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布氏田鼠标志种群的社群等级及其季节变化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在内蒙古锡林郭勒地区,通过标志重捕、染色标记和直接观测法对布氏田鼠社群等级的季节变化进行了研究。结果表明:在繁殖季节,布氏田鼠洞群内存在明显的社群等级。越冬雄鼠在社群内社群序位最高,其次是越冬雌鼠、当年成体雌鼠、当年成体雄鼠,亚成体鼠和幼鼠的社群地位最低。在繁殖末期,越冬雄鼠的地位明显下降,而当年成体雄鼠的等级序位逐渐上升。在繁殖季节,当年雄鼠在洞群中的等级序位依然很低,很少能有机会进行有效的交配,有效交配主要由越冬雄鼠来完成,因而越冬雄鼠对种群繁殖的贡献较大。本实验倾向于支持该鼠的婚配制度为一雄多雌制的观点。  相似文献   

利用监控录像以及特定行为记录的方法,研究了雄性等级对布氏田鼠气味选择和个体选择的影响。结果表明不论是气味选择还是个体选择,雌鼠动情状态不影响对雄鼠的选择频次,但是动情雌鼠在自我修饰行为频次上高于非动情雌鼠。此外,在气味和个体选择的优先权方面,动情雌鼠更多的优先选择优势雄鼠的气味和个体并与之交配,而非动情雌鼠更多的先选择从属雄鼠的气味和个体。总之,不论是气味选择还是个体选择,布氏田鼠不仅受到被选择雄鼠的地位影响,还与雌鼠的生理状态有关。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠标志种群的繁殖参数   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
采用标志重捕和染色观测法跟踪了内蒙古典型草原区布氏田鼠野外种群,按绝对时间年龄研究其种群繁殖参数。结果3表明:4-5月份出生的雄鼠能在当年达到性成熟,性成熟发育历期约为1.5个月,6月后出生的雄鼠当年达不到性成熟。在达到性成熟的当年雄鼠中,多数个体再度转入性休止期,其平均繁殖结束时间要林越冬雄鼠早1个月,而越冬雄鼠则在整个繁殖期保持性活动状态。雌鼠性成熟发育历期约为1个月,首次产仔时间约为2月龄。雌鼠在一年中的产仔窝数与其年龄有关;越冬鼠能产3-4窝,4月份出生的雌鼠能产2-3窝,5月份出生的雌鼠当年能产1-2窝,6月份出生的雌鼠能产0-1窝,7月份之后出生雌鼠当年不参加繁殖,在自然条件下,布氏田鼠一年中最多能产4窝。  相似文献   

成年布氏田鼠对个体气味信号的识别与记忆   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
林琳  张立 《兽类学报》2005,25(1):52-56
将配对饲养的成年雌雄布氏田鼠分离, 通过分开单独饲养12 h , 1 d、2 d、3 d、5 d 和7 d 后雌、雄鼠对原配偶异性和陌生异性气味信号的选择实验, 探讨布氏田鼠对气味信号的识别和记忆。实验表明: 在分离12 h 和1 d 后, 雄鼠对陌生雌性气味的选择和探究行为显著多于对熟悉雌鼠气味, 而雌鼠对两种气味并未表现显著的探究差异; 布氏田鼠对气味信号的记忆维持的强度和时间随个体不同而产生差异, 雄鼠在分离后12 h、1d、2 d 中对陌生雌鼠气味均表现出差异明显的探究行为, 而后, 各项探究行为的差异均不明显。雌鼠探究行为变化比较缓慢。据此推测雄鼠对气味的记忆维持在2 d 左右。  相似文献   

王大伟  丛林  王宇  刘晓辉 《生态学报》2010,30(13):3562-3568
在繁殖季节(6月份)和非繁殖季节(10月份),采集了内蒙古自治区阿尔善宝力格地区的布氏田鼠样本,比较其种群参数与生理指标,探讨了布氏田鼠社群结构和生理特征的季节性差异,并分析了原因。结果表明,布氏田鼠的年龄组成和性比存在明显的季节差异:繁殖季节洞口系数小,种群性比接近1,主要由当年新生鼠和越冬鼠组成;非繁殖季节洞口系数大,种群性比偏雄,主要由当年新生鼠组成。繁殖器官在繁殖季节显著大于非繁殖季节,保持了更高活性。非繁殖季节个体的胴重比更高,且雄鼠高于雌鼠,表明非繁殖季节个体和雄鼠具有更好的营养状态;同时,非繁殖季节个体具有更小的肾上腺和更大的脾脏,说明非繁殖季节中的布氏田鼠表现出更低的应激状态和更强的免疫能力。这些研究结果表明,布氏田鼠的种群参数和生理特点具有明显的季节性特点,这与不同季节中布氏田鼠采取的生存策略有着紧密联系。  相似文献   

