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正铁布衫,一种传说中的护体功夫,练成之人刀枪不入,抗击打能力非常强。如今,铁布衫还被用来形容超强的外挂装备。假如甲虫也会练功夫,铁锭甲虫练就的一定是铁布衫。哇,好硬的壳昆虫学家研究甲虫有一种常用的方法——制作标本。为了便于观察,他们用大头钉把甲虫标本钉在木板上。这样做的时候,他们需要钉穿甲虫的外骨骼。  相似文献   

通过在全球定点布设长期样地, 定量评估昆虫多样性与环境之间的关系具有重要意义。“SITE100”国际大科学计划在全球选定100个大样地, 每个样地统一选用罐诱法、马氏网法和飞行阻隔法三类采集装备, 从物种、形态和遗传多样性三个维度探究全球昆虫多样性格局。花坪被选为全球100个大样地之一。本文的数据集为花坪样地2020年生长季期间的鞘翅目收样结果, 历时7个月(2020.05.09-2020.11.23), 涵盖10个样点, 每个样点包括1套飞行阻隔器、1套马氏网和10个埋罐, 平均每周访问全部样点1次。研究期间共采集甲虫8,914头, 被划分为563个形态种, 涵盖57个科。数据集包括四部分, 第一部分为各样点每个采集装备每次收样所获得甲虫标本的集体照原图, 共计644张, 压缩后为照片1.zip; 第二部分为标注了形态种编号的甲虫标本的集体照, 共计644张, 压缩后为照片2.zip; 第三部分为甲虫标本数量统计数据, 涵盖2020年5月2日至2020年11月23日期间3种采集方式各日期采集甲虫的数量、采集样点的经纬度以及海拔信息, 共2个文件, 压缩后为数据1.zip; 第四部分为甲虫标本高级阶元(科级或亚科级)鉴定信息, 共计2个文件, 压缩后为数据2.zip。该数据集除了可以用于与其他SITE100样地结果进行联合分析之外, 还可用来比较不同栖境中甲虫的类群分布和形态差异, 部分类群的背面观图片为后续的几何形态学或者形态学研究提供数据支持。该数据集还是对花坪甲虫多样性的首次定量评估, 对于丰富我国生物多样性本底数据和了解我国南方昆虫区系的来源具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本研究在2017-2019年期间利用新型大型飞行阻隔器在香港8个样地(八仙岭、西贡、城门、马鞍山、大帽山、大榄、地塘仔、石壁)开展了甲虫采集,整理鉴定出11科15种罕见甲虫,其中包括中国新纪录属种3个,香港新纪录科1个,香港新纪录属7个,香港新纪录种5个。在此基础上,对飞行阻隔器在获取罕见甲虫标本方面的效能进行了评价,并给出了飞行阻隔器未来的改造建议与方向,探讨了飞行阻隔器在生物多样性调查中的应用潜力。  相似文献   

四川小寨子沟自然保护区地表甲虫多样性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨丽红  郑发科 《四川动物》2007,26(4):733-737
采用样线法,调查了四川省小寨子沟自然保护区地表甲虫群落。通过8条样线调查共采到标本2893头,分属27科。以隐虫科的标本数量占绝对优势,占标本个体总数的77.74%,其次是步行虫科,占标本个体总数的14.52%,这两科为该地区的优势类群;而金龟科和牧场金龟科为该地区的常见类群,分别占本次标本收获量的1.69%,其余甲虫均为稀有类群。通过多样性指数研究发现,以凌冰沟、白水沟以及尚武的地表甲虫多样性最高,花桥、鸡湾、竹林沟的多样性最低。相似性研究表明,所有样线间的相似性程度较低,仅鸡湾和竹林沟两条样线的地表甲虫群落极为相似,相似性系数达0.75。另外,尝试性引入DG指数来评判科级水平上的多样性指数,并把它与惯用的Shannon-W iener多样性指数做了比较,结果显示,DG指数在科级水平上得出的多样性指数与丰富度具有较高的一致性,而Shannon-W iener多样性指数有时会得出与实际颠倒的结果。所以建议在地表甲虫科级多样性分析时采用DG指数也许比较合适。研究表明,人为活动的适度干扰,导致了栖息环境的空间异质性,利于多种地表甲虫的生存,过低或过高的人为活动都会降低地表甲虫的多样性。  相似文献   

