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目的:探讨骨保留型股骨短柄假体行全髋关节置换手术的近期疗效及临床体会。方法:自2013年1月~2015年3月,首次接受人工全髋关节置换术共30例患者(38髋),年龄38~70岁,均采用后外侧入路。通过比较术前、术后髋关节Harris评分、骨性关节炎指数可视化量表(WOMAC),评价手术疗效。结果:术后所有患者均获得随访,最少6月,最长33月,平均19.5月。术后髋关节疼痛均明显好转,随访期内无严重并发症发生。髋关节Harris评分:术前45.3±4.3,术后末次随访94.1±5.4。术后末次随访Harris评分较术前改善明显,差异有统计学意义(P0.05),术后3~4个月所有患者可以全负重行走。1例术中股骨近端骨折,术后愈合良好,未留后遗症。所有病例未发现假体松动或感染。结论:骨保留型股骨短柄假体行全髋关节置换手术近期临床效果满意,无严重并发症。新型短柄假体设计符合人体解剖特征,骨量保留多,术后疗效好,为髋关节置换提供了一种新的选择。  相似文献   

目的:研究人工髋关节置换术中股骨假体周围骨折的影响因素及其相关性,为人工髋关节置换术中股骨假体周围骨折的预防和诊治提供科学依据。方法:选取本院2012年11月至2013年9月施行髋关节置换手术的患者780例,搜集各研究对象的一般资料(年龄、性别等)以及随访观察其髋关节置换手术后股骨假体周围骨折的发生情况,把股骨假体周围骨折的发生情况与性别、年龄、固定类型等因素进行Logistic回归分析。结果:780例施行髋关节置换手术的患者中,有52例患者术后出现股骨假体周围骨折,总发生率为6.7%;其中A型31例,B型18例(B1型6例,B2型7例,B3型5例),C型3例。女性的发生率(8.5%)高于男性(4.7%),老年患者中股骨假体周围骨折的发生率最高(10.1%),生物型假体固定者的发生率(8.7%)高于骨水泥型假体固定者(3.8%),人工髋关节翻修术中股骨假体周围骨折的发生率最高(11.4%),股骨假体周围骨折发生的危险因素为女性、高龄、使用生物型假体固定,OR值分别为5.301、3.675和2.336。结论:人工髋关节置换术中的危险因素为女性、高龄、使用生物型假体固定,临床医生应在术前对行人工髋关节置换术手术者进行充分的评估,制定合理的手术方案及选择合适的固定方式。  相似文献   

目的:探讨人工髋关节置换术患者发生股骨假体周围骨折的相关危险因素,为临床预防和治疗提供参考资料。方法:回顾性分析2012年5月~2015年5月在我院接受人工髋关节置换术的92例患者的临床资料。根据是否发生股骨假体周围骨折将所选患者分为研究组和对照组,每组46例,比较两组患者的性别分布、年龄、骨折类型及假体固定方式等,分析影响患者发生股骨假体周围骨折的危险因素。结果:研究组患者骨折类型多为A2型,患者平均年龄、女性患者数及使用生物假体的比例均高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。患者性别、年龄、骨折类型及假体固定方式是人工髋关节置换术患者发生股骨假体周围骨折的危险因素(OR=1.993、2.012和2.363,P0.05)。结论:高龄女性患者是发生股骨周围假体骨折的高危人群,骨质疏松及骨量减少是引发该并发症的主要危险因素。  相似文献   

