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The distribution of insects can often be related to variation in their response to thermal extremes, which in turn may reflect differences in plastic responses or innate variation in resistance. Species with widespread distributions are expected to have evolved higher levels of plasticity than those from restricted tropical areas. This study compares adult thermal limits across five widespread species and five restricted tropical species of Drosophila from eastern Australia and investigates how these limits are affected by developmental acclimation and hardening after controlling for environmental variation and phylogeny. Irrespective of acclimation, cold resistance was higher in the widespread species. Developmental cold acclimation simulating temperate conditions extended cold limits by 2°-4°C, whereas developmental heat acclimation under simulated tropical conditions increased upper thermal limits by <1°C. The response to adult heat-hardening was weak, whereas widespread species tended to have a larger cold-hardening response that increased cold tolerance by 2°-5°C. These patterns persisted after phylogenetic correction and when flies were reared under high and low constant temperatures. The results do not support the hypothesis that widely distributed species have larger phenotypic plasticity for thermal tolerance limits, and Drosophila species distributions are therefore more closely linked to differences in innate thermal tolerance limits.  相似文献   

Physiological variation among and within species is thought to play a key role in determining distribution patterns across environmental gradients. We tested inter‐ and intraspecific variation in cold and heat tolerances for three grasshopper species (genus Kosciuscola) with overlapping elevation distributions, across their respective ranges in the Australian mountains. Of the three cold tolerance traits measured, the critical thermal minimum was the only trait to vary among species, with greater cold tolerance associated with a distribution extending to a higher elevation. Cold tolerance limits were regularly exceeded in exposed microhabitats, suggesting a role for cold adaptation in structuring species distribution patterns. In contrast to cold tolerance, heat tolerance variation was primarily partitioned within species. For two species, populations from treeless alpine habitat were more heat tolerant than their lower‐elevation counterparts, supporting recent models that suggest greater exposure to temperature extremes at higher elevations. These contrasting patterns of physiological variation among and within species emphasise the importance of considering variation within species when attempting to understand how species distributions are affected by thermal extremes.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of widespread and specialized species is likely to cause a different genetic architecture of key ecological traits in the two species groups. This may affect how these two groups respond to inbreeding. Here we investigate inbreeding effects in traits related to performance in 5 widespread and 5 tropical restricted species of Drosophila with the aim of testing whether the two species groups suffered differently from inbreeding depression. The traits investigated were egg-to-adult viability, developmental time and resistance to heat, cold and desiccation. Our results showed that levels of inbreeding depression were species and trait specific and did not differ between the species groups for stress resistance traits. However, for the life history traits developmental time and egg-to adult viability, more inbreeding depression was observed in the tropical species. The results reported suggest that for life history traits tropical species of Drosophila will suffer more from inbreeding depression than widespread species in case of increases in the rate of inbreeding e.g. due to declines in population sizes.  相似文献   

The physiological ability to survive climatic extremes, such as low temperature, is a major determinant of species distribution. Research suggests that tropically restricted insect populations may possess low to zero variation in stress tolerance, thereby limiting any potential to adapt to colder climates. This paradigm derives largely from contrasts among Drosophila populations and species along the tropical–temperate cline of eastern Australia. Butterfly groups, such as the variously distributed representatives of the genus Eurema, offer opportunities to test the taxonomic breadth of this paradigm. We contribute here by investigating plasticity, repeatability and heritability (h2) for cold tolerance in Eurema smilax. This continentally widespread species (extending from the Torres Strait to the south coast of Victoria) offers an important comparative basis for evaluating stress tolerance in geographically restricted congenerics. We reared two generations of E. smilax under laboratory conditions and measured recovery from a chill‐coma assay, which is one of the commonly used methods for characterizing adult cold stress tolerance. Trials on F2s conducted over three consecutive days revealed individual repeatability (r = 0.405). However, recovery time decreased systematically across trials, which is characteristic of a phenotypically plastic ‘hardening’ response to prior cold exposure. Generalized linear modelling, wherein genetic variance was estimated via an ‘animal model’ approach, indicated no difference between sexes and no effect of body size, but a significant additive genetic term, corresponding to a heritability estimate of h2 = 0.414 ± 0.100. These data suggest significant adaptive potential for cold tolerance in E. smilax but show that individuals may also respond directly to extremes of cold via phenotypic plasticity. This indicates the potential to adapt to varied thermal extremes, which would be expected for a broadly distributed species that is resilient to climate change.  相似文献   

