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目的:了解社区居民食品安全知识现状,为食品安全健康教育和行为干预提供科学依据。方法 采取多阶段分层随机抽样,于2015年5月—2016年4月对北京朝阳区2 024名居民进行入户面对面问卷调查,采用SPSS13.0软件进行统计分析。结果:在本次调查的2 024份问卷中;88.66%的调查对象表示愿意了解食品安全相关知识;60.87%的调查对象认为其了解食品安全相关知识的主要困难是信息太多、可信性差。部分食品安全知识知晓率低于50%。结论:社区居民对所调查的食品安全知识掌握水平一般,存在一些关于食品安全的食品购买、储存、制作的错误认识,但对获取食品安全知识具有良好意愿。要根据社区人群特点,帮助人们弥补相关知识欠缺,纠正转变不健康的食品购买、储存、制作行为。  相似文献   

目的:了解新疆哈密市某地区居民营养知识、态度、行为的现状及其影响因素。方法:采用分层整群随机抽样方法抽取新疆哈密市某地区1 820名居民进行问卷调查。结果:新疆哈密市某地区居民营养知识、态度与行为的平均得分分别为4.90±2.29、5.55±1.31、3.54±1.38分;营养知识的主要影响因素是文化程度(β=0.313,P<0.01),其次是接受营养健康教育的机会(β=0.193,P<0.01);营养态度的主要影响因素是接受营养健康教育的机会(β=0.292,P<0.01);营养行为的主要影响因素亦为接受营养健康教育的机会(β=0.233,P<0.01)。结论:新疆哈密市某地区居民营养知识、态度及行为总体水平一般,表现为态度现行,知识和行为相对滞后,营养健康教育和文化程度是居民营养知识、态度及行为最主要的影响因素;今后应该重点加强营养健康教育。  相似文献   

摘要 目的:调查女性宫颈癌认知情况、健康行为,分析影响患者知晓率的影响因素。方法:选择2018年3月至2020年5月于我院进行检查的女性210例为研究对象,采用问卷调查形式对调查对象宫颈癌认知以及防治宫颈癌健康行为进行调查,采用Logistic回归分析影响宫颈癌认知知晓率的危险因素。结果:本次调查共发放问卷210份,回收问卷205份,有效问卷200份,有效问卷率95.24%。调查对象对宫颈癌检查次数、宫颈癌检查目的、生殖道感染症状认知正确率较高,分别为51.50%、48.00%、45.00%,获取宫颈癌防治知识途径较少,3种以上者比例仅占25.50%。健康行为调查结果显示性生活前后偶尔清洁外阴、人工流产次数为1次、偶尔采取避孕措施、从未参与宫颈癌筛查的女性占比分别为47.50%、41.50%、51.50%、47.00%。单因素分析显示年龄、文化程度、居住地、家庭经济收入、宫颈癌家族史、宫颈癌防治信息获取途径与宫颈癌相关防治知识知晓率有关(P<0.05),Logistic回归分析结果显示文化程度低、家庭经济收入低、宫颈癌防治信息获取途径少是影响女性对宫颈癌相关防治知识知晓率的危险因素(P<0.05)。结论:被调查女性中对宫颈癌认知度偏低,防范意识薄弱,健康行为不足,应加强宫颈癌筛查和防治宣传,以降低宫颈癌发病率。  相似文献   

目的:了解社区居民乙肝防控知识知晓情况并分析乙肝歧视的影响因素。方法:采用分层整群随机抽样方法选取天津市鸿顺里社区1276名居民进行问卷调查,每人发放一份问卷,回收后统计居民乙肝防控知识的知晓情况及乙肝歧视现状,并通过多因素Logistic回归分析乙肝歧视的影响因素。结果:共回收1214份有效问卷,回收率为95.14%(1214/1276),乙肝5条主要传播途径中知晓经血液传播最高为70.18%(852/1214),知晓经共用牙刷及剃须刀传播为48.76%(592/1214),知晓经母婴传播为37.73%(458/1214),知晓经性生活传播为34.68%(421/1214),知晓经污染的医疗器械传播为34.18%(415/1214),5条传播途径均知晓为27.92%(339/1214);90.77%(1102/1214)的调查者知晓"乙肝是否具有传染性",乙肝知识的总体知晓率为21.91%(266/1 214)。79.90%(970/1214)的调查对象不愿意和乙肝患者恋爱/结婚,60.96%(740/1214)的调查对象不愿意和乙肝患者共同进餐;无歧视、中轻度歧视及重度歧视的比例分别为24.87%(302/1214)、50.91%(618/1214)及24.22%(294/1214);不同年龄、职业、文化程度、月收入人群之间乙肝歧视程度的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。Logistic回归分析显示年龄、职业、文化程度、月收入均是造成乙肝歧视的影响因素。结论:天津市鸿顺里社区居民的乙肝防控知识知晓率较低且歧视现象严重,应加强对乙肝知识的宣传教育,纠正对乙肝的歧视心态。  相似文献   

