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大型哺乳动物肇事导致人类与野生动物之间的关系恶化,报复性猎杀严重威胁到野生动物的生存。三江源国家公园内人熊冲突问题严重,棕熊肇事不断突破了当地牧民的容忍度,严重影响其保护的积极性,了解人熊冲突现状和牧民态度认知对于制定和实施有效的防熊措施至关重要。通过分析2014年1月—2017年12月三江源国家公园长江源园区内上报的296起棕熊肇事案件,同时结合半结构式访谈法对71户牧民进行访谈,以期了解该地区人熊冲突现状和牧民对棕熊的态度认知。研究结果表明:(1)棕熊主要肇事类型为入侵房屋,同时也捕食少量牲畜,以绵羊和山羊为主;(2)每年6—8月为人熊冲突高发期,8—10月为案件上报高峰期;(3)年纪较小和经历过棕熊肇事的受访者对棕熊的态度更为消极;(4)多数受访者认为过去10年里棕熊种群数量有所增加,其主要原因是新枪支政策的执行;(5)大部分受访者在防熊措施选择偏好上较为保守,认为修筑水泥墙和找人看守是保护财产最有效的两种途径。建议地方政府完善当前野生动物肇事补偿制度,促进利益相关者参与人熊冲突管理过程;提升电围栏防控技术,选择合适地点建立棕熊补饲站;为了保护人身安全,允许牧民在一定范围内合法使用防熊喷雾;未来应加强牧民生产生活方式的改变与棕熊行为之间关系的研究。  相似文献   

在祁连山国家公园,人类与野生动物冲突已经成为一个普遍的问题。了解国家公园内牧民对肇事野生动物的态度,为探究野生动物肇事规律、针对肇事动物制定防控措施以及保护国家公园生态系统原真性、促进牧民与野生动物和谐相处具有重要的参考意义。通过实地走访调查了2014—2016年祁连山国家公园青海片区牧民与野生动物之间的冲突和牧民对于野生动物的态度认知。调查分析发现:11月—次年3月是祁连县野生动物肇事高峰期,狼和雪豹是捕食家畜的主要动物;狼被牧民认为是肇事最严重的动物,而实际数据表明雪豹的肇事频次却要高于狼,这与两种动物生活习性以及保护等级有关,加之牧民对雪豹肇事的容忍度更高;天峻县相比祁连县,除了狼以外其棕熊肇事频次较高,牧民认为应当大力控制狼和棕熊的种群数量,因为棕熊除了捕食家畜,更会伤害牧民和破坏房屋,威胁到牧民的生活,雪豹则需要进一步保护;牧民一般会选择使用牧羊犬和强化圈舍来防止野生动物捕食家畜;羊是祁连山国家公园青海片区牧民主要经济收入,牧民对狼吃食羊无法容忍,棕熊入户直接掠食伤人现象目前频次不高,但需提前防范。  相似文献   

亚洲黑熊 (Ursus thibetanus) 与人类之间的冲突普遍存在。在高黎贡山国家级自然保护区周边社区,人熊冲突严重威胁了当地居民的生产生活和生命安全。因此研究人熊冲突现状是了解其发生机制并提出缓解冲突措施的基础。我们于2019年通过半结构式访谈法对高黎贡山保护区保山片区周边社区的79位居民进行了人熊冲突相关的调查。结果表明亚洲黑熊在高黎贡山保护区周边社区的肇事类型按发生频率由高到低依次为破坏农作物 (119起)、捕食家畜 (43起)、损害蜂箱 (40起) 和伤人 (5起)。亚洲黑熊造成受访者经济损失最多的肇事类型是捕食家畜 (799 200元),之后依次为损害蜂箱 (309 300元) 和破坏农作物 (298 790元)。在高黎贡山保护区周边社区亚洲黑熊肇事的高峰期是每年的7—9月。在高黎贡山东西两侧亚洲黑熊肇事特征明显不同:东坡以破坏农作物为主,而损害蜂箱在西坡最常见。居住在高黎贡山西坡的村民比在东坡的村民对亚洲黑熊持有更为消极的态度,但消极的态度没有导致他们对黑熊进行报复性捕杀。此外,在高黎贡山周边社区72.0%的受访者表示没听说过当地有偷猎黑熊的事件,98.6%的受访者表示没听说过熊产品交易事件,大部分受访者表示在未来也没有使用熊产品的意愿。本文分析了高黎贡山保护区保山片区周边社区人熊冲突的现状,探讨了人熊冲突的空间和时间格局,为在高黎贡山开展缓解人熊冲突措施提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

