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为研究野生雌性川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)不同季节体内睾酮水平与性行为频次的变化及二者的关系,我们以秦岭一野生川金丝猴种群为研究对象,通过长时间连续跟踪观察,完成了该种群中所有87只金丝猴的个体识别。用无损伤取样法采集了三只成年雌性川金丝猴不同季节的粪样,对粪样中的睾酮进行抽提测定,同时对采样个体的性行为进行记录。结果显示:1)成年雌猴在交配盛期与非交配盛期,粪样中睾酮水平均呈明显的周期性波动,交配盛期时睾酮水平的变化周期为24.56 d±4.07 d,非交配盛期时为43.67 d±2.89 d,显著长于交配盛期;2)成年雌猴在交配盛期的粪样睾酮水平为2.85 ng±1.12 ng/g,邀配频次为0.98±1.04次/d,非交配盛期时睾酮水平为1.71 ng±0.77 ng/g,邀配频次为0.28±0.53次/d,与交配盛期相比,非交配盛期的睾酮水平和邀配频次均明显降低;3)交配盛期各成年雌猴的粪样睾酮水平与邀配频次均有较显著的正相关关系(相关系数分别为0.631、0.683和0.659),而在非交配盛期这种相关关系并不存在(相关系数分别为0.091、0.493和0.205)。本研究表明,成年雌性川金丝猴体内睾酮水平、睾酮水平变化周期及邀配行为频次均具有明显的季节性差异,这种季节性差异可能是川金丝猴行季节性繁殖的内在原因和外在表现之一。本研究亦表明交配盛期雌猴的性行为频次在一定程度上可能受体内睾酮水平的控制,而在非交配盛期这种控制作用较弱。  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴一个投食群等级关系的研究   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:3  
2002年7月至2003年6月,采用焦点动物取样法和全事件记录法对秦岭山脉周至国家级自然保护区玉皇庙西梁川金丝猴投食群一雄多雌社会单元内部和社会单元间的攻击和屈服行为的指向和次数进行记录,应用计算优势指数的方法对社会单元内不同性别年龄组和社会单元间的等级进行排列。结果表明,在每一个社会单元内部成年雄性居最高地位,所有成年雌性占有第二阶层,亚成体处于第三阶层,青少年个体处于最低层。每个社会单元内成年雌性在一年内的等级序列并不是固定不变的,一般是雌性在产仔后顺位明显上升。八个社会单元在交配阶段和产仔阶段等级结构不同,等级最高的社会单元以及等级最低的社会单元的等级顺序没有发生变化,等级接近的社会单元间的等级顺序发生变化,其变化的原因可能主要与社会单元内部成员相互协作进行攻击有关。  相似文献   

灵长类交配模式是灵长类社群结构和婚配制度的重要表征之一,其研究有助于了解灵长类社群结构和两性交配策略。2013年11月至2014年10月,我们对云南白马雪山国家级自然保护区一人工辅助投食滇金丝猴群进行了观察研究,采用焦点动物取样法和全事件记录法收集了雌雄个体交配相关的行为数据,主要包括邀配对象、交配过程、持续时间和回合数,以及参与交配的雌雄对在交配结束后的相互理毛的持续时间和回合数。研究结果表明:研究群滇金丝猴全年均有交配行为,交配高峰期在7-9月,两性参与交配的积极性和对季节变化的响应不同;交配主要由雌性通过邀配发动(76%),交配高峰期也是雌性邀配的高峰期;雄性爬跨频次(年均0.43次/月,n=5)和射精爬跨比(年均19%,n=5)在全年无显著变化。交配行为发生的典型表现为:雌性通过小跑或跳跃进入雄性视线范围内,爬伏呈臀向雄性邀配;雌猴爬伏时离雄猴的远近距离不同(1 m vs.2-5 m:69%vs.31%)会影响其邀配成功率(1 m vs.2-5 m:68%vs.40%);若一次邀配失败,雌猴可能会连续爬伏邀配(最多4次),连续多次邀配的成功率显著高于单次邀配(79%vs.52%)。交配结束后雌性会主动为雄性理毛,但雌性主动理毛与交配是否射精无关。  相似文献   