目的:通过三维有限元分析方法来观察并比较3种不同弹性模量钛合金股骨假体在羊股骨置换模型中von-Mises应力分布的情况。方法:采用64排螺旋CT对一健康成年羊的下肢股骨进行全长的CT扫描,扫描层厚为0.5 mm,扫描所得的数据存储为DICOM文件。将得到的DICOM文件导入到CT图像分析软件Mimics 10.0,然后利用Mimics 10.0软件来生成股骨的骨质点云数据,再将生成的骨质点云数据导入到Simpleware分析软件,通过机械加工反求中的复杂曲面造型技术建立起精确的三维实体模型。对三维实体模型进行网格划分,确定了髓腔的形状,并根据羊下肢股骨髓腔的形状设计了作者实验用的羊股骨假体模型,然后在ANSYS 12.1软件中进行网格划分。给予加载缓慢行走载荷以及扭转载荷,分析并比较羊股骨以及3种不同弹性模量钛合金股骨假体在股骨置换模型中von-Mises应力分布的情况。结果:在缓慢行走载荷以及扭转载荷条件下,3种不同弹性模量钛合金股骨假体von-Mises应力分布变化趋势一致,假体的柄颈结合部以及假体柄上1/3为应力集中区域。3种不同弹性模量的最大应力集中点均位于柄颈结合部,60 GPa弹性模量的股骨假体植入后假体的最大应力最小(37.8 MPa、29.1 MPa),股骨的最大应力最大(12.6 MPa、24.5 MPa);80 GPa的次之,假体的最大应力(38.4 MPa、33.4 MPa),股骨的最大应力(12.5 MPa、24.5 MPa);110 GPa的股骨假体植入后假体的最大应力最大(38.9 MPa、38.1 MPa),股骨的最大应力最小(12.3 MPa、24.5 MPa)。60 GPa弹性模量的股骨假体植入后的假体最大位移和相对位移均最小(缓慢行走载荷下假体最大位移为0.551 mm、相对位移为0.008 mm,扭转载荷下假体最大位移为0.730 mm、相对位移为0.011 mm)。结论:较低弹性模量的钛合金股骨假体(60 GPa)由于其弹性模量更接近于骨组织的弹性模量,股骨假体与股骨间的"应力遮挡"效应较小,更有利于应力在股骨假体及股骨间的传递,增加了股骨假体的早期稳定性,延长了其临床寿命。  相似文献   

目的:探讨Bryan颈椎间盘假体置换术对脊髓型颈椎病患者疗效及颈椎生物力学的影响。方法:选取2015年1月到2016年12月期间在我院接受治疗的脊髓型颈椎病患者48例,根据手术方式的不同将其分为植骨融合组(25例)和假体置换组(23例),其中植骨融合组采用颈椎前路减压植骨融合术进行治疗,假体置换组采用Bryan颈椎间盘假体置换术进行治疗。比较两组患者的日本骨科协会(JOA)颈椎评分、颈椎功能障碍指数(NDI)评分、视觉模拟疼痛量表(VAS)评分、颈椎生理曲度、颈椎活动度、手术节段活动度、上邻近节段活动度、下邻近节段活动度,并比较两组患者的并发症情况。结果:术后12个月假体置换组的NDI评分明显低于植骨融合组(P0.05);术后6个月、术后12个月植骨融合组的颈椎活动度低于假体置换组(P0.05);术后1个月、术后3个月、术后6个月、术后12个月假体置换组的手术节段活动度高于植骨融合组(P0.05);术后12个月植骨融合组的上邻近节段活动度、下邻近节段活动度高于假体置换组(P0.05);两组患者随访期间颈部轴性症状发生率比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:与颈椎前路减压植骨融合术比较,Bryan颈椎间盘假体置换术对脊髓型颈椎病患者的远期疗效更佳,可更好的改善患者的颈椎生物力学,降低颈部轴性症状发生率,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨旋转平台与后稳定固定平台假体在人工膝关节置换术(TKA)后的临床治疗效果。方法:选择2008年8月到2014年8月在我院接收人工膝关节置换术的218例患者,随机分为对照组和实验组,分别采用后稳定固定平台假体和旋转平台假体行TKA。观察并记录两组患者治疗前和治疗后6个月世界膝关节学会(KSS)评分、美国膝关节学会(HSS)评分和膝关节的屈曲度(ROM),以及治疗后6个月并发症的发生情况。结果:治疗后,两组患者KSS评分、HSS评分及ROM评分均明显高于治疗前,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);两组患者KSS评分、HSS评分及ROM评分相比,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。实验组患者并发症发生率(9.17%)和对照组患者并发症发生率(10.09%)相比,无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:旋转平台与后稳定固定平台假体在TKA中均能有效改善膝关节的功能,两者疗效相近,均值得在临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的:探讨重组合异种骨治疗股骨非感染性骨不连的长期临床疗效。方法:对2000年1月至2006年9月间我院应用重组合异种骨(RBX)治疗的37例股骨非感染性骨不连患者进行回顾性分析,其中男26例,女11例;年龄4~70岁,平均31.6岁。骨折部位:股骨近端4例,中段30例,远端3例。骨不连类型:肥大型9例,营养不良型6例,萎缩型22例。固定方式:加压钢板24例,髓内钉11例,外固定架2例。结果:37例患者获得51-131个月的随访,平均90.2个月,骨不连一次手术愈合率:94.6%,4例股骨近端骨不连患者采用Harris评分系统评定疗效,优3例,良1例,差0例,优良率100%。3例股骨远端骨不连患者采用美国膝关节协会评分系统(KSS)评定疗效,优1例,例良1例,差1例,优良率66.7%。30例股骨干骨不连患者采用Harris评分系统和KSS评定疗效,优21例,良8例,差1例,优良率96.7。总优良率94.6%。长期观察均无免疫排斥反应表现。结论:RBX用于治疗股骨非感染性骨不连具有材料充足、骨折愈合率高、组织兼容性好长期应用无免疫排斥反应等优点,是一种良好的自体骨替代材料。  相似文献   