Species with restricted distributions make up the vast majority of biodiversity. Recent evidence from Drosophila suggests that species with restricted distributions may simply lack genetic variation in key traits, limiting their ability to adapt to conditions beyond their current range. Specifically, tropical species of Drosophila have been shown to have low means and low genetic variation for cold tolerance and desiccation tolerance. It has therefore been predicted that these species will be limited in their response to future climatic changes. However whether these results extend beyond Drosophila is not known. We assess levels of quantitative genetic variation for cold tolerance and body size in three species of butterfly from the genus Eurema that can be classified as tropically restricted (E. laeta), tropical/subtropical (E. hecabe) and widespread (E. smilax) in their distribution. Compared to the more widely distributed species, we show that the tropically restricted E. laeta has significantly lower mean cold tolerance and lacks genetic variation for this trait. Thus, we empirically confirm in non-model organisms that low levels of genetic variation in a key ecological trait may play a role in limiting the distribution of tropically restricted species.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity may be an important initial mechanism to counter environmental change, yet we know relatively little about the evolution of plasticity in nature. Species with widespread distributions are expected to have evolved higher levels of plasticity compared with those with more restricted, tropical distributions. At the intraspecific level, temperate populations are expected to have evolved higher levels of plasticity than their tropical counterparts. However, empirical support for these expectations is limited. In addition, no studies have comprehensively examined the evolution of thermal plasticity across life stages. Using populations of Drosophila simulans collected from a latitudinal cline spanning the entire east coast of Australia, we assessed thermal plasticity, measured as hardening capacity (the difference between basal and hardened thermal tolerance) for multiple measures of heat and cold tolerance across both adult and larval stages of development. This allowed us to explicitly ask whether the evolution of thermal plasticity is favoured in more variable, temperate environments. We found no relationship between thermal plasticity and latitude, providing little support for the hypothesis that temperate populations have evolved higher levels of thermal plasticity than their tropical counterparts. With the exception of adult heat survival, we also found no association between plasticity and ten climatic variables, indicating that the evolution of thermal plasticity is not easily predicted by the type of environment that a particular population occupies. We discuss these results in the context of the role of plasticity in a warming climate.  相似文献   

Understanding how quickly physiological traits evolve is a topic of great interest, particularly in the context of how organisms can adapt in response to climate warming. Adjustment to novel thermal habitats may occur either through behavioural adjustments, physiological adaptation or both. Here, we test whether rates of evolution differ among physiological traits in the cybotoids, a clade of tropical Anolis lizards distributed in markedly different thermal environments on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola. We find that cold tolerance evolves considerably faster than heat tolerance, a difference that results because behavioural thermoregulation more effectively shields these organisms from selection on upper than lower temperature tolerances. Specifically, because lizards in very different environments behaviourally thermoregulate during the day to similar body temperatures, divergent selection on body temperature and heat tolerance is precluded, whereas night-time temperatures can only be partially buffered by behaviour, thereby exposing organisms to selection on cold tolerance. We discuss how exposure to selection on physiology influences divergence among tropical organisms and its implications for adaptive evolutionary response to climate warming.  相似文献   

As mean temperatures increase and heatwaves become more frequent, species are expanding their distributions to colonise new habitats. The resulting novel species interactions will simultaneously shape the temperature-driven reorganization of resident communities. The interactive effects of climate change and climate change-facilitated invasion have rarely been studied in multi-trophic communities, and are likely to differ depending on the nature of the climatic driver (i.e., climate extremes or constant warming). We re-created under laboratory conditions a host-parasitoid community typical of high-elevation rainforest sites in Queensland, Australia, comprising four Drosophila species and two associated parasitoid species. We subjected these communities to an equivalent increase in average temperature in the form of periodic heatwaves or constant warming, in combination with an invasion treatment involving a novel host species from lower-elevation habitats. The two parasitoid species were sensitive to both warming and heatwaves, while the demographic responses of Drosophila species were highly idiosyncratic, reflecting the combined effects of thermal tolerance, parasitism, competition, and facilitation. After multiple generations, our heatwave treatment promoted the establishment of low-elevation species in upland communities. Invasion of the low-elevation species correlated negatively with the abundance of one of the parasitoid species, leading to cascading effects on its hosts and their competitors. Our study, therefore, reveals differing, sometimes contrasting, impacts of extreme temperatures and constant warming on community composition. It also highlights how the scale and direction of climate impacts could be further modified by invading species within a bi-trophic community network.  相似文献   

