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中国是海兽大国,共有46种海兽在中国水域有分布,包括鲸类38种(Cetartiodactyla, Cetacea),海牛目儒艮科(Sirenia, Dugongidae)1种,食肉目鳍足类(Carnivora, Pinnipedia)5种和水獭亚科(Lutrinae)2种。从20世纪20年代开始,中国科学家围绕中国水域海兽的生物学与保护,通过多学科手段开展了一系列研究,特别是在白暨豚(Lipotes vexillifer)、江豚(Neophocaena spp.)和中华白海豚(Sousa chinensis)的生态学与保护、鲸类次生性水生适应的演化历史与适应机制、种群遗传多样性等方面,取得了一系列重要的创新进展,不仅促进了对中国海兽的认识,也推动中国海兽的保护工作取得成效。本文从海兽多样性、生态与保护生物学、形态与解剖学、饲养与繁殖生物学、声行为学、遗传与演化生物学以及基因组学等7个方面,较为系统地综述了中国海兽的研究进展。同时指出,海兽次生性水生适应历史及其演化机制,将是今后值得特别关注和需要深入揭示的重要科学问题;并且通过多学科手段揭示海兽的濒危机制与特点以提出促进其资源保护与管理措施,也具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

饲养条件下海洋哺乳动物的胁迫因子主要包括捕捞、运输、社群隔离、栖息环境的改变、营养不良、来自其他个体的威胁、训练和临床检验等人为操作、饲养环境中的各种理化因子等,文章总结了临床上海洋哺乳动物遭受胁迫的生理学指标以及胁迫对饲养条件下海兽行为、健康和病理学检验的影响,并就如何有效预防和减轻海兽胁迫进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

误捕及其对海兽种群的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
几乎在全世界都有误捕海兽的记录.有误捕记录的海兽有鲸目14科62种,鳍脚目3科12种,海牛目2科2种及食肉目1科1种.误捕海兽的渔具包括刺网、拖网、围网、张网、插网和陷阱等.误捕可导致种群数量的下降及生活史特征的改变.我国需要开展这方面的研究工作.  相似文献   

组织工程研究的进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
组织工程从提出到现在不过10年的历史,但在世界范围内引起高度重视,许多国家已将它列为“经济的新增长点”,投入了相当的人力和财力进行研究,成果斐然.我国也有相关的研究课题开始运行.第二届组织工程学会于1998年在美国召开,会上发表了组织工程的最新研究成果.作为抛砖引玉,总结了有关组织工程研究的进展,并提出保证工程组织的功能化是值得深入研究的问题.  相似文献   

中国爬行动物染色体研究名录   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
郭鹏 《动物学杂志》2000,35(2):37-43
我国在爬行动物染色体方面的研究已有20多年的历史,目前已积累了大量的资料.但是,由于资料零星而分散,迄今尚无人整理成文.而有关这类资料总结性工作,国外学者(尤其欧、美及日本)一直较为关注,先后有许多较为详细有关本地区的统计文献.为了反映我国爬行动物染色体的研究概况和进展,为该领域的研究者今后进一步研究提供一份较全面的参考文献,对我国已有的爬行动物染色体资料进行总结就显得十分必要.  相似文献   

穿颅电刺激被认为可以无创调节大脑的神经活动,为研究特定脑区与某一认知功能间的因果关系提供了可能.近些年,对穿颅电刺激作用机制和其对认知、运动功能调控的研究方面取得了很多重要进展.在这篇综述中,我们总结了以往关于穿颅直流电刺激、穿颅交流电刺激和穿颅随机噪声电刺激三种刺激方式的发展历史及其作用机制,同时总结了其对感知觉(主要是视觉知觉)、注意和记忆等认知功能的调控,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

本文简要回顾我国核盘菌科真菌的研究历史,尤其是最近十年的进展,更正了过去此科分类和命名中的一些问题,列出我国目前已知核盘菌科12属42种,并提供属的检索表;其中美洲杯盘菌(Ciboria americana Durand)为我国新记录。同时,指出对此科进一步深入探讨的方向。描述了新种贵州杯盘菌(Ciboria guizhouensis w.-y.Zhuang),模式保存在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室。  相似文献   

戴玉成 《菌物研究》2023,(Z1):151-156
总结和概述了2018—2022年间我国真菌学者对多孔菌驯化栽培研究的进展,期间我国对20种多孔菌进行了生物学研究,并在此基础上驯化栽培、成功发育成子实体,为我国药用真菌产业发展提供了重要资源基础和技术支撑。  相似文献   

