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大型水母幼体生长的影响因子研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪以来,中国东、黄海,韩国西海岸以及日本海连年发生大型水母暴发现象,对海洋渔业的生产活动以及海洋生态系统带来巨大的影响。水母暴发形成机制非常复杂,解释其发生机理并有效预报是目前急待解决的问题。大型水母的生活史中有明显的世代交替现象,受精卵,浮浪幼虫,螅状体,足囊,横裂体到碟状体的幼体发育阶段属无性世代,幼蜇发育到成蜇阶段属有性世代。在早期生活史中,螅状体的足囊繁殖与横裂生殖是大型水母无性繁殖的重要方式,对其成体的数量形成至关重要。综述了国内外有关温度、盐度、光以及营养条件对大型水母早期发育阶段的影响研究进展,研究表明温度是影响螅状体发育以及足囊繁殖和横裂生殖的最主要的环境因子;盐度、光和营养条件在适温范围内,均对螅状体和横裂生殖有一定的影响,其上下限随水母种类和发育阶段有所变化。展望了大型水母早期幼体研究的发展趋势,如环境因子对不同种类的大型水母幼体生长机理的影响、多个环境因子对幼体的综合作用、动态的环境因子与大型水母幼体之间的关系等。  相似文献   

水母暴发给近岸人类的生活、渔业资源以及海洋生态系统带来影响。这些近岸海域暴发的水母可以通过有性繁殖和无性繁殖来维持或扩大水母种群数量。在水母生活史中,螅状体的无性繁殖是决定水母体数量的关键阶段,因此对此阶段进行研究。设置了4个温度水平(9、12、15、18℃)、3个食物水平(5个卤虫/螅状体、20个卤虫/螅状体、40个卤虫/螅状体),在12个组合条件下研究温度和食物水平对海月水母螅状体无性繁殖能力和方式的影响。研究结果表明,在海月水母螅状体繁殖子体的各种方式中,匍匐茎生殖是主要的繁殖方式,出芽生殖次之,纵向分裂以及足囊出现几率极低。食物对海月水母螅状体产生总子体数影响显著,温度的影响不显著,食物水平越高,海月水母螅状体繁殖子体的能力越强。食物和温度对螅状体发生横裂均有影响,但温度对螅状体横裂的影响更大。温度对螅状体的横裂率影响显著,食物影响不显著。碟状体的释放发生在12、15、18℃的条件下,温度是影响海月水母螅状体通过横裂生殖释放碟状体数量的最重要因素。可见在螅状体无性繁殖阶段,温度和食物对繁殖方式的影响各不相同。  相似文献   

孙明  邢勤旺  王佳晗  段妍  李楠  柴雨  董婧 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6749-6758
20世纪末以来,沙蜇在东亚水域频繁暴发,不仅影响正常的渔业生产活动,也给海洋生态系统健康带来极大危害。在室内模拟秋季降温条件,研究了不同水温(4种降温条件)与饵料量(0.42、1.25、和4.2 μg C螅状体-1d-1)对沙蜇螅状体足囊繁殖与横裂生殖的影响。结果显示:1)秋季降温速度快慢导致的积温差异对沙蜇螅状体生成足囊数有显著影响(P < 0.001),积温越大,螅状体生成的足囊数量越多,发现两者具有较好的线性关系(y=142.59x+208.39;R2=0.967),低积温条件下的足囊萌发也较少;2)饵料量对螅状体无性繁殖的影响是有一定阈值范围的,在一定饵料量范围内,螅状体生成的足囊数量随饵料量的增加而增加,而超过一定阈值范围,过剩的饵料影响水质对沙蜇螅状体反而产生负面影响。3)秋季新繁育出来的当龄沙蜇螅状体可在越冬前发生横裂生殖,但横裂生殖的螅状体比例和放碟数量均较少。试验结果说明,全球变化背景下,积温升高、饵料量小幅增加均可能导致沙蜇秋季有性繁殖的当龄螅状体在越冬前生成更多的足囊,促进诱发翌年水母暴发。  相似文献   

