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东方田鼠家族群成员个体的觅食行为是否因食物斑块存有家族群自身及非亲缘家族群气味而发生变异,进而影响其摄入率。在新鲜马唐叶片构建的均质密集食物斑块上,分别配置家族群自身巢垫物及非亲缘家族群巢垫物作为社群气味,测定东方田鼠家族群在食物斑块觅食时,其成员个体觅食行为的序列过程及参数,检验家族群自身气味及非亲缘家族群气味对成员个体觅食行为的影响。结果表明,家族群自身气味能显著地缩短本群成员个体的觅食决定时间,通过减少成员个体的嗅闻及直立扫视动作时间比例、增大一般扫视、盯视及静听动作时间比例,降低觅食中断时间比例,提高其摄入率;而非亲缘家族群气味则能显著地延长家族群成员个体的觅食决定时间,通过增大家族群成员个体的嗅闻和一般扫视动作时间比例、减小直立扫视、盯视及静听动作时间比例,增大觅食中断时间比例,降低其摄入率。结果揭示,熟悉的社群气味会促使觅食活动中的家族群成员个体,在监测环境风险时,将精力更多地用于观察和监听群内其他成员个体的行为及其发出的警报信息,以便在有效规避环境风险的同时减缓个体间因干扰性竞争对觅食活动所造成的不利影响;而陌生的社群气味会迫使成员个体,将精力由依赖群内其他成员个体的行为转向凭借自身直接警觉周围环境。  相似文献   

Some territorial species have been shown to react more aggressively toward unfamiliar conspecifics than established neighbors, a behavior referred to as the dear enemy phenomenon. Laboratory experiments were conducted to determine whether males of a territorial African cichlid, Neolamprologus pulcher, can discriminate between size-matched familiar and unfamiliar male neighbors and whether they respond more aggressively toward unfamiliar males. It was found that males spent significantly more time near the territorial boundary that they shared with unfamiliar neighbors and directed significantly more aggressive behavior toward these individuals.  相似文献   

The roles of kinship in agonistic behavior and mate choice were evaluated in Brandt's voles (Microtus brandti). In chambers bedded with familiar or unfamiliar substrates, the aggressive behavior and social investigation towards adult unfamiliar same-sex siblings and non-siblings were examined, and no significant kin bias was found. Males sniffed and followed unfamiliar unrelated females significantly more than unfamiliar sibling sisters, but males did not show significant preferences in copulatory behavior and agonistic behavior. Females spent significantly more time copulating with unfamiliar unrelated males than with their unfamiliar sibling brothers, while they did not show a significant preference in social investigation between them. Our study shows that kinship might play a role in the inbreeding avoidance based on preweaning familiarity or/and phenotype matching, but the role of kinship in agonistic behavior remains unclear.  相似文献   

In many group‐living animals, within‐group associations are determined by familiarity, i.e. familiar individuals, independent of genetic relatedness, preferentially associate with each other. The ultimate causes of this behaviour are poorly understood and rigorous documentation of its adaptive significance is scarce. Limited attention theory states that focusing on a given task has interrelated cognitive, behavioural and physiological costs with respect to the attention paid to other tasks. In multiple signal environments attention has thus to be shared among signals. Assuming that familiar neighbours require less attention than unfamiliar ones, associating with familiar individuals should increase the efficiency in other tasks and ultimately increase fitness. We tested this prediction in adult females of the group‐living, plant‐inhabiting predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis. We evaluated the influence of social familiarity on within‐group association behaviour, activity, predation and reproduction. In mixed groups (familiar and unfamiliar), familiar predator females preferentially associated with each other. In pure groups (either familiar or unfamiliar), familiar predator females produced more eggs than unfamiliar females at similar predation rates. Higher egg production was correlated with lower activity levels, indicating decreased restlessness. In light of limited attention theory, we argue that the ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar individuals and preferential association with familiar individuals confers a selective advantage because familiar social environments are cognitively and physiologically less taxing than unfamiliar social environments.  相似文献   

The ability of broad-headed skinks (Eumeces laticeps) to distinguish familiar from unfamiliar individuals of the opposite sex and themselves from other individuals of the same sex using only chemical stimuli was examined experimentally. Cloacal chemical stimuli were presented to lizards on moistened cotton swabs and numbers of tongue-flicks performed in 60 s were recorded. Males emitted significantly greater numbers of tongue-flicks in response to chemical cues from unfamiliar females than of female cagemates. Response rates of males housed with females and males housed alone to chemical stimuli from unfamiliar females did not differ. Chemical stimuli from unfamiliar males elicited significantly more tongue flicks from males than their own or deionized water, but their own stimuli elicited no more than the odourless control. Females tongue-flicked significantly more in response to cloacal chemical stimuli from unfamiliar males than from male cagemates. The findings indicate that both sexes of broad-headed skinks can discriminate between chemical stimuli of familiar and unfamiliar individuals of the opposite sex and that males can distinguish their own cloacal chemicals from those of unfamiliar males. The possible functions of these chemosensory capacities, including location of mates by scent-trailing and assessment of the presence of sexual competitors, are discussed in relation to the social behaviour of E. laticeps.  相似文献   

