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荒漠植物白刺属4个物种的生殖分配比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李清河  辛智鸣  高婷婷  王赛宵  徐军  孙非 《生态学报》2012,32(16):5054-5061
选定乌兰布和沙漠地区白刺属4种植物为研究对象,通过对其样株在花期的各生殖构件的数量特征及生物量调查,系统研究了唐古特白刺(Nitraria tangutorum Bobr.)、西伯利亚白刺(Nitraria sibirica Pall.)、大白刺(Nitraria roborowskii Kom.)和泡泡刺(Nitraria sphaerocarpa Maxim.)4种白刺属植物在生殖枝水平上的生殖分配。结果表明:不同白刺属植物在分株高度、生殖枝长、生殖枝基径、单枝花数、花序干重、枝叶干重等生殖构件的数量性状方面均有显著差异,其中泡泡刺的各生殖构件的数量均最小;除了西伯利亚白刺的生殖分配值达到44.51%外,其余3种白刺的生殖分配值均没有超过20%。经统计分析,4种白刺种群的生殖枝长分别与分株高度呈显著(P<0.05)的直线性正相关关系;生殖枝花序干重与分株高显著正相关;4种白刺的生殖分配随着分株生殖枝生物量的增加而减少,即白刺的个体大小与生殖分配之间呈现负相关关系。这种生殖分配特点反映了不同白刺植物对生长环境的资源利用、与克隆繁殖的权衡及对生态适应的策略。  相似文献   

为研究近缘物种之间繁育系统分化对传粉环境的适应性意义,本文针对湖北地区的3种紫堇属植物(紫堇Corydalis edulis Maxim.、尖距紫堇C.shearer S.Moore.和小花黄堇C.racemosa(Thunb.) Pers.)进行了传粉生态学研究,对比分析了它们在花部特征、分布模式、花期、交配系统、传粉系统等方面的差异。3种紫堇属植物常见伴生现象,花期有一定重叠;花色、距长、花蜜量等方面均有显著差异;尖距紫堇交配系统为自交不亲和、依靠传粉者异花授粉;而紫堇和小花黄堇交配系统为自交亲和,兼有自交和异交的混合交配系统。3个物种均由蜂类传粉,且花部性器官与传粉者的接触部位一致,但访花频率差异较大。在混合群落中,传粉者访花具有较高的忠实性,花部特征差异可能是传粉者选择性访花的原因。对于紫堇属3个物种,花部特征和交配系统的分化有助于其避免传粉过程的相互干扰,交配系统与传粉环境具有一定相关性,混合交配系统可能有利于提高植物对不同生境和气候的适应性。  相似文献   

对分布于云南西北部的茄参(Mandragora caulescens)的繁育系统进行了研究。茄参的花期为5月底到6月初,单花持续时间为(9.9±2.8)d,其性表达方式为雌性先熟。有三种昆虫拜访茄参的花,白背熊蜂蜂王是最有效的传粉昆虫,但其访花频率很低;苍蝇和蚂蚁的访花频率较高,但苍蝇传粉效率十分有限;蚂蚁是窃蜜者。授粉实验证明茄参具有部分自交亲和能力,但由于雌性先熟,不具备主动自交能力。人工添加异交花粉显著提高了结实率和结籽数,证明茄参存在花粉限制。茄科的大部分植物是严格自交不亲和的,但茄参族的茄参是自交部分亲和,这和茄科天仙子族的部分成员类似。我们认为这两个独立起源于新世界向欧亚大陆扩散事件的族,各自从自交不亲和向自交亲和转变可能与高山地区恶劣的自然条件有关,这种繁育系统的进化模式是否具有普遍性值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

