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2004年9月25日至10月15日,在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟阿巴嘎旗白音图嘎苏木研究了布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)秋季家群数量与来自艾虎(Mustela eversmanni)的捕食风险。布氏田鼠家群数量调查采用标志重捕法和最小已知存活数估计法(即MNA法)确定,而艾虎对布氏田鼠捕食风险的衡量指标采用在研究期间布氏田鼠洞群区新出现的艾虎粪便和挖掘痕迹。研究区面积4 hm2,涉及91个布氏田鼠家群,658只布氏田鼠,其中,17个布氏田鼠家群有新出现的艾虎粪便,5个家群被艾虎掘开。运用非参数的Mann-Whitney U检验进行数据分析,从艾虎遗留的粪便痕迹来看,未出现艾虎粪便的布氏田鼠家群总秩和为1 096,出现艾虎粪便的田鼠洞群秩和为3 090,统计量U=315,校正Z=﹣3.241,校正P=0.001 2;另外,从艾虎掘开的田鼠家群来分析,没有被艾虎挖掘的布氏田鼠家群秩和为3 757,而被艾虎掘开的田鼠家群秩和为429,统计量U=16,校正Z值为﹣3.514,P=0.000 4。两组差异达到极显著水平,表明艾虎对秋季高数量的布氏田鼠家群具有显著的优先访问和攻击偏好,也意味着高数量的布氏田鼠秋季家群具有更高的被艾虎捕食的风险。  相似文献   

达乌尔鼠兔(Ochotona dauurica)是内蒙古草原的主要鼠种之一,分布在草地和榆树(Ulmus pumila)疏林下,在冬季会形成数量不同的越冬集群。达乌尔鼠兔在秋季和冬季常常会受到艾虎(Mustela eversmanii)的攻击。为研究达乌尔鼠兔越冬集群大小与来自艾虎的捕食风险的关系,2004年10月上旬在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟锡林浩特市白音锡勒牧场的五连榆树疏林地,以洞口计数法调查分布于林下的达乌尔鼠兔种群,采用洞口数量多少作为鼠兔秋季集群大小的指标。清除实验区达乌尔鼠兔洞群范围内的所有鼬科动物粪便。1个月之后,分别统计洞群留有艾虎粪便和洞群被艾虎挖掘过的达乌尔鼠兔家族数量,分析了艾虎对不同大小集群的达乌尔鼠兔家群的捕食选择偏好。统计结果显示,艾虎在集群大的达乌尔鼠兔家群周围更容易留下粪便(P 0.05),并且更倾向挖掘集群大的达乌尔鼠兔家群(P 0.05)。这表明达乌尔鼠兔越冬家群成员数量越多,其来自艾虎的捕食风险就越大。从本次实验结果来看,越冬期间天敌选择性的捕食风险的存在抑制了达乌尔鼠兔越冬集群的增长,从而使其越冬家族数量维持在限定的规模和水平。  相似文献   

2004年10月2~7日在内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗额和宝力格苏木鼠害草场采用鼠洞口数量作为布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)秋季集群大小的指标,分析了大■(Buteo hemilasius)对不同大小布氏田鼠集群的捕食选择偏好。统计了实验样地内可以观察到的大■蹲守布氏田鼠洞群鼠洞口数量,以及样地内大■没有蹲守的布氏田鼠洞群的鼠洞口数量。运用非参数Mann-Whitney U检验进行分析,大■没有蹲守的布氏田鼠洞群的洞口数量秩和统计量为1 753.5,而大■蹲守的布氏田鼠洞群的洞口数量总秩和为1 406.5,统计量U值为213.5,校正之后的Z值为﹣4.764 26,这表明,两组差异达到极显著水平(P=0.000 002),大■蹲守次数(B)与田鼠洞群洞口数量(N)呈显著的正相关关系,相关式为B=﹣0.733 2+0.044 36 N(r=0.592 65,P0.05)。结果表明,大■优先选择集群数量高的布氏田鼠集群,该结果可以解释布氏田鼠在秋季出现的分群行为。由于捕食风险的存在,布氏田鼠借助秋季的分群行为以降低冬季集群大小和被捕食风险,从而避免成为捕食性天敌首要攻击的目标,该结果从捕食风险角度支持了鼠类最优集群理论。  相似文献   

