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季节性是北京植物景观的典型特征, 而个体物候是植物景观季节动态的基础。该研究基于北京植物园内120种落叶树种的周年物候数据, 对北京植物景观的物候季节动态进行分析。物候观测以中国物候观测法为标准, 采用a、b、c三级物候代码进行物候记录; 数据分析以二十四节气中的候(5日)为基本时间变量, 基于频率分布型法探究北京物候季节划分及其物候构成动态, 基于SPSS 20.0频数分布统计等探究各类物候现象发生期及持续期的时间分布特征等。物候季节划分及物候构成特征结果为: 6-19候为春, 物候期发生频数占全年总量的54.03%, 以发芽、展叶、开花为主要物候特征, 后期有少数树种结果; 20-45候为夏, 物候量占全年的12.95%, 此期全部观测树种完成展叶, 春花树种进入结果期, 并有较少夏花开放及秋色叶出现; 46-59候为秋, 物候量占全年的27.19%, 以秋色叶及落叶物候为主并伴有较少结果和开花物候发生; 60候至次年春季起始前为冬, 其中60-72候物候量仅占全年的0.6%, 全为落叶物候。各类物候期的时间分布特征如下: 展叶物候期分布于3-23候, 华北珍珠梅(Sorbaria kirilowii)、旱柳(Salix matsudana)等展叶最早, 展叶期平均持续3.27候。秋色物候期分布于40-63候, 49-56候为最佳观赏期, 蒙椴(Tilia mongolica)、山杏(Armeniaca sibirica)等最早显秋色; 秋色期平均持续8.2候, 卫矛(Euonymus alatus)、接骨木(Sambucus williamsii)等秋色期较长。叶幕期平均持续44.2候, 糯米条(Abelia chinensis)、旱柳、棣棠(Kerria japonica)等叶幕期最长。花物候期分布于1-53候, 始花期为1-41候, 盛花期平均发生于始花后1.81候, 8-23候为集中观赏期, 蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox)、迎春(Jasminum nudiflorum)、榆(Ulmus pumila)、毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)等开花最早, 木香薷(Elsholtzia stauntoni)开花最晚; 花期平均持续 6.7候, 华北珍珠梅、木槿(Hibiscus syriacus)、紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica)等夏秋开花树种花期最长。果物候期分布于8-59候, 榆、郁香忍冬(Lonicera fragrantissima)等果实成熟最早; 持果期平均持续29.0候, 果实宿存树种及黑果荚蒾(Viburnum melanocarpum)、‘金叶’风箱果(Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Luteus’)等具有较长的果实观赏期。与20世纪80年代同类研究结果对比分析, 北京2017年的物候季节与30年前相比, 入春提早1候, 夏季延长4候, 入秋延后3候, 秋季缩短2候, 且不同季节持续期长短的差距加大。  相似文献   

季节性是北京植物景观的典型特征, 而个体物候是植物景观季节动态的基础。该研究基于北京植物园内120种落叶树种的周年物候数据, 对北京植物景观的物候季节动态进行分析。物候观测以中国物候观测法为标准, 采用a、b、c三级物候代码进行物候记录; 数据分析以二十四节气中的候(5日)为基本时间变量, 基于频率分布型法探究北京物候季节划分及其物候构成动态, 基于SPSS 20.0频数分布统计等探究各类物候现象发生期及持续期的时间分布特征等。物候季节划分及物候构成特征结果为: 6-19候为春, 物候期发生频数占全年总量的54.03%, 以发芽、展叶、开花为主要物候特征, 后期有少数树种结果; 20-45候为夏, 物候量占全年的12.95%, 此期全部观测树种完成展叶, 春花树种进入结果期, 并有较少夏花开放及秋色叶出现; 46-59候为秋, 物候量占全年的27.19%, 以秋色叶及落叶物候为主并伴有较少结果和开花物候发生; 60候至次年春季起始前为冬, 其中60-72候物候量仅占全年的0.6%, 全为落叶物候。各类物候期的时间分布特征如下: 展叶物候期分布于3-23候, 华北珍珠梅(Sorbaria kirilowii)、旱柳(Salix matsudana)等展叶最早, 展叶期平均持续3.27候。秋色物候期分布于40-63候, 49-56候为最佳观赏期, 蒙椴(Tilia mongolica)、山杏(Armeniaca sibirica)等最早显秋色; 秋色期平均持续8.2候, 卫矛(Euonymus alatus)、接骨木(Sambucus williamsii)等秋色期较长。叶幕期平均持续44.2候, 糯米条(Abelia chinensis)、旱柳、棣棠(Kerria japonica)等叶幕期最长。花物候期分布于1-53候, 始花期为1-41候, 盛花期平均发生于始花后1.81候, 8-23候为集中观赏期, 蜡梅(Chimonanthus praecox)、迎春(Jasminum nudiflorum)、榆(Ulmus pumila)、毛白杨(Populus tomentosa)等开花最早, 木香薷(Elsholtzia stauntoni)开花最晚; 花期平均持续 6.7候, 华北珍珠梅、木槿(Hibiscus syriacus)、紫薇(Lagerstroemia indica)等夏秋开花树种花期最长。果物候期分布于8-59候, 榆、郁香忍冬(Lonicera fragrantissima)等果实成熟最早; 持果期平均持续29.0候, 果实宿存树种及黑果荚蒾(Viburnum melanocarpum)、‘金叶’风箱果(Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Luteus’)等具有较长的果实观赏期。与20世纪80年代同类研究结果对比分析, 北京2017年的物候季节与30年前相比, 入春提早1候, 夏季延长4候, 入秋延后3候, 秋季缩短2候, 且不同季节持续期长短的差距加大。  相似文献   

