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为探讨大狼耙草的入侵特性,采用盆栽试验,研究了不同养分条件对入侵植物大狼耙草(Bidens frondosa L.)和近缘本地植物狼耙草(B.tripartita L.)竞争的影响。结果表明,大狼耙草的竞争响应随着养分的增加而降低,而本地种狼耙草的竞争响应随着养分的增加而升高,低养分下大狼耙草的竞争响应大于狼耙草的竞争响应,高养分下则相反。低养分下,竞争显著降低大狼耙草的生长,而高养分下,竞争显著降低本地植物狼耙草的生长,说明了养分的增加提高了入侵植物大狼耙草的竞争能力,同时降低了本地植物狼耙草的竞争能力。人类活动使生境中的养分增加,会提高大狼耙草对狼耙草的竞争能力,促进其入侵。  相似文献   

入侵植物南美蟛蜞菊和本土蟛蜞菊生长对土壤养分的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
植物入侵对全球生态系统造成了严重威胁,土壤养分条件(养分水平和养分异质性)对外来植物的成功入侵有重要影响。为了探讨土壤养分条件对入侵植物与同属本地植物生长的影响,本研究以入侵植物南美蟛蜞菊(Wedelia trilobata)和同属本地种蟛蜞菊(W.chinensis)为试验材料开展了温室控制实验。实验设置了低、中、高及异质性养分条件下的单种和混种两种种植方式,测定了每种植物总生物量,根、茎、叶生物量及分节数、根冠比等指标,并分析了土壤养分对二者生长的影响。结果表明:土壤养分水平增加显著促进了南美蟛蜞菊和本地蟛蜞菊的生长;土壤养分异质性显著增加了南美蟛蜞菊根生物量和根冠比,显著增加了本地蟛蜞菊的总生物量、根生物量和茎生物量;土壤养分水平和养分异质性对南美蟛蜞菊和本地蟛蜞菊的竞争响应均无显著影响;在土壤养分较高或较低时南美蟛蜞菊更容易入侵成功;在异质养分环境中,当南美蟛蜞菊生长处于高养斑块时更容易入侵成功。  相似文献   

增强竞争能力的进化假说认为,在入侵地外来植物逃离了原产地天敌的控制,把原来用于防御的资源分配到生长、生殖等,从而提高竞争力。为探讨进化在恶性外来入侵植物飞机草(Chromolaena odorata)入侵中的作用,在同质种植园中的两个养分条件下比较研究了飞机草原产地和入侵地各8个种群叶片单宁含量,茎和叶片总酚、半纤维素和纤维素含量以及总生物量的差异。结果表明,在两个养分条件下,飞机草入侵种群和原产地种群总生物量差异均不显著,入侵种群茎和叶片半纤维素含量均低于原产地种群;在高养分条件下,飞机草入侵种群叶片纤维素含量低于原产地种群;在低养分条件下,入侵种群茎和叶片总酚含量高于原产地种群。由此,我们得出结论:在入侵地,飞机草未发生加快生长的进化,但数量型化学防御物质发生了遗传变化;降低的半纤维素和纤维素含量可能是对入侵地专性天敌缺乏做出进化响应的结果,提高的总酚含量有利于飞机草防御入侵地的广谱天敌。  相似文献   

为探讨鬼针草属(Bidens)入侵种的入侵性,利用同质园种植实验比较了该属入侵种三叶鬼针草(Bidens pilosa)和大狼耙草(B.frondosa)与本地种金盏银盘(B.biternata)和狼耙草(B.tripartita)在光照与水分交互作用下的形态、生长、生物量分配、光合特征及其表型可塑性的差异。结果表明:入侵种的株高和生物量在低光低水条件下与本地种相似,在有利的光照和水分条件(高光高水)下显著高于本地种,相对生长速率在高光条件下均高于本地种。入侵种在高光处理下增加了对地下部分的资源投入,在低光处理下增加了对叶的投入,且低光低水条件下比叶面积显著高于本地种。这些特性可能提高了入侵种对资源的捕获和利用能力,使其既能耐受不利的环境,又能在有利的条件下表现最大化。入侵种和本地种的形态、生长和光合生理等参数对水分变化的可塑性指数均较小,对光照变化的可塑性指数均较大。入侵种的多数变量对光照响应的可塑性指数大于本地种,较大的表型可塑性可能促进其成功入侵。另外,入侵种和本地种的光合生理参数无显著差异。相对于光合特征,形态、生长、生物量分配和表型可塑性等可能对鬼针草属入侵种的入侵性更为重要。  相似文献   

