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【目的】尼古丁是茄科植物的重要生物碱,本文首次确定了硫酸烟碱对假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis G?the的驱避作用和田间防效,以及不同浓度硫酸烟碱对茶尺蠖Ectropis obliqua Prout的拒食作用。【方法】使用Y形嗅觉仪和T形观测室研究了假眼小绿叶蝉对硫酸烟碱的行为反应,使用叶碟法测试了硫酸烟碱对茶尺蠖的拒食作用。【结果】硫酸烟碱600倍稀释液和800倍稀释液处理茶梢分别对叶蝉若虫的寄主选择行为和雌成虫的产卵具有显著的驱避作用;田间喷施硫酸烟碱对假眼小绿叶蝉的防治效果较好。此外,硫酸烟碱对茶尺蠖幼虫具有拒食作用,并且拒食作用随着取食时间的延长而增强,取食8 d以后,死亡率显著高于对照。【结论】本研究结果为开发茶树害虫的植物源忌避(拒食)剂提供一定的科学参考。  相似文献   

【目的】为进一步明确国内争议颇大的为害茶树的小绿叶蝉种类问题。【方法】通过网捕法采集贵州、重庆、海南、福建4省(区)茶园的小绿叶蝉昆虫标本,在体视镜下根据外部形态并结合雄性外生殖器特征进行种类鉴定。【结果】检视了44个茶园2 988号小绿叶蝉标本,共有7种:小贯小绿叶蝉Empoasca(Matsumurasca)onukii Matsuda、烟翅小绿叶蝉Empoasca(Empoasca)limbifera(Matsumura)、拟小茎小绿叶蝉Empoasca(Empoasca)paraparvipenis Zhang&Liu、广道小绿叶蝉Empoasca(Empoasca)hiromichii(Matsumura)、匀突长柄叶蝉Alebroides shirakiellus(Matsumura)、叉突长柄叶蝉Alebroides similis Dworakowska和里偏小叶蝉Asymmetrasca rybiogon Dworakowska,以小贯小绿叶蝉数量最多(98.90%),匀突长柄叶蝉(0.57%)和拟小茎小绿叶蝉(0.335%)次之,其余种类个体数量极少且分布狭窄。【结论】综合分析7种茶园小绿叶蝉的个体数量及分布范围后认为,小贯小绿叶蝉、匀突长柄叶蝉和拟小茎小绿叶蝉为茶树危害种,其中优势种是小贯小绿叶蝉。其他4种小绿叶蝉目前尚不能确定是否是茶树的危害种类。我国大量文献记载的假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca(Empoasca)vitis(G?the)应系误鉴,并非中国茶区小绿叶蝉优势种发生了改变,建议及时更正。  相似文献   

为了解小贯小绿叶蝉Empoasca onukii Matsuda对光的行为反应,为茶园害虫综合防治提供新思路,本研究利用光谱行为学,采用18种LED单色光源对小贯小绿叶蝉的趋光行为进行了研究。结果显示,小贯小绿叶蝉成虫对18个光源中的黄光(590~595 nm)趋向性相对较强,其次为紫光(420~425 nm),对白色光源(对照)的趋向性最低。趋光性由大到小分别为黄光(590~595 nm),紫光(420~425 nm),紫外光(390~395 nm),蓝光(460~465 nm)。忌避性较强的分别为橙光(600~605 nm),对照,冰蓝青光(490~495 nm),绿光(520~525 nm)。17种光谱与对照光结合显示,小贯小绿叶蝉对不同光谱的选择发生了变化,更倾向于先择紫外光(370~375 nm、380~385 nm、385~390 nm),紫光(420~425 nm),其次为琥珀色光(595~600 nm),趋光率最低的为蓝光(460~465 nm)和红光(660~665 nm)。双光谱结合时,其选择随不同的结合而发生改变。黑暗、对照和光谱间相结合处理时,白光结合下对光谱的选择趋向性显著高于黑暗条件,两者间呈负相关。小贯小绿叶蝉对黄光(590~595 nm)和紫外光(370~375 nm)的趋向性较强,而对橙光(600~605 nm)、绿光(520~525 nm)和蓝光(460~465 nm)有显著的忌避性。可利用其对光谱的选择性,在室内饲养或茶园防治中采用相应的光谱进行处理,从而达到合理利用的目的。  相似文献   

