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啮齿动物的分散贮食行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
食物贮藏是许多动物重要的适应性行为,分散贮藏的食物以植物种子为主。每个贮藏点贮藏数量不等的食物项目。啮齿动物分散贮藏食物之后,可降低食物被其他个体获取的机率,提高对食物资源的控制能力,最终有利于自身的生存和繁殖成功。植物种子被贮藏之后,可减少非贮食鼠类对种子的取食。同时,合适的微生境和埋藏有利于种子萌发、幼苗建成和植物的更新;使植物的分布区得以扩展。探讨啮齿动物的分散贮食行为,能够更好地理解食物贮藏在啮齿动物生活史中的作用,进一步认识鼠类和植物的相互关系以及不同啮齿动物在群落形成中的潜在作用。本综述了啮齿动物分散贮食的研究进展,并提出今后工作中的几点建议。  相似文献   

侯祥  张博  韩宁  封托  王京  陈晓宁  常罡 《兽类学报》2020,40(4):390-397
正种子贮藏是啮齿动物利用食物资源的一种适应性行为(Vander Wall,1990)。经过长期的进化,啮齿动物形成了两种主要的贮藏食物行为:一是集中贮藏,即把收集的大量食物集中在其洞穴或临时栖息场所贮藏,通常有少量贮藏点,每个贮藏点有大量种子;二是分散贮藏,即把收集的种子分散贮藏在相对较大范围或其巢域周围,通常有大量贮藏点,但每个贮藏点仅贮藏约1~3粒种子。与集中贮藏相比,分散贮藏扩展了植物种子的分布范围,降低了种子被动物取食的概率。由于被分散贮藏的  相似文献   

路纪琪  张知彬 《兽类学报》2007,27(3):209-214
许多动物都能够贮藏食物以应对一定时期的食物短缺。岩松鼠是中国特有的一种啮齿动物,主要分布于华北山地和丘陵地区,对于其食物贮藏行为还了解不多。我们在北京东灵山地区建立了半自然围栏,在围栏一角设置一木质巢箱供其休息,在围栏中心设一食盘(给食处),就岩松鼠对核桃(已预先标记)的贮藏特征进行了观察。每只受试动物在实验开始前6 h断食,于13∶ 00 左右,随机选择1 只岩松鼠,将其放入围栏中适应2 ~ 3 h。随后,在给食处放置20 枚已标记的核桃。于第二天同一时间进入围栏,检查并记录岩松鼠对核桃的处理情况,将埋藏、取食和剩余的核桃全部移出,另置20 枚新的核桃,继续实验。第三天,重复上述检查和记录,将岩松鼠及被其处理的核桃全部移出,清理巢箱、整理围栏。随后放入第二只岩松鼠,重复上述实验过程,如遇恶劣气候,则实验顺延,直至实验结束。结果表明:岩松鼠兼具集中贮藏和分散贮藏两种食物贮藏方式,并且分散方式是其主要的食物贮藏方式;岩松鼠在围栏中选择一定的位置贮藏食物;文中还讨论了可能影响岩松鼠食物贮藏的因素。  相似文献   

种子贮藏是啮齿动物利用食物资源的一种适应性行为。同域分布的啮齿动物可能进化出不同的贮藏方式和策略。为了解同域分布的啮齿动物的贮藏策略及种子特征在动物贮藏行为决策中的作用,于2014年10-12月,通过半自然围栏实验,在秦岭南坡的佛坪国家级自然保护区内调查了同域分布社鼠、中华姬鼠和甘肃仓鼠对板栗和锐齿槲栎种子的贮藏策略差异,并探讨了2种种子特征在鼠类贮藏行为决策中的作用。结果显示:1)社鼠主要集中贮藏板栗种子,未分散贮藏任何种子;中华姬鼠未贮藏板栗种子,对锐齿槲栎种子同时表现出集中和分散贮藏行为,以集中贮藏为主;甘肃仓鼠对2种种子均表现出集中贮藏行为,未表现分散贮藏行为。2)社鼠和甘肃仓鼠均倾向于集中贮藏有较高营养价值(高蛋白和脂肪)且单宁含量较低的板栗种子;中华姬鼠倾向于分散贮藏单宁含量高的锐齿槲栎种子。3)3种鼠均喜好取食有较高营养价值且单宁含量低的板栗种子,很少取食单宁含量高的锐齿槲栎种子。结果表明同域分布鼠类对不同种子的贮藏方式有所不同,种子特征影响鼠类的取食和贮藏策略。  相似文献   

