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耐盐野生大豆(Glycine soja)的光周期效应   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以原产山东东营的耐盐野生大豆为材料 ,观察了不同日长和不同光周期数处理对植株开花时间、数量、结荚率、鼓粒率以及生长和光合速率的影响 :(1)短日照处理促进野生大豆开花 ,其开花临界日长是 13h ;(2 )在 8h日长处理条件下野生大豆开花所需最小光周期数是 10个 ,且随着处理光周期数的增加 ,促进开花和开花后发育的效应有逐步增强的趋势 ,不足的光周期数处理可以引起成花逆转现象 ;(3)经短日处理的野生大豆植株生长减慢、光合速率降低 ,且随着日长缩短 ,生长和光合速率的下降程度增加  相似文献   

光周期对穗花狐尾藻生长、开花与种子形成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过人工补光和遮光处理,初步研究了光周期对狐尾藻生长和开花的影响。研究发现:8h短日照条件不利于狐尾藻的生长和花序形成,导致狐尾藻不能正常开花和结实;与自然日照长度(平均日照14h)条件下相比,16h长光照条件可以增加植株的高度和分枝数,形成更大的生物量;但24h全光照条件对生长有抑制作用。长光照条件下,狐尾藻花序形成时间和开花时间均比自然条件下延迟,形成花序的数目也显著较自然条件下的少,但长光照条件下形成的种子比自然条件下形成的种子具有更高的萌发率。  相似文献   

以玉米光敏感自交系CML288和不敏感自交系黄早4为实验材料,采用长日照15 h、短日照9 h的不同光周期处理,利用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜(laser scanning confocal microscope, LCSM)观察了不同叶龄期玉米茎尖分生组织的形态学变化.结果表明,短日照能促进玉米开花,促进茎端分生组织向生殖生长转化,黄早4和CML288分别在6叶期和7叶期完成茎尖分生组织的生殖转化;而长日照则明显延迟开花,延迟茎尖分生组织向生殖生长转化,黄早4和CML288分别在8叶期和11叶期完成茎尖分生组织的生殖转化;因此光周期诱导玉米开花因光照条件和品种有一定差异,短日照条件下,光敏感和不敏感的玉米自交系开花提前,花期更接近,而长日照条件下光敏感玉米自交系开花延迟要比不敏感自交系明显得多.  相似文献   

在计算机控制模拟的温带地区秋末冬初自然温度与光周期组合条件下,作者对新蚜虫疠霉Pandoraneoaphidis)与豌蚜(Acyrthosiphon pisum)的互作关系进行了研究,试图探索该菌有无与越冬行为有关的前兆反应。时间-剂量-死亡率模型分析显示,恒温20℃下长日照(光照16h/d)和短日照(光照11h/d)对该菌作用于试虫的时间-剂量效应无明显影响,但显著区别于变温(日变幅为5.4-18.9℃,温变速率0.56℃/30min)下相同长短日照处理,变温下长短日照处理之间亦有较显著差异。相同变温下日照长短主要影响试菌对试虫的潜伏期(致死时间)。在变温日照8.0h、9.5h、11.0h、11.5h、12.0h和16.0h下,试菌平均潜伏期分别为15.14d、15.19d、11.79d、13.33d、11.73d和9.21d,明显呈随日照时数增加而递减的趋势即负相关性(a=15.58,b=-0.93,r2=0.78,p<0.01),而恒温日照11 h和16h的平均潜伏期为5.85d和5.97d。镜检所有蚜尸,未发现虫菌体的任何异常现象。结果表明,虽然短日照可延长试菌的潜伏期,但试菌在所有温光组合下均保持着对寄主的有效侵染力,并无越冬的前兆行为反应。作者最后讨论了该菌随寄主迁飞而转移至可生存环境并且无法长期在寄主体外生存的可能性。  相似文献   

植物由营养生长向生殖生长转变过程中光周期调控起着重要的作用。CONSTANS (CO) 是光周期途径中的特有基因,为探讨高羊茅FaCONSTANS (FaCO) 基因响应日照长短从而启动植物开花的机理,利用实时荧光定量qRT-PCR技术分析在长日照、短日照、持续光照、持续黑暗条件下FaCO基因的表达水平。构建过表达载体p1300-FaCO,利用农杆菌介导法遗传转化拟南芥,构建沉默载体p1300-FaCO-RNAi遗传转化高羊茅。结果表明,FaCO基因的表达受光周期调控,与生物钟控制的昼夜节律相关。在长日照条件下FaCO基因促进拟南芥开花,且恢复拟南芥突变体开花表型。RNAi沉默FaCO基因的高羊茅转基因植株晚花或者一直处于营养生长阶段。本研究初步探究高羊茅FaCO基因对开花过程的调控,这将有助于更进一步了解该基因的生物学功能。  相似文献   