目的:调查孝感城区中老年对慢性病及其社区管理现状认知情况。方法:选择2010年7月至2015年7月在孝感城区3个社区的500名中老年人作为研究对象,利用自拟调查问卷对所有受试者进行数据调查,分析孝感城区中老年对慢性病的认知情况,及对慢性病社区管理现状的认知情况,分析影响慢性病认知的因素。结果:在慢性病种类中,孝感城区中老年人对于高血压和糖尿病,及风湿性关节炎与慢性支气管炎的认知率较高,而对于癌症、偏瘫及血栓的认知率较低,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。在慢性病的危险因素中,孝感城区中老年人对于缺乏锻炼、吸烟及膳食不合理的认知率明显较高,而对于酗酒、缺乏保健知识及悲观情绪的认知率明显较低,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。在慢性病社区管理现状上,孝感城区中老年对于指导其改变生活习惯的认知率较高,为62.00%,而在进行三级预防、强化慢性病自我管理、定期举办慢性病专题讲座以及建立社区卫生的信息服务平台等方面的认知率明显较低,分别为22.40%、36.80%、42.20%及21.80%,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。Logistic分析显示,文化程度低、经济收入低、未患慢性病及年龄≥60岁均为慢性病认知的危险因素。结论:孝感城区中老年对慢性病及其社区管理现状认知仍存在一定的不足,相关社区卫生管理部门应针对问题的影响因素,积极采取措施,改善社区管理现状。  相似文献   

目的:健康相关危险行为是产生常见病、多发病的重要原因,其形成受社会、家庭等多种环境因素和自身因素影响。初中阶段是养成良好健康行为的关键时期,了解初中生健康危险行为现状,可为制定干预措施提供科学依据。方法:对西安市城区1608名初中生进行健康危险行为问卷调查,分析各种健康危险行为检出率的性别差别。结果:34.3%的初中生存在偏食行为,42.6%的初中生在过去30天内采取过减肥措施;62.2%的初中生最多有2天运动超过30分钟;65.3%的初中生骑自行车违规;9.6%的初中生目前吸烟。过去1个月有大量饮酒行为者占8.4%。因上网影响学习者占17.0%;参与过类似赌博的娱乐活动者占9.8%。多数健康危险行为检出率男生高于女生(P值均0.05)。结论:西安市城区初中生健康危险行为发生率较高,男女生间存在差异,应针对男女生不同健康危险行为,采取有针对性的综合干预措施进行干预,以及早纠正健康危险行为,促进青少年健康发展。  相似文献   

目的:了解北京市某社区女性居民的主要膳食模式及与常见慢性病的关系。方法:于2018年5月--2019年2月,采用多阶段整群随机抽样的方式对辖区内460名18~70岁女性居民进行问卷调查。收集基本资料、饮食行为习惯、家族病史、慢病史、治疗史等情况,分析饮食行为对常见慢性病的影响。结果:北京市白纸坊社区女性居民共有4种主要膳食模式,分别为:“传统膳食模式”(占43.1%)、“以肉类为主膳食模式”(占27.9%)、“水果蛋奶膳食模式”(占16.4%)和“主食、酒类和饮料膳食模式”(占12.6%)。Logistic 回归分析提示:在控制混杂因素后,“以肉类为主膳食模式”和“主食、酒类和饮料膳食模式”与社区女性居民高血压呈正相关性(OR=1.314和1.995,P<0.05)。“传统膳食模式”和“主食、酒类和饮料膳食模式”与社区女性居民糖尿病呈正相关性(OR=1.239和1.332,P<0.05)。“以肉类为主膳食模式”和“主食、酒类和饮料膳食模式”与社区女性居民血脂异常呈正相关性(OR=1.902和1.557,P<0.05)。“以肉类为主膳食模式”与社区女性居民冠心病呈正相关性(OR=1.338,P<0.05)。结论:社区女性居民膳食模式构成存在一定的不合理,且与主要慢性病的发生相关,应控制相关影响因素,促进健康、合理的膳食模式,降低慢性病的发生。  相似文献   

