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实验动物福利与“3R”原则   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
实验动物的广泛应用是人们对实验动物福利越来越重视,实验动物福利不仅是对动物本身的保护,更重要的是对动物试验结果的保证。“3R”原则是动物福利的一种具体反应和实施方法,本文详细论述了实验动物福利和“3R”原则的由来,内容涉及国内外的发展概况,其目的是借鉴国外的一些经验和教训,促进我国实验动物科技的发展,使实验动物更好的为科学技术和经济建设服务。  相似文献   

介绍实验动物福利与动物实验伦理审查国内外进展情况。实验动物为生命科学发展和人类健康做出了重大贡献。随着社会进步和人类文明程度不断提高,善待实验动物既是人类文明道德的体现,也是人与自然和谐发展的需要。把握实验动物福利原则、遵循实验动物福利法规、严格履行动物实验伦理审查制度是切实保障实验动物福利的有效途径。虽然经过近30年的发展,我国在实验动物福利、动物实验伦理审查等方面的管理逐步走向法制化和规范化,探索出关于动物福利和实验动物伦理方面的多种教学模式,但与国际上高水平的动物福利监管相比,仍有欠缺,有待继续发展完善。  相似文献   

当前,实验动物对生物学和医学的重要性凸显.我国的实验动物组织机构和法规条例建设逐步完善,但与国际水准相比仍有差距.因此,应当重视和加强我国实验动物的研究,如实验动物标准化,野生动物实验动物化,动物福利,3Rs技术以及实验动物的产业化,以推动我国生命科学的整体发展.  相似文献   

在生命科学、医学和药学研究中,实验动物作为直接的实验材料和人类的替难者,具有不可替代的地位和作用。实验动物福利影响着实验动物的身心健康和动物实验的质量,进而影响到科学研究的科学性、可靠性和公众认可程度。各医药院校是培养未来医务人员、科研工作者的机构,在其教学中,都涉及到利用实验动物进行实际操作的训练学习,许多学科都与实验动物学科有着密不可分的内在联系。因此,在医药院校教学中,树立和培养医学生实验动物福利观念具有重要意义。  相似文献   

实验动物在生物科学研究领域中的应用不断发展,其饲养环境和福利保障的问题已越来越被国际所关注。实验动物的环境与福利不仅是对动物本身的保护,更重要的是对动物试验结果的保证。本文详细论述了大环境(温度、湿度、气流等方面)及小环境(笼具、饲养密度、垫料)对实验动物福利的影响,通过总结国内外的研究概况,旨为我国改善和提高实验动物的福利提出一些思路。  相似文献   

实验动物福利越来越受到社会各方面的重视.欧美等发达国家已经建立起了一套比较完善的实验动物福利法规体系,而我国还没有专门的实验动物福利立法,与国外发达国家相比存在较大差距,但是不断出现的与实验动物福利有关的经贸技术壁垒以及十二五发展的需要使得实验动物福利成为我国目前亟待解决的战略问题.  相似文献   

动物实验是生命科学研究中必须采用的研究手段,对于生物医学、生物技术的发展起着非常重要的作用。但随着社会的发展,实验动物的福利及动物实验的伦理问题越来越引起人们的关注。重视实验动物的福利伦理是社会文明的体现,也是对用于人类健康研究的实验动物生命的尊重。2006年9月,科技部发布了《关于善待实验动物的指导性意见》,为落实意见的实施,我所进一步加强了实验动物福利伦理工作的开展。  相似文献   

王宏 《生命科学》2020,32(7):711-716
猕猴作为一种重要的非人灵长类实验动物,在生物医学研究中发挥着重要的作用。该文从动物福利概念、我国实验动物福利制度现状、猕猴在饲养管理过程中的福利保障以及在生物医学研究过程中的福利管理等方面进行了阐述,旨在为提高实验猕猴在生物医学研究中的福利管理水平提供参考和思路。  相似文献   

开展实验动物福利工作不论对于实验动物自身,还是科学研究都具有重要意义。本文对实践中如何开展实验动物福利工作,以及其中存在的问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

