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磷酸二酯酶7及其抑制剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
磷酸二酯酶7(phosphodiesterase7, PDE7)作为体内特异性水解第二信使环腺苷一磷酸(cyclic adenosine monophosphate, cAMP)的一类蛋白水解酶,通过调 控组织细胞内cAMP水平及机体信号传导活动,参与了体内多种疾病的发生发展过 程.PDE7主要分布于前炎症细胞及免疫细胞.最新研究表明,PDE7作为一个新的潜在的抗动脉粥样硬化及抗炎症免疫类药物的新靶点,其抑制剂可能在研究及治疗动脉粥样硬化及慢性阻塞性肺病等免疫炎症类疾病方面具有重要意义. 本文简述PDE7基因结构、生物学功能以及其抑制剂研究,并重点就其与疾病之间联系做一综述.  相似文献   

磷酸二酯酶4(phosphodiesterase 4,PDE4)是一个多基因家族,通过水解c AMP,调节其细胞内浓度及其生物学功能。随着对PDE4亚型研究的深入,逐步明确了PDE4亚型的亚型具有精确的细胞定位及功能,尤其是在肿瘤发生发展过程中,PDE4亚型的亚型可能成为诊断标志物或治疗靶点。已有研究表明,PDE4A在所有人类脑瘤均有表达,且仅肿瘤细胞才表达PDE4A;而PDE4B可区分原发性前列腺癌和转移性前列腺癌,而PDE4D可用于早期诊断前列腺癌;PDE4D3可用于抑制黑色素细胞的变异及皮肤癌;而多靶点PDE抑制剂对白血病有明显疗效;PDE4A/D在肺癌细胞株高表达,抑制PDE4A/D有助于抑制肿瘤细胞增殖、迁移和血管形成。本文就近年来肿瘤发病中PDE4的变化及与肿瘤关系的新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

磷酸二酯酶4(phosphodiesterase 4,PDE4)是一个多基因家族,通过水解c AMP,调节其细胞内浓度及其生物学功能。随着对PDE4亚型研究的深入,逐步明确了PDE4亚型的亚型具有精确的细胞定位及功能,尤其是在肿瘤发生发展过程中,PDE4亚型的亚型可能成为诊断标志物或治疗靶点。已有研究表明,PDE4A在所有人类脑瘤均有表达,且仅肿瘤细胞才表达PDE4A;而PDE4B可区分原发性前列腺癌和转移性前列腺癌,而PDE4D可用于早期诊断前列腺癌;PDE4D3可用于抑制黑色素细胞的变异及皮肤癌;而多靶点PDE抑制剂对白血病有明显疗效;PDE4A/D在肺癌细胞株高表达,抑制PDE4A/D有助于抑制肿瘤细胞增殖、迁移和血管形成。本文就近年来肿瘤发病中PDE4的变化及与肿瘤关系的新进展进行综述。  相似文献   

磷酸二酯酶5(phosphodiesterase type 5,PDE5)又称对环鸟苷酸特异的磷酸二酯酶(cGMP-specific phosphodiesterase),广泛分布于机体的平滑肌细胞中,通过对细胞内特定区域的cGMP水平的调节,参与平滑肌(收缩、舒张)状态的快速调控.现对PDE5的基因表达和酶活性的调控方式,亚细胞分布,以及在平滑肌中的调节机制和药理应用进行综述.  相似文献   

血管生成是指在原有血管的基础上形成新血管的过程。病理性血管生成是癌症、心血管类疾病和视网膜病变等一系列疾病的标志。1-磷酸鞘氨醇(sphingosine-1-phosphate,S1P)是一种信号脂质,由鞘氨醇激酶(sphingosine kinases,SPHK)合成,通过5种G蛋白偶联受体(sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors,S1PR1-5)发挥其不同的生物学和病理生理作用,并通过激活受体启动各种信号级联反应,影响细胞命运、血管张力、内皮功能和完整性以及淋巴细胞的运输等。其产生和信号的失衡与内皮功能障碍和异常血管生成等病理过程密切相关。越来越多的证据表明, SPHK-S1P轴在血管生成中发挥重要作用,尤其在癌症的发生发展与肿瘤微环境、动脉粥样硬化、心肌梗死等心血管类疾病,以及糖尿病和视网膜病变中具有重要意义。研究其相关作用与功能,可为治疗血管生成相关疾病提供新见解和药物治疗靶点。本文就SPHK-S1P轴通过SPHK以及S1PR1-5影响内皮细胞和平滑肌增殖、内皮细胞迁移以及由内皮细胞、周细胞和平滑肌细胞等形成管腔的分子机制进行阐述,同时进一步阐述SPHK-S1P轴如何通过鞘氨醇激酶以及S1PR1-5影响肿瘤、心血管类疾病、糖尿病以及视网膜病变中血管生成,旨在通过理解SPHK-S1P轴在血管生成中的分子机制为相关疾病提供新的治疗思路。  相似文献   