迷迭香挥发物不同组合对假眼小绿叶蝉行为的调控   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨茶园群落中非茶植物气味引诱或驱避重要茶树害虫假眼小绿叶蝉的效应,遂将茶园常见杂草迷迭香挥发物中樟脑、α-松油醇和石竹烯分别配成10-2g/m L剂量,再等量组成混合物,在每个橡皮头上载100#L制成诱芯,附于素馨黄粘板上,于茶园中诱捕假眼小绿叶蝉,发现这种三组分诱芯明显地驱避假眼小绿叶蝉。将行为反应中分别对假眼小绿叶蝉呈现显著引诱效应的10-2g/m L樟脑、10-4g/m L石竹烯、10-6g/m Lα-水芹烯、10-4g/m Lα-松油醇和10-8g/m L桉树脑等量配成五组分混合物,同法制成诱芯,附于素馨黄粘板,诱捕假眼小绿叶蝉。发现五组分诱芯:(1)显著引诱假眼小绿叶蝉,诱效稍强于现价段茶园中使用的源于茶梢挥发物的诱芯;(2)每日诱捕的假眼小绿叶蝉数与天数呈抛物线关系;(3)加入液体石蜡作为缓释剂,可将诱效的半衰期延长2.5—4.0d;(4)18:00—6:00诱得的假眼小绿叶蝉数量占全天的70%—75%。分析认为:非茶植物迷迭香的挥发物中含有显著引诱假眼小绿叶蝉信息物质,这类信息物质制成的五组分诱芯的诱效较强,可以作为一种防治假眼小绿叶蝉的手段,早晨和黄昏是最佳诱捕时分。  相似文献   

矿物油乳剂作用下橘小实蝇的产卵拒避及触角电位反应   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
为了研究矿物油乳剂对害虫行为的干扰作用,测定和比较了4种矿物油乳剂对橘小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel)的产卵拒避效果及在其作用下该虫的触角电位反应(EAG),并测试了其中拒避效果最好的Caltex Lovis夏用油的不同施用方式(浸蘸法和喷雾法)及不同施用浓度(150,250,350,450倍液)对橘小实蝇产卵拒避的影响。结果显示:分别用4种矿物油乳剂200倍液以浸蘸法处理香蕉,仅Caltex Lovis夏用油处理对橘小实蝇产卵拒避效果显著,其平均产卵孔数仅为清水对照的15.14%;其他3种矿物油乳剂则没有明显效果。这表明矿物油乳剂对昆虫行为的干扰作用与其组成成分相关。4种矿物油乳剂对橘小实蝇的产卵拒避效果与各矿物油乳剂的50倍液滴于滤纸条后0.5 h的雌成虫EAG值间无显著相关性,但与滴于滤纸条后3 h(滤纸条上水分已蒸发)的EAG值间有显著的负相关性,说明矿物油乳剂的挥发性组分对橘小实蝇的产卵拒避影响不大,因此推测矿物油乳剂在植物表面形成的油膜对植物挥发性物质的封闭作用与其产卵拒避效果可能有一定的关系。浸蘸法不同浓度处理间的产卵拒避效果无显著差异,均明显高于喷雾法处理及清水对照。在喷雾法处理中,仅150倍液有显著产卵拒避效果。这说明,矿物油乳剂需要在植物表面达到一定的沉积量,才能对橘小实蝇有较好的产卵拒避作用。与喷雾法相比,浸蘸法可能较利于矿物油在植物表面的沉积,这也佐证了矿物油乳剂所形成油膜的封闭性与其产卵拒避效果有一定的关系。  相似文献   

