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森林-草原交错带夏季鸟类群落多样性特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2004~2006年夏季利用样线法研究了内蒙古高原东南缘森林-草原交错带鸟类群落多样性特征及变化规律.共记录鸟类73种,隶属于13目28科56属,鸟类区系具有明显的古北界特征.鸟类群落物种数和密度年间差异不显著,α多样性随森林-草原交错带环境梯度变化而发生显著变化:在不同植被地带之间,物种数、密度、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数差异极显著、但科-属多样性差异不显著,鸟类群落α多样性各项指数表现为森林带<交错带森林草甸区>交错带草甸草原区>草原带的特征与变化趋势(DG-F为交错带草甸草原区>森林带);其中,森林草甸区是鸟类物种多样性的显著增长区,具有最高的物种数和密度,明显体现了交错区的边缘效应,草甸草原区是鸟类向草原过渡的显著变化区域、物种多样性开始显著减少.β多样性随不同植被地带逐级发生显著变化,环境差异最大的森林带-森林草甸区和草甸草原区-草原带具有最高的β多样性,物种替代速率最大;鸟类物种替代速率与环境梯度"陡度"有密切关系.鸟类优势种在各植被地带之间存在较大变化.鸟类群落的物种数、密度和物种多样性(H')与森林斑块数呈显著的正相关性,在大尺度空间上森林斑块数是影响鸟类群落多样性的最主要因素.  相似文献   

森林破碎化(或岛屿化)是导致当前生物多样性丧失的重要成因之一。滇中地区地带性的半湿润常绿阔叶林(semi-humid evergreen broad-leaved forests, SEBFs)具有显著的岛屿化特征。当前村寨周边面积大小、形状不一的“岛状”森林为研究破碎化的半湿润常绿阔叶林及其物种多样性特征提供了理想对象。本文通过植被遥感制图和群落样方调查,运用空间统计、物种多样性分析、群落排序及环境解释,探讨了滇中高原半湿润常绿阔叶林的岛屿化特征及其对群落物种多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)滇中高原现存半湿润常绿阔叶林仅占其潜在分布范围的1.5%,面积≥100 ha的林斑有92块,而面积<10 ha的林斑占斑块总数的54.6%和总面积的7.8%;该植被类型面积萎缩和破碎化严重;(2)99%的林斑到村寨的距离<3 km,距离村寨越远,林斑平均面积越大,但样方物种α多样性除均匀度外变化不显著;不同面积等级斑块中样方物种α多样性也仅物种丰富度有显著变化,面积超过100ha的大斑块有更高的物种丰富度;离村寨越近,样方群落物种组成简单化和同质化现象加强;(3)样方群落β多样性主要由物...  相似文献   

朱芸  盛尚  郑进凤  伍素  张凯  徐雨 《动物学杂志》2022,57(2):205-212
小岛屿效应打破了传统的种-面积关系认知,是当前岛屿生物地理学与生境破碎化领域的研究热点之一。然而,目前的研究缺乏以人类干扰度较高的城市破碎化生境为载体来探究小岛屿效应问题。本研究以贵州花溪大学城30个面积0.25 ~ 290.40 hm2的残存自然林地为研究区,在2017至2021年的鸟类繁殖季对林地中的鸟类进行调查。共记录到鸟类98种,隶属于11目41科。剔除高空飞行、非森林鸟类及偶然出现的物种后,不同斑块中的鸟类物种数介于12至49种之间,平均每个斑块24种。在R软件中利用“sars”包构建4种关键种-面积回归模型发现,先平后升的两段式回归模型是预测种-面积关系的最佳模型。该模型显示,在面积阈值1.16 hm2之上,物种丰富度随着面积的增加逐渐增多,符合传统岛屿生物地理学提出的面积效应;但是,在面积阈值1.16 hm2之下,物种丰富度不随面积发生显著变化,表现出小岛屿效应的特征。小岛屿效应的形成可能与喀斯特特殊地貌环境、食物资源或“中转站”、“垫脚石”等生态功能相关,其具体发生机制尚有待进一步研究。根据本研究结果,建议在城市规划建设时尽可能保护自然林地并设计绿色过渡带,在优先保护大林地斑块的同时不应忽视对具有重要生态价值的小林地斑块的保护。  相似文献   

