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自然科学课程思政的教学探索——以微生物学为例   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
课程思政是近年来在我国高校广泛推广的一种新的教学理念,其核心思想是将高校思想政治教育融入到各类课程教学之中。高校课程可以分为思想政治课程、通识教育课程、哲学社会科学课程、自然科学课程,其中自然科学课程与思政教育关系最为松散,思政元素的融入也最为困难。本文从微生物学融入课程思政的教学实践出发,分析高校自然科学类课程实施课程思政的必要性及难点,探索思政资源的挖掘路径,通过调查研究评估课程思政的教学效果,以及对课程思政的实践进行教学反思。此外,对专业课教师关于课程思政的观点分歧也做了初步探讨。本文旨在为微生物学相关课程实施课程思政提供理论支撑、实证数据以及教学经验,并可为其他自然科学类课程参鉴。  相似文献   

全国思想政治教育会议后贯彻落实会议精神是当前乃至今后一段时期内高校课程思政改革工作的重要任务。在高等医学院校临床医学专业的思政教育工作中,如何将课程思政融入到临床医学教育教学的全过程,让课程思政与医学专业课程及实践教学工作相辅相成、相得益彰是教育工作者面前的重要课题。在临床医学的基础课程尤其是诊断学见习课程中,将思政课程、人文课程和医学专业课程融会贯通,在新形势下的高校医学教育中是非常重要和必要的。本文分析在高等医学院校课程中融入思政教育的重要性及国内开展现状,结合所在教研室思政教育的实践情况,谈谈思政教育在高校临床医学专业诊断学见习课程中的探索经验及实践体会。  相似文献   

作为一种新的综合教育理念和课程观,课程思政是高校培养德智体美全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人的必然之举.文章就课程思政在"微生物学"课程中的教学实践,从专业课程中进行课程思政的重要性、微生物学专业课中课程思政元素的挖掘以及如何将思想政治教育在微生物学课程中有效实施进行了探讨,以确保以微生物学教学目标为立足点,自然恰当地...  相似文献   

"课程思政"是新时期对高校医学生物化学和分子生物学教学提出的新要求。医学生物化学与分子生物学具有天然的"课程思政"建设优势,本文从实验教学重在实践、理论教学融入人文素养教育、联系科学前沿启发科学精神及突发公共事件的即时导入四个方面,阐述了在医学生物化学与分子生物学课程体系中融入思政教育的教学实践,以达到价值塑造、能力培养、知识传授于一体的教学目标。  相似文献   

“微生物学实验”课程引入思政教育的探索   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
"课程思政"是对高校思政教育直接渠道"思政课程"的拓展和深化,是建构高校"大思政"教育体系的重要举措。按照所有课程都有育人功能的要求,本文积极挖掘"微生物学实验"与课程思政的融入点,从微生物学实验教学内容、教学方法、引入典型案例、教育效果等方面,对微生物学实验"课程思政"教学改革进行了探索,力求将"课程思政"元素融入到学生的学习中,构建"全员育人、全过程育人、全方位育人"的校园文化。  相似文献   

“课程思政”是高校人才培养和思想政治教育同向同行协同育人的新理念,为高等院校专业课教育教学改革指明了新方向和新路径。《生物技术概论》在生命科学类专业人才培养的课程体系中占有重要地位。如何系统深入发掘专业课思政元素并有效地传递给学生,践行“课程承载思政,思政寓于课程”育人理念和方法,是新时期《生物技术概论》课程面临的重要课题。本研究聚焦生命科学类专业基础课程《生物技术概论》,对开展课程的思政改革的意义、思路和方法等方面进行了思考和探索,并以该课程的第1章基因工程的第7节“基因编辑技术及其应用”为例,阐述了挖掘教学案例、融入思政元素和实现德育目标的具体教学实践过程,以期为实现寓思想政治教育于专业课的教学之中,进而实现“三全育人”提供工作思路和具体教学案例。课后采用问卷调查的方式对教学效果进行分析。结果显示:综合运用案例教学和课堂讨论等教学方法,将思想政治教育有机融入专业课教育的教学实践中是切实可行的。87%的学生对采用课堂讨论的互动教学模式表示非常满意,81.5%的学生表示思政元素的导入自然流畅,与专业课锲合度高,内容充实感染力强。此外,调查结果也反映出,教学案例的讲解、多媒体运用、师生沟...  相似文献   