假体周围骨溶解是全关节翻修术的主要原因之一,如果在缺乏影像学诊断和(或)正确的治疗手段下而任其进展,骨溶解造成的无菌性松动会导致假体置换的失败,患者将需要进行关节翻修术。这篇综述的目的是立足于本体因素和未来发展方向的前提下来评估近几年对假体周围骨溶解的认识。假体周围骨溶解来源于多种危险因素。骨溶解特有的主体因素包括性别、体重和遗传学因素。新近的假体设计已经降低了这种情况的发生,但是没有一种设计可以代替体内原有的结构特征,因此,我们仍然可以看到关于磨损颗粒的的研究进展。在影像学诊断方面,先进的技术不断出现,但是在早期诊断方面依然缺乏有效的方法。药物干预看似是一种可行的医学干预方法,但是目前还没有明确的药物治疗被证明在阻止或抑制假体周围骨溶解方面是可行的。尽管随着假体设计的进步和对磨损颗粒诱导的假体周围骨溶解生物学过程知识的不断丰富,假体周围骨溶解率在下降,但是在未来二十年全关节置换术数量将快速上升,这意味着我们将需要诊断和治疗假体周围骨溶解的更好方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨人工髋关节置换术在治疗股骨头缺血性坏死(ANFH)中的临床疗效。方法:选择2007 年2 月-2011 年2 月我院收 治的320 例(340 髋)股骨头缺血性坏死患者,均采用人工髋关节置换术对患者进行治疗,其中160 例(172 髋)患者应用骨水泥型 假体进行治疗,另外160 例(168)患者采用非骨水泥型假体进行治疗。采用Harris评分对患者手术前后的髋关节功能情况进行评 价,并比较骨水泥治疗组和非骨水泥治疗组的临床疗效。结果:患者均获得随访,随访时间为3~18 个月。全部患者手术后的 Harris评分明显高于手术前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。骨水泥治疗组和非骨水泥治疗组在术后出血量、术后Harris 评分及住 院时间方面的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但非骨水泥治疗组的并发症发生率明显低于骨水泥治疗组(P<0.05)。结论:采用人工 髋关节置换术治疗ANFH疗效显著,能明显改善患者的生活质量,骨水泥型假体与非骨水泥型假体的治疗效果相当,应根据患者 的具体情况进行合理的选择。  相似文献   

