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秦岭玉皇庙川金丝猴2-3岁内个体社会行为的性别差异   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005年3月至2006年5月在秦岭北坡的陕西周至国家级自然保护区玉皇庙地区,采用焦点动物取样法(Focal animal sampling)观察动物,利用瞬时记录法(Instantaneous recording)等记录数据,对2003年出生的7只秦岭川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)个体(3♀、4♂)的社会理毛、社会玩耍、被驱赶、攻击、爬跨等行为进行了研究,以了解该物种社会行为的发育在2-3岁阶段是否存在性别间的差异。结果表明:雌、雄二性社会理毛行为的平均频次存在显著性差异(♀11.86%、♂6.55%),并且这种显著性差异也体现在理毛婴猴行为(♀3.64%、♂1.26%)和理毛母亲行为(♀4.61%、♂2.70%)方面;雄性社会玩耍行为的平均频次与雌性相比也有显著性差异(♀4.44%、♂7.39%),这与被驱赶行为性别差异的研究结果相同(♀0.42、♂1.98);爬跨行为的平均频次也表现出显著性的性别差异(♀0.034、♂1.83),如同攻击行为(♀0.043、♂0.088)。另外,我们在将2-3岁阶段分为4个小发育阶段的基础上,还发现除雌性理毛婴猴行为的发生频次和雄性被驱赶行为的发生频次与年龄(阶段)呈极显著正相关外,雌性和雄性其它行为的发生频次与年龄均不相关。因此,川金丝猴2-3岁内个体社会行为的发育具有显著性的性别差异,且在一定程度上反映了雌雄二性不同的生活史,而这种行为上的策略正是该物种在长期进化中在群体水平上对自然选择压力的回应,以增加个体的适合度,使种群得以繁衍.  相似文献   

2012 年7 月到2013 年4 月,对云南白马雪山国家级自然保护区一个人工辅助投食的滇金丝猴群进行观察,采用全事件取样法对该群全部0-3 岁30 只个体(雄性12 只、雌性18 只) 的社会玩耍行为进行了研究。研究结果表明:不同年龄段的社会玩耍频次存在显著差异,且玩耍频次与年龄段呈明显负相关;0-3 岁的滇金丝猴倾向于选择相同年龄段的个体作为玩耍伙伴;0-1 岁的个体更喜欢追逐(67.5%) 的玩耍行为,1-2 岁内的个体主要采取抓打(26.6% )、撕咬(25.3% )、追逐(40.5% )的玩耍行为;2 -3 岁的个体各种玩耍行为的频次有明显差异。0-3 岁的雄性个体比雌性个体的玩耍频次更高。研究结果表明,0-3 岁滇金丝猴的社会玩耍行为符合年龄阶段假说、性别差异假说和运动技能训练假说。  相似文献   

社会认知是群居动物适应复杂环境和社会生活能力的体现,致力于理解自身、他人与社会。认知有利于促进利益分配的优化,而行为认知策略则是关注的热点问题。但迄今为止,川金丝猴如何进行社会地位与受孕状态等基础认知尚不清楚。本研究通过投食招引,在个体识别和等级判定的基础上,以栖息于秦岭观音山自然保护区熊猫谷景区的一个半野生川金丝猴群为对象,采用瞬时扫描和焦点动物取样法,观察并收集了猴群中6个一雄多雌单元成年雌雄个体的空间位置、邀配、交配及产仔行为数据,结合食物密度梯度"同心圆"和受孕周期,推测雌性成功受孕的交配时间段,运用配对t-检验统计证实受孕前后雌性的交配实现率差异显著(t=4.527,P=0.001),表现为受孕前雌性邀配行为获取的雄性响应率明显高于受孕后;通过Spearman相关性检验发现,雌性受孕前的交配实现率(R=0.527,P=0.006)及受孕时间(R=0.556,P=0.049)与自身等级均显著正相关,即高等级雌性邀配行为的雄性响应率及与雄性生殖性交配的时间明显高于或早于低等级雌性。结果表明,雄性川金丝猴拥有认知单元内成年雌性受孕状况和等级地位的能力,这种认知能力影响着雄性的性行为方式。  相似文献   

