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常绿阔叶林是我国亚热带地区的地带性植被, 但由于长期的人为干扰, 目前仅有少量分布且主要以次生常绿阔叶林的形式存在。因此, 了解次生常绿阔叶林的物种共存机制对于保护森林生物多样性非常重要。基于大型动态监测样地对森林的物种组成及群落结构进行研究, 是揭示生物多样性维持机制的重要手段。按照美国史密森研究院热带森林科学研究中心(Center for Tropical Forest Science, CTFS)大型森林动态样地建设标准, 于2011-2012年在浙江省乌岩岭国家级自然保护区内建立了1个9 ha森林动态监测样地。通过对样地内胸径≥ 1 cm木本植物的物种组成(如重要值)、群落结构(如区系组成和径级结构等)以及空间分布的分析发现: (1)样地有木本植物存活个体47科92属200种71,396株, 其中壳斗科、樟科、山茶科、冬青科、杜鹃花科和山矾科等占优势; (2)在区系组成上, 热带成分略多于温带成分; (3)群落径级结构接近倒“J”型, 表明群落更新良好, 其中优势种径级结构呈倒“J”型、偏常态型和波动型等各种形态, 且并未表现出种群衰退的趋势; (4)优势种表现出明显的生境偏好和聚集分布格局, 暗示生境异质性可能是影响亚热带次生常绿阔叶林物种空间分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

塔河源荒漠河岸林群落物种组成、结构与植物区系特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地了解荒漠河岸林植被动态与生物多样性维持机制,于塔里木河干流源头荒漠河岸林内建立6个1 hm 2样地,对群落物种组成、数量特征和空间格局等进行综合分析。结果表明,塔河源荒漠河岸林群落结构简单、物种多样性低,共有物种12科15属16种,杨柳科重要值最大(28. 97%),是群落优势建群科。取样面积在0. 04 hm 2时,包括了87. 5%的物种;样地内稀有种和偶见种均占所有物种的12. 5%。植物区系贫乏,单种科、属多,温带成分占绝对优势,古地中海成分也占有重要地位,具典型温带区系性质。样地内 DBH ≥ 1 cm 的活木本个体有2497株,灰胡杨多度占92. 95%,胸高断面积和重要值最大,在群落中占绝对优势地位。群落内科、属、种的数量随植株高度级的增加而减少,垂直结构层次分明,由乔木层、灌木层和草本层构成。样地内所有树种平均胸径15. 57 cm,径级与高度级结构均呈偏正态分布,缺乏高度≤ 2 m的个体,群落更新不良。优势种灰胡杨、胡杨径级结构均呈单峰型,其中胡杨幼树出现断层,灰胡杨幼苗向幼树发展过程中死亡率极高(92. 56%),均为衰退型种群。两个优势种空间格局呈聚集分布,不同生境下随径级增大空间分布格局变化不同;且两个优势种在空间上相互排斥而占据不同生境,暗示着种间竞争与生境异质性是影响荒漠河岸林物种空间分布格局和物种共存的重要因素。  相似文献   

为了更好地了解荒漠河岸林植被动态与生物多样性维持机制,于塔里木河干流源头荒漠河岸林内建立6个1 hm2样地,对群落物种组成、数量特征和空间格局等进行综合分析。结果表明,塔河源荒漠河岸林群落结构简单、物种多样性低,共有物种12科15属16种,杨柳科重要值最大(28.97%),是群落优势建群科。取样面积在0.04 hm2时,包括了87.5%的物种;样地内稀有种和偶见种均占所有物种的12.5%。植物区系贫乏,单种科、属多,温带成分占绝对优势,古地中海成分也占有重要地位,具典型温带区系性质。样地内DBH ≥ 1 cm的活木本个体有2497株,灰胡杨多度占92.95%,胸高断面积和重要值最大,在群落中占绝对优势地位。群落内科、属、种的数量随植株高度级的增加而减少,垂直结构层次分明,由乔木层、灌木层和草本层构成。样地内所有树种平均胸径15.57 cm,径级与高度级结构均呈偏正态分布,缺乏高度≤ 2 m的个体,群落更新不良。优势种灰胡杨、胡杨径级结构均呈单峰型,其中胡杨幼树出现断层,灰胡杨幼苗向幼树发展过程中死亡率极高(92.56%),均为衰退型种群。两个优势种空间格局呈聚集分布,不同生境下随径级增大空间分布格局变化不同;且两个优势种在空间上相互排斥而占据不同生境,暗示着种间竞争与生境异质性是影响荒漠河岸林物种空间分布格局和物种共存的重要因素。  相似文献   