目的:评价扩髓更换髓内钉治疗髓内钉固定后股骨干肥大性骨不连的临床疗效及手术适应症。方法:自1998年4月至2009年6月采用扩髓更换髓内钉治疗11例髓内钉固定后股骨干肥大性骨不连,其中男9例,女2例,年龄23-61岁。平均36.2岁,骨折部位在股骨上1/3者2例;中1/3者6例;下1/3者3例,原始骨折Winquist-Hansen分型:I型2例,II型3例,III型4例,IV型2例。结果:11例患者均获随访,时间:11~56个月,平均27.4个月,2例患肢短缩1 cm。另4例未获得骨性愈合,3例再次采用附加钢板合并自体髂骨植骨,1例远端锁钉动力化,再次干预后获得骨性愈合,愈合时间6~16个月,平均8.3个月。结论:扩髓更换髓内钉是治疗髓内钉固定后股骨肥大性骨不连的传统方法,基于力学稳定和临床观察,更适用于股骨中段骨不连。  相似文献   

现如今人工关节置换术越来越多的应用于重建关节功能改善关节疾病患者的生活质量,但是术后并发症严重影响了手术的效果,人工假体周围骨溶解及假体无菌性松动又是人工关节置换术后失败的主要原因之一,所以如何预防以及发病后如何去治疗成为现今关节医生面临的重要课题。OPG/RANKL/RANK系统,炎性因子的产生,破骨细胞、成骨细胞这些都是影响人工假体术后产生无菌性松动,和引发假体周围骨溶解的重要因素,有效药物的干预治疗成为现如今关节置换术后以及围手术期的热门话题,中药因其副作用小,疗效独特,及深入的研究逐渐受到广大医生的注意,因此中药在治疗人工假体松动及骨溶解方面也得到了重大突破,本文从中医肾藏精,精生髓,髓能养骨理论着手总结中药作用于OPG/RANKL/RANK系统,抑制炎性因子、破骨细胞及促进成骨细胞增殖的研究现状。  相似文献   

A lack of initial stability of the fixation is associated with aseptic loosening of the tibial components of cementless knee prostheses. With sufficient stability after surgery, minimal relative motion between the prosthesis and bone interfaces allows osseointegation to occur thereby providing a strong prosthesis-to-bone biological attachment. Finite element modelling was used to investigate the bone–prosthesis interface micromotion and the relative risk of aseptic loosening. It was anticipated that by prescribing different joint loads representing gait and other activities, and the consideration of varying tibial–femoral contact points during knee flexion, it would influence the computational prediction of the interface micromotion. In this study, three-dimensional finite element models were set up with applied loads representing walking and stair climbing, and the relative micromotions were predicted. These results were correlated to in-vitro measurements and to the results of prior retrieval studies. Two load conditions, (i) a generic vertical joint load of 3×body weight with 70%/30% M/L load share and antero-posterior/medial-lateral shear forces, acted at the centres of the medial and lateral compartments of the tibial tray, and (ii) a peak vertical joint load at 25% of the stair climbing cycle with corresponding antero-posterior shear force applied at the tibial–femoral contact points of the specific knee flexion angle, were found to generate interface micromotion responses which corresponded to in-vivo observations. The study also found that different loads altered the interface micromotion predicted, so caution is needed when comparing the fixation performance of various reported cementless tibial prosthetic designs if each design was evaluated with a different loading condition.  相似文献   

In contrast to other commonly employed models, the cut model femoral neck prosthesis is a cementless prosthesis of comparatively small dimensions. With the aim of investigating its functional integration in the femur, radiological, densitometric and photoelastic analyses were carried out. The biomechanical reaction of the bone tissue expected on the basis of the experimental result is tested in the clinical situation.  相似文献   