灵长类交配模式是灵长类社群结构和婚配制度的重要表征之一,其研究有助于了解灵长类社群结构和两性交配策略。2013年11月至2014年10月,我们对云南白马雪山国家级自然保护区一人工辅助投食滇金丝猴群进行了观察研究,采用焦点动物取样法和全事件记录法收集了雌雄个体的交配相关的行为数据,主要包括邀配对象、交配过程、持续时间和回合数,以及参与交配的雌雄对在交配结束后的相互理毛的持续时间和回合数。研究结果表明:研究群滇金丝猴全年均有交配行为,交配高峰期在7-9月,两性参与交配的积极性和对季节变化的响应不同;交配主要由雌性通过邀配发动(76%),交配高峰期也是雌性邀配的高峰期;雄性爬跨频次(年均0.43次/月,n=5)和射精爬跨比(年均19%,n=5)则在全年无显著变化。交配行为发生的典型表现为:雌性通过小跑或跳跃进入雄性视线范围内,爬伏呈臀向雄性邀配;雌猴爬伏时离雄猴的远近距离不同(<1m vs. 2-5m : 69% vs. 31%)会影响其邀配成功率(<1 m vs. 2-5 m :68% vs. 40%);若一次邀配失败,雌猴可能会连续爬伏邀配(最多4次),连续多次邀配的成功率显著高于单次邀配(79% vs. 52%)。交配结束后雌性会主动为雄性理毛,但雌性主动理毛与交配是否射精无关。  相似文献   

雌性灵长类为获得更高的投入收益比,会调整其对不同性别后代的母系投入策略,并主要表现为针对某一性别尽可能多的生育或对某一性别的幼崽付出更多的母系照顾。雄性质量模型(MaleQualityModel,MQ)和栖息地资源竞争模型(LocalResourceCompetitionModel,LRC)分别将这种现象发生的机制解释为物种对性选择压力和资源竞争压力的回应。本研究通过对一个秦岭川金丝猴群生育行为连续四年的观察,发现该种群新生雄性幼崽的数量多于雌性幼崽,种群的次级性比存在偏离(♀∶♂=1∶1.71)。通过对不同社会单元的等级与雄性出生率的分析,发现两者之间存在一元线性关系(PM=-0.4918MDI 0.9329)(t=-1.879,df=24,P=0.073<0.10,R2=0.1331),各社会单元内新生雄猴占所有新生幼猴的比例会随着该单元社会等级的降低而升高,呈现PMH相似文献   

笼养川金丝猴不同年龄阶段的发育特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
198 9~ 1998年间 ,对 46只不同年龄阶段的笼养川金丝猴 (Rhinopithecusroxellana)的外形、生理、行为等特征进行了比较。根据不同年龄阶段个体的综合特征 ,川金丝猴的发育期可划分为 5个年龄段 :婴幼阶段 ,少年阶段 ,青年阶段 ,亚成年阶段和成年阶段。观察发现 ,从出生到青年阶段 ,雌雄在体形大小和体重方面增长速度很接近。然而 ,从青年阶段开始 ,雄性的增长速度超过雌性。到了成年阶段 ,成年雄性的体重、坐高、尾长、头围、犬齿齿冠及被毛长度明显大于雌性 ,成年雌性的体重仅为成年雄性的 5 4% ,表现出显著的性二型性。雌性 3 6± 0 5 (n =5 )岁出现月经 ,其开始成功繁殖的年龄为 4~ 6岁 ;雄性 6 5 (n =4)岁出现射精行为 ,其开始成功繁殖年龄为 7~ 8岁。此外 ,对川金丝猴所特有的嘴角瘤的观察发现 ,雄性进入性发育年龄阶段后开始长出嘴角瘤 ;嘴角瘤大小随年龄增长而逐渐增大 ,直到性成熟。而雌性川金丝猴多无此结构或只有一个约绿豆大的痕迹。因此 ,嘴角瘤可以作为雄性川金丝猴性成熟的标志 ,是成年雄性川金丝猴的副性征。  相似文献   

