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幼年大鼠视皮层神经元对闪光刺激的反应特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哺乳动物视觉系统的发育延续到出生后,大鼠出生后 3~5 周是视觉系统发育的关键期 . 在关键期中,视皮层的兴奋性和抑制性突触连接逐渐成熟,形成有效的皮层内回路 . 为了观察发育关键期大鼠视皮层神经元的反应特性与成年大鼠的异同,使用胞外单细胞记录的方法对比研究了幼年和成年大鼠对闪光刺激的视觉反应特性 . 结果显示:与成年大鼠相比较,幼年大鼠视皮层神经元对持续闪光刺激显示出更强的适应性,对光刺激的诱发放电频率更低,而在没有光刺激时的自发放电频率更高,从而导致信噪比更低 . 这一结果表明,幼年大鼠视皮层对连续刺激的反应能力下降,对信号的分辨能力也更弱,其原因可能是兴奋性突触和抑制性突触发育的不同步所致 .  相似文献   

胞内记录猫体感皮层内脏伤害性感受神经元的电生理特性   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Chen JH  Teng GX 《生理学报》1999,51(1):31-37
为了从细胞水平探讨皮层内脏伤害感受的特性及机制,本文应用细胞内电位记录技术,观察了猫体感皮层内脏大神经皮层代表区的851个神经元对电刺激内脏大神经的诱发反应及电生理特性。其中412个单位为内脏伤害性感受神经元,其自发放电有多种形式,根据诱发反应现象分为特异性和非特异性伤害感受神经元,内脏伤害性诱发反应分为兴奋性反应(517%)、抑制性反应(3131%)及混合性反应(17%)三类。在形式上具有潜伏期长、反应形式复杂等特点。实验发现85个神经元为内脏及肋间神经的会聚反应细胞。部分神经元用神经生物素进行细胞内电泳标记以显示功能细胞所在层次及形态。结果说明皮层体感神经元具有内脏伤害性感受的作用,并从细胞及突触后电反应特点上探讨了内脏痛的感受机制。  相似文献   

应用常规电生理学细胞外记录技术,研究了生后3周龄幼年大鼠皮层听-视双模态神经元及听-视信息整合特性,并与成年动物进行对照。在听皮层的背侧,听皮层和视皮层的交界处,即颞-顶-枕联合皮层区,共记录到了324个神经元,其中45个为听-视双模态神经元,占13.9%,远低于成年动物双模态神经元所占比例(42.8%)。这些双模态神经元可分为A-V型,v-A型和a-V型3种类型。根据它们对听-视信息的整合效应,可分为增强型、抑制型和调制型。整合效应与给予的声和光组合刺激的时间间隔有关,以获得整合效应的时间间隔范围为整合时间窗,幼年动物的平均整合时间窗为11.9 ms,远小于成年动物的整合时间窗(平均为23.2 ms)。结果提示,与单模态感觉神经元对模态特异性反应特性一样,皮层听-视双模态神经元生后有一个发育、成熟的过程。研究结果为深入研究中枢神经元多感觉整合机制提供了重要实验资料。  相似文献   

用双脉冲白质电刺激研究了87个大鼠视皮层神经元的短时程时间整合特性。第一个脉冲所引起的细胞反应对第二个反应有影响的细胞占被记录细胞总数的55.2%,其中表现为突触作用增强的占41.7%,表现为突触作用压抑的占58.3%。整合作用的强度决定于两个脉冲之间的时间间隔,作用形式主要表现为第二个刺激所引起的反应的幅度和时程的改变。电反应可以EPSP或IPSP为主,或由EPSP和IPSP混合组成。部分细胞的反应包含快慢两个成份,时间整合作用对不同反应成份的影响程度有明显的不同。在锥体神经元中,增强型和压抑型的比例大致相等,而非锥体神经元只显示压抑型作用。位于皮层深层的神经元有时间整合作用的比率(37.5%)比位于浅层的神经元(60.5%)要低得多。  相似文献   

