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辽西义县组孢粉植物群指示的古气候条件   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
迄今为止,在辽西北票义县地区的下白垩统义县组二段沉积层中,已发现孢粉化石62属,82种,藻类化石3种。本文对产于不同地点沉积层中的孢粉化石进行了系统研究和总结。根据孢粉母体植物形态和生态特征、生长的气候环境和干湿度环境,对义县组二段的孢粉植物群进行了植被类型、气候带类型和干湿度类型的统计和划分,认为义县组二段沉积时期,其孢粉植被类型为针叶林,所处的气候环境为湿润的亚热带一暖温带。由于植被成分中存在落叶阔叶植物和旱生植物,推测气候环境存在季节性变化,间有干旱一半干旱气候条件。  相似文献   

甲查拉组位于藏南特提斯喜马拉雅北带的江孜盆地,是江孜地区的最高海相地层,被视为新特提斯洋关闭时代的主要证据。通过对甲查拉组剖面的孢粉分析,自下而上划分为3个孢粉组合带:1 Ulmipollenites minor+Ulmoideipites-Myricipites组合带;2 Quercoidites-Caryapollenites组合带;3 Abiespollenites-Betulaceoipollenites+Betulaepollenites组合带。甲查拉组孢粉植物群揭示出其沉积自晚古新世开始,其沉积结束可能延续到早渐新世。推测晚古新世—早始新世为温暖湿润的暖温带或亚热带气候,始新世中晚期为温暖、潮湿的亚热带气候,早渐新世为温和湿润的暖温带气候。  相似文献   

开鲁盆地白垩系发育,至今已有200余口探井钻遇到上白垩统,其中嫩江组滨浅湖相沉积地层厚度稳定,分布广泛,含较丰富的孢粉化石。通过对嫩江组孢粉化石的系统研究,建立了以Schizaeoisporites-BeaupreaiditesLythraites为代表的孢粉组合。孢粉组合和岩石组合的对比表明,开鲁盆地缺失松辽盆地嫩江组中上部地层。根据沉积特征和孢粉植物群面貌,对古植被、古气候和古环境进行了讨论,认为本区晚白垩世处于东北中生孢粉植物区南缘,孢粉植物群具有过渡性质,反应了偏干的暖温带—亚热带气候特征。  相似文献   

成都平原4 000aBP以来的孢粉记录与环境变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成都平原晚全新世以来沉积的泥质层发现丰富的孢粉。根据孢粉成分组合特征和生态类型可划分出5个孢粉组合带,结合剖面上6个14^C测年数据,提出在过去的4000a研究区植被类型及气候环境经历了5个阶段的变化:3800-3600aBP为亚热带常绿阔叶林,气候暖偏湿;3600-3400aBP为含常绿树种的落叶阔叶林,气候温暖湿润;3400-2600aBP为草/湿地,气温下降,环境更潮湿;2600-900aBP为落叶阔叶林,温度又开始逐渐回升,气候温和偏湿;900-300aBP再次变为草/湿地,偏干冷的气候环境。  相似文献   

黄土高原西部4万多年以来植被与环境变化的孢粉记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集甘肃静宁、定西、秦安等地晚更新世晚期以来几个黄土剖面的孢粉样品,分别以晚更新世每个样品分辨率200—300年,全新世20—200年,揭示了黄土高原西部4万多年以来古植被曾经历过草原、森林草原(或疏林草原)、针叶林以及荒漠草原或荒漠几种植被的多次快速变化。在44.2—11kaBP期间,静宁地区植被主要表现为森林和草原成分的相互消长,其中44—29kaBP期间(MIS3)气候以湿润为主,发育针叶林,温度低于现在;23kaBP之后,气候冷干,以稀疏草原为主,在末次盛冰期植被甚至演化为荒漠草原。全新世大部分时间内是以草原或森林草原(或疏林草原)植被为主。在全新世中期,约7.6—5.8kaBP有近1700年时间发育有森林植被,在这个时期当地自然植被覆盖度较高,而草原或疏林草原发育时期植被往往较稀疏,反映气候相对干冷。根据出现的不同类型植物的孢粉浓度及其生态环境特性,研究区早、中全新世,约8.8—5.8kaBP沉积环境较湿润;自3.8kaBP以后气候环境总的变化趋势是逐渐变干,植被开始向草原荒漠化演变。然而,研究区整个全新世气候环境存在多次干湿交替现象,据孢粉记录,其中可能存在11次气候干寒事件。  相似文献   

