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阿哈水库沉积物总汞及甲基汞分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为弄清阿哈水库沉积物是否受到历史矿山废水输入对沉积物总汞及甲基汞垂直分布的影响,对沉积物总汞及甲基汞的含量和其垂直分布特征进行了研究.结果表明,阿哈水库沉积物总汞含量变化范围为160~252 ng·g-1,平均为210 ng·g-1,明显高于其他未受到污染的水库沉积物.沉积物中总汞含量随沉积物深度增加呈增加趋势,与其沉积环境有关.沉积物中甲基汞含量变化范围为0.2~7.2 ng·g-1,平均为1.8 ng·g-1,丰水期甲基汞含量随深度增加逐渐下降,且沉积物表层甲基汞含量显著高于枯水期,与丰水期表层有机物的增加和厌氧环境有关.  相似文献   

以国家自然保护区草海湿地为研究对象,采集草海湖中深水区和湖边浅水区生长的主要优势植物,测定其汞和甲基汞,探讨水生植物汞和甲基汞分布特征及其对沉积物汞的响应,并评估其面临的汞污染风险。结果表明:水生植物总汞含量为5.18~40.06 ng·g-1(均值12.78 ng·g-1),与其他自然保护区报道的植物汞含量相当,其中茎叶汞含量平均值较高的有空心莲子草、小茨藻、水蓼等。水生植物甲基汞含量为0.04~2.47 ng·g-1(均值0.34 ng·g-1),其中茎叶甲基汞含量与总汞呈显著正相关性(r=0.38,n=46,P0.01)。湖边浅水区沉水植物中总汞和甲基汞平均含量均明显高于湖中深水区相同种类的植物,与沉积物中甲基汞浓度的空间分布特征一致,但与沉积物总汞空间分布特征相反,表明湖边浅水区沉积物汞的甲基化程度、生物可利用性都明显高于湖中深水区。不同采样点沉积物有机质的含量差异以及浅水区沉积物存在的干湿交替可能导致了湖中湖边植物汞和甲基汞含量的明显差异,其具体影响机制还需进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

贵州万山汞矿区自然土壤汞污染特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为阐明万山汞矿区自然土壤汞的污染情况,以汞矿开采冶炼区为起点,沿敖寨河和下溪河等间距(4 kin)分层采集0~30 cm厚度的河滩土、灌木土和林地土,测定了其汞含量,分析了自然土壤汞的空间分布特征.结果表明,矿区同种植被覆盖类型的土壤总汞的含量变化范围较大,河滩土为0.16~389 mg·kg-1、灌木土为0.09~312 mg·kg-1、林地土为0.05~299 mg·kg-1,空间分布特征表现为随距污染源距离的增加而降低;同一采样区内河滩土、灌木土、林地土中土壤总汞的含量依次降低,同一采样点的垂向剖面上总汞含量一般从表层向下依次降低.  相似文献   

贵州百花湖鱼体汞污染现状   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
以西南汞污染严重的贵州百花湖为对象,选取湖中优势鱼、贝类,通过测定其总汞和甲基汞含量,并结合水体、沉积物汞含量和相关水质参数,探讨了百花湖鱼类汞污染的现状及其影响因素.百花湖鱼体总汞平均含量为28.0ng·g-1,变化范围为4.2~143ng·g-1;甲基汞的平均含量为10.9ng·g-1,变化范围为3.0~39.3ng·g-1.虽然百花湖遭受上游贵州有机化工厂含汞废水的严重污染,但鱼体汞含量并没有超过国家食品卫生标准.其主要原因可能是:百花湖的鱼主要是人工养殖的草食性或杂食性鱼类,鱼龄较小,且其摄取的食物汞含量低、食物链简单,不利于汞的富集;其次,其较快的生长速度对鱼体汞具有生物稀释的作用.  相似文献   

采集并测定了枯水期和丰水期长白山北坡几条河流的水样,研究了长白山地区河流中总汞和甲基汞的时空变化规律.长白山北坡地区河流总汞的变化范围为2.0~20 ng·L-1,受北方燃煤等人为活动影响,枯水期总汞含量高于丰水期;甲基汞的变化范围为0.12~0.55 ng·L-1,不同季节的甲基汞变化不大.水体汞含量随海拔的升高而降低,汇入松花江的几条河流对松花江水体的影响较为明显,随着河流的汇入溶解态汞含量下降,颗粒态汞含量升高.与世界上其他一些森林水体对比发现,长白山水体甲基汞含量较低,但总汞含量较高.估计研究地区河流一年将向下游地区输出33 kg的总汞以及200 g甲基汞,这将进一步加剧下游水体汞的负担.  相似文献   

