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树麻雀代谢率和器官重量在季节驯化中表型的可塑性变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳劲松  李铭 《动物学报》2006,52(3):469-477
动物能量代谢的生理生态特征与物种的分布和丰富度密切相关,基础代谢率(BMR)是内温动物能量预算的重要组成部分。北温带的小型鸟类,通过增加产热来适应低温环境。增加BMR的基础之一是中心器官(代谢机器)发生明显的变化。本研究中我们测定了树麻雀(Passermontanus)的BMR、体重和各器官的重量,分析了麻雀各器官的季节性变化及与BMR的关系。方差分析表明:麻雀的BMR存在明显的季节性变化,在冬季和秋季较高。麻雀内部器官的变化同样有明显的季节性,冬季和秋季麻雀的肝脏、心脏、肌胃、小肠、直肠和整体消化道的重量,都有明显的增加。相关分析表明:麻雀的BMR与肝脏、心脏和消化道等内部器官存在明显的相关性。我们的结果验证了“中心限制假说”,即麻雀体内存在着与BMR相关的“代谢机器”,中心器官是提高麻雀BMR的基础之一。  相似文献   

A large number of physiological acclimation studies assume that flexibility in a certain trait is both adaptive and functionally important for organisms in their natural environment; however, it is not clear how an organism’s capacity for temperature acclimation translates to the seasonal acclimatization that these organisms must accomplish. To elucidate this relationship, we measured BMR and TEWL rates in both field-acclimatized and laboratory-acclimated adult rufous-collared sparrows (Zonotrichia capensis). Measurements in field-acclimatized birds were taken during the winter and summer seasons; in the laboratory-acclimated birds, we took our measurements following 4 weeks at either 15 or 30°C. Although BMR and TEWL rates did not differ between winter and summer in the field-acclimatized birds, laboratory-acclimated birds exposed to 15°C exhibited both a higher BMR and TEWL rate when compared to the birds acclimated to 30°C and the field-acclimatized birds. Because organ masses seem to be similar between field and cold-acclimated birds whereas BMR is higher in cold-acclimated birds, the variability in BMR cannot be explained completely by adjustments in organ masses. Our findings suggest that, although rufous-collared sparrows can exhibit thermal acclimation of physiological traits, sparrows do not use this capacity to cope with minor to moderate fluctuations in environmental conditions. Our data support the hypothesis that physiological flexibility in energetic traits is a common feature of avian metabolism.  相似文献   


Phenotypic flexibility in avian metabolic rates and body composition have been well-studied in high-latitude species, which typically increase basal metabolic rate (BMR) and summit metabolism (Msum) when acclimatized to winter conditions. Patterns of seasonal metabolic acclimatization are more variable in lower-latitude birds that experience milder winters, with fewer studies investigating adjustments in avian organ and muscle masses in the context of metabolic flexibility in these regions. We quantified seasonal variation (summer vs winter) in the masses of organs and muscles frequently associated with changes in BMR (gizzard, intestines and liver) and Msum (heart and pectoral muscles), in white-browed sparrow-weavers (Plocepasser mahali). We also measured pectoral muscle thickness using a portable ultrasound system to determine whether we could non-lethally estimate muscle size. A concurrent study measured seasonal changes in BMR and Msum in the same population of sparrow-weavers, but different individuals. There was no seasonal variation in the dry masses of the gizzard, intestines or liver of sparrow-weavers, and during the same period, BMR did not vary seasonally. We found significantly higher heart (~ 18% higher) and pectoral muscle (~ 9% higher) dry mass during winter, although ultrasound measurements did not detect seasonal changes in pectoral muscle size. Despite winter increases in pectoral muscle mass, Msum was ~ 26% lower in winter compared to summer. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report an increase in avian pectoral muscle mass but a concomitant decrease in thermogenic capacity.