进化中,贮食者只有比不贮食的动物更有可能找到那些贮藏食物时,贮食行为才能成为一种进化稳定策略。本文综述了关于动物找回贮藏食物的假说及其实验验证。寻找贮藏食物时,穴蜂利用贮存地点附近的标志物的空间排列来定位。鸟类的嗅觉不发达,它们主要靠记忆埋藏地点的视觉信息找回埋藏的食物。啮齿动物和犬科动物主要靠嗅觉找回贮藏的食物。记忆埋藏地点对于灰松鼠、更格卢鼠,美洲赤狐和红松鼠也很重要。  相似文献   

贮食过程中的优化问题   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
动物贮食的每一环节都存在如何减少能量消耗,收获较多能量的问题。分散贮藏和集中贮藏是动物贮食的两种极端空间配置,贮食动物从保证日后的食物来源和节约采食能量消耗来选择适当的埋藏密度。实验证明贮藏方式是可塑的。贮藏食物习性是遗传的,而分散贮藏与集中贮藏是受环境影响的表现形式。  相似文献   

啮齿动物对植物种子的多次贮藏   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
啮齿动物对种子的多次搬运和贮藏是极为复杂的行为过程,既是对自己贮藏物进行管理、防御竞争者盗食的一种策略,也是盗食其它个体贮藏物的一种食物利用方式。此外,啮齿动物多次贮藏种子的过程实际上也是植物种子的多阶段扩散过程,因而对植物更新产生重要影响。本文综述了啮齿动物对植物种子多次贮藏的研究进展,分析了多次贮藏种子的原因,并从啮齿动物与植物的相互关系上探讨其生态学意义。  相似文献   

曹林  郭聪 《兽类学报》2011,31(4):323
从2007 年11 月到2009 年11 月,在西双版纳热带雨林中选取三棵母树,在每棵树下每年释放标记印度栲种子200 粒(三年共计1 800 粒),并追踪其命运。通过调查啮齿动物搬运和分散贮藏印度栲种子的比例,以及
查贮藏种子的微生境、贮藏点大小和扩散距离,分析贮藏种子的存活情况,进而评估啮齿动物对印度栲种子扩散的效率。结果表明,啮齿动物搬运了69.3% 的印度栲种子,被搬运的种子中18% 被分散贮藏。所有被分散贮藏的种子均被埋于落叶下或埋于土壤表层,并且大部分贮藏点仅含一粒种子。种子的扩散距离从0.5 m 到43.8 m,平均距离为7.1 m,扩散距离在年间没有显著差异。2007 年(种子密度低,啮齿动物密度高) 没有种能最终存活到实验结束,而2008 和2009 年(种子密度高,啮齿动物密度低)分别有0.3% 和1.5% 的种子存活。研究表明,啮齿动物是印度栲有效的种子扩散者,但其扩散效率很大程度上取决于森林中种子的密度和啮齿动物的丰富度。  相似文献   

