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垂蒴真藓原丝体发育特征的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
在室内培养垂蒴真藓(Bryum uliginosum)孢子的基础上,对其孢子萌发、原丝体发育及配子体发生的全过程进行了跟踪观察。结果表明:该种孢子萌发后直接产生绿丝体。而轴丝体和假根仅在绿丝体上产生;配子体原始细胞产生于绿丝体基部细胞或轴丝体上。由此可以看出:垂蒴真藓属于真藓型孢子萌发型(Bryum-type)。  相似文献   

为了解梨蒴珠藓(Bartramia pomiformis)孢子萌发和原丝体发育特征,在显微镜下观察室内人工培养的梨蒴珠藓单倍配子体发育过程。结果表明,梨蒴珠藓孢子吸水膨胀5 d后,开始破壁萌发,原丝体系统以丝状绿丝体为主,轴丝体在绿丝体上分化产生。培养22 d后,配子体在轴丝体细胞上分化产生。参照Nishida的标准,梨蒴珠藓孢子萌发类型为真藓型(Bryum-type)。这为梨蒴珠藓的人工扩繁提供了发育学基础资料。  相似文献   

波叶仙鹤藓的孢子培养及发育生物学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘保东  丛迎芝 《植物研究》2003,23(2):159-163,T005
首次成功地进行了人工条件下波叶仙鹤藓(Atrichum undulatum(Hedw.)P.Beauv)单细胞孢子的培养,并详细研究、拍摄了其植物体(配子体)形态发育的全过程。孢子无后熟或体眠期,3-4天即可萌发,萌发率可达95%以上;培养10天左右绿丝体系统、轴丝体系统及假根开始分化,约40天开始出现芽体原基,50天芽体陆续形成,80天左右植物体完成营养生长,开始性器发育。初生假根发育不良,基原细胞不分裂,由绿丝体产生轴丝体的方式复杂,轴丝体细胞分裂面有球形和斜向、横向三种,芽原基分化时,首先在轴丝体上产生光合能力很强的细胞群,其基部产生芽原基,芽原基的分化成功率仅有50%左右,芽体形成后,原丝体系统多枯萎或特化为假根。并就波叶仙鹤藓的形态发育、生理生态、生殖和进化等方面也进行了理论探讨。  相似文献   

中华缩叶藓孢子萌发与原丝体发育特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过室内人工培养中华缩叶藓的孢子,在光学显微镜下详细观察了其孢子萌发、原丝体发育及配子体发生的全过程.结果表明:中华缩叶藓的孢子在壁内萌发,随后分裂产生块状原丝体;块状原丝体上可产生两种丝状体,一种是具疣的棒状原丝体,另一种是由长圆柱状细胞组成的轴丝体;配子体原始细胞只产生于块状原丝体上.根据中华缩叶藓的孢子萌发和原丝体发育特征,并参照Nishida对藓类植物孢子萌发类型的划分,确定中华缩叶藓的萌发孢子型应属于缩叶藓型(Ptychomitrium-type).  相似文献   

为获取其孢子萌发类型与该属植物系统发育、生态选择以及生殖策略选择的相关性,该研究通过室内人工培养的方式,在微米量级下观察并描述了碎米藓属(Fabronia)碎米藓(F.pusilla)和东亚碎米藓(F.matsumurae)两种藓类植物孢子萌发、原丝体发育和配子体发生的过程。结果表明:(1)两种藓类植物孢子均为壁外萌发,均产生由1~15个半圆球形细胞组成的绿丝体(chloronema)短枝;(2)碎米藓在绿丝体顶端分化产生轴丝体细胞,东亚碎米藓未分化产生轴丝体(caulonema);(3)两种藓类植物配子体原始细胞均在绿丝体上分化产生。参照Nishida对藓类植物孢子萌发型划分标准,分析并确定了碎米藓属两种藓类植物孢子萌发型均为蓑藓型(Maromitrium-type),为碎米藓属的系统分类提供了发育学证据。  相似文献   