贵州汞矿区居民食用大米的甲基汞暴露及健康风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
贵州汞矿区居民食用的大米、蔬菜、猪肉和饮水均表现出较高的总汞含量,但仅有大米富集甲基汞.万山汞矿区3个村庄居民食用大米甲基汞的摄入量占总摄入量的平均比例分别为97.5%、94.1%和93.5%,且不同研究对象每日食用大米的甲基汞摄入量与其头发甲基汞含量之间存在显著的相关关系,这证实了食用大米是贵州汞矿区居民甲基汞暴露的主要途径.土法炼汞工人的头发总汞含量显著高于一般居民和对照组,其头发甲基汞占总汞的平均比例仅为12.4%,说明土法炼汞释放的汞蒸气的影响.贵州汞矿区居民头发甲基汞含量相比对照组均有一定程度的升高,部分居民食用大米的日甲基汞摄入量已经超过JECFA 2003年制定的标准(0.23 μg·d-1·kg-1),大部分超过美国环保局的推荐值(0.1 μg·d-1·kg-1),特别是铜仁垢溪和老屋场地区居民存在一定的甲基汞暴露风险,其他汞矿区人群也存在通过食用大米甲基汞暴露的潜在风险.  相似文献   

长白山北坡森林土壤汞的含量和形态分布   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分别于2009年4月和9月对长白山北坡的土壤样品进行了采集,研究北方森林地区不同海拔土壤样品中的总汞和甲基汞的分布情况.长白山土壤THg和MeHg含量分别为0.08~0.73 mg·kg-1和0.05~0.56 μg·kg-1,库存量分别为97 kg·km-2和128 g·km-2,高于吉林省背景值,MeHg的最高含量...  相似文献   

乌江洪家渡水库鱼体汞含量   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
测定了贵州省乌江流域新建的洪家渡水库中的8种124尾鱼类的总汞和甲基汞含量,探讨其变化趋势及可能产生的生态风险。总汞采用混合酸消解用冷原子荧光(CVAFS)测定,甲基汞的测定采用碱消解-水相乙基化结合气相色谱(GC)冷原子荧光(CVAFS)测定。结果表明,总汞和甲基汞含量均为肉食性鱼类杂食性鱼类,鱼体汞含量与它们的生态学特性(食物来源和生活习性)有关,与体重和体长无显著相关关系;鱼体总汞和甲基汞含量均值分别为0.063±0.046和0.028±0.019mg.kg-1,均远低于大部分研究报道的新建水库中鱼体汞含量(0.50mg.kg-1)。洪家渡水库鱼类由于在低汞环境中,导致甲基汞不易富集,其鱼体甲基汞和总汞含量并未急剧增加,显著不同于北美和欧洲等地区新建水库中鱼体汞含量升高的现象,但随着水库演化导致水库有机质增加可能使鱼体汞逐步上升。  相似文献   

采集贵州省万山汞矿区2个流域7个地点的168个大米样品,测定其总汞及甲基汞含量,并对当地居民食用大米甲基汞暴露的健康风险进行评估。结果表明:万山汞矿区大米总汞含量变化范围为2.4~401.0 ng·g-1,平均含量为42.4 ng·g-1,51%的样品总汞含量超过我国食品汞限量标准(20 ng·g-1);甲基汞含量变化范围为1.1~45.1 ng·g-1,平均含量为11.7 ng·g-1,甲基汞占总汞的平均比例为44.8%;大米总汞与甲基汞含量呈显著正相关(r=0.44,P0.01),大米总汞含量与甲基汞占总汞的比例呈负相关(r=-0.59,P0.01)。位于河流上游离汞矿较近的地点汞污染较严重,随流域往下离汞矿较远地点汞含量相对降低。大米甲基汞暴露的风险评估显示,万山大水溪、梅子溪、白果树等污染地区存在一定的人群甲基汞暴露,而其他地区的人群也存在一定的潜在风险。  相似文献   

研究了某汞矿区附近蔬菜地的汞污染现状及其对周围居民的健康风险。通过汞矿区附近连片菜地所采集的15种蔬菜中总汞含量的分析发现,不同蔬菜的汞含量水平依次为叶菜类茄果类块茎类,其中叶菜类生菜的汞含量最高(57 mg·kg-1),块茎类白萝卜的汞含量最低(1.67 mg·kg-1)。对叶菜类和块茎类蔬菜不同部位的汞含量分析发现,同种蔬菜的不同部位对汞的富集能力不同。无论叶菜类还是块茎类,地上部分的汞含量均高于地下部分。其中,叶菜类蔬菜地上部分的外叶、内叶和混合叶的汞含量水平为外叶混合叶内叶。红萝卜和白萝卜各部位对汞的富集能力相似,即叶片萝卜表皮萝卜根。同时,对研究区中13个点位大气和土壤总汞含量分析表明,大气中总汞的含量在128~1109ng·m-3,土壤中总汞的含量水平为3.88~91.62 mg·kg-1,均严重超标。通过对汞矿区居民摄入蔬菜的汞暴露评估与健康风险评价可知,单独蔬菜摄入不会危及附近居民健康,但若综合其他暴露途径,潜在健康风险较高。  相似文献   