Basal metabolic rate (BMR) of birds is beginning to be viewed as a highly flexible physiological trait influenced by environmental fluctuations, and in particular changes in ambient temperatures (Ta). Southern Africa is characterized by an unpredictable environment with daily and seasonal variation. This study sought to evaluate the effects of seasonal changes in Ta on mass-specific resting metabolic rate (RMR), BMR and body temperature (Tb) of Red-winged Starlings (Onychognathus morio). They have a broad distribution, from Ethiopia to the Cape in South Africa and are medium-sized frugivorous birds. Metabolic rate (VO2) and Tb were measured in wild caught Red-winged Starlings after a period of summer and winter acclimatization in outdoor aviaries. RMR and BMR were significantly higher in winter than summer. Body mass of Starlings was significantly higher in winter compared with summer. The increased RMR and BMR in winter indicate improved ability to cope with cold and maintenance of a high Tb. These results show that the metabolism of Red-winged Starlings are not constant, but exhibit a pronounced seasonal phenotypic flexibility with maintenance of a high Tb.  相似文献   

Many birds exhibit considerable phenotypic flexibility in metabolism to maintain thermoregulation or to conserve energy. This flexibility usually includes seasonal variation in metabolic rate. Seasonal changes in physiology and behavior of birds are considered to be a part of their adaptive strategy for survival and reproductive success. House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) are small passerines from Europe that have been successfully introduced to many parts of the world, and thus may be expected to exhibit high phenotypic flexibility in metabolic rate. Mass specific Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) were significantly higher in winter compared with summer, although there was no significant difference between body mass in summer and winter. A similar, narrow thermal neutral zone (25–28 °C) was observed in both seasons. Winter elevation of metabolic rate in House Sparrows was presumably related to metabolic or morphological adjustments to meet the extra energy demands of cold winters. Overall, House Sparrows showed seasonal metabolic acclimatization similar to other temperate wintering passerines. The improved cold tolerance was associated with a significant increase in VO2 in winter relative to summer. In addition, some summer birds died at 5 °C, whereas winter birds did not, further showing seasonal variation in cold tolerance. The increase in BMR of 120% in winter, compared to summer, is by far the highest recorded seasonal change so far in birds.  相似文献   

Passerines that overwinter in temperate climates undergo seasonal acclimatization that is characterized by metabolic adjustments that may include increased basal metabolic rate (BMR) and cold-induced summit metabolism (M(sum)) in winter relative to summer. Metabolic changes must be supported by equivalent changes in oxygen transport. While much is known about the morphology of the avian respiratory system, little is known about respiratory function under extreme cold stress. We examined seasonal variation in BMR, M(sum), and ventilation in seasonally acclimatized house sparrows from Wisconsin. BMR and M(sum) increased significantly in winter compared with summer. In winter, BMR increased 64%, and M(sum) increased 29% over summer values. The 64% increase in winter BMR is the highest recorded for birds. Metabolic expansibility (M(sum)/BMR) was 9.0 in summer and 6.9 in winter birds. The metabolic expansibility of 9.0 in summer is the highest yet recorded for birds. Ventilatory accommodation under helox cold stress was due to changes in breathing frequency (f), tidal volume, and oxygen extraction efficiency in both seasons. However, the only significant difference between summer and winter ventilation measures in helox cold stress was f. Mean f in helox cold stress for winter birds was 1.23 times summer values.  相似文献   

Mountain chickadees and juniper titmice from northern Utah were examined to determine metabolic and body-composition characteristics associated with seasonal acclimatization. These species use behavioral adaptations and nocturnal hypothermia, which reduce energetic costs. These adjustments could reduce the need for extensive metabolic adjustments typically found in small passerines that overwinter in cold regions. In addition, these species live at higher altitudes, which may also decrease metabolic acclimatization found in birds. Winter birds tolerated colder test temperatures than summer birds. This improved cold tolerance was associated with an increase in maximal thermogenic capacity or summit metabolism (M(sum)). Winter M(sum) exceeded summer M(sum) by 26.1% in chickadees and 16.2% in titmice. Basal metabolic rates (BMR) were also significantly higher in winter birds compared with summer birds. Pectoralis wet muscle mass increased 33.3% in chickadees and 24.1% in titmice in winter and paralleled the increased M(sum) and BMR. Dry mass of contour plumage increased in winter for both species and was associated with decreased thermal conductance in winter chickadees compared to summer chickadees. Chickadees and titmice show metabolic acclimatization similar to other temperate species.  相似文献   

