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高产小麦品种茎秆的解剖和化学特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)新品种“小偃81”,是由抗病虫害小麦品种“小偃54”和高产小麦品种“8602”杂交筛选出的具有优良特性的后代。作者运用多种实验手段,研究了新品种茎秆组织结构以及木质素含量和分布的变化规律。结果表明:与母本“小偃54”和父本“8602”相比,“小偃81”的茎秆直径变小、横切面上维管束数目减少,而茎秆直径与壁厚比、横切面上机械组织比例却显著增大,单位面积上维管束数目增多。Klason法测定木质素结果显示:“小偃81”茎秆中木质素含量高于“小偃54”和“8602”。经Ma黮e和Wiesner的木质素显色反应,“小偃81”茎秆横切面染色明显加深。用H2O2/HAc弃除酚酸以后,新品种小麦的木质素自发荧光明显强于亲本。FTIR分析结果表明:“小偃81”中所含的紫丁香基、愈创木酚基等木质素特征基团的吸收峰值也显著高于亲本。由此推断,新品种“小偃81”的茎秆具有优良的组织结构和化学组成。  相似文献   

以高产小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)新品种"兰考906-4"与北京大面积种植的小麦品种"京411"为实验材料,运用植物解剖学、化学和力学的理论与方法,对粗秆的高产小麦茎结构特性做了详细的比较研究.结果表明:粗秆的高产小麦品种茎秆在物理力学特性、维管束结构特征以及木质素含量等方面,均明显优于一般小麦品种.因此,在超高产小麦品种的育种中,重视外源基因的引进,改进茎秆的结构特性及提高木质素的含量等综合指标,可能是一个重要的选育方向.  相似文献   

粗秆高产小麦茎结构特性分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
以高产小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)新品种“兰考906-4”与北京大面积种植的小麦品种“京411”为实验材料,运用植物解剖学、化学和力学的理论与方法,对粗秆的高产小麦茎结构特性做了详细的比较研究。结果表明:粗秆的高产小麦品种茎秆在物理力学特性、维管束结构特征以及木质素含量等方面,均明显优于一般小麦品种。因此,在超高产小麦品种的育种中,重视外源基因的引进,改进茎秆的结构特性及提高木  相似文献   

玉米茎秆细胞壁和组织构建对抗压强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
耐密抗倒伏玉米品种是玉米育种的重要方向,探究影响玉米茎秆抗压强度的机制是培育玉米新品种的重要途径。本实验采用组织化学、显微观察的方法研究了10个玉米品种茎秆的形态结构、解剖特征和细胞壁的化学组成,并分析了这些变量之间的相关性,结果表明:茎的皮层/半径、厚壁组织比例、机械组织比例和纤维素含量、木质素含量与抗压强度呈极显著正相关关系;薄壁组织比例、茎长/茎粗、维管束个数与抗压强度呈极显著负相关关系。利用共线性诊断和逐步线性回归分析发现,影响茎秆抗压强度的主要因素为皮层/半径、机械组织比例、维管束个数、纤维素含量和木质素含量。利用通径分析进一步定量研究了这5个变量与抗压强度之间的直接作用和间接作用,明确了决定玉米茎秆抗压强度的主要因素为纤维素含量、木质素含量和单位面积维管束个数。本实验还建立了玉米茎微观结构与细胞壁化学构成的数学模型,为进一步揭示玉米茎微观力学形成机理提供了思路,进而为耐密抗倒伏玉米育种提供了研究方向。  相似文献   

不同年代小麦品种旗叶的光合特性及抗氧化酶活性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不同时期在黄淮冬麦区推广并具有一定代表性的5个小麦品种碧蚂1号、丰产3号、小偃6号、小偃54和小偃81为材料,研究了品种更替过程中小麦旗叶的光合特性以及抗氧化酶活性的变化.结果表明,各小麦品种旗叶净光合速率均于开花后10 d左右达到最大值后下降,并在开花灌浆期有显著差异,且近期品种始终高于早期品种.随着灌浆进程推进,各小麦品种旗叶叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白质含量、抗氧化酶活性呈现出与净光合速率基本一致的变化趋势(其中过氧化氢酶活性为下降趋势),而丙二醛含量持续升高,但近期小麦品种始终低于早期品种且差异达到极显著水平(P<0.01).研究发现,近期育成小麦品种的旗叶在生育后期具有相对较高的光合速率,可能与其叶绿素和可溶性蛋白含量下降速率较缓、抗氧化酶活性较高、膜脂过氧化程度较轻有关.  相似文献   