血管平滑肌细胞(vascular smooth muscle cell,VSMC)是血管壁主要细胞类型,在维持血管正常生理功能过程扮演重要角色,其在正常环境下是一种具有调节血管壁张力、维持血压等功能的高度分化型细胞(收缩型)。在血管增殖性疾病的发展过程中,VSMC由分化型转化为具有合成和分泌多种基质蛋白能力的未分化型(合成型),导致自身肥大、血管内膜增厚、血管狭窄等病理结果,这些是形成高血压、动脉粥样硬化等血管增殖性疾病的病理基础。近年来发现miRNAs参与心血管生理、病理过程的调控并且与VSMC密切相关,其中miR-145经证实是正常动脉壁表达最为丰富的micoRNAs,其在VSMC功能调节中起着非常重要的作用,这可能为治疗高血压、动脉粥样硬化等血管增殖性疾病提供新的诊断、治疗依据。本文就miR-145对VSMC功能调节以及心血管疾病病理生理学意义作一综述。  相似文献   

1- 磷酸鞘氨醇是一种有生物活性的脂质代谢产物,具有调节细胞增殖、再生、迁移,细胞内钙离子移动,黏附分子表达以及激活单核细胞黏附内皮细胞等功效,在血管生理性再生及动脉粥样硬化斑块发生发展中发挥重要作用。1- 磷酸鞘氨醇在高密度脂蛋白中含量在所有脂蛋白中最高,其参与调节高密度脂蛋白的抗氧化、抗血栓、抗炎等效应,而这些反应与1- 磷酸鞘氨醇的生物学功能如血管发生、内皮保护、抑制平滑肌细胞迁移、心肌缺血再灌注损伤的保护等密切相关。对1- 磷酸鞘氨醇信号通路在心血管系统中的作用及以该通路为靶点的相关药物研究进展进行综述,为今后研究提供参考。  相似文献   

基质金属蛋白酶(MMPs)是一类肽链内切酶,因其降解细胞外基质(ECM)和具有金属依赖性而得名。MMPs能调节单核细胞、巨噬细胞及血管平滑肌细胞(VSMCs)的黏附、迁移、增殖等,广泛参与动脉粥样硬化(AS)发展的各个阶段。正常生理情况下,MMPs与组织金属蛋白酶抑制物(TIMPs)保持平衡;而在AS病理情况下,因MMPs/TIMPs升高而失衡。因此,通过使用特异性抑制剂来抑制某些MMPs可能为治疗AS提供新思路。现就MMPs在AS中的作用及其抑制剂研究做一综述。  相似文献   

C-型钠尿肽与血管损伤性疾病   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
C-型钠尿肽(C-type natriuretic peptide, CNP)作为钠尿肽家系的一员, 主要是由血管内皮分泌,CNP与血管平滑肌细胞钠尿肽受体-B(NPR-B)结合,激活颗粒型鸟苷酸环化酶,促进细胞内cGMP 水平升高,以旁分泌和/或自分泌方式调节循环系统功能稳态.CNP广泛分布于血管系统,尤其在内皮细胞中高表达.CNP具有利钠、利尿、调节血管张力、抑制血管平滑肌细胞迁移、增殖等作用,与高血压、动脉粥样硬化、血栓形成、冠脉成形术后再狭窄和血管钙化等多种血管损伤性疾病密切相关.  相似文献   

