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针对关中地区土壤连续单一耕作存在的主要问题,进行了土壤轮耕效应研究。2009年至2012年在关中一年两熟区采用连续4a旋耕(RT)、翻耕-免耕-翻耕-免耕(PNT)和深松-免耕-深松-免耕(SNT)3种耕作处理,对土壤容重、紧实度及小麦根系生长进行了研究。结果表明,与试验前相比,夏玉米收获后(2013年10月)两种轮耕处理显著(P0.05)降低了0—10、10—20 cm土壤容重,旋耕处理在0—10 cm处差异不显著,而10—20 cm土壤容重显著增大;与旋耕处理相比,两种轮耕处理0—10、10—20 cm土壤容重在第4季冬小麦整个生育期内变异系数较小,土壤紧实度较低,且改善效果在冬小麦生育中后期10—20 cm土层体现更为显著;旋耕处理0—10、10—20 cm土壤紧实度与含水量均呈显著负相关,相关系数分别为-0.89、-0.85,两种轮耕处理相关性不显著;0—40 cm土层根重密度和根系活力表现为:两种轮耕处理连年旋耕。可见,长期旋耕后进行轮耕(免耕与翻耕、深松)有利于改善土壤物理状况,促进作物根系生长。  相似文献   

张新军  高玉葆 《植物研究》2011,31(2):180-187
选取半流动沙丘、半固定沙丘和丘间低地3种生境条件下的中间锦鸡儿为对象,研究了灌丛群落学特征、叶片化学计量学特征及其与土壤基质条件的关系。结果表明:(1)中间锦鸡儿灌丛在3种生境下的基质特征差异明显,半流动沙丘土壤相对贫瘠、土质疏松,半固定沙丘和丘间低地土壤紧实度较大;(2)灌丛当年枝长度、枝干重、叶干重以及叶干物质含量均与土壤紧实度呈显著负相关关系,而叶片N∶P及C∶P与土壤紧实度均呈显著正相关,但叶片C∶N与土壤紧实度的相关性并不显著;(3)中间锦鸡儿灌丛的灌幅、密度和盖度在不同沙丘生境间差异显著,这可能是由于土壤紧实度的差异引起的。土壤紧实度对中间锦鸡儿生长状况的影响不仅表现在地上生物量和当年枝生长量上,而且也表现在叶片C:N:P化学计量学特征以及叶片对营养物质的保持效率上。  相似文献   

植物对土壤紧实度的反应   总被引:52,自引:1,他引:51  
概述了土壤紧实度对植物生长、水肥吸收、产量和水分利用效率的影响以及植物对紧实度反应机制的研究现状。  相似文献   

对青藏高原东缘窄叶鲜卑花土壤转化酶与脲酶活性对增温(0.6~1.3 ℃)和植物去除的响应进行研究,以了解气候变暖和植被干扰对高寒灌丛生长季不同时期土壤生态过程的影响.结果表明: 增温在整个生长季节使去除/不去除植物处理土壤转化酶活性显著增加了3.7%~13.3%.增温除在生长季末期对不去除植物处理土壤脲酶活性影响不显著以外,在其他时期使去除/不去除植物处理土壤脲酶活性显著增加10.8%~56.3%.去除植物处理对土壤转化酶与脲酶活性的影响因增温与生长季节而存在显著差异.去除植物显著降低了不增温样方生长季初期和末期与增温样方整个生长季节土壤转化酶活性,而没有显著影响生长季中期不增温样方土壤转化酶活性.去除植物仅在生长季末期使不增温样方土壤脲酶活性显著降低了10.5%;而在增温样方,去除植物仅在生长季初期和中期使土壤脲酶活性显著降低16.0%~18.7%.以上结果有利于全面认识高寒灌丛生态系统土壤碳氮循环过程.  相似文献   

