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Radial glial cells play a significant role in the repair of spinal cord injuries as they exert critical role in the neurogenesis and act as a scaffold for neuronal migration. Our previous study showed that mature astrocytes of spinal cord can undergo a de-differentiation process and further transform into pluripotential neural precursors; the occurrence of these complex events arise directly from the induction of diffusible factors released from scratch-insulted astrocytes. However, it is unclear whether astrocytes can also undergo rejuvenation to revert to a radial glial progenitor phenotype after the induction of scratch-insulted astrocytes conditioned medium (ACM). Furthermore, the mechanism of astrocyte de-differentiation to the progenitor cells is still unclear. Here we demonstrate that upon treating mature astrocytes with ACM for 10 days, the astrocytes exhibit progressive morphological and functional conversion to radial glial cells. These changes include the appearance of radial glial progenitor cells, changes in the immunophenotypical profiles, characterized by the co-expression of nestin, paired homeobox protein (Pax6) and RC2 as well as enhanced capability of multipotential differentiation. Concomitantly, ErbB2 protein level was progressively up-regulated. Thereby these results provide a potential mechanism by which ACM could induce mature astrocytes to regain the profile of radial glial progenitors due to activating the ErbB2 signaling pathways.  相似文献   

Glial cells of the cerebellum originate from cells of the ventricular germinative layer, but their lineage has not been fully elucidated. For studying the glial cell lineage in vivo by retrovirus-mediated gene transfer, we introduced a marker retrovirus into the ventricular germinative layer of embryonic day 13 mice. In the resulting adult cerebella, virus-labeled glial cells were grouped in discrete clusters, and statistical analysis showed that these clusters represented clones in high probability. Of 71 of the virus-labeled glial clusters, 33 clusters were composed of astrocytes/Bergmann glia, 10 were composed of only white matter astrocytes, and 24 were composed of only oligodendrocytes. No glial clusters contained virus-labeled neurons. These results suggest that astrocytes/Bergmann glia, white matter astrocytes and oligodendrocytes immediately arise from separate glial precursors: these three glial lineages may diverge in the course of cerebellar development.  相似文献   

The developing central nervous system of vertebrates contains an abundant cell type designated radial glial cells. These cells are known as guiding cables for migrating neurons, while their role as precursor cells is less clear. Since radial glial cells express a variety of astroglial characteristics and differentiate as astrocytes after completing their guidance function, they have been considered as part of the glial lineage. Using fluorescence-activated cell sorting, we show here that radial glial cells also are neuronal precursors and only later, after neurogenesis, do they shift towards an exclusive generation of astrocytes. These results thus demonstrate a novel function for radial glial cells, namely their ability to generate two major cell types found in the nervous system, neurons and astrocytes.  相似文献   

The effect of L-glutamate, kainate and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) on membrane currents of astrocytes, oligodendrocytes and their respective precursors was studied in acute spinal cord slices of rats between the ages of postnatal days 5 and 13 using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. L-glutamate (10(-3) M), kainate (10(-3) M), and NMDA (2x10(-3) M) evoked inward currents in all glial cells. Kainate evoked larger currents in precursors than in astrocytes and oligodendrocytes, while NMDA induced larger currents in astrocytes and oligodendrocytes than in precursors. Kainate-evoked currents were blocked by the AMPA/kainate receptor antagonist CNQX (10(-4) M) and were, with the exception of the precursors, larger in dorsal than in ventral horns, as were NMDA-evoked currents. Currents evoked by NMDA were unaffected by CNQX and, in contrast to those seen in neurones, were not sensitive to Mg2+. In addition, they significantly decreased during development and were present when synaptic transmission was blocked in a Ca2+-free solution. NMDA-evoked currents were not abolished during the block of K+ inward currents in glial cells by Ba2+; thus they are unlikely to be mediated by an increase in extracellular K+ during neuronal activity. We provide evidence that spinal cord glial cells are sensitive to the application of L-glutamate, kainate and transiently, during postnatal development, to NMDA.  相似文献   