两种入侵植物与三种本地植物根系特征的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以菊科2种入侵植物飞机草(Chromolaena odorata(L.)R.M.King&H.Rob)和紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum Speng)以及生活型相似的3种本地植物异叶泽兰(Eupatorium heterophyllum DC.)、佩兰(Eupatorium fortune Turcz.)和白头婆(Eupatorium japonicum Thunb.)为研究对象,以单种为对照,分析5种植物的株高、生物量以及细根形态和结构特征对混种(竞争)的响应。结果显示,在单种情况下,2种入侵植物的株高和地上生物量比3种本地植物高。2种入侵植物的株高和地上生物量在单种和混种下无显著差异,但在混种下3种本地植物的株高、地上生物量、根生物量、细根长度、细根表面积和体积与单种相比显著降低。在混种情况下,2种入侵植物的根组织密度显著降低,但比根长和比根面积仅在紫茎泽兰中显著增加。5种植物在单种和混种下的株高与细根长度、根生物量呈显著正相关,地上生物量与细根体积、表面积呈显著正相关。主成分分析结果表明入侵植物位于株高和地上生物量更高的一端。说明在与本地植物竞争的过程中,飞机草和紫茎泽兰能通过调整根系碳投资策略实现更强的竞争力。  相似文献   

竞争力增强进化假说(Evolution of Increased Competitive Ability,EICA)认为入侵植物在入侵地由于天敌逃逸导致对天敌防御投入降低而增加生长和繁殖等投入。然而,EICA假说所预测防御能力的进化主要集中在防御的组成抗性方面,而从诱导抗性和耐受性的角度进行的验证还很有限,并且忽视了生境资源可利用性对植物防御策略的影响。本研究采用同质园实验比较了喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)原产地(阿根廷)和入侵地(美国)各9个种群,在高、低养分和有、无专食性天敌取食处理下的防御相关功能性状(比茎长、根冠比)及其对天敌取食的诱导反应,以及它们与植物适合度相关指标的关系。结果表明:入侵地种群具有较高的总生物量(+14.7%)、较低的比茎长(防御钻茎化蛹天敌的重要指标,-27.5%),暗示其个体大小增加而防御投入降低,符合EICA假说的预测。入侵地种群耐受性与原产地种群没有显著差异。在高养分下,入侵地种群的比茎长对专食性天敌取食的诱导反应显著增加,且与总生物量呈显著正相关。这些结果表明,相比原产地种群,入侵地种群具有更高的生物量,对专食性天敌的组成抗性降低,且在高养分下对专食性天敌的诱导抗性增加,推测生境的养分富集可能会降低喜旱莲子草的生物防治效果。  相似文献   

氮肥和种植密度对紫茎泽兰生长和竞争的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
紫茎泽兰(Ageratina adenophora)是我国西南热带亚热带地区危害最严重的外来入侵植物之一。本研究在野外设置不同氮肥供给水平和种植密度下的紫茎泽兰、拔毒散(Sida szechuensis)、伏生臂形草(Brachiaria decumbens)和非洲狗尾草(Setaria anceps)的单种和紫茎泽兰与其他3种植物混种的人工群落,从植被-土壤相互作用的角度分析紫茎泽兰的入侵机制。结果表明:单种时4种受试植物均表现了对氮营养的响应,随氮肥水平的升高,根冠比降低,比叶面积升高;通过比较总生物量增幅,氮响应能力非洲狗尾草>伏生臂形草>紫茎泽兰>拔毒散。混种时受试植物与紫茎泽兰的生物量比和株高也表明非洲狗尾草的竞争能力>伏生臂形草>紫茎泽兰>拔毒散;与拔毒散混种的紫茎泽兰以及与 紫茎泽兰混种的伏生臂形草和非洲狗尾草的种内竞争随种植密度的增大而增大,导致种间竞争能力下降,在高种植密度下对混种物种的抑制作用减弱。紫茎泽兰在氮响应能力、竞争能力和表型可塑性方面均强于本地种,可能与其入侵机制有关;牧草的氮响应能力和竞争能力强于紫茎泽兰,其中非洲狗尾草又强于伏生臂形草,可能更适宜于入侵地的替代控制。  相似文献   