Seasonal adjustments in body mass and thermogenesis are important for the survival of small mammals during acclimatization in the temperate zone. To determine the contributions of short photoperiod and cold temperatures to seasonal changes in thermogenesis and body mass in Mongolian gerbils (Meriones unguiculatus), body mass, basal metabolic rate (BMR), nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), energy intake and energy digestibility were determined in seasonally acclimatized and laboratory acclimated animals. Body mass showed significant seasonal changes and decreased to a minimum in winter. Both BMR and NST increased in winter, and these changes were mimicked by exposing animals to short photoperiod or cold temperatures in the animal house. Digestible energy intake also increased significantly in winter, and also during exposure of housed animals to both short photoperiod and cold. These results suggest that Mongolian gerbils overcome winter thermoregulatory challenges by increasing energy intake and thermogenesis, and decreasing body mass to reduce total energy requirements. Short photoperiod and cold can serve as effective environmental cues during seasonal acclimatization.  相似文献   

Environmental factors play an important role in the seasonal adaptation of body mass and thermogenesis in small, wild mammals. To determine the contributions of photoperiod and cold on seasonal changes in energy metabolism and body mass, the resting metabolic rates (RMR), nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), energy intake and gut morphology of the tree shrews were determined in winter and summer and in laboratory acclimated animals. Body mass, RMR and NST increased in winter, and these changes were mimicked by exposing animals to short-day photoperiod or cold in the animal house. Energy intake and digested energy also increased significantly in winter, and also during exposure of housed animals to both short-day photoperiod and cold. The lengths and weights of small intestine increased in winter. These results indicated that Tupaia belangeri overcomes winter thermoregulatory challenges by increasing energy intake and thermogenesis, and adjusted gut morphology to balance the total energy requirements. Short-day photoperiod and cold can serve as environmental cues during seasonal acclimatization.  相似文献   

Birds exposed to seasonal environments are faced with the problem of maintaining thermogenic homoeostasis. Previous studies have established that birds native to the Holarctic increase their Resting Metabolic Rate at different ambient temperatures (RMRTa) and Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) in winter as an adaptation to cold temperature since winters are more severe, while their non-Holarctic counterparts generally decrease their winter BMR as an energy saving mechanism during unproductive and dry winter months. In this study, we examined seasonal thermoregulation in the burrowing parrot (Cyanoliseus patagonus), a colonial psittacine native to the Patagonian region of Argentina, a region with an unpredictable environment. We found significantly higher mass specific RMRTa and BMR in summer than in winter. Both summer and winter BMR of the species fell within the predicted 95% confident interval for a parrot of its size. Body mass was significantly higher in winter than in summer. The burrowing parrot had broad thermo-neutral zones in winter and summer. The circadian rhythm of core body temperature (Tb) of burrowing parrots was not affected by season, showing that this species regulated its Tb irrespective of season. These results suggest that the burrowing parrots' seasonal thermoregulatory responses represent that of energy conservation which is important in an unpredictable environment.  相似文献   