I report spontaneous spatial object grouping in five chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)ranging from 1 to 4 years of age. I recorded subjects' spontaneous interactions with groups of objects, noting the spatial relations in the groupings and the constructive processes that the subjects adopted. Though one subject developed vertical stacks, none of them realized horizontal alignments or spatial correspondences between groups. All subjects showed consistent trends in their constructive processes toward manipulating objects in relation to the body: they increasingly manipulated objects globally, that is to say, they moved or held objects together with the same part of the body. They also increasingly placed objects on the body or in correspondence to their symmetrical body parts. The increasing importance assigned by chimpanzees to body- object relations over object- object relations contrasts with human developmental trends in the domain of manipulative space.  相似文献   

Group sizes in free‐living juvenile black perch Embiotoca jacksoni were quantified and predictions of the hypothesis that such groups comprise sibling brood‐mates were tested. Group sizes in the field were within the range of female brood sizes and often occurred close to each other but did not merge. In captivity, juveniles formed groups immediately after birth. In laboratory experiments, they also associated significantly more with chambers containing familiar members of their own brood than empty chambers but did not associate more with chambers containing similar‐sized juveniles from a different brood. Juvenile E. jacksoni also associated significantly more with chambers containing familiar brood‐mates than with chambers containing unfamiliar members of a different brood. The strength of this preference increased with the number of days fish had been together since birth. When two broods were placed in a large outdoor tank, all individuals from both broods directed significantly more aggressive acts towards members of the other brood than towards members of their own brood. While the relative effects of familiarity and relatedness cannot be completely separated in this viviparous species, associating with familiar individuals would facilitate the maintenance of sibling groups in the field.  相似文献   

There is some evidence that macrurans recognize each other as individuals. In freshwater crayfish there are conflicting reports and there is limited information about the sensory mechanisms involved. To determine the extent to which the crayfish Cherax destructor is capable of individual recognition, we performed experiments that familiarized animals with each other and then manipulated their recent success in dominance contests. Crayfish were more likely to win an encounter when paired against a familiar opponent than an unfamiliar one after the manipulation stage. In other experiments, animals were attracted to familiar conspecifics when only visual or chemical cues were present. This demonstrates that C. destructor is able to discriminate between a familiar and an unfamiliar opponent. The results highlight the complex nature of intraspecific communication in crayfish and suggest elements likely to be of importance in the social interactions of groups in the wild state.  相似文献   

个体辨别对于减少同种争斗以及配偶选择具有重要意义。我们用棉棒粘取鳄蜥(Shinisaurus crocodilurus)尿液作为气味源,以香水作为对照,测定鳄蜥对熟悉个体气味、陌生个体气味以及香水的舔舌次数和舔舌潜伏期,来探讨鳄蜥通过化学信息辨别熟悉和陌生个体的能力。结果显示,不论是雌性还是雄性,对不同个体尿液的舔舌次数均显著高于对香水的,舔舌潜伏期显著短于香水的;尽管雄性对陌生同性个体气味与熟悉同性个体气味的舔舌次数无显著差异,但对前者的舔舌潜伏期显著短于后者;雄性对陌生雌性气味的舔舌次数显著多于熟悉雌性气味的,对前者的舔舌潜伏期显著短于后者;雌性对陌生雄性气味的舔舌潜伏期显著短于对熟悉雄性气味的;雄鳄蜥对陌生雌性气味的舔舌次数显著多于雌鳄蜥对陌生雄性的。结果表明,鳄蜥能辨别同种个体的化学信息,并能通过化学信息来辨别熟悉和陌生个体,推测鳄蜥的这种辨别能力对其领域分配以及繁殖交配有重要作用。  相似文献   