本研究整理了2015-2016年三江源区曲麻莱县、治多县和囊谦县的人兽冲突记录,并对主要肇事物种和人兽冲突的时间分布、地点分布以及受损类型的分布进行了统计分析。结果显示:(1)主要肇事野生动物依次为狼(978起,64.13%)、棕熊(117起,7.67%)、雪豹(5起,0.33%)和野牦牛(3起,0.20%),其余422起冲突(27.67%)未记录肇事野生动物;(2)人兽冲突时间分布不稳定,其高发期在不同年份不同地区都有所不同,总体来看,每年的1月、2月和12月棕熊和狼引起冲突较少,高峰期通常为6-9月;(3)从地区分布看,人兽冲突热点区域是曲麻莱县和治多县,特别是曲麻莱县秋智乡和麻多乡,治多县治渠乡、多彩乡、立新乡和扎河乡,曲麻莱县和治多县交接区域是人兽冲突高发区,囊谦县人兽冲突整体相对较轻;(4)从受损类型看,对牛的攻击和伤害是最主要的受损类型(749次,79.94%),明显多于对羊(56次,5.98%)和马(24次,2.56%)造成伤害的冲突,以及对房屋和家具等其它财产造成破坏的冲突(108起,11.53%)。本研究结果为三江源生态保护和国家公园建设制定更有效的预防和缓解人兽冲突的措施等提供了可靠依据。  相似文献   

国家公园原住民对野生动物肇事的态度直接影响野生动物保护政策有效实施以及人与野生动物共存机制。迄今,学术界鲜有从原住民认知与意愿角度探讨野生动物肇事的成果,基于自然保护地国家公园的相关研究尚未见报道。根据449份有效调查问卷及深度访谈数据,论文采用有序多分类Logistic回归方法,探讨武夷山国家公园原住民对野生动物肇事的认知、意愿及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)多数原住民经历过野生动物肇事,其农作物及牲畜受到严重损害,野猪(Sus scrofa)为研究区域主要的肇事动物。(2)种群数量增加、食物短缺和生存空间受限是野生动物肇事的主要原因。(3)学历、经历及认可政府应对肇事的方式对原住民防范野生动物肇事意愿的影响显著。在此基础上,提出遵循生态规律、保护栖息地、提升认知与意愿、实行社区共管、建立野生动物致害补偿机制以及引入野生动物致害赔偿保险等对策,希望能够深化对野生动物肇事特征及机理的科学认识,为有效缓解人与野生动物冲突、推进国家公园人与野生动物和谐提供政策参考。  相似文献   

三江源国家公园雪豹和岩羊生境适宜性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雪豹是青藏高原生物多样性保护的旗舰物种,主要以岩羊为食,研究两者在三江源国家公园的生境适宜性可为其种群保护提供科学依据。基于在国家公园区域内广泛调查获得的岩羊和雪豹分布位点数据,利用最大熵生态位(MaxEnt)模型,评价三江源国家公园内岩羊和雪豹的生境适宜性及其食物链空间分布模式,探讨生境与主要环境变量之间的相关性。结果显示,海拔、最干月降水量和温度年较差是影响岩羊和雪豹空间分布的主要环境变量;海拔最适区间在4 660~4 730 m重叠,最适最干月降水量在2~4 mm重叠,温度年较差在33.7℃~37.0℃重叠。雪豹和岩羊在国家公园内的适宜栖息地面积分别为19 246 km^2和39 977 km^2,分别占公园总面积的15.63%和32.47%;两者重叠的适宜栖息地面积为16 621 km^2,占公园总面积的13.50%,主要位于澜沧江源园区东北部、中部和东部区域以及长江源园区的东南区域。本研究可为制定三江源国家公园内岩羊和雪豹的协同保护管理措施提供理论依据。  相似文献   