2009年3月至2010年5月在秦岭北坡的陕西周至国家级自然保护区玉皇庙,采用焦点动物取样法(Focal animal sampling)和瞬时记录法(Instantaneous sampling)对2008年出生的5只秦岭川金丝猴幼体(3 ♂、2♀)的社会玩耍行为进行了研究.结果表明:1-2岁的川金丝猴对其不同年龄-性别组的玩耍伙伴具有很高的选择性,喜欢与单元内的青少年个体玩耍;其次喜欢与新生个体玩耍,与母亲、单元内主雄和其它成年雌性个体玩耍的机会不多.另外,该年龄段的个体在玩耍中常采用追逐和摔跤的方式,采用接近、撕咬和其它行为的方式均不高.雄性个体比雌性个体更常采用摔跤的行为方式,而雌性个体相比雄性个体更常采用接近等方式.在整个观察期,社会交往性的玩耍行为频次未发现个体差异和性别差异.此外,这些个体玩耍频次的发育与年龄阶段之间不存在线性相关.个体在这种行为的发育过程中不仅可锻炼身体、实践打斗技巧,建立社会关系,并且能获得一定的认知能力.  相似文献   

雌性川金丝猴的邀配行为与尿液雌二醇水平的关系   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
2001年10~12月及2002年9月~11月,我们对上海野生动物园一群半散养条件下的川金丝猴进行了研究,记录了群体内的4只成年雌猴的邀配行为,同时收集了观察对象的晨尿,利用放射免疫法测定其中的雌二醇含量。结果显示,在未受孕的月经周期内,雌猴的邀配行为集中在雌二醇高峰前后,雌猴在卵泡期和黄体期邀配频次显著下降,说明邀配行为受雌二醇水平的调控。同一群体内不同个体的月经周期并不同步,邀配高峰互不重叠,这可能是雌猴避免相互竞争产生的结果。利用雌二醇测定结果推断受孕日期,发现进入妊娠期后雌猴仍然频繁地向雄猴邀配,并得到雄猴的响应。妊娠期内的雌二醇水平虽有波动,但都高于月经周期内排卵前的雌二醇高峰,邀配频次与雌二醇水平没有明显的相关性,因此这一时期的邀配行为不能归结为激素作用的结果,它们应该具有其它社会功能[动物学报49(6):736~741,2003]。  相似文献   

为进一步深入理解不同地理区域川金丝猴群的社会结构特点,于2014年3—7月,采用焦点动物取样法对岷山山系唐家河国家级自然保护区辅助投食成功的一个川金丝猴群进行了观察。研究表明:该猴群共有138只个体,包括16只成年雄性,48只成年雌性,11只亚成年雌性,3只亚成年雄性,36只青少年猴以及24只婴幼猴;猴群中成年个体与未成年个体的比例为0.86∶1。唐家河川金丝猴群具有典型的重层社会结构:即由11个一雄多雌单元(one-male units,OMUs)组成2个繁殖分队(breeding band),并分别与1个密切联系的全雄单元(all-male unit,AMU)共同构成。其中,每个OMU分别由6~15只个体组成,平均为10.64只±2.77只;AMU共21只个体,以青少年个体最多,占61.9%。方差分析表明:2个繁殖分队中的OMU大小差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

性打搅是指动物在交配期间受到同种其他个体化学信息素、面部表情、声音、攻击等方面干扰的现象。性打搅行为作为非人灵长类繁殖行为生态研究的重要话题,具有高度的种间和种内差异,在种内主要受到性别和年龄等因素的影响。本研究于2021年9月至2022年8月在太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区五龙口地区,以太行山猕猴(Macaca mulatta tcheliensis) WLK-1A群为研究对象,采用焦点动物取样法和连续记录法观察并记录目标个体的交配行为,以期探讨太行山猕猴的性打搅行为及其性别-年龄组差异。结果表明:(1)太行山猕猴的性打搅行为仅发生在交配期,高峰期为11月;(2)从性打搅的发起者来看,雄性(成年和亚成年)个体占29.1%,雌性(成年和亚成年)个体占14.9%,青少年个体占7.5%,婴幼个体占48.5%;(3)与接触式性打搅相比,雄性(P=0.011)和雌性(P=0.033)的性打搅均以非接触式性打搅为主,青少年个体的非接触式与接触式性打搅之间无显著差异(P=0.334),婴幼猴以接触式性打搅为主(P=0.001);(4)雄性倾向于打搅交配中的雌性(P=0.040),雌性对交配中雄性与雌性...  相似文献   