不同生境下假臭草生长特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测定庄稼地、弃耕地、桉树林、公路边4种生境下假臭草叶面积(LA)、比叶面积(SLA)、LDMC和株高等形态特征、植株各构件生物量及生物量分配比和假臭草种群盖度、密度等种群数量性状,研究不同生境类型下假臭草个体的形态特征、生物量及生物量分配和种群生长状况的差异。结果表明:光照和土壤养分对假臭草的形态特征、生物量及生物量分配和种群数量性状的影响显著;低光照、高土壤养分生境下假臭草的LA、SLA、株高较高,假臭草叶片的LDMC较小,植株的花序数较少,生物量主要向叶和茎器官进行分配,根和花果器官的生物量分配则受到限制;高光照、养分贫瘠生境下假臭草的LA、SLA、株高较低,假臭草叶片的LDMC较大,生物量主要向根和花果器官进行分配,种群的盖度、密度、生物量和高度等种群数量性状较低,种群生长状况较差;高光照、肥沃养分生境为假臭草的最适生境,假臭草构件的资源配置较为优化,株高、基径粗、冠宽和花序数等形态指标较大,种群盖度、密度、生物量等种群数量性状较大,种群生长较好。  相似文献   

水浮莲对水稻竞争效应、产量与土壤养分的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解入侵植物水浮莲在稻田生产中的扩散规律和对水稻农业性状的影响,通过田间水稻田实验,按照de Wit 取代试验方法和添加系列设计方法研究水浮莲与水稻(云稻2 号)混种对植株形态和生物量影响、种间竞争效应、水稻产量以及对土壤养分的影响。结果表明,混种条件下水浮莲母株株高、分蘖数、生物量和开花株数均受到水稻的明显抑制,受到的抑制率显著高于其对水稻的抑制率。水浮莲的种间竞争大于种内竞争(RY 小于1.0)而水稻的种内竞争大于种间竞争(RY 大于1.0),水浮莲混种比例大于和等于1:1 时(RYT大于1.0)与水稻不存在竞争作用,而小于1:1时(RYT 小于1.0)其存在着竞争作用,水浮莲对水稻的竞争力(CB 小于0)小于水稻。混种条件下水稻有效穗数和产量有明显提高,增产比例为3.54%-13.38%。生长过程中水浮莲对土壤钾、磷元素消耗大于水稻,而有机质和氮元素消耗小于水稻;混种条件下水稻明显降低水浮莲对土壤养分消耗,且二者在土壤养分上没有竞争关系。所有这些表明,入侵稻田的水浮莲与水稻生长过程中其形态、生物量等方面都处于劣势,而且一定的水浮莲密度有利于抑制水浮莲对土壤养分的消耗和促进水稻生长繁殖及其产量的提高,因此为满足饲料利用和环境净化,建议在正常耕作稻田中可对水浮莲进行适当的应用。  相似文献   

水淹和土壤养分是影响三峡库区消落带植物生长的主要环境因子。消落带不同高程的植物长期经历不同的淹水强度和土壤养分条件。该研究假设同一物种来自于消落带不同高程的植株可能产生性状分化, 从而对根部淹水和土壤养分变化具有不同的生长和繁殖响应策略。为了验证以上假设, 选取在三峡库区消落带高低高程均广泛分布的物种水蓼(Polygonum hydropiper)为研究对象, 采集自然种群的种子。在温室同质园条件下, 研究了根部水淹和土壤养分提升对高低高程水蓼植株生长和繁殖特性的影响。研究结果表明根部水淹显著或趋于显著降低了水蓼植株功能叶的叶长、叶宽、总分枝数、叶生物量、花生物量和总生物量; 低养分处理显著或趋于显著降低了水蓼植株的总节数、总分枝数、根生物量、花生物量和总生物量, 表明根部水淹和低土壤养分对水蓼的生长和繁殖能力具有抑制作用。同时, 根部水淹和土壤养分的交互作用显著影响植株的根生物量, 表明根部水淹条件下高土壤养分更有利于植株根生物量的积累。高高程植株的根生物量和叶生物量显著或趋于显著高于低高程植株, 而低高程植株的始花时间早于高高程植株, 且繁殖分配也显著高于高高程植株, 表明高低高程水蓼植株对资源的分配策略不同。该研究结果表明水蓼的生长和繁殖特性受根部水淹和土壤养分共同限制, 但对根部水淹条件下高土壤养分生境具有较好的适应性; 同时, 低高程植株可以通过调整其生长和繁殖特性以提高对所处生境胁迫的适应性。  相似文献   

