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野生人参与栽培人参种子形态和蛋白电泳的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对采自长白山的野生人参与栽培人参(PanaxginsengC.A.Mey.)种子的形态和醇溶蛋白进行比较观察和分析,野生人参种子色泽较深,表面纹饰较均匀,长度和宽度较小,种皮较薄;野生人参种子蛋白图谱条带较少,且同一位点的蛋白含量较低,但其籽粒间图谱有多态性。从而说明野生人参与栽培人参在遗传上有一定差异。  相似文献   

野生人参最佳生态位的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
野生人参最佳生态位的研究吴德成,陆兆华,张国君(黑龙江省科学院自然资源究研所)(柴河林业局)人参(PanaxginsengC.A.Meyer)是五加科多年生宿根草本药用植物。野生人参天然分布于北美、中亚及东亚。亚洲东部天然分布于红松阔叶林区,主产地为...  相似文献   

寡糖素对红花及三七培养细胞的生理作用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
三种寡糖素,即来自人参(Panax ginseng)培养细胞的人参寡糖素、红花(Carthamus tinctorius)培养细胞的红花寡糖素、黑节草(Dendrobium candidum)植物的黑节草寡糖素对红花及三七(Panax notoginseng)的培养细胞的生长及代谢产物的含量均有显著的促进作用。寡糖素可耐高温高压(121℃、.bs/cm^2)灭菌15分钟而不失活,其对植物培养细胞的  相似文献   

人参不同栽培群体遗传关系的RAPD分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)标记法对4个人参(Panax ginseg C.A.Meyer)栽培群体中存在较丰富的遗传多样性。分析一路参、三路参、系选品系59号、北京参等4个人参栽培群体和1个西洋参(P.quinquefolium L.)群体的遗传分化指数值表明,三路参变异量最大(0.4169),一路参降为0.2565,边条参系选品系59号最低为0.1881,表明选择方式和选择代数的纯化作用十分  相似文献   

三七对血液系统作用的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
三七,为五加科(Araliacae)植物人参三七Panaxnotoginseng(Burk)F.H.Chen(P.Pseudoginseng Wall;P.SanchiHoo)的干燥根,别名田七.是我国名贵中草药之一,主要产于广西、云南等地。味甘微苦 ,性温。三七含有多种化学成分 ,其中三七皂甙 (简称PNG)为主要有效成分之一 ,其含量8%~12 %。PNG中包括三七皂甙A (R -A) ,三七皂甙B (R -B) ,三七皂甙C(R -C) ,三七皂甙D (R -D1) (R -D2) ,三七皂甙E (R -E) ,三七皂甙F(R -F)。经理化常…  相似文献   

三七.人参和西洋参细胞悬浮培养的比较研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
用薄层层析对三七、人参和西洋参愈伤组织进行的初步鉴定表明,三种愈伤组织都含有皂甙和主要皂甙成分Rb_1、Rg_1,三七愈伤组织还含有一种抗癌皂甙Rh_1。对愈伤组织的生长,三七低于人参高于西洋参;对愈伤组织中总皂甙含量,三七均高于人参和西洋参。三种植物细胞悬浮培养结果类似于他们的愈伤组织培养,但生长又进一步提高。三七细胞悬浮培养中皂甙产生的时间进程几乎与生长平行,合适的收获期为培养30天。寡糖素不仅增强三七培养细胞的皂甙形成而且促进细胞生长,较合适的浓度为1.25 ppm。通过以上研究,使三七悬浮培养细胞的生长(干重增加178毫克)为最初培养愈伤组织的4倍以上,总皂甙产率高达20.6毫克,为最初培养愈伤组织的8.5倍。  相似文献   

