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耐热水稻品种“Nagina 22”高温胁迫下的生理响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究耐热水稻品种Nagina 22(N22)开花结实期高温胁迫下的主要生理响应,采用温室盆栽试验,在各供试材料的开花期,利用人工气候室进行高温胁迫处理。研究结果表明:N22在高温胁迫下不改变开花期但表现出日开花量的转峰;与N22相比,水稻感热品种Moroberekan花药开裂显著受阻,柱头上萌发的花粉数显著减少;花粉萌发数与花药开裂状况呈极显著的相关关系,进而表现出主穗结实率与柱头上花粉萌发数呈显著的相关关系;主穗日结实率在高温下呈递减趋势,且Moroberekan较N22的下降速率显著加快,表明耐热品种与高温胁迫对结实率存在累积效应,而且高温胁迫效应发生在开花授粉之前。  相似文献   

水稻孕穗期耐热种质资源的初步筛选   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在人工气候室设定极端高温条件下,对来源于不同国家和地区的58份处于温度敏感期的水稻品种耐热性进行鉴定,以结实率下降的百分率为指标,通过方差分析,对水稻种质资源的耐热性进行评价。结果表明,种质间的耐热性存在显著差异,筛选出极端耐热品种2份(IRAT118和冷水白)。  相似文献   

江西省早稻品种抽穗扬花期耐热性鉴定评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在自然条件和人工温室模拟极端高温胁迫下对江西省生产上推广种植的37份早稻品种进行抽穗扬花期耐热性鉴定评价。以高温胁迫下结实率和结实率降低率为评价指标,对参试品种的耐热性进行综合评价。方差分析结果表明,杂交水稻组合间在自然条件和高温胁迫下结实率及结实率降低率接近显著水平,说明杂交水稻组合间耐热性存在一定的差异;而常规水稻品种间在自然条件和高温胁迫下结实率及结实率降低率差异不显著,说明常规水稻品种间耐热性的差异较小。2013年高温胁迫下平均最高气温(41.3℃)比2012年高0.9℃的情况下,杂交水稻平均结实率比2012年降低8.9%,而常规水稻平均结实率仅降低1.72%,常规水稻平均结实率的降低幅度明显低于杂交水稻;常规水稻品种的耐热性强于杂交水稻组合。2013年自然条件下最高气温(36.8℃)比2012年高1.3℃,但杂交水稻和常规水稻的平均结实率反而比2012年分别高5.6%和15.0%,这可能是由于2013年自然条件下相对湿度(81.4%)比2012年高(高14.4%)所致,说明气温高于适宜的生育温度时,相对湿度的增加有助于增强水稻品种的耐热性。五丰优623、陵两优611、株两优819、株两优312等4个杂交水稻组合和湘早籼7号、嘉育948、中早35、中早25等4个常规稻品种在高温胁迫下表现为较高的结实率且结实率降低率较低,认为可作为耐高温水稻品种在水稻生产和育种中加以利用。  相似文献   

高温热害对水稻生产造成了巨大的损失。利用国际水稻研究所耐热圃材料,在抽穗扬花期进行高温处理,研究了该时期高温胁迫对水稻主要品质评价指标的影响,结果如下:水稻耐热圃材料的耐热性有较大的差别,依然存在高温相对敏感材料;抽穗扬花期高温胁迫对水稻主要品质评价指标影响较大;高温胁迫对水稻籽粒的透明度、长宽比、垩白率、糊化温度和蛋白质含量等品质指标与品种的耐热性相关关系不大;高温胁迫下直链淀粉含量变化与品种耐热系数表现出显著的正相关关系(r=0.659 78);高温胁迫下胶稠度变化与不同水稻品种的耐热系数呈显著的负相关关系(r=-0.516 70)。  相似文献   

抽穗开花期耐高温的爪哇稻资源筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过人工气候室鉴定和分期播种试验,对来自于不同国家和地区的95份爪哇稻进行抽穗开花期耐高温特性评价。以综合结实率为指标,通过聚类分析将95份爪哇稻分为耐热能力不同的3类。综合考虑大田分期播种的结实率和人工气候室鉴定结果,筛选出耐高温品种IRAT109 (IRRI编号38563)、260(IRRI编号14888)和L 4-34(IRRI编号13403),它们可用于水稻耐高温新品种的选育及耐热性遗传研究。  相似文献   