电生理研究结果显示,在衰老过程中猫的视皮层神经元对视觉刺激的反应性出现显著的功能衰退,是否这种功能性衰退伴随胶质细胞活动的改变尚无直接的实验证据。以前期电生理实验猫为材料,用免疫形态学方法比较青年猫和老年猫初级视皮层内星形胶质细胞的活动状况。利用Nissl染色显示猫初级视皮层组织结构,用免疫组织化学方法(SABC法)显示GFAP免疫阳性(GFAP-IR)星形胶质细胞。光镜下观察、拍照,对GFAP-IR细胞计数并换算成密度,测量GFAP-IR直径取平均值。老年猫初级视皮层灰质各层及白质内的GFAP-IR细胞密度比青年猫的显著升高(p〈0.001)。与青年猫相比,老年猫视皮层灰质和白质中GFAP-IR细胞的平均直径均比青年猫的显著增大(p〈0.0001),且老年猫视皮层内GFAP阳性免疫反应较青年猫的明显增强。老年猫初级视皮层神经元功能衰退伴随着星形胶质细胞活动的增强,胶质细胞活动增强有助于神经元之间的信息交流,因而可能对衰老过程中神经元的功能衰退起补偿作用。  相似文献   

大鼠皮层听-视多感觉神经元和听-视信息整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用常规电生理技术,研究SD大鼠皮层听-视多感觉神经元的分布和听-视信息整合.共记录到130个听-视双模态神经元,其中65个A-V型神经元,28个v-A型神经元和37个a-V型神经元.这些双模态神经元主要分布于听区的背侧,听皮层和视皮层的交界处,具有明显的区域性,呈条带状分布,v-A型神经元较多地位于近听皮层一侧,a-V型神经元则主要位于近视皮层一侧,A-V型神经元位于两者之间.在条带中,双模态神经元分布不均一,有片状分布趋势.双模态神经元的听-视信息整合效应分为增强型、抑制型和调制型.整合效应与声-光组合刺激的时间间隔有关,其中75%的神经元获得最大整合效应的时间间隔在30~50ms之间.研究结果提示,大鼠皮层存在听-视多感觉神经元分布区,这些神经元遵循存在于其他动物相关脑区多感觉信息整合规律,参与听-视感觉信息整合.  相似文献   

Yao XH  Xiong Y 《生理学报》2005,57(3):333-339
本实验采用脑片膜片钳全细胞记录和生物胞素(biocytin)组化染色相结合的技术,研究出生后(postnatalday,P)3~30日龄大鼠(P3~30)内侧膝状体腹侧部(ventralpartitionofmedialgeniculatebody,MGBv)神经元的电生理和形态学特性的发育变化。结果显示:(1)在P3~30的发育过程中,MGBv神经元的静息膜电位自?40mV降至?67mV(P<0.01);输入阻抗由1832M?降至806M?(P<0.01);时间常数由2.55ms降至0.96ms(P<0.01)。同时,动作电位的幅度、阈值和时程也表现出显著差异(P<0.01);(2)K+通道阻断剂4-AP使P6的MGBv神经元诱发动作电位数目减少,幅度降低,时程变宽,并使P16的动作电位幅度逐渐降低至去极化脉冲终末达到平台电位,而Ca2+通道阻断剂CdCl2仅引起P16的MGBv神经元动作电位的幅度降低,时程延长;(3)在用biocytin标记的MGBv神经元观察到,幼稚MGBv蓬丛样神经元(tuftedneuron)胞体呈圆形或椭圆形,而随着出生后日龄的增长,胞体逐渐变成梭形。轴突出现较早,树突的发育相对较晚,但其发育变化更为显著和复杂。以上结果提示,大鼠出生后MGBv神经元电生理和形态学特性仍有显著的发育变化,且两者明显相关。  相似文献   

