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玉米染色体G-带ASG法显带的研究   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
两个自交系的根尖染邑体经ASG法处理显出了G-带。王米G-带沿整个染色体长轴分布,是一些密切邻近的多重带纹。无论有丝分裂的晚前期、早中期或中期染色体都有这类带纹。每一对同源染色体的两成员G-带带型基本相似,不同染色体或同一染色体的不同区域带纹具有一定的差异。ASG处理前用α-溴萘或放线菌素D预处理都可显出G-带。本文讨论了玉米G-带与哺乳动物G-带的相似点以及用ASG法进行玉米G-带显带应注意的技术问题。  相似文献   

玉米三系及其杂种根尖染色体C-带带型的遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
用玉米的两个雄性不育系,和它们共同的保持系、恢复系以及两个不育系和恢复系杂交的F_1进行了根尖染色体C-带带型的遗传分析。从明显的C-带带型看,不育系与保持系相同,恢复系与不育系和保持系显著不同。在F_1中,从父母本之间带型有明显差异的4对染色体看,每对同源染色体的一条,其带型和一个亲本相似,另一条和另一个亲本相似。以明显的C-带带型作为标记,在杂交后代中可以直接对不同亲本遗传下来的染色体进行追踪。 文中讨论了在明显C-带带型方面细胞质对细胞核有无影响,用品种间明显C-带带型的差异大小作为选配强杂种优势组合的依据,以及从细胞学上鉴定核代换程度的标准的可能性。  相似文献   

水稻染色体G—带的研究   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
姚青  宋运淳 《遗传学报》1990,17(4):301-307
用改良的ASG法首次在籼稻(O.sativa subsp.indica)品种珍汕97和粳稻(O.subsp.iaponica)品种秀岭的有丝分裂染色体上显示了G-带,并作了相应的G-带核型分析。就同一材料来说,随着有丝分裂时期的推进,染色体上带纹数目逐渐减少。籼、粳亚种间相对应的同源染色体上G-带带纹特征彼此相似。讨论了水稻G-带带型与染色体不同区域分化的关系;G-带带型与籼、粳稻分歧的关系;以及G-显带的方法。  相似文献   

准噶尔雅罗鱼染色体核型及带型的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
以肾细胞作材料,采用秋水仙素-低渗-空气干燥法、Ag-NORs、C-带和G-带显带技术对准噶尔雅罗鱼(Leuciscus merzbacheri)染色体进行了研究。结果表明:(1)准噶尔雅罗鱼2n=50,核型组成为18m+14sm+6st+12t,NF=82,没有异型性染色体分化。(2)Ag-NORs的数目在不同的细胞中表现出多态性,数目为1~2个,出现1个Ag-NORs的频率最低(10%),出现2个的频率最高(70%);Ag-NORs主要出现在m1对和m4对同源染色体上;未发现有Ag-NORs联合的现象。(3)准噶尔雅罗鱼的染色体均呈现C-带阳性,可分为着丝粒C-带和端粒C-带。(4)同源染色体上G-带带纹基本一致,其带纹在每对染色体上的数目及分布具有明显特征性。  相似文献   

大麦G—显带核型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了 ASG 法处理的三个栽培大麦(Hordeum Vulgare)品种 G-带的核型研究。结果表明无论是早中期或中期染色体都显示出了密切邻近的、多重的 G-带带纹。在有丝分裂过程中染色体愈浓缩带纹数目愈少。同源染色体之间带纹分布的位置、染色深浅以及带纹数目都基本一致,可以较为准确地进行配对。同一分裂时期不同染色体的 G-带带纹各具一定的特点,可以作为鉴别的标记。讨论了显带技术和中期染色体的 G-带等问题。  相似文献   

利用Giemsa C-带显带技术分析亲本及其杂种体细胞有丝分裂中期核型的结果表明,二倍体多年生类玉米的大多数显带都在染色体的长臂末端,第1、2、9染色体的短臂末端也显带。所显现的带纹比玉米的稍小些。这些是与玉米不相同的。玉米除第9染色体的短臂末端显带外,其他染色体均为长臂近末端显带。根据两个亲本的同源染色体Giemsa C-带带型的特点表明,在杂种F_1的体细胞中,能够鉴别出来一组染色体来自父本二倍体多年生类玉米和另一组染色体来自母本玉米。作者还讨论了Giemsa显带技术在植物细胞遗传学特别是玉米细胞遗传学上的利用价值和重要性。  相似文献   