白色霞水母生活史的实验室观察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
董婧  刘春洋  王燕青  王彬 《动物学报》2006,52(2):389-395
本文首次描述了白色霞水母从受精卵至碟状体的生活史。(1)包括受精卵、卵裂、囊胚以及浮浪幼虫等在内的胚胎发育各期均在开放的水体中,在20·8 -21·4℃浮浪幼虫于受精后14 h出现; (2)浮浪幼虫在定置前形成一种凸面的圆形浮浪幼体囊,除了浮浪体囊外,螅状体还可产生足囊和通过产生匍匐茎形成囊胞进而发育成新的螅状体; (3)尽管偶而产生2个碟状体但仍为典型的单碟型横裂; (4)新释放的碟状幼体绝大多数为8个缘叶, 8个感觉棍和8对钝圆的缘瓣,但畸形个体最多12个,最少6个缘叶; (5)雌雄个体间的交互作用对产卵和受精是非常重要的因子[动物学报52 (2) : 389 -395 , 2006]。  相似文献   

海月水母是全球近岸海域的主要致灾水母种类之一,其螅状体的繁殖情况与种群数量是影响水母暴发的重要因素.采用实验生态学的方法分别研究了高温(21 ℃)和低温(12 ℃)条件下,不同盐度梯度对螅状体存活与无性繁殖的影响.结果表明: 高温条件下,盐度15~40时螅状体存活率均大于90%,适合出芽生殖盐度范围为20~32,其中28为最适盐度;在低盐(≤15)或高盐(≥36)环境下,螅状体会进行足囊生殖以度过不良环境条件. 低温条件下,20~40盐度组螅状体存活率均大于90%,20~32盐度组适于螅状体出芽生殖,其中28盐度组出芽生殖效率最高;20~40盐度适于横裂生殖,其中28~32盐度组最利于螅状体横裂生殖. 说明海月水母螅状体有较强的盐度耐受性,一定范围内盐度对螅状体无性生殖影响不显著.  相似文献   

环境因子对海月水母螅状体存活与繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以我国黄渤海主要致灾大型水母海月水母的螅状体为实验材料,采用实验生态学方法研究了温度、盐度、光照强度、饵料量对其存活与繁殖的影响。结果表明,在0—25℃范围内,螅状体40 d的成活率均为100%,螅状体相对繁殖速度随温度的升高而增加;盐度在15—40范围内,螅状体40 d的成活率均为100%,盐度22.5组的螅状体相对繁殖速度最高,但盐度对螅状体种群数量影响不显著;螅状体相对繁殖速度随光照强度的增加而下降,黑暗条件有利于海月水母螅状体个体数量增加;螅状体相对繁殖速度随饵料量的增加而增加。研究结果说明海月水母螅状体对环境具有较强的适应性,水温升高、饵料量增加可导致海月水母螅状体种群数量快速增加。  相似文献   

环境因子对海月水母生长发育影响的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海月水母是一种广泛分布的世界性近岸种,也是我国近海海域大型水母优势种之一.近年来海月水母在世界各地频繁暴发,对海洋生态系统和沿岸经济、社会发展带来了很大危害.海月水母有复杂的生活史(营附着生活的螅状体世代和营浮游生活的水母体世代)和多种无性生殖(出芽生殖、横裂生殖、足囊生殖等)及有性生殖方式.环境因子影响海月水母生活史的各个阶段,如浮浪幼虫阶段、螅状体阶段、碟状体阶段等.这些生长阶段尤其是早期生长阶段的状态(如附着、分布、扩散等)会进一步影响海月水母的种群动态.本文以海月水母生活史为主线,系统总结分析了国内外关于环境因子对其生活史各阶段的影响,提出了一些值得进一步深入研究的问题,以期为我国近海海域水母暴发关键因子的研究提供借鉴.  相似文献   