以'小偃54'、'京411'等67份小麦品种(系)为试材,对强光诱导小麦叶片花青素积累的现象及品种间变异进行分析,以探讨花青素在小麦响应强光过程中的生理与分子机制.结果显示,'小偃54'和'京411'分别经25℃强光处理24 h和48 h叶片花青素含量大幅增加,而15℃和30℃强光处理增幅较小;强光处理48 h后,'京411'的花青素含量高达7.2 μg·g-1FW,约为'小偃54'的10倍.对'京411'而言,花青素含量随叶位自下而上递减,并且按叶鞘、叶基部、叶中部和叶尖的部位依次递减.强光处理24 h和48 h后能诱导'小偃54'和'京411'的PAL活性增强.强光处理48 h后,紫色胚芽鞘类品种的花青素含量高于绿色胚芽鞘类品种,不同品种强光下的花青素吸收峰均在520 nm处.研究表明,强光下叶片花青素含量升高可能是紫色胚芽鞘类小麦品种抗强光的一种机制.  相似文献   

水稻茎秆解剖结构与抗倒伏能力关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用石蜡切片法研究了抗倒伏水稻品种南粳44、武运粳7号与不抗倒伏水稻品系宁7412基部茎秆解剖结构及其与水稻抗倒伏能力的关系.结果表明:抗倒伏水稻品种南粳44和武运粳7号基部节间的维管束数目较多,维管束鞘较厚,细胞层数较多,细胞排列紧密、体积较小;而不抗倒伏水稻品系宁7412基部节间的维管束数目偏少,维管束鞘较薄,细胞层数较少,细胞体积大.从解剖结构还可看出,南粳44和武运粳7号茎秆内的贮藏物质明显多于宁7412.这些茎秆解剖结构的差异可用于区分不同水稻品种(系)的抗倒性强弱,可以作为抗倒伏水稻品种的选育指标和筛选依据,为水稻抗倒伏品种的选育提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

茎秆维管束数目是玉米养分运输和抗倒伏的关键影响因素,本研究以遗传丰富的172份玉米自交系为研究材料,对茎秆上部小维管束和大维管束数目进行差异性分析,并通过不同杂种优势群的玉米茎秆上部维管束数目多重比较,分析各杂种优势群维管束数目变化趋势。研究结果表明:在不同玉米自交系中,茎秆上部小维管束和大维管束数目变异系数分别为16.67%~21.69%、25.83%~32.19%;小维管束和大维管束数目在不同自交系间的差异均达到极显著水平;小维管束和大维管束数目的广义遗传力分别为78.87%、82.58%;小维管束和大维管束数目在不同环境下均呈正相关关系。多重比较结果表明,各杂种优势群自交系茎秆上部小维管束和大维管束数目趋势一致,由少到多均依次为:兰卡斯特群、瑞德群、P群、旅大红骨群、唐四平头群。本研究初步了解了不同玉米自交系中维管束数目的遗传变异规律,并为进一步QTL定位和基因克隆奠定基础。  相似文献   

小麦抗倒性研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
倒伏是严重影响小麦子粒产量和品质的一个重要因素。本文系统阐述了小麦茎秆形态和结构特性、茎秆化学成分与抗倒伏关系以及抗倒性的遗传和分子标记等方面的最新研究进展。株高、基部节间长度与抗倒性呈负相关;而基部节间粗度、秆壁厚、单位长度干重与抗倒性呈正相关。茎秆机械组织细胞层数、厚度,维管束数目、面积以及髓腔大小与抗倒性密切相关。茎秆化学成分中纤维素、木质素以及碳水化合物含量和硅、钾元素含量与抗倒性呈正相关。小麦抗倒性呈数量性状遗传特征,除受多对主基因控制外,可能还受微效修饰基因作用。采用分子标记技术已将抗倒性以及与抗倒性相关的茎秆形态性状进行了QTL定位。  相似文献   

比较了两个不同基因型小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)"京411"和"小偃54"的原初光能转化效率、荧光猝灭参数和光合色素对强光胁迫的响应.在正常生长条件下"京411"的光合色素含量高于"小偃54";但在高光强下"京411"出现明显的光抑制,而"小偃54"对高光强的适应上优于"京411"."小偃54"适应高光强的原因是它在高光强下能大幅度地提高叶黄素循环的调控因子抗坏血酸的浓度及紫黄素脱环氧化酶(vDE)的活性,从而加速叶黄素循环对过多光能的耗散过程.  相似文献   