A new composite prosthesis was recently proposed for the anterior cruciate ligament. It is implanted in the femur and the tibia through two anchoring channels. Its intra-articular portion, composed of a fiber mesh sheath wrapped around a silicone rubber cylindrical core, reproduces satisfactorily the ligament response in tension. However, the prosthesis does not only undergo elongation. In addition, it is submitted to torsion in its intra-articular portion and bending at its ends. This paper presents a new method to evaluate these two types of deformations throughout a knee flexion by means of a geometric model of the implanted prosthesis. Input data originate from two sources: (i) a three-dimensional anatomic topology of the knee joint in full extension, providing the localization of the prosthesis anchoring channels, and ii) a kinematic model of the knee describing the motion of these anchoring channels during a physiological flexion of the knee joint. The evaluation method is independent of the way input data are obtained. This method, applied to a right cadaveric knee, shows that the orientation of the anchoring channels has a large effect on the extent of torsion and bending applied to the implanted prosthesis throughout a knee flexion, especially on the femoral side. The study suggests also the best choice for the anchoring channel axes orientation.  相似文献   

According to Wolff’s law, the changes in stress after a prosthesis implantation may modify the shape and internal structure of bone, thus compromising the long-term prosthesis fixation and, consequently, be a significant factor for glenoid loosening. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the changes in the bone adaptation process of the scapula after an anatomical and reverse total shoulder arthroplasty. Five finite element models of the implanted scapula are developed considering the implantation of three anatomical, cemented, all-polyethylene components; an anatomical, cementless, metal-backed component; and a reverse, all-metal component. The methodology followed to simulate the bone adaptation of the scapula was previously validated for the intact model, prior to the prosthesis implantation. Additionally, the influence of the bone quality on the adaptation process is also investigated by considering an osteoporotic condition. The results show that the stress shielding phenomenon is more concerning in cementless, metal-based components than in cemented, all-polyethylene components, regardless of the bone quality. Consequently, as far as the bone adaptation process of the bone is concerned, cemented, all-polyethylene components are better suited for the treatment of the shoulder joint.  相似文献   

The object of this study is to develop a three-dimensional mathematical model of the patello-femoral joint, which is modelled as two rigid bodies representing a moving patella and a fixed femur. Two-point contact was assumed between the femur and patella at the medial and lateral sides and in the analysis, the femoral and patellar articular surfaces were mathematically represented using Coons' bicubic surface patches. Model equations include six equilibrium equations and eleven constraints: six contact conditions, four geometric compatibility conditions, and the condition of a rigid patellar ligament; the model required the solution of a system of 17 nonlinear equations in 17 unknowns, its response describing the six-degress-of-freedom patellar motions and the forces acting on the patella. Patellar motions are described by six motion parameters representing the translations and rotations of the patella with respect to the femur. The forces acting on the patella include the medial and lateral component of patello-femoral contact and the patellar ligament force, all of which were represented as ratios to the quadriceps tendon force. The model response also includes the locations of the medial and lateral contact points on the femur and the patella. A graphical display of its response was produced in order to visualize better the motion of the components of the extensor mechanism.Model calculations show good agreement with experimental results available from the literature. The patella was found to move distally and posteriorly on the femoral condyles as the knee was flexed from full extension. Results indicate that the relative orientation of the patellar ligament with respect to the patella remains unchanged during this motion. The model also predicts a patellar flexion which always lagged knee flexion.Our calculations show that as the angle of knee flexion increased, the lateral contact point moved distally on the femur without moving significantly either medially or laterally. The medial contact point also moved distally on the femur but moved medially from full extension to about 40° of knee flexion, then laterally as the knee flexion angle increased. The lateral contact point on the patella did not change significantly in the medial and lateral direction as the knee was flexed; however, this point moved proximally toward the basis of the patella with knee flexion. The medial contact point also moved proximally on the patella with knee flexion, and in a similar manner the medial contact point on the patella moved distally with flexion from full extension to about 40° of flexion. However, as the angle of flexion increased, the medial contact point did not move significantly in the medial-lateral direction.Model calculations also show that during the simulated knee extension exercise, the ratio of the force in the patellar ligament to the force in the quadriceps tendon remains almost unchanged for the first 30° of knee flexion, then decreases as the angle of knee flexion increases. Furthermore, model results show that the lateral component of the patello-femoral contact force is always greater than the medial component, both components increasing with knee flexion.  相似文献   