雌先熟植物茄参(茄科)的繁育系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对分布于云南西北部的茄参(Mandragoraca caulescens)的繁育系统进行了研究。茄参的花期为5月底到6月初,单花持续时间为(9.9±2.8)d,其性表达方式为雌性先熟。有三种昆虫拜访茄参的花,白背熊蜂蜂王是最有效的传粉昆虫,但其访花频率很低;苍蝇和蚂蚁的访花频率较高,但苍蝇传粉效率十分有限;蚂蚁是窃蜜者。授粉实验证明茄参具有部分自交亲和能力,但由于雌性先熟,不具备主动自交能力。人工添加异交花粉显著提高了结实率和结籽数,证明茄参存在花粉限制。茄科的大部分植物是严格自交不亲和的,但茄参族的茄参是自交部分亲和,这和茄科天仙子族的部分成员类似。我们认为这两个独立起源于新世界向欧亚大陆扩散事件的族,各自从自交不亲和向自交亲和转变可能与高山地区恶劣的自然条件有关,这种繁育系统的进化模式是否具有普遍性值得进一步研究。  相似文献   

毛菍传粉生物学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨毛菍(Melastoma sanguineum Sims.)传粉生物学特性,对海南霸王岭国家级自然保护区林缘、林内和林隙3个生境内毛菍的花期、花部形态、访花昆虫等进行观察,同时对其繁育系统相关指标进行了测定。结果表明:毛菍无花蜜分泌;花瓣对访花昆虫有吸引作用;访花昆虫主要有蜂类、食蚜蝇类和丽金龟类;主要传粉昆虫有木蜂、熊蜂,其中木蜂传粉活动最为活跃,为最有效传粉昆虫。毛菍具典型的异型雄蕊,长、短雄蕊在传粉过程中具有明确的功能分化,推测这是毛菍保证传粉成功的策略。毛菍为自交亲和的异交种,需要昆虫传粉;人工自交和异交均具有较高的坐果率;不存在无融合生殖、主动自花授粉和滞后自交的生殖保障现象;其繁育系统是兼性自交。昼夜温差较小和相对湿度较高的林内和林隙生境有利于延长群体花期;光照充足、温度相对较高的林缘生境,花朵发育较快,柱头可授性的时间稍早。花粉、传粉者和环境条件是制约毛菍野外传粉效率的主要因素。  相似文献   

通过野外交配系统试验和传粉昆虫观察, 以铃铛子( Anisodus luridus) 和赛莨菪( A. carniolicoides)为研究对象, 探讨了山莨菪属内自交亲和系统的进化与传粉昆虫的转变。结果表明, 铃铛子和赛莨菪均属于自交完全亲和的类群, 但两个种的自动自交能力均不强, 而且都存在传粉限制。北方黄胡蜂( Vespula rufarufa) 和石长黄胡蜂( Dolichovespula saxonica) 分别是铃铛子和赛莨菪的主要传粉昆虫, 自然状态下两种昆虫的传粉效率均比较高, 但两种昆虫访问两种植物时传递花粉的方式不同, 其中北方黄胡蜂主要促进了铃铛子的花间传粉, 而石长黄胡蜂访花引起赛莨菪同一朵花内的传粉。通过与该属的另一种植物山莨菪(A. tanguticus) 的传粉机制比较, 发现在山莨菪属的物种分化过程中, 由自交不亲和转变为自交完全亲和, 传粉昆虫也发生了转变, 证明了自交亲和系统存在于起源较晚的类群中。高山环境中频繁且不可预测的降雨可能降低了传粉昆虫的活动能力, 进而导致铃铛子和赛莨菪均存在传粉限制。  相似文献   

铃铛子和赛莨菪(茄科)的传粉机制比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外交配系统试验和传粉昆虫观察,以铃铛子(Anisodus luridus)和赛莨菪(A.camiolicoides)为研究对象,探讨了山莨菪属内自交亲和系统的进化与传粉昆虫的转变。结果表明,铃铛子和赛莨菪均属于自交完全亲和的类群,但两个种的自动自交能力均不强,而且都存在传粉限制。北方黄胡蜂(Vespula rtfarufa)和石长黄胡蜂(Dolichovespula saxonica)分别是铃铛子和赛莨菪的主要传粉昆虫,自然状态下两种昆虫的传粉效率均比较高,但两种昆虫访问两种植物时传递花粉的方式不同,其中北方黄胡蜂主要促进了铃铛子的花间传粉,而石长黄胡蜂访花引起赛莨菪同一朵花内的传粉。通过与该属的另一种植物山莨菪(A.tanguticus)的传粉机制比较,发现在山莨菪属的物种分化过程中,由自交不亲和转变为自交完全亲和,传粉昆虫也发生了转变,证明了自交亲和系统存在于起源较晚的类群中。高山环境中频繁且不可预测的降雨可能降低了传粉昆虫的活动能力,进而导致铃铛子和赛莨菪均存在传粉限制。  相似文献   