Climate change is altering phenology and distributions of many species and further changes are projected. Can species physiologically adapt to climate warming? We analyse thermal tolerances of a large number of terrestrial ectotherm (= 697), endotherm (= 227) and plant (= 1816) species worldwide, and show that tolerance to heat is largely conserved across lineages, while tolerance to cold varies between and within species. This pattern, previously documented for ectotherms, is apparent for this group and for endotherms and plants, challenging the longstanding view that physiological tolerances of species change continuously across climatic gradients. An alternative view is proposed in which the thermal component of climatic niches would overlap across species more than expected. We argue that hard physiological boundaries exist that constrain evolution of tolerances of terrestrial organisms to high temperatures. In contrast, evolution of tolerances to cold should be more frequent. One consequence of conservatism of upper thermal tolerances is that estimated niches for cold‐adapted species will tend to underestimate their upper thermal limits, thereby potentially inflating assessments of risk from climate change. In contrast, species whose climatic preferences are close to their upper thermal limits will unlikely evolve physiological tolerances to increased heat, thereby being predictably more affected by warming.  相似文献   

Thermal tolerance is an important factor influencing the distribution of ectotherms, but our understanding of the ability of species to evolve different thermal limits is limited. Based on univariate measures of adaptive capacity, it has recently been suggested that species may have limited evolutionary potential to extend their upper thermal limits under ramping temperature conditions that better reflect heat stress in nature. To test these findings more broadly, we used a paternal half‐sibling breeding design to estimate the multivariate evolutionary potential for upper thermal limits in Drosophila simulans. We assessed heat tolerance using static (basal and hardened) and ramping assays. Our analyses revealed significant evolutionary potential for all three measures of heat tolerance. Additive genetic variances were significantly different from zero for all three traits. Our G matrix analysis revealed that all three traits would contribute to a response to selection for increased heat tolerance. Significant additive genetic covariances and additive genetic correlations between static basal and hardened heat‐knockdown time, marginally nonsignificant between static basal and ramping heat‐knockdown time, indicate that direct and correlated responses to selection for increased upper thermal limits are possible. Thus, combinations of all three traits will contribute to the evolution of upper thermal limits in response to selection imposed by a warming climate. Reliance on univariate estimates of evolutionary potential may not provide accurate insight into the ability of organisms to evolve upper thermal limits in nature.  相似文献   

Species distributions are often constrained by climatic tolerances that are ultimately determined by evolutionary history and/or adaptive capacity, but these factors have rarely been partitioned. Here, we experimentally determined two key climatic niche traits (desiccation and cold resistance) for 92–95 Drosophila species and assessed their importance for geographic distributions, while controlling for acclimation, phylogeny, and spatial autocorrelation. Employing an array of phylogenetic analyses, we documented moderate‐to‐strong phylogenetic signal in both desiccation and cold resistance. Desiccation and cold resistance were clearly linked to species distributions because significant associations between traits and climatic variables persisted even after controlling for phylogeny. We used different methods to untangle whether phylogenetic signal reflected phylogenetically related species adapted to similar environments or alternatively phylogenetic inertia. For desiccation resistance, weak phylogenetic inertia was detected; ancestral trait reconstruction, however, revealed a deep divergence that could be traced back to the genus level. Despite drosophilids’ high evolutionary potential related to short generation times and high population sizes, cold resistance was found to have a moderate‐to‐high level of phylogenetic inertia, suggesting that evolutionary responses are likely to be slow. Together these findings suggest species distributions are governed by evolutionarily conservative climate responses, with limited scope for rapid adaptive responses to future climate change.  相似文献   