高温胁迫对水稻花粉粒性状及花药显微结构的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对两个耐热性不同的水稻品系进行高温处理(8:00~17:00,37℃,17:00~8:00,30℃),测定了高温胁迫对水稻花粉粒性状及花药显微结构的影响.结果表明,高温胁迫导致花药开裂、花粉活力、花粉萌发率和柱头上花粉粒数的显著下降,花粉粒直径增大.高温下耐热品系996的花药开裂、花粉活力、花粉萌发率和柱头上花粉粒数明显高于热敏感品系4628,这表明耐热品系996在高温胁迫条件下能保持较好地花粉散落特性和花粉萌发特性,是其耐热性的生理基础;高温下耐热品系996的花药壁的表皮细胞排列较整齐,细胞间隙小;药隔维管束较大,维管束鞘细胞排列整齐,簿壁细胞多且排列整齐,木质部和韧皮部清楚可见;而热敏感品系4628花药壁的表皮细胞形状不规则,排列疏松,细胞间隙大,药隔维管组织受到很大程度破坏,维管束鞘细胞形状异常,排列紊乱,木质部和韧皮部界限不清.  相似文献   

在新疆夏季自然高温环境下,以田间玉米空秆率、果穗结实率、相对结实率为主要评价指标,综合籽粒产量与穗部性状,对26份国内外玉米骨干自交系连续2年进行耐热性鉴定与评价,结合新疆当地高温干燥的气候特点,建立一套适宜玉米种质资源大田耐热性的鉴定、评价体系,为中国玉米耐热种质资源的遗传改良和新品种选育提供参考。结果表明:(1)不同基因型玉米自交系空秆率、果穗结穗率、相对结实率和耐热性差异较大,其中GW5F、GW4F、GW7F和PH6WC耐热性最强,在高温胁迫下空秆率最低,果穗结实率与相对结实率最高;其次为PHBA6、新自351等8份自交系,在高温胁迫下籽粒产量及综合表现较好;其余自交系对高温均表现敏感。(2)高温胁迫导致玉米穗部性状严重衰退,其中的穗重、穗行数和行粒数所受影响最大。(3)在年份或材料之间,玉米自交系籽粒产量与其主要农艺性状相关性差异较大,并以果穗重与籽粒产量相关性最高。(4)以相对结实率为主要指标通过层次聚类可将参试材料分为两大群,耐热性最强的GW5F、PH6WC、GW4M聚为第Ⅰ群,其余自交系聚为第Ⅱ群;第Ⅱ群中‘吉63’、Mo17等6份自交系可聚为第1亚群,PHBA6、LH82等6份自交系聚为第2亚群,郑58、新农育6390M等11份自交系聚为第3亚群。综合分析来看,该研究中表现极耐高温的4份自交系均为国外优异种质,可用于玉米耐高温基础研究和遗传改良;表现较强耐热性的8份品系多来自于新疆本地选育的材料,其遗传基础较为广泛,适应当地的高温环境,也是优异的耐热育种资源。  相似文献   

以杂交中熟籼稻品种金优63、汕优63为供试材料,采用盆栽试验,在水稻生长前期连续喷施3次硅酸钠(Na2SiO3·9H2O),于人工气候箱内在水稻开花期进行常温(日均温26.6 ℃,日最高温度29.4 ℃)和高温(日均温33.2 ℃,日最高温度40.1 ℃)处理5 d,研究施硅在花期高温胁迫下对杂交水稻剑叶叶绿素含量、光合性能、抗氧化酶活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量、花粉活力、花药酸性转化酶活性、柱头授粉性能和结实率等的影响.结果表明: 与对照相比,施硅可显著提高高温胁迫下水稻剑叶叶绿素含量,提高净光合速率和气孔导度,减少胞间CO2浓度,增强叶片光合作用,减少MDA含量,提高超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性;提高花药中可溶性酸性转化酶活性和花粉活力,增加花粉囊基部裂口宽度,提高水稻每柱头上授粉总数、萌发数、花粉萌发率和萌发数大于10粒者所占的比例,降低花粉总数小于20粒者所占的比例;使金优63、汕优63结实率的降低分别减轻13.4%、14.1%.因此,在水稻生长前期喷施外源硅,可减轻水稻在开花期结实率的降低,提高杂交水稻的抗热性.  相似文献   