在人工培养大帽藓(Encalypta ciliata Hedw.)孢子的基础上,对其孢子萌发、原丝体发育及配子体发生的全过程进行了观察、描绘和照相。实验结果表明:在大帽藓的原丝体系统中主要包括两种成分,即:粗短的丝状绿丝体和细长的柳枝状轴丝体。丝状绿丝体一般由4~6个短粗柱状细胞组成;而轴丝体则是由多数细长柱形细胞构成,其上间隔分布有2~5个细胞组成的棒状体,初生假根有或者无。同时,还对大帽藓原丝体发育的特征进行了分析和讨论,初步确定大帽藓孢子萌发属于新的孢子萌发类型——大帽藓型(Encalypta-type)。  相似文献   

大帽藓(Encalypta ciliata Hedw.)原丝体发育特征的实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在人工培养大帽藓(Encalypta ciliata Hedw.)孢子的基础上,对其孢子萌发、原丝体发育及配子体发生的全过程进行行了观察、描绘和照相。实验结果表明:在大帽藓的原丝体系统中主要包括两种成分,即:粗短的丝状绿丝体和细长的柳枝状轴丝体。丝状绿丝体一般由4~6个短粗柱状细胞组成,而轴丝体则是由多数细长柱形细胞构成,其上间隔分布有2~5个细胞组成的棒状体,初生假根有或者无。同时,还对大帽藓原丝体发育的特征进行了分析和讨论,初步确定大帽藓孢子萌发属于新的孢子萌发类型——大帽藓型(Encalypta-type)。  相似文献   

尖叶拟船叶藓原丝体发育特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
将尖叶拟船叶藓[Dolichomitriopsis diversiformis(Mitt.)Nog.]孢子接种于Knop培养基上,置于恒温培养箱中培养,在光学显微镜下对其原丝体(protonema)发育特征进行了详细观察和记录。结果表明:孢子第2天就开始萌发,第6天时其萌发率达90%以上;原丝体系统由绿丝体(chloronema)和轴丝体(caulonema)构成,假根(rhizoides)产生于芽体基部,由轴丝体退化而成;配子枝原始细胞产生于绿丝体分枝的基部或轴丝体上的斜壁细胞;配子枝(game tophore)形成后其上各部位都可形成假根;孢子萌发类型为真藓型(Bryum-type)。  相似文献   

该研究以疣壶藓尖叶变种(Gymnostomiella vernicosa var.acuminata)为实验材料,在人工培养条件下观察并记录其芽胞产生及脱落过程,以揭示该分类群及相关类群的芽胞形成过程和机制,为疣壶藓尖叶变种的分类提供参考性特征指标,明确苔藓植物芽胞的进化和生态学意义。结果显示,疣壶藓尖叶变种的芽胞形成过程划分为3个阶段:(1)茎表皮细胞的外切向壁局部向外隆起,外突的疣壶藓尖叶变种表皮细胞富含叶绿体,可进行光合作用。(2)芽胞起始细胞横向分裂,形成一个基细胞和一个顶细胞;基细胞经数次横向分裂,下部形成柄状结构,上部的细胞常呈喇叭形的“柄托”;顶细胞经多方向细胞分裂,形成椭球状至圆球状芽胞体,形成初期为富含叶绿体的厚壁细胞,成熟后叶绿体数目逐渐减少,最终变成深棕色至红棕色。(3)由薄壁的柄细胞随机破损使芽胞从母株上脱落。研究表明,在无法预测的多变栖息环境中,相对于有较高的能量、遗传和生态消耗的有性生殖,疣壶藓尖叶变种产生芽胞是一种风险分担策略,可以提高生存几率和有效利用资源,可视为一种扩大和维持种群的有效途径。  相似文献   

中国丛藓科的新变种及新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贾学乙  高谦 《植物研究》1995,15(1):53-54
本文发表了中国丛藓科一新变种, 侧立藓粗台变种Pleuroweisias chliephackei Limpr. Var apophysis Gao et X. Y. Jia, var. nov. 和一新记录种, 芽胞扭口藓Barbula horrinervisSaito.  相似文献   