不同光周期对西红花开花和花丝品质的效应比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为筛选促进西红花开花和提高花丝品质的最佳光周期,以3种不同规格(20~25 g、25~30 g、30~35 g)西红花种球为材料,设置4种光周期处理(8 h/16 h、10 h/14 h、12 h/12 h、14 h/10 h),考察光周期对西红花种球鲜重变化、主芽生长、展叶数量、开花后营养物质含量以及花朵性状和花丝品质的效应。结果表明:(1)光周期8/16 h最有利于促进西红花主芽生长、增加展叶的种球数量。(2)光周期8 h/16 h和12 h/12 h下的西红花花朵直径大且前5 d开花数量多。(3)不同光周期对西红花苷含量、花丝干重、鲜重、折干率、含水量等花丝品质无显著影响。(4)西红花开花后种球中可溶性糖、淀粉、可溶性蛋白等营养物质含量在光周期8 h/16 h处理下较高,而在光周期12 h/12 h和14 h/10 h处理下较低。研究认为该试验条件下适合西红花生长的最佳光周期是8 h/16 h(昼/夜),此光周期有利于西红花生长、促进初期提前开花,然而对花丝品质无明显影响。  相似文献   

来源于泰国、中美洲、塞内加尔、印度和埃及的五个玫瑰茄品系,在光周期为8、16和24小时的人工气候室内生长。通过短日照和连续光照诱导开花证实,所有品系均为双光周期。各品系在花、果发育和由短日照转变到长日照后持续地成花诱导中显出差异。短日照和连续光照产生的生理效应和形态效应均不同。在每个叶腋的两个成对芽中,左芽在光周期为8和24小时成花,在光周期16小时保持休眠;右芽在8小时保持休眠,在16小时发育成营养枝,而在24小时发育成花枝。作者讨论了这些资料对亚热带条件下玫瑰茄育种和栽培的重要意义。  相似文献   

光周期对春石斛开花及多胺含量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以春石斛为试材,研究光周期对其开花及多胺(腐胺、亚精胺和精胺)含量的影响,以期了解春石斛开花的光周期特性以及期间能源物质多胺的变化规律。结果显示,春石斛短日照处理植株开花较长日照处理的提前约18d,为称量性短日照植物;同时,短日照处理植株的花芽多,开花量犬,花径较长日照大。不同光周期诱导开花过程中,春石斛叶片内腐胺含量最高,波动较大,短日照处理下基本维持比长日照高的水平。亚精胺含量其次,且随生长发育逐渐升高,短日照处理下一直保持比长日照高的水平。精胺含量最低,变化不大,短日照下保持与长日照相同或略高的水平。由此推测,春石斛为称量性短日照植物,高水平的腐胺和亚精胺可能与春石斛花芽的形成有关。  相似文献   

不同光周期处理对菊花C029花芽分化及开花的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以切花型菊花‘C029'为试材,以沈阳地区自然光周期为对照,研究了3种光周期(昼/夜8 h/16 h、10 h/14 h、12 h/12 h)处理下‘C029'花芽分化进程、开花时间和开花性状.结果显示:(1)‘C029'花芽分化进程可分为营养生长期、花序原基分化期、总苞鳞片分化初期、总苞鳞片分化末期、舌状小花原基分化初期、舌状小花原基分化末期、筒状小花分化初期、筒状小花分化盛期和花芽分化完成期9个时期.(2)8 h/16 h处理到开花所需时间为42 d,比10 h/14 h处理和12 h/12 h处理分别提前4 d和7 d,较对照提前13 d.(3)随光照时数的缩短,‘C029'花芽分化进程提前,但是株高、平均节间长度、可见叶数、茎粗和花径上都有不同程度的减弱,且除8 h/16 h处理外,均适宜作切花应用.研究表明,日照时数可影响菊花‘C029'开花,缩短日照时数有助于加快其花芽分化进程和提前开花,并以10 h/14 h光周期处理最适宜沈阳地区应用,其开花时间适宜、品质优良.  相似文献   