Invasive species are hypothesized to be more plastic than co‐occurring native congeners, and variation in plasticity among invasive populations is predicted to facilitate invasion of new habitats. To explore the invasive ability of Bidens frondosa, we compared the plastic responses to water and nitrogen addition of the invasive B. frondosa in China with the co‐occurring native congener B. tripartita, as well as among B. frondosa populations. The invasive plant performed better and showed higher phenotypic plasticity to water and nitrogen addition than the native. In addition, variations in performance and phenotypic plasticity were observed among the invasive populations. The biomass of the HN (Henan province) population increased more than that of other populations in response to nitrogen addition. The specific leaf area (SLA) of the GX (Guangxi province) population increased, while the SLA of the HN population decreased, and the HB (Hebei province) and EZ (Hubei province) populations showed no change in response to nitrogen addition. The observed higher phenotypic plasticity of B. frondosa relative to B. tripartita, and the observed variation in plasticity among B. frondosa populations may explain the invasiveness of this species. Predicted future increases in precipitation and atmospheric N deposition may further increase the invasiveness of B. frondosa.  相似文献   

To identify the importance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonizing wetland seedlings following flooding, we assessed the effects of AMF on seedling establishment of two pioneer species, Bidens frondosa and Eclipta prostrata grown under three levels of water availability and ask: (1) Do inoculated seedlings differ in growth and development from non-inoculated plants? (2) Are the effects of inoculation and degree of colonization dependent on water availability? (3) Do plant responses to inoculation differ between two closely related species? Inoculation had no detectable effects on shoot height, or plant biomass but did affect biomass partitioning and root morphology in a species-specific manner. Shoot/root ratios were significantly lower in non-inoculated E. prostrata plants compared with inoculated plants (0.381 ± 0.066 vs. 0.683 ± 0.132). Root length and surface area were greater in non-inoculated E. prostrata (259.55 ± 33.78 cm vs. 194.64 ± 27.45 cm and 54.91 ± 7.628 cm2 vs. 46.26 ± 6.8 cm2, respectively). Inoculation had no detectable effect on B. frondosa root length, volume, or surface area. AMF associations formed at all levels of water availability. Hyphal, arbuscular, and vesicular colonization levels were greater in dry compared with intermediate and flooded treatments. Measures of mycorrhizal responsiveness were significantly depressed in E. prostrata compared with B. frondosa for total fresh weight (−0.3 ± 0.18 g vs. 0.06 ± 0.06 g), root length (−0.78 ± 0.28 cm vs.−0.11 ± 0.07 cm), root volume (−0.49 ± 0.22 cm3 vs. 0.06 ± 0.07 cm3), and surface area (−0.59 ± 0.23 cm2 vs.−0.03 ± 0.08 cm2). Given the disparity in species response to AMF inoculation, events that alter AMF prevalence in wetlands could significantly alter plant community structure by directly affecting seedling growth and development.  相似文献   

Summary Extracellular laccase in cultures of Grifola frondosa grown in liquid culture on a defined medium was first detectable in the early/middle stages of primary growth, and enzyme activity continued to increase even after fungal biomass production had peaked. Laccase production was significantly increased by supplementing cultures with 100–500 (M Cu over the basal level (1.6 mM Cu) and peak levels observed at 300 mM Cu were ∼ ∼7-fold higher than in unsupplemented controls. Decreased laccase activity similar to levels detected in unsupplemented controls, as well as an adverse effect on fungal growth, occurred with further supplementation up to and including 0.9 mM Cu, but higher enzyme titres (2- to 16-fold compared with controls) were induced in cultures supplemented with 1–2 mM Cu2+. SDS-PAGE combined with activity staining revealed the presence of a single protein band (M r ∼ ∼70 kDa) exhibiting laccase activity in control culture fluids, whereas an additional distinct second laccase protein band (M r␣∼ ∼45 kDa) was observed in cultures supplemented with 1–2 mM Cu. Increased levels of extracellular laccase activity, and both laccase isozymes, were also detected in cultures of G. frondosa supplemented with ferulic, vanillic, veratric and 4-hydroxybenzoic acids, and 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde. The optimal temperature and pH values for laccase activity were 65 °C and pH 2.2 (using 2,2′-azinobis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonate) {ABTS} as substrate), respectively, and the enzyme was relatively heat stable. In solid-state cultures of G. frondosa grown under conditions adopted for industrial-scale mushroom production, extracellular laccase levels increased during the substrate colonization phase, peaked when the substrate was fully colonized, and then decreased sharply during fruit body development.  相似文献   

