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Olfactory stimuli are sufficient for detection and discrimination of sex of conspecific lizards by the male broad-headed skink, Eumeces laticeps, a member of a large group of lizards with pronounced chemosensory abilities, the Autarchoglossa. The capacity of male broad-headed skinks to detect conspecific odors was assessed by measuring tongue extrusion rates in response to odor stimuli presented on moist cotton applicators. Tongue-flick rates of postreproductive males were significantly higher for cloacal odors of postreproductive conspecifics of both sexes than to distilled water and higher to female than male odors over the initial 20- and 60-sec intervals. In a second experiment using testosterone-treated males and estrogen-injected females, testosterone-treated males emitted significantly more tongue flicks to female cloacal odors than to the other stimuli, and two males bit applicators bearing male odors. Testosterone did not affect reaction to male cloacal odors, but markedly increased tongue-flick rates in response to cloacal odors of estrogen-treated females. Postreproductive males also responded to female, but not male, skin odors at a significantly higher rate than to water. Possible sources and presumed adaptive significance of conspecific odors are discussed.  相似文献   

In some vertebrate taxa, pheromones provide important information about species, sex, reproductive condition, kinship, and even individual identity. Because they possess highly developed nasal chemosensory systems, lizards are capable of many chemical discriminations, but many aspects of their pheromonal communication remain poorly understood even in major families. We report that males of a lacertid lizard, Podarcis muralis, are capable of differential response to surface chemical cues from conspecific males and females, from gravid and nongravid females, and from conspecific females and females of the closely related sympatric congener, P. bocagei carbonelli. In 60 sec trials in which stimuli from the femoral, cloacal, lateral, and upper body surfaces were presented to males on cotton swabs, males tongue-flicked at significantly higher rates to stimuli from conspecific females than males, from conspecific nongravid than gravid females, and from conspecific than heterospecific females. Responses to stimuli from conspecific males did not differ from those to distilled water. Together with previous findings that males can distinguish between chemical cues from familiar and unfamiliar males, these findings suggest that pheromones provide male P. hispanica important information regarding the presence of sexual rivals and the reproductive condition of potential mates without visually encountering other lizards. A growing body of literature indicates that lacertids are capable of sophisticated pheromonal discriminations that may play important roles in their social behavior.  相似文献   

The ability of the broad-headed skink (Eumeces laticeps) to follow conspecific odor trails on paper substrates was investigated in y-maze experiments. Adult males enter the trail-containing arm at much greater than chance frequency when the odor source is female. The data support the hypothesis that males can follow odor trails of females. The often-repeated direct contact with the trail made by tongue-flicking as the lizard passed through the maze provided evidence that males could follow the scent. There was no evidence that males followed male odors or that females followed trails laid by either sex. It is suggested that the major selective force leading to evolution by males of the ability to trail females was an increase in reproductive success accruing to males able to locate females and guard them during a temporally limited period of sexual receptivity.  相似文献   

In monogamous species, an abiding relationship between a specific adult male and a specific adult female is a defining feature of the social system. The interactions between these individuals are influenced by many factors, including not only the history of their relationship (for example, development of a mutual bond), but also the immediate effects of the prevailing social context (for example, presence and sex of extra‐pair conspecifics). In this study we examined the effects of an existing bond and of social context on interactions between adult heterosexual pairs of the monogamous titi monkeys (Callicebus moloch). Twelve adult males and 12 adult females were tested with their cagemates and with an unfamiliar partner of the opposite sex in five social contexts: (1) mated male–female pair; (2) unfamiliar pair; (3) single female; (4) single male; and (5) empty stimulus cage. Results show that mated pairs were more affiliative than unfamiliar pairs and differentiated social contexts more sharply. Males were more responsive to context than females. Distance between mates was less and physical contact was more frequent in the presence of male–female pairs or a single male, than in the presence of a single female or an empty cage. These findings suggest that the presence and sex of strangers have a stronger influence on male–female interactions when the pair has an existing relationship.  相似文献   

One explanation for the evolution of sexual monomorphism is the sexual indistinguishability hypothesis, which argues that in group-living species individuals might benefit by concealing their sex to reduce sexual competition. We tested this hypothesis in long-tailed finches Poephila acuticauda. Males and females could not be reliably distinguished morphologically or by analysis of the reflectance spectra (300 to 700 nm) from the plumage and bill. Males seemed unable to distinguish the sex of an unfamiliar individual in the absence of behavioural cues; they were equally likely to court and copulate with unfamiliar males and females but rarely courted familiar males. Here we report the first experimental evidence that sexual monomorphism enables strategic concealment of sex. Males were more likely to reveal their sex when faced with a solitary unfamiliar individual than a group of unfamiliar individuals. When encountering an unfamiliar male that revealed his sex, subordinate males were more likely to conceal their sex than dominant males.  相似文献   