鄂尔多斯高原地区昆虫物种多样性研究   总被引:16,自引:3,他引:13  
鄂尔多斯高原有特殊生境类型,本文研究了该地区的昆虫物种多样性变化及影响因素,得到以下结果:(1)利用巴氏罐诱法得到昆虫标本约5159号,其他无脊椎动物标本291号,鞘翅目为优势昆虫类群,其数量占昆虫标本总数的45.8%,其中拟步甲和步甲个体数量较多,占所有甲虫总数92.8%;(2)根据甲虫的物种多样性和丰富度的特点将4个调查地点分为两组:一组为以荒漠灌丛为主的杭锦旗和植被类型多样化的石灰庙,物种多样性指数,丰富度和个体数量较高;另一组为以人工植被区为主的石龙庙和新街镇,物种均匀度指数较高;(3)主成分排序(PCA)可以将该地区的甲虫群落分为人工植被区和荒漠植被区2种类型,反映降水和植被类型是决定甲虫群落组成的关键因素;(4)降水梯度对甲虫物种多样性有很大影响,物种多样性指数,均匀度指数与降水梯度呈显著的正相关关系;个体数量与降水梯度呈显著的负相关关系;物种的丰富度与降水梯度没有相关关系。以上结果表明,在鄂尔多斯高原地区,只有减少人为干扰,加强保护脆弱的原有植被,才能保护特有的昆虫种类;只有大力开展固沙造林植草,才能改善环境,提高该地区的昆虫物种多样性。  相似文献   

本研究所用标本为7种水生甲虫,均采自伊朗Choghakhor沼泽。通过对水生甲虫的体长和体重的测量,研究其体长-体重关系(LWR)。结果表明: LWR参数b的变动范围在2.315~3.117之间。所有被观察的水生甲虫体长与体重关系明显,相关系数(r2)均高。本研究所得到的这种相互关系可被用于确定甲虫体重,并有助于解决其他的一些生态学问题。本研究所提出的体长-体重关系(LWR)限制于所观察到的标本体长范围。  相似文献   

宁夏白芨滩国家级自然保护区地表甲虫群落多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
2006年7—9月在宁夏白芨滩国家级自然保护区内选取5个不同样地,主要以巴氏罐诱法结合网捕等采集方法对各样地地表甲虫群落组成和多样性变化进行了调查。结果共获得甲虫标本1 896号,分属17科,其中拟步甲科数量最多,占25.58%;叶甲科次之,占20.99%;肖叶甲科、芫菁科和瓢虫科的数量也相对较多,它们共同构成该地区地表甲虫的优势类群。白芨滩样地地表甲虫的物种数和个体数量最丰富;长流水样地的多样性指数、均匀度指数、优势度指数最高;马鞍山样地的物种数、个体数量和与此相应的均匀度指数、多样性指数、丰富度最低。通过聚类分析显示白芨滩样地和大泉样地具有一定程度的相似性,长流水样地与磁窑堡样地相似性程度较高,马鞍山样地与其他4个地点差异最大。表明生境类型差异性与地表甲虫群落的物种多样性和相似性密切相关;荒漠化环境治理使地表甲虫栖息环境的空间异质性增大,从而增加了地表甲虫的多样性。  相似文献   

疣隐翅虫属Thoracochirus种类多见于腐木树皮下,是重要的腐木甲虫。在本研究之前,该属只有两个种在中国台湾有记录:长疣隐翅虫Thoracochirus variolosus Fauvel,1895和台湾疣隐翅虫T.formosae Cameron,1940.记述了云南的3新种:盈江疣隐翅虫T.yingjiangensis sp.nov.,尖突疣隐翅虫T.protumidus sp.nov.,耳突疣隐翅虫T.arcuatus sp.nov.及长疣隐翅虫T.variolosus大陆新纪录。文中提供了该4个种的检索表。所有标本(包括所有模式标本)保存在中国科学院动物研究所。  相似文献   