【目的】进一步明确中国主产茶区茶树小绿叶蝉种类。【方法】通过网捕法采集了全国14个省(市)109个地区的茶树小绿叶蝉成虫标本。根据外部形态并结合雄性外生殖器进行种类鉴定。【结果】共检视5 589号叶蝉雄成虫标本,发现8种小绿叶蝉。其中包括:小贯小绿叶蝉Empoasca(Matsumurasca)onukii Matsuda、锐偏茎叶蝉Asymmetrasca rybiogon(Dworakowska)、拟小茎小绿叶蝉Empoasca(Empoasca)paraparvipenis ZhangLiu、波宁雅氏叶蝉Jacobiasca boninensis(Matsumura)、匀突长柄叶蝉Alebroides shirakiellus(Matsumura)等。小贯小绿叶蝉发生最普遍且数量最多,占总检视样品的98.53%。各地小贯小绿叶蝉样品数量占当地样品数量的55.56%-100.00%。锐偏茎叶蝉在重庆市采样点发生较多,占当地检视样品的36.96%-44.44%。其余种类,个体数量极少且分布狭窄。【结论】我国茶树小绿叶蝉有多个种。除云南、广东、海南、台湾和西藏5个产茶省本研究未涉及外,全国绝大部分茶区的优势种为小贯小绿叶蝉。  相似文献   

茶树(Camellia sinensis)是我国重要的经济作物。小贯小绿叶蝉(Empoasca onukii)是为害茶树的主要害虫之一。叶蝉三棒缨小蜂(Stethynium empoascae)是小贯小绿叶蝉的主要卵寄生蜂,但茶树花对叶蝉三棒缨小蜂的引诱机制尚不明确。基于析因设计的方差分析结果显示,茶树花可引诱天敌叶蝉...  相似文献   

利用"T"形室观察了茶假眼小绿叶蝉Empoasca vitis Gthe对4种茶香精和3种寄主植物的趋性反应。结果表明,假眼小绿叶蝉对不同茶香精粉和寄主植物的趋性反应不同。叶蝉对绿茶和乌龙茶A香精有明显的趋向反应,而对乌龙茶B香精即铁观音茶香精则有明显的忌避反应,对红茶香精则无反应。假眼小绿叶蝉对茶梢和青菜的趋性反应无显著差异,而对茶梢和大豆的趋性反应有差异,表现出更喜好趋向茶梢。  相似文献   

生物测定结果表明,番茄枝叶的甲醇和水溶性乙醇提取物(简称Em、Em-eEe)对菜粉蝶均有显著的产卵忌避作用;其中Ee、Em—e和Em第1天的产卵忌避率分别为87.4%、85.1%和50.5%,均达到差异显著水平。番茄枝叶乙醇提取物(Ee)不仅能显著地忌避菜粉蝶产卵,而且还强烈地干扰其产卵行为。在网室中,Ee的3个剂型试验结果表明,只有剂型“Ee+0.1%吐温—80”对莱粉蝶的产卵忌避率达到差异显著水平,第6天的忌避率仍达35.4%。  相似文献   

