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报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)一新记录种——紫瓣石豆兰(Bulbophyllum sonii Aver. & N.V. Duy),并提供了详细的描述和照片。该种与短序石豆兰(B. brevispicatum Z.H. Tsi)、墨脱石豆兰(B. eublepharum Rchb. f.)、蒙自石豆兰(B. yunnanense Rolfe)相似,但又区别于它的紫色花,侧萼片基部合生成船形状的合萼片,花瓣边缘具纤毛,药帽具晶体状附属物。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物四新记录种,即尾瓣石豆兰(Bulbophyllum careyanum(Hook.)Spreng.),拟泰国卷瓣兰(B.nipondhii Seidenf.),双槽石斛(Dendrobium bicameratum Lindl.)和绿梢玉凤花(Habenaria am-plexicaulis Rolfe ex Downie),并提供描述和图片。  相似文献   

对中国兰科两新种--麻栗坡卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum malipoense) 和赵氏蜘蛛兰(Arachnis zhaoi)作了描述和绘图.前者与直立卷瓣兰(B.unciniferum)相近,区别点在于新种的假鳞茎聚生,卵球形;叶较小,长2~3.5cm;侧萼片较短,长1.4~1.7 cm,仅中部合生;后者与窄唇蜘蛛兰(A.labrosa)有亲缘关系,但新种花淡黄绿色,无红棕色斑,花瓣稍宽于萼片,易于区别.  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)一新记录种:厚叶卷瓣兰(B.sacrophylloides Garay,HamerSiegerist),并提供特征描述及彩色图片,凭证标本存放于中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园标本馆(HITBC)。厚叶卷瓣兰为附生或石生草本,生长于云南西双版纳勐仑镇的石灰岩地区林下岩石上和林中树干上。  相似文献   

报道了产自中国云南的兰科(Orchidaceae)沼兰属(Crepidium)一新记录种:大花沼兰(Crepidium josephianum (Rchb. f.) Marg.),对该种的形态特征进行了描述并提供了彩色照片。大花沼兰与凹唇沼兰(C. concavum(Seidenf.) Szlach.)形态相似,但前者花较大,中萼片向下反卷,唇瓣上的脊突低矮且为线状,与后者易于区别。  相似文献   

李琳  叶德平  邢福武 《植物研究》2009,29(3):260-263
报道了中国兰科(Orchidaceae)石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum)2个新记录种——拟环唇石豆兰(Bulbophyllum gyrochilum Seidenf.)、泰国卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum thaiorum J. J. Smith)及中国大陆1新记录种,乌来卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum macraei(Lindl.) Reichb. f.),并提供描述及照片。  相似文献   

少叶硬叶兰, 中国兰科一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对云南兰科新种少叶硬叶兰作了描述和绘图,并讨论了该种与其近缘种纹瓣兰的异同。  相似文献   

黄雪奎  覃营  谢高  刘演 《广西植物》2023,43(6):1006-1015
广西壮族自治区位于我国南部,气候湿润,生境复杂,具有丰富的物种多样性。该文报道广西兰科植物13个新记录种,即旗唇兰[Kuhlhasseltia yakushimensis(Yamamoto) Ormerod]、紫茎兰(Risleya atropurpurea King&Pantl.)、指柱兰(Stigmatodactylus sikokianus Maxim. ex Makino)、二尾兰(Vrydagzynea nuda Bl.)、深圳拟兰(Apostasia shenzhenica Z. J. Liu&L. J. Chen)、拟泰国卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum nipondhii Seidenf.)、南岭叠鞘兰(Chamaegastrodia nanlingensis H. Z. Tian&F. W. Xing)、垂叶斑叶兰(Goodyera pendula Maxim.)、四腺翻唇兰(Hetaeria anomala Lindl.)、褐花羊耳蒜(Liparis brunnea Ormerod)、聚叶钗子股(Luisia appressifolia Av...  相似文献   

湖北单子叶植物新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于2011~2013年对湖北神农架国家级自然保护区进行了第四次全国中药资源普查,发现若干湖北植物新记录。该研究报道了湖北单子叶植物2个新记录属——顶冰花属(Gagea Salisbury)和筒距兰属(Tipularia Nuttall),8个新记录种分别为:少花顶冰花[Gagea pauciflora(Turczaninow ex Trautvetter)Ledebour]、凤凰蜘蛛抱蛋(Aspidistra fenghuangensis K.Y.Lang)、卷瓣重楼(Paris undulata H.LiV.G.Soukup)、筒距兰(Tipularia szechuanica Schlechter)、大黄花虾脊兰(Calanthe sieboldii Decaisne ex Regel)、小杜若[Pollia miranda(H.Léveillé)H.Hara]、长耳南星(Arisaema auriculatum Buchet)、大针薹草(Carex uda Maximowicz)。包含3种国家二级保护植物——卷瓣重楼、筒距兰、大黄花虾脊兰。IUCN将筒距兰列为易危级别,卷瓣重楼和大黄花虾脊兰被列为极危级别,其中大黄花虾脊兰还是我国极小种群野生植物资源。该文对这些物种分布新区域的报道,扩大了这些植物的分布范围,也丰富和加深了对湖北植物多样性的认识与了解。  相似文献   