大鼠下丘脑离体脑薄片视上核神经元的全细胞记录   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
在大鼠下丘脑薄片标本上对52例视上核神经元进行了全细胞膜片箝记录。膜被动及主动电生理参数测量如下:静息电位,59±8mV;输入阻抗,535±129MΩ;时间常数,32±9ms;动作电位幅度,99±11mV;超射值,37±13mV(n=39)。大多数神经元在接受去极化刺激时出现明显的慢后超极化电位或电流。我们发现,在电压箱状态下几乎所有的视上核神经元均接受兴奋性和/或抑制性突触传λ(n=13)。药理学实验表明,兴奋性突触后电流是由non-NMDA亚型谷氨酸受体介导,而抑制性突触后电流由GABAA受体介导。  相似文献   

丹扬 《生命科学》2008,20(5):692-694
活动依赖的神经可塑性在视觉皮层信息处理过程中起着很重要的作用。该文将讲述几个关于视觉刺激引起皮层反应发生快速变化的研究工作。在体膜片钳的实验结果表明,将视觉刺激与能够诱发孽个视皮层神经元发放动作电位的电刺激相偶联可以改变神经元的感受野特性。单电极和多电极胞外记录的实验结果显示,反复地给予自然图形电影刺激,不仅能增加视皮层神经元反应的可靠性,而且能造成之后的自发活动中存在“记忆的痕迹”。最后,用电压敏感染料成像的方法对群体细胞活动进行考察,结果提示视觉活动之后的皮层回放可能是由皮层波介导的。  相似文献   

大脑皮层中兴奋和抑制系统之间的动态平衡决定了皮层神经元对刺激的反应特性. 已有研究表明,二甲双胍能够诱导γ-氨基丁酸受体向突触后膜聚集,增强神经系统的抑制效果. 本课题进一步探讨了二甲双胍对初级视觉皮层兴奋和抑制系统平衡的调节作用,以及其改善小鼠视觉功能的潜力. 实验使用成年雄性小鼠,实验组(metformin)10只每天给予二甲双胍250 mg/kg,对照组(control)6只每天给予0.3 ml生理盐水,灌胃处理3周. 结果发现二甲双胍可以显著升高囊泡GABA转运蛋白VGAT和突触后抑制性递质受体相关蛋白Gephyrin的合成. 此外,它显著降低突触后兴奋性受体GluA1和GluN1的表达. 多通道电极电生理记录结果显示,二甲双胍作用下小鼠初级视觉皮层的自发放和诱发放显著降低,而信噪比、方向和方位选择性显著增加. 实验结果表明,二甲双胍可以通过降低兴奋突触、增强抑制突触,调节初级视皮层的兴奋——抑制平衡,提高信息处理能力,增强视觉功能.  相似文献   

I M Kakabadze 《Tsitologiia》1985,27(10):1123-1128
The maturation of layers II-VI of neurons and perineuronal neuropil of the cat visual cortex (field 17) was studied from postnatal day 1 to day 21. The differentiation of large, small (associate) pyramid and stellate neurons was described. During the first postnatal week, the somata of layers II-VI of neurons undergo significant changes, the perikaryal cytoplasm increases in volume. Cell bodies of large pyramidal neurons mature by day 15. During the second postnatal week and almost till day 15, the rough endoplasmic reticulum of small pyramidal and stellate neurons undergoes proliferation; dendritic processes are branching. In stellate neurons the amount of cytoplasmic organelles increases dramatically only after the second postnatal week, and this is presumably induced by the opening of eyes on day 12. The second postnatal week is the period of greatest growth of dendritic, axonal and glial processes in perineural neuropil of layers V-VI. In the perineuronal neuropil of large pyramidal neurons (layers V-VI) there appear symmetric synapses with pyramidal cells, dendritic processes and dendritic spines. This occurs just at the time when kittens first open the eyes. From this time and during postnatal days 15-21, asymmetric synapses appear in the perineuronal neuropil of large pyramidal neurons. In the perineuronal neuropil of small pyramidal and stellate neurons. (layers II-IV), synapses reveal the mature appearance by day 15. After the opening of the eyes and up to postnatal day 21, dendritic growth and spine production occur in the perineuronal neuropil of small pyramidal and stellate neurons.  相似文献   

