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为评估禽类养殖场粪便中抗生素的残留及细菌耐药性情况,本研究以四川省16家大型规模化禽类养殖场为监测点,重点分析粪便中抗生素残留特征和肠杆菌耐药特征,并对粪便中抗生素的选择性耐药风险熵进行评估。16份粪便样品中共检出18种抗生素,抗生素检出浓度0.54~2 780.00μg·kg-1,其中,ZJZX中多西环素检出浓度最高,达到2 780.00μg·kg-1;抗生素的选择性耐药风险熵为0.004 0~10 561.13,呈现出高选择性耐药风险;其次,从粪便中共筛选鉴定出14株肠杆菌科Enterobacteriaceae细菌,均表现出多重耐药性,且有33种耐药基因被不同程度检出。畜禽粪便中磺胺类、四环素类、氯霉素类和喹诺酮类抗生素残留较为严重,且养殖环境中肠杆菌科细菌表现出多重耐药性,建议有关部门加强畜禽养殖中多西环素、氟苯尼考和恩诺沙星等抗生素的管控,同时应加强对畜禽养殖企业中肠杆菌耐药性的监控。  相似文献   

环境抗生素抗性基因研究进展   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
抗生素耐药性及其在全球范围内的传播已成为国际关注的热点。本文结合最新文献,综述了抗生素抗性基因在环境中的来源、传播、分布以及新型抗性基因的发现等方面的研究进展。环境中抗生素抗性基因的来源主要是环境中细菌的内在抗性基因及随人或动物粪便排到体外的抗性细菌。功能宏基因组学技术的应用极大地丰富了人们对抗生素抗性组学的认知,并已从环境中筛选到多种新型抗性基因。近年来,由于抗生素在医疗以及养殖业中的大量使用,增加了抗性基因在环境中的丰度和多样性,加速了抗性基因在环境中的传播,在多种环境介质(如养殖水域、污水处理厂、河流、沉积物和土壤等)均检测到多种高丰度的抗生素抗性基因。我们建议今后在以下方面开展深入研究:(1)抗性基因传播和扩散的机制;(2)新型抗性基因筛选和抗性机制;(3)抗生素和抗性基因环境风险评估体系等。  相似文献   

通过培养的方法研究了土霉素暴露和小麦根际抗性细菌的数量、种类、分布特征及土壤酶活性之间的剂量效应关系。结果表明,土霉素暴露下小麦根际单一抗生素抗性细菌数量和抗土霉素—链霉素双重抗性细菌数都明显增加,且与暴露剂量呈正效应关系;同时,土壤磷酸酶、脱氢酶活性下降,但与土霉素的剂量效应关系不明显。从土霉素暴露的土壤中分离到50株抗性细菌,经形态观察、RFLP分组和16S rDNA序列测定与分析,将它们聚集在Actinobacteria、Bacilli、Alphaproteobacteria、Gammaproteobacteria 和Sphingobacteria类群。其中放线菌最多(15株),占抗性菌总数的30 %;其次是Bacillus属细菌(9株)和Pseudomonas属细菌(8株),分别占18 %和16 %。同时,具有抗性的人类机会致病菌Pseudomonas、Sphingomonas和Stenotrophomonas属细菌在土霉素暴露的样品中均被分离到,分别占抗性菌株总数的16 %、8 %和4 %。值得注意的是,随着土霉素暴露剂量的增加,小麦根际优势促生菌Bacillus属细菌的抗性检出率逐步降低;但具有抗生素抗性的人类机会致病菌Pseudomonas、Sphingomonas和Stenotrophomonas属细菌的检出率却明显增加,提示可能会进一步增大其机会致病性。  相似文献   

为了解海口市白沙门污水处理厂活性污泥中细菌抗生素耐性情况,采用平板分离技术分离、纯化细菌,并通过BIOLOG微生物鉴定系统对筛选到的细菌进行鉴定,同时采用Kirby-Bauer纸片琼脂扩散法进行药敏试验并进行抗生素耐性分析。本研究共分离到18株细菌,分属8个属,14个种,其中G+和G-均为9株。抗生素药敏性试验结果表明,所有菌株均耐药,菌株单重耐药率、双重耐药性及多重耐药性分别为50%、38.9%、和11.1%。菌株对9种常用抗生素:头孢他啶、环丙沙星、庆大霉素、链霉素、氨苄西林、红霉素、氯霉素、四环素、卡那霉素的耐药率分别为61.1%、0%、5.6%、16.7%、50%、16.7%、11.1%、0%、5.6%。综上所述,白沙门污水处理厂活性污泥中的细菌耐药性比较严重,存在潜在的环境生态和人畜健康风险。本研究揭示了当前白沙门污水处理厂活性污泥中细菌对常见抗生素耐药的严重现状,为建议污水处理厂加强出水及污泥中抗生素耐药性及耐药基因的检测并评估其生态影响提供基础,避免出水及污泥中的抗性菌和耐药基因可能带来的风险问题。  相似文献   