2003年9月10日—15日,在内蒙古东乌珠穆沁旗嘎达布其口岸附近的典型草原区鼠害草场研究了大鵟(Buteo hemilasius)对长爪沙鼠的捕食策略。鉴于秋季是长爪沙鼠的活跃期,直接采用鼠丘核心区的沙鼠洞口数作为衡量长爪沙鼠集群大小的指标,分析了大鵟对不同大小集群的长爪沙鼠家族集群的捕食选择偏好。实验涉及了3hm2的实验样地,样地中具有符合实验统计的长爪沙鼠洞群为87个。5d内作者观察到大鵟蹲守在样地中的长爪沙鼠29只次,共涉及23个沙鼠洞群。通过分析大鵟蹲守和没有蹲守过的沙鼠洞群的洞口数量,利用非参数的Mann-Whitney U检验法分析,结果表明:大鵟蹲守的洞群的洞口数量总秩和为2569.5,大鵟没有蹲守的沙鼠洞群的洞口数量秩和统计量为1258.5,统计量U值为489.5。校正之后的Z值为-2.37459,两组差异达到显著的水平(P=0.017574)。此外,分析还显示:沙鼠洞群洞口数量(S)与大鵟蹲守次数(F)呈显著的正相关关系,相关式为:F=-0.0559+0.023×S,(r=0.2707,P﹤0.05)。结果表明,大鵟会首先在洞口数量多的长爪沙鼠集群蹲守捕食,因此在越冬期间,长爪沙鼠的集群数量会被限制,进而可能形成一种最优化集群数量的模式。本文的研究结果从一定角度支持了鼠类通过形成最优集群以降低天敌捕食概率的理论。长爪沙鼠可能借助扩散行为,以及秋季的分群行为来降低集群密度从而降低被捕食风险。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)在冬季会形成数量不同的越冬集群,不同大小的集群会面临着不同的捕食风险。2004年秋季在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟典型鼠害草场,采用鼠洞口数量多少作为布氏田鼠秋季集群大小的指标,分析了大鵟(Buteo hemilasius)对不同大小集群的布氏田鼠集群的捕食选择偏好。结果表明:大鵟优先选择集群数量高的布氏田鼠集群,这表明数量高的布氏田鼠集群更容易吸引猛禽类天敌的捕食,该结果可以解释布氏田鼠在秋季出现的分群行为。由于捕食风险的存在,布氏田鼠借助秋季的分群行为以降低冬季集群大小和被捕食风险,从而避免成为捕食性天敌首要攻击的目标,该结果验证了最优集群理论。  相似文献   

艾虎对不同猎物的选择性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内条件下,将高原鼢鼠(Myospalaxbaileyi)、高原鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)和根田鼠(Microtusoeconomus)作为艾虎(Mustelaeversmanni)的猎物选择对象,研究艾虎对猎物的选择性及艾虎捕杀猎物的行为时间分配。实验结果表明:艾虎对三种猎物的搜寻时间和搜寻频次基本一致,在搜寻猎物的过程中并非已知洞道系统中所存在的食物信息,是一种机会主义的捕食者;艾虎除了具有典型鼬科动物捕杀猎物的方法外,能够根据猎物的大小、活动性和反捕食能力采用不同的捕杀方法,在捕杀猎物的过程中首先捕杀高原鼢鼠,其致死部位全部为头部,其次捕杀高原鼠兔,其致死部位除了头部外,明显增加了颈部的比例,最后捕杀根田鼠,其致死部位主要是头部和胸部;艾虎在捕杀猎物的过程中,追击根田鼠的时间最多,追击鼢鼠的时间最少,而用于捕杀根田鼠的时间最少,用于捕杀鼢鼠的时间最多,艾虎捕杀高原鼠兔后单位时间内获得的能量值最大,其次为捕杀高原鼢鼠,而捕杀根田鼠后单位时间内活动的能量值最小。因此,在室内条件下艾虎对猎物的选择性主要依赖于其本身处理猎物的行为时间分配和猎物的反捕食行为,使单位时间内获得的能量值最大.  相似文献   