In the human brain, the transformation of radial glial cells (RGC) into astrocytes has been studied only rarely. In this work, we were interested in studying the morphologic aspects underlying this transformation during the fetal/perinatal period, particularly emphasizing the region-specific glial fiber anatomy in the medial cortex. We have used carbocyanine dyes (DiI/DiA) to identify the RGC transitional forms and glial fiber morphology. Immunocytochemical markers such as vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were also employed to label the radial cells of glial lineage and to reveal the early pattern of astrocyte distribution. Neuronal markers such as neuronal-specific nuclear protein (NeuN) and microtubule-associated protein (MAP-2) were employed to discern whether or not these radial cells could, in fact, be neurons or neuronal precursors. The main findings concern the beginning of RGC transformation showing loss of the ventricular fixation in most cases, followed by transitional figures and the appearance of mature astrocytes. In addition, diverse fiber morphology related to depth within the cortical mantle was clearly demonstrated. We concluded that during the fetal/perinatal period the cerebral cortex is undergoing the final stages of radial neuronal migration, followed by involution of RGC ventricular processes and transformation into astrocytes. None of the transitional or other radial glia were positive for neuronal markers. Furthermore, the differential morphology of RGC fibers according to depth suggests that factors may act locally in the subplate and could have a role in the process of cortical RGC transformation and astrocyte localization. The early pattern of astrocyte distribution is bilaminar, sparing the cortical plate. Few astrocytes (GFAP+) in the upper band could be found with radial processes at anytime. This suggests that astrocytes in the marginal zone could be derived from different precursors than those that differentiate from RGCs during this period.  相似文献   

Precursor cells of the embryonic cortex sequentially generate neurons and then glial cells, but the mechanisms regulating this neurogenic-to-gliogenic transition are unclear. Using cortical precursor cultures, which temporally mimic this in vivo differentiation pattern, we demonstrate that cortical neurons synthesize and secrete the neurotrophic cytokine cardiotrophin-1, which activates the gp130-JAK-STAT pathway and is essential for the timed genesis of astrocytes in vitro. Our data indicate that a similar phenomenon also occurs in vivo. In utero electroporation of neurotrophic cytokines in the environment of embryonic cortical precursors causes premature gliogenesis, while acute perturbation of gp130 in cortical precursors delays the normal timed appearance of astrocytes. Moreover, the neonatal cardiotrophin-1-/- cortex contains fewer astrocytes. Together, these results describe a neural feedback mechanism; newly born neurons produce cardiotrophin-1, which instructs multipotent cortical precursors to generate astrocytes, thereby ensuring that gliogenesis does not occur until neurogenesis is largely complete.  相似文献   

Glial cells are derived from stem cells that mature through specific stages of development to generate fully differentiated astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. Several types of intermediate precursors have been described and in some cases lineage relationships identified although this remains a subject of controversy. We review recent findings and discuss some possibilities. Motoneuron-oligodendrocyte precursors (MNOPs), white matter progenitor cells (WMPCs), polydendrocytes, glial restricted precursors (GRPs), astrocyte precursor cells (APCs), and oligodendroblasts are likely all derived from earlier appearing stem cells but segregate at different stages in development. Some of these precursors persist in the adult, and it is these glial progenitors rather than stem cells that respond after injury and participate in the repair process. Although which specific glial progenitor responds remains unclear, the availability of new markers will likely resolve this issue. We believe that the development of consensus sets of markers and an improvement in our ability to define stages of glial maturation will lead to a clearer appreciation of the importance of glia in the etiopathology of disease.  相似文献   

Radial glial cells are astrocyte precursors, which are transiently present in the developing central nervous system and transform eventually into astrocytes in the cerebral cortex and into Bergmann glia in the cerebellum. Previous reports indicate that the transformation from radial glia to astrocytes can be reversed by diffusible chemical signals derived from embryonic forebrain in vitro and by freezing injury in vivo. But there is no direct evidence proving that mature astrocytes can de-differentiate into radial glial cells. Here we show that purified astrocytes could de-differentiate into radial glial-like cells (RGLCs) in vitro with freeze-thaw stimulation. RGLCs had the expression of markers for radial glia including Nestin and Pax6, and astrocyte markers, the glial fibrillary acidic protein and Vimentin. Cortical neurons, when co-cultured with RGLCs, migrated along the processes of RGLCs at an average speed of 26.26 +/- 3.36 microm/h. Moreover, the proliferation of RGLCs was significantly promoted by epidermal growth factor (EGF) at the concentration of 10-30 ng/ml. These results reveal that low temperature induces astrocytes to de-differentiate into immature RGLCs, which provides an in vitro model to investigate mechanisms of astroglial cells de-differentiation.  相似文献   