段妍  孙明  李楠  徐湘  王爱勇  董婧 《生态学报》2022,42(15):6356-6367
海月水母为我国近海主要大型灾害水母种类之一,当自然环境适宜其生长与繁殖时,易出现暴发性的增殖现象,严重破坏了我国近岸海洋生态系统的稳点与平衡。采用实验生态学方法,研究了温度(2.5、5、7.5、10、15、20、25、27.5、30℃)和盐度(15、20、25、30、35、40)对海月水母碟状体存活与生长的影响,实验共进行30d。结果显示,在实验设置的温盐范围内,温度、盐度均显著影响碟状体的存活与生长。在盐度15-35条件下,海月水母碟状体可以在温度2.5-25℃存活,在15-25℃范围内可正常生长;在温度20-25℃和盐度20-30条件下适宜海月水母碟状体生长,其中温度20℃和盐度25条件下海月水母碟状体特定生长率达到最大。与盐度相比,温度对碟状体的影响较大,在盐度15-35条件下,随着温度的升高,碟状体的伞径逐渐增大,其碟状体形态向水母体形态的转变速度加快。在达到临界点25℃时,若继续升高温度,碟状体的生存率与生长率显著下降。温度与盐度对海月水母碟状体的生存与生长具有明显的交互效应,碟状体在实验过程中表现出在较低温度条件下提高了对较高盐度的适应性。研究表明,温度、盐度的变化显著影响碟状体的生长与存活,直接导致碟状体种群数量变动,进而影响成熟水母体种群数量。结论为进一步探索大型水母暴发的生态环境机理提供重要科学依据。  相似文献   

以巴布亚硝水母(Mastigias papua)为研究对象,观察了水螅体无性生殖产生类浮浪幼虫胞芽、类浮浪幼虫胞芽变态发育为水螅体、水螅体横裂产生碟状体以及碟状体发育为水母体的过程和形态变化。25℃时类浮浪幼虫胞芽经过93 h后变态发育为水螅体。换用带有虫黄藻的天然海水并将培养温度从25℃升至27℃后,水螅体开始横裂,萼部触手环下方产生缢痕。水螅体横裂开始47 h后,缢痕更加明显,其上方部分发育为碟状幼体,后期碟状体搏动越来越频繁,最后释放。释放后的碟状体在实验室培养条件下21 d后可发育为水母幼体。巴布亚硝水母虽然只有产生类浮浪幼虫胞芽一种无性生殖方式,但繁殖速度较快,27℃时1个水螅体平均1 d可产生1.7个类浮浪幼虫胞芽,类浮浪幼虫胞芽可在3或4 d的短时间内附着变态。  相似文献   

段妍  孙明  董婧  柴雨  王爱勇  王小林  刘修泽  王彬  吉光 《生态学报》2020,40(13):4404-4412
采用了实验生态学方法,研究温度对海月水母螅状体生长及繁殖的影响。实验设6个温度梯度(12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27℃),共持续56d。测定了螅状体的柄径生长,繁殖数量;观察了螅状体的无性繁殖方式;分析了温度影响下的螅状体的能量分配及繁殖策略。结果表明,温度显著影响螅状体的生长及繁殖,在较高温度组,匍匐茎生殖是螅状体无性繁殖的主要方式,随着温度降低,出芽生殖比例增加。较高温度组螅状体繁殖速率较快,新生螅状体个体较小,分布较分散;而较低温度组,新生螅状体个体较大,数量较少,均较紧密的分布在亲代螅状体周围。在培养56d的周期内,除27℃处理组外,其他各处理组螅状体柄径均有所增加,但其增加的速率随着温度的升高而降低。而27℃处理组,螅状体整体状态不好,基本不摄食,培养35d时全部死亡。综上,较低温度条件下,螅状体倾向于选择增加自身个体大小以应对不良环境,而当环境条件适宜时,螅状体倾向于选择通过无性繁殖产生更多子代的方式以扩大种群数量。温度显著影响螅状体的繁殖策略,进而显著影响螅状体的种群数量。  相似文献   

Luronium natans (L.) Rafin. is a very rare macrophyte even though it has the ability to grow in a wide variety of habitat types. Previous studies leave two possibilities for this pattern: the species has a poor ability to disperse and establish or it is unable to grow and develop a sustainable population after colonization.  相似文献   

Pratylenchus penetrans did not reproduce without males. Cytological examination indicated that cross-fertilization occurred. Females had a chromosome number of 2n = 12. Virgin females reared in isolation laid eggs, but these failed to undergo cleavage. Males reared in isolation produced sperms.  相似文献   

To study the potential use of estrogen receptor gene (ESR) as a genetic marker to improve the reproductive traits of pigs, the genotypes of the ESR PCR product digested by Pvu II were determined in 2 239 litters from 612 Landrace sows. The data of the first, second, and later parities were separately evaluated. Although the frequency of the B allele was much lower than that of the A allele, likelihood ratio test showed that the gene frequencies were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The effects of ESR of different parities were not equal. In summary, the sows with the BB genotype showed better performance for total number of piglets born (TNB) and number of piglets born alive (NBA), but had a lower average piglet weight at birth (AWB). It was concluded that ESR could be used as a marker for the selection of litter size in the Landrace population.  相似文献   