植物染色体G-带的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文首次报道了川百台(Lilium davidii)、华山松(Pinus armardii)和七叶一枝花(Paris polyphylla)等植物染色体G-带研究结果。本试验的G-带与以往的C-带不同,C-带每条染色体上一般只有1-4条带,多分布在着丝点附近,而G-带则多达几十条,分布在整条染色体上,带纹清晰,前期染色体带呈颗粒状,中期染色体呈明显的带状,与哺乳动物染色体G-带很相似。G-带的数目取决于染色体浓缩的程度。前期染色体带纹数目是中期的三倍,接近人类高分辨带水平。对G-带带纹采用了自动光谱分析,波峰数值与带纹相符。作者同时介绍了胰酶法在植物染色体G-带中的应用。认为此方法既适合动物亦适用于植物。但植物G-带显示的关键可能不在胰酶法本身,而在合适的分裂时期及染色体处理技术。  相似文献   

研究了三个玉米品种根尖染色体 C-带带型和间期核的染色中心。不同品种 C-带带型不同,同一品种某些对染色体的两个同源染色体之间带型具有杂合性。不同品种间期核的染色中心不同。每个品种的染色中心数接近染色体明显的 C-带数。  相似文献   

本文对植物染色体高分辨 G-带技术进行了比较系统的研究,并首次运用改良的尿素法在野生一粒小麦、玉米、蚕豆、吊兰、川百合等多种植物上诱导出 G-带,带纹清晰,数目多,分布在染色体全长上。前期染色体带呈颗粒状,中期染色体呈明显带状,与哺乳动物染色体 G-带很相似。G-带的数目取决于染色体浓缩程度,中期染色体一条深带到晚前期可显示出2.67条亚带。作者同时比较了胰酶法与尿素法的显带效果。认为两种方法显示的带纹基本相同,尿素法比胰酶法作用温和,显带时间长达数分钟,易于掌握,重复性高,具有更高的应用价值。  相似文献   

点带石斑鱼(Epinephelus malabaricus)属于鲈形目, 科、石斑鱼亚科、石斑鱼属, 是中国东南沿海暖水性礁栖的名贵海产经济鱼类. 采用PHA活体注射结合秋水仙素培养, 取点带石斑鱼全肾, 低渗处理, 空气干燥制片法制作染色体标本, 利用Alu I 限制性内切酶介导的原位切口平移显带技术, 在点带石斑鱼有丝分裂中期染色体上诱导出带纹清晰、分散良好的多重带. 结果显示, 多数染色体显现出8-10条带纹, 最少的一对染色体也有4条带纹, 同源染色体带纹基本一致, 在每对染色体上的数目及其分布具明显特征性且相对稳定, 同时发现不同分裂相的同一号染色体上, 特征带纹鲜明一致, 带纹数目基本吻合, 具有可重复性和可操作性; 然后用人X和Y染色体文库特异DNA为探针, 对点带石斑鱼的有丝分裂中期分裂相染色体进行了描绘研究. 结果表明, 点带石斑鱼染色体组中测出了人X染色体特异DNA同源片段的3个保守同线群, 分别在点带石斑鱼的第7、第13和第22号同源染色体上, 它们的杂交信号最近边距着丝粒的百分比距离分别大约为62.3%、43.4%及44.4%; 人X染色质同源片段的大小约占点带石斑鱼基因组的4.63%. 但用人Y染色体DNA描绘点带石斑鱼染色体时, 没有检测出可见的同源片段. 研究结果可以为从低等脊椎动物到人类性染色体的进化过程提供一种新的研究思路.    相似文献   

Karyotypes of 93 individuals belonging to 18 accessions of mandarins, mandarin hybrids and two related species were analysed with the fluorochromes CMA and DAPI, to identify marker chromosomes. The karyotypes revealed highly differentiated banding patterns and could be classified in four groups (I–IV) according to the presence/absence of chromosomes with three bands (type A) or with two bands (one proximal and one terminal, type B, or both terminal, type C). The accessions of group I exhibited the simplest and homozygous karyotypes (lacking chromosome types A, B and C), represented by `Sunki' and `Cleopatra'. Group II (lacking chromosome types A and B) included three accessions of Mediterranean mandarins and `Cravo' mandarin, all of them with very similar and almost completely homozygous karyotypes. All other karyotypes of groups II and III (lacking chromosome type A) were heterozygous for one or more chromosome pairs and most of them seemed to be hybrid derivatives from non-mandarin accessions. Group IV (with chromosome types A and B) was represented only by two heterozygous hybrids (`Murcott' and `King'). The karyotype of most hybrids agrees with one of the possible combinations resulting from chromosome types segregation from their putative ancestor karyotypes, but at least `Orlando' seemed to be a more complex hybrid. Comparing with banding patterns of other Citrus species, those of group I and the Mediterranean mandarins (group II) are the best candidates to represent C. reticulata (sensu Swingle) as a true species.  相似文献   