血管平滑肌收缩的Ca^2+信号调节机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
血管平滑肌细胞内Ca^2+的浓度([Ca^2+]i)的变化及胞内收缩蛋白对Ca^2+的敏感性是影响血管紧张的主要因素。研究表明细胞内Ca^2+浓度的变化在血管平滑肌细胞的激活中发挥重要作用。在静息状态,细胞内的Ca^2+浓度主要受膜电位的调节,同时,[Ca^2+]i也可反馈调节膜电位。在平滑肌细胞内存在多种[Ca^2+]i调节机制。本文概述了这些机制在调节血管平滑肌紧张中的作用,主要包括:[Ca^2+]i在血管平滑肌收缩中的作用;环二磷酸腺苷(cADPR)在调节Ca^2+释放中的作用;cADPR介导的肉桂碱受体的激活在调节平滑肌紧张度中的作用;血管平滑肌细胞的Ca^2+闪烁和细胞膜Ca^2+敏感性钾通道的激活;[Ca^2+]i与膜电位之间的相互作用等。  相似文献   

Pulmonary hypertension (PHT) is associated with increased vascular resistance due to sustained contraction and enhanced proliferation of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMC); the abnormal tone and remodeling in the pulmonary vasculature may relate, at least in part, to decreased cyclic nucleotide levels. Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs), of which 11 families have been identified, catalyze the hydrolysis of cAMP and cGMP. We tested the hypothesis that PASMC isolated from patients with PHT, either idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension (IPAH) or secondary pulmonary hypertension (SPH), have increased expression and activity of PDE isoforms that reduce the responsiveness of agents that raise cellular cAMP. Real-time PCR and immunoblotting demonstrated that the expression of PDE1A, PDE1C, PDE3B, and PDE5A was enhanced in PASMC from both IPAH and SPH patients compared with control PASMC. Consistent with this enhanced expression of PDEs, agonist-stimulated cAMP levels were significantly reduced in IPAH and SPH PASMC unless a PDE inhibitor was present. The use of specific PDE inhibitors revealed that an increase in PDE1 and PDE3 activity largely accounted for reduced agonist-induced cAMP levels and increased proliferation in IPAH and SPH PASMC. Treatment with PDE1C-targeted small interference RNA enhanced cAMP accumulation and inhibited cellular proliferation to a greater extent in PHT PASMC than controls. The results imply that an increase in PDE isoforms, in particular PDE1C, contributes to decreased cAMP and increased proliferation of PASMC in patients with PHT. PDE1 isoforms may provide novel targets for the treatment of both primary and secondary forms of the disease.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotides are recognized as critical mediators of many renal functions, including solute transport, regulation of vascular tone, proliferation of parenchymal cells, and inflammation. Although most studies have linked elevated cAMP levels to activation of protein kinase A, cAMP can also directly activate cyclic nucleotide gated ion channels and can signal through activation of GTP exchange factors. Cyclic AMP signaling is highly compartmentalized through plasma membrane localization of adenylyl cyclase and expression of scaffolding proteins that anchor protein kinase A to specific intracellular locations. Cyclic nucleotide levels are largely regulated through catabolic processes directed by phosphodiesterases (PDEs). The PDE superfamily is large and complex, with over 60 distinct isoforms that preferentially hydrolyze cAMP, cGMP, or both. PDEs contribute to compartmentalized cyclic nucleotide signaling. The unique cell- and tissue-specific distribution of PDEs has prompted the development of highly specific PDE inhibitors to treat a variety of inflammatory conditions. In experimental systems, PDE inhibitors have been employed to demonstrate functional compartmentalization of cyclic nucleotide signaling in the kidney. For example, mitogenesis in glomerular mesangial cells and normal tubular epithelial cells is negatively regulated by an intracellular pool of cAMP that is metabolized by PDE3, but not by other PDEs. In Madin-Darby canine kidney cells, an in vitro model of polycystic kidney disease, an intracellular pool of cAMP directed by PDE3 stimulates mitogenesis. In mesangial cells, an intracellular pool of cAMP directed by PDE4 inhibits reactive oxygen species and expression of the potent proin-flammatory cytokine monocyte chemoattractant protein 1. An intracellular pool of cGMP directed by PDE5 regulates solute transport. PDE5 inhibitors ameliorate renal injury in a chronic renal disease model. In this overview, we highlight recent studies to define relationships between PDE expression and renal function and to provide evidence that PDE inhibitors may be effective agents in treating chronic renal disease.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) comprise a family of enzymes that modulate the immune response, inflammation, and memory, among many other functions. There are three types of PDEs: cAMP-specific, cGMP-specific, and dual-specific. Here we describe the mechanism of nucleotide selectivity on the basis of high-resolution co-crystal structures of the cAMP-specific PDE4B and PDE4D with AMP, the cGMP-specific PDE5A with GMP, and the apo-structure of the dual-specific PDE1B. These structures show that an invariant glutamine functions as the key specificity determinant by a "glutamine switch" mechanism for recognizing the purine moiety in cAMP or cGMP. The surrounding residues anchor the glutamine residue in different orientations for cAMP and for cGMP. The PDE1B structure shows that in dual-specific PDEs a key histidine residue may enable the invariant glutamine to toggle between cAMP and cGMP. The structural understanding of nucleotide binding enables the design of new PDE inhibitors that may treat diseases in which cyclic nucleotides play a critical role.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) hydrolyze cyclic nucleotides, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) into inactive 5' monophosphates, and exist as 11 families. Inhibitors of PDEs allow the elevation of cAMP and cGMP, which leads to a variety of cellular effects including airway smooth muscle relaxation and inhibition of cellular inflammation or of immune responses. PDE4 inhibitors specifically prevent the hydrolysis of cAMP. We have validated the manually developed reporter gene assay in a high-throughput screening format that allows for fast and cost-effective identification of potential inhibitors of PDE4 isozymes. The assay is sensitive and robust, with a Z' value of >0.5. The assay is also amenable to 384-well format.  相似文献   