野生川金丝猴一个全雄青年猴群的同性爬背行为   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究采用行为取样方法,首次对秦岭野生川金丝猴全雄青年群中的同性爬跨行为进行报道。研究中我们共观察到21 次同性爬背行为,其平均持续时间为5.53 ± 3.11s;雄性同性爬背发生前的行为中以玩耍行为(47.62% )和3 种不同姿势的邀配模仿行为(42.85% )为主;而同性爬背行为发生后则主要为彼此间的相互理毛行为(47.62% )和玩耍行为(23.81% )。对比先前婴幼猴时期的相关研究结果,青年猴同性爬背行为前邀配模仿资势的多样化在一定程度上体现了野生状态下雄性川金丝猴个体青少年阶段的性行为发育进程。考虑到川金丝猴全雄群的社会结构,青年猴同性爬背行为具有巩固社群稳定和加强个体关系的功能。此外,研究中观察到76.19% 的同性爬背行为发生在昼间休息期之后的第一个小时内,这可能是“睡眠与觉醒循环”对性激素的反调节作用所致。  相似文献   

三种笼养灵长类活动时间分配的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用焦点动物法和连续记录法对3种笼养灵长类活动时间分配进行比较研究。结果表明,川金丝猴Rhi-nopithecus roxellanae和熊猴Macaca assamensis用于休息的时间多于猕猴Macaca mulatta,移动时间则相反;川金丝猴和猕猴用于理毛的时间多于熊猴。不同性别年龄组之间的活动时间分配有差异,主要表现在川金丝猴母亲用于理毛的时间明显多于成年儿子,用于玩耍的时间则相反;猕猴成年雄性的移动时间和理毛时间多于成年雌性,玩耍时间则少于成年雌性;熊猴成年雌性的移动时间多于成年雄性,与成年个体相比,幼体花更多的时间用于玩耍,而相应的减少了其休息时间。  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴个体间团抱模式及其影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
团抱行为作为保持体温与增进社会关系的一种有效途经在非人灵长类中广泛存在,受环境和社会因素影响在各物种间呈现出多样的模式。本研究自2007 年9 月至2008 年4 月间,运用焦点动物取样法和瞬时扫描取样法对秦岭北坡周至国家级自然保护区内的一群秦岭川金丝猴的团抱模式进行了1 637 回次的扫描,结果表明研究群内的个体回避单独休息,倾向于形成团抱,团抱主要发生在2 个或3 个个体之间,较少形成4 个或4 个以上个体的团抱;团抱主要由青少年个体和成年雌性组成,成年雄性和携婴雌性多参与小的团抱,青少年猴更频繁地出现在3 个个体的团抱中,未携婴雌性在4 个和4 个以上个体团抱中比例明显增加;秦岭川金丝猴各年龄性别组的个体对团抱伙伴的选择有各自的偏好,大多数团抱由成年雄性和未成年个体发起,但获得较少的团抱;雌性和携婴雌性较少主动发出但获得较多的团抱,这显示出雌性作为团抱的主体具有很高的社会亲和力;此外团抱模式还存在季节性的变化,冬季寒冷期团抱的频率和大小都会增加,并且个体选择在距离地面较近的区域团抱以保持体温,春季生育期个体倾向于在树冠层团抱以获得新鲜的食物并且避免婴猴被捕食。秦岭川金丝猴的团抱行为是物种在其独特的社会组织形式下对山地极端环境的一种适应,在进化中以行为模式获得更高适合度的具体策略。  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴非成年个体行为发育的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王晓卫  杨斌  李银华  何刚  任轶  李保国 《生物学通报》2011,46(2):11-12,F0004
综合有关文献,介绍了秦岭川金丝猴(Rhmopithecus roxellana)0~1岁内、1~2岁内、2~3岁内3个非成年阶段个体的行为发育。涉及的行为类型有吸乳、取食、休息、移动等个体行为和理毛、玩耍、爬跨、攻击等社会行为。目的为了解该物种并对其加以保护提供参考资料。  相似文献   