在内蒙古典型草原区锡林郭勒盟研究了贮草期布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)采食距离及集群数量对采食量的影响。通过人为设置布氏田鼠洞群家族成员数量和采食距离,采用小麦(Triticum aestivum)为采食材料,测定了秋季自由生活状态下,采食距离为5~30 m范围内、每个洞群布氏田鼠数为3~11只范围内,布氏田鼠单次采食量的变化。结果表明,采食距离和家族成员数量对布氏田鼠单次采食量没有明显影响,采食距离和家族成员数量之间也不存在交互作用。布氏田鼠单次搬运麦粒数量平均为8.0粒/次,这可能与田鼠的搬运能力有关。  相似文献   

调查青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统中两种主要啮齿动物及其天敌动物的种群密度,分析天敌动物对两种啮齿类的捕食方式、捕食强度,探讨啮齿类动物的捕食风险及生存对策。研究结果表明,高原鼠兔和高原鼢鼠的种群密度分别为4.97只/hm^2和10.6只/hm^2,而它们的主要天敌赤狐、艾虎和香鼬的种群密度分别为0.16只/100hm^2、0.37只/100hm^2、3只/100hm^2。艾虎和香鼬在取食过程中主要搜寻啮齿类的洞道系统,全部食物几乎都来源于洞道系统内;赤狐或取食地面活动的鼠兔,或挖掘洞口待高原鼢鼠封闭洞口时取食猎物。高原鼠兔在赤狐、艾虎和香鼬的食物中所出现的频次分别为100%、96.1%、100%,高原鼢鼠在3种天敌动物的食物中所出现的频次分别为87.5%、73.2%、0%。3种天敌动物对高原鼠兔和高原鼢鼠的捕食强度分别为0.703%和0.038%,高原鼠兔和高原鼢鼠所承受的捕食风险分别为0.780和0.393。高原鼠兔在高的捕食风险下通过行为对策和繁殖对策增加其适合度,而承受捕食风险较小的高原鼢鼠主要通过封闭的洞道系统和高的存活率增加其适合度。  相似文献   

棕色田鼠洞群内社会组织   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
每月选取农田样方,用洞道内置夹及挖捕法对棕色田鼠洞群内的群体结构进行调查发现,棕色田鼠在不同的季节,洞群内个体组成不同。在4月和10月,同洞群内成年雄性和雌性的数量较多,往往有两个以上的雌性个体参与繁殖,而且亚成体和幼体的数量也较多;而6月至9月,棕色田鼠多呈雌雄一一配对,有些洞群内也有幼体和亚成体,雌雄共巢,而呈现单配制特征。所以其社会组织呈现群居家庭、双亲家庭和单亲家庭3种类型。4月和10月群居家庭最多(60%,61.53%),6月和9月双亲家庭较多(80%,75%),双亲家庭所占比例和密度呈负相关,而群居家庭所占比例和密度呈正相关。在不同的季节洞口系数不同,洞口系数和密度呈正相关。  相似文献   