The mercury-binding capacity of seleno-DL-methionine and selenium dioxide was assessed in male Wistar rats. Mercury was supplied as fish loaves made of northern pike or rainbow trout. We used a selenium concentration of 3.4 mg/kg fish, about sixfold compared to the equivalent quantity of mercury. Seleno-DL-methionine had a tendency to increase both methyl mercury and total mercury in blood, although it also seemed to reduce the proportion of methyl mercury of total mercury. Selenium dioxide lowered mercury levels by 24–29% both in the blood and in the liver of rats that were fed with northern pike.  相似文献   

The environmental factors governing the distribution and behaviour of total and methylmercury within mercury contaminated shallow lakes, associated with the River Yare, Norfolk, UK, have been assessed in situ through the use of sediment cores. These were analysed for microbial and chemical changes on both a temporal and spatial scale. The distribution of total mercury proved to be site dependent and related to the hydrology, sediment transport dynamics, the degree of sediment disturbance and distance from the contamination source. The core profiles revealed a subsurface peak in total mercury with maximum concentrations residing at depths of 12 and 36 cm, depending upon location, with enrichment extending down to depths in excess of 88 cm. This vertical distribution was deemed to reflect historical emission in the late 1960s and early 1970s rather than post depositional migration effects. The distribution of methylmercury was distinct from that of its inorganic counterpart since it also displayed temporal variability with highest concentrations occurring in the spring and summer. Maximum concentrations also prevailed in the uppermost 12 cm of sediment, with peak loadings at or just below the sediment/water interface and detectable levels being restricted to the upper 36 cm. The temporal and spatial behaviour of methylmercury appeared to reflect variations in redox potential, the availability of the Hg2+ ion and the nature of microbial populations.  相似文献   

清镇市化工厂是贵州省东门桥河汞污染的重要来源。为了评估这条河流的汞污染程度,本研究调查了东门桥河环境样品中的汞含量和分布情况。河流水体总汞(THg)和甲基汞(MeHg)的平均含量分别为(135.79±47.40)和(0.64±0.58)ng·L-1;生物膜中THg和MeHg的平均含量分别为(3.38±1.91)mg·kg-1和(10.47±0.40)μg·kg^-1;沉积物中THg和MeHg的平均含量分别为(23.21±20.22)mg·kg-1和(32.74±10.96)μg·kg^-1。为了进一步了解这条河流中汞对水生生物的风险,将青鳉鱼胚胎和仔鱼分别暴露于从河中收集的被汞污染的河水、生物膜和沉积物中。青鳉鱼胚胎经15 d暴露后,孵化时间延长、孵化率显著降低,死亡率显著升高,实验暴露还导致胚胎无法破膜、卵黄囊水肿等畸形效应,以及初孵仔鱼不同程度的畸形。青鳉鱼仔鱼经24、48、96 h和21 d暴露后,各暴露组的死亡率和畸形率随着暴露时间的延长而显著升高,且表现出一系列以脊柱弯曲为主的畸形效应。研究表明,东门桥河的汞污染会严重影响青鳉鱼的早期生长发育。  相似文献   

A biosorbent prepared by alkaline extraction of Aspergillus niger biomass was evaluated for its potential to remove mercury species – inorganic (Hg2+) and methyl mercury (CH3Hg+) – from aqueous solutions. Batch experiments were carried out to determine the pH and time profile of sorption for both species in the pH range 2–7. The Hg2+ exhibited more rapid sorption and higher capacity than the CH3Hg+. Further, removal of both mercury species from spiked ground water samples was efficient and not influenced by other ions. Sorption studies with esterified biosorbent indicated loss of binding of both mercury species (>80%), which was regained when the ester groups were removed by alkaline hydrolysis, suggesting the involvement of carboxyl groups in binding. Further, no interconversion of sorbed species occurred on the biomass. The biosorbent was reusable up to six cycles without serious loss of binding capacity. Our results suggest that the biosorbent from Aspergillus niger can be used for removal of mercury and methyl mercury ions from polluted aqueous effluents.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of methyl mercury compounds of natural origin on regeneration of the planarians Dugesia tigrina and Polycelis tenuis. Accumulation of methyl mercury in the planarian body leads to a delayed formation of photoreceptor organs in planarians of both species. After a significant traumatic load, the regeneration is suppressed and the death of some control and most experimental animals was observed. The intensity of joining additional cuts depends on the localization of body fragment with a cut and localization of a cut itself.Translated from Ontogenez, Vol. 36, No. 1, 2005, pp. 35–40.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Medvedev, Komov.  相似文献   