An increase in cAMP and/or cGMP induces vasodilation which could be potentiated by endothelium or NO-donors. Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDE) are differently distributed in vascular tissues. cAMP hydrolyzing PDE isozymes in endothelial cells are represented by PDE2 (cGMP stimulated-PDE) and PDE4 (cGMP insensitive-PDE), whereas in smooth muscle cells PDE3 (cGMP inhibited-PDE) and PDE4 are present. To investigate the role of NO in vasodilation induced by PDE inhibitors, we studied the effects of PDE3- or PDE4-inhibitor alone and their combination on cyclic nucleotide levels, on relaxation of precontracted aorta and on protein kinase implication. Furthermore, the direct effect of dinitrosyl iron complex (DNIC) was studied on purified recombinant PDE4B. The results show that: 1) in endothelial cells PDE4 inhibition may up-regulate basal production of NO, this effect being potentiated by PDE2 inhibition; 2) in smooth muscle cGMP produced by NO inhibits PDE3 and increases cAMP level allowing PDE4 to participate in vascular contraction; 3) protein kinase G mediates the relaxing effects of PDE3 or PDE4 inhibition. 4) DNIC inhibits non competitively PDE4B indicating a direct effect of NO on PDE4 which could explain an additive vasodilatory effect of NO. A direct and a cGMP related cross-talk between NO and cAMP-PDEs, may participate into the vasomodulation mediated by cAMP activation of protein kinase G.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of prostacyclin analogs and isoform-selective phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitors, alone and in combination, on pulmonary vascular remodeling in vitro and in vivo. Vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) isolated from pulmonary (proximal and distal) and systemic circulations demonstrated subtle variations in expression of PDE isoform mRNA. However, using biochemical assays, we found PDE3 and PDE4 isoforms to be responsible for the majority of cAMP hydrolysis in all VSMC. In growth assays, the prostacyclin analogs cicaprost and iloprost inhibited mitogen-induced proliferation of VSMC in a cAMP-dependent manner. In addition, isoform-selective antagonists of PDEs 1, 3, or 4 inhibited VSMC proliferation, an effect that synergized with the effect of prostacyclin analogs. The inhibitory effects were greater in cells isolated from pulmonary circulation. In an in situ perfused rat lung preparation, administration of prostacyclin analogs or the PDE inhibitors vinpocetine (PDE1), cilostamide (PDE3), or rolipram (PDE4), but not EHNA (PDE2), attenuated acute hypoxic vasoconstriction (HPV). Combinations of agents led to a greater reduction in HPV. Furthermore, during exposure to hypoxia for 13 days, Wistar rats were treated with iloprost, rolipram, cilostamide, or combinations of these agents. Compared with normoxic controls, hypoxic animals developed pulmonary hypertension and distal pulmonary artery muscularization. These parameters were attenuated by iloprost+cilostamide, iloprost+rolipram, and cilostamide+rolipram but were not significantly affected by single agents. Together, these findings provide a greater understanding of the role of cAMP PDEs in VSMC proliferation and provide rationale for combined use of prostacylcin analogs plus PDE3/4 inhibitors in treatment of pulmonary vascular remodeling.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) modulate the cellular proliferation involved in the pathophysiology of pulmonary hypertension (PH) by hydrolyzing cAMP and cGMP. The present study was designed to determine whether any of the recently identified PDEs (PDE7-PDE11) contribute to progressive pulmonary vascular remodeling in PH. All in vitro experiments were performed with lung tissue or pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) obtained from control rats or monocrotaline (MCT)-induced pulmonary hypertensive (MCT-PH) rats, and we examined the effects of the PDE10 inhibitor papaverine (Pap) and specific small interfering RNA (siRNA). In addition, papaverine was administrated to MCT-induced PH rats from day 21 to day 35 by continuous intravenous infusion to examine the in vivo effects of PDE10A inhibition. We found that PDE10A was predominantly present in the lung vasculature, and the mRNA, protein, and activity levels of PDE10A were all significantly increased in MCT PASMCs compared with control PASMCs. Papaverine and PDE10A siRNA induced an accumulation of intracellular cAMP, activated cAMP response element binding protein and attenuated PASMC proliferation. Intravenous infusion of papaverine in MCT-PH rats resulted in a 40%-50% attenuation of the effects on pulmonary hypertensive hemodynamic parameters and pulmonary vascular remodeling. The present study is the first to demonstrate a central role of PDE10A in progressive pulmonary vascular remodeling, and the results suggest a novel therapeutic approach for the treatment of PH.  相似文献   