近年来,绿化造林工程在北京市大规模展开,涉及林地生境类型多样.林地昆虫群落组成和多样性特征受林分树种组成、立地条件、管护方式的影响.通过对北京市5种人工林样地中蛾类群落结构、多样性和相似性及其时空动态特征的调查,探讨了蛾类多样性变化对生境类型的生态响应.结果 表明:共获得标本7046头,隶属于25科269种,以夜蛾科(...  相似文献   

福建万木林自然保护区森林群落物种多样性   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
福建万木林自然保护区森林群落物种多样性朱锦懋姜志林郑群瑞蒋伟(南京林业大学森林资源与环境学院,210037)(福建省建瓯市林委,353100)SpeciesDiversityintheForestCommunityofWanmulinNatureRe...  相似文献   

Aim The New Zealand terrestrial mollusc fauna is among the most speciose in the world, with often remarkably high richness at lowland forest sites. We sought to elucidate general explanations for patterns of richness in terrestrial mollusc communities by analysis of species coexistence and habitat relationships within a New Zealand district fauna. Location Pukeamaru Ecological District, eastern North Island, New Zealand. Methods We sampled molluscs using qualitative methods at twenty-three sites and quantitatively by frame sampling of scrubland-forest floor litter at sixteen of these sites and analysed patterns of species richness and turnover in relation to regional species pools and local habitat attributes. We then tested for nonrandom assemblage of taxa along diversity and habitat gradients. Results Ninety-four indigenous mollusc species were recorded from a district fauna estimated at 102 indigenous species: only two species were endemic. From the presumptive geological history of the district, the low endemism, and Brooks parsimony and indicator species analyses of faunal relationships, the communities were indicated to have resulted by accumulation of colonists from other New Zealand districts since the Miocene. Richness ranged from two or three indigenous species in dune habitats to fifty-nine species in a floristically rich forest. Beta diversity was high and site occupancy per species was low, indicating communities structured by successive replacement of ecological equivalents. Sites differing in vegetation had characteristic species assemblages, indicating a degree of habitat specialization. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that canopy tree species, canopy height, floristic diversity, altitude, litter mass, and litter pH were important determinants of species assemblage in scrubland and forest. Richness was strongly associated with site floristic diversity and, for litter-dwelling species, the pH of litter substrate. High richness occurred at those sites supporting molluscs in high abundance. Shell-shape distributions were essentially Cainian unimodal, with communities dominated by snail species with subglobose to discoidal shells. Mean and variance of shell size increased with mollusc species richness and floristic diversity at sites, indicating dominance of communities by small-shelled species at early successional or floristically poor sites, and increased richness resulting from addition of larger snails into vacant niches. Shifts in shell form were associated with sympatry in several congeneric taxa. Main conclusions The underdispersion of shell shape, relative to faunas elsewhere in the world, indicates that community structure in New Zealand land snail faunas has been constrained by limited phylogenetic diversity and/or by convergence upon successful adaptations. The remarkably high richness that characterizes these communities indicates special conditions allow coexistence of numerous species. The relationship between floristic diversity at sites and the richness, diversity, and shell-size distributions of the molluscs suggests assemblages structured around niche partitioning among competing species. While there is an element of congruence between vegetation and mollusc pattern, this study indicates that assembly rules will be defined, and spatial pattern predicted, only through a better understanding of the linkage between regional species pool, organism traits, environment, and local community assemblage.  相似文献   