杨柳  周天华  王勇  牛鑫 《西北植物学报》2023,43(7):1218-1226
陕西羽叶报春为中国珍稀濒危植物,研究其开花物候、传粉者及访花行为、花粉活力、柱头可授性、繁育系统,以明确陕西羽叶报春的传粉特性及制濒机制。以勉县陕西羽叶报春野生居群为研究对象,通过野外观察和人工授粉实验首次对陕西羽叶报春的传粉生物学进行研究。结果表明:(1)陕西羽叶报春种群花期为2-4月中旬,单花花期一般为14~17 d;单花开花进程中花部形态有6个明显发育变化:全部被萼片包裹、花苞伸出并为深粉色、花朵打开为淡粉色、花冠为白色、花朵枯萎、花冠脱落花萼宿存。(2)陕西羽叶报春为异花授粉植物,蜜蜂属为其主要传粉者。(3)柱头在花粉未开裂前就具有可授性,可授性逐渐增强;花药在花瓣打开后的第3天才开始开裂、散粉,在第4天活力最高,为98.18%,此后逐渐减弱。(4)繁育系统检测显示,长、短柱型花的花粉/胚珠比分别为902.26和831.48,杂交指数为4;套袋实验显示,陕西羽叶报春异型交配可育,同型交配不可育。由此表明,陕西羽叶报春的繁育系统为异交型,自交不亲和,需要传粉者。综上所述,陕西羽叶报春传粉者种类少、自交不亲和、胚珠败育现象可能是导致陕西羽叶报春濒危的重要原因。  相似文献   

为探明油茶的自交亲和状况,以山茶属攸县油茶(Camellia yuhsienensis Hu)、浙江红山茶(C.chekiangoleosa Hu)、多齿红山茶(C.polyodonta How)、南山茶(C.semiserrata Chi)、为试验材料,采用自交异交控制授粉,结合田间座果率动态调查,统计分析不同授粉处理后的结实性及果实的性状特征,并计算自交亲和指数。结果表明,4份材料的自交亲和指数有差异,自交亲和指数高低依次为:攸县油茶(0.288 8)多齿红花油茶(0.251 1)浙江红花油茶(0.122 2)南山茶(0)。4个物种自交亲和指数均小于1,因而,认为4个物种均为自交不亲和植物。4种授粉方式后的结实率及结籽数呈现异株异花自由授粉同株异花自交自花自交的趋势。在蒴果性状上,自交处理所得果实的性状指标均低于异交处理水平。油茶自交授粉后,落果迅速,异株异交授粉处理在各个时期座果率均高于自交处理的水平。4种油茶具有普遍自交不亲和性,自交不亲和是4个物种落花落果,结实低,产量低的主要原因。  相似文献   