报道了中国兰科植物的三个新记录种,裂唇卷瓣兰(Bulbophyllum picturatum),长柄虾脊兰(Calan-the allizettei)和绿花毛兰(Eria lanigera)。裂唇卷瓣兰的中萼片全缘前部具一粒状附属物,唇瓣基部两侧具耳。长柄虾脊兰的中裂片非常小并具三条褶片。黄花毛兰的花黄绿色,唇瓣不裂。  相似文献   

We report on flowering phenology, floral morphology, pollinators, and nectar for eight species and a putative natural hybrid belonging to Agarista, Gaultheria and Gaylussacia that occur syntopically in a montane area. The campanulate to tubular flowers of eight out of nine Ericaceae taxa are primarily pollinated by either hummingbirds or bees. Flowering overlaps in all species but slight differences of floral shape, colour, and nectar characterize pollination by each pollinator group. Differences in floral traits are not large enough to exclude secondary pollinators. Thus, either the main pollinators of a species belonging to its syndrome, or secondary pollinators of a species belonging to different syndromes, may allow for inter-specific crosses.  相似文献   

The correlation between pollen-ovule (P/O) ratio and breeding system has generally been analysed with respect either to pollination efficiency, or in terms of sex allocation theory. Pollen/ovule ratios were measured in nine species of Araceae belonging to two genera with bisexual flowers (Anaphyllopsis, Monstera) and three genera with unisexual flowers (Dieffenbachia, Philodendron, Montrichardia). The family Araceae with its unique inflorescence morphology allows the analysis of variations of the P/O ratio with respect to two basal morpho-functional pollination units: the flower or the inflorescence. We found a relationship between the value of the P/O ratio and the breeding system that is partially different from Cruden's results (1977). Some facultative xenogamous species have a higher P/O than the obligatory xenogamous species. A link was found between the P/O and the type of inflorescence, the floral cycle, and the mode of growth.  相似文献   

The Normapolles complex, characterised by its oblate and triaperturate pollen, constitutes an important and diverse element of many Late Cretaceous and Early Cainozoic floras of the Northern Hemisphere. Based on the dispersed pollen record alone it has been difficult to assess systematic affinities, but relationships with Fagales have been proposed. Over the past twenty years several exquisitely preserved Late Cretaceous reproductive structures with Normapolles type pollen in situ have been described. In this study we provide a summary and new information of these floral structures. Further, a new genus, Dahlgrenianthus, is described from the Late Cretaceous of southern Sweden. The genus includes the type species Dahlgrenianthus suecicus, a number of reproductive structures referred to Dahlgrenianthus sp., and Dahlgrenianthus trigonus (Knobloch et Mai) comb. nov. from the Maastrichtian flora of Walbeck, Germany. Dahlgrenianthus comprises small flowers with pentamerous perianth and androecium and a tricarpellate gynoecium. It is distinguished from all other Normapolles floral structures in its hypogynous floral organisation. All Normapolles floral structures described so far are thought to be related to various members of the core Fagales, but the group is obviously not monophyletic. The stratigraphic range of the Normapolles taxa and other fagalean fossils strongly suggests that all major fagalean lineages were present by the Cenomanian or earlier.  相似文献   

Floral development and floral phyllotaxis in species of Adonis, Callianthemum, and Trollius (Ranunculaceae) were studied with scanning electron microscopy. The floral organs are initiated in spiral sequence and the flowers have spiral phyllotaxis. The sepal primordia are broad, crescent-shaped, and truncate, but those of petals, stamens, and carpels are rather hemispherical. A relatively long plastochron appears to be present between the last sepal and the first petal as compared with the short and equal plastochrones of all subsequent floral organs. Maturation of the stamens within the androecium appears to be centripetal. The carpels have a short ascidiate zone. Placentation is uniformly lateral, even in Adonis and Callianthemum, which have only one fertile ovule per carpel (versus median in other genera of Ranunculoideae with a single fertile ovule). In Adonis and Callianthemum at the tip of the carpel the ventral slit is gaping and the stigma is broadly exposed, whereas in Trollius the stigma is narrower and more pronouncedly decurrent along the ventral slit. The petals in Callianthemum and Trollius are more conspicuously delayed in development than those in Adonis as compared with sepals and stamens. A short carpel stipe is formed early in Callianthemum but later in Adonis and Trollius. In Trollius farreri (commonly having only five carpels in contrast to other species of Trollius) the carpels form a single (spiral) series. Thus floral development is similar in all three genera and, at a lower level, Adonis and Callianthemum are especially close but have different autapomorphies, which reflects the current classification of the genera.  相似文献   

