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于洁 《生命科学》2005,17(4):374-375
转基因作物是当今世界各国现代生物技术产业研究的热点。本文介绍了我国转基因作物研发和应用的现状,对转基因作物存在的潜在危害及其对人类可持续性发展的负面影响进行了分析,并对我国转基因作物的安全管理提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

"十三五"国家科技创新规划提出的"推进新型抗虫棉、抗虫玉米、抗除草剂大豆等重大产品产业化",给转基因作物的种植管理提出了考验。由于商业化种植的转基因作物种类少,且不包括粮食作物,我国在转基因种植管理上经验不足。选取美国这一转基因作物种植大国作为比较对象,对比两国转基因作物种植前审批程序、种植者的管理义务、减少转基因作物与非转基因作物混杂的管理手段三个方面的差异,认为转基因作物的法律定性,知识产权制度和标识制度,各方主体实施隔离措施、承担损害的能力是差异生成的主要原因。我国宜结合国内的农业环境,在转基因生物安全管理布局上着眼于实质性的风险,并由农业主管部门、转基因作物研发主体、转基因作物种子经营主体合力对种植者进行指导,以避免混杂带来经济纠纷,并降低对生态环境的影响。  相似文献   

转基因作物的安全性及其对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着转基因作物的商业化,转基因作物的安全性问题在世界范围内倍受关注.通过对转基因作物的发展概况、优点和生物安全性进行简要综述,分析了转基因作物安全性产生的机理,并提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

现代生物技术的发展为利用外源基因培育优良作物品种提供了新的途径,目前国内外已培育出多个高抗害虫的转基因作物。但是,人们对转基因作物潜在的风险尚存在疑问,这是目前转基因作物是否能进一步获准商品化生产的一个重要原因。综述了中国转基因作物研究和转基因产品安全性检测技术取得的主要进展,对我国转基因作物的研究前景进行了展望,并对将来的工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

主要转基因作物研究现状及其产业化进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
经过12年的产业化发展,转基因作物研究取得了较大进展。相关外源基因的转入使抗虫、抗病、抗除草剂、抗逆、品质改良和功能性等作物相继问世。转基因大豆、玉米、棉花和油菜已经大面积种植,产生了极大的经济效益。2007年全球转基因作物的种植面积达到1.143亿hm^2。综述了主要转基因作物研究现状及其产业化进展,并对我国转基因作物产业化应解决的问题进行了论述。  相似文献   

我国转基因作物育种发展回顾与思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章综述了近30年来我国转基因作物育种发展历程和基本经验,并以实例说明我国已初步建成了世界上为数不多的转基因育种创新和产业开发体系,包括基因发掘、遗传转化、良种培育、产业开发,应用推广以及安全评价等关键环节;棉花、水稻、玉米等作物转基因研究创新能力得到进一步提升,初步形成了自己的研究特色和比较优势。本文对转基因作物育种当前存在的问题与面对的挑战进行了分析,提出了推进重大研究成果产业化、加快重大专项实施和自主创新、加强转基因科学传播等三点建议。  相似文献   

转基因作物和利弊分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1995年后转基因作物的商品化种植迅猛发展。优良的农艺性状和巨大的经济效益,日益显示出转基因作物是解决21世纪不断膨胀人口对食物需求的主要途径之一。转基因作物的潜在生态风险及对人体健康影响的急讼随和物的商品化也日趋耨税。为保护转基因作物知识产权发展起来的“终止子技术”引垆经三世界国家的强烈反对。《生物多样化约》缔约国对生物安全有关问题半急激烈,迟迟达不成协议。围绕转基因作物的斗急已悄仅是科学技术之  相似文献   

转基因作物对土壤生态系统的影响   总被引:47,自引:7,他引:40  
综述了转基因作物对土壤生态系统影响的研究进展,包括转基因作物中的外源基因在土壤中的活性,转基因作物对土壤微生物区系有土壤酶活性的影响以及转基因作物对土壤动物区系的影响,转基因作物对土壤生态系统的影响与导入的外源基因特性和土壤类型相关,转基因产物进入土壤后引起的土壤生物变化的程度依赖于许多因素,最重要的决定因素是生态系统的复杂性和稳定性,评价不同转基因作物对土壤生态系统的影响具有重要的生态学意义,急需发展和完善以分子生物学为主的风险评价方法。  相似文献   