园林鸟类群落的岛屿性格局   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
岛屿群落由于受岛屿栖息地特征结构的影响而产生一系列特殊的格局。通过对杭州市园林鸟类群落的研究,分析了园林鸟类群落的物种数、组成和多度与园林岛屿性状的关系,从而确定了园林鸟类群落存在如下与园林的岛屿性状有关的格局:(1)在物种数方面,在相同的取样面积下,园林的物种数随园林面积的增大而减少;(2 )在群落组成上,园林鸟类群落呈现出不完全的嵌套格局,分布于物种数较少的园林中的物种多数也分布在物种数较多的园林中;(3)在物种多度方面,园林鸟类的总密度随面积的增大而减少,园林鸟类多度的均匀度随着面积的增大而提高。群落的岛屿性格局反映了栖息地的岛屿化对群落的影响,总称之为群落的岛屿效应。通过比较全年、繁殖季节、越冬季节和迁徙季节群落岛屿性格局的显著性,分析群落的稳定性与群落岛屿效应之间的关系,认为两者之间没有必然的联系,相对非稳定的群落也可导致显著岛屿效应  相似文献   

岛屿栖息地鸟类群落的丰富度及其影响因子   总被引:25,自引:4,他引:21  
1997年1月至1997年12月间,以杭州市的园林鸟类群落为研究对象,对岛屿栖息地鸟类群落的丰富度与面积,人为干扰,内部结构和周围景观结构等多种因素的关系进行了系统的分析和检验。在杭州市各园林中共观察到82种鸟类。园林单次调查的鸟类物种数(S)与园林全年总物种数(Sy)与园林面积(A)的最佳回归拟合方程分别为;S= 2.7432A^0.3846,Sy=10.6574A^0.3669。杭州市园林鸟类群落物种-面积关系的成因不支持平衡假说,随机取样假说,栖息地多样性假说和干扰假说,岛屿栖息地鸟类群落的丰富度是多因素综合作用的结果,包括取样面积效应(排除了取样面积效应之后,小园林具有更高的物种密度),栖息地结构的多样性(其中树种多样性是最主要的影响因子),干扰因素,物种因素和研究尺度等几个方面。  相似文献   

为揭示城镇化进程中生境破碎化对鸟类多样性及分布格局的影响, 本研究于2017-2019年每年的4-8月使用样线法对贵州花溪大学城26块破碎化林地(面积介于0.3-290.4 ha)中的鸟类群落进行了10次调查。共记录到鸟类78种, 隶属于11目37科。其中, 东洋界物种数占56.4%, 古北界物种数占32.1%, 广布种占11.5%; 有中国特有种1种。剔除高空飞行、非森林鸟类及偶然出现物种后, 不同斑块中的鸟类物种数介于12-55之间, 平均每个斑块有23.2 ± 10.5种。线性回归分析显示, 鸟类物种丰富度与林地斑块的面积有显著相关性, 斑块面积越小, 鸟类物种丰富度越低; 斑块隔离度对物种丰富度没有显著影响。基于物种多度分布矩阵的WNODF (weighted nestedness metric based on overlap and decreasing fill)嵌套分析显示, 不同斑块中鸟类群落呈现出反嵌套结构。小斑块中鸟类物种丰富度较低可能与植物丰富度较低、食物资源稀缺和繁育条件不足有关, 但短距离的隔离对鸟类迁入或扩散影响有限。环境过滤效应、种间竞争或优先效应可能导致不同斑块间存在较大的物种组成差异, 从而导致反嵌套格局。因此, 本研究建议在城市规划建设中应注重维持栖息地的完整性, 对不同面积大小的破碎化斑块都应加以保护。  相似文献   

邓文洪  赵匠  高玮 《生态学报》2003,23(6):1087-1094
于1998~2000年夏季。运用GPS定位系统确定了12块面积范围为6.5~112.8hm。的彼此隔离的森林斑块。比较了斑块面积和栖息地质量对繁殖鸟类群落结构的影响。结果表明:不同面积斑块中繁殖鸟类的群落结构有所差异。各斑块所容纳的繁殖鸟类的物种数从4种到26种不等。鸟类物种数随着斑块面积的增大而增多。不同鸟类对斑块面积的反应并不相同,耐边缘种偏爱面积较小的斑块。而非边缘种偏爱在大面积的斑块中繁殖。斑块栖息地质量也是影响鸟类群落结构的重要因素,质量好的斑块包容的鸟类物种较多。鸟类物种丰富度与斑块质量的相关性(R2=0.67)小于与斑块面积的相关性(R2=0.88)。各斑块中的鸟类群落结构在不同年份间比较相似。栖息地破碎化不但缩小了栖息地面积。同时也不同程度地降低了栖息地的质量。从而消极地影响着鸟类群落结构的稳定性和鸟类的物种多样性。  相似文献   