本次工作对来自南海北部大陆架地区琼东南盆地LS33-1-1井和LS2-1-1井渐新统—上新统的孢粉、藻类进行了系统研究。通过孢粉分析,确定孢粉植物群,恢复古植被,推测古气候,建立了与气候变化趋势相关的孢粉组合序列。结果显示,研究区内渐新统崖城组、陵水组时期的植被类型是热带、亚热带常绿阔叶林及针叶、常绿、落叶阔叶混交林,气候条件较温凉湿润;中新统三亚组时期植被发展为热带、亚热带常绿阔叶林及常绿、落叶阔叶混交林,气候条件暖而湿润;中新统梅山组时期是气候逐渐变化的过渡期;中新统黄流组的植被类型为亚热带针叶阔叶、常绿和落叶阔叶混交林,气候条件温凉略干燥;上新统莺歌海组山地植被中针叶林或针阔叶混交林多有分布,常绿阔叶落叶阔叶林混交林继续扩大,草本植物空前发展,气候趋于凉干。孢粉组合所反映的渐新世—上新世气候变化特征与全球气候变化趋势具有较好的可比性。通过孢粉、藻类资料对沉积环境进行了初步研究,研究区渐新世以近岸浅海的沉积环境为主,为陆架边缘到内陆架区,中新统梅山组及其以上地层应形成于距岸较远海水较深的浅海环境。  相似文献   

腾格里沙漠晚更新世孢粉植物群与气候环境演变   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
根据腾格里沙漠断头梁人工开挖剖面距今约42000~23000aBP(晚更新世)的孢粉分析结果,可将该期植被和气候演化划分为5个阶段(组合带):阶段Ⅰ,约42000~38000aBP,此段孢粉组合特征显示出,在现今为戈壁荒漠的山地丘陵上,当时发育着针阔混交林,在古湖边缘上发育着杨柳林和草原,气候较温暖湿润;阶段Ⅱ,约38000~31000aBP,气候温暖湿润,地带性植被为以温带、暖温带阔叶林为主的针阔混交林,湖畔河边发育着草甸植被;阶段Ⅲ,约31000~30000aBP,为针叶林和寒温性高山柳丛大发展时期,气候寒温,为一冷期;阶段Ⅳ,约30000~28000aBP,为冷期过后的升温期,也是湖面扩大期,孢粉组合中藻类含量高,为草甸和沼泽植被;阶段Ⅴ,28000~23000aBP,孢粉组合显示出丘陵山地上发育温带柏和桦为主的针阔混交林,平原上生长着草原植被,湖畔、河边有柳林分布,气候较温暖湿润,但较阶段Ⅰ略干。此剖面孢粉组合所反映的气候变化特征与古里雅及格陵兰冰芯δ18O所记录的同期气候变化特征具有良好的可比性。  相似文献   

吕合地区晚第三纪孢粉植物群研究表明该植物群属北极第三纪植物区系 ,孢粉组合以被子植物为主 ,温带成分如Alnus、Betula、Carpinus、Corylus、Quercus、Castanea、Ulmus等 ,亚热带、热带成分如Cyclobalanopsis、Castanopsis、Liquidambar、Carya、Davidia、Ilex、Palmae等。吕合附近海拔较高的地带分布松科Abies、Tsuga、Pinus等针叶树种。吕合孢粉组合中温带成分比热带、亚热带成分花粉类型多 ,每种类型的花粉含量也多。植被类型为常绿落叶阔叶混交林 ,反映温暖湿润的亚热带气候类型。植物群对比揭示吕合植物群时代为中新世中晚期_上新世早期。  相似文献   