Concord grape (Vitis labrusca) plants were inoculated with Macroposthonia xenoplax at levels of 100, 1,000, and 10,000 nematodes. After 4 months, plants inoculated with 10,000 M. xenoplax were stunted, and root systems were darker and had fewer feeder roots than those in other treatments. The lower nematode inoculation levels suppressed top growth but did not affect root growth. M. xenoplax reproduced well on Concord grapes.  相似文献   

Characterizing phenotypic differences between sexual and asexual organisms is a critical step towards understanding why sexual reproduction is so common. Because asexuals are often polyploid, understanding how ploidy influences phenotype is directly relevant to the study of sex and will provide key insights into the evolution of ploidy-level variation. The well-established association between genome size and cell cycle duration, evidence for a link between genome size and tissue regeneration rate and the growing body of research showing that ploidy influences growth rate and gene expression led us to hypothesize that healing and tissue regeneration might be affected by ploidy-level variation. We evaluated this hypothesis by measuring the rate of regeneration of antenna tissue of Potamopyrgus antipodarum, a New Zealand snail characterized by frequent coexistence between diploid sexuals and polyploid asexuals. Antennae of triploid and presumptive tetraploid asexuals regenerated more rapidly than the antennae of diploid sexuals, but regeneration rate did not differ between triploids and tetraploids. These results suggest either that ploidy elevation has nonlinear positive effects on tissue regeneration and/or that factors associated directly with reproductive mode affect regeneration rate more than ploidy level. The results of this study also indicate that the lower ploidy of sexual P. antipodarum is unlikely to confer advantages associated with more rapid regeneration.  相似文献   

李霞  徐秀秀  韩兰芝  王沫  侯茂林 《生态学报》2013,33(14):4370-4376
系统研究了稻纵卷叶螟在6种不同水稻品种(常规粳稻武育粳3号,杂交粳稻宁粳1号,常规籼稻TN1,杂交籼稻汕优63,超级杂交籼稻两优培九,超级杂交籼粳稻甬优9号)上取食后的发育历期、存活率、卵巢发育进度、繁殖力和飞行能力.结果表明,武育粳3号和宁粳1号能显著延长稻纵卷叶螟未成熟期的发育历期,降低其存活率,延缓卵巢发育进度,降低成虫繁殖率,并提高成虫的飞行能力;不同水稻品种间的影响存在显著差异,其影响从大到小排列为杂交粳稻>常规粳稻>常规籼稻>杂交籼稻>超级杂交稻.这说明,幼虫期营养对稻纵卷叶螟的生长发育、存活、生殖和飞行能力具有显著影响.  相似文献   

The host suitability of five zucchini and three cucumber genotypes to Meloidogyne incognita (MiPM26) and M. javanica (Mj05) was determined in pot experiments in a greenhouse. The number of egg masses (EM) did not differ among the genotypes of zucchini or cucumber, but the eggs/plant and reproduction factor (Rf) did slightly. M. incognita MiPM26 showed lower EM, eggs/plant, and Rf than M. javanica Mj05. Examination of the zucchini galls for nematode postinfection development revealed unsuitable conditions for M. incognita MiPM26 as only 22% of the females produced EM compared to 95% of the M. javanica females. As far as cucumber was concerned, 86% of the M. incognita and 99% of the M. javanica females produced EM, respectively. In a second type of experiments, several populations of M. arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica were tested on zucchini cv. Amalthee and cucumber cv. Dasher II to assess the parasitic variation among species and populations of Meloidogyne. A greater parasitic variation was observed in zucchini than cucumber. Zucchini responded as a poor host for M. incognita MiPM26, MiAL09, and MiAL48, but as a good host for MiAL10 and MiAL15. Intraspecific variation was not observed among the M. javanica or M. arenaria populations. Cucumber was a good host for all the tested populations. Overall, both cucurbits were suitable hosts for Meloidogyne but zucchini was a poorer host than the cucumber.  相似文献   