在繁殖季节(6月份)和非繁殖季节(10月份),采集了内蒙古自治区阿尔善宝力格地区的布氏田鼠样本,比较其种群参数与生理指标,探讨了布氏田鼠社群结构和生理特征的季节性差异,并分析了原因。结果表明,布氏田鼠的年龄组成和性比存在明显的季节差异:繁殖季节洞口系数小,种群性比接近1,主要由当年新生鼠和越冬鼠组成;非繁殖季节洞口系数大,种群性比偏雄,主要由当年新生鼠组成。繁殖器官在繁殖季节显著大于非繁殖季节,保持了更高活性。非繁殖季节个体的胴重比更高,且雄鼠高于雌鼠,表明非繁殖季节个体和雄鼠具有更好的营养状态;同时,非繁殖季节个体具有更小的肾上腺和更大的脾脏,说明非繁殖季节中的布氏田鼠表现出更低的应激状态和更强的免疫能力。这些研究结果表明,布氏田鼠的种群参数和生理特点具有明显的季节性特点,这与不同季节中布氏田鼠采取的生存策略有着紧密联系。  相似文献   

啮齿动物的社会识别包括对化学信号的辨别、学习和记忆。田鼠属动物雌雄成年个体共居一定时间后,可以利用气味信号来识别配偶。本研究将成年雌雄布氏田鼠配对饲养12 h、18 h、24 h,确认发生交配行为形成配对关系后,分开单独饲养6 h,取配偶雄鼠和陌生雄鼠巢垫物作为个体气味,在气味选择箱中观察雌鼠对配偶雄鼠和陌生雄鼠气味信号的探究和选择行为,从而探讨不同共居时间雌性布氏田鼠对配偶气味信号的识别与记忆的影响。研究结果表明:共居时间影响雌性布氏田鼠对配偶气味的识别与记忆;共居时间越长,雌鼠在气味探究和选择时间上对配偶气味偏好越明显;共居24 h 后,雌性布氏田鼠能够识别出配偶雄鼠的气味信号并形成记忆,这样的记忆维持时间至少是6 h。  相似文献   

不育雄性对布氏田鼠气味选择和个体选择的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张建军  梁虹  张知彬 《兽类学报》2003,23(3):225-229
在Y型迷宫中进行了动情雌性布氏田鼠对结扎不育雄鼠及正常雄鼠气味和个体的选择实验。气味选择实验以动物的巢垫物为气味源,个体选择直接采用结扎雄性和正常雄性作为被选择个体。记录雌性布氏田鼠对选择源的选择频次以及停留时间。结果表明,无论在气味选择或是个体选择中,动情雌性布氏田鼠在选择频次和停留时间上都具有显的正相关性,而且都没有明显表现出对某—气味或个体选择上的偏好。激素测定结扎不育后雄鼠血清中的睾酮和皮质醇含量有听升高.但这种变化没有对雌性布氏田鼠的选择产生影响。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠洞群内社群结构变动与序位的研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
本文通过野外标志流放和实验室观察,研究了洞群内布氏田鼠社群结构的变动及其序位作用。该鼠社群结构变动有明显的季节性。繁殖期为变动期, 贮草期为稳定期。变动期在繁殖前期和繁殖盛期形成2个变动高峰。前者主要是成体(包括老体) 雄鼠的迁移, 后者迁移主体是亚成体鼠。贮草期间洞群成员相对稳定, 迁移减少。社群序位表现为2~3 个等级,即优势鼠、次优势鼠和从属鼠。优势鼠以老体雌鼠为多。繁殖期, 50%以上的从属鼠在陌生鼠群中提高了序位, 30%优势鼠可在陌生鼠中保持高序位。非繁殖期, 进入陌生群后鼠间争斗激烈, 获得优势的比例明显降低。  相似文献   