Extracellular laccase in cultures of Grifola frondosa grown in liquid culture on a defined medium was first detectable in the early/middle stages of primary growth, and enzyme activity continued to increase even after fungal biomass production had peaked. Laccase production was significantly increased by supplementing cultures with 100–500 μM Cu over the basal level (1.6 μM Cu) and peak levels observed at 300 μM Cu were 7-fold higher than in unsupplemented controls. Decreased laccase activity similar to levels detected in unsupplemented controls, as well as an adverse effect on fungal growth, occurred with further supplementation up to and including 0.9 mM Cu, but higher enzyme titres (2- to 16-fold compared with controls) were induced in cultures supplemented with 1–2 mM Cu2+. SDS-PAGE combined with activity staining revealed the presence of a single protein band (M r 70 kDa) exhibiting laccase activity in control culture fluids, whereas an additional distinct laccase protein band (M r 45 kDa) was observed in cultures supplemented with 1–2 mM Cu. Increased levels of extracellular laccase activity, and both laccase isozymes, were also detected in cultures of G. frondosa supplemented with ferulic, vanillic, veratric and 4-hydroxybenzoic acids, and 4-hydroxybenzaldehyde. Using 2,2′-azino-bis(ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonate) (ABTS) as substrate, the optimal temperature and pH values for laccase activity were 65°C and pH 2.2, respectively, and the enzyme was relatively heat stable. In solid-state cultures of G. frondosa grown under conditions adopted for industrial-scale mushroom production, extracellular laccase levels increased during the substrate colonization phase, peaked when the substrate was fully colonized, and then decreased sharply during fruit body development.  相似文献   

We evaluated the combined effects of algal (Chlorella vulgaris) food levels (low, 0.5 × 106 (or 2.9 μg C ml−1); and high, 1 × 106 cells ml−1 (or 5.8 μg C ml−1)) and zinc concentrations (0, 0.125, and 0.250 mg l−1 of ZnCl2) on the competition between two common planktonic rotifers Anuraeopsis fissa and Brachionus rubens using their population growth. Median lethal concentration data (LC50) (mean ± 95% confidence intervals) showed that B. rubens was more resistant to zinc (0.554 ± 0.08 mg l−1) than A. fissa (0.315 ± 0.07 mg l−1). A. fissa when grown alone or with Zn was always numerically more abundant than B. rubens. When grown in the absence of zinc, under low- and high-food levels, the peak abundances of A. fissa varied from 251 ± 24 to 661 ± 77 ind. ml−1, respectively, and the corresponding maxima for B. rubens were 52 ± 3 and 102 ± 18 ind. ml−1. At a given food level, competition for food reduced the peak abundances of both rotifers considerably. Increase in Zn concentration also lowered the rotifer abundances. The impact of zinc on competition between the two-rotifer species was evident at low-food level, mainly for A. fissa. At zinc concentrations of 0 and 0.125 mg l−1, the populations of both rotifers continued to grow for about 10 days, but thereafter B. rubens began to decline. Role of zinc on the competitive outcome of the two species is discussed in relation to the changing algal densities in natural water bodies.  相似文献   

A comparison of vanadium-rich activity of three species fungi of Basidiomycetes, Ganoderma lucidum, Coprinus comatus, and Grifola frondosa, was studied. By fermentation and atomic absorption spectroscopy analysis, the biomass of G. lucidum and G. frondosa declined rapidly when the concentration of vanadium exceeded 0.3% but the biomass of C. comatus did not decline rapidly until the concentration of vanadium exceeded 0.4% and the content of vanadium accumulated in the mycelia was 3529.3 μg/g. After the mice were administered (intragastrically) with vanadium-rich C. comatus, the blood glucose of alloxan-induced hyperglycemic mice was decreased (p < 0.05) and the body weight of the alloxan-induced hyperglycemic mice was increased gradually. Thus, we selected C. comatus to absorb vanadium and chose 0.4% as the optimal concentration of vanadium for the pharmacological works.  相似文献   