 选用在土壤磷水平为5~7mgP·kg-1土的条件下筛选出来的不同磷效率的4个冬小麦品种,采用盆栽试验研究了有效磷为3.2mgP·kg-1土时的磷效率、磷吸收效率、磷利用效率及土壤水分对这些指标的影响。结果表明:在有效磷很低的土壤上,“磷高效”品种小偃54和81(85)5—3—3—3在幼苗期并未表现出较高的磷效率。尽管这两个品种的磷吸收效率显著地高于NC37和京411,但由于它们的磷利用效率相对低于京411,从而使磷效率并未显著地提高。土壤水分对4个品种的磷吸收效率和利用效率均有显著影响。  相似文献   

To understand the lodging behavior in kodo millet (Paspalum scrobiculatum L.) at morphological, biochemical, and molecular levels, 22 germplasm accessions selected based on previous trials were characterized for culm strength-related morphological traits such as pulling force, culm weight per unit length, culm diameter, recovery angle after bending and degree of lodging, and biochemical traits such as cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin content of the culm. Correlation among traits and path analysis with degree of lodging showed that only lignin content per unit length of the culm had a very high negative effect on degree of lodging, followed by culm diameter, which means that higher the lignin content and culm diameter, the lesser will be the degree of lodging. Hence, it was concluded that any improvement for lodging resistance in kodo millet can be achieved through improving the lignin content (mg/cm of the dry culm) and culm diameter. Gene expression studies in kodo millet for FLEXIBLE CULM 1 (FC1), a gene implicated in lignin biosynthetic pathway and lodging resistance in rice, suggests the role of FC1 gene ortholog in lignin accumulation in kodo millet as well. Accordingly, the highest gene expression was recorded in strong culm line “Adari” a land race and the lowest expression in “Aamo 10,” a weak culm line.  相似文献   

The soil-water threshold range of chemical signals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) homeostasis could have a profound impact on drought tolerance in wheat. A pot experiment was used to investigate the homeostasis between ROS and antioxidant defense at five harvest dates, and its role in the correlation between soil-water threshold range of chemical signals and drought tolerance in three wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars during progressive soil drying. The cultivars were bred at different periods, cv. BM1 (old), cv. Xiaoyan6 (recent), and cv. Shan229 (modern). They were treated with progressive soil drying. Shoot biomass was affected by drought imposed by two water treatments (90% and 55% field water capacity). The modern wheat cultivar had a lower ROS content and higher ROS-scavenging antioxidant capacity with greater soil drying (68–25% soil water content) compared with the older cultivar. The modern cultivar also had excellent adaptation to drought, with a longer survival of 22.7 days and less reduction in shoot biomass of 20.9% due to early chemical signals and better balance between ROS production and antioxidants. The older cultivar had survival of 15.3 days and 37.3% reduction of shoot biomass. A wider soil-water threshold range of chemical signals was positively correlated with improved drought tolerance and better ROS homeostasis. These results suggest that ROS homeostasis acts as a regulator in relationships between the soil-water threshold range of chemical signals and drought tolerance.  相似文献   

Abundant evidence exists to support a role for lignin as an important element in biomass recalcitrance. However, several independent studies have also shown that factors apart from lignin are also relevant and overall, the relative importance of different recalcitrance traits remains in dispute. In this study we used two genetically distant sugarcane genotypes, and performed a correlational study with the variation in anatomical parameters, cell wall composition, and recalcitrance factors between these genotypes. In addition we also tracked alterations in these characteristics in internodes at different stages of development. Significant differences in the development of the culm between the genotypes were associated with clear differential distributions of lignin content and composition that were not correlated with saccharification and fermentation yield. Given the strong influence of the environment on lignin content and composition, we hypothesized that sampling within a single plant could allow us to more easily interpret recalcitrance and changes in lignin biosynthesis than analysing variations between different genotypes with extensive changes in plant morphology and culm anatomy. The syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) ratio was higher in the oldest internode of the modern genotype, but S/G ratio was not correlated with enzymatic hydrolysis yield nor fermentation efficiency. Curiously we observed a strong positive correlation between ferulate ester level and cellulose conversion efficiency. Together, these data support the hypothesis that biomass enzymatic hydrolysis recalcitrance is governed by a quantitative heritage rather than a single trait.  相似文献   