光周期对雄性布氏田鼠种内个体气味辨别的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
张立  房继明  孙儒泳 《兽类学报》2004,24(4):304-310
本文研究了成年雄性布氏田鼠对不同光照周期下(长光照: LD; 短光照: SD) 的陌生雌鼠和陌生雄鼠气味的行为表现。实验发现: 所有被试雄鼠对LD 雄鼠、雌鼠气味比SD 雄鼠、雌鼠气味有更多的社会探究行为。LD 雄鼠比SD 雄鼠对同性或异性陌生个体气味的嗅闻和挖掘行为要多, 而且差异显著。在探究LD 动情雌鼠气味源时, LD 雄鼠比SD 雄鼠表现出更多的嗅闻和挖掘行为; 在探究SD 动情雌鼠气味源时, LD 和SD 雄鼠的行为反应没有明显差别。所有被试雄鼠在LD 雄鼠气味源箱中的停留时间都显著多于在SD 雄鼠气味源箱中的停留时间。LD 雄鼠在LD 雌鼠气味源箱中的停留时间显著多于在SD 雌鼠气味源箱中的停留时间; 而SD 雄鼠在LD 和SD 雌鼠气味源箱中的进入频次和停留时间没有明显差别。同时, LD 雄鼠对LD 动情雌鼠的气味在嗅闻频次和嗅闻时间上多于非动情LD 雌鼠, 而对SD 动情和非动情雌鼠的气味没有表现出明显的偏好; SD 雄鼠对LD 和SD 动情雌鼠的嗅闻行为仅在频次上显著多于对非动情雌鼠的嗅闻, 而在时间上没有显著差别。结果表明: 布氏田鼠嗅觉通讯中的个体气味及其对气味进行辨别过程中的行为反应都随着光照周期的不同而发生变化。动物的个体气味带有季节性信息, 来源于长光照下的气味比短光照下的气味更具有性吸引; 短光照在一定程度上可能抑制了雌鼠的动情和雄鼠的性行为反应。其嗅觉通讯行为的适应意义可能在于: 减少秋季短日照环境下的繁殖活动, 提高雄性个体之间的社会容忍性以利于集群越冬。  相似文献   

A captive group of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). consisting of one adult male and three adult females, was observed for 88 hr during the 1988 mating season. We focused on the group's sexual activities because understanding how social dynamics affect reproductive behavior may enhance our ability to establish self-sustaining captive populations. The adult male exhibited distinct preferences in copulation partners, although all females were receptive and cycled during the study period. The dominant female participated in the most copulations and successfully harassed and disrupted copulations between the male and the other females. The alpha female, therefore, actively constrained the formation of mating pairs. Further, the male did not consort with his year-round female grooming partner. This female, the least dominant member of the group, engaged in the most autosexual and homosexual behavior. Birth season data show that only the dominant female bore offspring. This study emphasizes the influence of social dynamics on a group's reproductive potential and suggests an alternative means by which females can influence consort formation.  相似文献   

银狐气味对根田鼠繁殖和觅食的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
在实验室条件下, 主要测定银狐的气味对根田鼠社会行为、觅食、繁殖特征及性激素水平的影响, 并探讨银狐气味使根田鼠产生繁殖迟滞的机制。结果表明, 银狐气味对82 %的配对根田鼠产生显著的繁殖迟滞, 对根田鼠一般动作、探究、自我修饰及婚配行为的频次具有显著的抑制作用( P < 0105) 。对各种行为累积时间的作用则产生明显的性别差异, 银狐气味可提高雄体及雌体一般动作及雌体亲密行为的累积时间; 对雄体自我修饰行为, 以及雌体攻击、探究及自我修饰行为的累积时间有显著的降低作用( P < 0105) 。雄体附睾精子计数、雌体卵巢指数及胚胎重量极显著地减低( P < 0101) , 相应地, 雌体血清孕酮显著地提高( P< 0101) 。  相似文献   