Sills JB  Connors BW  Burwell RD 《Hippocampus》2012,22(9):1912-1922
The postrhinal (POR) cortex of the rat is homologous to the parahippocampal cortex of the primate based on connections and other criteria. POR provides the major visual and visuospatial input to the hippocampal formation, both directly to CA1 and indirectly through connections with the medial entorhinal cortex. Although the cortical and hippocampal connections of the POR cortex are well described, the physiology of POR neurons has not been studied. Here, we examined theelectrical and morphological characteristics of layer 5 neurons from POR cortex of 14- to 16-day-old rats using an in vitro slice preparation. Neurons were subjectively classified as regular-spiking (RS), fast-spiking (FS), or low-threshold spiking (LTS) based on their electrophysiological properties and similarities with neurons in other regions of neocortex. Cells stained with biocytin included pyramidal cells and interneurons with bitufted or multipolar dendritic patterns. Similarity analysis using only physiological data yielded three clusters that corresponded to FS, LTS, and RS classes. The cluster corresponding to the FS class was composed entirely of multipolar nonpyramidal cells, and the cluster corresponding to the RS class was composed entirely of pyramidal cells. The third cluster, corresponding to the LTS class, was heterogeneous and included both multipolar and bitufted dendritic arbors as well as one pyramidal cell. We did not observe any intrinsically bursting pyramidal cells, which is similar to entorhinal cortex but unlike perirhinal cortex. We conclude that POR includes at least two major classes of neocortical inhibitory interneurons, but has a functionally restricted cohort of pyramidal cells. ? 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Layer III pyramidal neurons were injected with Lucifer yellow in tangential cortical slices taken from the inferior temporal cortex (area TE) and the superior temporal polysensory (STP) area of the macaque monkey. Basal dendritic field areas of layer III pyramidal neurons in area STP are significantly larger, and their dendritic arborizations more complex, than those of cells in area TE. Moreover, the dendritic fields of layer III pyramidal neurons in both STP and TE are many times larger and more complex than those in areas forming 'lower' stages in cortical visual processing, such as the first (V1), second (V2), fourth (V4) and middle temporal (MT) visual areas. By combining data on spine density with those of Sholl analyses, we were able to estimate the average number of spines in the basal dendritic field of layer III pyramidal neurons in each area. These calculations revealed a 13-fold difference in the number of spines in the basal dendritic field between areas STP and V1 in animals of similar age. The large differences in complexity of the same kind of neuron in different visual areas go against arguments for isopotentiality of different cortical regions and provide a basis that allows pyramidal neurons in temporal areas TE and STP to integrate more inputs than neurons in more caudal visual areas.  相似文献   

The molecular layer of the dentate gyrus appears as the main entrance gate for information into the hippocampus, i.e., where the perforant path axons from the entorhinal cortex synapse onto the spines and dendrites of granule cells. A few dispersed neuronal somata appear intermingled in between and probably control the flow of information in this area. In rabbits, the number of neurons in the molecular layer increases in the first week of postnatal life and then stabilizes to appear permanent and heterogeneous over the individuals’ life span, including old animals. By means of Golgi impregnations, NADPH histochemistry, immunocytochemical stainings and intracellular labelings (lucifer yellow and biocytin injections), eight neuronal morphological types have been detected in the molecular layer of developing adult and old rabbits. Six of them appear as interneurons displaying smooth dendrites and GABA immunoreactivity: those here called as globoid, vertical, small horizontal, large horizontal, inverted pyramidal and polymorphic. Additionally there are two GABA negative types: the sarmentous and ectopic granular neurons. The distribution of the somata and dendritic trees of these neurons shows preferences for a definite sublayer of the molecular layer: small horizontal, sarmentous and inverted pyramidal neurons are preferably found in the outer third of the molecular layer; vertical, globoid and polymorph neurons locate the intermediate third, while large horizontal and ectopic granular neurons occupy the inner third or the juxtagranular molecular layer. Our results reveal substantial differences in the morphology and electrophysiological behaviour between each neuronal archetype in the dentate molecular layer, allowing us to propose a new classification for this neural population.  相似文献   