三七叶、人参叶和西洋参叶其皂苷类成分相近,但专属性成分各异,皂苷类成分的分布比例也各不相同。本文建立了HPLC-UV法测定上述皂苷成分的方法,经过方法学考察,各种皂苷成分精密度好、加样回收率高,方法可靠。11种皂苷成分总含量顺序为:西洋参叶>人参叶>三七叶;二醇组皂苷成分含量:西洋参叶>三七叶>人参叶;三醇组皂苷成分含量:人参叶>西洋参叶>三七叶。西洋参叶中二醇组皂苷和人参叶中三醇组皂苷含量明显高于其他。西洋参叶中人参皂苷Rb3和Rd的含量之和占11种皂苷成分的60%以上。鉴于其中人参皂苷的高含量,三七叶、人参叶和西洋参叶应该作为皂苷来源得到充分利用;不同的皂苷成分有不同的药理活性,应基于它们的皂苷组成和比例选择性进行研究和开发。  相似文献   

西洋参和人参的可溶蛋白电泳鉴别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西洋参 (PanaxquinqueliumL .)又称花旗参、美国人参 ,原产美国和加拿大 ,在我国的保健品市场占有很大的销售份额 ,西洋参在我国虽已引种成功 ,但主要还靠国外进口 ,价格昂贵 ,因此很多保健品利用价格相对低廉的人参 (P .gingsengC .A .Mey)伪充西洋参。近年来国内有许多学者利用多种手段对西洋参和人参进行鉴别 ,但由于西洋参和人参的性状、成分极其相似 ,现有的方法难以将二者完全区分开来 ,因此 ,有必要寻求新的快速灵敏的鉴别方法。蛋白质电泳方法早已广泛应用于医学、农学和微生物学 ,目前也逐步运用于…  相似文献   

为探究人与大鼠肠道菌群对三七水煎液中三醇型人参皂苷Rg1、Re及二醇型人参皂苷Rb1、Rd体外代谢的差异性及发现其代谢产物原人参二醇PPD与原人参三醇PPT,实验利用UPLC方法测定三七水煎液分别与人、大鼠肠道菌群在厌氧条件下共培养24h后的孵育液中4种皂苷的含量及代谢产物PPD与PPT的含量。结果表明三七中含有三醇型人参皂苷Rg19.4500mg/g、Re1.8872mg/g,二醇型人参皂苷Rb18.5816mg/g、Rd1.9456mg/g。与人源肠道菌共培养后,三七中含有的二醇型、三醇型人参皂苷含量显著降低,重要的是,在培养液中检测到代谢产物PPD和PPT的存在,含量分别为0.2136mg/g及0.0344mg/g,与大鼠肠道菌共培养后,三七中含有的二醇型皂苷含量有轻微降低,而三醇型皂苷含量未见明显变化,但有少量PPT(0.0184mg/g)的生成。由此可见:在体外条件下,三七水煎液中人参皂苷会被人肠道菌群降解生成代谢产物PPD和PPT,而大鼠肠道菌群的降解产物却仅有PPT生成,二者存在种属差异。  相似文献   

野生人参种子的超低温保存   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人参(PanaxginsengC.A.Mey.)是珍贵的药用植物,由于长期过度采挖,资源枯竭,现存于我国东北地区的野生人参已处于濒临绝灭的边缘,被列为国家一级重点保护植物[1,2]。所以在加强其就地保护的同时,人参种质资源的迁地保存也是非常必要的。按...  相似文献   

Summary Roots, stems, or leaves of American (Panax quinquefolium) and Korean (Panax ginsing) ginseng were grown as callus or supension tissue cultures. Tissue cultures ofP. ginseng would occasionally form plantlets. The fundamental chemical composition, inorganic analysis, and saponin (panaquilin) content of American and Korean ginseng plants and tissue cultures were determined. The crude saponin content is very similar to, but approximately one-half (1.3%, fresh weight) of that present in ginseng roots. Two-dimensional thin layer chromatographic analysis revealed minor differences in the panaquilins present in American and Korean ginseng tissue cultures. The sapogenin, panaxadiol, was isolated from Korean ginseng callus.  相似文献   