布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)是内蒙古典型草原区主要鼠种之一。该鼠种在秋季将食物储存在储草仓内,以此来度过植被贫瘠的冬季。为探究储草期增加食物对布氏田鼠越冬存活率的影响,2004年10月,于内蒙古阿巴嘎旗白音图噶苏木的布氏田鼠鼠害草场随机选取两块100 m×200 m的样地,分别设为增食样地和对照样地。增食样地内给每个布氏田鼠洞群补充食物,每天补充500 g小麦,连续补充2 d共计1000 g。对照样地内则不做任何处理。2004年10月,采用标志重捕法调查两块样地内布氏田鼠种群数量,调查显示,增食样地和对照样地内,布氏田鼠数量分别为310只和318只,以该结果作为计算其越冬存活率的基数。2005年5月,返回样地再次进行标志重捕,分别计算两样地布氏田鼠的越冬存活率。卡方检验显示,储草期增加食物能显著提高布氏田鼠越冬存活率。增食样地布氏田鼠越冬存活率为41.3%,显著高于对照样地布氏田鼠越冬存活率(24.2%,P<0.01)。增食样地雌性和雄性布氏田鼠越冬存活率分别为45.4%和37.3%,均显著高于对照样地雌性和雄性布氏田鼠越冬存活率(25.8%和22.6%,P<0.01)。但样地内雌性和雄性越冬存活率均无明显差异(P>0.05)。本研究结果表明,补充食物可大幅度提升布氏田鼠冬季存活率,增加布氏田鼠越冬存活基数,对来年种群增长起重要作用。  相似文献   

In small rodent populations with wide-amplitude fluctuations and low-density bottlenecks, the individuals that survive through the bottlenecks may gain major fitness advantages as they will be the founders of the following population expansion. Most hypotheses assume that there exists a physical or behavioural refuge from increased predation risk, and that the survivors are most likely individuals adapted to use such refuges. A recent hypothesis suggests that survival probability is habitat-dependent so that some otherwise sub-optimal habitats provide a spatial refuge from predation risk by the main predator(s). We used spatially replicated long-term (1981–2004) trapping and tracking data of voles (field vole Microtus agrestis and sibling vole M. rossiaemeridionalis) and their main predators (weasel Mustela nivalis and stoat M. erminea) to test predictions based on this hypothesis. We did not find support for the hypothesis. We did not find marked phase-dependent differences in the habitat-level distribution of Microtus voles. Habitat types with low Microtus vole abundance had, on average, comparable predator activity than the main Microtus vole habitats, indicating that there were no habitat-level refuges from predators. There appeared to be no permanent site-level refuges: the spatial distribution of voles varied from one bottleneck to another. This suggests that survival through bottlenecks is at least partly determined by chance events. We propose that in this kind of systems, where relatively short-lived prey are hunted by nomadic or widely ranging predators, short-term anti-predator responses may increase survival prospects as efficiently as more costly anti-predator adaptations, and there is no apparent need to maintain special adaptations to bottleneck situations that occur at infrequent intervals.Co-ordinating editor: J. Tuomi  相似文献   

The Cabrera vole (Microtus cabrerae) is a threatened rodent endemic in the Iberian Peninsula with a patchy distribution and specific microhabitat requirements. This aim of this study was to document the composition of plant communities in habitats of Cabrera vole colonies in southern Portugal. Differences observed in plant species composition were also compared with vegetation structure, taxonomic and life form groups, species and group diversity, disturbance, topography and soil properties. Vegetation was sampled between March and July 2004, in 26 colonies occurring in five geographical areas. Grasses were the most abundant, common and diverse family in the colonies, and the perennial grass Agrostis castellana was present in 92% of colonies, with a mean cover of 16% of the site. Other frequently occurring species were Briza maxima (85%), Vulpia myuros (85%), Gaudinia fragilis (81%), Leontodon spp. (81%), Avena barbata (77%), Bromus hordeaceus (77%) and Tolpis barbata (77%). Colonies were classified in eight vegetation groups that included meadows, tall perennial grasslands, manured meadows with tall sedges, annual grasslands and ruderal and nitrophilous grasslands. Main gradients associated with composition differences were grass richness, annual and perennial grass cover, vegetation structure (herbaceous vegetation height), soil properties (texture and moisture), disturbance (ruderal species) and colony dimensions (area). Results suggest that the Cabrera vole is able to exploit a wide variety of grasslands, with a varying degree of ecological disturbance. Meadows and perennial grassland communities seem to be higher-quality microhabitats for voles.  相似文献   