水稻在开花期对高温非常敏感,挖掘耐热种质并解析耐热性的遗传机制,有助于水稻的耐热性遗传改良。本研究选取205份国内外种质资源,在抽穗开花期对遇高温的稻穗进行标记,以高温下标记穗的结实率作为耐热指标,结合高密度SNP标记进行全基因组关联分析并初步预测候选基因。结果表明:不同水稻种质的耐热性差异明显,高温下的结实率最低为19.0%,平均值为64.0%,中位值为65.9%,最高值为86.6%,其中06-32、剪刀齐、娄早籼5号等17份种质的耐热性较强;全基因组关联分析共筛选到130个与耐热性显著关联的SNP标记,并鉴定到18个耐热QTL,其中6个QTL与已报道的耐热相关QTL共定位;qHT4-6与耐热性的关联度最高,根据该区间lead SNP的单倍型分类,G单倍型材料的开花期耐热性显著强于A单倍型材料,该区间附近有7个基因可能受高温调控。  相似文献   

水稻花药对高温胁迫的生理响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探明水稻花药在高温胁迫下的生理反应及适应机理,以耐热水稻品系996和热敏感水稻品系4628为材料,在人工气候室进行高温(9:00-17:00,37℃;17:00-9:00,30℃)和适温处理(9:00-17:00,30℃;17:00~9:00,25℃),研究高温胁迫对水稻花药可溶性糖、可溶性蛋白质、热稳定蛋白、维生素C含量、膜透性及内源激素含量等生理特性的影响。结果表明,高温使水稻花药中可溶性糖含量、可溶性蛋白质含量和维生素C含量下降,热稳定蛋白含量上升;热敏感品系4628花药中丙二醛含量和相对电导率在高温胁迫下增幅大于耐热品系996;高温胁迫下,水稻花药中GA3和IAA含量降低,ABA含量上升,耐热品系996花药中GA3、IAA含量降低幅度小于热敏感品系4628,ABA含量增加幅度小于热敏感品系4628。  相似文献   

High‐temperature during flowering in rice causes spikelet sterility and is a major threat to rice productivity in tropical and subtropical regions, where hybrid rice development is increasingly contributing to sustain food security. However, the sensitivity of hybrids to increasing temperature and physiological responses in terms of dynamic fertilization processes is unknown. To address these questions, several promising hybrids and inbreds were exposed to control temperature and high day‐time temperature (HDT) in Experiment 1, and hybrids having contrasting heat tolerance were selected for Experiment 2 for further physiological investigation under HDT and high‐night‐time‐temperature treatments. The day‐time temperature played a dominant role in determining spikelet fertility compared with the night‐time temperature. HDT significantly induced spikelet sterility in tested hybrids, and hybrids had higher heat susceptibility than the high‐yielding inbred varieties. Poor pollen germination was strongly associated with sterility under high‐temperature. Our novel observations capturing the series of dynamic fertilization processes demonstrated that pollen tubes not reaching the viable embryo sac was the major cause for spikelet sterility under heat exposure. Our findings highlight the urgent need to improve heat tolerance in hybrids and incorporating early‐morning flowering as a promising trait for mitigating HDT stress impact at flowering.  相似文献   

In future climates, rice could more frequently be subjected to simultaneous high temperature and water stress during sensitive developmental stages such as flowering. In this study, five rice genotypes were exposed to high temperature, water stress and combined high temperature and water stress during flowering to quantify their response through spikelet fertility. Microscopic analyses revealed significant differences in anther dehiscence between treatments and genotypes, with a moderately high association with the number of germinated pollen grains on the stigma. There was a strong relationship between spikelet fertility and the number of germinated pollen on stigmas. Although, all three stress treatments resulted in spikelet sterility, high-temperature stress caused the highest sterility in all five genotypes. A cumulative linear decline in spikelet fertility with increasing duration of independent high-temperature stress and in combination with water stress was quantified. Better anther dehiscence, higher in vivo pollen germination, and higher spikelet fertility were observed in both the N22 accessions compared with IR64, Apo and Moroberekan under high temperature, water stress and combined stress, indicating its ability to tolerate multiple abiotic stresses.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

High temperatures over 32–36 °C at anthesis induce spikelet sterility in rice. The use of a germplasm with an early-morning flowering (EMF) trait has been hypothesized as a way of avoiding this problem. In this study, the effect of the EMF trait on avoiding high temperature-induced sterility at anthesis by flowering at a cooler temperature in the early morning was evaluated.