在笼养条件下,由于有限的空间和单调的笼舍结构,川金丝猴行为和生理指标发生变化,包括出现刻板行为和产生较高的粪便内应激激素。本论文旨在研究环境丰容对笼养川金丝猴日常行为以及粪便皮质醇水平的影响。于2013年8月1日至11月1日对杭州动物园内7只川金丝猴进行环境丰容后的行为观察。采用瞬时扫描法记录上午08:30-10:30和下午14:00-16:00的动物行为,并统计15种行为的发生频率。比较丰容前后每种行为的发生频率,结果表明环境丰容降低了川金丝猴的不活跃行为(P=0.021)和刻板行为(P=0.034),增加了其活跃行为频率(P=0.018)。环境丰容后,动物表现出更多的攀爬(P = 0.012)、探究(P = 0.014)和环顾行为(P = 0.010)。粪便皮质醇激素的结果表明,除1只雄性个体激素上升外,其余6只个体的粪便皮质醇含量显著下降(P=0.028)。以上结果提示环境丰容可改善川金丝猴的福利状况。  相似文献   

In primate species with social systems consisting of one-male breeding units(OMUs), resident male takeover represents a major challenge to individual reproductive success and mating strategies. The golden snub-nosed monkey(Rhinopithecus roxellana)is characterized by large multilevel societies(MLS)comprised of several OMUs and all-male units(AMUs);however, the factors and mechanisms associated with resident male takeover, which offer important insight into primate reproduction and social strategies, are still poorly understood. Based on 5-year monitoring data from a free-ranging herd of golden monkeys from the Qinling Mountains in China, we categorized three phases of an OMU, that is, a rising phase,developing phase, and declining phase. The rising and declining phases were unstable periods in which male takeover in an OMU might occur. Factors causing takeover, such as leader male rank, fighting ability, reproduction rate, and affiliation(proximity,allogrooming), were analyzed for males and females and for different OMUs. Results indicated that the new resident male's fighting ability was lower than that of the former resident male in 23 cases. After replacement, the rank order of the new resident male significantly declined. Females involved in a takeover increased their distance from the resident male and decreased mating frequency during the three months prior to takeover. Females with infants under one-year-old had a marked effect on the specific time of takeover occurrence. These results suggested that female choice was the main factor deciding whether a takeover attempt was successful. Furthermore, rather than male conflict, females more often initiated and affected takeover and outcome, implying that the social status and competitive ability of the males played lesser roles during takeover.  相似文献   

多雄多雌的灵长类社会群体中,性成熟的雄性和雌性形成临时性的配偶关系(Consortship)是极其显著特征,但这种关系对个体的交配和繁殖成功作用缺少深入研究。本研究以栖息于安徽黄山的短尾猴YA1群为研究对象,采用全事件取样法(All occurrences recording)、目标动物取样法(Focal animal sampling)以及行为取样法(Behavioral sampling method)记录个体间的社会行为、雄性的配偶数量和临时配偶关系的持续时间,对雄性短尾猴临时配偶关系的基本特征与适应策略进行了初步探讨。研究期间,雄性个体的顺位发生替换,在替换前后,处于高顺位的雄性个体始终拥有最多的配偶数量以及形成的临时配偶关系的持续时间最长,并且雄性个体的顺位与临时配偶关系呈正相关关系(顺位变化前:配偶数量:P = 0.010;持续时间:P = 0.014;顺位变化后:配偶数量:P = 0.032;持续时间:P = 0.035);雄性个体的年龄与临时配偶关系无显著相关性(配偶关系:P = 0.150;持续时间:P = 0.511);雄性个体在群体中生活的时间与临时配偶关系呈显著正相关(配偶数量:P = 0.034;持续时间:P = 0.023);雄性个体的社会关系与临时配偶关系呈显著正相关(顺位变化前:配偶数量,P = 0.013;持续时间,P = 0.001;顺位变化后:配偶数量,P < 0.001;持续时间,P = 0.003)。研究结果表明:雄性个体的顺位、在群体中生活时间以及社会关系对临时配偶的形成起主要作用,这为进一步阐明雄性行为策略与临时配偶关系提供新的科学依据。  相似文献   