梁振玲  马建章  戎可 《生态学报》2016,36(4):1162-1169
分散贮食是许多动物取食行为策略的重要组成部分。对以植物种子为主要贮食对象的动物来说,种子内营养物质含量、种子大小以及种子内次生化合物的含量等因素都直接影响动物的贮食行为。动物偏爱贮藏个体较大的种子,大种子多被搬运并分散贮藏在远离种源的地方,而小种子则多被就地取食,以补充动物贮食过程中的能量消耗。贮食动物主要通过空间记忆、特殊路线以及贮藏点周围的直接线索等途径重新获取贮藏点内食物。在重取过程中,一些贮藏点被遗忘,其中的种子成为植物种群更新的潜在种子库。因此,分散贮食动物不仅是种子捕食者,还是种子传播者,它们对植物种子的捕食、搬运和贮藏,影响了植物种子的存活和幼苗的建成,从而在一定程度上影响植物种群的更新、分布。植物种群为了促进种子的传播,在进化过程中逐渐形成了形式多样的适应性策略,降低种子的直接被捕食率,提高种子的被贮藏率。研究动物分散贮食行为对植物种群更新的影响,将有助于理解贮食动物与植物之间的互惠关系,从而认识贮食动物种群在生态系统中的作用,为生物多样性的保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

灌丛高度对啮齿动物贮藏和扩散辽东栎坚果的影响   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
路纪琪  张知彬 《动物学报》2005,51(2):195-204
本文选择高、矮两类灌丛生境, 于2002 年至2003 年在其中释放标记的辽东栎坚果, 并连续记录释放坚果的命运, 以了解生境差异对啮齿动物搬运、取食和贮藏辽东栎坚果的影响以及啮齿动物对微生境的选择等。研究结果表明, 大林姬鼠等啮齿动物对辽东栎坚果的短期取食非常强烈, 而分散贮藏的量则相对较少; 啮齿动物对辽东栎坚果的搬运距离在矮灌丛生境中显著大于高灌丛生境; 啮齿动物倾向于选择灌丛边缘和灌丛下方取食或贮藏辽东栎坚果, 这类微生境也有利于埋藏坚果的萌发。  相似文献   

Reciprocal pilferage and the evolution of food-hoarding behavior   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Current theories of food-hoarding behavior maintain that hoardingcan be adaptive if a hoarder is more likely than any other animalto retrieve its own caches. A survey of the literature indicatedthat the hoarder often has a recovery advantage when searchingfor items it has stored, but levels of cache pilferage are oftenso high (2–30% per day) that at least for some long-termfood hoarders, the caching animal is unlikely to recover a significantamount of its stored food. Except in a few cases (acorn woodpeckersand beavers), kin selection cannot explain the high levels ofpilferage observed. We suggest that some small solitary animalswith overlapping home ranges (e.g., most rodents, chickadees,and tits) are able to tolerate high levels of cache pilferage.Pilferage is not as damaging to these animals as it might otherwisebe because many interspecific and all intraspecific cache pilferersalso cache food. These or similar food caches can be pilferedlater by the original food hoarder. In other words, pilferingin these species is often reciprocal, and because it is reciprocal,it can be tolerated. We argue that caching systems based onreciprocal pilfering can be stable and are not necessarily susceptibleto "cheaters," animals that pilfer food but do not scatter hoardfood themselves, and we introduce a model of food hoarding tosupport this argument. These food-caching systems based on reciprocalpilfering resemble cooperative behavior, but the behavior isactually driven by the selfish interests of individuals. Thistheory of scatter-hoarding behavior based on reciprocity hasimportant implications for the ways that food-hoarding animalsinteract with inter- and intraspecific competitors.  相似文献   

A game against the field is proposed that models the evolution of food-hoarding behavior in a group-living species, like many members of the family Paridae (Aves, Passeriformes). The model predicts that no special retrieval mechanisms (e.g., memory) are necessary for food-hoarding individuals to invade a population of nonhoarders, as long as the winters are very severe. Once food hoarding is established in a population, having smaller groups and separating foraging niches between group members prevent cheaters from benefiting from other individuals' caches. A scenario is proposed for the evolution of hoarding in the Paridae.  相似文献   