Analysis of a femoral hip prosthesis designed to reduce stress shielding   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The natural stress distribution in the femur is significantly altered after total hip arthroplasty (THA). When an implant is introduced, it will carry a portion of the load, causing a reduction of stress in some regions of the remaining bone. This phenomenon is commonly known as stress shielding. In response to the changed mechanical environment the shielded bone will remodel according to Wolff's law, resulting in a loss of bone mass through the biological process called resorption. Resorption can, in turn, cause or contribute to loosening of the prosthesis. The problem is particularly common among younger THA recipients. This study explores the hypothesis that through redesign, a total hip prosthesis can be developed to substantially reduce stress shielding. First, we describe the development of a new femoral hip prosthesis designed to alleviate this problem through a new geometry and system of proximal fixation. A numerical comparison with a conventional intramedullary prosthesis as well as another proximally fixed prosthesis, recently developed by Munting and Verhelpen (1995. Journal of Biomechanics 28(8), 949–961) is presented. The results show that the new design produces a more physiological stress state in the proximal femur.  相似文献   

Hindlimb segmental kinematics and stride characteristics are quantified in several quail locomoting on a treadmill over a six-fold increase in speed. These data are used to describe the kinematics of a walking stride and to identify which limb elements are used to change stride features as speed increases. In quail, the femur does not move during locomotion and the tarsometatarsus-phalangeal joint is a major moving joint; thus, quail have lost the most proximal moving joint and added one distally. The tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus act together as a fixed strut swinging from the knee during stance phase (the ankle angle remains constant at a given speed) and the tarsometatarsus-phalangeal joint appears to have a major role in increasing limb length during the propulsive phase of the stride. Speed is increased with greater knee extension and by lengthening the tibiotarsus/tarsometatarsus via increased ankle extension at greater speeds. Because the femur is not moved and three distal elements are, quail move the limb segments through a stride and increase speed in a way fundamentally different from other nonavian vertebrates. However, the three moving joints in quail (the knee, ankle, and tarsometatarsophangeal joint) have strikingly similar kinematics to the analogous moving joints (the hip, knee, and ankle) in other vertebrates. Comparisons to other vertebrates indicate that birds appear to have two modes of limb function (three- and four-segment modes) that vary with speed and locomotory habits.  相似文献   

Debris-induced osteolysis due to surface wear of ultra high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) bearings is a potential long-term failure mechanism of total knee replacements (TKR). This study investigated the effect of prosthesis design, kinematics and bearing material on the wear of UHMWPE bearings using a physiological knee simulator. The use of a curved fixed bearing design with stabilised polyethylene bearings reduced wear in comparison to more flat-on-flat components which were sterilised by gamma irradiation in air. Medium levels of crosslinking further improved the wear resistance of fixed bearing TKR due to resistance to strain softening when subjected to multidirectional motion at the femoral-insert articulating interface. Backside motion was shown to be a contributing factor to the overall rate of UHMWPE wear in fixed bearing components. Wear of fixed bearing prostheses was reduced significantly when anterior-posterior displacement and internal-external rotation kinematics were reduced due to decreased cross shear on the articulating surface and a reduction in AP displacement. Rotating platform mobile bearing prostheses exhibited reduced wear rates in comparison to fixed bearing components in these simulator studies due to redistribution of knee motion to two articulating interfaces with more linear motions at each interface. This was observed in two rotating platform designs with different UHMWPE bearing materials. In knee simulator studies, wear of TKR bearings was dependent on kinematics at the articulating surfaces and the prosthesis design, as well as the type of material.  相似文献   

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