秦岭落叶阔叶林是温带-亚热带过渡区保存较好的植被类型, 群落结构复杂。为了研究该过渡区植被的生物多样性维持机制, 按照CTFS (Center for tropical Forest Science)和中国森林生物多样性监测网络(CForBio)的建设标准, 于2015年在陕西省佛坪国家级自然保护区的落叶阔叶林建立了一块面积25 ha的动态监测样地。本文对样地内胸径(DBH) ≥ 1 cm的所有木本植物进行了调查和统计, 分析了其物种组成、区系特征、径级结构和空间分布格局。结果表明: 样地内DBH ≥ 1 cm的木本植物独立个体有47,739株, 隶属于36科66属119种。温带区系成分的科和属分别占总科数和总属数的41.18%和60.00%, 温带区系特征明显。稀有种有51种, 占总树种的42.86%。落叶树种有106种, 占总树种的89.07%, 在样地内占绝对优势。重要值≥ 1的物种共有20个, 分别占样地总个体数和总胸高断面积的70.35%和57.41%, 重要值最大的物种分别是乔木层的锐齿栎(Quercus aliena var. acutesrrata)、亚乔木层的水榆花楸(Sorbus alnifolia)和灌木层的刺叶栎(Q. spinosa)。样地内所有个体的平均胸径为8.61 cm, 整体径级分布呈倒”J”型, 小径级个体较多, 群落更新良好。除了太白杨(Populus purdomii), 样地内优势种表现出大尺度的聚集分布, 且它们的分布与生境紧密相关, 不同物种表现出不同的生境偏好。  相似文献   

新疆吉木萨尔县蝴蝶群落多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蝴蝶作为指示生物, 被广泛地应用于生物多样性监测及环境质量评估。探究新疆吉木萨尔县蝴蝶群落多样性, 可为当地蝴蝶多样性的保护及环境监测提供基础数据。本研究采用样线法在新疆吉木萨尔县选取山前荒漠、农田、山地草原、山地森林、亚高山草甸5种不同的生境类型, 对蝴蝶种类和群落多样性进行调查。共记录蝴蝶4,401号, 隶属于7科26属38种。其中蛱蝶科有9属12种, 为优势科; 粉蝶科的个体数最多, 占比55.01%; 绢蝶科、凤蝶科和弄蝶科的种类数和个体数最少, 均为单科种, 是该地区的稀有类群。对不同生境蝴蝶群落多样性和相似度分析比较的结果显示: 5种生境中多样性指数从高到低依次为亚高山草甸、山地森林、山地草原、农田及山前荒漠, 其中山地森林和亚高山草甸的相似性系数较高, 达到0.77, 山前荒漠和山地草原的相似性系数最低, 为0.37。蝴蝶物种数及多样性指数随海拔的增加呈上升趋势。蝴蝶群落随月份发生变化, 蝴蝶种类和数量在5月发生、7月达到峰值。蝶类个体数在3年内呈下降趋势。研究结果表明, 蝴蝶物种的组成和多样性与生境类型具有密切联系, 保护生态环境, 维持该地区植物群落的多样性、降低人为干扰程度是保护蝶类多样性的关键。  相似文献   

We updated the floristic checklist of the Nizanda region, Isthmus of Tehuantepec (southern Mexico), characterized the occurring plant communities based on dominant species, and described the region’s flora according to life form, growth form, growth type, and growth habit spectra. Ten years of botanical exploration, along with surveys in 188 100-m2 samples from different vegetation types, provided the baseline floristic information. Ordination and classification analyses were performed to examine the degree of differentiation between communities. Geographical ranges of all species were used to assess biogeographical relationships of this flora. The inventory includes 920 species (553 genera, 124 families). More than one-third of the families were represented by a single species, whereas the 10 richest families had 43% of the species richness. Dendrograms showing plot classification at three taxonomic levels (species, genus and family) revealed savannah as the most strongly differentiated community amid seven vegetation types. Regarding growth forms, forbs and trees prevailed. Phanerophytes were the most common life form category, whereas herbs and woody plants were the dominant growth types. The largest richness for all taxonomic levels was recorded in the tropical dry forest. The expanded floristic knowledge gained for the Nizanda region provided better criteria to revise the classification scheme of its vegetation. Our preliminary biogeographical analysis illustrates the role of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec as a corridor for thermophilous floras between two oceanic watersheds, and as a natural distributional limit for several Mesoamerican plant species.  相似文献   

海南岛热带森林景观类型多样性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王伯荪  彭少麟  郭泺  叶有华 《生态学报》2007,27(5):1690-1695
依据景观生态学原理,按地貌、气候、土壤、植被和土地利用方式的分异,以带、域、省、区、类型为5个基本单位及亚、组等为辅助单位,组建海南岛热带森林景观类型分类体系。把海南岛热带森林景观作为省级单位,它隶属于全球热带林景观带、亚洲(东方)热带林景观域、中国热带林景观亚域,其下划分为东部潮湿森林景观、西部半干旱森林景观、中南部山地森林景观、热带常绿针叶林景观、热带竹林景观和热带人工林景观6个森林景观区;以热带低地沟谷热带雨林为代表的11个森林景观亚区;以热带低地沟谷龙脑香森林景观为代表的26个森林景观类型组;以热带低地沟谷青皮林为代表的54个森林景观类型。海南岛热带森林景观类型分类体系较全面地表达了海南岛热带森林景观类型多样性。  相似文献   