In prey communities with shared predators, variation in prey vulnerability is a key factor in shaping community dynamics. Conversely, the hunting efficiency of a predator depends on the prey community structure, preferences of the predator and antipredatory behavioural traits of the prey. We studied experimentally, under seminatural field conditions, the preferences of a predator and the antipredatory responses of prey in a system consisting of two Myodes species of voles, the grey-sided vole (M. rufocanus Sund.) and the bank vole (M. glareolus Schreb.), and their specialist predator, the least weasel (Mustela nivalis nivalis L.). To quantify the preference of the weasels, we developed a new modelling framework that can be used for unbalanced data. The two vole species were hypothesised to have different habitat-dependent vulnerabilities. We created two habitats, open and forest, to provide different escape possibilities for the voles. We found a weak general preference of the weasels for the grey-sided voles over the bank voles, and a somewhat stronger preference specifically in open habitats. The weasels clearly preferred male grey-sided voles over females, whereas in bank voles, there was no difference. The activity of voles changed over time, so that voles increased their movements immediately after weasel introduction, but later adjusted their movements to times of lowered predation risk. Females that were more active had an elevated mortality risk, whereas in the case of males, the result was the opposite. We conclude that, in vulnerability to predation, the species- or habitat-specific characteristics of these prey species are playing a minor role compared to sex-specific characteristics.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the reproductive investment of microtine rodents (bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus),Microtus epiroticus andMicrotus agrestis) in western Finland under predation risk from small mustelids. During 1984–1992, the yearly mean litter size of overwintered bank voles was smaller at high least weasel and stoat densities than at low densities (close to 3 versus 4–5). In addition, the annual mean litter size of young bank voles was negatively correlated to the least weasel density. In youngM. agrestis voles, the yearly late summer litter size was negatively associated with the autumn density of small mustelids. In the crash phase of the vole cycle (1989 and 1992), we removed small mustelids (mainly least weasels) from four unfenced areas in late April to late May and studied the reproduction of voles in four removal and comparable control areas (each 2–4 km2). Reduction of small mustelids significantly increased the proportion of pregnant bank vole females, but not that of pregnantMicrotus vole females. We conclude that predation risk apparently reduced reproductive investment of free-living bank vole females; these voles appear to trade their current parental investment against future survival and reproductive prospects. Accordingly, the presence of small mustelids (or their scent) may slow down the reproductive rate of voles. As antipredatory behaviours occurred on a large scale, our results add evidence to the hypothesis that crashes in multiannual vole cycles are driven by small mustelid predators.  相似文献   

Steen H  Mysterud A  Austrheim G 《Oecologia》2005,143(3):357-364
Inter-specific competition, facilitation and predation influence herbivore assemblages, but no study has experimentally explored the interactions between large ungulates and small rodents. In a fully replicated, landscape scale experiment, we manipulated densities of domestic sheep in mountain pastures in Norway. We then determined population growth and densities of rodents by live trapping in each of the areas with different sheep densities. We found that the (summer) population growth rate and autumn density of the field vole (Microtus agrestis) was lower at high sheep density. This provides the first experimental evidence of negative interactions between an ungulate and small rodent species. There was no effect on the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus), whose diet differs from sheep. Sheep density, therefore, potentially alters the pattern of inter-specific population synchrony amongst voles. Our study shows that negative interactions between large ungulates and small rodents may be species-specific and negative population consequences for the rodent population appear above threshold ungulate densities.Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Summary In northern Fennoscandia, microtine rodent populations fluctuate cyclically. The environment of an individual vole can be considered to be predictable when the risks of predation and intra- and interspecific competition change with the cycle, such that both are high during the population highs of voles. The risk of predation is also high during the vole crash. After the crash, the vole population is characterized by low intra- and interspecific competition and low predation pressure. The main predators affecting voles during the crash are the small mustelids, least weasel and stoat. The density of these specialist predators declines drastically during the winter after the vole crash. We studied experimentally the impact of the perceived presence of stoats on the breeding and mating behaviour of voles. In a series of breeding experiments with bank voles,Clethrionomys glareolus, both old and young females suppressed breeding when exposed to the odour of stoats,Mustela erminea. The weights of females decreased in both experimental and control groups, but more among the voles under odour exposition. It seems that females actively avoided copulations under high predation risk and that breeding suppression is mediated by a change in female mating behaviour. There was no change in male behaviour or physical condition between the experimental and control treatments. An alternative mechanism for the observed breeding suppression could be the one caused by decreased feeding in females mediated with low energy intake which does not allow breeding. Regardless of its mechanism, delay of breeding should increase the probability of non-breeding females to survive to the next breeding season. The females surviving the crash should gain a strong selective advantage in a predator-free environment of the subsequent breeding season, which could explain the adaptive function of this antipredatory strategy.  相似文献   

