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(鱼句)亚科花(鱼骨)型鱼类骨骼系统的比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国花型Hemibarbuspattern鱼类作了骨骼系统比较,结果表明,此类型鱼类脑颅较长,副蝶骨平直或稍弯曲,眶蝶骨腹纵嵴发达(铜鱼Coreius septentrionalis例外),下颞窝和咽突中等大,基枕骨后突发达;脑颅中的上筛骨的后突、侧筛骨的外筛突,蝶耳骨的外突、上耳骨的后突、围眶骨和后颞窝等均有明显的差异;咽颅中的舌颌骨、尾舌骨、鳃盖骨和下咽齿的列数等又有显著的区别;附肢骨骼中的腰带骨、脊椎骨中的复合神经骨和第4椎骨腹侧的悬器等也有不同之处。据此,这些差异和区别可作为属间或种间的分类依据。  相似文献   

中国二叠纪四足类的研究由来已久,在新疆和内蒙古大青山发现了大量二齿兽类(Dicynodontia)化石,而在华北地层区则以锯齿龙类(Pareiasauria)化石为主,还没有发现二齿兽类。近年来,在山西寿阳二叠系中发现了产自上石盒子组中的锯齿龙类和产自孙家沟组中的二齿兽类化石。根据髂骨的形态特征,相较于二叠石千峰龙(Shihtienfenia permica),新的锯齿龙类化石与多齿河南龙(Honania complicidentata)更相似。这表明济源动物群(河南龙组合带)可能在山西的上石盒子组中也有分布。根据头骨的特征,新二齿兽类化石属于隐齿兽目(Cryptodontia),可能是其中的某个支系在中国的第一个代表。  相似文献   

准噶尔盆地中侏罗世晚期到晚侏罗世早期沉积的石树沟组产出过包括多种兽脚类恐龙在内的大量脊椎动物化石。描述了一件新的采自准噶尔盆地东北缘五彩湾地区石树沟组上部的兽脚类恐龙左第四跖骨标本(IVPPV18060)。通过与其他兽脚类恐龙第四跖骨对比,该标本可归入异特龙超科(Allosauroidea)。它与其他异特龙超科第四跖骨的相似性包括:近端关节面三角形并有一向后方延伸的舌状突出,向外侧轻微弯曲的骨干,位于骨干后方靠近外侧边的半月形肌肉凹陷,三角形骨干横截面。在异特龙超科当中,V18060与准噶尔盆地将军庙地区石树沟组中发现的董氏中华盗龙(Sinraptordongi)最为相似(除了以上相似性,V18060和董氏中华盗龙的相似性还包括远端关节轮廓呈近梯形,骨干后部肌肉凹陷与周围边界呈半开放状态)。但是,V18060和董氏中华盗龙也存在着一些明显的区别:V18060明显比董氏中华盗龙的第四跖骨粗壮,远端内外两髁大小差异相反。这些形态差异可能是由于个体发育或者性双形造成的,也可能代表分类学差异。对比研究和基于第四跖骨形态信息进行的分支系统学分析结果更偏向后一种解释:V18060代表一个不同于董氏中华盗龙但与后者亲缘关系很近的新的兽脚类恐龙。新材料的发现增加了中晚侏罗世石树沟动物群兽脚类恐龙的分异度。在五彩湾和将军庙地区发现不同的中华盗龙类恐龙指示了晚侏罗世早期准噶尔盆地中相邻地区可能存在着一定的生态分异性或者地理隔离。  相似文献   

重新研究了产于辽西义县组下部的带羽毛小型兽脚类恐龙长掌义县龙(Yixianosaurus longimanus) 的不完整骨架。系统发育分析得出义县龙属于手盗龙类基干类群,与阿尔瓦雷斯龙( Alvarezsaurus) 、镰刀龙类、除阿尔瓦雷斯龙之外的其他阿尔瓦雷斯龙类以及由窃蛋龙类和副鸟龙类等进步手盗龙类组成的一个类群形成多分支状态。义县龙既有原始特征,如臂指数低,第三指强壮; 也有进步特征,如乌喙骨近长方形,表明在手盗龙类当中,前肢演化呈现出比以前认为的更加复杂的镶嵌现象。强壮的前肢骨骼以及厚重、弯曲而尖利的手爪表明义县龙是捕食者,尽管这一认识尚待该属种更完整化石的发现来证实。义县龙在手盗龙类系统发育中的基部位置暗示,在虚骨龙类演化的这一节点上,前肢形态的变异范围更大。在许多方面,义县龙强壮的前肢和过度增大的弯曲爪子与长臂猎龙(Tanycolagreus) 和虚骨龙(Coelurus) 的相似,可能代表了这些属种与基干镰刀龙类和窃蛋龙类之间的过渡形态。义县龙保存了大的片状体羽,表明这些皮肤衍生物在虚骨龙类中的起源可能比以前报道的要早。最后,强壮而伸长的前肢暗示了其生态功能与根据同一区域的其他小型兽脚类推测的不同,支持了热河生物群的小型非鸟兽脚类中存在小生境划分的观点。  相似文献   