深山含笑传粉生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为明确深山含笑(Michelia maudiae)的传粉生物学特性,该文以西华师范大学校园内的深山含笑为研究材料,采取野外观察法记录了深山含笑的开花动态、访花者及访花频率;用游标卡尺法,测定了深山含笑的异交指数(OCI);用醋酸洋红法,测定了花粉胚珠比(P/O);用套袋和人工授粉法,测定了深山含笑的繁育系统。结果表明:(1)深山含笑为早春开花植物,其种群花期为2~3月,持续30d左右,单花花期5~6d;在单花开放初期,最内层的花瓣未绽开,是适应潮湿或多雨的环境而保护花药与柱头免受雨水的冲刷,提高雌雄性适合度,确保繁殖成功的一种策略;(2)深山含笑的有效传粉者为蜜蜂,访花时间集中在晴朗天气的中午;(3)深山含笑的异交指数(OCI)等于5,花粉胚珠比(P/O)为2 933±50;(4)深山含笑为雄蕊先熟,柱头可授性在开花第2~3天达到最高;(5)套袋和人工授粉表明深山含笑为兼性自交和异交授粉,其中异交授粉的座果率和结籽率显著高于自交授粉。早春开花的深山含笑,其传粉者为单一的蜜蜂,繁育系统为异交,部分自交亲和,结果为引种栽培、良种选育等提供依据更好地利用和保护此资源奠定基础。  相似文献   

在回顾白刺属研究历史的基础上,根据白刺属种间染色体倍数特征并结合形态学、生物地理学等方面的研究文献,提出新的白刺属种间分类系统:二倍体组(2n= 2X=24) 和四倍体组 (2n=4X=48)。多倍化(2X→4X)是白刺属内种间进化的基本特征。白刺属的起源中心可能是古地中海沿岸地区;中亚及我国西北地区是白刺属的现代分布中心。并指出将该属作为模式系统开展荒漠植物分子生态学研究的前景。  相似文献   

The importance of bat pollination has been demonstrated for many plant species. Yet this mutualism has rarely been studied on a community–wide level. In this paper we present results of a yearlong study of a bat–flower community in cloud forests on the western slopes of the Ecuadoran Andes. Of eight plant–visiting bat species caught, only Anoura caudifera and A. geoffroyi were carrying pollen. These species of Anoura supplement their diets with insects. Unlike glossophagines in other environments, however, which switch completely to a frugivorous or insectivorous diet during certain seasons, they are nectarivorous year–round and were never found with seeds or fruit pulp in their feces. Of the 13 morphotypes of pollen carried by the bats, 11 were identified to genus and 7 to species. Floral characteristics of all of these plants fit the traditional chiropterophilous syndrome well. Our study represents the first direct evidence of bat pollination for those plants identified to species, including four species of Burmeistera (Campanulaceae), as well as the first record of bat pollination for a plant of the genus Meriania (Melastomataceae). While overlap in the diets of the two Anoura was high, significant differences in visitation frequencies to particular plant species were detected. The larger bat species (A. geoffroyi) preferred large flowers, whereas the smaller species (A. caudifera) preferred small flowers.  相似文献   

Tian J  Liu K  Hu G 《Annals of botany》2004,93(2):167-175
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: China is one of the centres of geographical distribution of Impatiens L. Studies of the pollination ecology of this genus in China have, until now, been unreported. Impatiens reptans, a species endemic to China, was studied. The aims were to examine the pollination ecology and pollination system of this species, to compare its pollination ecology with other Impatiens species growing in Sumatra and Japan, and to discuss possible reasons for its limited distribution. METHODS: The pollination ecology of I. reptans was studied by carrying out continuous observations within three naturally growing populations. Its pollination system was studied using different pollination methods, marking and counting pollen grains, assessing pollen viability and observing pollinator behaviour. KEY RESULTS: The flowering phase of the protandrous I. reptans lasted for 89 d. The life span of an individual flower was 3.6 d. Primary pollinators were honey-bees and bumble-bees. Secondary pollinators were diurnal hawk moths and butterflies. Bombus briviceps and Bombus sp. were nectar gatherers. The mean nectar sugar concentration was 29.5 %, and the mean value of sucrose/glucose + fructose was 0.82. The proportion of seed set ranged from 0.857 to 0.873. Distances that seeds were ejected ranged from 0.58 to 1.17 m. Percentage seed germination under controlled conditions was 23.1. Pollen viability was highest on the day of anthesis and thereafter decreased. Ratios of pollen : ovules ranged from 958.8 to 970.6. CONCLUSIONS: Impatiens reptans reproduces by means of cross-pollination. Its dependence on a specialized habitat, a narrow environmental niche, a low percentage of seed germination, and habitat loss could be reasons for its limited distribution and endemism.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of pollinators is an important factor determining the biogeographical pattern of floral evolution and diversification. In Africa, a guild of plant species has converged in a floral syndrome for pollination by long‐tongued hawkmoths (predominantly Agrius convolvuli). It is hypothesized that such floral convergence could track the geographical distribution of long‐tongued hawkmoths, so it may not be confined to Africa. We investigated the pollination biology of Lilium sargentiae E. H. Wilson, which is endemic to China and exhibits traits suggestive of long‐tongued hawkmoth pollination. Lilium sargentiae was visited by A. convolvuli as well as small beetles (Nitidulidae) but pollination was mostly or totally effected by the moth. It was consistent with other hawkmoth‐pollinated plants in terms of floral tube length, nectar traits, tepal reflectance, and scent composition. We present the first experimental evidence for the hypothesis proposed above and for hawkmoth pollination in the widespread and ornamentally and economically important genus Lilium L. in a natural habitat. Our findings imply that long‐tongued hawkmoths (especially the extremely widespread A. convolvuli) as a distinctive pollinator niche may have underlain the evolution of long‐tubed (>8 cm) flowers across different continents.  相似文献   