【目的】茶小绿叶蝉Empoasca onukii是我国茶园的重要害虫,其体表覆盖网粒体,而网粒体是否具有防御功能则知之甚少。本研究旨在明确网粒体脱落是否对该害虫逃离茶园蜘蛛网起到关键作用。【方法】将茶小绿叶蝉成虫置于草间小黑蛛Hylyphantes graminicola的不规则网内,利用高清摄像机和Vegas软件对茶小绿叶蝉在蜘蛛胁迫和无蜘蛛胁迫情况下脱离蛛网的行为参数及其微动作进行解析;将茶小绿叶蝉成虫翅面触碰蛛网后,在扫描电镜下观察翅面网粒体与蛛丝接触的微观形态,分析试虫挣扎时与蛛网粘黏部位的网粒体分布情况。【结果】当蜘蛛胁迫时,茶小绿叶蝉成虫60 min内脱网率为45.0%,无蜘蛛胁迫时,60 min内成虫脱网率可达76.7%;茶小绿叶蝉成虫陷入蛛网后的逃离时长蜘蛛胁迫组显著短于无蜘蛛胁迫组。茶小绿叶蝉成虫逃网策略至少有4种。蜘蛛胁迫和无蜘蛛胁迫两处理组的翻身率都接近80%,翻身时长约0.5 s,提示成虫翅面与蛛网间的黏力较小。茶小绿叶蝉挣扎逃离蛛网的时长接近翻身时长的3倍,通过对茶小绿叶蝉在蛛网的挣扎行为解析判定茶小绿叶蝉的前足和中足是虫体中最难脱离蛛丝的部位。扫描电镜结果显示,茶小绿叶蝉翅面是虫体表面网粒体分布最均匀且密度较高的部位,网粒体分布密度为280±17粒/25 μm2;翅面网粒体可脱落并包裹整根黏丝;茶小绿叶蝉前足腿节及前跗节表面网粒体覆盖数量不均匀,稀少部位的覆盖密度仅4±4粒/25 μm2,是前足难以脱离蛛丝的可能原因。【结论】茶小绿叶蝉体表网粒体脱落可有效帮助成虫脱离蛛网,其成虫能否成功快速逃离蛛网取决于与蛛网的接触部位是否有网粒体的分布。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that tea consumption can impair trace element metabolism, particularly iron status, and increase the risk of anemia in humans and animals. More recently, however, evidence has been accumulating to show that, in animals, consumption of green tea or its polyphenols is associated with a reduction of the incidence and severity of a variety of experimentally induced cancers. In this study we have monitored the growth, trace element status, including hematological parameters of weanling rats given either (1) water, (2) 1% black tea, (3) 1% green, tea, or (4) 0.2% crude green tea extract as their sole drinking fluid while consuming diets containing either adequate or low amounts of iron. With the exception of manaanese, none of the trace elements studied (iron, copper, zinc, and manganese) or the hematological indices measured were affected by the type of beverage supplied, even though the polyphenol extract was shown to chelate metals in vitro and all the animals fed the low iron diet were shown to be anemic. There appeared to be an effect of black and green teas on manganese balance in, both the first and last weeks of the study. A lower level of brain managanese was associated with green tea consumption, and a higher level of this element in the kidneys of animals fed black tea. The results demonstrate that both black and green teas and a green tea polyphenol extract do not represent a risk to animals consuming the beverages as their sole fluid intake with respect to iron availability, although the interactions with manganese deserve further study.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between EUF extractable nutrients and conventional soil test extractable nutrients in the acid soils of Southern India on one hand and that between EUF values and tea productivity on the other are described. Close correlation exists between EUF-NO3–N at 20°C and CuSO4–Ag2SO4-extractable NO3–N (r=0.98***), EUF-Norg and Morgan's reagent extractable NH4–N (r=0.97***), total EUF-N and CuSO4–Ag2SO4-extractable NO3–N plus Morgan's reagent NH4–N (r=0.96***), EUF-P at 20°C and modified Bray II-P (r=0.93***) and EUF-P at 20°C plus that at 80°C and modified Bray II-P (r=0.91***). The EUF-K at 20°C shows close correlation with NH4OAc–K (r=0.80***), Ag-thiourea-K (r=0.86***) and Morgan's reagent-K (r=0.84***) whereas the EUF-K at 80°C shows close correlation with the difference in K contents of NH4OAc–K and Ag-thiourea-K (r=0.92***) or of NH4OAc–K and Morgan's reagent-K (r=0.93***) and fixed NH4–N (r=0.89***). EUF-Ca, EUF-Mg and EUF-Mn do not show any relationship with conventional soil test values. Tea productivity is strongly associated with EUF-N and EUF-P extracted at 20°C.  相似文献   

Changes in fine structure of upper epidermal and palisade cells of fresh, withered, rolled, ‘fermented’ and ‘fired’ tea leaves have been studied. In the fresh immature leaves, the polyphenols are located mainly in the vacuoles of the first two to three layers of upper palisade cells. Loss of water during withering causes slight disorganization in the fine structure of the organelles. Rolling causes extensive disorganization of the organelles, membranes and cell walls. The chloroplast membranes, which are rich in lipoproteins, rupture and parts of it vesiculate. These controlled and defined changes in fine structure leading to cell death, characterized by cleavage of cell walls in certain areas, rupture of the membranes, organelles and their inclusions, followed by‘cramped plasmolysis’ of cellular contents, throw more light on the biochemical changes that take place during tea manufacture.  相似文献   