采用自行设计的KAP问卷,调查广州市白云区柯子岭社区330位中老年居民营养知识、态度、行为现况,用计分评价和统计学对调查结果进行分析讨论。该社区中老年居民营养知识、态度、行为得分及格率分别为9.9%、90.05%、49.52%,总体得分及格率为60.87%,营养知识、态度、行为三者间存在正相关。该社区中老年居民营养态度良好,但对营养知识的掌握不足,饮食行为有待改善。  相似文献   

目的了解新泰市宠物犬饲养者对狂犬病知识的知晓情况及其影响因素,为进行宣传教育提供依据。方法采用分层整群抽样法,在新泰市城里小区抽取16栋楼居民,对年龄≥18岁的宠物犬饲养者(养犬时间≥6个月)进行问卷调查,并对数据进行统计分析。结果201名宠物犬饲养者狂犬病知识及格率为74.62%(150/201),平均得分为(66.76±12.99)分。结论新泰市社区宠物饲养者狂犬病相关知识知晓率偏低,文化程度、月收入和宠物犬饲养时间是影响知识知晓的影响因素。  相似文献   

识别消费者橄榄油购买行为的影响因素,能够为扩大橄榄油消费市场、推动橄榄油产业健康发展提供决策参考。基于合理行为理论,构建消费者橄榄油购买行为理论模型,运用成都市346名消费者调查数据,分别采用二元Logistic模型和多元有序Logistic模型分析影响消费者橄榄油购买经历和购买数量的主要因素。研究结果表明:消费者的性别、年龄、橄榄油的口感以及信息获取是影响消费者购买经历的显著因素,而消费者的年龄、家庭月收入、橄榄油的口感和促销活动则对消费者购买数量有着显著的影响。由此提出加强市场营销的针对性、提升橄榄油的品质、加大市场宣传力度等对策建议。  相似文献   

基于“压力-状态-响应”(PSR)模型和熵值法对陕西省十市一区的土地生态系统健康状况进行诊断,分析了2009—2017年间土地生态系统健康等级时空变化趋势,以及影响土地生态系统健康变化的驱动因素。结果表明: 2009—2017年间,陕西省土地生态系统健康水平整体提升,其中,2009—2014年间土地生态系统健康程度较低,2014年后健康状况得到明显改善。西安市、宝鸡市、渭南市和汉中市土地生态系统健康等级高且变化幅度大,延安市、榆林市、安康市土地生态系统健康等级较低且变化幅度小,整体呈陕南地区>关中地区>陕北地区。总体来看,陕西省土地生态系统的压力、状态和响应指数均有所增长,但增速趋缓,2014年以后基本趋于平缓,表明在2014—2017年陕西省土地生态系统处于稳定的健康状态。人口增长、城市化水平、单位耕地化肥负荷、森林覆盖率、工业废水排放达标率和工业固体废物综合利用率是影响陕西省土地生态系统健康变化的主要驱动因素。控制化肥农药使用量、优化土地利用结构和提高土地利用效率是陕西省推进生态文明建设、落实生态保护红线的必要措施。  相似文献   



Disaster is a serious public health issue. Health professionals and community residents are main players in disaster responses but their knowledge levels of disaster medicine are not readily available. This study aimed to evaluate knowledge levels and training needs of disaster medicine among potential disaster responders and presented a necessity to popularize disaster medicine education.


A self-reporting questionnaire survey on knowledge level and training needs of disaster medicine was conducted in Shanghai, China, in 2012. A total of randomly selected 547 health professionals, 456 medical students, and 1,526 local residents provided intact information. The total response rate was 93.7%.


