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古树是指树龄在100年以上,因受人类文化影响而保存下来的自然资源,被誉为“绿色文物”,是学者研究区域植被和民族文化变迁的重要依据。为探讨城镇化发展对区域古树遗留特征的影响,并探明城镇化发展、民族文化与古树遗留三者之间的关系,以期建立从少数民族文化传承角度出发的古树保护方案。该文以云南省彝族的主要聚居地楚雄市坝区为研究对象,对形成城镇化水平梯度的7个乡镇开展古树资源调查。结果表明:(1)楚雄市坝区有古树16科22属26种301株,其中黄连木、侧柏和云南山茶古树合计超过总数的75%。(2)城镇化率最高的鹿城镇、东瓜镇以及城镇化率最低的子午镇古树物种多样性在楚雄坝区的7个镇中都较高,但聚集分布于寺庙、学校和公园。(3)鹿城镇和东瓜镇的物种组成和空间分布展现出外来文化影响特征,子午镇则保留了更多的彝族“神树林”原生植被。(4)彝族人口占比高的乡镇并未拥有更高的古树多样性或遗留更多的传统“神木”。综上认为,在城镇化发展过程中,少数民族文化面临逐步丢失的困境,研究古树的组成和空间分布特征对于加强古树保护与提升民族文化传承具有重要意义。  相似文献   

神山森林文化传统的生态伦理学意义   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
在云南山地民族的传统文化里 ,对绿的图腾和对树的崇拜无处不在 ,神山森林传统已经成为一种生态文化传统 ,几乎所有的民族都会在自己居住的村寨附近选一片葱绿茂密的山林作为自己的风水林或水源林 ,有的甚至作为神山森林顶礼膜拜 ,严禁任何人砍伐和破坏。村寨和神山上的参天古树也往往成为神树和村寨的标记加以崇拜和保护。我们把山地民族这种文化传统称为神山森林文化传统。这是一种朴素的生态伦理观 ,体现一种敬畏生命的生态伦理学 ,有着深刻的自然保护意义。1 神山森林文化的生态学内涵及生态学意义文化 ,是人类对环境的一种社会生态适…  相似文献   

目的:分析松属古树名木生长状况与生态敏感性之间的关系,旨在为松属古树名木保护提供参考依据。方法:以龙泉市范围内生长良好的松属古树名木为研究对象,基于层次分析法(AHP)选取了自然和人为活动两个方面7个评价因子,建立生态敏感性评价体系,进而分析不同生态敏感性区域内松属古树名木生长状况的差异性以及生长状况与生态敏感性评价因子之间的相关性。结果:龙泉市范围内较高敏感性区域的面积占比最大,为82.54%;松属古树名木的胸径、树高和平均冠幅在不同生态敏感性等级上均存在显著或极显著差异;松属古树名木的胸径、树高和平均冠幅与生态敏感性评价因子之间存在显著或极显著的负相关关系;各评价因子按影响程度大小排序为:坡度>海拔>人口密度>用地类型>水系距离>坡向>NDVI。结论:生态敏感性对松属古树名木生长状况具有显著影响,开展松属古树名木保护时,应充分考虑其影响情况。  相似文献   

浅谈古树名木   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
古树名木是悠久历史的见证 ,也是社会文明程度的标志。生物学家说 :1棵古树就是 1个基因库 ;考古学家说 :1棵古树就是 1个活的古董 ;历史学家说 :1棵古树就是 1部史书。且不说专家怎么去评述古树名木 ,但古树名木对人类研究古自然史的重要价值却是一个不争的事实。考虑到古树名木有其特殊的内涵和价值 ,本文从古树名木的标准、保护和复壮 3个方面来略述对古树名木的浅见。1 古树名木的标准原国家城乡建设部在广泛调查取证、搜集资料和征求专家意见的基础上 ,规定树龄在 10 0年以上的树木都可称为古树。与古树相比 ,名木标准的外延要广得多 …  相似文献   