黑龙江晚白垩世化石木及其古环境研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了3种出自黑龙江省嘉荫县晚自垩世的化石木:嘉荫柏型木(Cupressinoxylon jiayinense WangR.F.,Wang Y.F.et Chen Y.Z.)、柳杉型木(Taxodioxylon cryptomeria Schonfeld)和黑龙江原始云杉型木(Protopiceoxylon amurense DU N.Z.)。它们分别与现存的柏木属(Cupressus)、柳杉属(Cryptomeria)和油杉属(Keteleeria)有较近的亲缘关系。综合化石本研究与其现存近缘3属的地理分布区的环境分析和已有的植物叶大化石及孢粉的研究成果,黑龙江嘉荫地区晚自垩世的植被类型为针阔叶混交林,植物群由松柏类和阔叶树种组成,大多数是亚热带-暖温带分子,少量是温带分子。同时,嘉荫柏型木中真菌菌丝的侵入生长指示湿热生境的存在。上述证据表明黑龙江省嘉荫县晚自垩世为温暖、湿润的亚热带-暖温带气候。  相似文献   

藏南古近系柳区砾岩孢粉化石的发现及初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者首次对柳区砾岩夹层中的泥岩和泥质粉砂岩进行了孢粉学研究,共鉴定出52个形态属.其孢粉组合特征是:以被子植物花粉占优势(62.77%-83.19%),其次是裸子植物花粉(11.95%-32.31%),蕨类植物孢子最少(4.80%-10.38%).被子植物花粉以具孔类为主,三孔沟或三沟类花粉在组合中有一定含量.裸子植物花粉以具双气囊类居多.孢粉植物群的总体特征表明其时代可能为古近纪晚期.当时的古植被为落叶阔叶林或针阔混交林,气候较温暖湿润,主要为暖温带的环境.  相似文献   

广西合浦盆地上洋组在亚1井中有很好的揭示,明显表现为三分特征。作者通过对该井上洋组微体植物化石的研究,建立了三个孢粉、藻类组合,由下而上分别为:Boehlensipollis-Tricolporo-pollenites-Tricolpites-Ulmoideipites组合;Boehlensipollis qingjiangensis-Ulmoideipites-Nuxpollen-ites-Pentapollenites组合和Pinaceae-Ulmaceae-Liqudambarpollenites-Conicoidium组合。前两个组合可与北部湾长流组及广东南雄盆地上湖组等地古新世孢粉组合进行对比。第三个组合以松科花粉含量突然增加为特征,在我国许多地区晚古新世孢粉组合中都有反映。 上洋组植被在古新世早、中期以阔叶植物为特征,指示一种热带—亚热带型气候,早期干旱,中期略有缓和,晚期植被以针叶阔叶混交林为特征,表明气候变温凉。  相似文献   

Vegetation and climate changes of Late Miocene-Early Pliocene have been deduced based on pollen research from Wenwanggou and Xiaoshigou sections near Leijiahe village (ca 35°04′15″N,107°43′30″E). The two sections are quite famous of rich micromammalian fossils. Before ca. 6.5 Ma, open forest-grassland was distributed in the studied area indicating a temperate and humid condition at that time. In the period between ca.6.5 and 5.8 Ma BP (Late Miocene) predominance of Chenopodiaceae and Artemisia implies that desert or desert-grassland was developed in the area and the climate should be cold and dry. During the time interval from ca.5.8 to 3.4 Ma BP mixed conifer and broad leaved deciduous forest with a few subtropical tree taxa had replaced the arid desert vegetation indicating a warm and humid climate. The climate aridity event of Late Miocene can be correlated with the global climatic event.  相似文献   

山东山旺中新世山旺组湖相沉积中富含保存精美的古生物化石。对于湖相沉积中的昆虫、植物和哺乳动物化石,前人已经做了大量的研究工作。其中植物大化石和孢粉的研究结果表明,中新世山旺组在沉积期间,山旺湖周围的植被处于湿润的暖温带到亚热带的古生态环境下。哺乳动物蝙蝠和貘化石的研究结果也支持这个结论。然而,迄今为止,还没有关于草本植物的种类组成及含量的研究报道。本文首次对山旺组样品中的植硅体进行了研究,为山旺中新世植被的研究提供了新的证据。对从6块山旺组样品中分析出的植硅体进行研究的结果表明,山旺中新世植硅体组合含有丰富的保存极好的草本植物植硅体,代表森林成分的双子叶植物植硅体,以及偶尔出现的棕榈科植硅体。草本植物的植硅体主要来自于C_3/C_4禾本科的PACCAD类群和早熟禾亚科的植物,少数可能来自于在林下封闭生活环境中生长的草本植物。山旺中新世植硅体组合显示,在湖边森林生活环境下,伴生大量的适合沼生到中生环境的草本植物,在较干旱的地区生长着早熟禾(和PACCAD)的草本植物。本文的研究结果进一步支持山旺中新世气候比现在更加湿润而且变动较小的观点。山旺中新世植硅体组合与土耳其和北美大平原中新世湖相沉积中的植硅体组合不同,后者的植硅体组合主要是由多种C_3早熟禾亚科草本和不同种类的PACCAD类群草本植物组成。今后的研究工作将进一步揭示这种差异是否反映了草本植物群落在大尺度的生物地理上的差异,或者是由于地区性的局部气候不同所导致。  相似文献   