Winter requires physiological adjustments in northern resident passerines. Cold acclimatization is generally associated with an increase in physiological maintenance costs, measured as basal metabolic rate (BMR), and cold endurance, reflected by summit metabolic rate (M sum). However, several northern species also form social groups in winter and a bird’s hierarchical position may influence the size of its metabolically active organs as well as its BMR. Winter metabolic performance in these species may therefore reflect a complex set of adjustments to both seasonal climatic variations and social environment. We studied the effect of social status on parameters of cold acclimatization (body mass, size of fat reserves and pectoral muscles, BMR and M sum) in free-living black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus). Birds that were structurally large and heavy for their body size, mostly dominant individuals, carried more fat reserves and had larger pectoral muscles. However, social status had little effect on metabolic performance in the cold. Indeed, M sum was independent of social rank while mass-corrected BMR was slightly lower in dominant individuals, likely due to a statistical dilution effect caused by large metabolically inactive fat reserves. BMR and M sum, whether considered in terms of whole-animal values, corrected for body mass or body size were nevertheless correlated, suggesting a functional link between these metabolic components. Our results therefore indicate that the energy cost of social dominance is not a generalized phenomenon in small wintering birds.  相似文献   

Many birds living in regions with seasonal fluctuations in ambient temperatures (Ta) typically respond to cold by increasing insulation and adjusting metabolic rate. Seasonal variation in thermal physiology has not been studied for the Caprimulgiformes, an order of birds that generally have basal metabolic rates (BMR) lower than predicted for their body mass. We measured the metabolic rate and thermal conductance of Australian owlet-nightjars (Aegotheles cristatus) during summer and winter using open-flow respirometry. Within the thermoneutral zone (TNZ; 31.3 to 34.8 °C), there was no seasonal difference in BMR or thermal conductance (C), but body temperature was higher in summer- (38.2 ± 0.3 °C) than winter-acclimatized (37.1 ± 0.5 °C) birds. Below the TNZ, resting metabolic rate (RMR) increased linearly with decreasing Ta, and RMR and C were higher for summer- than winter-acclimatized birds. The mean mass-specific BMR of owlet-nightjars (1.27 mL O2 g− 1 h− 1) was close to the allometrically predicted value for a 45 g Caprimulgiformes, but well below that predicted for birds overall. These results suggest that owlet-nightjars increase plumage insulation to cope with low winter Ta, which is reflected in the seasonal difference in RMR and C below the TNZ, rather than adjusting BMR.  相似文献   

Improved winter cold tolerance is widespread among small passerines resident in cold climates and is generally associated with elevated summit metabolic rate (Msum=maximum thermoregulatory metabolic rate) and improved shivering endurance with increased reliance on lipids as fuel. Elevated Msum and improved cold tolerance may result from greater metabolic intensity, due to mass-specific increase in oxidative enzyme capacity, or increase in the masses of thermogenic tissues. To examine the mechanisms underlying winter increases in Msum, we investigated seasonal changes in mass-specific and total activities of the key aerobic enzymes citrate synthase (CS) and β-hydroxyacyl CoA-dehydrogenase (HOAD) in pectoralis, supracoracoideus and mixed leg muscles of three resident passerine species, black-capped chickadee (Poecile atricapillus), house sparrow (Passer domesticus), and white-breasted nuthatch (Sitta carolinensis). Activities of CS were generally higher in winter than in summer muscles for chickadees and house sparrows, but not nuthatches. Mass-specific HOAD activity was significantly elevated in winter relative to summer in all muscles for chickadees, but did not vary significantly with season for sparrows or nuthatches, except for sparrow leg muscle. These results suggest that modulation of substrate flux and cellular aerobic capacity in muscle contribute to seasonal metabolic flexibility in some species and tissues, but such changes play varying roles among small passerines resident in cold climates.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The 42% incidence of Plasmodium in blood films of English sparrows reported here is the highest on record for surveys of blood parasites of birds in the United States. The only Plasmodium species identified in the sparrows was P. relictum. Adult birds were almost universally infected and tended to experience the highest degree of parasitemia in the spring months, while young birds had a higher blood positivity in the summer months. The lowest incidence of Plasmodium positive blood films occurred in fall and winter in the Galveston area. Overwintering birds had a decrease in parasitemia corresponding to reported minimal gonadal activity in sparrows. The 20% incidence of Lankesterella (avian Toxoplasma) in the blood of these sparrows was also higher than has been reported in other blood film surveys in this country. Incidence of this parasite in blood films was highest in the summer months, corresponding with highest average temperature for the year. Lankesterella could be found in 95% of sparrows whose tissues were examined after autopsy. Ducks and pigeons in the immediate vicinity of the survey sparrows had neither Plasmodium nor Lankesterella in blood films. Resident wild birds from adjacent rural areas, including redwinged blackbirds, boat-tailed grackles, laughing gulls and meadowlarks, had fewer Plasmodium and Lankesterella than the sparrows. A few Lankesterella were found in the liver or spleen of young redwinged blackbirds, and only 2 of 79 wild birds had the organisms in their heart blood. Plasmodium was found only in meadowlarks and included P. hexamerium and elongatum as well as relictum.  相似文献   