Kin recognition in Bufo scaber tadpoles: ontogenetic changes and mechanism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ontogenetic changes in kin-recognition behavior, effect of social environment on kin-recognition ability, and use of visual and chemical cues in kin recognition have been studied in tadpoles of Bufo scaber after rearing them with kin, in mixed groups, or in isolation from Gosner stage 12 (gastrula). By use of a rectangular choice tank the tadpoles were tested for their ability to choose between (a) familiar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings, (b) unfamiliar siblings and familiar non-siblings, and (c) unfamiliar siblings and unfamiliar non-siblings. When tested without any stimulus groups in the end compartments of the tank, random distribution was observed for the tadpoles and no bias for the apparatus or the procedure. In the presence of kin and non-kin in the end compartments, significantly more tadpoles spent most of their time near kin (familiar or unfamiliar) rather than near non-kin during early larval stages, up to stage 37. After stage 37 (characterized by the differentiation of toes), test tadpoles showed no preference to associate with kin, suggesting an ontogenetic shift in the kin-recognition ability in B. scaber. In experiments involving selective blockade of visual or chemical cues the test tadpoles preferentially associated near their kin on the basis of chemical rather than visual cues. These findings suggest that familiarity with siblings is not necessary for kin recognition and that kin-recognition ability is not modified after exposure to non-kin by mixed rearing. The findings for B. scaber indicate a self referent phenotype matching mechanism of kin recognition which is predominantly aided by chemical rather than visual cues.  相似文献   

One explanation for the evolution of sexual monomorphism is the sexual indistinguishability hypothesis, which argues that in group-living species individuals might benefit by concealing their sex to reduce sexual competition. We tested this hypothesis in long-tailed finches Poephila acuticauda. Males and females could not be reliably distinguished morphologically or by analysis of the reflectance spectra (300 to 700 nm) from the plumage and bill. Males seemed unable to distinguish the sex of an unfamiliar individual in the absence of behavioural cues; they were equally likely to court and copulate with unfamiliar males and females but rarely courted familiar males. Here we report the first experimental evidence that sexual monomorphism enables strategic concealment of sex. Males were more likely to reveal their sex when faced with a solitary unfamiliar individual than a group of unfamiliar individuals. When encountering an unfamiliar male that revealed his sex, subordinate males were more likely to conceal their sex than dominant males.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics is important in territorial animals as it allows animals to distinguish neighbours from non-neighbours. This prevents wasting time and energy in unnecessary aggressive interactions. I investigated the ability of adult males of a territorial lizard, the tawny dragon (Ctenophorus decresii), to distinguish familiar from unfamiliar rivals in a laboratory setting. Males significantly reduced their aggression levels in repeat interactions with familiar rivals and increased their aggression levels towards unfamiliar males. The time taken for interactions to be settled was also significantly lower towards familiar than unfamiliar males. The results of this study suggest that adult male tawny dragons can discriminate familiar from unfamiliar conspecifics. Furthermore, animals were presented with three new rivals in succession and showed a robust ability to discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar males.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the manipulative propensities of a captive group of lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus). Simple natural objects (browse and bamboo poles) were provided regularly in the home cage. Findings indicate richness in the frequency and form of manipulative activities, with juvenile males manipulating the test objects more frequently and exhibiting more goal-directed manipulative activity than adult females. A variety of goal-directed manipulative activities (use of objects to act as ladders, to apply leverage, and to create perches) occurred spontaneously, with some instances involving joint action or social use. These data are consistent with the hypotheses that macaques possess extensive capacities for object exploration and social facilitation, and that an evolutionary history of omnivorous foraging habits correlates positively with the expression of anomalous sensorimotor skills.  相似文献   

Determining foxes’ social preference, and how this influences their social behaviour towards different conspecifics at different ages may give us a better understanding of how to prevent foxes from exposure of possible social stressors when housed in groups. Here, we investigated the effect of familiarity on social preferences in silver fox females and their motives for seeking social contact at two different ages. Fourteen silver fox females conducted two preference tests, first at the age of 9 weeks and the second at the age of 24 weeks, where they could choose between an empty cage, a familiar female or an unfamiliar female at their own age. The position and behaviour of the females were recorded using instantaneous sampling every tenth minute for 26 h. There was a clear preference to seek contact with a conspecific at 9 weeks of age (p < 0.01). The cubs did not differentiate between a familiar or unfamiliar stimulus animal (p > 0.05), however there was a tendency to play more in front of the unfamiliar stimulus animal (p = 0.07). No preference was seen for either the familiar, unfamiliar or empty cage stimulus when the females were 24 weeks old (p > 0.05), however they were more aggressive towards the unfamiliar stimulus animal (p < 0.01). Thus, there was no effect of familiarity in time spent with a social stimulus at either age, however these results suggest that the motives for seeking contact as cubs were non-aggressive and possibly play related, whereas the aggressive behaviour displayed by juveniles towards the unfamiliar female indicates an increased competitive motivation.  相似文献   