转基因作物安全性的解决方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着转基因技术的不断发展,转基因作物的种植面积逐年扩大.转基因技术在解决全球不断增长的粮食需求和保障农业的可持续发展等方面发挥了重要作用.然而,人们对转基因作物和转基因食品的安全性一直存在争议.为了解决这个问题,科学家研究出了多项分子技术来消除转基因带来的潜在威胁,尤其是近几年出现的"外源基因清除技术",有望成为解决该问题的有力工具.综述了几种解决转基因作物安全性问题的方法及其最新进展,并对几种方法进行了优缺点分析.  相似文献   

世界发展着的事物总是存在两面性 ,即对人类有利的一面和对人类或环境有害的另一面。转基因作物也有这样的情况。诸如它具有高产、优质、抗病虫、耐严寒和高温、抗盐碱和倒伏、抗除草剂和提高作物某些营养成分等对人类有利的一面 ;但同时还存在破坏生态微环境的平衡、由于基因的逃逸使物种遗传安全性受到威胁、还由于实质等同性分析 (表型性状、关键营养成分、有无毒性物质和过敏性蛋白 )等这三大方面的作物安全性问题 ,有些国家和公众强裂要求对转基因作物产品贴出标签以供选择 ,还制定法规、建立和健全了检疫系统 ,用统一的科学方法对转基…  相似文献   

转基因作物在南非的应用及对我国的启示*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2019年是南非转基因作物商业化种植的第22年,3种主要转基因作物:棉花、玉米和大豆共种植了268万公顷,在全球所有转基因作物生产国中排名第八位,在非洲大陆排名第一位。这样一个具有超高转基因作物应用率的国家,有关其转基因商业化进程及现状鲜有系统介绍。综合1996~2019年的国际农业生物技术应用服务组织(International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications,ISAAA)的报告及其他数据资料,对南非转基因作物批准和种植情况、自主研发情况、安全管理制度、进出口情况及公众接受度做了概述,并以此为基础对我国转基因产业提出建议。  相似文献   

The use of genetically modified herbicide‐tolerant (GMHT) crops influences the abundance of weeds and some invertebrate groups because the associated herbicide regime contrasts with that of conventional systems. However, it is not clear to what extent these effects might be cumulative; should GMHT crops be grown continuously. In northern Europe, in the near future, this situation is most likely to apply to maize crops. Here, we consider the effects of continuous GMHT maize cropping on plant and invertebrate taxa using a split‐field experiment. Half of each field was managed using GMHT and the other half with a conventional variety, with the treatments retained for two seasons. The treatment effects were broadly consistent with those found in the larger sample of non‐continuous maize sites within the Farm Scale Evaluations. There was little evidence of effects being significantly more pronounced in the second year; any cumulative differences in above‐ground biodiversity between GMHT and conventional cropping were too variable to be readily detected.  相似文献   

阿根廷是最早采用转基因技术的国家之一,目前已成为全球第三大转基因作物种植国。阿根廷是全球尤其是拉美国家在生物技术产品监管和审批方面的先驱,其在转基因作物监管问题方面的丰富经验以及联合国粮食及农业组织的认可使阿根廷成为全球转基因作物监管的领导者之一。介绍了阿根廷转基因作物研发和应用、转基因作物监管体系、新型育种技术监管体系、转基因作物进出口情况以及追溯体系,讨论了转基因技术的引进对阿根廷的影响,旨在全面了解阿根廷转基因作物及新型育种技术的监管体系,为我国转基因作物安全管理提供参考。  相似文献   

Genetically modified crops have been tested in 1,726 experimental releases in the EU member states and in 7,815 experimental releases in the USA. The global commercial cultivation area of genetically modified crops is likely to reach 50 million hectares in 2001, however, the commercial production of genetically modified crops in the EU amounts to only a few thousand hectares and accounts for only some 0.03% of the world production. A significant gap exists between the more than fifty genetically modified crop species already permitted to be cultivated and to be placed on the market in the USA, Canada and other countries and the five genetically modified crop species permitted for the same use in the EU member states, which are still pending inclusion in the Common Catalogue of agricultural plant species. The further development of the "green gene technology" in the EU will be a matter of public acceptance and administrative legislation.  相似文献   