A small number of mammalian species live in a modular or multilevel society in which several individual social/reproductive units called one-male units (OMUs) are embedded within a large cohesive band. Factors that affect band composition and stability are poorly understood. In this study we examined the role of kinship in the formation and maintenance of a multilevel society in an endangered population of golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). From 2005 to 2011, we obtained genetic samples from 86 individuals (including 88.9% of leader males and 80.5% of adult females) living in a band of 8–10 OMUs. We used microsatellite genotyping to identify patterns of relatedness and individual transfer. We found that adult females residing in the same OMU were more closely related to each other than to a random set of females drawn from the band and that females tended to disperse into OMUs that contained female relatives. In addition, adult females who transferred were not more closely related to their previous leader male than to the leader male of their new OMU. These results support the contention that kin bonds contribute importantly to the formation and stability of this primate multilevel society by influencing a female's decision to remain in her current OMU, or during transfer, which new OMU to enter. Am J Phys Anthropol 156:606–613, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We studied the dominance relationships among one-male units (OMUs) in a provisioned free-ranging band of the Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains of central China from 2001 to 2005. The band was composed of 6-8 OMUs that stayed in the band for several years. Linear dominance orders could be detected using displacement interactions with directional asymmetry among OMUs in 82.3+/-5% of interactions, and ambiguous and reversed interactions in 17.7+/-5%. The dominance rank of OMUs was positively related with the duration of their stay in the band, and this may be attributed to the association of the resident male with adult females, rather than the fighting ability of resident males, as males do not fight seriously with each other. Subordinate units were observed to merge with dominant units resulting in an elevation of their rank order. The linear dominance relationship among OMUs in the Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys may have evolved as a result of competition for preferred food trees.  相似文献   

灵长类动物社会中,个体间的社会关系是维系群体稳定的重要基础,也影响个体的寿命和繁殖成功。本研究以栖息于安徽黄山的短尾猴YA1群为对象,采用焦点动物取样法和行为取样法采集成年雌性个体在交配期(2015.9 - 2015.12)和非交配期(2016.3 - 2016.5)的社会行为,通过理毛和近距行为计算社会联系强度,探讨群体成员之间的社会关系及影响因素。结果表明:在交配期和非交配期,雌性短尾猴的社会联系强度无显著差异(t = 0.181,P = 0.857);亲缘关系和社会联系强度呈显著正相关(交配期:r = 0.534, P = 0.001; 非交配期:r = 0.469, P= 0.001);个体间的等级距离和社会联系强度呈显著负相关(交配期:r = -0.288, P= 0.014; 非交配期:r = -0.238, P= 0.048);年龄差异和社会联系强度无显著相关性(交配期:r = -0.176, P = 0.181; 非交配期:r = -0.192, P = 0.151)。本研究提示成年雌性短尾猴个体间会形成稳定的社会关系,亲缘关系和等级顺位是影响个体之间社会关系的重要因素。  相似文献   

Data on social organization of two bands of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) were collected when the monkeys were crossing an open spot at Nanren and Bamei (northwest of Yunnan, China) using a sampling rule where individuals within one social unit are spatially closer to each other than individuals between social units. The typical pattern of social organization in this sample was multiple adult females (AFs) and their offspring with one adult male (AM) in a one-male unit (OMU), similar to that of many other colobines. In such units, on average one male is associated with 4.0 AFs and 2.5 of their offspring. Moreover, there are multimale/multifemale units and monogamous units besides OMUs. All bisexual units traveled together with at least one all-male unit as a cohesive band. In two bands of monkeys, 87% of AMs in bisexual units were within OMUs, 7.8% within monogamous units and 5.2% within multimale, multifemale units. In the Bamei band, 6.7% of AMs were in the all-male unit. The size of OMUs in the Nanren band was larger than that of the Bamei band, with more AFs and juveniles, which may be related to better conservation in the Nanren band's habitat. For the Nanren band, the average number of AFs in OMUs varied across time, increasing from 4.3 in 1994 to 5.1 in 2001, and then decreasing to 3.8 in 2005. This article suggests three possible explanations for this variation, but more data are needed for these hypotheses to be tested.  相似文献   