课程思政是高校思想政治理论课改革创新的重要举措,因其德育与智育协同的优势,逐渐成为高校课程改革的方向。为探究新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,简称"新冠"病毒肺炎)疫情下"病原生物学与医学免疫学"课程思政教学模式及其实施效果,以成都中医药大学2018级中医学(5+3一体化)的2个班级学生为教学对象,其中1班采用传统教学模式,2班实行课程思政教学模式,在传统教学模式基础上,将收集到的思政素材有机融入于课前、课中、课后等教学环节。课程结束后围绕爱国情怀、中医自信、科学素养、文明互鉴等思政教育主题进行测评,以考核学生对思政元素内涵的认识与理解,并对2个班学生进行课程满意度调查,比较2个班的思政测试评分及课程满意度评分。结果提示2班的思政测试评分及满意度评分均高于1班(P<0.01),说明"新冠"病毒肺炎疫情下的课程思政教学模式优于传统教学方法,在提升医学生专业素养的同时,更具"立德树人"的实效。本研究可为其他医学专业教学提供具有参考意义的课程思政模式,促进医学专业课程思政的全面推进。  相似文献   

“微生物学与免疫学”课程思政的探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
"微生物学与免疫学"是药学、农学、生物学等生命科学相关学科的基础核心课程,也是当今世界发展最为迅猛、对人类生活影响最大的学科之一。高校为达到"立德树人"的教育根本任务,应将微生物学与免疫学课程建设成为思政教育的重要阵地。将我国科学家的突出科学贡献、教材知识点以及相应的思政内容有机整合,实现巩固知识、强化专业教学,加强思政教育,达到"立德树人"的培养目标。本文介绍了以我国科学家的案例进行微生物学与免疫学课程思政教学的探索和实践,将典型案例融入到教材知识点中有利于课程思政的建设。  相似文献   

课程思政是新时期高校思想政治教育的重要途径之一。科学史记载了科学知识从产生到持续发展的过程,蕴含着丰富的育人价值,能够为专业课的课程思政教学提供新的视角和思路。本文从科学史丰富的育人价值中选择科学精神、科学思维、科学兴趣和科学伦理4个方面的素材;依托"基因工程"课程内容,对有关诺贝尔奖的科学史进行梳理;然后,以4个方面的素材为育人载体,深挖其中蕴含的思政元素,通过实施课程思政教学,帮助学生达成课程思政目标;最后,综合运用问卷和深度访谈相结合的方式评价教学效果。借此引领学生树立正确的价值观,提高思想政治水平,以期为生物学专业的课程思政体系建设提供参考。  相似文献   

食品微生物学课程思政探索与实践   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
梁志宏  明玥 《微生物学通报》2021,48(4):1373-1379
课程思政作为一种新的教学理念,近年来被广泛推崇。其核心在于将思政教育融入教学实践活动中,提倡一种"隐形教育"。本文从课程思政的现状入手,分析了思政教育融入"食品微生物学"课程的必要性,重点论述了思政元素的挖掘途径。通过将教材知识点与思政教育有机结合,实现巩固知识、加强思政教育的目的,培养学生的科学精神、人文精神,实现民族文化自信。食品微生物学作为食品科学与工程专业的核心课程,要求理论联系实际。本文通过调查研究总结该课程的实践成效,探索该课程思政教育的专业知识切入点,并为后续食品专业课程思政的有效教学途径进行更深层次的探索提供参考。  相似文献   

综述了白蚁螱客的主要种类、共生关系及相关机制的研究进展。白蚁螱客中,已报道的动物种类达170种。在与动物的共生关系中存在偏利共生(宾主共栖和异种共栖)、互利共生和无关共生三种;在与微生物的共生关系中,存在与内生菌(原生动物、细菌、真菌和放线菌)和外生菌(蚁巢伞菌等)间的互利关系。指出了白蚁与螱客研究中存在的问题,给出了解决方案,并提出了今后可能的研究热点或方向,为白蚁的综合利用(如纤维素酶)及今后研究物种间的协同进化提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

To elucidate accumulation of minerals in human iliac arteries with aging, the content of minerals was analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. Bilateral common, internal, and external iliac arteries of 16 men and 8 women, ranging ages from 65 to 93 yr, were examined. It was found that an extremely high accumulation of calcium and phosphorus occurred in the common iliac artery at old age, being higher than that of the internal and external iliac arteries. It should be noted that the accumulation of calcium and phosphorus is the highest in the common iliac artery among the human arteries examined to date. Regarding sexual differences, the content of calcium and phosphorus in the common and internal iliac arteries was higher in women than in men, whereas their content in the external iliac artery was lower in women than in men.  相似文献   