在千岛湖片段化景观中选取20个陆桥岛屿和8个大陆样点,从2012年7月到2014年4月,按季度(春、夏、秋季)6次采用巴氏陷阱法收集地表甲虫,分析其物种多度、组成、多样性和季节动态,以及不同岛屿上的地表甲虫的物种多样性与岛屿面积和隔离度等岛屿空间特征的关系.结果表明: 共收集记录到地表甲虫26科101种3370头.大陆和大岛地表甲虫的物种丰富度有显著差异,且小岛地表甲虫密度显著高于大陆;大陆地表甲虫的物种组成变化较大,而岛屿上分布的地表甲虫的物种组成则变化较小.地表甲虫的物种丰富度与岛屿面积呈显著正相关,密度与隔离度呈显著正相关.夏季岛屿上地表甲虫物种丰富度高于春秋两季,岛屿与大陆样地的Shannon指数、Simpson指数和Pielou均匀度指数均在夏季最高、秋季最低.  相似文献   

为了明确岛屿空间特征对植物物种多样性的影响,该研究应用样线法和样方法对福建省平潭主岛周边19座无居民海岛进行植被调查,统计分析每座岛屿的物种丰富度和典型植物群落的Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数;采用多种函数对种-面积关系进行拟合,并利用冗余分析影响岛屿典型植物群落物种多样性的空间因素,以探究岛屿植物物种多样性的形成与维持机制。结果表明:(1)平潭主岛周边19座无居民岛屿中有12座岛屿以典型的岛屿森林群落为主,有2座岛屿以灌草丛为主且缺乏乔木层,有5座岛屿只有草丛覆盖。(2)19座岛屿的植物物种丰富度均随岛屿面积的增加而增加,当岛屿面积增加到7.184 hm2时,物种数量增加的速率减慢。(3)岛屿的面积、周长、周长面积比、近岸距离是影响物种多样性的主要空间特征,其中岛屿的面积、周长越大,周长面积比、近岸距离越小,岛屿的物种丰富度越高。(4)在岛屿典型植物群落中,乔木层的物种多样性主要受岛屿面积、周长、周长面积比的影响,而灌、草层的物种多样性主要受近岸距离的影响。研究认为,岛屿面积达...  相似文献   

采用栅格采样法,于2006年4、5、8和10月对千岛湖库区50个不同大小岛屿中节肢动物的种类与数量进行了调查,分析了岛屿面积、海拔、形状和距离等因素对岛屿节肢动物物种丰富度的影响.结果表明:岛屿上节肢动物总物种丰富度、高扩散力物种丰富度和低扩散力物种丰富度均随岛屿面积的增大而增加,且岛屿面积与物种丰富度之间的关系符合经典岛屿生物地理学模型;节肢动物物种丰富度受岛屿面积、海拔和形状的综合影响,距离对岛屿上物种的丰富度没有显著影响;总的物种丰富度与岛屿形状指数和海拔呈显著正相关,岛屿面积和海拔与高扩散力物种的物种丰富度显著相关,而低扩散力物种与岛屿各地理因素之间的相关性均不显著.  相似文献   