Brittleness culm is an important agronomic trait that has a potential usefulness in agricultural activity as animal forage although the developmental mechanism is not clear yet. In the present study, the anatomical and chemical characteristics as well as some ecophysiological features in the brittleness culm mutation of rice (Oryza sativa L.) were investigated. Compared with the wild type (WT), the brittleness culm mutant (bcm) exhibited higher culm vascular bundle distance and lower culm wall thickness, leaf interveinal distance and leaf thickness. Ratio of bundle sheath cell/whole bundle and areas of whole vascular bundles and bundle sheath of leaves were reduced while ratios of xylem and phloem to whole bundles were elevated in bcm. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy analysis and further histochemical and physiological measurements revealed that the different contents and depositions of cell wall components such as pectins, lignin, suberin and cellulose all participated in the mutation of brittleness. However, the mutant presented no significant changes in leaf photosynthetic dynamics and apoplastic transport ability. These results strongly indicate that the alterations in anatomical and chemical characteristics, rather than changes in major ecophysiological features such as photosynthesis and apoplastic transport were involved in the brittleness mutation of rice.  相似文献   

研究水曲柳(Fraxinus mandshurica)×大叶白蜡(Fraxinus rhynchophylla)、水曲柳×小叶白蜡(Fraxinus sogdiana)和水曲柳×绒毛白蜡(Fraxinus velutina)的3个杂交组合与母本自由授粉子代木质素含量的遗传变异及FmPAL核苷酸多态性相关性,为水曲柳遗传育种和定向改良奠定基础。以东北林业大学帽儿山林场白蜡属种间杂交组合及母本自由授粉子代共176个无性系的水曲柳当年新生枝为材料,测定木质素的含量,进行木质素含量差异、变异参数及均值比较分析,并对木质素及其合成相关基因PAL进行分子水平的联合分析。结果表明:白蜡属各杂交组合间木质素含量差异极显著,各杂交组的木质素含量均与母本自由授粉子代水曲柳差异显著。其中大多数杂交子代水曲柳的木质素含量高于母本水曲柳木质素平均含量。本研究中的水曲柳群体的PAL基因单倍体多样性值达到了0.999 7,属高水平,证实了FmPAL基因具有较高的变异,且存在3个单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点与木质素含量显著相关。主要结论:水曲柳各杂交组合的木质素含量存在显著性差异,FmPAL基因中SNP位点与木质素含量显著相关。  相似文献   

Functional F and null 0 alleles of the CAD1 (Aadh1) gene, which controls the biosynthesis of aromatic alcohol dehydrogenase, were studied in hybrids of the diploid wheat T. monococcum L. and Triticum sinskajae A. Filat. et Kurk. The gene CAD1 is located in chromosome 5A and is linked with the awnless gene awnS (La) with a recombination frequency of about 32%. Plants with genotypes FF, F0, and 00 were significantly different in the height and mechanical strength of the stalk (culm). The elastic limit of the culm tissues of plants FF was considerably higher than in 00 plants. F0 heterozygotes had intermediate values. The thickness of the wall of the sclerenchyma was thinner in plants with genotype 00. The chemical structure of lignin of plants with the functional CAD allele contained units of a phloroglucinol series missing in the mutant plants. The CAD genotypes had no effect on the relative content of cellulose and lignin in stalks of diploid wheat and insignificantly influenced the ratio of H: G: S units in the lignin structure, as well as some components of extractives. IR-spectroscopy found differences in the distribution of components of cell walls and extractives on the outer and inner surfaces of the culm. The results are discussed in relation to the applied aspects of the use of herbal products. Samples of diploid wheat with various genotypes of CAD can be used as model objects in breeding and genetic research.  相似文献   

应用RT-PCR方法从小麦(Triticum aestivum L. cv.Xiaoyan 54)中克隆了紫黄质脱环氧化酶(violaxanthinde-epoxidase,VDE) cDNA,预测的蛋白质序列与拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)、水稻(Oryza sati va)有很高的同源性.Southern杂交结果表明,在小麦中可能存在3个拷贝的紫黄质脱环氧化酶基因.Northern杂交结果表明它在绿色叶片中特异表达,在黄化小麦幼苗变绿过程中其mRNA水平受光诱导,并且强光增加了其mRNA在成熟叶片中的表达.  相似文献   

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