In the human brain, the transformation of radial glial cells (RGC) into astrocytes has been studied only rarely. In this work, we were interested in studying the morphologic aspects underlying this transformation during the fetal/perinatal period, particularly emphasizing the region‐specific glial fiber anatomy in the medial cortex. We have used carbocyanine dyes (DiI/DiA) to identify the RGC transitional forms and glial fiber morphology. Immunocytochemical markers such as vimentin and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were also employed to label the radial cells of glial lineage and to reveal the early pattern of astrocyte distribution. Neuronal markers such as neuronal‐specific nuclear protein (NeuN) and microtubule‐associated protein (MAP‐2) were employed to discern whether or not these radial cells could, in fact, be neurons or neuronal precursors. The main findings concern the beginning of RGC transformation showing loss of the ventricular fixation in most cases, followed by transitional figures and the appearance of mature astrocytes. In addition, diverse fiber morphology related to depth within the cortical mantle was clearly demonstrated. We concluded that during the fetal/perinatal period the cerebral cortex is undergoing the final stages of radial neuronal migration, followed by involution of RGC ventricular processes and transformation into astrocytes. None of the transitional or other radial glia were positive for neuronal markers. Furthermore, the differential morphology of RGC fibers according to depth suggests that factors may act locally in the subplate and could have a role in the process of cortical RGC transformation and astrocyte localization. The early pattern of astrocyte distribution is bilaminar, sparing the cortical plate. Few astrocytes (GFAP+) in the upper band could be found with radial processes at anytime. This suggests that astrocytes in the marginal zone could be derived from different precursors than those that differentiate from RGCs during this period. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 55: 288–298, 2003  相似文献   

Accordingly to its known function in corticospinal tract (CST) developmental growth, previous reports have shown an inhibitory role of Wnt5a in CST regeneration after spinal cord injury (SCI). Interestingly, it has been subsequently demonstrated that Wnt5a also modulates the developmental growth of non-CST axons and that different Wnt5a receptors are expressed in neurons, oligodendrocytes, NG2+ glial precursors and reactive microglia/macrophages and astrocytes after SCI. However, the role of Wnt5a in the response of these cell types, in the regeneration of non-CST axons and in functional recovery after SCI is currently unknown. To evaluate this, rats were subjected to spinal cord contusion and injected with a lentiviral vector generated to overexpress Wnt5a. Histological analyses were performed in spinal cord sections processed for the visualization of myelin, oligodendrocytes, neurons, microglia/macrophages, astrocytes, NG2+ glial precursors and serotonergic axons. Motor and bladder function recovery were also assessed. Further advancing our knowledge on the role of Wnt5a in SCI, we found that, besides its previously reported functions, Wnt5a overexpression elicits a reduction on neuronal cell density, the accumulation of NG2+ glial precursors and the descending serotonergic innervation in the affected areas, along with impairment of motor and bladder function recovery after SCI.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells provide attractive prospects for neural transplantation. So far, grafting strategies in the CNS have focused mainly on neuronal replacement. Employing a slice culture model, we found that ES cell-derived glial precursors (ESGPs) possess a remarkable capacity to integrate into the host glial network. Following deposition on the surface of hippocampal slices, ESGPs actively migrate into the recipient tissue and establish extensive cell-cell contacts with recipient glia. Gap junction-mediated coupling between donor and host astrocytes permits widespread delivery of dye from single donor cells. During maturation, engrafted donor cells display morphological, immunochemical and electrophysiological properties that are characteristic of differentiating native glia. Our findings provide the first evidence of functional integration of grafted astrocytes, and depict glial network integration as a potential route for widespread transcellular delivery of small molecules to the CNS.  相似文献   