Bird communities in tropical forests are strongly affected by both patch area and habitat edges. The fact that both effects are intrinsically confounded in space raises questions about how these two widely reported ecological patterns interact, and whether they are independent or simply different spatial manifestations of the same phenomenon. Moreover, do small patches of secondary forest, in landscapes where the most sensitive species have gone locally extinct, exhibit similar patterns to those previously observed in fragmented and continuous primary forests? We addressed these questions by testing edge‐related differences in vegetation structure and bird community composition at 31 sites in fragmented and continuous landscapes in the imperilled Atlantic forest of Brazil. Over a two‐year period, birds were captured with mist nets to a standardized effort of 680 net‐hours at each site (~22 000 net‐hours resulting in 3381 captures from 114 species). We found that the bird community in patches of secondary forest was degraded in species composition compared to primary continuous forest, but still exhibited a strong response to edge effects. In fragmented secondary forests, edge and area effects also interacted, such that the magnitude of edge to interior differences on bird community composition declined markedly with patch size. The change in bird species composition between forest interiors and edges was similar to the change in community composition between large and small patches (because species had congruent responses to edge and area), but after controlling for edge effects community composition was no longer affected by patch area. Our results show that although secondary forests hold an impoverished bird community, ecological patterns such as area and edge effects are similar to those reported for primary forests. Our data provide further evidence that edge effects are the main drivers of area effects in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Aim To examine the response of forest‐dependent and generalist bird assemblages and feeding guilds to patch characteristics of forest fragments in the context of island biogeography and metapopulation theories in an area that supports high levels of species diversity and endemism. Location Dune, riverine, sand and swamp forest fragments in southern Mozambique’s Maputaland. Methods We recorded 20 forest‐dependent and 69 generalist bird species at 220 survey points in 30 forest fragments that ranged in size from 5 to 7432 ha and that were 100 to 5100 m apart. We used linear regressions to relate the number of species to forest fragment size, isolation, perimeter, fractal dimension, shape and core area for frugivores, insectivores, granivores, nectarivores, carnivores and omnivores separately for forest‐dependent and generalist bird assemblages. We tested for modality in occupancy frequency distributions of species in forest fragments and used the binary matrix temperature calculator to determine whether the assemblages had a nested structure separately for forest‐dependent and generalist bird species. Results The number of forest‐dependent and generalist bird species categorized into the feeding guilds varied independently from forest patch parameter values. Occupancy models showed a random distribution for forest‐dependent birds, and generalists had a unimodal distribution. Both the forest‐dependent and generalist bird assemblages had a non‐nested structure. The presence of eight rare forest‐dependent and four endemic bird species in 22 of the 30 fragments contributed to the non‐nested structure of these bird assemblages. Main conclusions Fragmented forests did not induce the expected responses of the forest bird assemblages in that the number of species was not explained by patch characteristics, nor could we find evidence for metapopulation dynamics. Non‐nestedness may be caused by the few rare and endemic species occupying forest fragments with a wide range of patch characteristics. Knowledge of the response of species to forest fragmentation can benefit conservation planning catering for rare and endemic species. Our study suggests that all forest fragments in the region may have to be included in a conservation network to complement existing landscape‐based plans to protect the region.  相似文献   

This study examines how fragmentation through changes in patch size and increasing distances between forest patches affects bird species richness. Numbers of bird species were higher in large forest patches and decrease with decreasing patch size. Bird species richness also decreased with increased isolation of forest patches. Suitable trees should be planted in the gaps between the forests that will create wildlife corridors to maintain connectivity.  相似文献   

Aims It is known that taxonomic diversity can be predicted by the spatial configuration of the habitat, in particular by its area and degree of isolation. However, taxonomic diversity is a poor predictor of ecosystem functioning. While functional diversity is strongly linked to the functionality and stability of ecosystems, little is known about how changes in the spatial configuration of the habitat affect functional diversity. In this study, we evaluated whether the spatial configuration of forest patches predicts the functional diversity of plants in a fragmented forest.Methods Five functional leaf traits (leaf dry matter content, leaf punch force, specific leaf area, leaf size and leaf thickness) were measured for 23 dominant plant species in 20 forest patches in a naturally fragmented forest on the Yucatan Peninsula. Abundance-weighted multivariate and individual trait metrics of functional diversity were calculated and correlated with size, degree of isolation and the shape of forest patches.Important findings Patch shape was negatively correlated with multivariate and individual trait (leaf dry matter content and leaf size) metrics of functional diversity. Patch isolation measures were also negatively correlated with individual trait (leaf dry matter content, leaf punch force and leaf size) metrics of functional diversity. In other words, greater patch shape irregularity and isolation degree impoverish plant functional variability. This is the first report of the negative effects of patch shape irregularity and isolation on the functional diversity of plant communities in a forest that has been fragmented for a long time.  相似文献   