笼养川金丝猴不同年龄阶段的发育特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
198 9~ 1998年间 ,对 46只不同年龄阶段的笼养川金丝猴 (Rhinopithecusroxellana)的外形、生理、行为等特征进行了比较。根据不同年龄阶段个体的综合特征 ,川金丝猴的发育期可划分为 5个年龄段 :婴幼阶段 ,少年阶段 ,青年阶段 ,亚成年阶段和成年阶段。观察发现 ,从出生到青年阶段 ,雌雄在体形大小和体重方面增长速度很接近。然而 ,从青年阶段开始 ,雄性的增长速度超过雌性。到了成年阶段 ,成年雄性的体重、坐高、尾长、头围、犬齿齿冠及被毛长度明显大于雌性 ,成年雌性的体重仅为成年雄性的 5 4% ,表现出显著的性二型性。雌性 3 6± 0 5 (n =5 )岁出现月经 ,其开始成功繁殖的年龄为 4~ 6岁 ;雄性 6 5 (n =4)岁出现射精行为 ,其开始成功繁殖年龄为 7~ 8岁。此外 ,对川金丝猴所特有的嘴角瘤的观察发现 ,雄性进入性发育年龄阶段后开始长出嘴角瘤 ;嘴角瘤大小随年龄增长而逐渐增大 ,直到性成熟。而雌性川金丝猴多无此结构或只有一个约绿豆大的痕迹。因此 ,嘴角瘤可以作为雄性川金丝猴性成熟的标志 ,是成年雄性川金丝猴的副性征。  相似文献   

为进一步深入理解不同地理区域川金丝猴群的社会结构特点,于2014年3—7月,采用焦点动物取样法对岷山山系唐家河国家级自然保护区辅助投食成功的一个川金丝猴群进行了观察。研究表明:该猴群共有138只个体,包括16只成年雄性,48只成年雌性,11只亚成年雌性,3只亚成年雄性,36只青少年猴以及24只婴幼猴;猴群中成年个体与未成年个体的比例为0.86∶1。唐家河川金丝猴群具有典型的重层社会结构:即由11个一雄多雌单元(one-male units,OMUs)组成2个繁殖分队(breeding band),并分别与1个密切联系的全雄单元(all-male unit,AMU)共同构成。其中,每个OMU分别由6~15只个体组成,平均为10.64只±2.77只;AMU共21只个体,以青少年个体最多,占61.9%。方差分析表明:2个繁殖分队中的OMU大小差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

社会玩耍是指两个或两个以上个体共同参与的一种互作性玩耍行为,个体间的行为彼此适应并相互影响。社会玩耍行为在灵长类物种的社会交往过程中普遍发生,作为未成年个体一种重要的发育行为,其对个体的生存技能和成年后的繁殖成功具有重要影响。灵长类物种的社会玩耍不仅仅表现为追逐、摔跤、跳跃等一些常见行为,部分物种还发展出自己特有的行为。一般而言,社会玩耍在婴儿后期和青少年早期的发生频率最高,然后随着年龄增长直到成年时期,这类行为的平均发生频率将逐渐下降。未成年雄性个体要比同年龄段的雌性个体更喜欢玩耍,但常因物种、研究对象年龄等因素表现不同甚至相反;很多物种的个体喜欢与有亲缘关系的个体玩耍,或者与性别相同、年龄相仿、等级相近的个体玩耍。总之,非人灵长类个体社会玩耍的发育不但受环境参量如食物、场地等的影响,而且还与个体的年龄、性别、等级、亲缘关系等社群因素紧密相关。未成年个体在玩耍过程中,获得了身体机能的快速发育、完善了生存技能、建立了个体间的友好关系、增强了认识自身及适应周围环境的能力,从而为顺利过渡到成年期和履行自己的职能打好基础,但有时却需要承担玩耍过程中受伤甚至死亡的风险。玩耍作为灵长类社会的一种行为文化,对其研究有助于对人类自身行为进化的不断认识,相信这方面的理论将会得到后来者的不断创新和丰富,也期望这方面的理念及经验能被及时运用到保护繁育等实践活动中。  相似文献   