Variations in seed characteristics observed in heteromorphic species may affect various stages of their life cycles, e.g. seed dormancy, germination characteristics or even adult plant performance. Highly specialised seed morphs – described as colonisers and maintainers – exhibit a trade‐off between colonisation capacity and competitive traits. The performance of distinct seed morph progeny under competitive conditions, and especially in multi‐species arrangements, had previously not been given much attention. In this study, we compared performance and response to competition among distinct seed morph progenies in two congeneric, co‐occurring species: the invasive Bidens frondosa and the non‐invasive Bidens tripartita. We hypothesised that maintainer seed morphs of both species would perform better under increased plant densities and within inter‐morphic mixtures, while coloniser morphs would show stronger responses to increased densities and perform relatively poorly in inter‐morphic mixtures. We conducted a growth trial and a greenhouse experiment, which revealed that seed morph progeny differed significantly in plant height when grown without competition, while under competitive conditions such differences became less apparent. The observed pattern was more strongly pronounced in B. frondosa, which showed a general predominance in stature and biomass over its non‐invasive congener. Although seed morphs performed equally well under competitive conditions, increased plant height and more rapid germination can favour the maintainer seed morph on sites where vegetation is already present.  相似文献   

In this experiment the separate and interactive effects of grazing of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal hyphae by collembola and of relative germination date on competition between the mycorrhizal perennial grassPanicum virgatum and the non-mycorrhizal annual cruciferBrassica nigra were investigated. In the absence of competition,P. virgatum mass and P uptake were not affected by collembola grazing; grazing did reduce tissue N concentration and root: shoot ratio. Competition fromB. nigra plants of the same age/size (“simultaneous competition”) significantly reducedP. virgatum total, root, and shoot mass relative to control plants not subject to competition. In contrast, when in competition,B. nigra plants did not differ in biomass fromB. nigra controls grown without competition. Simultaneous competition also reduced N and P uptake byP. virgatum, but not byB. nigra. Grazing by collembola during simultaneous competition increased the differences in nutrient uptake and tended to shift the competitive balance further toward the non-mycorrhizalB. nigra. WhenP. virgatum plants were subjected to competition fromB. nigra plants which germinated three weeks later (“offset competition”) the situation was reversed: offsetB. nigra plants were negatively affected by competition while the larger, olderP. virgatum plants were not. Thus, relative germination date is important in determining the relative competitive ability of these two species. Grazing by collembola did not affect offset competition. The grazing of VAM hyphae by collembola appears to increase N availability in this experimental system. Under simultaneous competition, this N is taken up by the more extensive root system ofB. nigra; under offset conditions, the root system of the smallerB. nigra plants is insufficient to take advantage of the added resources. Thus, we suggest that grazing-induced transient changes in nutrient availability and the differential abilities of the two species to make use of these added resources constitute the mechanisms by which relative germination date and collembola grazing influence competition.  相似文献   

Summary Artemisia tridentata seedlings were grown under carbon dioxide concentrations of 350 and 650 l l–1 and two levels of soil nutrition. In the high nutrient treatment, increasing CO2 led to a doubling of shoot mass, whereas nutrient limitation completely constrained the response to elevated CO2. Root biomass was unaffected by any treatment. Plant root/shoot ratios declined under carbon dioxide enrichment but increased under low nutrient availability, thus the ratio was apparently controlled by changes in carbon allocation to shoot mass alone. Growth under CO2 enrichment increased the starch concentrations of leaves grown under both nutrient regimes, while increased CO2 and low nutrient availability acted in concert to reduce leaf nitrogen concentration and water content. Carbon dioxide enrichment and soil nutrient limitation both acted to increase the balance of leaf storage carbohydrate versus nitrogen (C/N). The two treatment effects were significantly interactive in that nutrient limitation slightly reduced the C/N balance among the high-CO2 plants. Leaf volatile terpene concentration increased only in the nutrient limited plants and did not follow the overall increase in leaf C/N ratio. Grasshopper consumption was significantly greater on host leaves grown under CO2 enrichment but was reduced on leaves grown under low nutrient availability. An overall negative relationship of consumption versus leaf volatile concentration suggests that terpenes may have been one of several important leaf characteristics limiting consumption of the low nutrient hosts. Digestibility of host leaves grown under the high CO2 treatment was significantly increased and was related to high leaf starch content. Grasshopper growth efficiency (ECI) was significantly reduced by the nutrient limitation treatment but co-varied with leaf water content.  相似文献   

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