Chromosome Markers in MUS MUSCULUS: Strain Differences in C-Banding   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
V. G. Dev  D. A. Miller    O. J. Miller 《Genetics》1973,75(4):663-670
The mitotic chromosomes of several inbred strains of mice and a series of F(1) hybrids have been analyzed by quinacrine staining and further characterized by the centromeric heterochromatin banding (C-banding). Inbred strains had the same amount of C-banding material on homologous chromosomes but showed variation in the amount on different chromosomes. F(1) hybrids showed characteristics of each parent and it appears that the amount of C-banding on each chromosome is a simple inherited polymorphism. In this study 12 different chromosomes could be distinguished by their C-banding, and these can be used as normal chromosome markers.  相似文献   

小麦属核型分析和BG染色体组及4A染色体的起源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用植物有丝分裂染色体标本制备新方法和N—带技术对小麦属(Triticum)9个六倍体种(AABBDD),8个四倍体种(AABB,AAGG),3个二倍体种(AA,A~uA~u)及B组的可能供体沙融山羊草(Ae. shronensis)体细胞核型和N—带进行了分析。结果表明,小麦属全部为具中部或次中部着丝点染色体,核型属于“2A”类型,不对称性随倍性提高而有所增加。种问核型有一定差异。所有小麦B染色体组、G染色体组和4A染色体均显N—带,其它染色体则不显带或只显很浅的着丝点带。六倍体种B染色体组带型基本相同,四倍体小麦B组N—带种间有一定差异。提莫菲维小麦(T.Timopheevi)G组带纹数目和分布与B梁色体组有显著差别,作者认为两者非同源。沙融山羊草核型和带型都与小麦B组相近,是B组的可能供体。一粒系小麦A染色体组基本不显N—带,其中无与4A带型相同的染色体,4A起源尚待研究。  相似文献   

In order to precisely recognize and karyotype Brassica napus L. chromosomes, C0t-1 DNA was extracted from its genomic DNA, labeled with biotin-1 1-dUTP and in situ hybridized. The hybridized locations were detected by Cy3-conjugated streptavidin. Specific fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) signal bands were detected on all individual chromosome pairs. Each chromosome pair showed specific banding patterns. The B. napus karyotype has been constructed, for the first time, on the basis of both Cot-1 DNA FISH banding patterns and chromosome morphology.  相似文献   

Morphological details of metaphase chromosomes were compared among 12 inbred strains of rats (Rattus norvegicus) by means of conventional Giemsa staining and by a sequential Q- and C-banding method. Inter-strain variations were found in seven pairs, as identified on the basis of size differences in the short arms and/or satellites of chromosomes 3 and 12 and the X chromosome and in the centromeric C-bands of chromosomes 4, 5, 7, and 9. All pairs were homomorphic in the inbred strains, while F1 hybrids between two inbred strains showed certain heteromorphic pairs expected from the parents. These chromosome markers appear to be useful for characterization of inbred strains as well as for various genetic studies, including linkage analyses.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic characteristics of Pseudoplatystoma corruscans and Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum and their F1, F2 and backcross hybrids were assessed by using chromosome banding techniques. The diploid number of 56 chromosomes was constant in all species and lineages, with a karyotypic formula containing 20 metacentric, 12 submetacentric, 12 subtelocentric and 12 acrocentric chromosomes. Nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) were identified in two subtelocentric chromosomes in the parents and hybrids, with partial nucleolar dominance in F1 and F2 specimens. Heterochromatic blocks were detected in the terminal and centromeric regions of some chromosomes in all individuals. For parental and hybrid lineages, 18S ribosomal clusters corresponding to NORs and 5S ribosomal genes were identified in distinct pairs of chromosomes. The striking conservation in the chromosomal macrostructure of the parental species may account for the fertility of their F1 hybrids. Similarly, the lack of marked alterations in the chromosomal structure of the F1 hybrids could account for the maintenance of these features in post-F1 lineages.  相似文献   

A technique for replication R- and G-banding of mouse lymphocyte chromosomes was developed, and the replication R-banding pattern was analyzed. Optimal banding patterns were obtained with thymidine- and BrdU-treatment of lymphocytes in the same cell cycle. This produced replication R-band patterns that were the complete reverse of the G-band patterns on all chromosomes. Replication R-banding methods can be used in conjunction with nonisotopic, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to localize cloned probes to specific chromosomal bands on mouse chromosomes. with these methods the mouse complement factor H gene (cfh) was localized to the terminal portion of the F region of Chromosome 1. Q-banding patterns were also obtained by the replication R-banding method and may be useful for rapid identification of each chromosome.  相似文献   

晏炬  刘世华 《动物学研究》1989,10(2):123-128
对草鱼细胞进行同步化处理,并在DNA复制的早期和晚期分别掺入BrdU,制备的染色体标本置于CaCl_2溶液中温浴同时用紫外线照射,然后用Giemsa染色即可分别显示出G带和R带。标本中的部分晚前期和早中期分裂相具有高分辨染色体显带特征。用这一技术对草鱼每条染色体进行识别和分析,提出了初步的草鱼核型,发现了四对草鱼染色体具有随体。  相似文献   

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