土壤紧实度变化对小麦籽粒产量和品质的影响   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
以济南17(强筋品种)、烟农15(中筋品种)、鲁麦22(弱筋品种)为供试品种,设置人为碾压和不碾压2种处理,研究了土壤紧实度(以土壤容重表示)变化对不同类型小麦品种的籽粒产量和加工品质的影响。结果表明,随着土壤紧实度提高,3个品种的分蘖成穗率均显著降低,从而导致单位面积穗数和籽粒产量降低。3个品种相比较分蘖成穗率低的鲁麦22籽粒产量降幅最大。相关品质指标测定结果显示,提高土壤紧实度,对3个品种的蛋白质含量、湿面筋含量、沉淀值和吸水率均无显著影响,但济南17的面筋指数明显降低,面团断裂时间和面团稳定时间显著缩短,单位重量面粉烘焙所得的面包体积变小,而烟农15和鲁麦22受影响较小。其原因可能与土壤紧实度提高条件下济南17籽粒中谷蛋白/醇溶蛋白比例和谷蛋白大聚体含量降低有关。将济南17面团流变学特性年际间变化幅度与紧实度变化的处理效应相比较发现,土壤紧实度是影响强筋小麦品种品质性状稳定性的重要因素之一。  相似文献   

黄顶菊对入侵地群落动态及植物生长生理特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确黄顶菊对入侵地植物群落和土著植物生理生长的影响机制,采用同质园试验对入侵和非入侵土壤的植物群落开展了整个生育期动态监测,并分析了黄顶菊入侵对狗尾草、羽叶鬼针草、灰绿藜、地肤4种土著植物生长和生理特征的影响规律。结果表明:黄顶菊入侵土壤植物群落多样性指数低于非入侵地,且有季节性差异,随生育期的推进差异逐渐减小;黄顶菊对本地植物的生长指标有显著影响(P0.05),随时间变化显著,但存在物种差异;4种植物的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Cd)、蒸腾速率(Tr)在非入侵土壤生长显著高于入侵地土壤(P0.05);而4种植物在入侵土壤生长的比叶面积(SLA)、比根长(SRL)、比根面积(SRA)显著高于本地土壤(P0.05)。综上,黄顶菊入侵抑制了本地植物的光合效率,减少了生物量的积累,导致本地植物群落的生物多样性水平降低,但表现出季节差异;不同物种对黄顶菊入侵胁迫的响应表现种间特异性,为理解入侵种对群落结构影响和实现入侵生境恢复提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为了揭示气候变暖背景下高寒灌丛土壤氮转化过程, 该文研究了青藏高原东缘窄叶鲜卑花(Sibiraea angustata)灌丛生长季节土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量对增温和去除植物的响应。结果表明: 窄叶鲜卑花灌丛土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量具有明显的季节动态。整个生长季节, 土壤硝态氮含量呈先增加后降低的趋势, 而铵态氮含量均表现为一直增加的趋势。在生长季初期和中期, 各处理土壤硝态氮含量均显著高于铵态氮含量, 而在生长季末期土壤硝态氮含量均显著低于铵态氮含量, 说明该区域土壤氮转化过程在生长季初期和中期以硝化作用为主, 而在生长季末期以氨化作用为主。不同时期土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量对增温和去除植物的响应不同: 增温对硝态氮的影响主要发生在生长季中期和末期, 且因植物处理的不同而有显著差异, 增温仅在生长季中期使不去除植物样方铵态氮含量显著升高。去除植物对土壤硝态氮的影响仅表现在对照样方(不增温), 去除植物显著提高了生长季初期和中期土壤硝态氮含量, 显著降低了生长季末期土壤硝态氮含量; 同时去除植物显著降低了增温样方生长季中期土壤铵态氮含量。灌丛植被在生长季初期和中期可能主要吸收土壤硝态氮, 其吸收过程不受土壤增温的影响。  相似文献   

为了揭示气候变暖背景下高寒灌丛土壤氮转化过程, 该文研究了青藏高原东缘窄叶鲜卑花(Sibiraea angustata)灌丛生长季节土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量对增温和去除植物的响应。结果表明: 窄叶鲜卑花灌丛土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量具有明显的季节动态。整个生长季节, 土壤硝态氮含量呈先增加后降低的趋势, 而铵态氮含量均表现为一直增加的趋势。在生长季初期和中期, 各处理土壤硝态氮含量均显著高于铵态氮含量, 而在生长季末期土壤硝态氮含量均显著低于铵态氮含量, 说明该区域土壤氮转化过程在生长季初期和中期以硝化作用为主, 而在生长季末期以氨化作用为主。不同时期土壤硝态氮和铵态氮含量对增温和去除植物的响应不同: 增温对硝态氮的影响主要发生在生长季中期和末期, 且因植物处理的不同而有显著差异, 增温仅在生长季中期使不去除植物样方铵态氮含量显著升高。去除植物对土壤硝态氮的影响仅表现在对照样方(不增温), 去除植物显著提高了生长季初期和中期土壤硝态氮含量, 显著降低了生长季末期土壤硝态氮含量; 同时去除植物显著降低了增温样方生长季中期土壤铵态氮含量。灌丛植被在生长季初期和中期可能主要吸收土壤硝态氮, 其吸收过程不受土壤增温的影响。  相似文献   