离龙是一类生活在中侏罗世至中新世的半水生掠食性动物。白垩纪早期,部分离龙类演化为与现生鳄鱼形态类似的大型长吻爬行动物,称为新离龙类。报道了来自山东省下白垩统蒙阴组的一长吻型离龙新种——袖珍蒙山龙(Mengshanosaurus minimus),正型标本头骨全长仅35 mm,是迄今为止发现的最小新离龙类个体。根据未完全骨化的颅腔和额骨-顶骨间尚存未愈合的圆孔,推测蒙山龙正型标本为一幼年个体。系统发育分析显示,蒙山龙属于新离龙类,具有单个外鼻孔,单一鼻骨和下颞孔开放等新离龙类的共有衍征。在新离龙类内部,蒙山龙分类位置较为基干,为伊克昭龙属(Ikechosaurus)、车尔龙属(Tchoiria)、西莫多龙属(Simoedosaurus)和鳄龙属(Champsosaurus)组成的支系的姐妹群。蒙山龙区别于其他新离龙类的特征包括泪孔位于前额骨与泪骨之间,以及增大的腭面齿(宽度超过上颌齿的1/3)。蒙山龙具有长吻和紧密排列的尖利牙齿,推测离龙类幼体与现生鳄类幼体食性类似,以水生昆虫和无脊椎动物为食。现生鳄类在发育过程中,吻部的形态常发生改变,牙齿也会从尖细的形状转向圆钝;而蒙山龙的吻部和牙齿的形态与已知大体型的成体新离龙类没有明显区别,这说明相较于现生鳄类,新离龙类在发育过程中生态位的变化并不显著。  相似文献   

小盗龙亚科是驰龙科兽脚类恐龙中新近发现的一个亚群,多数属种产自中国辽宁西部下白垩统热河群。本文描记一件产自辽宁省朝阳县大平房地区九佛堂组(热河群上段)的小盗龙亚科的新标本,该标本具有一些未曾报道过的有趣形态特征。尤其值得关注的是,一些特征呈现出介于中国鸟龙和小盗龙之间的过渡状态,其中部分来自牙齿和坐骨。这些特征突出显示了在更接近典型驰龙类的中国鸟龙和具有许多伤齿龙科特征的小盗龙之间存在着一系列的形态变异。然而,这些变异特征在分类上的意义尚未得到充分评估。特别值得一提的是该标本中相互愈合的耻骨和肠骨,这一特征有助于阐明复合骨在兽脚类恐龙中的演化模式。初步分析显示许多鸟类的复合骨都是通过在过型形成过程中各组分的顺序愈合形成的。  相似文献   

新铺龙(爬行纲:海龙目)的分类(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了已经描述的新铺龙(Xinpusaurus)的三个种,确定以往确立的种间鉴别特征是无效的。吻部比例以及齿骨形态都不能用来区分它们,戈氏种(X.kohi)的头后骨骼鉴别特征基础不牢,大多因标本保存欠佳不能明确其有效性。因此,建议废除巴毛林种(X.bamaolinensis)以及戈氏种,新铺龙属仅保留属型种——孙氏新铺龙(X.suni)——为有效种。文中还进一步阐明了本属种脑颅的形态。  相似文献   

保存部分后肢的标本 IVPP V 10597 最初被描述为蒙古蜥鸟龙(Saurornithoides mongoliensis) 的幼年个体,但存在一些疑问。近年来有关伤齿龙科(Troodontidae) 的研究,尤其是有关伤齿龙类分类学研究取得了重要进展,因此有必要对该标本的分类学重新进行评估。通过细致的形态比较和数值化的系统发育分析,确认相对于蒙古蜥鸟龙,V 10597 更加接近于同域的谭氏临河猎龙(Linhevenator tani) ,指示其有可能代表谭氏临河猎龙的幼年个体。但 V 10597 的许多后肢特征,包括许多涉及后肢骨骼间比例的特征,显示出与包括谭氏临河猎龙在内的其他伤齿龙类的明显区别。这些形态差异可能具有分类学意义,表明 V 10597 代表一个新种。通过骨组织学分析,确认该标本不可能代表谭氏临河猎龙或者其他大型伤齿龙类的幼年个体。基于已有的形态学和骨组织学信息,将 V 10597 定为一新属、新种,命名为柯瑞氏菲利猎龙(Philovenator curriei gen. et sp. nov. ) 。这一发现增加了白垩纪晚期伤齿龙类的种群分异度和形态差异度。  相似文献   

