌木苔原退化严重,多种草本植物已经侵入,并成为优势种。目前7个优势种中灌木仅占2席,草本植物占据5席,与1979年的样方调查结果相比灌木优势种的数量和地位都明显下降。7个优势种均为聚集分布,各优势种分布呈现斑块化、分离化,统一的灌木苔原面临解体;大部分灌木苔原群落中,出现了草本层,苔原带下部灌木苔原中草本层高于灌木层,物种组成和群落形态接近草木苔原。(2)灌木在各海拔均仍有广泛分布,但其空间分布格局明显不同。在海拔2300m以下,灌木的分布产生较强的聚集现象,特别是在海拔2100m以下这种聚集分布现象更为突出;在海拔2300m以上灌木的聚集程度较弱。(3)长白山西坡灌木苔原退化的区域分异明显,在海拔2100m以下灌木苔原退化严重,成为草-灌苔原;在海拔2100—2300m之间,灌木苔原退化较严重,成为灌-草苔原;在海拔2300m以上,退化较轻,仍为灌木苔原。由此推断,长白山西坡灌木苔原的退化机理应包括两个方面:草本植物入侵,种间竞争导致灌木退化,以及环境变化导致灌木退化,二者皆可能是全球气候变化的结果。  相似文献   

Periodic climatic oscillations and species dispersal during the postglacial period are two important causes of plant assemblage and distribution on the Qinghai‐Tibet Plateau (QTP). To improve our understanding of the bio‐geological histories of shrub communities on the QTP, we tested two hypotheses. First, the intensity of climatic oscillations played a filtering role during community structuring. Second, species dispersal during the postglacial period contributed to the recovery of species and phylogenetic diversity and the emergence of phylogenetic overdispersion. To test these hypotheses, we investigated and compared the shrub communities in the alpine and desert habitats of the northeastern QTP. Notably, we observed higher levels of species and phylogenetic diversity in the alpine habitat than in the desert habitat, leading to phylogenetic overdispersion in the alpine shrub communities versus phylogenetic clustering in the desert shrub communities. This phylogenetic overdispersion increased with greater climate anomalies. These results suggest that (a) although climate anomalies strongly affect shrub communities, these phenomena do not act as a filter for shrub community structuring, and (b) species dispersal increases phylogenetic diversity and overdispersion in a community. Moreover, our investigation of the phylogenetic community composition revealed a larger number of plant clades in the alpine shrub communities than in the desert shrub communities, which provided insights into plant clade‐level differences in the phylogenetic structures of alpine and desert shrub communities in the northeastern QTP.  相似文献   

The interspecific plant interactions along grazing and aridity stress gradients represent a major research issue in plant ecology. However, the combined effects of these two factors on plant–plant interactions have been poorly studied in the northeast of Iran. To fill this knowledge gap, 144 plots were established in 12 study sites with different grazing intensities (high vs. low) and climatic characteristics (arid vs. semiarid) in northeastern Iran. A dominant shrub, Artemisia kopetdaghensis, was selected as the model species. Further, we studied changes in plant life strategies along the combined grazing and aridity stress gradients. In this study, we used relative interaction indices calculated for species richness, Shannon diversity, and species cover to determine plant–plant interactions using linear mixed‐effect models (LMM). The indicator species analysis was used to identify the indicator species for the undercanopy of shrub and for the adjacent open areas. The combined effects of grazing and aridity affected the plant–plant interactions and plant life strategies (CSR) of indicator species. A. kopetdaghensis showed the highest facilitation effect under high stress conditions (high grazing, high aridity), which turned into competition under the low stress conditions (low grazing, low aridity). In the arid region, the canopy of the shrub protected ruderals, annual forbs, and grasses in both high and low grazing intensities. In the semiarid region and high grazing intensity (low aridity/high grazing), the shrubs protected mostly perennial forbs with C‐strategy. Our findings highlight the importance of context‐dependent shrub management to restore the vegetation damaged by the intensive grazing.  相似文献   

Plant communities are structured by both competition and facilitation. The interplay between the two interactions can vary depending on environmental factors, nature of stress, and plant traits. However, whether positive or negative interactions dominate in regions of high biotic and abiotic stress remains unclear. We studied herbaceous plant communities associated with a dwarf shrub Caragana versicolor in semi-arid, high altitude Trans-Himalayan rangelands of Spiti, India. We surveyed 120 pairs of plots (within and outside shrub canopies) across four watersheds differing in altitude, aspect, and dominant herbivores. Herbaceous communities within shrub canopies had 25% higher species richness, but similar abundance when compared to communities outside the canopy, with the shrub edge having higher diversity than the centre of the canopy. Grasses and erect forbs showed positive associations with the shrub, while prostrate plants occurred at much lower abundance within the canopy. Rare species showed stronger positive associations with Caragana than abundant species. Experimental removal of herbaceous vegetation from within shrub canopies led to 42% increase in flowering in Caragana, indicating a cost to the host shrubs. Our study indicates a robust pattern of a dwarf shrub facilitating local community diversity across this alpine landscape, increasing diversity at the plot level, facilitating rare species, and yet incurring a cost to hosts from the presence of herbaceous plants. Given these large influences of this shrub on the vegetation of these high altitude rangelands, we suggest that the shrub microhabitat be explicitly considered in any analyses of ecosystem health in such rangelands.  相似文献   

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