青海省人与藏棕熊冲突现状、特点与解决对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人与野生动物冲突会造成重大经济损失,甚至造成人员伤亡,不利于野生动物的保护。藏棕熊主要分布于我国西部地区,与当地居民的冲突具有与大型食肉动物冲突的典型特点。2012-2015年我们对青海省人与藏棕熊冲突172起案件进行了统计分析,同时采用分层访谈法对86户牧民做了人与藏棕熊冲突调查,以期了解该省人与藏棕熊冲突现状,掌握冲突发生的特点和规律,探讨冲突发生的内在原因。研究结果显示:(1) 全省人与藏棕熊冲突案件集中发生在玉树州和海西州,其中玉树州治多县和曲麻莱县冲突最为严重;(2) 每年6-9月为冲突高发期,藏棕熊冬睡期的2月及11月也有发生;(3) 藏棕熊伤害类型主要表现为损毁房屋构件、取食房屋内储存的粮食以及造成人身伤亡;(4) 大部分受访者认为当地人与藏棕熊冲突事件严重,政府应以货币的形式对野生动物伤害给予适当补偿;(5) 目前牧民普遍采取的防熊措施效果并不理想。我们建议加强牧民游牧期间对房屋巡护、加固工作,建议撤户并村,妥善安置过冬食物与饲料,积极开展野生动物伤害补偿工作;同时建议进一步加强对藏棕熊的科学研究,为缓解人熊冲突现象提供科学理论依据。  相似文献   

1986~2010年冬季采用路线调查方法,对吉林省长白山国家级自然保护区阔叶红松林和针叶林中的黑熊(Ursus thibetanus)及棕熊(U.arctos)的相对种群数量和幼年个体比例进行了长期调查。调查面积分别为4万和3万hm2。调查期间累计遇到黑熊65头次(2.6头/年)、棕熊46头次(1.8头/年)。各年度黑熊和棕熊的数量变动很大,总体呈下降趋势。黑熊的数量较20世纪80年代下降了93.4%,幼体所占比率从17.2%下降为0%;棕熊种群数量下降了38.8%,幼体所占比率仅为7.1%。黑熊和棕熊的种群幼体所占比例极低,说明长白山自然保护区黑熊和棕熊自然繁殖力很低,2种熊种群均处于极度濒危状态。栖息地减少和盗猎可能是导致熊类数量急剧下降的主要因素。  相似文献   

<正> 本文报道了用氨基酸自动分析仪对熊胆汁中牛磺酸及氨基酸进行分析的方法,并对天然熊胆汁与人工引流熊胆汁中牛磺酸及氨基酸含量的差异情况进行了研究。黑熊(Selenarctos thibetanus)系属哺乳纲(Mammalia)食肉目(Carnivora(熊科(Ursidae)动物,我国多数地区均有  相似文献   

正为什么大熊猫胖嘟嘟的,为什么爬树还很棒?大熊猫虽然长得胖,但爬树很灵活。有时它们即便待在较细的树枝上,也不怕摔下来。这是为什么呢?别忘了,大熊猫其实和棕熊、黑熊同属于熊科动物。作为一种特别的熊,大熊猫虽然在演化过程中改变了食性,牙齿结构也变得更适合切断以及咀嚼竹子,但它们依然保留着锋利的爪子,因此,大熊猫能够在攀爬的过程中牢牢地抓住树干,从而控制身体平衡,不会让自己摔下来!  相似文献   