New sulfur derivatives of phosphoramidite ligands were synthesized and the impact of the sulfur unit on the spectroscopic properties of their rhodium and iridium complexes was investigated. The new ligands Bn2NPSCH2CH2Sa(P-Sa) (Bn = benzyl, 4), Bn2NPSCHCHSa(CH2)3CaH2(P-Sa)(Ca-Sa) (6) and Bn2NP(4-XC6H4OMe)2 (X = S, 7a; X = O, 7b) were converted to the rhodium and iridium complexes trans-[Rh(CO)Cl(L)2] (L = 4, 6, 7), [RhCl(COD)(L)] (L = 4, 6, 7), [IrCl(COD)(7a)] and [IrCl2Cp∗(6)]. For comparison, some phosphoramidite complexes of these formulations also were synthesized. The new metal complexes were spectroscopically analyzed. For the carbonyl complexes, the νCO IR stretching frequencies were lower than for the corresponding phosphite and phosphoramidite ligands. The 1JPRh coupling constants for the rhodium complexes with the new ligands were also smaller than for the respective phosphoramidite and phosphite complexes. Finally, the 1JPSe coupling constants of the selenides of the new ligands were lower than those of the phosphoramidite ligands but higher than for PPh3. The spectroscopic data reveal that the new thio ligands 4, 6 and 7a are more electron donating than phosphites and phosphoramidites but less electron donating than PPh3.  相似文献   

Astrocytes transport the monocarboxylate acetate, but synaptosomes do not. The reason for this is unknown, because both preparations express monocarboxylate transporters (MCT). The transport and metabolism of lactate, another monocarboxylate, was examined in these two preparations, and the results were compared to those for acetate. Lactate transport is more rapid in astrocytes than in synaptosomes, but of lower affinity (Kms of 17 and 4 mM, respectively). Lactate (0.2 mM) is metabolized to CO2 more rapidly in synaptosomes than in astrocytes (rates of 0.37 and 0.07 nmol x mg protein(-1) x min(-1), respectively). The reason for this is unclear, but cellular differences in lactate dehydrogenase isotype expression may be involved. Acetate is metabolized to CO2 more rapidly in astrocytes than in synaptosomes (rates of 0.43 and 0.02 nmol x mg protein(-1) x min(-1), respectively). This is likely due to cellular differences in the expression of monocarboxylate transporter subtypes.  相似文献   

The first and second sessions of the Workshop focussed on the basics of ultrasound and infrasound, their applications in both industry and medicine, and metrology and protection standards for ultrasound applications.  相似文献   

Allergic asthma can be precipitated by many factors. For the atopic person, fungus, pollen, dust mites, cockroach antigens, and diesel exhaust are all agents that may trigger an allergic attack. Cytokines and chemokines are integral mediators of fungal asthma. From the earliest time points, they recruit and activate the cells required for the clearance of fungus as well as being critical factors involved in the immunopathology of this disease. In the final analysis, it is clear that these mediators can act to the benefit or the detriment of the host.  相似文献   

The ability of partially purified human and guinea-pig haematogenous cell populations, when cultured in vitro, to metabolise arachidonic acid (AA) has been studied. Supernatants from 24 hour cell culture have been subjected to analysis for products of AA metabolism by gas chromatography with electron-capture detection.The cell types studied were human peripheral blood monocytes (both glass adherent and non-adherent), neutrophils, eosinophils and leukemic leucocytes; thoracic duct lymphocytes and lung alveolar macrophages. From the guinea-pig, induced and non-induced macrophage or neutrophil enriched peritoneal exudate populations, lymph node cells, peritoneal eosinophils and peripheral blood platelets were examined. Supernatants were assayed for the presence of PGE2, PGD2, PGF, TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF. In all types studied PGE2 and TXB2 were the major products formed. The identification of PGE2 and TXB2 was confirmed by GC/MS with multiple ion monitoring.The results have been compared with other reports and their possible significance discussed in relation to the proposed role of prostaglandins as mediators and modulators in immunopathology.  相似文献   

Objective: It has recently been demonstrated that, in middle‐aged women, a wide hip circumference is a protective factor for a number of health endpoints in later years. The effect seems to be independent of both overweight and waist circumference. This paper aims to replicate this finding in another population‐based sample consisting of women and men. Research Methods and Procedures: This was a prospective observational study consisting of a random subset of adult Danes. A total of 2987 subjects born in 1922, 1932, 1942, or 1952 and 35, 45, 55, or 65 years of age (at examination in 1987 to 1988) participated in the Danish MONICA (MONItoring trends and determinants of CArdiovascular disease) project, with measurements of height, weight, and hip and waist circumference taken. Through personal identification numbers, incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) and cardiovascular disease (CVD) until the end of 1998 and all causes of death until 2001 were retrieved from the National Registers of Hospital Discharge. There was an average of 10 years of follow‐up for incidence of CVD and CHD and 13 years of follow‐up for total mortality. Results: Large hip circumference, relative to body size and waist circumference, predicted less incidence of CVD, CHD, and total death in women. This was not the case in men; BMI and waist circumference were the strongest independent predictors. Discussion: A large hip circumference seems to have independent and positive effects on CVD and CHD morbidity and mortality in women, but no protective effect on cardiovascular health in men. However, a borderline significant protective effect on total mortality was observed.  相似文献   

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