Little information is available on the social dynamics of the Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Here, we provide 5-year observational data on a provisioned free-ranging band in the Qinling Mountains, central China, from October 2001 to December 2005. The results of this study suggested that females place a high priority on maintaining long-term relationships with other female in their one-male units (OMUs). Females had more social interactions with unit members than with nonunit individuals. They showed relatively high rates of affiliation with their unit females, intermediate levels with the resident males, and low levels with individuals outside the unit. Females had few interactions with other resident males. Social interactions, especially affiliative interactions, were more symmetrical between focal females and their unit females than between focal females and the resident males. Thus female social interactions appeared to resemble those of other female-bonded primate societies. On the other hand, female transfers occurred sometimes. We recorded 11 cases of female immigration and 5 cases of female disappearance, 1 case of female intraband shift, and 2 cases of "merging of OMUs," which suggested that unit females might be loose-knit in this species. We discussed influencing factors on female Sichuan snub-nosed monkey social dynamics, by comparing them with those of Hamadryas and gelada baboons that also have multilevel societies.  相似文献   

Studies of spatial proximity between individuals are important for an understanding of social structure because animals are more likely to interact with individuals in close spatial proximity. Here, we apply social network analysis to proximity data collected between 2001 and 2003 from an individually identified, provisioned, free-ranging band of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains, central China. We aimed to quantify the social network structure and to gain insight into each individual’s position within the social network. The overall network connectivity of the study band was sparse, with a low group density of 0.17. We identified nine one-male-multifemale units (OMUs) in the study band using hierarchical cluster analysis, which confirms that this species forms a multilevel society in its natural habitat. Based on sex differences in eigenvector and betweenness centralities, adult females have more important social roles than males. Among females, lactating females scored higher betweenness and eigenvector centralities than other females. However, our results do not suggest the existence of key individual(s) in the social network of the study band. The global clustering coefficient characteristic of the band was 0.3?±?0.1, with little variation between individuals, suggesting that the removal or death of any specific individual would not significantly disrupt its general network structure. Our results also show that proximity commonly occurs among unit members, but can also occur between females of different OMUs. These observations suggest that snub-nosed monkeys have a loose-knit or fluid rather than a rigid female-bonded social system, which may be a common trend for species living in multilevel societies.  相似文献   

Relaxed open-mouth display serves important social functions in relation to submission, reconciliation affiliation and reassurance among non-human primate societies; however, quantitative evidence on this behavior remains insufficient among multi-level social groups. From July to November 2016, we examined four potential functions of the relaxed open-mouth display during pairwise, intra-unit social interactions among 18 free-ranging adult and sub-adult golden snub-nosed monkeys(Rhinopithecus roxellana) who belonged to three one-male, multi-female units(OMU) at Dalongtan, Shennongjia National Park China. Results showed that: compared with no relaxed open-mouth display,(1) the occurrence of displacement by a dominant individual approaching a subordinate was lower and the distance of the subordinate to the approaching dominant was shorter when the subordinate showed open-mouth display;(2) relaxed open-mouth display reduced the probability of continued attack for victims of aggression and allowed victims to achieve closer proximity to the aggressor during post-conflict periods;(3) relaxed open-mouth display by dominant individuals allowed them to achieve closer proximity to subordinates; and(4) the exchange of relaxed open-mouth display had a greater impact on the outcome of interactions than one individual alone giving this signal. These findings suggest that relaxed open-mouth display serves important functions regarding submission, reconciliation, affiliation and reassurance in coordinating social interactions within OMUs in golden snub-nosed monkeys.  相似文献   

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