在松嫩平原重度盐碱地上,选择通过土壤改良使得盐碱成分降低、结构显著改善的土壤作为处理样地(pH值9.17;电导率388μscm-1;土壤紧实度1170kPa),邻近未改良重度盐碱地为对照样地(pH值10.15;电导率1220μscm-1;土壤紧实度2199kPa),对生长在对照和处理样地上的银中杨不同器官叶绿素和C4光合相关酶研究发现:1)生长在处理样地的银中杨叶片叶绿素a+b、叶绿素a/b、类胡萝卜素含量显著高于对照未处理,但树枝和树皮绿色组织内这些指标的差异远小于叶片;2)所测定3种C4光合酶结果显示,当以单位鲜重表示时,3种器官以及盐碱化程度对结果影响较小;3)当以单位叶绿素酶活性表示时,不同器官以及盐碱化程度对酶活性影响显著:树皮和树枝磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸酶(PEPC)活性是叶片的4.4和3.1倍,盐碱地改良使这一差异变成8.6和2.6倍;对照样地内树皮、树枝的苹果酸酶(NADP-ME)活性是叶片的1.7和2.1倍,盐碱地土壤改良使得这一差异达到17.2和6.4倍;与此类似,在对照盐碱地上,树皮和树枝内苹果酸脱氢酶(NADP-MDH)活性是叶片的1.7和1.4倍,盐碱地土壤改良使得这一差异变为6.4和13.7倍。上述结果说明,银中杨树干和树枝绿色组织内C4相关酶含量较叶片高出很多,而且受盐碱胁迫程度影响显著,盐碱化程度轻的情况下,这种差异会增大,这些酶的变化可以作为植物响应土壤盐碱程度变化的一种生理生化指示指标。  相似文献   

新疆地震断裂带次生植物根际土壤微生物碳源利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Lin Q  Zeng J  Ma J  Wang Z  Zhang T  Li S  Lou K 《应用生态学报》2011,22(9):2297-2302
利用BIOLOG技术研究了新疆富蕴地震断裂带6种次生植物对根际土壤微生物碳源利用的影响.结果表明:多数植物根际土壤养分显著高于对照.6种根际土壤的平均颜色变化率差异显著,且均高于对照.次生植物不影响根际土壤微生物碳源利用的丰富度,但改变了其优势度和均匀度.不同处理根际土壤微生物碳源利用存在差异,主要体现在对糖类、氨基酸类、羧酸类的利用上.断裂带上次生植物的出现使土壤微生物利用碳源的类型由酚类向糖类、羧酸类转变.土壤速效钾含量与土壤微生物对聚合物(r=-0.84)、胺类(r=-0.83)的利用呈负相关.新疆地震断裂带的次生植物能显著增强土壤微生物的碳源利用能力,改变碳源利用类型.密刺蔷薇和蓍在提高土壤微生物碳源利用能力和改善土壤养分方面效果最佳.  相似文献   

石膏可以改良盐碱土,室内土柱淋洗试验是验证其改良效果的方法之一。本文将石膏计划改良层定为40cm,计算的定量石膏与0~10cm土层混匀后,装填0~40cm土柱于室内进行分次淋洗试验,将收集的滤液测定溶液离子组成并换算成盐分,应用推理计算法分析石膏溶解、转化、渗漏情况,以及石膏与碱性盐及交换性钠镁作用量。结果表明:将石膏与表层0~10cm土层混匀条件下,4次灌水后,0~40cm的土层物理通透性改善,渗透时间变小,pH由9.25降到8.20,碱化度均基本达到10,而且还有残余石膏,应用推理计算法得出,最经济纯石膏理论改良用量为0.05t·hm-2。  相似文献   