芽胞杯是地钱属特有的无性繁殖器官,关于其冬季形态特征及繁殖传播的行为研究较少。现以贵州喀斯特山区常见的粗裂地钱风兜亚种(Marchantia paleacea subsp.diptera)为代表,在最冷的冬季1月份,对其芽胞杯、杯内芽胞产量及传播方式进行野外定点观察和采样分析。结果显示:(1)冬季芽胞杯形态多样。根据其颜色和杯内芽胞特点将其划分为4个生长时期:未成熟期(透明)、成熟期(绿色)、衰退期(紫色)和衰亡期(紫黑色),反映了冬季芽胞杯生长发育的不同阶段。(2)各生长时期的芽胞杯数量不同,表现出有序的凋亡特征。在统计的708个芽胞杯中,4个时期芽胞杯数量分别为62、209、254和183个,且不同时期的芽胞杯内芽胞的平均产量明显不同,不同时期单杯芽胞的平均产量分别为42、131、87和0 个;(3)冬季芽胞杯及芽胞在配子体上的密度较高,每平方米分别达到10 139和754 889个;(4)除春夏季常见的被雨滴敲打传播外,通过重力作用传播是冬季芽胞的一种重要传播方式。冬季粗裂地钱风兜亚种配子体上的芽胞杯处在不同的生长时期,形成的芽胞仍十分丰富,这对该物种适应喀斯特山区最冷月严苛环境条件具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

The development and release of the unique vegetative propagules of the freshwater encrusting alga Hildenbrandia angolensis Welwitsch ex West et West, gemmae, were studied using several different microscopic and histochemical techniques. In addition, the seasonality of gemma production was monitored bimonthly over a 12‐month period in two spring‐fed streams in Texas, USA. Gemmae differentiate within the thallus and are subsequently released from the surface of the crust. Release of the gemmae most likely occurs by digestion of surrounding cells, as suggested by the presence of starch granules and lipid globules in the region between the released gemma and the thallus. The initial separation of the gemmae from the thallus occurs from the sides of the gemma or the bottom, or possibly simultaneously. Contrary to previous studies, we have observed that gemma production occurs endogenously within the thallus of freshwater Hildenbrandia, rather than on the surface of the crust in raised structures. Histochemical tests and electron microscopic examination indicate that the cells of the gemmae contain a large amount of floridean starch. The starch granules frequently form rings surrounding the nuclei of both gemma and thallus cells; a feature infrequently reported for florideophyte red algae. Our seasonality investigations indicate that large fluctuations in gemma production occur over 1 year, but at least some gemma production continues year‐round in the streams examined.  相似文献   

The gravitropism of caulonemata of Pottia intermedia is described and compared with that of other mosses. Spore germination produces primary protonemata including caulonemata which give rise to buds that form the leafy moss plant, the gametophore. Primary caulonemata are negatively gravitropic but their growth and the number of filaments are limited in the dark. Axenic culture of gametophores results in the production of secondary caulonemata that usually arise near the leaf base. Secondary protonemata that form in the light are agravitropic. Secondary caulonemata that form when gametophores are placed in the dark for several days show strong negative gravitropism and grow well in the dark. When upright caulonemata are reorientated to the horizontal or are inverted, upward bending can be detected after 1 h and caulonemata reach the vertical within 1-2 d. Clear amyloplast sedimentation occurs 10-15 minutes after horizontal placement and before the start of upward curvature. This sedimentation takes place in a sub-apical zone. Amyloplast sedimentation also takes place along the length of upright and inverted Pottia protonemata. These results support the hypothesis that amyloplast sedimentation functions in gravitropic sensing since sedimentation occurs before gravitropism in Pottia and since the location and presence of a unique sedimentation zone is conserved in all four mosses known to gravitropic protonomata.  相似文献   