芍药的访花昆虫和传粉昆虫   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
红雨  刘强 《昆虫知识》2004,41(5):449-454
20 0 0~ 2 0 0 2年对内蒙古赤峰市高格斯台罕乌拉自然保护区内野生芍药 (PaeonialactifloraPall.)和内蒙古农校芍药园内栽培品种芍药的访花昆虫进行调查 ,经整理鉴定有 2 9种 ,自然保护区内芍药的访花昆虫种类有 1 7种 ,芍药园内的访花昆虫有 1 7种。根据传粉行为和数量的比较确定了自然保护区内主要传粉昆虫为丽斑芫菁、黄胫宽花天牛、黑胫宽花天牛、短毛斑金龟、饥星花金龟、白星花金龟和大淡脉隧蜂 ;芍药园内的主要传粉昆虫为意大利蜜蜂、棕边管食蚜蝇、长尾管食蚜蝇、大淡脉隧蜂、灰带管食蚜蝇和小淡脉隧蜂。  相似文献   

Lowiaceae, a family of the Zingiberales, comprise 11 species in the single genus Orchidantha. Here we present the first report on the pollination of Lowiaceae and describe a new system of dung-beetle pollination from Sarawak, Borneo. Orchidantha inouei has a zygomorphic flower located just above the ground. Observations revealed that the plant is visited frequently and is pollinated by scarabaeid dung beetles, mainly members of the genus Onthophagus. All four species of Onthophagus collected on O. inouei have also been caught using traps baited with dung or carrion in Borneo. Onthophagus was presumably attracted to the dung-like odor of the flower. Pollination of O. inouei is different from other examples of beetle pollination in that its flower provides neither reward nor protected space. Dung beetles are excellent at following a particular dung scent. Orchidantha is the only genus that includes species lacking floral nectar. It is interesting that this deception pollination using dung beetles was found in Zingiberales, in which all known species have mutual and specialized relationships with their long-distance, but costly, pollinators-bees, birds, and bats.  相似文献   

在广东鼎湖山,华南云实(LaesalpiniacristaL.)始花期从2月或3月开始,开花后约1周达到盛花期,盛花期持续2~4d,花期可持续到4月底。华南云实基本繁育系统为雌蕊先熟、自交不亲和的异花受精。华南云实传粉方式为风虫媒。其主要传粉者为膜翅目昆虫,该种是云实属植物中首次报道的可行风媒传粉的种类。描述并探讨了华南云实花的结构与其主要传粉者木蜂之间的互动适应,并讨论了传粉生物学实验中的一些处理方法对华南云实开花过程的影响。  相似文献   