不同光照强度对西洋参光合特性,营养成分和产量的影响   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15  
在21.6%自然光强下生长的西洋参叶片,光合作用的光饱和点和光补偿点皆比11%自然光强下的高.在恒定条件下,光合作用最适温度为28℃.21.6%自然光强下的光合产物,较多地分配到根部,11%自然光强下则分配到果实中的高.光合速率在一定范围内随透光强度的增加而提高,以透光30%的叶片为最高.其日变化呈双峰曲线.叶绿素含量在一定范围内随光强的增加而降低,叶绿素b含量的变化亦为同样趋势.叶片结构以弱光和强光相比,在上表皮角质层花纹、下表皮气孔数、叶肉细胞形状、叶绿体数及其基粒片层结构都有明显差别.参的产量随光强的增加而显著增加,但以透光30%时增长幅度最大,40%时增长变小.根中总皂苷和氨基酸含量在一定范围内随光强而增加,至透光40%时又下降.  相似文献   

与在正常重力条件培养下的对照相比,经回转器水平回转处理的人参细胞鲜重和干重均增加,人参皂苷含量提高10%左右。在去Ca62+培养基上生长的人参愈伤组织细胞,经回转器水平回转3周后,人参皂苷含量约为正常重力条件下培养细胞的倍。另外,在试验范围内,如果培养基中直始钙离子浓度越高,则其培养的人参细胞中人参皂苷含量越低。  相似文献   

与在正常重力条件培养下的对照相比,经回转器水平回转处理的人参细胞鲜重和干重均增加,人参皂苷含量提高10%左右。在去Ca2 培养基上生长的人参愈伤组织细胞,经回转器水平回转3周后,人参皂苷含量约为正常重力条件下培养细胞的2倍。另外,在试验范围内,如果培养基中起始钙离子浓度越高,则其培养的人参细胞中人参皂苷含量越低。  相似文献   

Rg3 and Rh2 ginsenosides are primarily found in Korean red ginseng root (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) and valued for their bioactive properties. We quantified both Rh2 and Rg3 ginseng leaf and Rg3 from root extracts derived from North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius). Quantification was obtained by application of HPLC with ion fragments detected using ESI-MS. Ginseng leaf contained 11.3+/-0.5 mg/g Rh2 and 7.5+/-0.9 mg/g Rg3 in concentrated extracts compared to 10.6+/-0.4 mg/g Rg3 in ginseng root. No detectable Rh2 was found in root extracts by HPLC, although it was detectable by ESI-MS analysis. Ginsenosides Rg3 and Rh2 were detected following hot water reflux extraction, but not from tissues extracted with 80% aqueous ethanol at room temperature. Therefore ginsenosides Rg3 and Rh2 are not naturally present in North American ginseng, but are products of a thermal process. Using ESI-MS analysis, it was found that formation of Rg3 and Rh2, among other compounds, were a function of heating time and were breakdown products of the more abundant ginsenosides Rb1 and Rc. Our findings that heat processed North American ginseng leaf is an excellent source of Rh2 ginsenoside is an important discovery considering that ginseng leaf material is obtainable throughout the entire plant cycle for recovery of valuable ginsenosides for pharmaceutical use.  相似文献   

西洋参有效成分与气候生态因子的关系   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
通过回归分析、灰色关联分析等方法系统地分析了气候生态因子对西洋参有效成分含量的影响,结果表明:温度和日照是影响西洋参总皂甙含量的主要气候因子;其总皂甙的含量与总氨基酸的含量呈显著负相关,故气候因子对二者的作用方向相反;影响西洋参醚浸出物、醇浸出物以及水溶性浸出物含量的主要气候因子均为气温日较差和日照时。  相似文献   