济阳坳陷车镇凹陷古近系沙河街组滨浅湖沉积中产有十分丰富的动物遗迹化石,共鉴定出遗迹属 10个,未定属 1个,其中遗迹种 7个,未定种 4个。遗迹化石包括Beaconitesantarcticus, Beaconitescapronus, Planolitesmontanus, Macaronichnussegregatis, Taenidiumbarretti, Cochlichnusanguineus, Gordiasp., Skolithossp., Ophiomorphanodosa, Sagittichnussp.和Favreinasp.。这一遗迹化石群落主要是无脊椎动物的进食迹、觅食迹、居住迹和停息迹,其中大部分呈全浮痕保存,少数呈上浮痕保存,并形成于经常干旱和周期性泛滥的滨浅湖沉积环境中。该群落可识别出两个遗迹化石组合,即 1)Beaconites Taenidium组合,它主要产自干旱气候条件下的滨浅湖沉积环境;2)Sko lithos Ophiomorpha组合,它代表了丰水期水体能量相对较高的滨湖沉积环境。  相似文献   

The early Vallesian site of Can Llobateres 1 (Vallès-Penedès Basin, Catalonia, Spain) is one of the richest localities of the European Late Miocene, having yielded the most complete remains of the fossil great ape Hispanopithecus laietanus (Primates: Hominidae). Fossil plant remains had been previously reported from this site but mostly remained unpublished. Here we describe an assemblage of plant megaremains recovered in 2010, which provides valuable paleoenvironmental data. This assemblage consists of a mixture of parautochthonous and allochthonous detached organs (leaves, stems, reproductive structures) deposited in marshy areas. The source vegetation mainly consisted of abundant reeds, palms, evergreen laurels and figs that probably grew in or near the marsh boundaries or nearby riparian forests. This environmental picture is consistent with the mammalian fauna, which shows the prevalence of humid forested environments, although somewhat more open woodlands might have been present away from the wet areas. The occurrence of mega-mesothermal taxa, together with the absence of deciduous elements, is consistent with a subtropical to warm-temperate climate. Within this mosaic environment, H. laietanus would have preferred the more humid and forested habitats, which probably were still quite common in the Vallès-Penedès during the early Vallesian. Such habitats would have provided a continuous ripe fruit supply throughout the year to these frugivorous great apes. Paleobotanical data from older sites of the same area and nearby basins show that the zonal vegetation was a warm-temperate mixed forest defined by evergreen laurels, together with leguminous trees and shrubs as well as a significant proportion of deciduous elements. Tropical and subtropical taxa would have been restricted to humid areas in the lowlands. From the late Vallesian onwards, many of these taxa disappeared from the Vallès-Penedès, whereas deciduous trees became dominant in the forested areas and wetlands, thus likely having driven Hispanopithecus to extinction in the study area.  相似文献   