Phenotypic flexibility can be an important determinant of fitness in variable environments. The climatic variability hypothesis (CVH) predicts that phenotypic flexibility in thermoregulatory traits will be greater in temperate species than tropical species as a means of coping with increased temperature seasonality at higher latitudes. However, support for the CVH has been mixed, and recent studies suggest that tropical birds are capable of substantial phenotypic flexibility. To test the generality of the CVH, we used flow‐through respirometry to quantify seasonal acclimatization in thermoregulatory traits in suites of temperate (n = 6) and tropical (n = 41) birds. We used W/S ratios (winter/summer trait values) to quantify the direction and magnitude of seasonal change (W/S ratio of 1 means no seasonal change). Temperate species exhibited coordinated changes in thermoregulatory traits in winter, including large increases in thermoneutral zone (TNZ) breadth and reductions in heat loss below the lower limit of the TNZ. Conversely, tropical species exhibited idiosyncratic seasonal thermoregulatory responses, and mean W/S ratios were close to 1 for all traits, indicative of little seasonal change and consistent with predictions of the CVH. Nevertheless, mean W/S ratios did not differ significantly between temperate and tropical species for either Mb or BMR, demonstrating that tropical birds can also exhibit substantial thermoregulatory flexibility. Our results highlight the need for complementary acclimation experiments to determine if latitudinal differences in seasonal acclimatization are due to inherent differences in capacity for flexibility.  相似文献   

We investigated the intraspecific variation in basal metabolic rate (BMR) and total evaporative water loss (TEWL) in the omnivorous passerine Zonotrichia capensis from two populations inhabiting regions with different precipitation regimes and aridity indices. Values of TEWL in birds from the semi-arid region were significantly lower than those found in sparrows from the mesic region. TEWL in birds from the semi-arid site was 74% of the expectation based on body mass for passerines from mesic areas and similar to the allometric expectation for passerines from arid environments. In sparrows from the mesic area, TEWL was higher than predicted by their body mass for passerines from arid environments (133%), but very close (97%) to the expectation for passerines from mesic areas. BMR values were 25% lower in sparrows from the semi-arid region. The lower TEWL and BMR of birds from the semi-arid region may be a physiological adjustment that allows them to cope with fewer resources and/or water. We propose that the lower endogenous heat production in birds from the semi-arid environment may decrease their water requirements.  相似文献   

In this study we examined the allometry of basal metabolic rate (BMR) of 31 parrot species. Unlike previous reports, we show that parrots per se do not display BMRs that are any different to other captive-raised birds of their body size. An ordinary least squares regression fitted the data best and body mass explained 95% of the variation in BMR. There was no phylogenetic signal in the BMR data. We also provide new data for the Greater Vasa Parrot (Coracopsis vasa) of Madagascar. We tested the hypotheses that C. vasa may, because of its insular existence, display conservative energetic traits (low BMR, use of adaptive heterothermy) similar to those observed in several Malagasy mammals. However, this was not the case. C. vasa had a higher BMR than other parrots, especially during summer, when BMR was up-regulated by 50.5% and was 95.7% higher than predicted from an ordinary least squares (OLS) allometry of parrots (BMR = 0.042M b0.649, BMR in Watts, M b in grammes). Compared with BMR data for 94 captive-raised bird species, the winter and summer BMRs were, respectively, 45.5 and 117.8% higher than predicted by a phylogenetic generalised least squares (PGLS) allometry (BMR = 0.030M b0.687, BMR in Watts, M b in grammes). The summer up-regulation of BMR is the highest recorded for a bird of any size to date. We suggest that the costs of a high summer BMR may be met by the unusual cooperative breeding system of C. vasa in which groups of males feed the female and share paternity. The potential breeding benefits of a high summer BMR are unknown.  相似文献   