Replicated, naturalistic mesocosms were used to investigate whether pre-existing preferences for familiar individuals decay when opportunities to form new alliances arise. In each trial, two groups of wild European minnows Phoxinus phoxinus were introduced to a common environment, and their association patterns monitored continuously over a 3 week period using passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags. Individuals within a group were familiar, but had no previous experience of the other group. European minnows associated initially with previously familiar individuals more frequently than expected by chance. This preference then diminished over a period of 2 weeks following their encounter with the unfamiliar group of fish and was not detectable by the third week. Instead, new association patterns resulting from non-random re-assortment of individuals over time were evident. The results show that new alliances between individuals form when wild shoals coalesce.  相似文献   

At large attitudes are built on earlier experience with the attitude object. If earlier experiences are not available, as is the case for unfamiliar attitude objects such as new technologies, no stored evaluations exist. Yet, people are still somehow able to construct attitudes on the spot. Depending on the familiarity of the attitude object, attitudes may find their basis more in affect or cognition. The current paper investigates differences in reliance on affect or cognition in attitude formation toward familiar and unfamiliar realistic attitude objects. In addition, individual differences in reliance on affect (high faith in intuition) or cognition (high need for cognition) are taken into account. In an experimental survey among Dutch consumers (N = 1870), we show that, for unfamiliar realistic attitude objects, people rely more on affect than cognition. For familiar attitude objects where both affective and cognitive evaluations are available, high need for cognition leads to more reliance on cognition, and high faith in intuition leads to more reliance on affect, reflecting the influence of individually preferred thinking style. For people with high need for cognition, cognition has a higher influence on overall attitude for both familiar and unfamiliar realistic attitude objects. On the other hand, affect is important for people with high faith in intuition for both familiar and unfamiliar attitude objects and for people with low faith in intuition for unfamiliar attitude objects; this shows that preferred thinking style is less influential for unfamiliar objects. By comparing attitude formation for familiar and unfamiliar realistic attitude objects, this research contributes to understanding situations in which affect or cognition is the better predictor of overall attitudes.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate simple behavioral enrichment procedures for a captive group of tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). We examined the effects of providing a manipulatable substrate (straw) and a variety of portable objects in the monkeys' home cage. The animals were observed across three conditions in two replications: 1) No portable objects were present; 2) a set of six identical portable objects was present; and 3) a set of six varied portable objects was present. The cage floor was bare in the first replication; straw was uniformly spread on the cage floor in the second replication. An 18-month period of qualitative note taking followed completion of the initial data collection phase. The presence of straw and portable objects affected patterns of affiliation by decreasing quiet contact and close proximity. Providing additional manipulative opportunities affected both the form and frequency of object-directed activities. Object contacts were directed toward a greater variety of targets, and some objects were spontaneously used as tools. Manipulation of provided objects and use of objects as tools have become routine activities in this group of monkeys. We conclude that providing straw and portable objects in an already well equipped cage is an effective means of long-term behavioral enrichment for captive capuchin monkeys. Enabling captive capuchins to express species-typical manipulative tendencies is apparently conducive to the monkeys' optimal physical and psychological well-being as well as interesting to the human observer.  相似文献   

Male Quelea were moved between groups to assess whether experience of winning or losing in new groups was correlated with their success in competition over food when they were returned to their original groups. No such effect was found. However, differences in time spent feeding after deprivation and in aggressive behaviour were found between groups depending on whether they were made up from high- or low-ranking individuals. In paired encounters there was no evidence that birds threatened unfamiliar individuals more than familiar ones or that they avoided sitting next to them more than familiar birds. This suggests that individual recognition, if it exists at all in these groups, is not important in their agonistic relationships. The rank birds occupied was correlated with beak colour, a probable measure of androgen levels, and with the amount of food consumed after deprivation. The latter result suggests that the same period of deprivation may affect some individuals more than others and this in turn may lead them to compete more for food.  相似文献   

For territorial organisms, recognition of familiar individuals can reduce the frequency and intensity of aggressive encounters (‘dear enemy’ phenomenon), stabilize social systems, and reduce the cost of territory maintenance. Here, we investigated the behavioural events displayed during contests between familiar and unfamiliar individuals in the lizard Liolaemus tenuis (Liolaemidae), a species in which males are territorial. The behaviours recorded were attack, warning, evasion, and submission, and the latencies to the first aggressive (attack or warning) behaviour. Additionally, we assessed the ability of individuals to remember a familiar conspecific after a period without social interaction. Individual males reduced and delayed aggressive behaviour directed towards socially familiar individuals compared with unfamiliar ones. These results suggest that males distinguished between familiar and unfamiliar conspecific males and are in agreement with the ‘dear enemy’ phenomenon. Other behaviours were similar in the contests between familiar and unfamiliar individuals. Recognition of familiar conspecifics was lost after 20 d without social interactions. This may be relevant for interactions with floater males or with neighbours that lose their territory and subsequently attempt to fight for their ex‐neighbour's territory.  相似文献   

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