The EMF trait was introgressed from wild rice (Oryza officinalis) into the rice cultivar ‘Koshihikari’ (O. sativa). First, spikelets of the EMF line and Koshihikari were subjected to rising temperatures during the daytime in the greenhouse to test for differences in spikelet sterility. Secondly, spikelets of both plants were exposed to 26, 34 and 38 °C at anthesis and to 38 °C beginning at least 1 h after flowering, in the growth chambers at 70 % relative humidity, to test for differences in tolerance to high temperatures.

Key Results

Spikelets of the EMF line started and completed flowering a few hours earlier than Koshihikari. In a greenhouse experiment, spikelets of Koshihikari opened after the air temperature reached 35 °C, but those of the EMF line could open at cooler temperatures. Under these conditions, spikelet sterility significantly increased in Koshihikari, but did not in the EMF line. The number of sterile spikelets increased as their flowering time was delayed in Koshihikari. Furthermore, the chamber experiments revealed that 60 % of the spikelets from both lines were sterile when exposed to 38 °C at anthesis, indicating that tolerance of high temperature was similar in both genotypes.


Reduced sterility in the EMF line subjected to rising temperatures at anthesis in the greenhouse was attributed to an earlier flowering time compared with Koshihikari. The EMF trait of wild rice is effective in mitigating anticipated yield loss due to global warming by escaping high-temperature stress at anthesis during the daytime.  相似文献   

High temperature stress and spikelet fertility in rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In future climates, greater heat tolerance at anthesis will be required in rice. The effect of high temperature at anthesis on spikelet fertility was studied on IR64 (lowland indica) and Azucena (upland japonica) at 29.6 degrees C (control), 33.7 degrees C, and 36.2 degrees C tissue temperatures. The objectives of the study were to: (i) determine the effect of temperature on flowering pattern; (ii) examine the effect of time of day of spikelet anthesis relative to a high temperature episode on spikelet fertility; and (iii) study the interactions between duration of exposure and temperature on spikelet fertility. Plants were grown at 30/24 degrees C day/night temperature in a greenhouse and transferred to growth cabinets for the temperature treatments. Individual spikelets were marked with paint to relate fertility to the time of exposure to different temperatures and durations. In both genotypes the pattern of flowering was similar, and peak anthesis occurred between 10.30 h and 11.30 h at 29.2 degrees C, and about 45 min earlier at 36.2 degrees C. In IR64, high temperature increased the number of spikelets reaching anthesis, whereas in Azucena numbers were reduced. In both genotypesor=33.7 degrees C at anthesis caused sterility. In IR64, there was no interaction between temperature and duration of exposure, and spikelet fertility was reduced by about 7% per degrees C>29.6 degrees C. In Azucena there was a significant interaction and spikelet fertility was reduced by 2.4% degrees Cd-1 above a threshold of 33 degrees C. Marking individual spikelets is an effective method to phenotype genotypes and lines for heat tolerance that removes any apparent tolerance due to temporal escape.  相似文献   