Katagiri H  Fagiolini M  Hensch TK 《Neuron》2007,53(6):805-812
Local GABAergic circuits trigger visual cortical plasticity in early postnatal life. How these diverse connections contribute to critical period onset was investigated by nonstationary fluctuation analysis following laser photo-uncaging of GABA onto discrete sites upon individual pyramidal cells in slices of mouse visual cortex. The GABA(A) receptor number decreased on the soma-proximal dendrite (SPD), but not at the axon initial segment, with age and sensory deprivation. Benzodiazepine sensitivity was also higher on the immature SPD. Too many or too few SPD receptors in immature or dark-reared mice, respectively, were adjusted to critical period levels by benzodiazepine treatment in vivo, which engages ocular dominance plasticity in these animal models. Combining GAD65 deletion with dark rearing from birth confirmed that an intermediate number of SPD receptors enable plasticity. Site-specific optimization of perisomatic GABA response may thus trigger experience-dependent development in visual cortex.  相似文献   

Synaptic interactions between neurons of the human cerebral cortex were not directly studied to date. We recorded the first dataset, to our knowledge, on the synaptic effect of identified human pyramidal cells on various types of postsynaptic neurons and reveal complex events triggered by individual action potentials in the human neocortical network. Brain slices were prepared from nonpathological samples of cortex that had to be removed for the surgical treatment of brain areas beneath association cortices of 58 patients aged 18 to 73 y. Simultaneous triple and quadruple whole-cell patch clamp recordings were performed testing mono- and polysynaptic potentials in target neurons following a single action potential fired by layer 2/3 pyramidal cells, and the temporal structure of events and underlying mechanisms were analyzed. In addition to monosynaptic postsynaptic potentials, individual action potentials in presynaptic pyramidal cells initiated long-lasting (37 ± 17 ms) sequences of events in the network lasting an order of magnitude longer than detected previously in other species. These event series were composed of specifically alternating glutamatergic and GABAergic postsynaptic potentials and required selective spike-to-spike coupling from pyramidal cells to GABAergic interneurons producing concomitant inhibitory as well as excitatory feed-forward action of GABA. Single action potentials of human neurons are sufficient to recruit Hebbian-like neuronal assemblies that are proposed to participate in cognitive processes.  相似文献   

Gangliosides are characteristic plasma membrane constituents of vertebrate brain used as milestones of neuronal development. As neuronal morphology is a good indicator of neuronal differentiation, we analyzed how lack of the ganglioside biosynthetic gene Galgt1 whose product is critical for production of four major adult mammalian brain complex gangliosides (GM1, GD1a, GD1b and GT1b) affects neuronal maturation in vivo. To define maturation of cortical neurons in mice lacking B4galnt1 we performed a morphological analysis of Golgi-Cox impregnated pyramidal neurons in primary motor cortex and granular cells of dentate gyrus in 3, 21 and 150 days old B4galnt1-null and wild type mice. Quantitative analysis of basal dendritic tree on layer III pyramidal neurons in the motor cortex showed very immature dendritic picture in both mice at postnatal day 3. At postnatal day 21 both mice reached adult values in dendritic length, complexity and spine density. No quantitative differences were found between B4galnt1-null and wild type mice in pyramidal cells of motor cortex or granular cells of dentate gyrus at any examined age. In addition, the general structural and neuronal organization of all brain structures, qualitatively observed on Nissl and Golgi-Cox, were similar Our results demonstrate that neurons can develop normal dendritic complexity and length without presence of complex gangliosides in vivo. Therefore, behavioral differences observed in B4galnt1-null mice may be attributed to functional rather than morphological level of dendrites and spines of cortical pyramidal neurons.  相似文献   