Memory for food caches: not just for retrieval   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many animals use hoarding as a long-term strategy to ensurea food supply at times of shortage. Hoarders employ strategiesthat enhance their ability to relocate caches such as rememberingwhere caches are located. Long-term scatterhoarders, whose cacheshave potentially high pilferage rates, should also hoard ina way to reduce potential cache pilferers' ability to find caches.Previous studies have demonstrated that this could be achievedby hyperdispersing caches to reduce the foraging efficiencyof pilferers. This study investigates whether coal tits (Parusater) indeed place their caches away from existing ones. Inour experiment, birds hoarded food in 3 conditions: when cachesfrom a previous storage session were still present, when cachesfrom a previous storage session were not present anymore becausethe bird had retrieved them, and when caches from a previousstorage session had been removed by the experimenter. We showthat coal tits hoard away from existing caches and that theydo not use cues from extant caches to do this. This evidenceis consistent with the use of memory for the locations of previouscaches when deciding where to place new caches. This findinghas important implications for our understanding of the selectivepressures that have shaped spatial memory in food-hoarding birds.  相似文献   

In the temperate zone, permanent-resident birds and mammalsthat do not hibernate must survive harsh winter conditions oflow ambient temperature, long nights, and reduced food levels.To understand the energy management strategy of food-hoardingbirds, it has been hypothesized that such birds respond to increasedstarvation risk by increasing the number of their hoards ratherthan by increasing their fat reserves and that they cache earlyin the day and retrieve their caches later to achieve fat reservesnecessary to survive the night We tested these hypotheses byobserving the responses in captivity of a caching bird, thetufted titmouse (Parus bicolor), to the combined influencesof reduced predictability of food and naturally occurring ambienttemperature and photoperiod. When the food supply was unpredictable,birds significantly increased both internal fat reserves atdusk and external food caches. Initially leaner birds tendedto increase their fat reserves to a greater extent and initiallyfatter birds tended to cache more food and to fly significantlyless. Half the birds also increased their dawn and mean dailybody mass. All birds tended to forage, gain body mass, and cachefood at significantly lower rates in the morning and at significantlyhigher rates in the evening. Cache retrieval showed the oppositetrend, with birds retrieving most of their caches in the morning.Our results do not support the hypothesis that caching birdsincrease caching rate but not body mass under an unpredictablefood regime. Instead fat reserves and food caches are both importantcomplementary sources of energy in food-hoarding birds. Energymanagement by wintering birds occurs in response to a numberof biotic and abiotic factors acting simultaneously; thus futuremodels must incorporate independent variables in addition tothe state of the food supply and time of day  相似文献   

Although differences in food-hoarding tactics both reflect a behavioral response to cache pilferage among rodent species and may help explain their coexistence, differentiation in cache pilfering abilities among sympatric rodents with different hoarding strategies is seldom addressed. We carried out semi-natural enclosure experiments to investigate seed hoarding tactics among three sympatric rodent species (Tamias sibiricus, Apodemus peninsulae and Clethrionomys rufocanus) and the relationship of their pilfering abilities at the inter- and intraspecific levels. Our results showed that T. sibiricus exhibited a relatively stronger pilfering ability than A. peninsulae and C. rufocanus, as indicated by its higher recovery rate of artificial caches. Meanwhile A. peninsulae showed a medium pilfering ability and C. rufocanus displayed the lowest ability. We also noted that both cache size and cache depth significantly affected cache recovery in all three species. T. sibiricus scatter-hoarded more seeds than it larder-hoarded, A. peninsulae larder-hoarded more than scatter-hoarded, and C. rufocanus acted as a pure larder-hoarder. In T. sibiricus, individuals with lower pilfering abilities tended to scatter hoard seeds, indicating an intraspecific variation in hoarding propensity. Collectively, these results indicated that sympatric rodent species seem to deploy different food hoarding tactics that allow their coexistence in the temperate forests, suggesting a strong connection between hoarding strategy and pilfering ability.  相似文献   