生物文化多样性研究进展   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
毛舒欣  沈园  邓红兵 《生态学报》2017,37(24):8179-8186
生物文化多样性包括生物多样性、文化多样性和二者之间的复杂联系,是保持自然界和人类社会健康的基础。由于其内涵丰富、涉及学科众多、研究内容广泛,在研究时把握研究对象及相应尺度尤为重要。生物多样性和文化多样性通过自然和社会的各种因素紧密连接在一起,表现为空间上的重合、共同的进化过程以及受到共同的威胁。对生物多样性和文化多样性进行共同保护是减缓生物多样性丧失和保护传统文化的有效途径。主要从生物多样性和文化多样性的关系、传统生态知识、文化景观等三大方面对相关研究进行了梳理,并指出了主要发展趋势。我国学者在生物文化多样性研究的一些领域做出了富有特色和价值的工作,但在保持我国优势和特色领域发展的同时,还需紧跟国际热点和趋势,在机制与系统分析、生物文化多样性的环境影响、生物文化多样性的保护与管理等方面加强研究。  相似文献   

曹丽荣 《四川动物》2011,30(2):288-292
野生动物资源兼具经济、生态、文化和社会等价值,保护野生动物资源不仅有利于维持生态平衡,而且是保护人类自身生存和经济社会可持续发展不可缺少的资源.保护野生动物资源已成为全球关注的重要问题.本文梳理了我国目前有关野生动物资源保护的相关法律规定,同时对完善我国野生动物资源保护的法律问题进行了初步探讨,提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

民族植物学—社会及文化价值初探   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
简要介绍民族植物学的性质、研究现况及其在经济、生态、环境和学术上的应用情况。民族植物学的社会价值通过其在增强民族自信心、伦理学和知识产权等方面的作用得以论证。民族植物学的文化价值具体而生动,体现于种种直接的植物文化现象(如植物礼仪文化、食花文化、树叶信、草药文化等)和宗教行为(如植物图腾、树神崇拜、神林崇拜等)。通过对民族植物学的经济、生态价值和社会、文化价值的分析,作者相信,民族植物学对于文化多样性和生物多样性的保护将起到积极的作用。  相似文献   

中国草地生态系统服务功能间接价值评价   总被引:149,自引:22,他引:127  
草地是我国陆地面积最大的生态系统类型 ,对维持我国自然生态系统格局、功能和过程具有特殊的生态意义。目前 ,草地退化导致的区域生态问题越来越突出 ,评价我国草地资源生态服务功能的经济价值 ,尤其是其潜在的生态调节功能和生命支持功能的价值 ,对于制定合理的区域生态保护和经济开发决策、保护和恢复草地生态系统具有重要意义。构成草地生态系统服务功能间接价值的功能指标主要包括侵蚀控制、截留降水、土壤 C累积 (气候调节 )、废弃物降解、营养物质循环、空气质量调节、文化多样性和生境提供等。本研究选取其中的侵蚀控制、截留降水、土壤 C累积、废弃物降解、营养物质循环和生境提供 6类功能进行了评价 ,基于服务功能机制对其物质量评价方法进行了探索 ,并在此基础上对其生态经济价值进行了评价 ,得出我国草地生态系统 6类服务功能的年生态经济价值分别为 2 2 8.2 1× 10 8、6 92 .0× 10 8、6 5 75 .0 6× 10 8、2 2 8.35× 10 8、832 .6 2× 10 8和2 4 6 .77× 10 8元人民币 ,6类功能的总价值为 880 3.0 1× 10 8元。研究结果表明 ,草地生态系统除为社会提供直接产品价值外 ,还具有巨大的间接使用价值 ,而且这种价值对人类的贡献与提供产品本身同样重要。今后草地生态系统服务功能及其价值评价  相似文献   