给家畜饲喂抗生素可以导致人体产生抗生素抗性。伊利诺斯大学的Abigail Salyers断定抗生素抗性基因能够从猪、羊和牛消化道内的细菌中转移到人体内的远缘细菌中。由于抗生素抗性有扩散到人类病原体中的危险,Salyers认为必须花时间重新评价给动物饲喂大量抗生素这一事实。 经鉴定发现分离自家畜肠道细菌的四环素抗性基因(tetQ)的DNA序列与引起人牙周病的细菌的tetQ基因完全一致。Salyers从家畜肠道Prevotella、人肠道Bacteroides和人口腔Prevotella intermedia中获得12种tetQ基因,有3个基因具98%的DNA序列相似性,最低的相似性为94%。Prev-  相似文献   

随着集约化畜禽养殖业的不断发展,兽用抗生素的长期使用导致畜禽粪便抗生素抗性基因污染日益严重,对生态环境和人类健康造成严重危害。如何有效消减畜禽粪便中的抗生素抗性基因成为当前研究热点。本文系统总结了畜禽粪便中抗生素抗性基因的产生途径、分布和影响因素,并阐述了好氧堆肥、厌氧消化及其强化工艺消减畜禽粪便抗生素抗性基因的研究进展,根据现有工艺研究存在的问题展望了今后的重点研究方向,为畜禽粪便中抗生素抗性基因的消减提供理论基础和技术支撑。  相似文献   

土壤农药污染和细菌耐药性是环境领域研究的热点问题。近年来,越来越多的研究表明土壤农药污染与细菌农药-抗生素交叉抗性的形成有关。本文依据近年来国内外研究进展,阐述了国内外土壤中农药(杀虫剂、除草剂和杀菌剂)的污染现状,并介绍了细菌对农药的降解及抗性、细菌对抗生素的抗性以及农药-抗生素交叉抗性等问题。最后,对未来有关农药-抗生素交叉抗性的研究重点进行了展望。  相似文献   

沙门氏菌抗生素抗性机理研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
沙门氏菌的多重耐药性问题已经成为世界范围内的公共卫生和经济问题.目前沙门氏菌抗生素抗性机理的研究主要集中以下方面:(1)基因突变与抗生素抗性;(2)外排泵与抗生素抗性:(3)耐药基因编码的钝化酶和灭活酶引起的抗生素抗性;(4)可移动的细菌遗传耐药基因元件及其转移与抗生素抗性.本文基于以上几个方面综述了与沙门氏菌抗生素抗性机理研究相关的研究动态和研究进展.  相似文献   

抗生素抗性基因在环境中的传播扩散及抗性研究方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
抗生素在医药、畜牧和水产养殖业的大量使用造成了环境中抗性耐药菌和抗性基因日益增加,抗生素抗性基因作为一种新型环境污染物引起人们的广泛关注.本文综述了近年来国内外有关抗生素抗性基因的研究进展,其在水、土壤、空气等环境介质中和动,植物体内的传播扩散,以及开展环境中抗生素抗性基因研究的必要性,重点介绍了有关抗生素抗性(包括抗性细菌和抗性基因)的研究方法,指出抗性基因研究中存在的问题,并对未来的相关研究进行了展望.  相似文献   

从广州某养猪场废水处理系统中筛选出1株优势菌Pseudomonas alcaligenes LH7。为了研究重金属胁迫对细菌抗生素抗性响应的影响,采用琼脂稀释法和K-B纸片扩散法,测定了重金属(Cu2+、Zn2+、Cr6+)的最小抑制浓度(MIC),及不同重金属种类和浓度胁迫下,四种抗生素(红霉素、阿莫西林、头孢拉定、四环素)的抑菌圈直径。结果表明:菌体对Cu2+、Zn2+、Cr6+的MIC分别为125、125、100 mg/L,并且具有四环素、阿莫西林、红霉素和头孢拉定多重抗性。重金属与抗生素之间的交互作用对细菌的抗性有显著影响(P0.05)。重金属和抗生素间的交互作用随重金属种类和浓度的不同而改变,可分为三类:低浓度重金属与抗生素共存时表现为协同抗性,高浓度时则表现为协同杀菌,如Cr6+或Zn2+与红霉素,Cu2+与头孢拉定;低浓度重金属与抗生素共存时表现为协同杀菌,高浓度时则表现为协同抗性,如Cr6+或Zn2+与阿莫西林;只与共存重金属种类相关的抗性组合有Cu2+与四环素或阿莫西林或红霉素,Cr6+与头孢拉定。环境中重金属离子的共存将改变抗生素污染物的生态危害和环境行为,并最终影响对应的污染防治技术的开发和应用。  相似文献   