The superfamily of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases is comprised of 11 gene families. By hydrolyzing cAMP and cGMP, PDEs are major determinants in the regulation of intracellular concentrations of cyclic nucleotides and cyclic nucleotide-dependent signaling pathways. Two PDE3 subfamilies, PDE3A and PDE3B, have been described. PDE3A and PDE3B hydrolyze cAMP and cGMP with high affinity in a mutually competitive manner and are regulators of a number of important cAMP- and cGMP-mediated processes. PDE3B is relatively more highly expressed in cells of importance for the regulation of energy homeostasis, including adipocytes, hepatocytes, and pancreatic β-cells, whereas PDE3A is more highly expressed in heart, platelets, vascular smooth muscle cells, and oocytes. Major advances have been made in understanding the different physiological impacts and biochemical basis for recruitment and subcellular localizations of different PDEs and PDE-containing macromolecular signaling complexes or signalosomes. In these discrete compartments, PDEs control cyclic nucleotide levels and regulate specific physiological processes as components of individual signalosomes which are tethered at specific locations and which contain PDEs together with cyclic nucleotide-dependent protein kinases (PKA and PKG), adenylyl cyclases, Epacs (guanine nucleotide exchange proteins activated by cAMP), phosphoprotein phosphatases, A-Kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs), and pathway-specific regulators and effectors. This article highlights the identification of different PDE3A- and PDE3B-containing signalosomes in specialized subcellular compartments, which can increase the specificity and efficiency of intracellular signaling and be involved in the regulation of different cAMP-mediated metabolic processes.  相似文献   

Phosphodiesterases (PDEs) are hydrolytic enzymes, which convert cyclic AMP (cAMP) and cyclic GMP (cGMP) into their corresponding monophosphates. PDE-dependent hydrolysis shape gradients of these second messengers in cells, which may form the basis of their compartmentation and play a key role in a vast number of physiological and pathological processes. Here, we present a novel approach for real-time monitoring of local cAMP and cGMP levels associated with particular PDEs. We used HEK 293 cells expressing genetic constructs encoding a PDE of interest (PDE3A, PDE4A1 or PDE5A) fused to cAMP and cGMP sensors, which allow to directly visualize changes in cyclic nucleotide concentrations in the vicinity of PDE molecules by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). FRET was detected by imaging of single cells on 96-well plates and demonstrated specific effects of PDE inhibitors on local cyclic nucleotide levels. In addition, this approach reported physiological regulation of PDE3A activity, its activation by PKA-dependent phosphorylation and inhibition by cGMP. In conclusion, our assay provides a unique and highly sensitive method to analyze PDE activity in living cells. It allows to sense cAMP gradients around particular PDE molecules and to study the pharmacological effects of selective inhibitors on localized cAMP signalling.  相似文献   

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