Gypsum outcrops of southeastern Spain (Almeria) have been highlighted as the most outstanding for the conservation of Iberian gypsum flora by flora rarity and richness, as vascular as cryptogamic plants. However, plant community distribution patterns according to soil chemical properties have been little studied in these gypsum areas. Spatial distribution pattern of plant communities in gypsum hills and its relation to soil chemical properties was surveyed in this study. Twenty-one plots (5 × 5 m) were settled along a semiarid gypsum gradient in Rio de Aguas Basin. Soil samples were taken from each plot’s superficial layer for chemical analysis. Plant canopy cover was sampled at species level. Three plant community bands are identified (from bottom to top) as level I (Flat Piedmont Zone), level II (Hill Slope Zone), and level III (Hill Top Zone). Gypsophyte species (mainly found in level II) appear to be specifically adapted to nutrient-stressed environments (high sulfate content and deficiency in some soil nutrients). Nutrients play an essential ecological role in determining species distribution and community composition. Since this area is a very important site for extracting very high quality gypsum, the pattern described here can be used as a useful tool for ecological restoration of gypsum quarries. Considering environmental heterogeneity of gypsum areas (as an “ecosystem of reference”) is crucial for a successful ecological restoration.  相似文献   

Iberian gypsophile plant communities are considered a priority for conservation by the European Community because of their highly specialized flora in gypsum outcrops in arid and semiarid regions. Despite the ecological importance of these ecosystems, the edaphic factors that constrain plant communities on gypsiferous soils remain unclear. It has been proposed that both the chemical and physical restrictive conditions of gypsum soils determine gypsophily in plants. Here we hypothesize that the rigors of the gypsum soil environment depends on topography, decreasing from flat areas on hilltops to south-oriented slopes and finally to slopes oriented to the north. We also hypothesized that the relaxation of the rigors of the gypsum soil environment with topography affects both to individual plant and community characteristics of gypsophile vegetation: we expect a reduction of gypsophyte abundance, an increase of diversity and the amelioration of facilitative interactions of plant species. We analysed the physical and chemical properties of gypsum soils that have been proposed that determine the rigors of the gypsum soil environment (i.e.: unbalanced ion concentrations and superficial soil crust). The predicted rigor gradient along topographical locations was confirmed and was mainly caused by superficial soil crust. The decreasing rigor gradient was accompanied by a fall in the abundance of gypsophytes. However, when gypsophytes were considered separately, several patterns were observed, indicating distinct tolerance to relaxation of rigor of the gypsum soil conditions and different competition abilities between gypsophytes. Plant species were more clumped, and gypsophile communities presented higher diversity, evenness and richness values where rigor of gypsum soil conditions were maximum (flat hilltop positions). Relaxation of rigor (north-oriented slopes) was characterized by loss of facilitative interaction between species and the dominance of the gypsovag Rosmarinus officinalis L., although richness was still very high, which can be attributed to the coexistence of gypsophytes and gypsovags. We conclude that the rigor of gypsum soil environment gradient with topography is mainly determined by superficial soil crust, and it is a crucial determinant of gypsophile plant communities.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of rehabilitated Bauxite Residue Disposal Areas (BRDA) remains the primary indicator of rehabilitation success, with little consideration of microbial community development. We investigated links between the chemical and microbial components of rehabilitated residue at the Aughinish Alumina BRDA (Ireland). Rehabilitated was compared to unamended residue and to an analogy reference soil from unmanaged grassland within the refinery boundary. Bauxite residue comprised of areas with 1, 11, and 12 years following rehabilitation establishment, and gypsum applied at 45 and 90 t/ha. The unamended residue was typical of bauxite residues with high pH (10), sodicity (exchangeable sodium percentage [ESP]‐79), exchangeable sodium (19 cmol/kg), salinity (electrical conductivity [EC] 2.6 mS/cm), and low/negligible nutrient content, microbial biomass (71 µg‐C/g), and fungal phospholipid fatty acid (PLF). Microbial biomass increased 10‐fold with only 1 year of rehabilitation. Gypsum application rate had no effect on microbial biomass. Phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA) demonstrated the emergence of distinct microbial community dependent on rehabilitation time and gypsum application rates. Changes of PLFA profiles were correlated (multiple regressions analysis) to shifts in residue chemical properties (sodicity, organic C, total C, total N, salinity, Mg). An increase of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi fatty acid (16:1ω5) with reducing pH has implications on rehabilitation practices. The microbial characteristics of the rehabilitated residue were approaching that of a soil from an unmanaged reference site adjacent to the working site. Gypsum affected PLFA properties, and thereby application has implications for rehabilitation success. For successful ecosystem reconstruction, it is critical that rehabilitation practices consider microbial development.  相似文献   