Approximately 40 samples of animal feces, drinking water, feed, bedding, pine wood shavings, compost, and manure slurry were collected from two animal research farms (one dairy and one poultry) and analyzed for ceftriaxone-resistant bacteria. Our study revealed that the total percentage of aerobic bacteria with reduced susceptibility to ceftriaxone (minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) > or = 16 micro g/mL) ranged from 0.9% to 10.8% in dairy feces and from 0.05% to 3.93% in chicken feces. The percentages of ceftriaxone-resistant bacteria (MIC > or = 64 micro g/mL) were in the range of 0.01% - 2.3% in dairy feces and 0.01% - 0.79% in chicken feces. Environmental samples contained a wide range of ceftriaxone-resistant bacterial populations. Among those environmental samples, fresh pine wood shavings used as chicken bedding contained the highest percentages (41.5%) of ceftriaxone-resistant bacteria, as determined by a plating method. A total of 105 ceftriaxone-resistant (MIC > or = 128 micro g/mL) bacterial isolates were isolated from the above samples and tested for resistance to nine antibiotics: ampicillin, ceftriaxone, streptomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin, chloramphenicol, tetracycline, ciprofloxacin, and nalidixic acid. The most prevalent resistance pattern (34.3%) among isolates included resistance to all nine antibiotics. Results from this study suggest that ceftriaxone-resistant bacteria exist in farm environments, and the ceftriaxone resistance was frequently associated with resistance to multiple antibiotics. Environmental sources such as pine wood shavings used as bedding can be a potential reservoir for transmitting the multidrug-resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

[目的]产肠毒素大肠杆菌(Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli,ETEC)是引起仔猪腹泻的重要病原菌,本研究通过调查苏北地区规模化猪场ETEC的流行情况,分析其生物学特性,研制具有免疫保护效果的优势血清型菌株的灭活疫苗,以期对苏北地区ETEC的防控提供参考。[方法]从苏北地区规模化猪场采集3-30日龄的仔猪新鲜粪样、肛拭子及小肠组织样,分离出ETEC,对分离菌株进行血清型鉴定、耐药性测定、小鼠致病力测定;最后通过动物免疫试验研究优势血清型菌株灭活疫苗对小鼠的免疫保护效果。[结果]从21个规模化猪场采集病料562份,通过PCR鉴定及测序得到141株ETEC;血清凝集试验鉴定出85株菌的O抗原血清型,其中08、0101和0128为优势血清型,占定型菌株的61.2%(52/85),其他血清型包括09、03、020、0148、0149等;分析141株ETEC对14种常见抗生素的耐药情况,得出分离株对新霉素、红霉素、四环素、庆大霉素、强力霉素、阿莫西林、甲氧苄啶/磺胺甲恶唑高度耐药,耐药率均高达80%以上;对恩诺沙星敏感性较高,敏感率达50.4%(71/141);对多粘菌素B和头孢噻肟中介耐药,占比分别为66%(93/141)和51.8%(73/141);多重耐药现象严重,其中10重耐药的菌株占比最大,为19%(27/141);小鼠攻毒试验测得08血清型强毒株YC-6的半数致死量(median lethal dose,LD50)为1.4×10^7 CFU/只,最低致死量(minimum lethal dose,MLD)为3×10^7 CFU/只;08血清型强毒株YC-6和0101血清型强毒株LYG-3制备的单价灭活疫苗对小鼠的保护率均达到100%,因此利用08血清型强毒株YC-6和0101血清型强毒株LYG-3研制二价灭活疫苗,结果显示该二价疫苗对感染不同血清型ETEC小鼠的保护率在83%以上。[结论]本研究通过对苏北地区ETEC的流行病学调查,得出其优势血清型,并研制出针对对优势血清型免疫保护效果较好的二价灭活疫苗,给临床ETEC的监测和防控提供参考。  相似文献   