Subtle contextual social cues and the explicit incentive structure of social dilemmas are two important, but fundamentally different classes of determinants of cooperative behavior. The former provides subjective social information regarding the likelihood of attaining mutual cooperation by shaping one's expectations of the cooperative behavior of the interacting party. The latter provides objective, ecological information about the strategic opportunities offered by the situation. In prior research, both classes have generally been studied in isolation, hampering insight into how social judgments and ecological opportunities interact in shaping cooperation. To fill in this gap we set up a repeated mixed-motive game in which we manipulate subtle social cues and the incentive structure of the game simultaneously. We develop the hypothesis that social information is less important in shaping mutual cooperation of two team members when the incentive structure is such that it contains natural synergies. In contrast, when the incentive structure offers no synergy, “rational contracting” is hampered and social cues are essential for mutual cooperation to develop. The evidence we present in this paper is consistent with this hypothesis.  相似文献   

Social isolation has dramatic consequences on the development of individuals of many vertebrate species, and it induces a set of behavioural disturbances rending them unable to process environmental as well as social stimuli appropriately. We hypothesized that isolation syndrome is a ubiquitous trait of social life that can be observed in a wide array of species, including invertebrates. Here we report that gregarious cockroaches (Blattella germanica) reared in isolation showed (i) stronger exploration-avoidance, (ii) reduced foraging activity, (iii) reduced willingness to interact socially, and (iv) reduced ability to assess mating partner quality than conspecifics reared in groups. We demonstrate the occurrence of a behavioural syndrome induced by social isolation, similar to syndromes described in vertebrates, revealing the importance of social interactions and group-living in this non-eusocial insect species. We suggest that investigating social isolation effects on individual development should provide interesting results to assess social cohesion of species and thus constitute an additional tool for comparative studies focusing on the evolution of social life.  相似文献   

We study a mathematical model for the coupled dynamics of human socio-economic choice and lake water system. In the model, many players choose one of the two options: a cooperative and costly option with low phosphorus discharge, and an economical option with high phosphorus discharge. The choice is affected by an economic cost, a social concern about water pollution, and a conformist tendency. The pollution level in the lake is determined by total phosphorus discharge by the players, the sedimentation and the outflow of phosphorus, and the recycling of phosphorus from the sediment. The model has two sources of nonlinearity: the cooperation level tends to be bistable due to conformist tendency of people (social hysteresis) and pollution level tends to be bistable because phosphorus recycling occurs faster in more eutrophic lakes (ecological hysteresis). The combination of these two sources may cause multiple stable equilibria or oscillations with a long periodicity. Small economic cost and strong social concern about pollution level can decrease the pollution level, but may not be very effective in enhancing the cooperation level. In contrast, strong conformist tendency produces a stable state with a high cooperation level and a low pollution level. We discuss implications of these results to the water quality management.  相似文献   

Behavioral neuroendocrinology is an integrative discipline that spans a wide range of taxa and neural systems, and thus the appropriate designation of homology (sameness) across taxa is critical for clear communication and extrapolation of findings from one taxon to another. In the present review we address issues of homology that relate to neural circuits of social behavior and associated systems that mediate reward and aversion. We first address a variety of issues related to the so-called “social behavior network” (SBN), including homologies that are only partial (e.g., whereas the preoptic area of fish and amphibians contains the major vasopressin–oxytocin cell groups, these populations lie in the hypothalamus of other vertebrates). We also discuss recent evidence that clarifies anterior hypothalamus and periaqueductal gray homologies in birds. Finally, we discuss an expanded network model, the “social decision-making network” (SDM) which includes the mesolimbic dopamine system and other structures that provide an interface between the mesolimbic system and the SBN. This expanded model is strongly supported in mammals, based on a wide variety of evidence. However, it is not yet clear how readily the SDM can be applied as a pan-vertebrate model, given insufficient data on numerous proposed homologies and a lack of social behavior data for SDM components (beyond the SBN nodes) for amphibians, reptiles or fish. Functions of SDM components are also poorly known for birds. Nonetheless, we contend that the SDM model provides a very sound and important framework for the testing of many hypotheses in nonmammalian vertebrates.  相似文献   