Water deficits at the anthesis stage of rice (Oryza sativa L.)induce a high percentage of spikelet sterility and reduce grainyield. This study attempted to elucidate the direct effectsof water stress on panicle exsertion, spikelet opening, andspikelet desiccation leading to spikelet sterility. A well-wateredtreatment and two water stress levels were imposed in pot-grownplants of IRAT 13 (upland cultivar) and IR20 (lowland cultivar)at the time of flowering under greenhouse conditions A cultivar difference was observed in the flowering responseto water stress with a high sensitivity in IR20. The time courseof panicle exsertion showed an inhibitory effect due to thelow panicle water status. Low panicle water potentials significantlyreduced the number of opened spikelets. Spikelet opening wascompletely inhibited at panicle water potentials below –1·8MPa and –2·3 MPa in IR20 and IRAT 13, respectively.However, the peak spikelet opening time in a day was not influencedby the stress treatment. Spikelets in stressed panicles wereobserved to remain open for a longer period than in the well-wateredpanicles. The role of turgor in spikelet opening is also discussedin the study. At low panicle water potentials, severe desiccationof spikelets and anthers was noted. The deleterious effectsof water deficits on spikelet opening and spikelet water losscontributed to reduced spikelet fertility Oryza sativa L., rice, spikelet sterility, flowering, water stress, panicle water potentials, turgor potentials, desiccation  相似文献   

In the near future, global average temperature is expected to increase due to the accumulation of greenhouse gases, and increased temperatures will cause severe sterility in many crop species. In rice, since wild species show high genetic variation, they may have the potential to improve the flowering characters of cultivars. In this study, we investigated flowering characters under natural conditions by comparing an Asian wild rice accession of Oryza rufipogon W630 (originated from Myanmar) with a Japanese rice cultivar, O. sativa Japonica cv. Nipponbare. Further, QTL analysis for days to heading (DH) and spikelet opening time (SOT: the time of day when the spikelet opens) was carried out using BC(2)F(8) backcross population derived from the cross between them. Regarding DH, four QTLs were detected, and two of them were found to have wild alleles with strong effects leading to longer days to heading during the Japanese summer. These wild alleles may be used to produce late-heading cultivars that do not flower during the high summer temperatures anticipated in the future. As for SOT, two parameters of SOTb (beginning time when the first spikelet opens) and SOTm (median time when 50% of the spikelets open) were recorded and the time differences from Nipponbare were investigated. Two QTLs on chromosomes 5 and 10 and two QTLs on chromosomes 4 and 5 were detected for SOTb and SOTm, respectively. The wild alleles were responsible for early spikelet opening time at all loci. If the wild alleles detected in this study have the same effects in the genetic background of other cultivars, they will be very useful in producing early-flowering rice cultivars that complete fertilization in the morning before the temperature rises.  相似文献   

以4个籼粳测验种做母本按NCII(4×90)设计配置的360个杂交F1组合为材料,研究亲本的程氏指数差异(ID)、同工酶遗传距离(GD)与杂种F1结实率的关系.结果显示ID、GD与杂种F1结实率呈极显著负相关(r=-0.540,p<0.01;r=-0.316,p<0.01),但决定系数不高,分别是0.2916、0.0999.D、GD与F1结实率的相关性受父本和母本影响,其中对非广亲和品种测交F1结实率的预测效果较好,对广亲和品种及南京11的测交F1的预测则无效.因此,在利用ID和GD对水稻杂种F1结实率进行预测时,宜在一定的亲本类型之间进行,ID比GD的预测效果更好.  相似文献   

High temperature stress is a major obstacle in rice productivity. Considerable progress has been made on studying heat tolerance (HT) at different stages. However, the genetic basis of HT at the booting stage is poorly understood. In this study, we analyzed the morphological features of a heat-sensitive japonica cultivar Sasanishiki under natural high temperature stress at the booting stage. The anthers became smaller and the number, and fertility, of pollen grains were decreased significantly. As a result, there was a dramatic reduction in spikelet fertility. In contrast, the indica cultivar Habataki showed high HT and normal spikelet fertility under high temperature stress. Additonally, a set of chromosome segment substitution lines, derived from Sasanishiki and Habataki, were evaluated for HT related quantitative trait loci (QTLs) across two environments in the natural field. A total of 12 QTLs associated with HT were detected, of which, 5 were identified in two environments, and 7 in one environment. Furthermore, one of the major-effect QTLs (qHTB3-3) detected on the long arm of chromosome 3, was confirmed using overlapping substituted lines. qHTB3-3 was finally mapped between the two markers RM3525 and 3-M95, approximately 2.8 Mb apart. These findings and further gene cloning of qHTB3-3 will help us better understand the molecular control of HT in rice, and may contribute to the development of high HT rice varieties.  相似文献   

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