Palynoflora studies on the Duantouliang section, located at 39º40'N, 103º55'E in Northwestern Tengger Desert, China showed that, based on the spore-pollen assemblages, the major vegetation and climatic environment between 42 000 to 23 000 a BP could be divided into the following different periods: Ⅰ. From 42 000 to 38 000 a BP, the spore-pollen assemblages displayed that the mixed conifer/deciduous broad-leaved forests developed on the mountain and its foothill regions where the bare Gobi-desert are at present; At that time, Populus and Salix forests and grassland surrounded the Paleaolake, the climate condition was much warmer and humid than today; Ⅱ. From 38 000 to 37 000 a BP, the climate was warm and moist, it was the most suitable period for the plant growth, the studied area was dominated by the temperate and warm-temperate mixed broad-leaf deciduous and needleleaf forest, there was meadow spreaded on the river sides and lake beaches; Ⅲ. From 31 000 to 30000 a BP, the needleleaf forests and cold-temperate Salix oritrepha shrubs were flourishing, and the climate at that time was relatively cold;Ⅳ. From 30000 to 28000 a BP, the temperatures began increasing, the high lake levels was formed during this time, and the vegetations were meadows and swamps; V. From 28 000 to 23 000 a BP, temperate Cupressaceae and Betula mixed conifer/deciduous forests grew on mountain and foothill region, grassland developed on plain areas, Salix was on lake and river sides. This indicates a warm and moist climate condition but it was drier than the earliest period.  相似文献   

Mesozoic strata are well developed and exposed continuously across the Sichuan Basin, South China. In particular, the Upper Triassic strata yield diverse and abundant spore-pollen fossils, providing a significant reference for the study of palaeoenvironmental variations across the Triassic–Jurassic transition where mass extinctions were occurring. In this paper, we summarize the major progress on Late Triassic palynological studies in this basin. To date, 151 genera (454 species) of sporomorph fossils have been reported from the Late Triassic strata in the Sichuan Basin. Three palynological assemblages are distinguished for the Late Triassic in the Sichuan Basin. Late Triassic vegetation in the Sichuan Basin shows a remarkable predominance of ferns, followed by conifers and cycads/ginkgophytes, and conifers show a distinct increase in abundance in the latest Triassic. In general, the Late Triassic palaeoclimate in the Sichuan Basin was tropical-subtropical, humid and warm. A synthesis of the data shows that the Late Triassic did not have a constant palaeoclimate in the Sichuan Basin, several climatic events are recognized: two warm and humid climate events in Norian-Rhaetian time, coupled with a cooler and drier condition in the latest Late Triassic. Further investigations in higher resolution at more continuous sections in the Sichuan Basin are needed to better understand the Late Triassic vegetation response, climate changes, as well as palaeoecosystem variations across the Triassic–Jurassic boundary.  相似文献   

黑龙江省东部柳树河盆地古近系八虎力组为一套含油页岩矿床的地层。目前,对其时代的认定还没有确切的古生物学依据,尚存在不同的看法,同时,关于成矿环境的探讨也较薄弱。通过对该套地层开展系统的孢粉学研究,由下向上划分了4个孢粉组合,分别是Quercoidites-Retitricolpites-Retitricolporites组合、Retitricolpites-Retitricolporites组合、Polypodiaceaesporites-Retitricolpites-Retitricolporites组合和Pinuspollenites-Polypodiaceaesporites组合。根据孢粉组合特征,详细讨论了孢粉组合的地质时代,指出八虎力组时代为中始新世至晚始新世。根据孢粉组合的组成情况推测,八虎力组沉积时为亚热带-暖温带温暖湿润气候下的山间盆地环境。在山地高处生长有针、阔叶混交林植被,在低洼处生长有湿地水生植物、蕨类和苔藓类,从而有利于油页岩的形成和保存。温度向上可能有所降低,但幅度并不大。  相似文献   

The site of Longgupo is located north of the subtropical zone and is part of the domain of eastern fauna. The large number of mammal species identified at this site enables clarification of the broad pattern of paleoenvironmental change for the three assemblages from the first stratigraphic sequence (Huang W.-B. excavations). The different species have been classified in four biogeographic groups: subtropical (moderate monsoon), tropical forest (hot and humid climate), montane (cold climate) and prairie (cold and dry climate). Variation in the representation rate of each of these groups enables general reconstruction of the paleoenvironments for the three assemblages identified at Longgupo: a lower assemblage in a hot and humid climate with cold and dry episodes, an intermediate assemblage in a rather cold and dry climate in the lower part, becoming progressively warmer and humid toward the top of the sequence with a monsoon influence more marked than the present day, and an upper assemblage in a rather cold and dry climate. This biochronology and general paleoenvironmental reconstruction are clearly important, but as mentioned above, the stratum by stratum correspondence between the old and new stratigraphic sequences has been quite difficult because the position of material recovered during the early excavations was not recorded.  相似文献   

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