手盗龙类郝氏中鸟(Zhongornis haoae)的标本只有一件,并且为幼年个体,其最初被归入鸟类。然而对其解剖学的重新研究显示,郝氏中鸟与窃蛋龙下目(Oviraptorosauria)和擅攀鸟龙科(Scansoriopterygidae)具有很多相似的形态特征。中鸟的尾部虽然有所退化,但仍然很长,本文认为其约有20枚尾椎,其尾部的形态和比例都与尾羽龙(Caudipteryx)和耀龙(Epidexipteryx)相似。中鸟与基干窃蛋龙类的相似之处还包括:头骨短而高,小手指退化。在小翼掌骨的大小、手指的比例、坐骨不发育背侧和腹侧突起方面,中鸟与擅攀鸟龙类相似,而明显区别于中生代的鸟类。基于上述相似的形态特征以及基干窃蛋龙类和擅攀鸟龙类共有的其他特征,提出了窃蛋龙类和擅攀鸟龙类之间具有较近亲缘关系的假说。分支系统学的研究表明,相比于窃蛋龙类,中鸟与擅攀鸟龙科之间的亲缘关系更近,中鸟和擅攀鸟龙类都具有伸长的前肢和脚爪。有关中鸟的分类位置及其与擅攀鸟龙科之间确切关系的研究,还需要新标本的发现;本文对中鸟分类位置的讨论,也说明了基于幼年个体进行新种命名时所存在的问题。  相似文献   

驰龙类的精美临河盗龙(Linheraptor exquisitus)于2010年基于一件近完整骨架命名,化石采自内蒙古西部巴彦满达呼大门地点上白垩统乌兰苏海组。然而,最近三项研究认为精美临河盗龙是蒙古乌哈托喀地点上白垩统捷达克赫塔组发现的白魔龙(Tsaagan mangas)的晚出异名。本文依据61个形态学特征区分精美临河盗龙和白魔龙,否认了上述观点。许多特征来自对精美临河盗龙正型标本先前未修理部分,特别是头骨左侧的观察。这些新观察支持和加强了我们先前认为的精美临河盗龙和白魔龙属于两个不同属种的观点。精美临河盗龙具有的一些特征之前被认为是白魔龙或者其他驰龙类的自近裔特征,这表明进步的骨骼特征在驰龙类中的分布异常复杂。认为精美临河盗龙和白魔龙为同物异名的观点实际上忽略了很多微小的形态变异。增加分类取样可以将那些看似显著的鉴定特征转化为更加细微的形态变异,而这些形态变异对于精细的系统发育分析具有潜在的重要意义。在未来的研究中,利用连续数据的严格定量方法,有助于处理类似信息。  相似文献   

Lungfish, or dipnoans, have a history spanning over 400 million years and are the closest living sister taxon to the tetrapods. Most Devonian lungfish had heavily ossified endoskeletons, whereas most Mesozoic and Cenozoic lungfish had largely cartilaginous endoskeletons and are usually known only from isolated tooth plates or disarticulated bone fragments. There is thus a substantial temporal and evolutionary gap in our understanding of lungfish endoskeletal morphology, between the diverse and highly variable Devonian forms on the one hand and the three extant genera on the other. Here we present a virtual cranial endocast of Rhinodipterus kimberleyensis, from the Late Devonian Gogo Formation of Australia, one of the most derived fossil dipnoans with a well-ossified braincase. This endocast, generated from a Computed Microtomography (µCT) scan of the skull, is the first virtual endocast of any lungfish published, and only the third fossil dipnoan endocast to be illustrated in its entirety. Key features include long olfactory canals, a telencephalic cavity with a moderate degree of ventral expansion, large suparaotic cavities, and moderately enlarged utricular recesses. It has numerous similarities to the endocasts of Chirodipterus wildungensis and Griphognathus whitei, and to a lesser degree to ''Chirodipterus'' australis and Dipnorhynchus sussmilchi. Among extant lungfish, it consistently resembles Neoceratodus more closely than Lepidosiren and Protopterus. Several trends in the evolution of the brains and labyrinth regions in dipnoans, such as the expansions of the utricular recess and telencephalic regions over time, are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