High‐temperature tolerance in plants is important in a warming world, with extreme heat waves predicted to increase in frequency and duration, potentially leading to lethal heating of leaves. Global patterns of high‐temperature tolerance are documented in animals, but generally not in plants, limiting our ability to assess risks associated with climate warming. To assess whether there are global patterns in high‐temperature tolerance of leaf metabolism, we quantified Tcrit (high temperature where minimal chlorophyll a fluorescence rises rapidly and thus photosystem II is disrupted) and Tmax (temperature where leaf respiration in darkness is maximal, beyond which respiratory function rapidly declines) in upper canopy leaves of 218 plant species spanning seven biomes. Mean site‐based Tcrit values ranged from 41.5 °C in the Alaskan arctic to 50.8 °C in lowland tropical rainforests of Peruvian Amazon. For Tmax, the equivalent values were 51.0 and 60.6 °C in the Arctic and Amazon, respectively. Tcrit and Tmax followed similar biogeographic patterns, increasing linearly (?8 °C) from polar to equatorial regions. Such increases in high‐temperature tolerance are much less than expected based on the 20 °C span in high‐temperature extremes across the globe. Moreover, with only modest high‐temperature tolerance despite high summer temperature extremes, species in mid‐latitude (~20–50°) regions have the narrowest thermal safety margins in upper canopy leaves; these regions are at the greatest risk of damage due to extreme heat‐wave events, especially under conditions when leaf temperatures are further elevated by a lack of transpirational cooling. Using predicted heat‐wave events for 2050 and accounting for possible thermal acclimation of Tcrit and Tmax, we also found that these safety margins could shrink in a warmer world, as rising temperatures are likely to exceed thermal tolerance limits. Thus, increasing numbers of species in many biomes may be at risk as heat‐wave events become more severe with climate change.  相似文献   

Global climate change is projected to increase the incidence of heat waves, their magnitude and duration resulting in insects experiencing increasing environmental stress in both natural and managed ecosystems. While studies on insect thermal tolerance are rapidly increasing, variation across developmental or juvenile stress cross-stage effects within and across generations remain largely unexplored. Yet in holometabolous insects, heat stress at an early developmental stage may influence performance and survival during later stages. Here, we investigated the effects of pupal mild heat stress on the performance of laboratory-reared adult Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) measured as longevity, critical thermal maximum (CTmax), critical thermal minima (CTmin), heat knockdown time (HKDT) and chill coma recovery time (CCRT). Pupal heat stress significantly influenced performance of B. dorsalis adults resulting in impaired longevity and heat tolerance (CTmax and HKDT) in both sexes with improved and compromised cold tolerance (CTmin and CCRT) in females and males, respectively. These findings highlight the role of juvenile stages in mediating stress responses at adult stages. For B. dorsalis, pupal heat stress largely compromised thermal tolerance implying that the species has limited potential to shift its geographic range in heat prone areas. Significant benefits in cold tolerance in females following heat stress may help in improving survival in the cold in the short-term despite restricted activity to the same traits in males. This study suggests that basal heat tolerance and not short-term compensatory thermal plasticity following heat stress may have aided the recent invasion of B. dorsalis in African landscapes.  相似文献   

Recently, heterogeneity of the environment has been suggested as an important player in the evolution of life span variation. Established ageing theories propose that life span variation is the result of coevolution with other traits, such as stress resistance. This study aimed to compare these alternative hypotheses by examining the relationship between four environmental variables and different types of stress resistance traits with life span in 13 Drosophila species originating from tropical, subtropical and temperate environments (ecotypes). Average life span was found to differ significantly both between species and sexes, but only male life span correlated with the environment and cold resistance. While controlling for phylogeny, the environmental variable precipitation seasonality and resistance against cold‐induced stress explained most variation in male life span. Furthermore, male life span varied between species in a manner represented by environmental variables linked to the different ecotypes, such that tropical species lived longer and were less cold resistant. The current results suggest that general mechanisms underlying stress resistance and life span are unlikely. In addition, our results point to the environment independently shaping variation in life span and cold resistance rather than genetic interactions.  相似文献   

Tropical and subtropical species represent the majority of biodiversity. These species are predicted to lack the capacity to evolve higher thermal limits in response to selection imposed by climatic change. However, these assessments have relied on indirect estimates of adaptive capacity, using conditions that do not reflect environmental changes projected under climate change. Using a paternal half‐sib full‐sib breeding design, we estimated the additive genetic variance and narrow‐sense heritability for adult upper thermal limits in two rainforest‐restricted species of Drosophila reared under two thermal regimes, reflecting increases in seasonal temperature projected for the Wet Tropics of Australia and under standard laboratory conditions (constant 25°C). Estimates of additive genetic variation and narrow‐sense heritability for adult heat tolerance were significantly different from zero in both species under projected summer, but not winter or constant, thermal regimes. In contrast, significant broad‐sense genetic variation was apparent in all thermal regimes for egg‐to‐adult viability. Environment‐dependent changes in the expression of genetic variation for adult upper thermal limits suggest that predicting adaptive responses to climate change will be difficult. Estimating adaptive capacity under conditions that do not reflect future environmental conditions may provide limited insight into evolutionary responses to climate change.  相似文献   