Many food hoarding animals live in small groups structured by rank. The presence of conspecifics in the hoarding area increases the risk of losing stored supplies. The possibility of stealing from others depends on a forager's rank in the group. Highly ranked individuals can steal from subordinates and also protect their own caches. Since storing incurs both costs and benefits, the optimal hoarding investment will differ between individuals of different rank. In a game theoretical model, we investigate how dominant and subordinate individuals should optimize their hoarding effort. Our model imagines animals that are large-scale hoarders in autumn and dependent on stored supplies for winter survival. Many examples can be found in the bird families Paridae and Corvidae, but the model can be used for any hoarding species that forage in groups. Predictions from the model are as follows: First, subordinates should store more than dominants, but in a predictable environment, this difference will decrease as the environment gets harsher. Under harsh conditions, dominants should store almost as much as subordinates and, later, spend almost as much time retrieving their own caches as subordinates. Second, if on the other hand, bad winter conditions were not expected when storing, dominants should spend more time pilfering caches from subordinates. Third, in populations that are highly dependent on stored supplies, dominants should store relatively more than in populations that are less dependent on stored supplies. Fourth, harsher environments will favor hoarding. And finally, if dominant individuals store, it implies that hoarders have a selfish recovery advantage over conspecific pilferers.  相似文献   

贮食行为是动物应对食物资源的季节性和不可预测性变化的一种适应性生存策略。在群居性贮食动物中,同胎个体常表现出不同的贮食水平,而关于贮食行为与动物的个性和代谢水平之间的关系尚缺乏研究。本文以长爪沙鼠(Meriones unguiculatus)为对象,在筛选出具有高贮食和低贮食行为特征个体的基础上,比较了两组动物的个性特征(勇敢行为和探索能力)、静止代谢率、血清甲状腺激素水平、贮食期间的运动距离和贮食后的平均每日代谢率等。结果发现:高、低贮食长爪沙鼠的数量各占49%(22/45)和47%(21/45),两组动物之间的个性特征、静止代谢率和血清甲状腺激素均没有显著差异。在贮食期间高贮食个体的运动距离显著高于低贮食个体,且在停止贮食后,高贮食个体的平均每日代谢率显著低于低贮食个体。这些结果表明,在室内条件下,长爪沙鼠的贮食量高低与个性和静止代谢率无关,但高贮食个体会在停止贮食后降低其总能量消耗,以补偿贮食过程中的高能量代价。  相似文献   

Deacon RM 《Nature protocols》2006,1(6):2828-2830
Hoarding is a species-typical behavior shown by rodents, as well as other animals. By hoarding, the rodent secures a food supply for times of emergency (for example, when threatened by a predator) or for times of seasonal adversity such as winter. Scatter hoarding, as seen typically in squirrels and birds, involves placing small caches of food in hidden places, generally underground. Most rodents, however, hoard a supply of food in or near the home base--for example, in 'larders' near the sleeping quarters in a burrow. In the laboratory, measurement of hoarding involves simply weighing the food transported into the home cage from an external source, but the route to that source must be secure and animal-proof; for example, there should be no holes large enough to permit escape of a mouse, and no weak points that could be enlarged by gnawing. A suitable and easily constructed apparatus is described in the protocol. Hoarding has been shown to be sensitive to brain lesions and pharmacological agents, and is a suitable test for species-typical behavior in genetically modified mice.  相似文献   

Food‐hoarding birds frequently use spatial memory to relocate their caches, thus they may evolve a larger hippocampus in their brain than non‐hoarder species. However, previous studies testing for such interspecific relationships provided conflicting results. In addition, food hoarding may be a cognitively complex task involving elaboration of a variety of brain regions, even outside of the hippocampus. Hence, specialization to food hoarding may also result in the enlargement of the overall brain. In a phylogenetic analysis of distantly related birds, we studied the interspecific association between food hoarding and the size of different brain regions, each reflecting different resolutions. After adjusting for allometric effects, the relative volume of the hippocampus and the relative size of the entire brain were each positively related to the degree of food‐hoarding specialization, even after controlling for migration and brood parasitism. We also found some significant evidence for the relative volume of the telencephalon being associated with food hoarding, but this relationship was dependent on the approach we used. Hence, neural adaptation to food hoarding may favour the evolution of different brain structures.  相似文献   

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