本文研究了卧龙国家自然保护区地表甲虫群落在天然落叶阔叶林森林边缘与森林内部和周围草地间多样性差异,在科级水平上探讨边缘效应对地表甲虫群落的影响。调查共设5个重复样带(间距大于500 m);每个样带以距离梯度(25 m)的方式设置样点,分别由边缘深入到森林内部和草地中央100 m,共设45个样点,通过巴氏罐诱法调查地表甲虫群落组成和季节变化。本研究采集甲虫标本4 736 号,隶属于28个科,步甲科、隐翅虫科和叩甲科分别占总数的49.5%、23.5%和13.0%,共同构成本研究地区地表甲虫的优势类群。甲虫的个体数量从森林内部、边缘到周围草地依次降低,而科多样性和均匀度则依次增高,都达到了显著差异。主坐标分析(PCoA)排序表明,森林内部和周围草地间的地表甲虫群落组成差异较大;而森林边缘的群落组成与两者都有较高程度的相似性,反映了森林边缘的地表甲虫群落已经与森林内部的群落组成发生明显分化,除了森林物种成分外,还包含了若干从周围草地环境扩散来的物种成分。从季节动态看,森林边缘和森林内部在丰富度和个体数量的季节变化曲线方面相似性更高;捕食类和腐食类地表甲虫的季节变化在森林内部和边缘相似性更高,而植食类则在森林边缘和草地的相似性更高。多元回归分析表明,枯落物覆盖率是影响地表甲虫科多样性和均匀度的决定因素,枯落物厚度和林冠层覆盖率是决定甲虫个体数量分布的重要因素。以上结果表明,在科级水平上,地表甲虫群落在天然落叶阔叶林边缘已经与森林内部生境发生分化,而且正在加剧的森林片断化进程将会产生更多的森林边缘,因此,保留大面积的天然落叶阔叶林免受破坏和干扰是保护地表甲虫多样性的必要措施。  相似文献   

韩红香 《昆虫知识》2007,44(4):463-464
Haldane曾有句著名的妙语:“上帝酷爱甲虫”。达特茅斯学院的Mark和格林内尔学院的Jonathan的研究表明,上帝的爱不在于他创造了这么多种甲虫,而是在于让甲虫在地球上存在了这么久。McPeek和Brown发表在《美国博物学家》4月号的研究表明,许多昆虫如甲虫和蝴蝶具有极其丰富的物种是由于其进化历史久远。  相似文献   

Aim To undertake a quantitative review of the Quaternary fossil record of European water beetles to evaluate their geographical and temporal coverage, and to characterize the extent and typology of the shifts in their geographical ranges. Location Europe. Methods We compiled Quaternary water beetle records from public databases and published references. We included in the analyses species of 10 families of aquatic Coleoptera, and recorded range shifts through the comparison of the location of fossil remains with the current distribution of the species. We explored the ecological representativeness of the fossil record, as well as the relationship between range shifts and the habitat type of the species. Results Our final data set included over 9000 records for 259 water beetle species. Fossil remains of aquatic beetles have been documented exclusively north of 42° N, with most of the records from the British Isles and virtually none from southern Europe or the Mediterranean Basin. Over 80% of the records were from the Late Glacial and the Holocene periods (the last 15 kyr), and overall approximately 20% of the species have been recorded outside their present range (23% excluding Holocene records). Most range shifts were southern or western extensions of currently widespread, northern species, with 10 species displaying major range shifts through the Palaearctic. Lentic species were significantly more likely to have experienced major range shifts, even accounting for the general ecological bias of the fossil record towards lentic habitats. Main conclusions Our results show that the Quaternary record of aquatic Coleoptera is geographically, temporally and ecologically skewed, necessitating caution when extrapolating general conclusions about range changes and ecological stability to other areas or periods on the basis of such scattered evidence. Most central and northern European species for which there are fossil records seem to have conserved their ranges through the Late Pleistocene, with geographical shifts mostly restricted to species with current widespread north Palaearctic or Holarctic distributions. Major range shifts through the Palaearctic are taxonomically uneven, suggesting either an idiosyncratic behaviour of taxa depending on ecological or phylogenetic factors, or a sampling artefact produced by the limited availability of taxonomic expertise.  相似文献   