Song XM  Wang Y  Zhu Z  Li CY 《PloS one》2010,5(11):e15025
In V1 of cats and monkeys, activity of neurons evoked by stimuli within the receptive field can be modulated by stimuli in the extra-receptive field (ERF). This modulating effect can be suppressive (S-ERF) or facilitatory (F-ERF) and plays different roles in visual information processing. Little is known about the cellular bases underlying the different types of ERF modulating effects. Here, we focus on the morphological differences between the S-ERF and F-ERF neurons. Single unit activities were recorded from V1 of the cat. The ERF properties of each neuron were assessed by area-response functions using sinusoidal grating stimuli. On completion of the functional tests, the cells were injected intracellularly with biocytin. The labeled cells were reconstructed and morphologically characterized in terms of the ERF modulation effects. We show that the vast majority of S-ERF neurons and F-ERF neurons are pyramidal cells and that the two types of cells clearly differ in the size of the soma, in complexity of dendrite branching, in spine size and density, and in the range of innervations of the axon collaterals. We propose that different pyramidal cell phenotypes reflect a high degree of specificity of neuronal connections associated with different types of spatial modulation.  相似文献   

This study provides a detailed quantitative estimate for local synaptic connectivity between neocortical pyramidal neurons. A new way of obtaining such an estimate is presented. In acute slices of the rat visual cortex, four layer 2 and four layer 3 pyramidal neurons were intracellularly injected with biocytin. Axonal and dendritic arborizations were three-dimensionally reconstructed with the aid of a computer-based camera lucida system. In a computer experiment, pairs of pre- and postsynaptic neurons were formed and potential synaptic contacts were calculated. For each pair, the calculations were carried out for a whole range of distances (0 to 500 μm) between the presynaptic and the postsynaptic neuron, in order to estimate cortical connectivity as a function of the spatial separation of neurons. It was also differentiated whether neurons were situated in the same or in different cortical layers. The data thus obtained was used to compute connection probabilities, the average number of contacts between neurons, the frequency of specific numbers of contacts and the total number of contacts a dendritic tree receives from the surrounding cortical volume. Connection probabilities ranged from 50% to 80% for directly adjacent neurons and from 0% to 15% for neurons 500 μm apart. In many cases, connections were mediated by one contact only. However, close neighbors made on average up to 3 contacts with each other. The question as to whether the method employed in this study yields a realistic estimate of synaptic connectivity is discussed. It is argued that the results can be used as a detailed blueprint for building artificial neural networks with a cortex-like architecture. Received: 30 March 1999 / Accepted in revised form: 5 August 1999  相似文献   

The piriform cortex receives input from the olfactory bulb and (via the entorhinal cortex) sends efferents to the hippocampus, thereby connecting the two canonical neurogenic regions of the adult rodent brain. Doublecortin (DCX) is a cytoskeleton-associated protein that is expressed transiently in the course of adult neurogenesis. Interestingly, the adult piriform cortex, which is usually considered non-neurogenic (even though some reports exist that state otherwise), also contains an abundant population of DCX-positive cells. We asked how similar these cells would be to DCX-positive cells in the course of adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Using BAC-generated transgenic mice that express GFP under the DCX promoter, we studied DCX-expression and electrophysiological properties of DCX-positive cells in the mouse piriform cortex in comparison with the dentate gyrus. While one class of cells in the piriform cortex indeed showed features similar to newly generated immature granule neurons, the majority of DCX cells in the piriform cortex was mature and revealed large Na+ currents and multiple action potentials. Furthermore, when proliferative activity was assessed, we found that all DCX-expressing cells in the piriform cortex were strictly postmitotic, suggesting that no DCX-positive "neuroblasts" exist here as they do in the dentate gyrus. We conclude that DCX in the piriform cortex marks a unique population of postmitotic neurons with a subpopulation that retains immature characteristics associated with synaptic plasticity. DCX is thus, per se, no marker of neurogenesis but might be associated more broadly with plasticity.  相似文献   

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