Damage to homesteads by brown bears (Ursus arctos) has become commonplace in Asia, Europe, and the Americas. Science‐based solutions for preventing damages can contribute to the establishment of mechanisms that promote human–bear coexistence. We examined the spatial distribution patterns of house break‐ins by Tibetan brown bears (U. a. pruinosus) in Zhiduo County of the Sanjiangyuan region in China. Occurrence points of bear damage were collected from field surveys completed from 2017 to 2019. The maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model was then used to assess house break‐in risk. Circuit theory modeling was used to simulate risk diffusion paths based on the risk map generated from our MaxEnt model. The results showed that (a) the total risk area of house break‐ins caused by brown bears was 11,577.91 km2, accounting for 29.85% of Zhiduo County, with most of the risk areas were distributed in Sanjiangyuan National Park, accounting for 58.31% of the total risk area; (b) regions of alpine meadow located in Sanjiangyuan National Park with a high human population density were associated with higher risk; (c) risk diffusion paths extended southeast to northwest, connecting the inside of Sanjiangyuan National Park to its outside border; and (d) eastern Suojia, southern Zhahe, eastern Duocai, and southern Jiajiboluo had more risk diffusion paths than other areas examined, indicating higher risk for brown bear break‐ins in these areas. Risk diffusion paths will need strong conservation management to facilitate migration and gene flow of brown bears and to alleviate bear damage, and implementation of compensation schemes may be necessary in risk areas to offset financial burdens. Our analytical methods can be applied to conflict reduction efforts and wildlife conservation planning across the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

The rapid expansion of global urban development is increasing opportunities for wildlife to forage and become dependent on anthropogenic resources. Wildlife using urban areas are often perceived dichotomously as urban or not, with some individuals removed in the belief that dependency on anthropogenic resources is irreversible and can lead to increased human-wildlife conflict. For American black bears (Ursus americanus), little is known about the degree of bear urbanization and its ecological mechanisms to guide the management of human-bear conflicts. Using 6 years of GPS location and activity data from bears in Aspen, Colorado, USA, we evaluated the degree of bear urbanization and the factors that best explained its variations. We estimated space use, activity patterns, survival, and reproduction and modeled their relationship with ecological covariates related to bear characteristics and natural food availability. Space use and activity patterns were dependent on natural food availability (good or poor food years), where bears used higher human density areas and became more nocturnal in poor food years. Patterns were reversible, i.e., individuals using urban areas in poor food years used wildland areas in subsequent good food years. While reproductive output was similar across years, survival was lower in poor food years when bears used urban areas to a greater extent. Our findings suggest that bear use of urban areas is reversible and fluctuates with the availability of natural food resources, and that removal of urban individuals in times of food failures has the potential to negatively affect bear populations. Given that under current predictions urbanization is expected to increase by 11% across American black bear range, and that natural food failure years are expected to increase in frequency with global climate change, alternative methods of reducing urban human-bear conflict are required if the goal is to prevent urban areas from becoming population sinks.  相似文献   

Xu AC  Jiang ZG  Li CW  Cai P 《动物学研究》2010,31(6):670-674
藏棕熊(Ursus arctos pruinosus)是青藏高原特有的棕熊亚种,作者曾对该地区藏棕熊夏季食性进行了初步报道(Xu et al,2006),然而,藏棕熊的采食行为模式一直未见报道。2009年7-8月,作者又对可可西里地区藏棕熊食性及采食行为模式做了补充调查研究,对两次考察所获得的数据进行了整合分析,研究结果表明,该地区藏棕熊主要以动物性食物为主,其中,高原鼠兔(Ochotona curzoniae)的相对频次为37.3%和干物质量为44.7%,下同);野牦牛(Bos grunniens)分别为18.7%和30.2%;藏羚(Pantholops hodgsoni)分别为15.0%和16.2%。藏棕熊在可可西里地区有两种采食行为模式:主动捕食高原鼠兔和采食藏羚、藏原羚和野牦牛尸体。观察期间藏棕熊约用10%的时间挖掘高原鼠兔的洞穴捕捉高原鼠兔,但未见藏棕熊主动捕食大型哺乳动物。粪样分析结果发现,藏棕熊主动捕食的高原鼠兔和喜马拉雅旱獭(Marmota himalayana)和通过食腐方式获得的藏羚、藏原羚和野牦牛的生物量基本相等。  相似文献   