Overall, 1.3% of these participants have received systematic disaster medicine training. News media (87.1%) was the most common channel to acquire disaster medicine knowledge. Although health professionals were more knowledgeable than community residents, their knowledge structure of disaster medicine was not intact. Medical teachers were more knowledgeable than medical practitioners and health administrators (p = 0.002). Clinicians performed better than public health physicians (p<0.001), whereas public health students performed better than clinical medical students (p<0.001). In community residents, education background significantly affected the knowledge level on disaster medicine (p<0.001). Training needs of disaster medicine were generally high among the surveyed. ‘Lecture’ and ‘practical training’ were preferred teaching methods. The selected key and interested contents on disaster medicine training were similar between health professionals and medical students, while the priorities chosen by local residents were quite different from health professionals and medical students (p<0.001).


Traditional clinical-oriented medical education might lead to a huge gap between the knowledge level on disaster medicine and the current needs of disaster preparedness. Continuing medical education and public education plans on disaster medicine via media should be practice-oriented, and selectively applied to different populations and take the knowledge levels and training needs into consideration.  相似文献   

The researchers surveyed 206 residents of a Hispanic community on the Texas-Mexico border about their behaviors and attitudes toward companion animals. Selected members of the community administered a telephone survey to a systematic random sample of 206 individuals. The majority of participants believed that free-roaming dogs were a problem in their community, and nearly 81% responded that these dogs sometimes prevented them from walking outdoors. About 24% of dog guardians sometimes let their nonhuman animals roam free in the streets. Most study participants believed it was a good idea to sterilize both male and female dogs and cats, but only 11% of respondents' dogs and 27% of cats were sterilized. About 62% of households chained dogs outdoors; persons with an elementary-level education were 7 times more likely to chain their dogs than those who had completed some high school. The Hispanic population of the United States is growing rapidly; to guide officials charged with protecting animal welfare and the public health, it will become increasingly important to understand Hispanics' attitudes and behaviors toward companion animals.  相似文献   



It has been reported that the prevalence of chronic diseases is high among old people and they have poor chronic diseases knowledge. This study was therefore designed to evaluate the awareness rate of chronic diseases knowledge among people aged over 60 years, to explore its related factors and to provide evidence for future health education.


A cross-sectional study was conducted from April to August in 2011. People aged 60 years and above from 3 communities in Jinan were selected by cluster sampling. Nine hundred and twenty five participants were interviewed face-to-face using a structured questionnaire.


The awareness rates of chronic diseases knowledge varied from 29.5% to 90.2%. Four healthy lifestyles including quitting smoking and less drinking, keeping broad-minded, maintaining balanced diet and moderate physical activity were best known (from 86.3% to 90.2%). The least known knowledge were 2 complications of hypertension: nephropathy (29.5%) and retinopathy (37.2%). Participants with the following characteristics or behaviors were more likely to have higher chronic diseases knowledge: younger age, female, Han Chinese, higher level of education, having health insurance, participating in societies, having family history of chronic diseases, frequently gathering with friends/relatives, usually going to provincial hospitals/hospitals affiliated with medical universities, usually going to municipal hospitals and usually going to community health center/station.


Old people in Jinan had incomplete chronic diseases knowledge and the overall awareness rate was not high. The older people’s chronic diseases knowledge should be improved and health education programs should target males, older people with lower educational level, having no health insurance, having no family history of chronic diseases, participating in no societies, and less frequently gathering with friends/relatives. Also, lower level medical facilities should improve their skills of health education.  相似文献   

目的:评价大学生口腔保健知识、态度、行为情况,为实施口腔健康指导计划提供基线资料。方法:采用随机抽样的方法,对314名青岛大学新生进行了口腔保健知识、态度、行为的问卷调查;其中男生151名,占总数的48%,女生163名,占总数的52%。结果:大学生对龋病知识的知晓率高,但牙周知识及牙周状况差。大学生认为定时拜访牙医有助于口腔疾病预防,口腔健康与全身健康密切相关,但约一半学生害怕就医或推迟就医。只有55.7%的大学生一天刷牙两次,25.5%的大学生没有接受过专业刷牙指导。在口腔保健知识、态度及行为方面,女生优于男生。结论:大学生缺乏牙周方面基础口腔保健知识,缺少专业的口腔卫生指导。结构合理的口腔健康教育系统亟需实施。  相似文献   