穿颅电刺激被认为可以无创调节大脑的神经活动,为研究特定脑区与某一认知功能间的因果关系提供了可能.近些年,对穿颅电刺激作用机制和其对认知、运动功能调控的研究方面取得了很多重要进展.在这篇综述中,我们总结了以往关于穿颅直流电刺激、穿颅交流电刺激和穿颅随机噪声电刺激三种刺激方式的发展历史及其作用机制,同时总结了其对感知觉(主要是视觉知觉)、注意和记忆等认知功能的调控,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

中国瓶状微化石的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
瓶状微化石是研究历史较短的一类微体化石,近十几年内,此类化石在我国大量发现。本文就现有资料,简介了瓶状微化石在我国的地层、地理分布及其产出特点,并叙述了国内瓶状微化石研究的进展情况。  相似文献   

Stressors are commonly accepted as the causal factors, either internal or external, that evoke physiological responses to mediate the impact of the stressor. The majority of research on the physiological stress response, and costs incurred to an animal, has focused on terrestrial species. This review presents current knowledge on the physiology of the stress response in a lesser studied group of mammals, the marine mammals. Marine mammals are an artificial or pseudo grouping from a taxonomical perspective, as this group represents several distinct and diverse orders of mammals. However, they all are fully or semi-aquatic animals and have experienced selective pressures that have shaped their physiology in a manner that differs from terrestrial relatives. What these differences are and how they relate to the stress response is an efflorescent topic of study. The identification of the many facets of the stress response is critical to marine mammal management and conservation efforts. Anthropogenic stressors in marine ecosystems, including ocean noise, pollution, and fisheries interactions, are increasing and the dramatic responses of some marine mammals to these stressors have elevated concerns over the impact of human-related activities on a diverse group of animals that are difficult to monitor. This review covers the physiology of the stress response in marine mammals and places it in context of what is known from research on terrestrial mammals, particularly with respect to mediator activity that diverges from generalized terrestrial models. Challenges in conducting research on stress physiology in marine mammals are discussed and ways to overcome these challenges in the future are suggested.  相似文献   

This study established two- and three-dimensional renal proximal tubular cell cultures of the endangered species bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus), developed SV40-transfected cultures, and cloned the 61-amino acid open reading frame for the metallothionein protein, the primary binding site for heavy metal contamination in mammals. Microgravity research, modulations in mechanical culture conditions (modeled microgravity), and shear stress have spawned innovative approaches to understanding the dynamics of cellular interactions, gene expression, and differentiation in several cellular systems. These investigations have led to the creation of ex vivo tissue models capable of serving as physiological research analogs for three-dimensional cellular interactions. These models are enabling studies in immune function, tissue modeling for basic research, and neoplasia. Three-dimensional cellular models emulate aspects of in vivo cellular architecture and physiology and may facilitate environmental toxicological studies aimed at elucidating biological functions and responses at the cellular level. Marine mammals occupy a significant ecological niche (72% of the Earth's surface is water) in terms of the potential for information on bioaccumulation and transport of terrestrial and marine environmental toxins in high-order vertebrates. Few ex vivo models of marine mammal physiology exist in vitro to accomplish the aforementioned studies. Techniques developed in this investigation, based on previous tissue modeling successes, may serve to facilitate similar research in other marine mammals.  相似文献   

The presence or absence of a chemoreceptive capacity in marine mammals has drawn relatively little attention from the research community outside the Soviet Union. Toothed whales are typically labelled anosmic (lacking a sense of smell) since they do not have the peripheral olfactory structures typically associated with terrestrial mammals. Baleen whales are known to possess reduced olfactory tracts; their olfactory bulbs also may be reduced or absent. Although the neural structures that mediate taste in terrestrial mammals have been reported to be present in both groups of whales, cetaceans have been considered to have a poor sense of taste because typical mammalian taste receptors have been thought to be absent. Soviet researchers, however, recently have reported that gustatory receptors are present on some cetacean tongues and that the tongue of Tursiops truncatus appear to be well innervated. These workers also have been conducting investigations which seem to be aimed at describing a specialized gustatory capability in cetaceans. No experimental work has been reported by Western scientists. Little work has been done by either Western or Soviet researchers with regard to chemoreception among the other orders of marine mammals (Pinnipedia, Carnivora and Sirenia). Pinnipedia are typically labelled microsmatic (having a poor sense of smell); research has been restricted to histological examination of the nasal pathways, and neural anatomy. Sea otters are credited with a keen sense of smell, but no quantitative work has been reported. The chemosensory abilities of Sirenia remain unknown. The tongues of non-cetacean marine mammals have been histologically examined and found to resemble those of terrestrial mammals. No other investigations of gustation in non-cetacean marine mammals have been reported.  相似文献   