钟娇娇  陈杰  陈倩  姬柳婷  康冰 《生态学报》2019,39(1):277-285
采用多元回归树(MRT)对秦岭山地天然次生林群落进行数量分类,采用典范对应分析(CCA)进行排序,分析了秦岭山地天然次生林群落物种多样性沿海拔梯度的变化规律。结果表明:(1) 275个样方共有种子植物195种,隶属61科128属。乔、灌、草3个层次物种多样性变化沿海拔梯度的变化趋势基本一致,呈单峰模型;(2)经交叉验证认为秦岭山地天然次生林群落可分为2类,Ⅰ冬瓜杨(Populus purdomii)+陇东海棠(Malus kansuensis)+蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)群落,Ⅱ锐齿槲栎(Quercus aliena var. acuteserrata)+黄栌(Cotinus coggygria)+茜草(Rubia cordifolia)群落;(3) CCA排序结果揭示了群落生境的分布范围,反映出生态轴的排序意义,较好地反映秦岭山地天然次生林群落与环境因子的关系,其结果表明,海拔、坡向、凋落层厚度和干扰情况4个变量对该地区次生林群落的分布有较大的影响。  相似文献   

Parasitoid wasps (Hymenoptera) are a highly diverse component of terrestrial habitats, yet very little is known about how their community structure and functional diversity is influenced by habitat variables. Parasitoids were sampled using Malaise traps in early and late summer across ten forest sites in the Waitakere Ranges, New Zealand. At each trap, a range of local habitat variables were measured in a 20 × 20 m plot and landscape cover data were obtained for a 2-km radius. Species from two families, Ichneumonidae and Braconidae, were identified using morphological and molecular methods. Functional groups (idiobiosis, koinobiosis), key life history traits (endoparasitism, ectoparasitism, host taxa), and morphological traits (ovipositor length, body size) were measured to calculate functional diversity indices. The abundance, species richness, composition, and functional groups of parasitoids were chiefly influenced by vegetation type, plant diversity, coarse woody debris, and seasonal sampling. However, different taxa showed different patterns to habitat variables. Functional diversity measures were strongly linked to vegetation type. Kauri conifer forest was found to support a specialised parasitoid community, with lower abundance and species richness than broadleaved forest, but with higher functional evenness and high functional dispersion; indicating a community of co-existing species with a high utilisation of resources. The lack of congruence in the habitat relationships of different parasitoid groups highlights that preservation of a wide range of different forest habitats is required to adequately conserve parasitoid diversity.  相似文献   

Tiaret massif forest offers a very interesting model for studying the evolution of the flora in the region, with a variety of very remarkable vegetation distribution conditioned by a significant number of ecological factors (climate and anthropogenic activities). A floristic study was carried out in Tagdempt sector, characterized by semi-arid Mediterranean climate and forming a natural barrier against steppe development.The floristic analysis based on the method of Braun-Blanquet with a minimum surface of 100 m2 allowed us to draw up a list of 126 species belonging to 100 genera of 40 families. The most dominant family was Asteraceae with 23 species (18.3%), followed by Fabaceae and Poaceae with 12 (9.5%) and 9 species (7.1%), respectively. Among life forms, annual herbs represented 53.2%, followed by perennial shrub species (32.5%) and finally trees (14.3%). Biogeographically, the Mediterranean was the most dominant type (49.6%), whereas other types had low percentages. Moreover, out of the plants identified, six with different status were rare (4.76%), nine were endemic (7.14%) and only five of the taxa have official protection status under the Algerian legislation (3.96%).  相似文献   