史利莎  严力蛟  黄璐  许智钇 《生态学报》2011,31(21):6305-6316
中国传统乡土聚落作为多功能景观,其保护研究是我国生态及文化保护工作的重要组成部分,是可持续科学和跨学科研究的典型载体。从文化和生态两条研究路线出发,同时运用中国传统风水生态理念和现代景观格局理论对甘肃省迭部县扎尕那村藏族乡土聚落的景观立体结构、生态要素构成进行不同角度的解构,探析理想景观模式蕴含的生态合理性及文化与环境在聚落发展中的相互关系。风水模式分析表明扎尕那聚落立体结构为"盆地-豁口-走廊"的壶天模式,符合中国人心目中理想的"山-林-屋-水-林"景观模式,其空间要素组成在水平和垂直方向上均表现出以人类活动为中心的圈层结构。综合自然地理环境要素契合"藏风得水"的理想风水格局,整体形成以寺庙为核心的组团式聚居格局,各个独立自然村落具有相似的界面特征。景观格局指数分析表明扎尕那聚落景观以有林地和裸岩为基质,景观异质性和景观连接度都较高。人工斑块比例很低,聚落属于极稀疏区,人类活动对于自然环境的干扰较小。多重文化和自然环境的综合作用是扎尕那聚落格局演化的主要驱动因子。本研究为扎尕那聚落的保护和发展模式的制定奠定了理论基础,对于文化与环境相互关系的研究及中国多功能景观研究模式的探索具有一定的理论意义和应用价值。  相似文献   

中华白海豚(Sousachinensis)是国家一级重点保护水生野生动物,处于食物链的顶端,是近岸海洋生态系统健康状况的指示物种和海洋生物多样性保护的旗舰物种,具有重要的生态、科学和文化价值。自20世纪90年代开始,中华白海豚的研究逐渐兴起;近年来,随着3S技术、生态模型及分子生物学等技术方法的发展应用,在中华白海豚种群生态学、行为生态学、分子生态学等领域的研究取得了长足发展。国内外学者利用截线抽样法和标志重捕法,调查研究了全球范围内已知的中华白海豚种群的分布、数量等生态信息;在物种保护的背景下,开展了对中华白海豚栖息地的选择偏好、栖息地质量评价及潜在栖息地的预测研究;探究了中华白海豚的觅食行为和繁殖行为的规律和其他行为的生态意义;分子生物技术的应用,初步揭示了中华白海豚的遗传分化规律,以及该物种对气候变化表现出的脆弱性;涉海工程、水下噪声、水体污染、渔业活动等人类活动仍是目前中华白海豚面临的主要威胁。本文在总结已有研究的基础上,对未来该物种的生态学研究与保护提出了以下展望:(1)建立国家层面的动态基线数据库,以更好地追踪中华白海豚的种群动态及栖息地环境变化;(2)构建栖息地识别及保护...  相似文献   

Large old trees are some of the most iconic biota on earth and are integral parts of many terrestrial ecosystems including those in tropical, temperate and boreal forests, deserts, savannas, agro‐ecological areas, and urban environments. In this review, we provide new insights into the ecology, function, evolution and management of large old trees through broad cross‐disciplinary perspectives from literatures in plant physiology, growth and development, evolution, habitat value for fauna and flora, and conservation management. Our review reveals that the diameter, height and longevity of large old trees varies greatly on an inter‐specific basis, thereby creating serious challenges in defining large old trees and demanding an ecosystem‐ and species‐specific definition that will only rarely be readily transferable to other species or ecosystems. Such variation is also manifested by marked inter‐specific differences in the key attributes of large old trees (beyond diameter and height) such as the extent of buttressing, canopy architecture, the extent of bark micro‐environments and the prevalence of cavities. We found that large old trees play an extraordinary range of critical ecological roles including in hydrological regimes, nutrient cycles and numerous ecosystem processes. Large old trees strongly influence the spatial and temporal distribution and abundance of individuals of the same species and populations of numerous other plant and animal species. We suggest many key characteristics of large old trees such as extreme height, prolonged lifespans, and the presence of cavities – which confer competitive and evolutionary advantages in undisturbed environments – can render such trees highly susceptible to a range of human influences. Large old trees are vulnerable to threats ranging from droughts, fire, pests and pathogens, to logging, land clearing, landscape fragmentation and climate change. Tackling such diverse threats is challenging because they often interact and manifest in different ways in different ecosystems, demanding targeted species‐ or ecosystem‐specific responses. We argue that novel management actions will often be required to protect existing large old trees and ensure the recruitment of new cohorts of such trees. For example, fine‐scale tree‐level conservation such as buffering individual stems will be required in many environments such as in agricultural areas and urban environments. Landscape‐level approaches like protecting places where large old trees are most likely to occur will be needed. However, this brings challenges associated with likely changes in tree distributions associated with climate change, because long‐lived trees may presently exist in places unsuitable for the development of new cohorts of the same species. Appropriate future environmental domains for a species could exist in new locations where it has never previously occurred. The future distribution and persistence of large old trees may require controversial responses including assisted migration via seed or seedling establishment in new locales. However, the effectiveness of such approaches may be limited where key ecological features of large old trees (such as cavity presence) depend on other species such as termites, fungi and bacteria. Unless other species with similar ecological roles are present to fulfil these functions, these taxa might need to be moved concurrently with the target tree species.  相似文献   