Macroentomology analysis mainly studies terrestrial insect species with a hard exoskeleton (Coleoptera, some Hymenoptera, Homoptera, and sometimes other orders). The method has shown a great potential for environmental and climatic paleoreconstructions of the Quaternary worldwide. A large volume of the entomological material has also been collected in Siberia. However, an analysis of the published data demonstrates that the investigations of fossil insects are irregular in Siberia. The most studied sites are in Northwestern and Central Siberia and in northeastern Russia. The rest of Siberia is still almost unstudied. This work aims to present this method (sampling method, laboratory treatment, and examples of paleoreconstructions) to a wide group of researches. In some cases, the study of insects allows one to make more accurate reconstructions than traditional paleobotanical methods. The application of this method is effective for recognizing differences in herbaceous communities similar in appearance, which were typical for the cold periods in the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

温带落叶阔叶林地表鞘翅目成虫小尺度空间格局动态分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土壤动物空间格局是格局—过程以及生物多样性维持机制研究的重要基础,目前小尺度空间土壤动物空间格局动态特征仍不清楚。基于地统计空间分析方法,以鞘翅目成虫为研究对象,研究帽儿山温带落叶阔叶林小尺度空间(5m)地表鞘翅目成虫群落及类群的空间格局动态特征。结果表明:4次调查共捕获鞘翅目成虫11科、29类、1021只个体,调查月份鞘翅目成虫群落具有较强的时空变异性;Moran'sⅠ系数表明鞘翅目成虫群落和类群具有复杂的正的空间自相关性,其空间异质性可用球状、指数、高斯和线性模型进行拟合。这种空间异质性具有一定的时间变化特征,且这种空间分异是由随机性因素单一调控或结构性因素和随机性因素共同调控的结果;类群之间在多种尺度上表现为复杂的以负相关居多的空间关联性,这种空间关联性的形成主要是结构性因素或随机性因素单一调控的结果。本实验表明地表鞘翅目成虫群落在小尺度空间具有明显的空间异质性特征,这种空间异质性时间变异性较明显。  相似文献   

  1. Insects of the order Coleoptera play an essential role in agricultural sustainability by supporting many ecosystem services (such as biological control, nutrient cycling or pollination). In agroecosystems, the Coleoptera community may be influenced by the surrounding landscape, which can provide living resources, like food or shelter, during different seasons, originating spillover movements between different environments.
  2. The present study aimed to evaluate the response of the Coleoptera community to the landscape surrounding vineyards at different buffers. For that, Coleoptera were sampled in six wine protected designation of origin (PDO) regions of Portugal (35 vineyards), and landscape configuration and composition metrics were calculated at buffers of 500, 750, 1000, 1500 and 2000 m radii around the vineyards.
  3. In total, 2954 Coleoptera individuals belonging to 36 families were collected. The most abundant families were Chrysomelidae, Coccinellidae and Latridiidae. Results indicated that intermediate habitat fragmentation levels, particularly in semi-natural areas and vineyards, favoured Coleoptera biodiversity in vine-producing regions. Moreover, the range of activity of Coleoptera seems to be larger than 1000 m.
  4. This work constitutes an important contribution to understanding the response of the Coleoptera community to the landscape context in vineyards in Portugal and contributes to the theoretical framework about the influence of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity.

Fossil evidence for the evolutionary history of terrestrial arthropods in New Zealand is extremely limited; only six pre‐Quaternary insects (Triassic to Eocene) have been recorded previously, none of Miocene age. The Foulden Maar fossil lagerstätte in Otago has now yielded a diverse arthropod assemblage, including members of the Araneae, Plecoptera, Isoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Trichoptera and Diptera. The fauna significantly emends the fossil record for the Southern Hemisphere, provides an unparalleled insight into a 23‐million‐year‐old New Zealand lake/forest palaeoecosystem and allows a first evaluation of arthropod diversity at a time coeval with or shortly after the maximum marine transgression of Zealandia in the late Oligocene. The well‐preserved arthropods chiefly represent ground‐dwelling taxa of forest floor and leaf litter habitats, mostly from sub‐families and genera that are still present in the modern fauna. They provide precisely dated fossil evidence for the antiquity of some of New Zealand's terrestrial arthropods and the first potential time calibrations for phylogenetic studies. The high arthropod diversity at Foulden Maar, together with a subtropical rainforest flora and fossil evidence for complex arthropod–plant interactions, suggests that terrestrial arthropods persisted during the Oligocene marine transgression of Zealandia.  相似文献   