Interspecific variation in life‐history traits and physiological limits can be linked to the environmental conditions species experience, including climatic conditions. As alpine environments are particularly vulnerable under climate change, we focus on the montane‐alpine fly Drosophila nigrosparsa. Here, we characterized some of its life‐history traits and physiological limits and compared these with those of other drosophilids, namely Drosophila hydei, Drosophila melanogaster, and Drosophila obscura. We assayed oviposition rate, longevity, productivity, development time, larval competitiveness, starvation resistance, and heat and cold tolerance. Compared with the other species assayed, D. nigrosparsa is less fecund, relatively long‐living, starvation susceptible, cold adapted, and surprisingly well heat adapted. These life‐history characteristics provide insights into invertebrate adaptations to alpine conditions which may evolve under ongoing climate change.  相似文献   

Latitudinal clines are considered a powerful means of investigating evolutionary responses to climatic selection in nature. However, most clinal studies of climatic adaptation in Drosophila have involved species that contain cosmopolitan inversion polymorphisms that show clinal patterns themselves, making it difficult to determine whether the traits or inversions are under selection. Further, although climatic selection is unlikely to act on only one life stage in metamorphic organisms, a few studies have examined clinal patterns across life stages. Finally, clinal patterns of heat tolerance may also depend on the assay used. To unravel these potentially confounding effects on clinal patterns of thermal tolerance, we examined adult and larval heat tolerance traits in populations of Drosophila simulans from eastern Australia using static and dynamic (ramping 0.06 °C min?1) assays. We also used microsatellites markers to clarify whether demographic factors or selection are responsible for population differentiation along clines. Significant cubic clinal patterns were observed for adult static basal, hardened and dynamic heat knockdown time and static basal heat survival in larvae. In contrast, static, hardened larval heat survival increased linearly with latitude whereas no clinal association was found for larval ramping survival. Significant associations between adult and larval traits and climatic variables, and low population differentiation at microsatellite loci, suggest a role for climatic selection, rather than demographic processes, in generating these clinal patterns. Our results suggest that adaptation to thermal stress may be species and life‐stage specific, complicating our efforts to understand the evolutionary responses to selection for increasing thermotolerance.  相似文献   

Many terrestrial ectothermic species exhibit limited variation in upper thermal tolerance across latitude. However, these trends may not signify limited adaptive capacity to increase thermal tolerance in the face of climate change. Instead, thermal tolerance may be similar among populations because behavioural thermoregulation by mobile organisms or life stages may buffer natural selection for thermal tolerance. We compared thermal tolerance of adults and embryos among natural populations of Drosophila melanogaster from a broad range of thermal habitats around the globe to assess natural variation of thermal tolerance in mobile vs. immobile life stages. We found no variation among populations in adult thermal tolerance, but embryonic thermal tolerance was higher in tropical strains than in temperate strains. We further report that embryos live closer to their upper thermal limits than adults – that is, thermal safety margins are smaller for embryos than adults. F1 hybrid embryos from crosses between temperate and tropical populations had thermal tolerance that matched that of tropical embryos, suggesting the dominance of heat‐tolerant alleles. Together, our findings suggest that thermal selection has led to divergence in embryonic thermal tolerance but that selection for divergent thermal tolerance may be limited in adults. Further, our results suggest that thermal traits should be measured across life stages to better predict adaptive limits.  相似文献   

With advancing global climate change, the analysis of thermal tolerance and evolutionary potential is important in explaining the ecological adaptation and changes in the distribution of invasive species. To reveal the variation of heat resistance and evolutionary potential in the invasive Mediterranean cryptic species of Bemisia tabaci, we selected two Chinese populations—one from Harbin, N China, and one from Turpan, S China—that experience substantial heat and cold stress and conducted knockdown tests under static high- and low-temperature conditions. ANOVAs indicated significant effects of populations and sex on heat knockdown time and chill coma recovery time. The narrow-sense heritability (h 2) estimates of heat tolerance based on a parental half-sibling breeding design ranged from 0.47±0.03 to 0.51±0.06, and the estimates of cold tolerance varied from 0.33±0.07 to 0.36±0.06. Additive genetic variances were significantly different from zero for both heat and cold tolerance. These results suggest that invasive B. tabaci Mediterranean cryptic species possesses a strong ability to respond to thermal selection and develops rapid resistance to climate change.  相似文献   

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