In order to study E. coli aerosol spreading from chicken houses to their surrounding air, air samples, including indoor and outdoor air (upwind 10 and 50 m as well as downwind 10, 50, 100, 200 and 400 m away) of 5 chicken houses were collected using six-stage Andersen microbial samplers and Reuter-Centrifugal samplers (RCS). E. coli concentrations (CFU/m3 air) collected from different sampling sites were calculated. E. coli strains from chicken feces samples were also isolated. Furthermore, the enterobacterial repetitive intergenic consensus (ERIC)-PCR method was applied to amplify the isolated E. coli strain DNA samples. Through the genetic similarity analyses of the E. coli obtained from different sampling sites, the spreading of bioaerosol from animal houses to the ambient air was characterized. The results showed that the isolated E. coli concentrations in indoor air (9―63 CFU/m3) in 5 chicken houses were higher than those in upwind and downwind air, but there were no significant differences between the indoor and downwind sites 10 m away from all the 5 houses (P>0.05). The phylogenetic tree indicated that a part of the E. coli (34.1%) isolated from indoor air had 100% similarity with those isolated from feces, and that most of E. coli isolated (54.5%) from downwind at 10, 50, 100 or even 200 m had 100% similarity with those isolated from indoor air or feces too. But those isolated from upwind air had a lower similarity (73%―92%) with corresponding strains isolated from indoor air or feces. Our results suggested that some strains isolated from downwind air and indoor air originated in the chicken feces, but most of isolates obtained from upwind air samples did not come from the chicken feces or indoor air. Effective hygienic measures should be taken in animal farms to prevent or minimize downwind spreading of microorganism aerosol.  相似文献   

Aims: The microbial quality of farm bulk‐tank raw milk produced in Estonia during years 2004–2007 was investigated. Methods and Results: Bulk‐tank milk samples were analysed for lactic acid bacteria count (LABC), psychrotrophic bacteria count (PBC), aerobic spore‐forming bacteria count (ASFBC), total bacterial counts using BactoScan and somatic cell count (SCC) using Fossomatic. Randomly selected psychrotrophic isolates were subjected to 16S–23S PCR‐ribotyping. LABC remained below 104 CFU ml?1 in most samples, while psychrotrophic micro‐organisms dominated in 60% of farms. PBC ranged from 4·2 × 102 to 6·4 × 104 CFU ml?1, and ASFBC varied from 5 to 836 CFU ml?1. Conclusions: In general, the microbiological quality of the farm bulk‐tank milk was good – more than 91% of samples contained <50 000 CFU ml?1, and SCC in the majority of samples did not exceed the internationally recommended limits. Genus Pseudomonas spp. was the dominating spoilage flora with Pseudomonas fluorescens as the prevailing species. Significance and Impact of the Study: Specific bacterial groups (LABC, PBC and ASFBC), not analysed routinely by dairies, were determined in bulk‐tank raw milk of numerous dairy farms during 4‐year period. Based on the survey, dairy plants can better control their supply chains and select farms (milk) for the production of specific products, i.e. milk with low PBC and high LABC for cheesemaking.  相似文献   

对番茄内生细菌数量动态及其对青枯病的生物防治研究结果表明:番茄内生细菌可来源于种子内部。番茄不同生育期,内生细菌数量最多在成株期,其中抗病品种根、茎分别为24.3×104CFU/g鲜重和22.9×104CFU/g鲜重,感病品种根、茎分别为9.8×104CFU/g鲜重和13.4×104CFU/g鲜重。抗病品种中具有拮抗青枯菌的内生细菌菌株为17个,感病品种中7个。部分内生细菌具促进番茄种子萌发和防治番茄青枯病的作用,其中5R和3R内生菌株的防病效果分别达91.7%和81.3%。  相似文献   

In this study, enumeration and identification of total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria and petroleum-utilizing bacteria as well as the degradative potential of petroleum-utilizing bacterial isolates were carried out. The average counts of total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria in cow dung and poultry manure were 74.25 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 and 138.75 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 respectively. Acinetobacter sp, Bacillus sp, Pseudomonas sp, and Serratia spp. occurred as aerobic heterotrophs in both cow dung and poultry manure. However, Alcaligenes spp. occurred only in cow dung while, Flavobacterium sp, Klebsiella sp, Micrococcus sp, and Nocardia spp. occurred only in poultry manure as aerobic heterotrophs. The average counts of petroleum-utilizing bacteria in cow dung and poultry manure were 9.25 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 and 17.25 × 105 c.f.u. g−1 respectively. Pseudomonas spp. occurred as petroleum utilizer in both cow dung and poultry manure. However, Bacillus spp. occurred only in cow dung while Acinetobacter spp. and Micrococcus spp. occurred only in poultry manure as petroleum utilizers. Relative abundance of petroleum utilizers in total aerobic heterotrophs ranged from 6.38% to 20.00% for cow dung and from 9.38% to 17.29% for poultry manure. Introduction of pure cultures of petroleum-utilizing bacteria from cow dung and poultry manure into sterile oil-polluted soil revealed oil degradation in one week period.  相似文献   