开花期是水稻最重要的农艺性状之一,水稻的花期决定着水稻的地区适应性和最终产量。人工选择使水稻从短日照向长日照、低纬度向高纬度扩张,因此水稻已逐渐进化出适应长日照条件下的开花调控机制。目前,虽然鉴定了一些影响水稻长日照的开花基因如SDG724、RFT1、EHD4、DTH2,但是挖掘水稻长日照开花基因还十分有限。本研究通过筛选水稻突变体库,获得一批在长日照下花期有显著差异的突变体材料,其中一份突变体lfm1(late-flowering mutant1),在长日照条件下开花延迟,在短日照条件下开花时间正常。通过图位克隆,将Lfm1基因初定位至第8染色体端粒附近。进一步的精细定位将Lfm1基因定位于分子标记8-0.269和与8-0.283之间,范围为12 kb,该区域包括3个候选基因。经测序分析发现,在突变体lfm1中,LOC_Os08g01420基因的第六外显子2800处缺失9个碱基,突变体lfm1等位于已报道的突变体ehd3。在适度(中日照条件下,~12 h/12 h)的光照条件下,突变体lfm1表现为穗粒数增多,生育期略延长,具有应用于生产的潜力。Lfm1基因的克隆为培育适应不同生态区域的水稻材料提供了重要的基因资源。  相似文献   

用含有0、100、300、600mmol/L的NaCl的Hoagland培养液处理海蓬子幼苗,处理一定时间后测定其鲜重、干重、离子含量、Na /K 比值、Na 在细胞中的分布、光合速率、叶绿体超微结构等的变化.结果表明一定浓度NaCl处理促进了海蓬子的生长,300mmol/L左右的NaCl是海蓬子生长的最适盐度.盐处理条件下海蓬子主要将Na 、Cl-积累在地上部,且主要储存在液泡中.随盐处理浓度的增加海蓬子地上部的Na /K 比增大;光合速率在低盐度下随盐浓度的升高而增大,高盐度下受到抑制;叶绿体超微结构在高盐度下受到部分破坏.  相似文献   

P. tuberosus, a native species of the Amazon region, was cultivatedunder different thermal regimes and photoperiods in an attemptto relate these stimuli to flower initiation and tuberous rootformation. It is shown that P. tuberosus is an intermediate-dayplant (flowers only under photoperiods above 9 h and below 16h). With regard to tuberization P. tuberosus may be considereda short-day plant: tuberization occurs only in photoperiodsbelow 16 h. High thermal regimes 30/25 C (13 h day/11 h night)delay and reduce flowering and completely inhibit tuberous rootformation. Thermal regimes of 25/20 C and 20/15 C (13 h day/11h night) were the most suitable for flowering and tuberization. Pachyrrhizus tuberosus, yam-bean, flowering, tuberization  相似文献   

Factorial combinations of five photoperiods (8 h 20 min, 10h, 11 h 40 min, 13 h 20 min and 15 h) and three night temperatures(14, 19 and 24 C) combined with a single day temperature (30C) were imposed on nodulated plants of nine soya bean genotypes[Glycine max (L.) Merrill] grown in pots in growth cabinets.The times to first appearance of open flowers were recorded.For a photoperiod-insensitive cultivar, and for the remainingeight photoperiod-sensitive genotypes in photoperiods shorterthan the critical daylength, the rates of progress towards flowering(the reciprocals of the times taken to flower) were linear functionsof mean diurnal temperature. For all photoperiod-sensitive genotypes,times to flowering in photoperiods longer than the criticaldaylength increased as inverse functions of both increasingphotoperiod and decreasing temperature. A consequence of thesetwo relations is that the critical daylength becomes longerwith higher mean temperatures. In the five photoperiod-sensitivegenotypes which flowered in all environments before the experimentwas terminated (after 150 d) the delays in flowering due tolow temperatures or long photoperiods were limited by a maximumperiod to flowering specific for each genotype. These resultsare discussed in relation to the development of a simple techniquefor the large-scale screening of soya bean germplasm to determinephoto-thermal response surfaces for flowering. Glycine max (L.) Merrill, soya bean, flowering, photoperiod, temperature, screening, germplasm  相似文献   

Intermediate-day plants (IDP) flower most rapidly and completely under intermediate photoperiods (e.g., 12–14 h of light), but few species have been identified and their flowering responses are not well understood. We identified Echinacea purpurea Moench as an IDP and, based on our results, propose a novel mechanism for flowering of IDP. Two genotypes of E. purpurea ('Bravado' and 'Magnus') flowered most completely (≥79%) and rapidly and at the youngest physiological age under intermediate photoperiods of 13–15 h. Few (≤14%) plants flowered under 10- or 24-h photoperiods, indicating E . purpurea is a strongly quantitative IDP. Plants were also induced to flower when 15-h dark periods were interrupted with as few as 7.5 min of low-intensity lighting (night interruption, NI). Flowering was progressively earlier as the NI increased to 1 h, but was delayed when the NI was extended to 4 h. Stem length increased by ≥230% as the photoperiod or NI duration increased, until plants received a saturating duration (at 14 or 1 h, respectively). Flowering was inhibited when 16-h photoperiods were deficient in red (R, 600–700 nm) light, and was promoted when photoperiods were deficient in far-red (FR, 700–800 nm) light. Because of our results, we propose the flowering behavior of IDP such as E . purpurea is composed of two mechanisms: a light-dependent response operating through light-labile (type I) phytochrome in which flowering is inhibited by an LD, and a light-stable (type II) phytochrome (i.e., phyB, D and E) response in which flowering is promoted by a short-night.  相似文献   