刘伟  宛新荣  钟文勤 《兽类学报》2005,25(2):115-121
长爪沙鼠为典型的群居性鼠类。在自然条件下该鼠的集群贮食活动随时可为人工投放的种子食物所导引。本文依据组群个体合作贮食的习性,并结合剪趾和染毛双重标记的重捕跟踪方法设计了着重观测社群结构、群内个体序位、领域边界及相关社群行为的野外实验。据2(X)2年5月对4个相邻洞群的观测结果分析表明,应用此法便于在复杂的社群环境中直接确认组群成员及其属性,亦便于分辨同一组群或不同组群成员之间发生的行为事件及相关过程,且能在重复实验中得以验证。为在野外条件下定量研究长爪沙鼠社群行为提供了一种便捷可靠的观测方法。  相似文献   

During the last three decades, developmental research has increasingly emphasized the relevance of peer relations in children’s socialization. However, most studies of child development still focus upon individual differences in social status, tacitly neglecting relational constraints inherent in the ecology of the peer group. In contrast, socioethological approaches have stressed that natural groups provide a variety of distinct social roles that may have a differential impact upon individual growth and development. However, ethological analyses have often been limited to aggressive relations and group dominance structures. Comparable studies of affiliative organization have been hampered by the paucity of models for the study of cohesive social structure, only recently having begun to overcome this obstacle. A potential third dimension of preschool peer group ethology, object use, has been relatively neglected in studies of peer relations. However, recent research suggests that object use is a salient and important component of the social world of the young child. This article reviews methodology and recent findings in the area of peer relations and discusses the developmental implications of this work. Received: 8 December 1998 / Received in revised form: 26 March 1999 / Accepted: 31 March 1999  相似文献   

贮食是动物应对环境变化和不可预测性而进化出的有效生存对策,认知则是当前鸟类学研究的热点问题之一。目前鸟类贮食行为中的认知研究多集中在空间认知,而社会认知研究相对滞后。对于贮食物种而言,储藏食物被盗现象非常普遍,为了避免被盗食,贮食者不仅要有发达的空间认知能力去记忆贮食地点,同时还需要极强的社会认知能力处理与盗食者的关系,可见社会认知在鸟类的贮食行为中扮演着重要角色。本文将从鸟类贮食的社会关系认知以及社会地位认知两个方面,对鸟类贮食行为中的社会认知研究进行综述,以期为后续鸟类社会认知研究提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

Social transmission of food preferences has been documented in many species including humans, rodents, and birds. In the current experiment, 12 pairs of domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) were utilized. Within each pair, one dog (the demonstrator) was fed dry dog food flavored with either basil or thyme. The second dog (the observer) interacted with one demonstrator for 10 min before being given an equal amount of both flavored foods. Observers exhibited a significant preference for the flavored diet consumed by their demonstrators, indicating that dogs, like rats, prefer foods smelled on a conspecific's breath.  相似文献   

Observations of primate groups have shown that social learning can lead to the development of temporal stable traditions or even proto-culture. The social structure of primate groups is highly diverse and it has been proposed that differences in the group structure shall influence the patterns of social information transmission. While empirical studies have mainly focused on the psychological mechanisms of social learning in individuals, the phenomenon of information propagation within the group has received relatively little attention. This might be due to the fact that formal theories that allow actual testing have not been formulated, or were kept too simple, ignoring the social dynamics of multi-agent societies. We want to propose a network approach to social information transmission that (1) preserves the complexity of the social structure of primate groups and (2) allows direct application to empirical data. Results from simulation experiments with artificial group structures confirm that association patterns of group-members influence the expected speed of information transmission during the propagation process. Introducing a forgetting rate shows that under certain conditions the proportion of informed individuals will reach a stable rate in some systems while it will drop to zero in others. This suggests that the likelihood to observe temporal stable traditions shall differ between social systems with different structure.  相似文献   

We uniquely show that the returns to drinking in social jobs exceed those in non-social jobs. The higher returns remain when controlling for worker personality, when including individual fixed effects and in a series of robustness exercises. This showing fits the hypothesis that drinking assists the formation of social capital, capital that has greater value in social jobs. We are also the first to show that drinking may proxy both general and specific social capital formation. Drinking during a previous employer and during a current employer have returns and each have higher returns in a current social job.  相似文献   

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