破碎化次生林斑块面积及斑块隔离对大山雀繁殖成功的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
研究了破碎化山地次生林中斑块面积及斑块隔离度对大山雀(Parus major)繁殖成功的影响,运用GPS定位系统确定了18块大,中,小3种类型的斑块及对照样点,观测了大山雀产第一枚卵时间,窝卵数,平均卵重,出雏量及雏鸟出飞量等生态指标,结果表明,斑块隔离度对大山雀繁殖成功没有影响,1999-2000年两年中,大山雀在连续分布次生林中的产卵时间平均早于各斑块中的产卵时间7.2d,各斑块间的产卵时间差异较小,连续分布次生林和较大面积斑块内的大山雀窝卵数略高于中,小面积斑块内的窝卵数,连续分布生林中的平均卵重最大,斑块面积对出雏量及雏鸟不量没有影响,中,小面积斑块内的巢损失率较高,最主要的原因是巢址竞争较激烈。  相似文献   

In present day European landscapes many forest plant species are restricted to isolated remnants of a formerly more or less continuous forest cover. The two major objectives of this study were (1) to determine the relative importance of habitat quality (mainly in terms of soil parameters), habitat configuration (patch size and isolation) and habitat continuity for the distribution of herbaceous forest plant species in a highly fragmented landscape and (2) to examine if groups of species with different habitat requirements are affected differently. Deciduous forest patches in northwestern Germany were surveyed for the presence of a large set of forest species. For each patch, habitat quality, configuration and continuity were determined. Data were analysed by Redundancy Analysis with variation partitioning for effects on total species composition and multivariate logistic regression for effects on individual species, for two different data sets (base‐rich and base‐poor forest patches). Overall, we found strong effects of habitat quality (particularly of soil pH, water content and topographic heterogeneity in the base‐rich forest patches; and of calcium content and disturbance in the base‐poor patches), but only relatively weak effects of habitat configuration and habitat continuity. However, a number of species were positively affected by patch area and negatively affected by patch isolation. Furthermore, the relative importance of habitat configuration tended to be higher for species predominantly growing in closed forests compared to species occurring both in the forest and in the open landscape.  相似文献   

Aim The aim of this study was to analyse whether, and how, the inclusion of habitat specialists and edge‐preferring species modifies the species–area relationship predictions of the island biogeography theory for an insect group (ground beetles, Coloptera: Carabidae) living in natural fragments. Species–habitat island area relationships applied to terrestrial habitat islands can be distorted by the indiscriminate inclusion of all species occurring in the fragments. Matrices surrounding terrestrial habitat fragments can provide colonists that do not necessarily distinguish the fragment from the matrix and can survive and reproduce there. Edge‐preferring species can further distort the expected relationship, as smaller fragments have larger edge:core ratios. Location Nineteen forest fragments were studied in the Bereg Plain, Hungary, and SW Ukraine. This area contains natural forest patches, mainly of oak and hornbeam, and supports a mountain entomofauna. Methods Ground beetles (Carabidae) present in the 19 forest patches were categorized into generalists, forest specialists and edge‐preferring species. We analysed the relationship between species richness and fragment area using species richness in the different categories. Results The assemblages contained a high share of generalist species (species that occur also in the surrounding matrix). Forest patch size and the number of generalist species showed a marginally significant negative relationship, indicating that generalist species were more important in smaller patches. Forest specialist species richness was correlated positively with patch area. Edge‐preferring species were shown to influence the species–area relationship: the number of edge‐preferring species increased with the edge:area ratio. Main conclusions Both generalist and edge‐preferring species can considerably distort the species–area relationship. Island biogeography theory can be applied to habitat islands only if the habitat islands are defined correctly from the viewpoint of the target species.  相似文献   

Avian species persistence in a forest patch is strongly related to the degree of isolation and size of a forest patch and the vegetation structure within a patch and its matrix are important predictors of bird habitat suitability. A combination of space‐borne optical (Landsat), ALOS‐PALSAR (radar), and airborne Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) data was used for assessing variation in forest structure across forest patches that had undergone different levels of forest degradation in a logged forest—agricultural landscape in Southern Laos. The efficacy of different remote sensing (RS) data sources in distinguishing forest patches that had different seizes, configurations, and vegetation structure was examined. These data were found to be sensitive to the varying levels of degradation of the different patch categories. Additionally, the role of local scale forest structure variables (characterized using the different RS data and patch area) and landscape variables (characterized by distance from different forest patches) in influencing habitat preferences of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red listed birds found in the study area was examined. A machine learning algorithm, MaxEnt, was used in conjunction with these data and field collected geographical locations of the avian species to identify the factors influencing habitat preference of the different bird species and their suitable habitats. Results show that distance from different forest patches played a more important role in influencing habitat suitability for the different avian species than local scale factors related to vegetation structure and health. In addition to distance from forest patches, LiDAR‐derived forest structure and Landsat‐derived spectral variables were important determinants of avian habitat preference. The models derived using MaxEnt were used to create an overall habitat suitability map (HSM) which mapped the most suitable habitat patches for sustaining all the avian species. This work also provides insight that retention of forest patches, including degraded and isolated forest patches in addition to large contiguous forest patches, can facilitate bird species retention within tropical agricultural landscapes. It also demonstrates the effective use of RS data in distinguishing between forests that have undergone varying levels of degradation and identifying the habitat preferences of different bird species. Practical conservation management planning endeavors can use such data for both landscape scale monitoring and habitat mapping.  相似文献   