The proterochampsids are a Triassic group of superficially crocodile-like forms belonging to the Archosauriformes. In the present contribution, we present new information regarding the braincase of the proterochampsid Proterochampsa Reig 1959, from the Ischigualasto Formation (Carnian) of Argentina, and discuss its phylogenetic considerations. Some unique neurocranial features of Proterochampsa are described, including: the prominence and thickness of the V-shaped ridge that surrounds the basisphenoidal fossa; the medially concave lateral arms of the same ridge; and the semilunar depression on the parabasisphenoid ventrolaterally exposed. Other features are only shared with likely unrelated archosauriforms, including: the great lateral development of the basipterygoid processes and caudal development of its distal end; an eight-shaped metotic foramen; laterally directed basipterygoid processes; and rostral boundary of the basisphenoidal recess V-shaped. Proterochampsa differs in many other aspects from the archosauriform Chanaresuchus, including: a proportionally shorter basioccipital basal tubera; cultriform process ovoid in cross-section; longitudinal sulcus dorsal to the basipterygoid process; deep basisphenoidal recess; and the absence of a prominent intertuberal plate. In many braincase features, Proterochampsa is more similar to archosaurs than to Euparkeria, erythrosuchids and Proterosuchus. They include a reduced semilunar depression. A ventral border of the basioccipital forming a wide convexity and a dorsoventrally thin paroccipital process likely represents a feature shared with Chanaresuchus, but not with Doswellia and other basal archosauriforms.  相似文献   

Despite continuous improvements, our knowledge of the neurocranial anatomy of sauropod dinosaurs as a whole is still poor, which is especially true for titanosaurians even though their postcranial remains are common in many Upper Cretaceous sites worldwide. Here we describe a braincase from the uppermost Cretaceous locality of ‘‘Lo Hueco” in Spain that is one of the most complete titanosaurian braincases found so far in Europe. Although the titanosaurian Ampelosaurus sp. is known from the same locality, this specimen is clearly a distinct taxon and presents a number of occipital characters found in Antarctosaurus and Jainosaurus, which are approximately coeval taxa from southern Gondwana. The specimen was subjected to X-ray computed tomographic (CT) scanning, allowing the generation of 3D renderings of the endocranial cavity enclosing the brain, cranial nerves, and blood vessels, as well as the labyrinth of the inner ear. These findings add considerable knowledge to the field of sauropod paleoneuroanatomy in general and titanosaurian endocast diversity in particular. Compared with that of many sauropodomorphs, the endocast appears only slightly flexed in lateral view and bears similarities (e.g., reduction of the rostral dural expansion) with Gondwanan titanosaurians such as Jainosaurus, Bonatitan, and Antarctosaurus. The vestibular system of the inner ear is somewhat contracted (i.e., the radius of the semicircular canals is small), but less so than expected in derived titanosaurians. However, as far as the new specimen and Jainosaurus can be contrasted, and with the necessary caution due to the small sample of comparative data currently available, the two taxa appear more similar to one another in endocast morphology than to other titanosaurians. Recent phylogenetic analyses of titanosaurians have not included virtually any of the taxa under consideration here, and thus the phylogenetic position of the new Spanish titanosaurian—even its generic, let alone specific, identification—is not possible at the moment. Nevertheless, both the braincase osteology and the endocast morphology suggest that the specimen represents a derived titanosaurian that presumably branched further from the base of Lithostrotia, potentially even near Saltasauridae, comparable in evolutionary terms with Jainosaurus.  相似文献   

Dendrerpeton acadianum from the Westphalian A (Upper Carboniferous) of Joggins, Nova Scotia, is a phylogenetically and chronologically early temnospondyl. Its external cranial anatomy has been used previously to suggest the presence of a tympanic membrane, and thus of an ear adapted to the perception of airborne sound. However, supporting evidence provided by stapedial and braincase morphology has so far been lacking. The braincase and middle ear region have remained almost wholly unknown. CT scanning and 3-D computer reconstruction of BMNH R.436 have been used to shed light on these important areas. Both stapes prove to be present in the specimen; the right stapes is distorted, but the left stapes lies inside the cranial cavity and is perfectly preserved. The latter resembles the stapes of the relatively few other temnospondyls in which the bone has been described and is most similar to that of Doleserpeton . The morphology and orientation of the stapes provide strong evidence for the presence of an ear adapted to the perception of airborne sound, with similarities to the extant anuran condition. The reconstructed braincase shows a high degree of similarity to that of other adequately known temnospondyls. This gives supporting evidence that D. acadianum is correctly placed in the temnospondyl phylogeny and thus demonstrates one of the earliest hearing systems adapted to the perception of airborne sound that can be homologized with the extant anuran condition.  © 2005 The Trustees of the Natural History Museum, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 143 , 577−597.  相似文献   