姜乃准  朱宝纯 《植物研究》1995,15(4):539-545
本文在分析了各种划分季节方法利弊的基础上,肯定了以物候资料划分季节的优点,并以清河林区多年的物候资料划分了季节,编制了清河林区多年的物候历(自然历),提出了利用物候历预测农(林)时的模拟公式。  相似文献   

根据中国物候观测网资料并结合气象观测数据, 重新编制了北京颐和园地区1981-2010年的自然历。通过与原自然历比较, 揭示了北京物候季节变化特征, 分析了1963年以来物候季节变化的可能原因。研究发现: 与原自然历相比, 1981-2010年北京的春、夏季开始时间分别提前了2天和5天, 秋、冬季开始时间分别推迟了1天和4天; 夏、秋季长度分别延长了6天和3天, 春、冬季长度则分别缩短了3天和6天; 各个物候期的平均日期、最早日期、最晚日期在春、夏季以提前为主, 在秋、冬季以推迟为主; 且春、秋、冬季节内部分物候期次序也出现了不同程度的变化。春、夏、冬季开始日期前的气温变化和秋季开始日期前的日照时数变化可能是北京颐和园地区物候季节变化的主要原因; 不同物种、不同物候期对气温变化的响应程度不同, 导致了物候季节内各种物候现象出现的先后顺序发生变化。  相似文献   

云南哀牢山徐家坝中山湿性常绿阔叶林动态和节律的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根据多年定位观察资料,包括从组成种的种子萌发、幼苗生长及成年物种的生长规律和物候节律对湿性常绿阔叶林动态和节律的研究,结果表明:林地种子贮量、可萌发种子量和萌发种数,雨季大于旱季。幼苗生长雨季快于旱季。表明雨季是种子萌发、幼苗生长的最佳季节。立木生长是种间竞争、自我调控、自疏的过程。成年物种各物候期长、不明显与温带阔叶林各物候期短、明显不同,而开花、结果、落果终年进行与西双版纳季节雨林物候节律相似。三者的不同在于季节雨林春季(2~3 月)落叶,常绿阔叶林冬季(11~12 月)落叶,温带阔叶林秋季(9~10 月)落叶。依据物种物候节律特点及其对气候环境的反应区分出3 种生态物候型:1.暖温生态物候型(占总种数(50)的82% );2.温性生态物候型(占12% );3.温凉生态物候型(占0.6% )  相似文献   

本文立足于对深圳市城区几大公园的园林植物调查和统计,对主要园林树种的抽梢展叶期、生长期、落叶期、开花期、结果期、果熟期等物候指标进行观察记录,确定植物物候特征,并分析其对植被景观的影响,对植被景观改造以及树种的选择提供合理建议。  相似文献   

物候是指自然界各种生物现象出现的季节规律,一定地区内气候条件的变化,可直接或间接地由当地动、植物的生长发育反映出来。棉红铃虫也是在一定的季节才出现,只要通过多年的观察,便可以确定某些物候现象作为棉红铃虫发生期预测的依据。  相似文献   

民勤荒漠区16种植物物候持续日数及其积温变化   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
中国西北荒漠区植物物候随气温变暖表现为提前趋势。本文以甘肃民勤荒漠区16种植物34年的物候观测资料,采用一次趋势线方程研究了荒漠区植物在物候提前的过程中,物候日数变化和物候期积温变化。结果表明,随着气温升高,物候持续日数表现出一定的增长趋势。物候持续期积温增加显著,而且春、秋两季是积温变化较敏感的季节。积温的增减在很大程度上是由物候持续日数增加或减少引起的,其次才是由于气温增高引起的。表明,随着气温的增高或降低,植物的物候持续日数并不能无限制地缩短或延长。  相似文献   