In fragmented landscapes, changes in habitat availability, patch size, shape and isolation may affect survival of local populations. Proposing efficient conservation strategies for such species relies initially on distinguishing the particular effects of those factors. To address these issues, we investigated the occurrence of 3 bird species in fragmented Brazilian Atlantic Forest landscapes. Playback techniques were used to collect presence/absence data of these species inside 80 forest patches, and incidence models were used to infer their occupancy pattern from landscape spatial structure. The relative importance of patch size, shape and surrounding forest cover and isolation was assessed using a model selection approach based on maximum likelihood estimation. The presence of all species was in general positively affected by the amount of surrounding habitat and negatively affected by inter‐patch distances. The joint effects of patch size and the surrounding landscape characteristics were important determinants of occupancy for two species. The third species was affected only by forest cover and mean patch isolation. Our results suggest that local species presence is in general more influenced by the isolation from surrounding forests than by patch size alone. We found evidence that, in highly fragmented landscapes, birds that can not find patches large enough to settle may be able to overcome short distances through the matrix and include several nearby patches within their home‐ranges to complement their resource needs. In these cases, patches must be defined as functionally connected habitat networks rather than mere continuous forest segments. Bird conservation strategies in the Atlantic forest should focus on increasing patch density and connectivity, in order to implement forest networks that reduce the functional isolation between large remnants with remaining core habitat.  相似文献   

Aim Madagascar's lowland forests are both rich in endemic taxa and considered to be seriously threatened by deforestation and habitat fragmentation. However, very little is known about how these processes affect biodiversity on the island. Herein, we examine how forest bird communities and functional groups have been affected by fragmentation at both patch and landscape scales, by determining relationships between species richness and individual species abundance and patch and landscape mosaic metrics. Location Littoral forest remnants within south‐eastern Madagascar. Methods We sampled 30 littoral forest remnants in south‐eastern Madagascar, within a landscape mosaic dominated by Erica spp. heathland. We quantified bird community composition within remnants of differing size, shape and isolation, by conducting point counts in November–December in 2001 and October–November 2002. Each remnant was characterized by measures of remnant area, remnant shape, isolation, and surrounding landscape complexity. We used step‐wise regression to test the relationship between bird species richness and landscape structural elements, after correcting for sampling effort. Relationships between bird species abundances and the landscape variables were investigated with Canonical Correspondence Analysis and binomial logistic regression modelling. Results Bird species richness and forest‐dependent bird species richness were significantly (P < 0.01) explained by remnant area but not by any measure of isolation or landscape complexity. The majority of forest‐dependent species had significant relationships with remnant area. Minimum area requirements for area‐sensitive species ranged from 15 to 150 ha, with the majority of species having area requirements > 30 ha. Surprisingly, there was no relationship between bird body size and minimum area requirement. Forest‐dependent canopy insectivorous species and large canopy frugivorous species were the most sensitive functional groups, with > 90% species sensitivity within each group. The distribution of four forest‐dependent species also appeared to be related to remnant shape where remnant area was < 100 ha. Main conclusions The majority of forest‐dependent species, including many that are considered widespread and common, were found to have significant relationships with fragment size, indicating that they are sensitive to processes associated with habitat loss and fragmentation. As deforestation and habitat fragmentation remain serious problems on the island, it follows that many forest‐dependent bird species will decline in abundance and become locally extinct. At the regional scale, we urge that large (> 200 ha) blocks of littoral forest are awarded protected status to preserve their unique bird community.  相似文献   

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