  • 1 We reviewed worldwide spatial patterns in the food habits of the brown bear Ursus arctos in relation to geographical (latitude, longitude, altitude) and environmental (temperature, snow cover depth and duration, precipitation, primary productivity) variables.
  • 2 We collected data from 28 studies on brown bear diet based on faecal analysis, covering the entire geographical range of this widely distributed large carnivore. We analysed separately four data sets based on different methods of diet assessment.
  • 3 Temperature and snow conditions were the most important factors determining the composition of brown bear diet. Populations in locations with deeper snow cover, lower temperatures and lower productivity consumed significantly more vertebrates, fewer invertebrates and less mast. Trophic diversity was positively correlated with temperature, precipitation and productivity but negatively correlated with the duration of snow cover and snow depth. Brown bear populations from temperate forest biomes had the most diverse diet. In general, environmental factors were more explicative of diet than geographical variables.
  • 4 Dietary spatial patterns were best revealed by the relative biomass and energy content methods of diet analysis, whereas the frequency of occurrence and relative biomass methods were most appropriate for investigating variation in trophic diversity.
  • 5 Spatial variation in brown bear diet is the result of environmental conditions, especially climatic factors, which affect the nutritional and energetic requirements of brown bears as well as the local availability of food. The trade‐off between food availability on the one hand, and nutritional and energetic requirements on the other hand, determines brown bear foraging decisions. In hibernating species such as the brown bear, winter severity seems to play a role in determining foraging strategies. Large‐scale reviews of food habits should be based on several measures of diet composition, with special attention to those methods reflecting the energetic value of food.

Climate change has direct impacts on wildlife and future biodiversity protection efforts. Vulnerability assessment and habitat connectivity analyses are necessary for drafting effective conservation strategies for threatened species such as the Tibetan brown bear (Ursus arctos pruinosus). We used the maximum entropy (MaxEnt) model to assess the current (1950–2000) and future (2041–2060) habitat suitability by combining bioclimatic and environmental variables, and identified potential climate refugia for Tibetan brown bears in Sanjiangyuan National Park, China. Next, we selected Circuit model to simulate potential migration paths based on current and future climatically suitable habitat. Results indicate a total area of potential suitable habitat under the current climate scenario of approximately 31,649.46 km2, of which 28,778.29 km2 would be unsuitable by the 2050s. Potentially suitable habitat under the future climate scenario was projected to cover an area of 23,738.6 km2. Climate refugia occupied 2,871.17 km2, primarily in the midwestern and northeastern regions of Yangtze River Zone, as well as the northern region of Yellow River Zone. The altitude of climate refugia ranged from 4,307 to 5,524 m, with 52.93% lying at altitudes between 4,300 and 4,600 m. Refugia were mainly distributed on bare rock, alpine steppe, and alpine meadow. Corridors linking areas of potentially suitable brown bear habitat and a substantial portion of paths with low‐resistance value were distributed in climate refugia. We recommend various actions to ameliorate the impact of climate change on brown bears, such as protecting climatically suitable habitat, establishing habitat corridors, restructuring conservation areas, and strengthening monitoring efforts.  相似文献   

The family Ursidae is currently one of the taxonomic groups with the lowest number of species among Carnivora. Extant bear species exhibit broad ecological adaptations both at inter‐ and intraspecific level, and taxonomic issues within this family remain unresolved (i.e., the number of recognizable subspecies). Here, we investigate a sample of bear mandibles using two‐dimensional geometric morphometrics to better characterize bear taxonomy and evolution with a focus on one of the most widespread species: the brown bear (Ursus arctos). Our analyses confirm that both size and shape data are useful continuous characters that discriminate with very high percentage of accuracy extant bears. We also identify two very distinct mandibular morphologies in the subspecies Ursus actos isabellinus and Ursus arctos marsicanus. These taxa exhibit a high degree of morphological differentiation possibly as a result of a long process of isolation. Ecogeographical variation occurs among bear mandibles with climate impacting the diversification of the whole family.  相似文献   

Cache recovery is critical for evolution of hoarding behaviour, because the energy invested in caching may be lost if consumers other than the hoarders benefit from the cached food. By raiding food caches, animals may exploit the caching habits of others, that should respond by actively defending their caches. The arctic fox (Alopex lagopus) is the main predator of lemmings and goose eggs in the Canadian High Arctic and stores much of its prey in the ground. Common ravens (Corvus corax) are not as successful as foxes in taking eggs from goose nests. This generalist avian predator regularly uses innovation and opportunism to survive in many environments. Here, we provide the first report that ravens can successfully raid food cached by foxes, and that foxes may defend their caches from ravens.  相似文献   

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