After birth, mammals acquire a community of bacteria in their gastro-intestinal tract, which harvests energy and provides nutrients for the host. Comparative studies of numerous terrestrial mammal hosts have identified host phylogeny, diet and gut morphology as primary drivers of the gut bacterial community composition. To date, marine mammals have been excluded from these comparative studies, yet they represent distinct examples of evolutionary history, diet and lifestyle traits. To provide an updated understanding of the gut bacterial community of mammals, we compared bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequence data generated from faecal material of 151 marine and terrestrial mammal hosts. This included 42 hosts from a marine habitat. When compared to terrestrial mammals, marine mammals clustered separately and displayed a significantly greater average relative abundance of the phylum Fusobacteria. The marine carnivores (Antarctic and Arctic seals) and the marine herbivore (dugong) possessed significantly richer gut bacterial community than terrestrial carnivores and terrestrial herbivores, respectively. This suggests that evolutionary history and dietary items specific to the marine environment may have resulted in a gut bacterial community distinct to that identified in terrestrial mammals. Finally we hypothesize that reduced marine trophic webs, whereby marine carnivores (and herbivores) feed directly on lower trophic levels, may expose this group to high levels of secondary metabolites and influence gut microbial community richness.  相似文献   

当地生态知识(local ecological knowledge,LEK)是指人们在长期的生活体验和生产实践中,获得的有关周边环境、生物资源及其相互关系的经验和知识。近几十年来,LEK在海洋哺乳动物研究中得到了广泛的应用和发展,尤其是在基础相对薄弱的发展中国家或地区,LEK作为一种低成本、短周期且适合大范围调查的手段,日益成为研究人员获取目标物种生态信息的重要渠道。LEK与野外实地调查等获得的数据可以互补,从而为评估海洋哺乳动物的生存状况和环境变化提供多维度的信息来源;该方法还往往是了解目标物种生存状况历史变动的有效手段,回答传统方法很难甚至无法回答的科学问题,如目标物种在较长时间尺度上的生态信息历史变化趋势等。本文介绍了LEK的定义及特征、海洋哺乳动物及其传统生态调查方法、LEK在海洋哺乳动物中的研究进展、应用LEK开展海洋哺乳动物研究的步骤,还讨论了LEK在我国海洋哺乳动物研究中的应用前景和推广价值,旨在为今后相关研究提供参考资料。  相似文献   

Biodiversity assessments by research scientists are often logistically difficult and expensive to implement in remote areas. Locally-based approaches have the potential to overcome some of these challenges by capitalising on the knowledge and capacity of local people. Many Indigenous people in northern Australia are custodians of coastal areas that support globally significant populations of tropical marine mammals, including coastal dolphins and dugongs. The objective of our study was to design and implement a locally-based approach in a cross-cultural environment to assess the distribution of marine mammals in the remote waters of the Gulf of Carpentaria, Northern Territory. The study was conducted as a partnership between Yanyuwa Aboriginal families, research scientists, government officers and the li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Rangers. We conducted a series of participatory mapping workshops to share and record local observations of dolphins and dugongs. These observations provided the longitudinal information required to inform the design of the first dedicated marine mammal vessel survey in the Gulf of Carpentaria. The vessel surveys found three species of dolphins present in the area (Australian snubfin, humpback and bottlenose dolphins), even though sightings were low; dugongs being much more common. We found that the integrative and locally-based approach built the capacity of both the li-Anthawirriyarra Sea Rangers and research scientists to assess the distribution of marine mammals. If replicated over longer time-frames and coordinated over broader spatial scales, information on distribution and abundance derived from locally-based approaches has the potential to inform the status of marine mammals.  相似文献   

There has been a growing concern over the last few decades about theeffects of environmental stress, including anthropogenic impacts, onmarine mammals. This paper provides an overview of the wide range ofanthropogenic stressors that marine mammals may encounter and the levelof understanding on their potential effects. Sources of stress andphysiological responses of the animals are explored. Many of the lifehistory traits of marine mammals (i.e., long-life spans, late maturity,relatively low reproductive potential, and feeding high in the foodchain), make them susceptible to various anthropogenic stressors. Sincemarine mammals are exposed to a diverse array of multiple stressors,this paper focuses on three case studies (acute and chronic effects fromoil spills; chronic effects from environmental contaminants, andfishery-induced stress) to emphasize potential relevant hazards and toprovide a perspective on the use of marine mammals in assessingecosystem health. Additional research to enhance our understanding ofstress on marine mammals and to provide the science needed to guidemanagement decisions is recommended.  相似文献   

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