植物物候学研究进展   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
代武君  金慧颖  张玉红  周志强  刘彤 《生态学报》2020,40(19):6705-6719
植物物候变化在研究陆地生态系统对气候变化的响应时被誉为"矿井中的金丝雀",全球气候变化愈演愈烈,重新引起了人们对植物物候研究的广泛关注。随着观测技术的发展,在各种空间和生态尺度上收集到的物候观测数据迅速累积,尽管已经在多个尺度上(物种、群落和景观尺度)观察到物候变化,但物候变化的机理仍然没有得到很好的理解。回顾了国内外植物物候研究的发展历程;总结了物候数据收集技术进展和全球物候变化的主要趋势;归纳了植物物候变化的机理与驱动因素;探讨了物候模型研究及物候对气候变化响应研究的主要方向。随着物候观测技术在不同尺度上应用的增加,物候研究进入了一个新的阶段。未来物候研究需要制定跨区域标准化观测指南,融合所有相关学科,改进物候模型,拓展研究区域;同时融合有效的历史物候资料,采用新技术和长期收集的物候数据为大数据时代植物物候学研究提供基础。  相似文献   

为探讨澳门路环黑沙水库植物群落与物候特征,采用群落生态学的方法,研究了黑沙水库植物群落种类组成、空间结构、多样性及重点植物物候期。结果表明,在1200 m2样地中有维管植物88种,隶属于47科80属。乔灌层无明显优势树种,草本层中淡竹叶(Lophatherum gracile)具有较显著优势,各层植物分布均匀程度差异小。群落外貌终年常绿,大部分种类各物候期存在重叠现象,萌芽展叶期持续时间长,开花期集中在5-6月,果熟期10-12月最盛。根据乡土植物群落和物候特征,筛选并推荐在澳门及邻近区域可开发的景观植物,为构建生态价值高的植被景观或植被恢复提供参考。  相似文献   

Questions: We asked several linked questions about phenology and precipitation relationships at local, landscape, and regional spatial scales within individual seasons, between seasons, and between year temporal scales. (1) How do winter and summer phenological patterns vary in response to total seasonal rainfall? (2) How are phenological rates affected by the previous season rainfall? (3) How does phenological variability differ at landscape and regional spatial scales and at season and inter‐annual temporal scales? Location: Southern Arizona, USA. Methods: We compared satellite‐derived phenological variation between 38 distinct 625‐km2 landscapes distributed in the northern Sonoran Desert region from 2000 to 2007. Regression analyses were used to identify relationships between landscape phenology dynamics in response to precipitation variability across multiple spatial and temporal scales. Results: While both summer and winter seasons show increases of peak greenness and peak growth with more precipitation, the timing of peak growth was advanced with more precipitation in winter, while the timing of peak greenness was advanced with more precipitation in summer. Surprisingly, summer maximum growth was negatively affected by winter precipitation. The spatial variations between summer and winter phenology were similar in magnitude and response. Larger‐scale spatial and temporal variation showed strong differences in precipitation patterns; however the magnitudes of phenological spatial variability in these two seasons were similar. Conclusions: Vegetation patterns were clearly coupled to precipitation variability, with distinct responses at alternative spatial and temporal scales. Disaggregating vegetation into phenological variation, spanning value, timing, and integrated components revealed substantial complexity in precipitation‐phenological relationships.  相似文献   

Most phenological studies to date have taken place in upland forest above the maximum flood level of nearby streams and rivers. In this paper, we examine the phenological patterns of tree assemblages in a large Amazonian forest landscape, including both upland (terra firme) and seasonally flooded (várzea and igapó) forest. The abundance of vegetative and reproductive phenophases was very seasonal in all forests types. Both types of flooded forest were more deciduous than terra firme, shedding most of their leaves during the inundation period. Pulses of new leaves occurred mainly during the dry season in terra firme, whereas those in the two floodplain forests were largely restricted to the end of the inundation period. Flowering was concentrated in the dry season in all forest types and was strongly correlated with the decrease in rainfall. The two floodplain forests concentrated their fruiting peaks during the inundation period, whereas trees in terra firme tended to bear fruits at the onset of the wet season. The results suggest that the phenological patterns of all forest types are largely predictable and that the regular and prolonged seasonal flood pulse is a major determinant of phenological patterns in várzea and igapó, whereas rainfall and solar irradiance appear to be important in terra firme. The three forest types provide a mosaic of food resources that has important implications for the conservation and maintenance of wide‐ranging frugivore populations in Amazonian forests.  相似文献   