大兴安岭南部山地苔藓植物区系多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于2009~2012年对大兴安岭南部山地6个自然保护区的苔藓植物进行了野外实地调查,对所采集的1 800余号标本进行室内分析鉴定,并计算分析其种类组成、区系地理成分、地区之间相似性系数和相异系数的欧氏距离比较,及其8种生境中苔藓植物多样性指数、丰富度指数、均匀度指数和优势度指数等,为保护区的管理和建设提供基础资料。结果表明:(1)大兴安岭南部山地6个自然保护区共有苔藓植物48科,134属,330种,其中苔类16科,21属,38种,1变种;藓类32科,113属,274种,14变种,2变型,1亚种。(2)首次发现中国新记录4种:长柄紫萼藓(Grimmia longirostris Hook.),毛尖连轴藓[Schistidium lancifolium(Kindb.)Blom.],平叶真藓(Bryumlaevifilum Syed.),凹叶毛灰藓[Homomallium adnatum(Hedw.)Broth.],首次发现本地区新记录12种。(3)以丛藓科为代表的旱生藓类在本区占有优势地位;区系地理成分以温带成分(60.79%)和东亚成分(16.19%)为主。(4)大兴安岭南部山地与兴安北部和燕山北部山地亲缘关系较近;生境条件的变化对苔藓植物多样性产生了一定的影响,湿润土生和石生生境为本区苔藓植物最丰富的生境,水生生境中苔藓植物分布最少。研究发现,大兴安岭南部山地苔藓植物区系是连接华北区、东北区、蒙新区和阴山地区的过渡性地带;与燕山北部和兴安北部相比,大兴安岭南部山地大面积苔藓植物地被层分布较少的主要原因是森林密度和湿度较低。因此,建立保护区对保护大兴安岭南部山地脆弱的森林、草原过渡生态系统,保护中国野生动植物类群及其他珍稀动植物的繁衍均具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

焉耆盆地位于新疆天山中段南麓,在植被地理区划上属于新疆暖温带灌木、半灌木荒漠区,其独特的自然地理位置和生态环境孕育了较为丰富的植物资源,研究其种子植物区系多样性分布特点对该区植物资源保护及可持续开发利用具有极其重要的意义。本研究通过野外实地调查及查阅相关文献资料,对新疆焉耆盆地的种子植物区系分布特点进行了系统分析。结果显示,该区种子植物约有1035种,隶属于80科373属,其中新疆特有种有38种,占新疆特有种总种数的14.18%。区系地理成分中,在科级水平上,焉耆盆地种子植物80科可划分为6个分布区类型和7个变型,并以温带地理成分为主(共有22个科),占该区非世界分布科总科数的57.89%;在属级水平上,焉耆盆地种子植物373属可划分为12个分布区类型和17个变型,并以温带地理成分为主(共197属),占非世界分布属总属数的62.54%。焉耆盆地种子植物生活型中,草本植物占优势,共有901种,占该区种子植物总种数的87.05%;灌木有110种(占10.63%),乔木17种(占1.64%),藤本7种(占0.68%)。焉耆盆地种子植物生态类型中,中生类型676种,占该区种子植物总种数的65.31%;旱生类型有191种(占18.45%),湿生类型123种(占11.88%),水生类型45种(占4.35%)。  相似文献   

The effects of various disturbances on diversity and community structures of ground spiders in the Kenting National Park uplifted coral reef forest were investigated using pitfall traps. In each of the following five sampling sites, ten trap stations were established and were monitored once every month for a whole year: primary forest, primary forest with tourism activities, secondary forest, grassland with tourism activities and abandoned grassland. A total of 2237 adult spiders from 20 families and 110 species were collected, among which 86 (78.2%) were new or newly recorded species to Taiwan. Dominant species can be divided into two major groups according to temporal abundance variations: abundant in the dry season and abundant in the wet season. Habitat preference of 12 dominant species was assessed by comparing their relative abundance between sampling sites. Half of the species exhibited strong habitat preference and two species could only be found in habitats receiving no tourism disturbance. The Shannon–Weaver function, Simpson index and Evenness were not significantly different among the sites, suggesting that these sites had a similar community structure characterized by few dominant species and numerous rare species. However, the species composition differed considerably among the five sites. Results of a UPGMA analysis using pairwise Euclidean distance demonstrated that specimens from 50 trap stations can be divided into four major clusters: primary forest, secondary forest, grassland I and grassland II. Also, among 110 species obtained, 61 were distributed in one sampling site only, and each site had between 11 and 16 unique species. In addition to species composition, foraging guild composition also differed significantly among sampling sites. These results suggest that the diversity of ground spiders in the KTNP uplifted coral reef forest is quite heterogeneous, and any management activity should consider the uniqueness of each habitat type.  相似文献   