根田鼠的熟悉性及其自然动情下的配偶选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了在室内雌鼠自然动情条件下根田鼠两性个体配偶选择的3种熟悉性效应的5组实验结果,包括雌性对熟悉和陌生雄鼠、配偶和陌生雄鼠、配偶和熟悉雄鼠的择偶行为实验 , 雄性对熟悉和陌生雌鼠、配偶和陌生雌鼠的择偶行为实验。在实验前, 将1对性成熟的雌雄鼠 (非亲缘关系) 每天关养8 h 共8 d 建立熟悉性; 配对雌雄鼠至少生育1胎则为配偶关系。在 Y 形迷宫内的30 min 实验中, 两个被选择鼠分别以项链拴在横跨选择箱顶端中央的一根铁丝上, 限制它们在各自箱内活动; 而允许异性选择鼠从中立箱自由进入两个选择箱。记录选择鼠对异性被选择鼠的访问、社会探究、攻击、交配和友好行为的频次和时间。经Wilcoxon 关联样本 T 检验发现, 除交配行为不显著外, 雌性根田鼠均选择熟悉性较高的雄鼠; 而雄鼠不具这种选择性。该结果提示雌雄根田鼠的不同择偶行为也许就是反映该种婚配制度特征的直接行为过程。因此, 在择偶行为中, 雌性根田鼠表现的单配性倾向和雄鼠的多配性倾向, 只能以其婚配制度为一雄多雌制的假设来解释。我们的实验还说明在多配制田鼠中, 一雄多雌制与混交制在雌鼠择偶行为上是不同的, 而与单配制的相似或相近, 故简单地比较多配制与单配制则不能反映田鼠亚科动物婚配制度的多样性。  相似文献   

We analyzed the social interactions and behavior of adult males from a group of black-tufted-ear marmosets (Callithrix penicillata) to determine their roles and hierarchy in the group and how their behavior fits within the predictions of monogamic or polyandric mating systems in callitrichines. We monitored 1 group of marmosets from February to October 2005 in central Brazil. We conducted focal subject samples with 20 predetermined behaviors for adult and subadult males and registered all occurrences of agonistic behavior, affiliative behavior, copulations, and alarm vocalizations. Moreover, we recorded the height in the vegetation and proximity to other individuals by the focal subject. Males exhibited no clear dominance hierarchy based on either behavioral data or patterns of scent marking. Copulation and grooming patterns showed a social bond between 1 of the males and the dominant female, suggesting him as the group’s putative breeding male, with no apparent competition for the position. There was no difference regarding other behaviors— alarm vocalization, infant carrying, and play—or the use of different vegetation strata among the males, and no indication of a specific role by the putative breeding male or any other male in the group. The presence of multiple males in marmoset groups and the behavioral profile generated in the current study suggest a mating system compatible with monogamy with helpers-at-the-nest structure.  相似文献   

During the breeding season, the reproductive condition of female mammals changes. Females may or may not be sexually receptive. We conducted a series of experiments to determine whether reproductive condition of female meadow voles affects their scent marking behavior as well as the scent marking behavior of male conspecifics. In expt 1, females in postpartum estrus (PPE females) deposited more scent marks than females that were neither pregnant nor lactating (REF females) or ovariectomized females (OVX females). In expt 2, male voles scent marked more and deposited more over‐marks in areas marked by PPE females than by REF and OVX females. In expt 3, PPE females deposited more scent marks and over‐marks in areas marked by males than did females in the other reproductive states. The results of these experiments showed that male and female voles may vary in the number, type and location of scent marks they deposit in areas scented by particular conspecifics.  相似文献   

Adult female offspring of dams exposed to gestational stress (prenatal stress, PNS) may show altered reproductive behavior, exploration in novel environments, and/or social interactions than do their non-PNS counterparts. These behavioral differences may be more readily observed in a seminatural, paced mating paradigm, in which females have greater control of their sexual contacts, than in a standard mating situation. Adult offspring of dams exposed to restraint and lights for 45 min on Gestational Days 14-20 (PNS) were compared with those not subjected to stress (non-PNS, control condition). The motor, reproductive, and sociosexual behaviors of hormone-primed (Experiment 1) or cycling adult offspring in behavioral estrus (Experiment 2) were examined following 20 min of restraint stress under bright lights (postnatal stress). Hormone-primed PNS rats displayed less motor behavior in a novel arena than did non-PNS rats. In a standard mating test, hormone-primed PNS females tended to be more aggressive toward the male than were non-PNS rats. In a seminatural mating situation, hormone-primed PNS females showed increased avoidance behavior, such as longer latencies to the initial intromission, greater return latencies following mounts and intromissions, and more exiting subsequent to mounts and intromissions, than did non-PNS rats. PNS rats in behavioral estrus had decreased incidence and intensity of lordosis, and fewer solicitation behaviors, in both standard or paced mating situations, in which latency to and number of mounts were also increased. Thus, hormone-primed PNS rats exposed to restraint showed more avoidance behaviors in paced mating situations, while cycling PNS rats in behavioral estrus had greater disruption of reproductive responses in standard or paced mating paradigms than did non-PNS control rats.  相似文献   