The SVZ (subventricular zone) contains neural stem cells and progenitors of various potentialities. Although initially parsed into A, B, and C cells, this germinal zone is comprised of a significantly more diverse population of cells. Here, we characterized a subset of postnatal PRPs (PDGF-AA-responsive precursors) that express functional PDGFα and β receptors from birth to adulthood. When grown in PDGF-AA, dissociated neonatal rat SVZ cells divided to produce non-adherent clusters of progeny. Unlike the self-renewing EGF/FGF-2-responsive precursors that produce neurospheres, these PRPs failed to self-renew after three passages; therefore, we refer to the colonies they produce as spheroids. Upon differentiation these spheroids could produce neurons, type 1 astrocytes and oligodendrocytes. When maintained in medium supplemented with BMP-4 they also produced type 2 astrocytes. Using lineage tracing methods, it became evident that there were multiple types of PRPs, including a subset that could produce neurons, oligodendrocytes, and type 1 and type 2 astrocytes; thus some of these PRPs represent a unique population of precursors that are quatropotential. Spheroids also could be generated from the newborn neocortex and they had the same potentiality as those from the SVZ. By contrast, the adult neocortex produced less than 20% of the numbers of spheroids than the adult SVZ and spheroids from the adult neocortex only differentiated into glial cells. Interestingly, SVZ spheroid producing capacity diminished only slightly from birth to adulthood. Altogether these data demonstrate that there are PRPs that persist in the SVZ that includes a unique population of quatropotential PRPs.  相似文献   

Huntington disease (HD) is characterized by the preferential loss of striatal medium-sized spiny neurons (MSNs) in the brain. Because MSNs receive abundant glutamatergic input, their vulnerability to excitotoxicity may be largely influenced by the capacity of glial cells to remove extracellular glutamate. However, little is known about the role of glia in HD neuropathology. Here, we report that mutant huntingtin accumulates in glial nuclei in HD brains and decreases the expression of glutamate transporters. As a result, mutant huntingtin (htt) reduces glutamate uptake in cultured astrocytes and HD mouse brains. In a neuron-glia coculture system, wild-type glial cells protected neurons against mutant htt-mediated neurotoxicity, whereas glial cells expressing mutant htt increased neuronal vulnerability. Mutant htt in cultured astrocytes decreased their protection of neurons against glutamate excitotoxicity. These findings suggest that decreased glutamate uptake caused by glial mutant htt may critically contribute to neuronal excitotoxicity in HD.  相似文献   

We have compared glucose and acetoacetate as precursors for lipogenesis and cholesterogenesis by oligodendrocytes and astrocytes, using mixed glial cultures enriched in oligodendrocytes. In order to differentiate between metabolic processes in oligodendrocytes and those in astrocytes, the other major cell type present in the mixed culture, we carried out parallel incubations with cultures from which the oligodendrocytes had been removed by treatment with anti-galactocerebroside serum and guinea-pig complement. The following results were obtained: 1. Both oligodendrocytes and astrocytes in culture actively utilize acetoacetate as a precursor for lipogenesis and cholesterogenesis. 2. In both cell types, the incorporation of acetoacetate into fatty acids and cholesterol exceeds that of glucose by a factor of 5-10 when the precursors are present at concentrations of 1 mM and higher. 3. Glucose stimulates acetoacetate incorporation into fatty acids and cholesterol, whereas acetoacetate reduces the entry of glucose into these lipids. This suggests that glucose is necessary for NADPH generation, but that otherwise the two precursors contribute to the same acetyl-CoA pool. 4. Both with acetoacetate and with glucose as precursor, oligodendrocytes are more active in cholesterol synthesis than astrocytes. 5. Using incorporation of 3H2O as an indicator for total lipid synthesis, we estimated that acetoacetate contributes one third of the acetyl groups and glucose one twentieth when saturating concentrations of both substrates are present.  相似文献   