中国东部温带植被生长季节的空间外推估计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈效逑  胡冰  喻蓉 《生态学报》2007,27(1):65-74
利用地面植物物候和遥感归一化差值植被指数(NDVI)数据,以及一种物候-遥感外推方法,实现植被生长季节从少数站点到较多站点的空间外推。结果表明:(1)在1982~1993年期间,中国东部温带地区植被生长季节多年平均起讫日期的空间格局与春季和秋季平均气温的空间格局相关显著;(2)在不同纬度带和整个研究区域,植被生长季节结束日期呈显著推迟的趋势,而开始日期则呈不显著提前的趋势,这与欧洲和北美地区植被生长季节开始日期显著提前而结束日期不显著推迟的变化趋势完全不同;(3)北部纬度带的植被生长季节平均每年延长1.4~3.6d,全区的植被生长季节平均每年延长1.4d,与同期北半球和欧亚大陆植被生长季节延长的趋势数值相近;(4)植被生长季节结束日期的显著推迟与晚春至夏季的区域性降温有关,而植被生长季节开始日期的不显著提前则与晚冬至春季气温趋势的不稳定变化有关;(5)在年际变化方面,植被生长季节开始和结束日期分别与2~4月份平均气温和5~6月份平均气温呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

According to data of long-term observation, the dynamics and the rhythms of the wet evergreen broad-leaved forest in respect of seed germination, seedling growth, growth laws, and phenological rhythms of the mature trees of constituent species were analyzed. The species numbers of the seeds, germinable seeds and germinated seeds of the forest in rainy season were larger than those in dry season. The growth rate of the seedlings was faster in rainy season as well indicating a season most favourable for the growth of seedlings. The growth of trees was a process of inter-specific competition, self-regulation and self-thinning. The long and indistinctive phenologieal phases of the mature trees differed from those short and distinctive phenological phases of the broad-leaved forests in the temperate. Its continuous flowering, fruiting and fruit-falling were similar to the phenological rhythms of seasonal rain forests in Xishuangbanna. However, leaf-shedding of the seasonal rain forests in Xishuangbanna, the evergreen broad-leaved forests and the temperate broad-leaved forests was in spring (February ~March), in Winter (November ~ December) and in autumn (September~October) respectively. Based on the characteristics in the phenological rhythms of the species and their responses to the climates, the three eeo-phenological types were divided as: 1. The warm temperate eeo-phenological type, whieh accounts for 82 % of the total species number (50); 2. The temperate ecophenological type, 12%; 3. The cool temperate eco-phenological type, 0. 6 %.  相似文献   

Gas exchange studies were carried out on Artemisia tridentata during the course of a growing season using microclimatically controlled cuvettes and infrared gas analysis. A definite seasonal pattern of net photosynthesis emerged. This pattern was influenced by the interaction of four major factors: plant water potential, leaf temperature, irradiation, and stage of phenological development. In spring and early summer, when plant water stress was minimal, photosynthesis rate was mainly correlated with leaf temperature and irradiation. During mid and late summer, increased plant water stress and phenological changes assumed at least equal importance with temperature and irradiation in limiting net photosynthesis. Indeed, plant water potential, mainly through its influence on stomatal aperture, rs‘, was probably the single most important factor influencing assimilation rate of this species on a seasonal basis. However, variations in mesophyll resistance to CO2 flux, rm‘, in response to temperature, water stress, or phenological changes also were involved. Sagebrush photosynthesis under field conditions was highest in late May and early June, and declined thereafter, minimum rates occurring in August during the driest period. Optimal temperatures for net photosynthesis were higher later in the season, indicating a change in gas exchange capacity more suitable to the warmer temperatures later in the season.  相似文献   

Long‐term phenology monitoring has documented numerous examples of changing flowering dates during the last century. A pivotal question is whether these phenological responses are adaptive or not under directionally changing climatic conditions. We use a classic dynamic growth model for annual plants, based on optimal control theory, to find the fitness‐maximizing flowering time, defined as the switching time from vegetative to reproductive growth. In a typical scenario of global warming, with advanced growing season and increased productivity, optimal flowering time advances less than the start of the growing season. Interestingly, increased temporal spread in production over the season may either advance or delay the optimal flowering time depending on overall productivity or season length. We identify situations where large phenological changes are necessary for flowering time to remain optimal. Such changes also indicate changed selection pressures. In other situations, the model predicts advanced phenology on a calendar scale, but no selection for early flowering in relation to the start of the season. We also show that the optimum is more sensitive to increased productivity when productivity is low than when productivity is high. All our results are derived using a general, graphical method to calculate the optimal flowering time applicable for a large range of shapes of the seasonal production curve. The model can thus explain apparent maladaptation in phenological responses in a multitude of scenarios of climate change. We conclude that taking energy allocation trade‐offs and appropriate time scales into account is critical when interpreting phenological patterns.  相似文献   