为了探索内陆重度盐碱地的改良新方法,实验通过聚合有机酸(聚马来酸酐和聚丙烯酸)作为降盐碱剂,采用阻盐碱层、表土成膜剂以及土壤孔隙改善剂相结合的方法,对大庆市典型内陆盐碱土进行了改良实验,并在改良后的土壤及对照样地上种植不同植物--白菜、萝卜、菠菜、豚草和长春花,评价改良效果.结果发现:(1)通过施加降盐碱剂、阻盐碱剂及土壤孔隙剂,土壤的pH值和含盐量均有明显降低,下降幅度分别为pH:0.8~1.2、含盐量:0.2%~0.5%,而且表层改良效果优于深层;(2)在上述改良基础上施用表土成膜剂,使得土壤深层与表层盐碱运动减慢,即表层盐碱更低而深层更高,有利于保持表层适宜作物生长的条件;(3)2种聚合有机物比较来看,聚马来酸酐的改良效果好于聚丙烯酸;(4)从5种植物的生长状况来看,施用上述改良剂后较对照能够明显提高作物成活以及生长,特别是改良早期5种植物均呈现明显的生长趋势,而在后期存在生长力下降的趋势,因此,在大面积改良过程中需要考虑连续多次施加降盐碱剂以增强效果.  相似文献   

China has a large area of inland saline-alkali land, equivalent to 40% of the total cultivated land in the country. The principal features of these lands are high salt content, high pH, and poor soil structure with low water infiltration and poor drainage. These conditions effectively prevent the exploitation of such land for agriculture. In this study, we have compared 17 soil conditioning agents for their abilities to promote seed germination and growth under both laboratory and field conditions. One of these, Hydrolyzed Polymaleic Anhydride (HPMA), was identified as a highly effective agent for soil improvement. Laboratory germination experiments and laboratory and field cultivation of a variety of plants both showed that addition of HPMA could significantly increase the germination percentage and plant growth rate. Distinct from other Ca-carrier agents such as gypsum, HPMA increases the dissolution of CaCO3, which is abundant in the calcareous saline-alkali soils. This allows Ca2+ in soil solution to displace the over-abundant Na+ in the soil colloids. This process greatly improves soil properties such as the bulk density, which decreased, and the capillary soil rise height of water and soil water infiltration rate, which increased. Direct SEM and AFM imagery showed flocculent soil precipitation (soil aggregates) after HPMA addition, and a looser structure of those aggregates. The addition of HPMA also reduced the soil pH and EC. These changes in soil chemical and physical properties are a likely explanation for the soil improvement effected by HPMA. The high content of insoluble CaCO3 in saline-alkali land such as that in northeastern China (up to 13%) favors the further exploration of HPMA as an ameliorative agent.  相似文献   

细根作为植物与土壤连接的重要部位,能够反映植物对生存环境的适应性。以黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地不同立地条件下11个造林树种为对象,基于细根分支等级划分1-4级根序并进行解剖特征测定,分析细根解剖性状对滨海盐碱地不同土壤条件的响应规律。结果表明:(1)不同根序的细根直径存在显著差异,细根直径随根序升高呈增大趋势,而同根序的细根直径在不同树种间表现出显著的种间差异(P < 0.05)。1-2级细根皮层厚度、3-4级细根导管密度在树种间的差异均达显著水平(P < 0.05)。(2)在较为严重盐渍化土壤条件下(立地1),细根皮层厚度较其他立地显著增大,但细根导管密度较小;在轻度盐碱立地条件下(立地3),细根导管密度较大;较为严重的盐碱立地具有更为发达的细根直径及维管柱直径。(3)树种1-2级细根解剖结构与土壤环境关系最为密切,其中1级根直径与土壤pH值显著正相关(P < 0.05),与土壤硝态氮含量呈显著负相关(P < 0.05)。对土壤理化性质与细根解剖性状的冗余分析表明,前两个轴的特征值达0.640和0.196,土壤速效养分含量与轴一(RDA1)呈正相关,低级根解剖性状则与轴二(RDA2)呈显著负相关。低级根解剖结构以及土壤的pH值能解释较多树种的差异性,其中低级根直径与皮层厚度对盐碱环境表现出较强的响应。  相似文献   