Basal relationships of Coleoptera inferred from 18S rDNA sequences   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
The basal relationships of the hyperdiverse insect order Coleoptera (beetles) have proven difficult to resolve. Examination of beetle suborder relationships using 18S ribosomal DNA reveals a previously unproposed relationship among the four major lineages: [(Archostemata(Myxophaga(Adephaga, Polyphaga)))]. Adding representatives of most other insect orders results in a non-monophyletic Coleoptera. However, constraining Coleoptera and its suborders to be monophyletic, in analyses of beetle and outgroup sequences, also results in the above beetle relationships, with the root placed between Archostemata and the remaining suborders.  相似文献   

鞘翅目系统演化关系研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
现生鞘翅目类群是昆虫纲中种类最多的一个类群,由4个亚目组成。形态学研究表明,鞘翅目是一个单系,但在加入了分子数据之后,其结果证明鞘翅目为并系类群。最早的甲虫起源于二叠纪,与现生的原鞘亚目具有许多相似特征。大多数学者认为与鞘翅目亲缘关系最近的类群是脉翅类昆虫,但是也有的学者认为鞘翅目与捻翅目互为姐妹群。本文对鞘翅目高级阶元4个亚目的系统关系和有关鞘翅目的起源和演化等研究进行了总结,并对相关问题做了进一步探讨和展望。  相似文献   

鞘翅目昆虫线粒体基因组研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
聂瑞娥  杨星科 《昆虫学报》2014,57(7):860-868
鞘翅目(Coleoptera)是世界上最具多样性的类群,具有很高的生态和形态多样性,这些多样性吸引了很多进化生物学家和分类学家的关注。随着分子生物学的发展,分子生物学技术广泛应用于鞘翅目系统学的研究,但随着研究的深入,简单的分子片段已经不能满足研究的需求,需要发掘更新的分子标记。近年来,线粒体全基因组已经成为鞘翅目分子系统学研究中很重要的分子标记之一,并广泛地应用于鞘翅目昆虫各个阶元的研究中。本文就鞘翅目线粒体全基因组的概况、研究进展及存在问题进行了总结和讨论。目前,鞘翅目线粒体基因组的研究主要包括物种线粒体基因组组成与结构、分子系统学和分子进化等方面。线粒体基因组在解决系统发育和进化方面表现出了很多的优越性,然而也存在着一些缺点,如序列难获得、基因类型单一、各基因进化速率不同、应用较局限等。  相似文献   

本文整理并总结了世界鞘翅目2021年发表的新分类阶元、新组合、新异名、分类阶元升级和降级等情况, 并单独梳理了中国2021年鞘翅目新增分类群。通过在线数据库检索及相关同行补充, 最终共获得了相关文献1,114篇。2021年, 世界鞘翅目新分类阶元共计3,375个, 包括2个新亚科, 1个超族, 9个新族, 3个新亚族, 178个新属, 36个新亚属, 3,070个新种和76个新亚种, 另有1,071个新组合, 485个新异名, 70个分类阶元升级, 26个分类阶元降级。新发表的物种中, 隐翅虫科534种, 金龟科461种, 二者约占总数的31.6%。世界鞘翅目新物种发现数量最多的国家是中国, 共发现新属13个, 新亚属4个, 新种635个, 新亚种6个, 发表中国新记录亚科2个, 新记录属13个, 新记录亚属1个, 新记录种112个和新记录亚种6个。2021年发表的中国鞘翅目新种有204个隶属于金龟科, 新物种发现数量最高的省级行政区是云南省(172个新种及亚种)。  相似文献   

  1. Mountain species are at the forefront of climate change disruption, and montane saproxylic Coleoptera are facing large- and small-scale changes in their surroundings. Saproxylic Coleoptera are both functionally and taxonomically diverse and are the representatives of an imperilled fauna confronted with the realities of a changing landscape. Understanding the effects of elevation and other forest characteristics on saproxylic and non-saproxylic Coleoptera is a step towards predicting the future of taxonomic and functional group biodiversity at the tree-line and on mountains.
  2. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of elevation and other forest characteristics on the biodiversity of montane Coleoptera at the tree-line using both taxonomic and functional feeding guild classifications.
  3. Our results suggest that abundance of saprotrophs is closely linked to the density of large trees rather than the volume of wood. Edge effects and elevation seem to drive abundance patterns of some species and also influence taxonomic and functional guild community patterns differently. Finally, we discuss the implications of climate change and land abandonment to future Coleoptera community structure.

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