Ginseng saponins (ginsenosides) were isolated from soil associated with the roots of commercially grown American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius L.), identified via LC-MS and quantified via analytical HPLC. The ginsenosides, including F(11), Rb(1), Rb(2), Rc, Rd, Re and Rg(1), represented between 0.02 and 0.098% (average 0.06%) of the mass of the soil collected from roots annually between 1999 and 2002. The same ginsenosides were also isolated from run-off of undisturbed plants grown in pots in a greenhouse using a root exudate trapping system. To investigate (1) whether these saponins could influence the growth of pythiaceous fungi pathogenic to ginseng, and (2) whether soil levels of ginsenosides were sufficient to account for any effects, bioassays were completed using a crude saponin extract and an ecologically relevant concentration of purified ginsenosides. Thus, when cultured on media containing crude saponins, the colony weight of both Phytophthora cactorum and Pythium irregulare was significantly greater than that of control, indicating a strong growth stimulation by ginsenosides. The growth of Pythium irregulare was also significantly stimulated after addition of an ecologically relevant, low concentration (i.e. 0.06%) of purified ginsenosides to culture medium. By contrast, growth of the saprotrophic fungus Trichoderma hamatum was slightly (but not significantly) inhibited under the same conditions. These results imply that ginsenosides can act as allelopathic stimulators of the growth of pythiaceous fungi in the rhizosphere, and this may contribute to the disease(s) of this crop.  相似文献   

Qi LW  Wang CZ  Yuan CS 《Phytochemistry》2011,72(8):689-699
Ginseng occupies a prominent position in the list of best-selling natural products in the world. Compared to the long history of use and widespread research on Asian ginseng, the study of American ginseng is relatively limited. In the past decade, some promising advances have been achieved in understanding the chemistry, pharmacology and structure-function relationship of American ginseng. To date, there is no systematic review of American ginseng. In this review, the different structures of the ginsenosides in American ginseng are described, including naturally occurring compounds and those resulting from steaming or biotransformation. Preclinical and clinical studies published in the past decade are also discussed. Highlighted are the chemical and pharmacological diversity and potential structural-activity relationship of ginsenosides. The goal is that this article is a useful reference to chemists and biologists researching American ginseng, and will open the door to agents in drug discovery.  相似文献   

Demand is increasing for mountain-cultivatedPanax ginseng (MCG) because its quality is considered superior to that of field-cultivated ginseng (FCG). However, MCG grows very slowly, and the factors that might affect this are unknown. In addition, little information is available about the physiological characteristics of its roots. Here, we investigated local soil environments and compared the histological and chemical properties of MCG and FCG roots. Average diameters, lengths, and fresh weights were much smaller in the former. Photosynthesis rates and root cambial activity also were reduced in the MCG tissues. Our analysis of soil from the mountain site revealed an extremely low phosphorus content, although those samples were richer in total nitrogen and organic matter than were the field soils. MCG roots also contained higher amounts of ginsenosides, and total accumulations increased with age. Moreover, ginsenoside Rh2, a red ginseng-specific compound, accumulated in the MCG roots but not in those from FCG plants. Interestingly, numerous calcium oxalate crystals were found in MCG roots, particularly in their rhizomes (i.e., short stems). Therefore, we can conclude from these results that low levels of the essential mineral phosphorus in mountain soils are a critical factor that retards the growth of mountain ginseng. Likewise, the high accumulation of calcium oxalate crystals in MCG roots might be an adaptation mechanism for survival in such a harsh local environment.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of chloroplasts and the photosynthetic physiological properties of Panax ginseng C. A. Mey. grown under different light qualities with same light transmission rate (25 % of sun light) were investigated. The results showed that the thylakoid membranes of Panax ginseng chloroplasts are well deve lopted, and the number of grana and granal lame llae under green and violet film are more than that under red and blue film. The content of chlorophyll in the same area of leaves and the absorption spectra area of chlorophylls and leaves under violet and green film are higher than those under other films. All the photosynthetic rates are very low, and their sequence from high to low are violet, green, red and blue . Green film is advantageous to the accumulation of chlorophylls and the development of thylakoid membranes and red film is advantageous to the accumulation of chlorophyll b. Blue film reduced granal thylakoid staking and decreased the photosynthetic rate. A superior trend of the photosynthetic physiologic properties as well as the structure of chloropiasts of Panasc ginseng leaves under violet film,being composed with red and blue film is significant.  相似文献   

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