The functional floral morphology of the three genera of Vivianiaceae (= Ledocarpaceae, Geraniales), Rhynchotheca, Viviania and Balbisia, is compared. Likely pollination mechanisms are inferred from morphology and field observations. The flowers of Viviania are nectariferous and apparently zoophilous with nectar as the (primary) pollinator reward. Balbisia has pollen flowers without nectaries, its showy corolla indicates that it is also zoophilous with pollen as sole pollinator reward; bees were observed as flower visitors. One taxon (B. gracilis) may be anemophilous. Rhynchotheca has flowers without petals, with large, pendulous anthers and lacks nectaries. It shows synchronous mass flowering in its natural populations and is evidently anemophilous. A comparison with other Geraniales shows that nectar flowers with small anthers are likely the ancestral condition in Vivianiaceae. This suggests that the pollen flowers with larger anthers of Balbisia and Rhynchotheca may represent an apomorphic condition. The documentation of pollen flowers and anemophily in Vivianiaceae expands the range of known floral and pollination syndromes in Geraniales.  相似文献   

Based on pollen and floral morphology,Blechum grandiflorum is transferred toRuellia, and the nameR. mirandana is proposed for this species. A new species,Ruellia tuxtlensis, is described which is distinguishable fromR. mirandana by its longer spike and elliptic bracts. It is presently known only from the lowlands of Veracruz, Mexico.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships, limits of species, and genera within Lycoperdaceae, were inferred by use of ITS and LSU nu-rDNA sequence data. Lycoperdaceae was confirmed as monophyletic, and Mycenastrum corium as a sister taxon to the ingroup. Four major clades were identified and received weak to moderate support and correspond with the genera Lycoperdon, Bovista, Calvatia, and Disciseda. The Lycoperdon clade includes species from Lycoperdon, Vascellum, Morganella, Handkea, Bovistella, and Calvatia. The structure within the Lycoperdon clade is unresolved and several clades are more or less unsupported, which suggests treating the supported Lycoperdon clade as the genus Lycoperdon. L. nigrescens and L. caudatum occur on single branches and their phylogenetic positions could not be resolved. The phylogenetic analyses identified 31 species of Lycoperdon, 11 species of Bovista, six species of Calvatia, and two species of Disciseda. In Lycoperdon three new species were recognized. A new species closely related to B. limosa is identified and discussed. A classification of Lycoperdaceae is proposed based on the results of the phylogenetic analyses. Morphological characters of species within and among identified clades are discussed.  相似文献   

Flexistyly is a unique floral mechanism involving extreme curving of the style. It was first described in Chinese ginger (Amomum, Zingiberaceae). This is a pioneer report on flexistylous gingers of Malesia, where most species of this family grow. We observed the floral behaviour and flower visitors in Alpinia nieuwenhuizii Val., a Bornean endemic. Although the floral behaviour and effective pollinators (carpenter bees, Xylocopa) were similar between the Bornean species and the previously reported flexistylous Alpinia, the pollinator behaviour between them strikingly differed with regard to the visit frequency of the pollinators showing a bimodal pattern during the day. This was a better match for the floral behaviour of the flexistylous Alpinia. Some gender differentiation observed between the two types of morphs is also discussed in the present study.  相似文献   

Because some endemic plants appear to be adapted to a narrow setof environmental conditions with limited genetic diversity, an analysis ofpopulation genetic structure is necessary to fully evaluate the impact of rarityon genetic variation. Listed as endangered species in Korea, only fewpopulations of Abeliophyllum distichum, Leonticemicrorhyncha, Bupleurum euphorbioides, andBerchemia berchmiaefolia were found. A reduced level ofgenetic variation in B. berchemiaefolia is consistent withthe occurrence of a genetic bottleneck and inbreeding. Leonticemicrorhyncha differed dramatically from other taxa in its observed level of geneticvariation, probably due to its predominant selfing. The level ofallozyme variation maintained by A. distichum was high forendemic species. Compared to species with similar traits, A.distichum maintained a relatively higher genetic diversity, probably dueto floral heteromorphism and preferred outcrossing. Bupleurumeuphorbioides maintained a higher genetic diversity due to outcrossing,but at the individual locus, deficiency of heterozygosity prevailed. Probablyinbreeding between local neighborhoods was frequent because A.distichum and B. euphorbioides were pollinatedby small fly species which might be less effective as a pollen dispersal, andtheir visits were extremely scarce and controlled by the weather conditions.Since much of the species-to-species variation in genetic diversity is due tothe specific ecological and evolutionary history of a species, any managementplan developed should be based on historical changes in the population size anddistribution to better predict the amounts and patterns of genetic diversity.  相似文献   

对中国杜鹃花科特有种:臭越橘(Vaccinium foetidissimum H. Lév. & Vaniot)的花部形态特征进行了描述。基于新补充的花部特征,讨论了该种与其相似种的区别。  相似文献   

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