Large old trees have many critical ecological functions. We collated information about Australia's tallest and largest (by circumference) trees from several databases. The 20 tallest trees in Australia are currently all Mountain Ash (Eucalyptus regnans) found primarily in Tasmania. There are also some Mountain Ash trees in Victoria which are over 90 m tall and still increasing in height. The 20 largest (by circumference) trees are distributed throughout four states (NSW, TAS, WA and VIC) with Mountain Ash accounting for more than half of the trees on this list. Making this information available in one location increases its accessibility and allows for priority species and areas for conservation to be more easily identified. Documenting the size and condition of trees, together with their location, will enable them to be revisited and monitored in the future. This practice will allow changes in tree condition, occurring through growth and/or deterioration, to be documented. We trust that by increasing the accessibility of this information, we encourage more people to take an interest in the ecology and conservation of large old trees. This is important given the past and present cultural significance of trees to Australia's First Nations People and the need to preserve this information and appreciation for nature.  相似文献   

绿色基础设施研究进展   总被引:18,自引:9,他引:9  
栾博  柴民伟  王鑫 《生态学报》2017,37(15):5246-5261
综述了绿色基础设施的起源发展,总结了推动其概念形成的发展脉络,分别是人居环境视角、生态保护视角和绿色技术视角。提出了绿色基础设施在空间、功能、要素上的内涵,阐述了它与生态系统服务的外延关系。通过文献研究,综述了绿色基础设施在气候变化、人体健康、空气质量、雨洪管理、公众认知和社区参与、评价研究等领域的国际研究进展。结合我国绿色基础设施的研究现状和问题进行评述,并对未来发展提出展望。  相似文献   

Australia's urban landscapes offer opportunities to marry socio‐economic and biodiversity conservation objectives. Yet, information is needed on what urban landscape and habitat features are important for wildlife. In this article, we draw together our research from southeastern Australia to describe key lessons for biodiversity‐sensitive cities and towns. Lesson 1: The effects of urbanization on wildlife extend into adjacent habitats. We recommend retaining large, undisturbed areas of habitat away from development, avoiding intensive development adjacent to important conservation areas, prioritizing areas of ecological and social significance, screening light and noise pollution at the urban fringe and around large nature reserves, and planting appropriately provenanced locally native species for public streetscapes, parks and gardens. Lesson 2: Strategic enhancement of urban greenspace offers biodiversity gains. We recommend increasing the total amount of greenspace cover, maintaining ecological structures as habitat islands, using landscaping techniques to minimize risks to human safety, and gardening with low‐flowering native shrubs. Lesson 3: Large old trees need to be managed for long‐term sustainability. We recommend retaining large old trees in new developments, increasing the maximum standing life of urban trees, protecting regenerating areas and planting more seedlings, supplementing habitat features associated with large trees, and ensuring that young trees have space to grow through time. Lesson 4: Education and engagement connects residents with nature and raises awareness. We recommend education programs to enhance opportunities for residents to experience and learn about biodiversity, engaging residents in the establishment and maintenance of wildlife habitat, providing ‘cues to care’, facilitating access to garden plants that benefit wildlife, and encouraging cat containment. These lessons provide an evidence‐base for implementing conservation and management actions to improve the capacity of our cities and towns to support a diverse and abundant biota.  相似文献   