Although skeletal remains of the iconic oldest known avialian Archaeopteryx have been known for almost 150 years, several aspects of the cranial anatomy of this taxon have remained enigmatic, mainly because of the strongly flattened and often fractured and incomplete nature of available skull materials. New investigation of the skulls of the recently described, excellently preserved tenth (Thermopolis) and the seventh (Munich) specimens revealed several previously unrecognized characters and helps to resolve some problematic issues. Thus, the nasal of Archaeopteryx shows a lateral notch for the lacrimal, as is found in many other saurischian dinosaurs, the maxilla clearly participates in the margin of the external nares, and there seems to be a pneumatic foramen in the lacrimal, comparable to the lacrimal fenestra found in many non-avian theropods. In the braincase, Archaeopteryx shows pneumatic features reminiscent of non-avian theropods, including a ventral basisphenoid recess and an anterior tympanic recess that is laterally incised into the basisphenoid/prootic. Most importantly, however, the postorbital process of the jugal shows a facet for the suture with the postorbital, thus resolving the question of whether Archaeopteryx had a closed postorbital bar. A new reconstruction of the skull of Archaeopteryx is presented, making the skull of this taxon even more theropod-like than previously recognized. Furthermore, the closed postorbital bar and the configuration of the bones of the skull roof cast serious doubt on claims that an avian-style cranial kinesis was present in this taxon.  相似文献   

描述比较了早更新世大熊猫小种(Ailuropoda microta)、晚更新世大熊猫巴氏种(A baconi)、现生大熊猫(A.melanoleuca)和北极熊(Ursus maritimus)的虚拟三维颅内模。大熊猫脑窝内模的形态在小种、巴氏种和现生种之间大致相似,而与北极熊区分明显。大熊猫的脑窝内模容积从小种到巴氏种呈增大趋势,但从巴氏种到现生种呈减小趋势。大熊猫的大脑沟回在脑窝内模上留下的印痕非常明显,并从小种经巴氏种到现生种则呈稳定增长趋势。相反,北极熊的大脑沟回在脑窝内模上留下的印痕不明显,而血管印痕在脑窝枕区的两侧很明显。嗅球窝内模腹部的纵沟在大熊猫小种发育,在巴氏种较弱,在大熊猫现生种几乎不存在,而在北极熊较发育。大熊猫的脑量商在小种、巴氏种和现生种之间差别不大,但大熊猫的脑量商明显大于北极熊。大熊猫的副鼻窦在小种、巴氏种和现生种之间的差别不大,但与北极熊差别较大。大熊猫的额窦很长、较高、背侧脊形,而北极熊的额窦长度相对较短、高度较低、宽度稍大、背侧平缓。大熊猫的上颌窦较宽,而北极熊的则较窄。大熊猫的蝶窦很小,而北极熊的则较大,覆盖在脑腔前侧。大熊猫这3个不同时期的种与北极熊在颅内腔上这些明显的差异支持将大熊猫从熊科中独立出来的分类。  相似文献   

The endocranial morphology of the abelisaurid Carnotaurus sastrei, from the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia, is studied using X-ray Computed Tomography (CT). The CT scans provided information that allowed the first reconstruction of the brain, inner ear and braincase pneumaticity for this South American taxon. The endocranial morphology confirms that abelisaurids share an overall conformation of the brain and inner ear. However, some traits, such as the height of the dorsal sinuses and the length of the flocculus in the cranial endocast, and a large subsellar recess in the basicranium, appear to characterize the South-American abelisaurids only. Moreover, the olfactory acuity of Carnotaurus resembles that reported for other abelisaurids (e.g., Majungasaurus, Viavenator), suggesting that the sense of smell had an important role. However, some attributes of the endocranial features of Carnotaurus (i.e. development and orientation of the olfactory bulbs and tracts) may imply particular olfactory capacities when compared with other abelisaurids.  相似文献   

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