福建三明瓦坑的赤枝栲林   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
本文讨论的赤枝栲1)(Castanopsis kawakamii)林,地处福建省三明市郊瓦坑地区,属我国中亚热带东南缘。据调查31块样地共3100m2群落种类组成中,含维管束植物52科、90属、139种;其中单种属占总数的75.6%。植物区系为热带、泛热带分布的成分、共占科与属总数的61.5%与67.8%。高位芽生活型植物占总数的87.9%。基于对群落外貌的植物生活型与叶特征等分析表明,该群落是从南亚热带雨林到中亚热带常绿阔叶林的过渡类型。对该森林乔木种的年龄结构分析,乔、灌木种多样性指数与均匀度的计算等,显示出赤枝栲林是相对稳定性较大的群落。  相似文献   

Leaf beetle species composition, diversity and community structure were investigated and compared among three different habitat types (herbaceous open area, forest area without shrubs, forest area with shrubs) included in Kovada Lake (KL) and K?z?lda? (KD) national parks in Isparta province, at the Mediterranean region of Turkey. In total, 132 leaf beetle species (88 from KL and 96 from KD) belonging to ten subfamilies were collected. Spatial distribution of the leaf beetles and estimated species number were compared between study sites and some environmental factors affecting the determined species were analyzed. The highest leaf beetle diversity among the habitat types was in the forest areas with abundant shrubby understory at the KL with diversity values of 2.67 (Shannon–Wiener index) and 0.87 (Simpson index). The most similar habitats in terms of the leaf beetle communities were herbaceous open areas at both national parks with similarity values 50% (Sørensen index) and 34% (Jaccard index). Nonparametric estimators ICE, Chao2, Jackknife1 and Jackknife2 show that the percentages of the detected leaf beetle species during field surveys in the KL were between 85% and 93%, and in the KD were between 67% and 78%. Canonical correspondence analysis indicates that the most effective environmental variables on the leaf beetle species diversity were covers of the herbaceous and tree layers. Also, these results show that the most important environmental variable affecting the leaf beetle species diversity was floristic structure of the sites.  相似文献   

应用植被调查样地法研究了广东南岭国家级自然保护区大东山片区的浙江润楠群落的物种多样性、区系地理成分,以及优势种种群的年龄结构。结果表明:(1)在1600m2的样地内共有维管束植物73科119属169种,群落的数量优势科为樟科、蔷薇科、山茶科、壳斗科及杜鹃花科等,种类组成的科、属地理成分中热带成分分别占74·51%和70·10%,温带成分分别占23·53%和33·64%;(2)该群落浙江润楠种群以幼、中龄树为主,其优势地位明显且稳定,乔木层的亚优势树种以罗浮栲、马尾松及荷木等为主;(3)群落垂直结构分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层3层,灌木层的物种最丰富,对群落物种多样性分析发现,Simpson指数:灌木层(乔木层=草本层,Shannon指数:灌木层(乔木层(草本层,Margalef指数:灌木层(乔木层(草本层,Pielou指数:乔木层(灌木层(草本层。  相似文献   

The floristic composition and diversity of tropical dry deciduous and gallery forests were studied in Chacocente Wildlife Refuge, located on the Pacific coast in Nicaragua during 1994 and 2000. Density, dominance and frequency as well as species and family important values were computed to characterize the floristic composition. A variety of diversity measures were also calculated to examine heterogeneity in each forest community. A total of 29 families, 49 genera and 59 species were represented in 2 ha dry deciduous forest. In the gallery forest, the number of families, genera and species recorded in 2000 inventory was 33, 48 and 58, respectively and slightly higher than the 1994 inventory. The number of stems ⩽ 10 cm dbh varied from 451 to 489 per hectare in the deciduous forest, and from 283 to 298 per hectare in the gallery forest. The basal area was much larger for species in the gallery than dry deciduous forest. Fabaceae, sub family Papilionoideae, was the most specious family in the deciduous forest while Meliaceae was the dominant family in the gallery forest. Similarity in species composition and abundance between deciduous and gallery forests was low. In terms of species diversity, the gallery forest was found more diverse than the deciduous forest using Fisher's diversity index. Both forest communities were characterized by a typical inverse J shape. Therefore, emphasis should be given to the protection of rare species, i.e. as the forests are still under continued human pressure, an immediate action should be taken to conserve the remaining flora.  相似文献   

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