在室内条件下,将大鵟作为艾虎的天敌动物,通过双通道选择实验确定6 只成体艾虎在3 个捕食风险水平和4 种饥饿状态条件下的取食行为,探讨艾虎在取食过程中对饥饿风险与捕食风险的权衡策略。研究结果表明:在无捕食风险存在时,艾虎被剥夺食物0 d 和1 d 后对食物量不同的两个斑块中的取食量和利用频次均无明显不同(P > 0. 05),但对高食物量斑块的利用时间均明显高于低食物量斑块的(P <0.05),而艾虎被剥夺食物2 d和3 d后对高食物量斑块中的取食量和利用时间均明显高于低食物量斑块中的(P < 0.05),但在利用频次上均无明显差异(P > 0.05)。在面临低风险时,艾虎在4 种饥饿状态下均只利用无天敌动物存在的低食物量斑块,而基本不利用有天敌动物存在的高食物量斑块。在面临高风险时,艾虎不得不利用有天敌动物存在的食物斑块,被剥夺食物0 d 时艾虎对无风险、无食物量斑块的利用时间基本相同于对高风险、有食物量斑块的利用时间(P>0.05),而被剥夺食物1d、2 d 和3 d 后艾虎对高风险、有食物量斑块的利用时间明显高于无风险、无食物量斑块的(P< 0. 05)。在相同风险条件下,随着饥饿程度增加,艾虎在斑块中的取食量均明显增加(P< 0.05),而对斑块的利用时间和利用频次明显降低(P<0.05)。在相同的饥饿状态下,不同风险水平时,艾虎在斑块中的取食量无明显的差异(P>0.05),但在低风险和高风险时对斑块的利用时间和频次均明显低于无风险时的(P <0.05)。以上结果说明艾虎能够根据食物摄取率和自身的能量需求在捕食风险和饥饿风险之间做出权衡,当饥饿风险小于捕食风险时,艾虎趋于躲避捕食风险,当饥饿风险大于捕食风险时,艾虎趋于面对捕食风险,所采用的取食策略是减少活动时间和能量消耗,最大程度地提高单位时间内获得的能量。  相似文献   

Fungal endophytes of grasses are known to benefit their hosts directly by increasing resistance to herbivores through mycotoxins. We propose and test assumptions of a novel hypothesis according to which fungal endophytes of grasses may benefit their hosts also indirectly by increasing the conspicuousness of a mammalian herbivore, the field vole (Microtus agrestis), to its avian predators by enhancing the ultraviolet visibility of vole urine. We found that field voles feeding on endophyte-infected meadow ryegrass (Lolium pratense) lost body mass, while voles feeding on non-infected meadow ryegrass gained mass. More interestingly, the maximum peak intensity of ultraviolet fluorescence in the urine of voles feeding on endophyte-infected grass shifted from over 380 nm to circa 370 nm, which is the suggested maximum sensitivity of the ultraviolet pigments in the eyes of vole-eating raptors. Therefore, grazing on endophyte-infected grass alters the ultraviolet spectrum of vole urine, thus potentially enhancing its visibility to avian predators.  相似文献   

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