AISI-1020 carbon steel coupons were fixed onto a water circulation loop in order to study the effect of varying NaCl concentrations on formation of biofilms by natural populations of microorganisms. Overall, we observed a reduction in the number of bacteria attached to the metal surfaces as NaCl levels increased. At 12.85 and 80 g/l NaCl, the respective bacterial counts were: 1.7×109 CFU/cm2 and 7.5×102 CFU/cm2 for aerobic species; 1.3×104 CFU/cm2 and 2.1×10 CFU/cm2 for anaerobic species; and 1.8×103 CFU/cm2 and 4.6×10 CFU/cm2 for sulfate-reducing species. However, the opposite trend was observed for the numbers of iron-reducing bacteria: 4.1×106 CFU/cm2 at 12.85 g/l NaCl and 7.5 108 CFU/cm2 at 80 g/l NaCl, respectively. Fungal counts remained constant throughout the experimental period. The salt concentration at which the maximum corrosion rate was observed was 35 g/l. In view of the marked loss of metal mass recorded at this salinity, AISI-1020 carbon steel proved to belong to the group of alloys less resistant to corrosion. Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology (2000) 25, 45–48. Received 07 December 1999/ Accepted in revised form 25 April 2000  相似文献   

Rhizospheric soil samples were taken from Puna native grasses along an altitudinal gradient. Biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) and associated bacteria was analyzed considering altitude and grasses photosynthetic pathways (metabolic type C3, C4). Cultivation-dependent approaches were applied to obtain further information about the phylogeny of the dominating cultivable aerobic–heterotrophic bacteria communities present in rhizospheric soil samples. In average, the bacterial count ranged between 1.30 × 102 and 8.66 × 104 CFU g−1 of dry weight of soil. Individual bacterial colonies of aerobic heterotrophic bacteria grown on R2A medium were morphologically grouped and identified as typical soil bacteria belonging to the genera Bacillus, Pseudomonas, and Arthrobacter. Ten AMF taxa were found: Acaulospora sp., A. laevis, A. spinosa, Gigaspora sp., Gi. ramisporophora, Glomus sp., Gl. aggregatum, Gl. ambisporum, Gl. sinuosum, and Scutellospora biornata. AMF diversity decreased with altitude.  相似文献   

Alfresco (def. clean, outdoor) airborne bacteria were collected with a commercially available wet-cyclone bioaerosol sampler to demonstrate its use, sample processing and resultant observations of total and culturable bacteria in mid-summer in the mid-Willamette River Valley, OR. Some critiques of the system are given. The maximum and minimum total and culturable airborne bacterial concentrations in the samples were 5.9 × 105 and 8.8 × 102 cells m−3, and 1.3 × 104 and 3.1 CFU m−3, respectively. What is thought to be a diurnal cycle was also observed for both fractions with highest concentrations during the day and lowest at dawn and dusk. The culturable bacteria as a percentage of the total, was maximal at mid-day (≈ 3%) and minimal at early morning and late evening (≈ 0.5–2%). Contrarily, the total bacteria in the downwind dust plume of a grass seed combine was 2.9 × 106 cells m−3 and of these approximately 73% were culturable, a much greater culturable percentage than found in the alfresco outdoor atmosphere.  相似文献   

Samples of groundwater and the enclosing sediments were compared for densities of bacteria using direct (acridine orange direct staining) and viable (growth on 1% PTYG medium) count methodology. Sediments to a depth of 550 m were collected from boreholes at three sites on the Savannah River Site near Aiken, South Carolina, using techniques to insure a minimum of surface contamination. Clusters of wells screened at discreet intervals were established at each site. Bacterial densities in sediment were higher, by both direct and viable count, than in groundwater samples. Differences between direct and viable counts were much greater for groundwater samples than for sediment samples. Densities of bacteria in sediment ranged from less than 1.00×106 bacteria/g dry weight (gdw) up to 5.01 ×108 bacteria/gdw for direct counts, while viable counts were less than 1.00×103 CFU/gdw to 4.07×107 CFU/gdw. Bacteria densities in groundwater were 1.00×103–6.31×104 bacteria/ml and 5.75–4.57×102 CFU/ml for direct and viable counts, respectively. Isolates from sediment were also found to assimilate a wider variety of carbon compounds than groundwater bacteria. The data suggest that oligotrophic aquifer sediments have unique and dense bacterial communities that are attached and not reflected in groundwater found in the strata. Effective in situ bioremediation of contaimination in these aquifers may require sampling and characterization of sediment communities.  相似文献   

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