从北美盐角草中分离得到6个化合物,运用波谱手段分别鉴定为东莨菪内酯(1),杜松脑(2),金丝桃苷(3),槲皮素(4),异鼠李素-3-O-β-D-葡萄糖苷(5)和β-谷甾醇(6)。其中,化合物1和2为该属植物中首次分离得到,化合物4和6为首次从该种植物中得到。  相似文献   

Echinacea purpurea cv. Bravado and Magnus have been reported to be intermediate daylength plants (IDP) which flower in response to photoperiods between 13 and 16 h. The present experiments with E. purpurea cv. Bravado show that E. purpurea is actually a dual induction short-long-day plant which flowers promptly and consistently when grown in short day (SD) followed by long day (LD) conditions, but not with the reverse sequence of photoperiods. The flowering response increased with increasing duration of both the SD and the LD treatments. A minimum of 4 weeks of SD followed by 12 LD was required for complete flowering. No flowering occurred in continuous SD or LD, whereas a high proportion of plants flowered in continuous 14-h daylength. However, flowering was more variable in intermediate daylength than after transition from SD to LD. Furthermore, photoperiods between 13 and 16 h could satisfy both the primary SD induction and the secondary LD induction requirements. As a number of dual induction plants, both short-long-day and long-short-day plants, have such an overlapping window of effective photoperiods that can trigger both the SD and LD responses, the rationale for maintaining IDP as a separate and genuine flowering response group is seriously challenged.  相似文献   

Doss RP 《Plant physiology》1975,55(1):108-109
The flowering of Lemna perpusilla Torr. strain 6746 grown under 24-hour skeleton photoperiods consisting of 13- and 10.5-hour dark periods separated by 0.25-hr light pulses is strongly dependent on temperature. When plants are cultured in 50-ml Erlenmeyer flasks containing 20 ml of half-strength Hutner's medium supplemented with 1% (w/v) sucrose maximum, per cent, flowering occurs at 23 C. At temperatures above and below 23 C a marked decline in per cent flowering is seen.  相似文献   

以绿原酸为对照品,利用紫外分光光度法和高效液相色谱法分别建立了测定海芦笋中多酚酸和绿原酸含量的方法.紫外分光光度法检测波长为338 nm;高效液相色谱法采用Zorbax Eclipse XDB-C187(4.6 mm×150mm,5um),以甲醇和0.5%冰醋酸水溶液梯度洗脱.结果发现海芦笋及其生物盐中含有大量的多酚酸和绿原酸,其中多酚酸含量分别为6.49 g/kg,3.37 g/kg,绿原酸含量分别为0.234 9/kg,0.180 g/kg.同时也表明高效液相色谱法可用于海芦笋中多酚酸含量的确定.这两种简单快捷的定量分析多酚酸和绿原酸的方法,不仅可用于海芦笋及其生物盐产品的质量控制,而且也为海芦笋的进一步研究和开发提供了一定的依据.  相似文献   

Flowering requirements in Bromus inermis, a short-long-day plant   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Smooth bromegrass plants ( Bromus inermis Leyss.) have a dual photoperiodic requirement for flowering. At temperatures ranging from 6 to 24°C, short days (SD) are necessary for primary induction while a transition to long days (LD) is required for initiation of flower primordia, culm elongation and flower development (secondary induction). Critical photoperiods for primary induction (50% flowering) were 13.5 h (15°C) and 12 h (24°C) in the American cv. Manchar and 14.5 and 13 h, respectively, in the Norwegian cv. Löfar. For the secondary induction the respective critical photoperiods were 14 and 15 h in 'Manchar' and 16 and 17.5 h in 'Löar', which also appeared to be better adapted to low temperatures. Low temperature vernalization in LD for up to 16 weeks at 3°C was unable to cause primary induction and temperatures below 12°C also strongly reduced the SD effect. At optimum temperature (15-2TC) 4 to 6 weeks of 8-10 h SD treatments were needed for optimal primary induction effect. A minimum of 8 LD cycles of 24 h were required for complete secondary induction in 'Manchar', while more than 16 cycles were needed in 'Löfar'. Seedlings grown in SD developed a rosette type of growth with shoots growing in a decumbent position, while those in LD grew upright and formed elongated vegetative culms. Rate of leaf initiation was enhanced by about 60% by LD while tillering was promoted by SD.  相似文献   

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