We measured size distributions in model wetlands to detect stressor effects at the community level. Two experiments investigated the individual and combined effects of methyl mercury, chlorpyrifos, atrazine, monosodium methane arsonate, and UV-B light on the system. The statistical analysis of the metric using size distributions, which integrated information about organisms 0.2–4750 µm in size, detected effects in the planktonic community. Effects were found in both experiments, but only when methyl mercury was present in the treatment structure, indicating that system level effects are most likely with broad spectrum or persistent toxicants. Methyl mercury negatively affected most size classes measured in both experiments. A methyl mercury × chlorpyrifos interaction was detected which shifted the size distribution to larger organisms more than expected, but the interaction effect was much smaller than the effect of methyl mercury alone.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate possible health effects of environmental exposure of humans towards methyl mercury species, relevant exposure experiments using methyl mercury chloride in aqueous solution and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells were performed. The solution was monitored for the presence of monomethyl, dimethyl and elemental mercury by several analytical techniques including chromatographic as well as atomic absorption and mass spectrometric methods. Methyl mercury induces structural chromosomal aberrations (CA) and sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in CHO cells. At a concentration of methyl mercury in the culture medium of 1.0 x 10(-6) M where the frequencies of CA and SCE are significantly elevated, the intracellular concentration was 1.99 x 10(-16) mol/cell. Possible biochemical processes leading to the cytogenetic effects are discussed together with toxicological consequences, when humans (e.g. workers at waste deposits) are exposed to environmental concentrations of methyl mercury.  相似文献   

Wetlands at the riverside of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve “Central Elbe” are highly contaminated by heavy metals, especially mercury (Hg). The Hg-polluted Elbe floodplain soils turn out to be a source of gaseous mercury via Hg volatilization from soil into the atmosphere. A modified field sampling method was used to measure total gaseous mercury (TGM) volatilization from three different sites at the Elbe River. The modified setup had a reduced chamber size and contained an internal gas circulation system. An in-ground stainless steel cylinder minimizes Hg volatilization from adjacent soil air. Cold vapor atomic absorption spectrometry (CV-AAS) was used to determine TGM amalgamated on gold traps. Sampled TGM amounts ranged between 0.02 and 0.63 ng (absolute), whereas the calculated Hg fluxes varied from 2.0 to 63.3 ng m?2 h?1. The modified system should allow measurements of Hg volatilization at various sites with a high spatial resolution, which should enable the study of interrelations between TGM emission and several key factors influencing Hg emission from floodplain soils at the Elbe River and other riverine ecosystems in the near future.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity, mortality, and health care costs in the USA, and around the world. Among the various risk factors of cardiovascular disease, environmental and dietary exposures to methyl mercury, a highly toxic metal traditionally labeled as a neurotoxin, have been epidemiologically linked to human cardiovascular disease development. However, its role in development and promotion of atherosclerosis, an initial step in more immediately life-threatening cardiovascular diseases, remains unclear. This study was conducted to examine the role that methyl mercury plays in the adhesion of monocytes to human microvascular endothelial cells (HMEC-1), and the underlying mechanisms. Methyl mercury treatment significantly induced the adhesion of monocyte to HMEC-1 endothelial cells, a critical step in atherosclerosis, while also upregulating the expression of proinflammatory cytokines interleukin-6, interleukin-8. Further, methyl mercury treatment also upregulated the chemotactic cytokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1. These molecules are imperative for the firm adhesion of leukocytes to endothelial cells. Additionally, our results further demonstrated that methyl mercury stimulated a significant increase in NF-κB activation. These findings suggest that NF-κB signaling pathway activation by methyl mercury is an important factor in the binding of monocytes to endothelial cells. Finally, by using flow cytometric analysis, methyl mercury treatment caused a significant increase in necrotic cell death only at higher concentrations without initiating apoptosis. This study provides new insights into the molecular actions of methyl mercury that can lead to endothelial dysfunction, inflammation, and subsequent atherosclerotic development.  相似文献   

The effects of natural methylmercury compounds on regeneration of photoreceptor organs were studied in three freshwater planarians: Polycelis tenuis, Dugesia lugubris, and D. tigrina. Accumulation of methyl mercury in the planarian body suppressed regeneration of P. tenuis with numerous photoreceptor organs to a greater extent than in two other planarians that have only two eyes. High methyl mercury concentrations inhibited the restoration of photoreceptor organs in asexual and sexual D. tigrina races  相似文献   

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