实验动物学是一门研究实验动物和动物实验的综合性学科。是生命科学研究的基础和支撑条件。随着社会经济的长足发展和生命科学研究的突飞猛进,国际交流与合作的不断加强,实验动物福利倍受人们的关注。进入21世纪后国际上又对从事实验动物饲养管理和动物实验的工作人员的防护问题提出了新的要求,这就要我们必须考虑到人与实验动物如何和谐相处,促进科学发展。既要做到加强动物福利,又要注意人的保护,找到二者之间的平衡点,加快实验动物科学的发展。  相似文献   

依据系统论的基本原理,人类疾病动物模型采用整体设计,统筹考虑模型与实验动物生物学特性方面的相似性、模型复制的重复性、可靠性、适用性、可控性、易行性和经济性等,以便模型复制的顺利开展。整体性原则应贯穿整个模型复制过程,使复制的模型具有科学性和实用性。模型复制要落实系统论的相关性原则,一个模型不是孤立的,动物的各系统、各器官、各分子之间是相互联系,人类和动物在生物学、解剖学、组织学、胚胎学、生理学、病理学等方面的相互联系,疾病的发生、发展是相互联系的,相关性原则为动物模型研究人类疾病提供了理论依据。动物模型在时间和空间上处于不断运动变化发展之中,在研究模型的过程中,要用动态的方法而不是静止的方法来研究动物模型,应根据疾病的特点,分成不同的阶段,结合动物的免疫功能、营养状况、疾病的发展、转归等采用不同的对策。模型的复制采用最优化原则,要求模型设计最优化,选用高质量的实验动物,减少动物使用数量,保护动物福利与伦理,最终实现模型评价体系的最优化。  相似文献   

目的探索一种在无线遥测和刺激技术基础上的兔房颤模型的制作。方法新西兰兔皮下植入自主研发的植入式遥测刺激器,植入式遥测刺激器的制作是以TI公司(德州仪器)的MSP单片机和TI公司的RF无线收发芯片CC2250为核心开发设计。优化植入系统设计以满足新西兰兔房颤模型建立的探索实验;植入子植入新西兰兔腹部皮下,采集电极留置于左上肢和右上肢腋下皮下,两个刺激电极分别缝合于左心耳和左心房上,通过无线收发采集和刺激信号;实现利用Powerlab生理记录仪连续监测体表I导联心电信号,并通过专用计算机程序刺激软件,发放间歇(刺激2 s,暂停2 s)高频(频率20 Hz)阈上(强度2 mA,脉宽1 ms)刺激,若间歇期内出现房颤,则人为干预中止刺激,若转为窦性心律,则继续刺激。结果植入式遥测刺激器在体内可稳定工作(包括采集模拟心电信号和发放刺激)30 d,植入新西兰兔体内刺激3周后可诱导出房颤,持续时间〉48 h。结论用新西兰兔代替比格犬建立基于无线遥测和刺激基础上的房颤模型是完全可行的,同时也体现了动物福利优化和替代原则。  相似文献   

Animal experimentation is a controversial topic, especially among the general public and the scientific community. Thirty-eight undergraduate students attending the College of Veterinary Medicine – São Paulo State University in the municipality of Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil, were followed up between 2008 and 2011 and were asked to complete an annual questionnaire focused on different aspects of animal experimentation, including the animal species involved, the objectives of the research, ethics, animal welfare and euthanasia. Most students agreed that animal testing is not morally incorrect, and the dynamics of students’ attitudes were notable: undergraduates tended to change their opinion over time, with junior students opposing animal experimentation more than seniors do, indicating that the more scientific knowledge the students acquire, the more favourable to animal experimentation they become. Nevertheless, they agreed that research must consider the basic principles of animal welfare.  相似文献   

Animal welfare in livestock production is of great interest to consumers. The organic farming approach strives to ensure animal welfare based on preventive measures, but there are very few scientific studies that compare the actual differences in animal welfare between organic and conventional farms. Those studies that have been carried out frequently focus on specific aspects of animal welfare, mostly health issues. The aim of the present study, therefore, was to investigate the effects of the farming system on the welfare of dairy cows in a more holistic way. Although this study was carried out in just two federal states of Germany, the results could serve as a suitable model for the whole country. We used the Welfare Quality assessment protocol to measure welfare for dairy cattle (Welfare Quality®, 2009) and the results showed significant differences (P < 0.05) between organic and conventional farms, but there was also considerable variance between individual farms of the same farming system. Organic farms scored higher in all four Welfare Quality® principles: “Good Feeding”, “Good Housing”, “Good Health” and “Appropriate Behavior” compared to conventional farms. In particular, organic farms obtained higher scores with respect to Welfare Quality® measures of resting comfort, which contributes to a lower percentage of lameness; organic farms also implemented less painful methods for disbudding, or indeed carried out no disbudding, and provided access to pasture and outdoor exercise. However, organic farms still have room for improvement, especially with respect to animal health. Therefore, outcome‐based specifications should be included in the current (purely action-oriented) European regulation of organic production (EC, 2008; EU, 2018) to safeguard the health‐related aspects of animal welfare.  相似文献   