Jatropha curcas L. is the subject of many research and breeding programs concerned with its potential as an oil crop for biodiesel production. Despite an increasing amount of information regarding this relatively new crop, pollination requirements of this plant are largely neglected. The aim of the study was to evaluate the relative significance of ants and honeybees as potential pollinators of J. curcas grown under Mediterranean conditions. Jatropha curcas plants bloomed throughout the summer and fall, peaking twice, in early summer and late fall. During this period, the plants were visited by 70 species of insects representing 45 families from seven orders, with most species rarely being observed. Ants and Honeybees were the most common species, accounting for >95% of all flower visits. The foraging behavior of the honeybees followed the pattern of bloom phenology, especially during the summer, and mostly promoted cross‐pollination. Ants on the other hand, mostly promoted self pollination showing no such correlative behavior, reacting often too late to nectar availability, and were highly susceptible to climatic changes. Pollinator exclusion treatments revealed that during summer, fruit and seed sets, as well as seed size and oil and protein contents, were relatively similar for ant and bee‐pollinated flowers. During fall, however, reproductive success of bee‐pollinated flowers was relatively high (66%), while fruit set of ant‐pollinated flowers was significantly reduced from 71 to 11%. In conclusion, while both groups are equal in their pollination effectiveness in the summer, during the fall the honeybees are almost the sole pollinators of the plant. Based on bloom phenology and pollination activity data, the honeybees are responsible for the pollination of more than 80% of the annual reproductive potential of J. curcas, under Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

The pollen:ovule ratio (P/O) has traditionally been used as a rough estimator of plant breeding systems. It has been shown that plant breeding systems are associated with particular floral traits. In this study, we determined the P/O in 21 Leguminosae species from Argentina and explored relationships between P/O and taxonomic position, flower size, floral rewards, pollen presentation and pollination mechanisms. According to the results, 15 out of the 21 species classified were obligate xenogamous, although some of them have been recorded as facultative xenogamous in previous studies. There was a significant effect of taxonomic position (genus), reward type and pollination mechanism on P/O. Species offering only nectar as a floral reward (which were species with a brush mechanism) had a significantly lower P/O than species offering pollen or pollen and nectar. Species with the brush pollination mechanism had the lowest P/O, while species with valvular and pump mechanism had the highest P/O. However, pollen presentation (primary and secondary) and flower size did not have a significant effect on P/O. Our results demonstrate that P/O variability is determined by taxonomic position and pollination mechanism in this plant group.  相似文献   

Levels of specialization of the pollination systems were evaluated in 155 plant species from the Venezuelan Central Plain. In all, 29 pollination systems were found, resulting from various combinations of nine pollen‐vector types or pollinating agent classes. The number of pollen‐vector types composing a pollination system ranged from one to five. Ninety‐one species were pollinated by only a single pollen‐vector type; the frequency of pollination systems fell monotonically with increasing number of constituent pollen‐vector types. Some 30–40 per cent of bee‐, moth‐, beetle‐ and bat‐pollinated species were pollinated by that group of vectors alone. The highest incidence of co‐occurrence between pollen‐vector types was found for the combinations fly–wasp, butterfly–wasp, butterfly–fly, and to a lesser extent bird–butterfly, bat–bird, bat–moth and butterfly–moth. The average number of pollen‐vector types per plant species was significantly higher for trees and shrubs than for lianas and perennial herbs. The distribution of polyphily, oligophily, monophily and anemophily was significantly associated with life form and habitat. The relative frequencies of these types varied least through the year in the forest‐savannah ecotone and in the vegetation as a whole, reflecting the combination of life forms. There were significantly fewer night‐pollinated than day‐pollinated species. Day‐pollinated species tended to be polyphilous, and most of the night‐pollinated species were monophilous or oligophilous. Time of pollination activity was related to habitat. The relative importance of night pollination among life forms decreased from trees to perennial herbs. Plant species exclusively pollinated during the night reached a peak during the rainy season (May to November) for trees, lianas and perennial herbs. The data as a whole show that the relative frequency of polyphily, oligophily, monophily and anemophily, and the time of pollination activity are influenced by community structure and plant species richness, and may change from season to season. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 145 , 1–16.  相似文献   

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