This cross sectional survey was conducted to determine the support in making Penang UNESCO World Heritage Site (GTWHS) smoke free and to determine the influence of tolerance towards smoking on this support. This is the first phase in making Penang, Malaysia a smoke free state. A multistage sampling process was done to select a sample of respondents to represent the population of GTWHS. Attitude towards smoking was assessed using tolerance as a proxy. A total of 3,268 members of the community participated in the survey. A big majority (n = 2969; 90.9%) of the respondents supported the initiative. Support was lowest among the owners and residents/tenants, higher age groups, the Chinese, men, respondents who had poor knowledge of the places gazetted as smoke free, and respondents with poor knowledge of the health effects on smokers and on passive smokers. The odds (both adjusted and unadjusted) of not supporting the initiative was high among those tolerant to smoking in public areas. Tolerance towards smoking was associated with 80.3% risk of non-support in the respondents who were tolerant to smoking and a 57.2% risk in the population. Health promotion and education concerning the harm of tobacco smoke in Malaysia, which has mainly targeted smokers, must change. Health education concerning the risks of second hand smoke must also be given to non-smokers and efforts should be made to denormalize smoking.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe West African Ebola epidemic of 2013–2016 killed nearly 4,000 Sierra Leoneans and devastated health infrastructure across West Africa. Changes in health seeking behavior (HSB) during the outbreak resulted in dramatic underreporting and substantial declines in hospital presentations to public health facilities, resulting in an estimated tens of thousands of additional maternal, infant, and adult deaths per year. Sierra Leone’s Kenema District, a major Ebola hotspot, is also endemic for Lassa fever (LF), another often-fatal hemorrhagic disease. Here we assess the impact of the West African Ebola epidemic on health seeking behaviors with respect to presentations to the Kenema Government Hospital (KGH) Lassa Ward, which serves as the primary health care referral center for suspected Lassa fever cases in the Eastern Province of Sierra Leone.Methodology/Principal findingsPresentation frequencies for suspected Lassa fever presenting to KGH or one of its referral centers from 2011–2019 were analyzed to consider the potential impact of the West African Ebola epidemic on presentation patterns. There was a significant decline in suspected LF cases presenting to KGH following the epidemic, and a lower percentage of subjects were admitted to the KGH Lassa Ward following the epidemic. To assess general HSB, a questionnaire was developed and administered to 200 residents from 8 villages in Kenema District. Among 194 completed interviews, 151 (78%) of respondents stated they felt hospitals were safer post-epidemic with no significant differences noted among subjects according to religious background, age, gender, or education. However, 37 (19%) subjects reported decreased attendance at hospitals since the epidemic, which suggests that trust in the healthcare system has not fully rebounded. Cost was identified as a major deterrent to seeking healthcare.Conclusions/SignificanceAnalysis of patient demographic data suggests that fewer individuals sought care for Lassa fever and other febrile illnesses in Kenema District after the West African Ebola epidemic. Re-establishing trust in health care services will require efforts beyond rebuilding infrastructure and require concerted efforts to rebuild the trust of local residents who may be wary of seeking healthcare post epidemic.  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2009.00355.x
How primary health care professionals and residents assess issues related to the oral health of older persons? Background and objectives: It is known that older persons need integrated primary health care. However, oral health may not be a frequent concern of multi‐professional teams taking care of older persons. The aim of the present study was to evaluate knowledge and practices related to oral health care, as reported by professionals and residents in a primary health care service. Material and methods: One hundred and seventy‐three health professionals and residents were assessed in this cross‐sectional study by means of a structured questionnaire containing questions pertaining to oral health practices and beliefs. Participants were grouped based on their professions into “primary health care dentists” or “other primary health care professionals” and based on their working status into “permanent team” or “residents”. Results: Permanent team members (other professionals) assessed and recommended dental care more frequently than residents. Permanent team members (other professionals) also reported that they felt they were able to inform older patients in respect to oral health‐related issues more frequently than did residents (68.7% vs. 31.3%, respectively). Conclusion: Oral health‐related knowledge and beliefs were frequent among non‐dentists primary health care workers, suggesting that primary health care which integrates oral health represents an attainable goal.  相似文献   

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