Companion-animal hoarding is a significant problem in the United States and internationally. Hoarding situations can incubate for years before a case is reported to law enforcement or animal control agencies. According to a survey by Gary Patronek, animal control agencies have estimated there are approximately 3000 reportable cases of animal hoarding annually in the United States. Animal hoarding cases vary in size from fewer than 20 animals to hundreds of animals. Every case of animal hoarding results in suboptimal animal welfare. Wake County, North Carolina, developed a proactive plan for addressing companion-animal hoarding that implemented a team approach to assist animals at risk, hold people accountable, address the mental health component of this problem, and create a more humane community. The plan involved animal control officers, crisis intervention counselors, law enforcement officers, veterinarians, veterinary technicians, and animal rescue partners. This intervention strategy was implemented in 2015, and cases were tracked to document animal outcomes. The conclusion of this experience is that a diverse team approach can best address the animal and human welfare challenges and the environmental concerns associated with animal hoarding.  相似文献   


Animal welfare concerns have plagued the professional zoo and aquarium field for decades. Societal differences remain concerning the well-being of animals, but it appears a shift is emerging. Scientific studies of animal welfare have dramatically increased, establishing that many previous concerns were not misguided public empathy or anthropomorphism. As a result, both zoo and aquarium animal welfare policy and science are now at the center of attention within the world’s professional zoos and aquariums. It is now possible to view a future that embraces the well-being of individual captive exotic animals, as well as that of their species, and one in which professional zoos and aquariums are dedicated equally to advancing both. Though the ethics of keeping exotic animals and animals from the wild in captivity are still a contentious subject both outside and even within the profession, this study argues. We argue that this path forward will substantially improve most zoo and aquarium animals' welfare and could significantly reduce societal concerns. If animal welfare science and policy are strongly rooted in compassion and embedded in robust accreditation systems, the basic zoo/aquarium paradigm will move toward a more thoughtful approach to the interface between visitors and animals. It starts with a fundamental commitment to the welfare of individual animals.  相似文献   


Nonhuman animal welfare science is the scientific study of the welfare state of animals that attempts to make inferences about how animals feel from their behavior, endocrine function, and/or signs of physical health. These welfare measurements are applicable within zoos yet inherently more complex than in farms and laboratories. This complexity is due to the vast number of species housed, lack of fundamental biological information, and relatively lower sample sizes and levels of experimental control. This article summarizes the invited presentations on the topic of “Advances in Applied Animal Welfare Science,” given at the Fourth Global Animal Welfare Congress held jointly by the Detroit Zoological Society and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums in 2017. The article focuses on current trends in research on zoo animal welfare under the following themes: (a) human–animal interactions and relationships, (b) anticipatory behavior, (c) cognitive enrichment, (d) behavioral biology, and (e) reproductive and population management. It highlights areas in which further advancements in zoo animal welfare science are needed and the challenges that may be faced in doing so.  相似文献   


Oxidative stress in atrial tissue may be causally related to atrial fibrillation as suggested by clinical and animal studies. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are known to play a key role in fibrosis and the induction of after-depolarization and triggered activity. Therefore, suppressing oxidative stress may have a potential beneficial role in the management of atrial fibrillation. Since increased NADPH oxidase activity is shown to play a key role in generation of ROS in atrial tissue and in atrial fibrillation, our proposed strategy to target upstream inhibition of ROS production by inhibition of NADPH oxidase activity may provide a novel approach to prevent atrial fibrillation recurrences. We hypothesize that apocynin could be effective against atrial fibrillation, by virtue of its potent inhibitory effect of a major oxidative system (i.e. NADPH oxidase) combined with its demonstrated anti-inflammatory, antifibrotic and antihypertensive effects which partially are driven from its antioxidant property. Atrial fibrillation is known to be initiated by the interaction of these multiple factors.  相似文献   

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