Neuroinflammation and increased production of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) in the CNS have been implicated in many neurological diseases including white matter disorders periventricular leukomalacia and multiple sclerosis. However, the exact role of TNF in these diseases and how it mediates oligodendrocyte injury remain unclear. Previously, we demonstrated that lipopolysaccharide (LPS) selectively kills oligodendrocyte precursors (preOLs) in a non-cell autonomous fashion through the induction of TNF in mixed glial cultures. Here, we report that activation of oligodendroglial, but not astroglial and microglial, TNFR1 is required for LPS toxicity, and that astrocytes promote TNF-mediated preOL death through a cell contact-dependent mechanism. Microglia were the sole source for TNF production in LPS-treated mixed glial cultures. Ablation of TNFR1 in mixed glia completely prevented LPS-induced death of preOLs. TNFR1-expressing preOLs were similarly susceptible to LPS treatment when seeded into wildtype and TNFR1(-/-) mixed glial cultures, demonstrating a requirement for oligodendroglial TNFR1 in the cell death. Although exogenous TNF failed to cause significant cell death in enriched preOL cultures, it became cytotoxic when preOLs were in contact with astrocytes. Collectively, our results demonstrate oligodendroglial TNFR1 in mediating inflammatory destruction of preOLs and suggest a previously unrecognized role for astrocytes in promoting TNF toxicity to preOLs.  相似文献   

We have used an antibody raised against the bovine nasal cartilage proteoglycan chondroitin sulfate (CS) digested with chondroitinase ABC (anti-CS serum) to stain cerebellar glial cells maintained in culture. In cultures grown in the presence of serum, the antibody stained a subclass of GFAP+ astrocytes which we have previously shown to selectively bind the monoclonal antibodies A2B5 and LB1. Also the direct bipotential precursors of these cells, capable of differentiating into GFAP+ astrocytes or into Gal-C+, O1+ oligodendrocytes depending on the culture conditions, were stained, but stopped to produce CS when they differentiated into oligodendrocytes.  相似文献   

Reactive gliosis, also known as glial scar formation, is an inflammatory response characterized by the proliferation of microglia and astrocytes as well as astrocytic hypertrophy following injury in the central nervous system (CNS). The glial scar forms a physical and molecular barrier to isolate the injured area from adjacent normal nervous tissue for re-establishing the integrity of the CNS. It prevents the further spread of cellular damage but represents an obstacle to regrowing axons. In this review, we integrated the current findings to elucidate the tightly reciprocal modulation between activated microglia and astrocytes in reactive gliosis and proposed that modification of cellular response to the injury or cellular reprogramming in the glial scar could lead advances in axon regeneration and functional recovery after the CNS injury.  相似文献   

Within the mammalian CNS, astrocytes appear to be a heterogeneous class of cells. To assay the number of distinct types of astrocytes in the rat spinal cord, cell lineage and phenotypic analyses were carried out on cultures from newborn rat spinal cord and five distinct types of astrocytes were observed. Proliferating precursors for each class of astrocyte were isolated by low density culture and shown to give rise to 5 distinct and morphologically homogeneous clusters of GFAP + astrocytes. Immunocytochemical analysis with antibodies A2B5 and Ran-2, which identify different glial lineages in optic nerve cultures, demonstrated that many clusters included both A2B5+ and A2B5- cells. Similarly, many clusters also possessed a mixture of Ran-2+ and Ran-2-cells, suggesting that in spinal cord cultures, in contrast to optic nerve cultures, expression of these antigens is regulated by individual cells rather than by cell lineage. Single-cell cloning studies, revealed that the abundance and proliferative capacity of individual astrocyte precursors differed depending on the type of astrocyte. To assay the effects of a complex cellular environment on the composition of astrocyte clones, lineage analysis was performed in complete spinal cord cultures using a replication deficient retrovirus. Although similar morphologically homogeneous clones of cells to those seen with single-cell clones were observed, the proliferative capacity and relative abundance of the distinct astrocyte precursors differed from that seen in single-cell cloning studies. Together these observations suggest that in spinal cord, gliogenesis is considerably more complex than in the optic nerve and that cultures of newborn rat spinal cord contain multiple, distinct populations of astrocytes.  相似文献   

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