The filamentous gametophyte of the moss Physcomitrella patens consists of two filament types called chloronemata and caulonemata. Chloronemal cells are photosynthetically active with numerous chloroplasts, while caulonemata help to spread the colony by radial growth. The balance between the two filament types is affected by external factors such as light and plant hormones. In the present study, caulonema formation and chloronemal branching have been monitored during high and low light conditions and in the presence of glucose, auxin, or cytokinin. These experiments were performed both in a wild-type strain and in a hxk1 knockout mutant which lacks the major hexokinase of Physcomitrella. It was found that caulonema formation is induced by high energy conditions such as high light and external glucose, while chloronemal branching is stimulated by low energy conditions such as reduced light, and in the hxk1 mutant. The hxk1 mutation also causes buds to appear on chloronemal filaments, which is rarely seen in the wild type, and shows increased sensitivity to cytokinin and abscisic acid. Based on these findings a model is proposed in which the energy supply of the moss colony regulates the balance between chloronemal and caulonemal growth.  相似文献   

Gametophytes of Vittaria graminifolia reproduce vegetatively by means of gemmae. Each gemma consists of a linear array of six cells: four body cells and a knob-shaped terminal cell at each end. When gemmae are shed from the gametophyte onto Knop's mineral medium, the two terminal cells do not divide, but elongate to form primary rhizoids. The body cells undergo asymmetric cell division, and the smaller daughter cells differentiate into either secondary rhizoids or prothalli. When gibberellic acid is included in the medium, antheridia are formed as a result of asymmetric cell division instead of vegetative structures. We studied the effect of Ca2+ on asymmetric cell division, rhizoid elongation, and antheridium formation in gemmae cultured on Knop's mineral medium and variations of Knop's medium. Ca2+ inhibited the onset of cell division and rhizoid elongation, but was required for differentiation of antheridia. Treatments which lowered the Ca2+ content of gemmae (EGTA and dilute HCl extraction, culture on verapamil-containing and Ca2+-deficient medium) caused an early onset of cell division and rhizoid elongation. The stimulation of growth was most pronounced when gemmae were deprived of Ca2+ during the first 24 hr of culture. The proportion of cell divisions which differentiated into antheridia in response to GA was greatly reduced when the Ca2+ status of gemmae was lowered with verapamil and Ca2+-EGTA buffers.  相似文献   

The plant hormone cytokinin stimulates target caulonemata of Funaria to form buds that develop into the leafy gametophyte. Previous reports have shown that increases in intracellular Ca2+ occur during hormone-activated budding concomitant with an alteration in the polarity of the organelles in the bud site. In order to ascertain the involvement of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels in this phenomenon, we have employed dihydropyridines (DHP), compounds noted for their ability to alter Ca2+ flux through potential-sensitive channels. Addition of the DHP agonists (+)202-791 and CGP 28392 (100 micromolar) induces bud initials on every target cell including the tip cell. Application of the DHP antagonist (−)202-791, in the presence of cytokinin (1 micromolar benzyladenine), inhibits budding 96%. Similarly, nifedipine blocks cytokinin-induced budding 87% and its effect on budding can be inactivated with a pulse of ultraviolet light. These results are consistent with the idea that cytokinin induces the budding response by increasing Ca2+ entry through voltage-operated channels. We suggest that cytokinin activation of Ca2+ channels is the first action of the hormone and that subsequent cytokinin-induced mechanisms are operating to maintain budding, since DHP-induced initials rarely develop into complete buds.  相似文献   

为了解濒危兰科植物小叶兜兰(Paphiopedilum barbigerum Tang et Wang)胚珠和雌配子体的发育过程,采用常规石蜡切片技术对其果实的生长动态进行了研究。结果表明,授粉后60~75 d的蒴果内种子数量迅速增加,到授粉后120 d时种子充满整个蒴果。授粉后40 d的胎座上分化形成多数由1层表皮细胞包被1列细胞的胚珠原基;授粉后60 d时位于胎座指状结构末端处紧靠表皮细胞下方的孢原细胞分化为大孢子母细胞。之后,大孢子母细胞经过减数分裂和有丝分裂最终形成成熟胚囊;授粉后135 d胚囊发育成熟,附着在胎座上的种子个体分化明显。小叶兜兰胚囊的发育类型为双孢子葱型,胚珠为倒生胚珠,薄珠心,单珠被,成熟胚囊为8核。这为小叶兜兰的生殖生物学及繁殖体系的建立提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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