Inland aquatic ecosystems and their biodiversity in Asia represent a wide spectrum along a complex continuum of interacting ecological, economic, socio-cultural and political gradients all of which determine their present and future. Whereas the diversity of biophysical environments ensures a rich inland aquatic biodiversity, their present status has been greatly influenced by human societies that have depended on them for millennia. Besides high population densities and developmental pressures, socio-cultural factors, economic considerations and various policies concerning land and water resources are major factors responsible for the degradation of habitats and loss of biodiversity. The looming global climate change may only worsen the situation unless remedial measures are taken on a large scale and urgently. The future of aquatic biodiversity in Asian countries will depend upon a radical change in national policies on water, and upon research that can support the development of appropriate policies.  相似文献   

古树是生态系统的组成部分,具有重要的生态功能和丰富的遗传多样性。为加强古树的科学保护和管理,本文分析了我国古树资源的分布、生存和保护现状以及受威胁因素。结果表明: 我国古树共记录1066万株,其中内蒙古自治区和云南省均超过100万株。分析全国102个县级地区的44万株古树的生长现状,发现有94.3%的古树生长良好,5.5%生长衰弱或濒危,0.2%已经死亡。古树受威胁因素主要有高温、干旱、火灾等自然灾害,以及城市化和土地利用、病虫害和乱砍偷盗等。病虫害的威胁最严重,有83个地区(81.4%)受病虫害威胁严重;其次是自然灾害的威胁,有68个地区(66.7%)发生过自然灾害。大部分古树(89%)分布在农村等偏远地区,缺乏有效的保护措施。可以利用无人机等新技术监测古树生长状态,加强病虫害防治和规避自然灾害,并建立古树资源数据库实现信息及时更新共享,避免偷盗砍伐。  相似文献   

湘西传统聚落作为一种为数不多的、保存完好的聚落景观之一,其保护研究是我国文化生态及其生物多样性保护研究的重要组成部分。以怀化市侗族传统聚落为研究对象,从传统风水学理念与现代生态位出发,探索传统聚落空间格局的构建方法和驱动因素,以期为传统聚落合理的生态位扩充和空间结构演变提供理论依据。研究表明:湘西传统聚落形成了东、南、西、北四面山林围护、中间宽敞开阔的独立地理空间结构,构建了符合大众追求的"山-林-屋-水-林"的理想聚落空间模式,而且民居建筑大多都"坐西朝东,背风向阳,靠山面水而建"。这种聚落是在自然、经济和文化三大因素共同影响下构成的复合生态系统,有其独特的运行机制。在传统聚落空间系统不断发展的过程中,应遵从其演变发展的客观规律,根据不同传统聚落的生产力水平条件,合理推进经济社会空间结构的转型,并适度加以调控,以稳步实现传统聚落的空间演变和生态位扩充。  相似文献   

Large old trees are keystone organisms that generate a highly connected network of interactions because they provide refuge and feeding sites to mammals with different habitat requirements through their under canopy structure and deadwood. In dry woodlands, these keystone trees are found within agricultural landscapes, where grazing and deadwood removal are the main subsistence activities carried out by local people. These activities can modify the structure of trees and, in turn, affect small mammal communities. Our objective was to assess how different land management types modify the structure of P. flexuosa trees, and to determine the effects of modified tree structure on the abundance and composition of small mammal communities. The study was conducted in P. flexuosa forests within a protected area and in grazing fields. We found that the trees and the vegetation structure beneath their canopies reflect the management history of areas. Trees in the protected area and in an abandoned field were structurally more similar to one another than were those in grazing fields with deadwood removal and, in turn, presented greater total abundances of small mammals. Under tree canopy, the amount of deadwood and grass cover favor the presence of species that need closed and more complex habitats. Also, protection provided by the trees was differentially perceived by species, according to their ecological requirements. We can conclude that different land management scenarios allow for the conservation of the whole rodent assemblage and that, the trees determine the presence of species, particularly of those needing more complex habitats.  相似文献   

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