Camellia ptilophylla Chang is a wild tea tree containing theobromine and is caffeine-flee. Lots of researches have been conducted for its domestication since it was discovered to contain theobromine in its shoots. First, its pharmacological and physiological effects have been studied, demonstrating that it can be used as a new resource of tea as daily and healthy beverage. Cocoa tea differs from traditional tea in that it does not excite the nervous system. Second, various ways of propagation have been investigated, and sexless cutting has been the method adopted currently. Third, through selection and breeding, plantation of cocoa tea can be set up to cultivate new varieties, and cocoa tea of different flavors such as green cocoa tea, oolong cocoa tea, and black cocoa tea can be processed. Thus, cocoa tea will become a choice in the tea market.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies suggest that antioxidant flavonoids in tea may reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, possibly via protection of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) against oxidation. However, the extent of absorption of tea flavonoids and their accumulation in LDL during regular consumption of tea is not clear. Therefore we investigated plasma and lipoprotein levels of catechins during tea consumption and the impact on LDL oxidizability ex vivo. Eighteen healthy adults consumed, in an incomplete balanced cross-over design, green tea, black tea, black tea with milk or water, one cup every 2 hr (eight cups/day) for three days. Blood samples were obtained in the mornings and evenings of each day. Plasma total catechin concentration was determined in all blood samples, and the distribution of catechins among lipoproteins was determined at the end of the third day (t = 60 hr). The resistance of LDL to copper-induced oxidation ex vivo was assessed before tea consumption and at t = 60 hr. Repeated tea consumption during the day rapidly increased plasma total catechin levels whereas they declined overnight when no tea was consumed. There was a gradual increase in plasma levels in the mornings (respectively, 0.08 microM vs. 0.20 microM on first and last day of black tea consumption) and evenings (respectively, 0.29 microM vs. 0.34 microM on first and last day of black tea consumption). Green tea catechins were mainly found in the protein-rich fraction of plasma (60%) and in high-density lipoproteins (23%). Although present in LDL, the concentration of catechins in LDL was not sufficient to enhance the resistance of LDL to oxidation ex vivo. Addition of milk to black tea did not affect any of the parameters measured. In conclusion, the present study shows that catechin levels in blood rapidly increase upon repeated tea consumption. The accumulation of catechins in LDL particles is not sufficient to improve the intrinsic resistance of LDL to oxidation ex vivo.  相似文献   

Miao Jin  Han Baoyu 《生态学报》2007,(10):3973-3982
The probing behaviors of the tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis (Gothe), on 9 tea cultivars were studied using video-text Direct Current-Electrical Penetration Graph, i.e., DC-EPG. The following 7 types of waveforms produced by the leafhopper stylet probing were determined: A, stylet pathway formation; S, salivation when stylets pierce into and stay in phloems; C, active ingestion before stylets reach phloems; E and F, passive ingestion in phloems; R, the insect resting with its stylet inserted into the leaf tissue and NP without probing. The 9 tested tea cultivars were categorized into 3 groups by the cluster analysis according to the number of probes per insect, waveform durations, or duration per probe of various waveforms on different tea cultivars. Waveforms S, E and F correlated to the main feeding activity of the leafhopper and may provide valuable information on predicting the resis-tance level of the tea plants to the leafhopper. The resistance level of the 9 tea cultivars to the leafhopper was ranked based on the durations of waveforms S, E and F, as well as the duration per probe including various waveforms. The ranking order of the resis-tance was: Longjingchangye > Hangdan > Zhenghedabaicha > Qianmei 601 > Hongyafoshuo > Zhongcha 102 > Zhongcha 302 > Longjing 43 > Anjibaicha, which corresponded to the resistance level determined by the population density (infestation) of the leaf-hopper on the 9 tea cultivars in the tea fields. Our study suggests that this simple and convenient DC-EPG technique might have great potential as a reliable tool to predict the resistance of tea cultivars to the tea leafhopper.  相似文献   