Understanding the plant's functional traits is the first step for recognition of present patterns in plant vegetation, responding to environmental conditions and how they affect the environment. Capparis spinosa is one of the important medicinal, edible and marketable species which sparsely grows in large parts of Marl lands on semi-arid rangelands of East Azerbaijan province, Iran. Therefore, in addition to measuring plant traits (structural and biomass traits), ecological association of these traits with environmental factors were also studied in August 2016. For this purpose, vegetation cover studied through selecting four representative masses having different environmental properties within research grazing exclusion area and establishing sampling network inside the areas. So, for each mass, thirty 3m2 plots (1.5 × 2 m) with 30 m intervals from each other established along with three 300 m-long transect. A composite soil sample up to plant rooting depth was collected from each transect. Slope percent, aspect and elevation were recorded as topographical factors. Also, vegetation traits measured in 5 healthy plant stands in each mass. In order to study the association pattern of structural and biomass traits with environmental factors (soil and topography), according to calculated gradient length, the method of redundancy analysis (RDA) was used. Totally, on the spatial scale, the soil factors had a greater influence on structural and biomass traits than topographic factors. So that the percentage of clay, electrical conductivity, acidity, silt percentage and gypsum content had the greatest impact on biomass traits. Structural traits were also most affected by the percentage of clay, electrical conductivity, soil moisture content and amount of gypsum. By investigating the relationship between plant characteristics and environmental factors, the results of this research are applicable to preservation, rehabilitation and development of this species as a multi-purpose plant in pasture areas. Meanwhile, measured traits are the essential requirements for calculating the diversity of performance.  相似文献   

Soil salinization is detrimental to plant growth and yield in agroecosystems worldwide. Epichloë endophytes, a class of clavicipitaceous fungi, enhance the resistance of host plants to saline-alkali stress. This study explored the effects of the systemic fungal endophyte Epichloë coenophiala on the root microbial community and growth performance of tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) growing under different saline-alkali stress conditions. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was conducted to analyze the direct and indirect effects (mediated by root microbial community diversity and soil properties) of the endophyte on the growth of tall fescue under saline-alkali stress. The endophyte-infected plants produced higher shoot and root biomass compared to endophyte-free plants under saline-alkali stress (200 and 400 mM). Endophyte infection increased the fungal community diversity and altered its composition in the roots, decreasing the relative abundance of Ascomycota and increasing that of Glomeromycota. Furthermore, endophyte infection decreased the bacterial community diversity and the relative abundance of dominant Proteobacteria. SEM showed that endophyte infection increased the shoot and root biomass under saline-alkali stress (200 and 400 mM) by increasing the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal diversity in the roots, and soil total nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Therefore, it is important to examine aboveground microbes as factors influencing plant growth in saline-alkali stress by affecting belowground microbes and soil chemical properties.  相似文献   

Grapevine growth and production is limited in the Port Macquarie region by acidic subsoils and high exchangeable aluminium. Root growth is restricted to about 15 cm depth, and despite high growing season rainfall (920 mm, September to March) which exceeds predicted evapotranspiration for the period (400 mm), the vines suffer periodic water stress. Slotting is a technique of subsoil amelioration allowing thorough incorporation of lime to depth. Slots are 150 mm wide, and in this experiment were installed to 400 mm depth. The aim of slotting is to improve root growth in the subsoil, thus increasing plant access to water and nutrients previously inaccessible. The experiment was conducted in a Chardonnay vineyard planted in 1982. Lime was incorporated into the slots at about 2 t ha-1 with a further 8 t ha-1 spread on the surface, mixed and moved to form an undervine bank. Soil and root samples were taken in February, 1990. Slotting caused pHCaCl2 to increase from 4.3 to 5.0 to 400 mm depth. Associated with this was a more than ten-fold increase in root length density. The slotting technique gives the opportunity to improve dense, poorly drained acidic soils and make them suitable for horticulture production.  相似文献   

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