An initial density (Pi) of 1,540 Pratylenchus neglectus/kg soil suppressed shoot growth of potato, Solanum tuberosum cv. Russet Burbank, in a greenhouse test at 3 weeks. After 6 weeks, shoot weights were reduced by Pi of 662 and 1,540 nematodes/kg soil, the final soil densities of P. neglectus were twice the respective Pi, and the numbers of nematodes per gram dry root were 5,363 and 7,981. In 1986-88 field microplot experiments with the Norchip cultivar, neither shoot nor root weight was suppressed by P. neglectus. In 1986 a Pi of 115 nematodes/kg soil suppressed the total number and weight of tubers per plant. In 1987 a Pi of 186 nematodes/kg soil suppressed the marketable and total number of tubers by 19 and 25 %, respectively. In 1988 a Pi of 1,884 nematodes/ kg soil reduced total and marketable weight by 18 and 19%, respectively. In 1986 and 1987 nematode population densities in the soil increased 34-fold and 27-fold, respectively. In 1988 the Pi of 1,884 nematodes/kg soil rose to 21,890/kg at midseason, then dropped to 4,370/kg at harvest. These studies show for the first time that P. neglectus reproduces well on potato and can cause yield losses. Because of its distribution and abundance, P. neglectus may be considered an economically important parasite of potato in Ontario.  相似文献   

In vitro cultivation of tissues and cells provides an experimental methodology to define and manipulate physiological mechanisms that are not possible with in vivo techniques. Tissues from the germinative-growth zones of adult Ascaris suum gonads were excised and minced, and then enzymatically dispersed and transferred to an artificial, perienteric fluid-fetal calf-serum-medium complex. Cells were maintained in a viable state for 8 days, with medium replacement every 48 hours. During this period, morphological changes in the gonadal cells included decreased size, dedifferentiation, and degeneration. Two indices of metabolism, evolution of ¹⁴CO₂ from radiolabelled glucose and reduction of the tetrazolium salt MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium), decreased by approximately 50% and 60%, respectively. The in vitro procedures developed provide the first opportunity to examine specific cellular functions of nematode reproductive tissues over an extended period of time.  相似文献   

Siphonous, green macroalgae of the genus Halimeda are ubiquitous and ecologically important in tropical and subtropical marine environments. It has been hypothesized that the abundance of Halimeda on coral reefs is in part due to the ability of this genus to propagate asexually via vegetative fragmentation. However, vegetative fragmentation has only been documented for H. discoidea in a laboratory setting. To test the hypothesis that vegetative fragmentation contributes to field populations of Halimeda, we examined three aspects of fragmentation by H. tuna (Ellis and Solander) Lamouroux, H. opuntia (Linneaus) Lamouroux and H. goreaui Taylor on Conch Reef in the Florida Keys: (1) short-term (8 days) and long-term (14 weeks) fragment survival and rhizoid production in the laboratory and field (7 and 21 m), (2) size of the fragment pool and (3) influences of herbivory and water motion on production and dispersal of fragments. Although morphologically similar to H. discoidea, only a small percentage of H. tuna fragments survived. Fragments of H. opuntia and H. goreaui were more robust, and survival and rhizoid production were positively correlated with size in short-term trials. In 14-week field trials, one-third or fewer fragments of any species survived at 7 m, potentially because fragments were covered by large amounts of sediment. Survivors included some buried, seemingly dead individuals that turned green when exposed to light, highlighting the remarkable ability of this genus to survive disturbances. There was much less sediment accumulation at 21 m, where more fragments survived. Most (93%) eight-segment fragments of H. opuntia produced attachment rhizoids by the end of the 14-week trial. Overall, a range of 4.7-9.4 fragments of Halimeda m−2 day−1 were found on Conch Reef; most fragments were generated by H. goreaui. Fish bite marks were evident on 75-85% of the individuals of H. tuna and the number of bites per thallus ranged from 1 to 23. Herbivorous reef fish commonly fed on all three species of Halimeda. Some fish consumed the biomass, while others rejected most bites. For example, 83% of bites were rejected by the blue-striped grunt. Dispersal distances for rejected bites ranged from 0 to 31 m. Water motion was also responsible for fragment dispersal; experimentally produced fragments moved up to 48 cm day−1. Results presented here suggest that asexual propagation of fragments of Halimeda is an important component of the life-history of this genus and vegetative fragmentation contributes to the abundance of this genus on coral reefs.  相似文献   

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