Miao J  Han B Y 《农业工程》2007,27(10):3973-3982
The probing behaviors of the tea green leafhopper, Empoasca vitis (Gothe), on 9 tea cultivars were studied using video-text Direct Current-Electrical Penetration Graph, i.e., DC-EPG. The following 7 types of waveforms produced by the leafhopper stylet probing were determined: A, stylet pathway formation; S, salivation when stylets pierce into and stay in phloems; C, active ingestion before stylets reach phloems; E and F, passive ingestion in phloems; R, the insect resting with its stylet inserted into the leaf tissue and NP without probing. The 9 tested tea cultivars were categorized into 3 groups by the cluster analysis according to the number of probes per insect, waveform durations, or duration per probe of various waveforms on different tea cultivars. Waveforms S, E and F correlated to the main feeding activity of the leafhopper and may provide valuable information on predicting the resis-tance level of the tea plants to the leafhopper. The resistance level of the 9 tea cultivars to the leafhopper was ranked based on the durations of waveforms S, E and F, as well as the duration per probe including various waveforms. The ranking order of the resis-tance was: Longjingchangye > Hangdan > Zhenghedabaicha > Qianmei 601 > Hongyafoshuo > Zhongcha 102 > Zhongcha 302 > Longjing 43 > Anjibaicha, which corresponded to the resistance level determined by the population density (infestation) of the leaf-hopper on the 9 tea cultivars in the tea fields. Our study suggests that this simple and convenient DC-EPG technique might have great potential as a reliable tool to predict the resistance of tea cultivars to the tea leafhopper.  相似文献   

茶多酚提取方法的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
茶多酚是一种理想的食品天然抗氧化剂,具有抗癌治病、防衰老、防辐射、消除人体自由基等多种生理功效,广泛用于食品、油脂、医药、化工等行业。近年来,对于茶多酚的提取方法多见于报遗,本文就国内外茶多酚提取方法的研究进展情况作以综述。  相似文献   

This study examined the polyphenols of tea leaves as chemotaxonomic markers to investigate the phenetic relationship between 89 wild (the small-leaved C. sinensis var. sinensis and large-leaved C. sinensis var. assamica), hybrid, and cultivated tea trees from China and Japan. (?)-Epigallocatechin 3-O-gallate, EGCG (1); (?)-epigallocatechin, EGC (2); (?)-epicatechin 3-O-gallate, ECG (3); (?)-epicatechin, EC (4); (+)-catechin, CA (5); strictinin, STR (6); and gallic acid, GA (7) were used as polyphenolic markers. Of the 13 polyphenol patterns observed, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) indicated that the structure-types of the flavonoid B-rings, such as the pyrogallol-(EGCG (1) and EGC (2)) and catechol-(ECG (3) and EC (4)) types, greatly influenced the classification. Ward’s minimum-variance cluster analysis was used to produce a dendrogram that consisted of three sub-clusters. One sub-cluster (A) was composed of old tea trees ‘Gushu’ cha (C. sinensis var. assamica) and cv ‘Taidi’ cha, suggesting that relatively primitive tea trees contain greater amounts of compounds 3 and 4 and lower amounts of compounds 1 and 2. The other two sub-clusters B and C, made up of Chinese hybrids (sub-cluster B) and Japanese and Taiwanese tea trees (sub-cluster C), had lower contents of 3 and 4 than sub-cluster A. Therefore, PCA and cluster analysis indicated that the greater the amounts of 1 and 2 (and the lower of 3 and 4), the more recent the origin of the tea line. Based on morphological characteristics, geographical information, and the historical information on tea trees, these results show good agreement with the current theory of tea tree origins, and this suggests that the Xishuangbanna district and Puer City are among the original sites of the tea tree species.  相似文献   

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