Assortative mating is non-random mating by the mutual choice of phenotypes or behavioral types. In polygynandrous species, competition for mating by social rank can lead to assortative mating. However, although not an individual trait, social bonds also influence mating opportunities resembling assortative mating. Stump-tailed macaques form long-term close bonds and organize in a linear dominance–subordination hierarchy. Therefore, we studied whether the strength of the social bond and rank closeness influenced mating decisions and increased mating opportunities, particularly for low- and middle-ranking animals. Firstly, we observed whether females directed proceptive behavior to close-bonded or adjacent rank males. Secondly, we measured whether successful copulations were related to the strength of social bonds and close ranking. Thirdly, to ensure that copulations owed mainly to the aforementioned factors, we also evaluated whether sexual coercion was unrelated to social bonds and rank similarities. Finally, we assessed whether close bonds mediated agonistic support to females. The study subjects were 12 adult female and 11 male captive stump-tailed macaques. We monitored daily females' reproductive status by vaginal cytology. Sexual behavior was recorded by all occurrences sampling and scan sampling to collect the agonistic and affiliative instances required to calculate social ranks, social bond strength, and agonistic support. The results indicated that the probability of females displaying proceptivity increased during the follicular phase toward close-bonded and high-ranking males. Copulation chances increased with male–female social bonds and rank closeness. Forced copulation decreased in close-bonded individuals, while agonistic support increased in close-ranking strong-bonded animals. In conclusion, close social bonds and similar social rank result in non-random mating in stump-tailed macaques.  相似文献   

Females can adjust their reproductive effort in relation to their partner’s perceived fitness value. In zebrafish (Danio rerio), large males are typically preferred mating partners. However, females have been observed to reduce their reproductive output with exceptionally large males but it remains unknown whether it is due to sexual harassment or aggressive behavior to establish and maintain dominance. Here, we study the association between relative male size, sexual harassment and dominance behavior, female stress status (stress behaviors and whole-body cortisol concentration), and reproductive success during a 4 day spawning trial. We found female cortisol to correlate negatively with female body size and positively with female dominance behavior. However, male and female behavior as well as female cortisol level were not related to relative male size. Females mating with relatively large males produced more and most of their eggs during the first spawning day, while females with smaller males produced few eggs during the first day but then increased egg production. Despite females produced more eggs when mating with relatively larger males, their eggs had substantially lower fertilization rates compared to females mating with relatively smaller males. Hence, overall, the reproductive fitness was lowest when females mated with a relatively large male. These findings could help to explain the maintenance of male size variation under natural conditions.  相似文献   

Developmental changes in the reproductive behavior and physiology of 9 male and 15 female juvenile squirrel monkeys were evaluated in a 20-month study. Plasma levels of gonadal steroids remained relatively low for this species until most animals reached puberty between 2.5 and 3 years of age. Longitudinal assessment of plasma progesterone levels indicated that the onset of ovarian cycles tended to be synchronized between females although the 5 heaviest females began to cycle earlier than the rest. The heavier females reached puberty at a time which was appropriate to their birth in the wild, whereas most of the remaining females conceived 6 months later during a second period of reproductive activity that coincided with the laboratory mating season. Pubescent males underwent their first seasonal elevation in plasma testosterone levels during the second period and its onset was synchronized across all males. Thus, even in the absence of adults, pubertal processes in the squirrel monkey were strongly influenced by the seasonal breeding pattern. In addition, behavioral observations revealed that social maturation closely parallels reproductive ability in females, whereas males enter a protracted subadult stage after puberty.  相似文献   

Female common voles can breed in small groups or in isolation. Given the option, will isolated females opt for communal breeding with unrelated females and a probable low reproductive bias, or will they remain isolated, forgoing the advantages of group living? This laboratory work examined the response of two unrelated females to a foreign male in order to determine their social and breeding strategies. Before encountering a male, 70% of the females lived communally and 30% were solitary with a dominance hierarchy. In the presence of the male, only 33% of the females were still associated and lived with the male in a communal nest. In the other triads, only the oldest female lived with the male and she dominated the younger female. Although all animals were then experimentally separated to avoid late abortion due to social stress or infanticide, in 89% of the dyads only one female littered. This breeding suppression happened in hierarchic dyads but also in tolerant ones. This laboratory study on the social influence on reproduction showed that breeding suppression can occur in unrelated female common voles even when they are not closely grouped. It suggests that cooperative breeding between unrelated females should remain rare.  相似文献   

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