The amount (composition) and spatial arrangement (configuration) of forest patches in fragmented landscapes influence the accessibility, as well as the abundance and diversity of resources available to bats. Moreover, tropical fruit and insect abundance differ seasonally in response to changes in precipitation, and many bats in the family Phyllostomidae employ seasonal reproductive strategies. Because reproductive activities involve constraints on time and energy as well as increased nutritional demands, foraging behavior and home range size may differ between wet and dry seasons. Nonetheless, seasonal variation in response to landscape structure by bats has not been examined previously. Consequently, population‐, ensemble‐ and assemblage‐level responses of phyllostomids to landscape composition and configuration were quantified separately during the wet and dry season at three circular focal scales (1, 3 and 5 km radii) for 14 sites in fragmented lowland Amazon forest. Responses to landscape characteristics were scale‐dependent, species‐specific, and seasonal. Abundances of frugivores responded to landscape composition in the dry season and to landscape configuration in the wet season. Conversely, abundances of animalivores responded to landscape configuration in the dry season and to landscape composition in the wet season. Divergent responses to landscape structure between seasons suggest that variation in resource abundance and diversity play a significant role in structuring population‐, ensemble‐ and assemblage‐level patterns. As such, considerations of the effects of dietary flexibility and reproductive constraints on foraging strategies and habitat use may be important when designing management plans that successfully promote long‐term persistence of biodiversity in fragmented landscapes.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in tropical forests are difficult to measure from the ground, especially in areas of high species diversity and low phenological synchrony. Satellite images, which integrate individual tree canopies and cover a large spatial extent, facilitate tests for stand-level canopy phenology. Variability in near-infrated radiance (TM bands 4 and 5) of several distinct vegetation types was used to detect seasonal changes in a series of three Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images from the wet season to the dry season in Marabá, Brazil (eastern Amazon basin). Despite different atmospheric and instrumental conditions among the images, spectral changes were distinguishable. A phenological process (leaf aging, leaf drop, water stress) was determined from the spectral changes for each vegetation type. Changes in the spectral properties suggest that during the dry season, upland terra firme forest increased the rate of leaf exchange and some riparian vegetation was deciduous. Terra firme forest that had been altered by penetration of fires from nearby pastures increased in leaf biomass over a 14-month period. This study shows that a time series of images can provide information on temporal changes in primary vegetation and guide field studies to investigate seasonal changes that may not be detectable from the ground.  相似文献   

Mountain watersheds are primary sources of freshwater, carbon sequestration, and other ecosystem services. There is significant interest in the effects of climate change and variability on these processes over short to long time scales. Much of the impact of hydroclimate variability in forest ecosystems is manifested in vegetation dynamics in space and time. In steep terrain, leaf phenology responds to topoclimate in complex ways, and can produce specific and measurable shifts in landscape forest patterns. The onset of spring is usually delayed at a specific rate with increasing elevation (often called Hopkins' Law; Hopkins, 1918), reflecting the dominant controls of temperature on greenup timing. Contrary with greenup, leaf senescence shows inconsistent trends along elevation gradients. Here, we present mechanisms and an explanation for this variability and its significance for ecosystem patterns and services in response to climate. We use moderate‐resolution imaging spectro‐radiometer (MODIS) Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data to derive landscape‐induced phenological patterns over topoclimate gradients in a humid temperate broadleaf forest in southern Appalachians. These phenological patterns are validated with different sets of field observations. Our data demonstrate that divergent behavior of leaf senescence with elevation is closely related to late growing season hydroclimate variability in temperature and water balance patterns. Specifically, a drier late growing season is associated with earlier leaf senescence at low elevation than at middle elevation. The effect of drought stress on vegetation senescence timing also leads to tighter coupling between growing season length and ecosystem water use estimated from observed precipitation and runoff generation. This study indicates increased late growing season drought may be leading to divergent ecosystem response between high and low elevation forests. Landscape‐induced phenological patterns are easily observed over wide areas and may be used as a unique diagnostic for sources of ecosystem vulnerability and sensitivity to hydroclimate change.  相似文献   

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