House finches (Carpodacus mexicanus) from the introduced population in the eastern United States were examined to assess metabolic characteristics and aspects of body composition associated with seasonal acclimatization. Wild birds were captured during winter (January and February) and late spring (May and June) in southeastern Michigan. Standard metabolic rates did not differ seasonally, but cold-induced peak metabolic rate was 28% greater in winter than late spring. The capacity to maintain elevated metabolic rates during cold exposure (thermogenic endurance) increased significantly from an average of 26.1 to 101.3 min in late spring and winter, respectively. House finches captured in the late afternoon during winter had twice as much stored fat as those during late spring. Both the wet mass and lean dry mass of the pectoralis muscle, a primary shivering effector, were significantly greater during winter. The seasonal changes in peak metabolism and thermogenic endurance demonstrate the existence and magnitude of metabolic seasonal acclimatization in eastern house finches. Increased quantities of stored fat during winter appear to play a role in acclimatization, yet other physiological adjustments such as lipid mobilization and catabolism are also likely to be involved.Abbreviations bm body mass(es) - MR metabolic rate(s) - MR peak peak metabolic rate(s) - SMR standard metabolic rate(s)  相似文献   

Temperature is an important environmental cue for the regulation of thermogenesis in small birds. We tested the hypothesis that a small passerine, the Chinese bulbul Pycnonotus sinensis can decrease thermogenesis in response to warmer temperatures by decreasing body mass, the organ mass and changing physiological and biochemical processes in the liver and muscle. Captive Chinese bulbuls decreased in body mass and basal metabolic rate (BMR) during 4 weeks of acclimation to 30±1 °C. They also showed a decrease in liver, kidney and small intestine mass and reduced mitochondrial state-4 respiration and cytochrome C oxidase (COX) activity in the liver and muscle compared to 10±1 °C. Furthermore, BMR was positively correlated with body mass, organ mass (liver, kidney, small intestine and entire digestive tract), and mitochondrial state-4 respiration and cytochrome C oxidase (COX) activity in the liver and muscle. These results indicate that changes in body mass, organ mass and respiratory enzyme activity are mechanisms by which Chinese bulbuls adapt to warmer temperatures. The data support the hypothesis that such physiological flexibility is ubiquitous in birds.  相似文献   

赵志军  曹静  陈可新 《兽类学报》2014,34(2):149-157
为阐明小型哺乳动物体重和能量代谢的季节性变化以及生理调节机制,将黑线仓鼠驯化于自然环境下12个月,测定其体重、能量收支、身体组织器官和血清瘦素水平的季节性变化。黑线仓鼠能量摄入和支出的季节性变化显著,冬季摄入能、基础代谢率(BMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)显著高于夏季。体重季节性变化不显著,但身体组织器官重量呈现显著的季节性变化,冬季肝脏、心脏、肾脏以及消化道重量显著高于夏季。体脂含量夏季最高,冬季最低,冬季显著低于夏、秋和春季(P <0.01)。血清瘦素水平的季节性变化显著,夏季瘦素水平比秋、冬季分别高88.2% 和52.4% (P <0.05)。结果表明,黑线仓鼠体重维持季节性稳定,与“调定点假说”的预测不同;但脂肪含量和血清瘦素季节性变化显著,符合该假说。夏季血清瘦素升高具有抑制能量摄入的作用,冬季血清瘦素可能是促进代谢产热的重要因子,瘦素对能量代谢和体重的调节作用与气候的季节性变化有关。    相似文献   

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