The implementation of a new technology is almost always surrounded by a debate on the moral and social implications that may arise. The debate with regard to genetically modified (GM) crops has been one of the longest and most controversial. However, one area of the debate that receives less attention is the role that intellectual property can play. The introduction of an effective and yet appropriate intellectual property system addressing society's particular needs can eliminate some of these issues. This paper looks at whether the situation in Europe is meeting our current needs and also addresses the role intellectual property can play in the debate over the introduction of GM crops in developing countries.  相似文献   

转基因抗虫作物的商业化种植带来了显著的经济、生态和社会效益,对转基因抗虫作物的安全性评价也一直是国内外学者研究的热点。对生物非靶标效应的研究是转基因抗虫作物安全性评价的重要组成部分,农田天敌类生物是其中的重点内容之一。瓢虫是农田生态系统重要的捕食性天敌,评价其在转基因抗虫作物田间是否能通过捕食猎物或取食花粉而接触到杀虫蛋白并富集于体内,进而对自身产生一定的非靶标效应,这对捕食性瓢虫的安全性研究具有重要的意义。本文从捕食性天敌瓢虫的生命表参数、行为功能参数、田间群落参数及体内微环境指标等方面综述了转基因抗虫作物对瓢虫的安全性研究进展,并对后期转基因抗虫作物对田间捕食性天敌的研究方向提出了建议,以期为转基因抗虫作物的环境安全性研究提供理论指导和为进一步完善转基因抗虫作物对瓢虫安全性评价的技术体系提供系统的数据资料。  相似文献   

Rising global populations have amplified food scarcity across the world and ushered in the development of genetically modified (GM) crops to overcome these challenges. Cultivation of major crops such as corn and soy has favoured GM crops over conventional varieties to meet crop production and resilience needs. Modern GM crops containing small interference RNA molecules and antibiotic resistance genes have become increasingly common in the United States. However, the use of these crops remains controversial due to the uncertainty regarding the unintended release of its genetic material into the environment and possible downstream effects on human and environmental health. DNA or RNA transgenes may be exuded from crop tissues during cultivation or released during plant decomposition and adsorbed by soil. This can contribute to the persistence and bioavailability in soil or water environment and possible uptake by soil microbial communities and further passing of this information to neighbouring bacteria, disrupting microbial ecosystem services such as nutrient cycling and soil fertility. In this review, transgene mechanisms of action, uses in crops, and knowledge regarding their environmental fate and impact to microbes are evaluated. This aims to encapsulate the current knowledge and promote further research regarding unintended effects transgenes may cause.  相似文献   

赵艳  李燕燕 《遗传》2013,35(12):1360-1367
安全性评价是转基因农作物商品化应用的必要环节。组学技术能在转录物、蛋白质、代谢物水平上对转基因农作物进行无偏倚的安全性评价。文章综述了近10年来应用转录组学、蛋白质组学和代谢物组学技术评价转基因农作物非预期效应的研究进展, 结果表明在转基因农作物非预期变异中, 环境因素(种植地点和季节)和基因型差异比转基因本身的影响更大。  相似文献   

There is an on-going debate on the environmental effects of genetically modified crops to which this paper aims to contribute. First, data on environmental impacts of genetically modified (GM) and conventional crops are collected from peer-reviewed journals, and secondly an analysis is conducted in order to examine which crop type is less harmful for the environment. Published data on environmental impacts are measured using an array of indicators, and their analysis requires their normalisation and aggregation. Taking advantage of composite indicators literature, this paper builds composite indicators to measure the impact of GM and conventional crops in three dimensions: (1) non-target key species richness, (2) pesticide use, and (3) aggregated environmental impact. The comparison between the three composite indicators for both crop types allows us to establish not only a ranking to elucidate which crop is more convenient for the environment but the probability that one crop type outperforms the other from an environmental perspective. Results show that GM crops tend to cause lower environmental impacts than conventional crops for the analysed indicators.  相似文献   

The development and marketing of ‘novel’ genetically modified (GM) crops in which composition has been deliberately altered poses a challenge to the European Union (EU)'s risk assessment processes, which are based on the concept of substantial equivalence with a non‐GM comparator. This article gives some examples of these novel GM crops and summarizes the conclusions of a report that was commissioned by the European Food Safety Authority on how the EU's risk assessment processes could be adapted to enable their safety to be assessed.  相似文献   

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