Iguanid lizards are known for visual acuity and a diminished vomeronasal organ, which has led to mixed conclusions on whether iguanids use chemical cues. The collared lizard, Crotaphytus collaris, is a territorial iguanid that lives in open rocky habitats. Fecal pellets placed prominently on open rocky perches may provide an ideal mechanism for intraspecific chemical signaling. In order to determine whether collared lizards can discriminate between chemical stimuli found in conspecific fecal pellets, we collected 24 males and 25 females to analyze sex-specific behavioral responses via tongue-flicks and a newly observed behavior for the species, gular pumps, to cotton swabs containing water, cologne, chemical stimuli from conspecific male and female fecal pellets, and the lizard’s own fecal pellet. Both sexes were able to discriminate chemical stimuli from water via at least one behavior. Male collared lizards exhibited greater rates of response (tongue-flick and gular pumps) toward male fecal pellets when compared to the negative water control. Our results also suggest individuals may be able to discriminate between fecal pellets, as indicated by generally greater (but non-significant) counts of male tongue-flick responses to male fecal pellets when compared to their own. Collared lizard chemical discrimination appears to utilize tongue-flick and gular pump behaviors, possibly associated with distinct chemosensory modes (vomerolfaction and olfaction). Based on this study, we suggest that chemical signals may play a greater role in intraspecific communication than previously thought in this highly visual lizard.  相似文献   

Summary A laboratory experiment with the broad-headed skink (Eumeces laticeps) involving staged agonistic encounters demonstrates that larger males have an advantage over smaller ones in agonistic bouts. Field data on head wounds produced by intraspecific fighting during the breeding season show a much higher frequency of new wounds among males over 100 mm in snout-vent-length than in smaller males. The significant difference in new-wound frequency strongly suggests avoidance of fights by the small males, which is corroborated by laboratory and field observations. Access by males to reproductively active females depends on the ability to defeat other males in aggressive contests virtually always involving head biting if the males are of nearly equal size. Because the probability of winning agonistic encounters increases with size, young males avoid fights with older males. Aggressive contests with larger males and reproductive attempts other than courtship in the absence of larger males are deferred.Aggressive behavior in E. laticeps may be employed in direct defense of females, but might also be expressed in defense of specific sites and/or territories. In the laboratory, males in their home cages were significantly more likely to win encounters with males of similar size than were males fighting in the home cages of opponents. This suggests that encounter site could be important in determining encounter outcome and that field study of possible site defense or territoriality is needed.  相似文献   

Blue tail coloration in hatchling skinks (Eumeces fasciatus and E. laticeps) appears to be an antipredatory adaptation that distracts attention away from the body to the tail. The tail itself serves as a decoy that may be autotomized as a final defense against capture. The effectiveness of intact tails in deflecting attacks from the body was 50% against scarlet kingsnakes in the experimental conditions used. Brightness rather than hue presumably accounts for the higher attack frequency on blue than black tails in this study, but the blue color may have evolved in response to avian predation. Repeated predation without ill effects by several predators allows rejection of the hypothesis that the blue tail is aposematic for the predators tested. The hypothesis that blue tails provide stimuli inhibiting aggression or predation by adult male conspecifics is untenable for E. laticeps because adult males readily eat intact hatchlings. Although this study provides no statistical evidence that blue tail coloration inhibits attack by female E. laticeps on hatchlings, the trend of predation rates on blue- and black-tailed hatchlings is in the direction predicted for inhibition.  相似文献   

Tongue-flicking rate has often been used as a dependent variable or a component of a dependent variable taken as a measure of responsiveness to chemical stimuli by lizards and snakes. Because temperature has been controlled in most studies, effects of temperature have been largely overlooked. In this study, a constant stimulus, the adult cloacal odor of a conspecific female, was presented to adult scincid lizards (Eumeces laticeps) and temperature was from 15 ° to 35 °C. Tongue-flicking rates by adult Eumeces laticeps in response to cloacal odors of conspecific females were strongly thermally dependent in 20 s and 60 s trial periods. The tongue-flick-temperature curve appears to be roughly quadratic over the entire 15 °-35 °C range studied, with very low rates at 15 ° and 20 °C followed by a rapid rise to maximum tongue-flicking rate at 30 ° and rapid decline to 35 °C. Presumably, similar relationships apply to other lizards and snakes with modifications related to ecological characteristics such as diel activity cycle and foraging mode, to relative position on a scale of eurythermy-stenothermy, and to taxon. Thermal response curves for other stimuli, especially prey odors, are likely to have the same basic form, but have not been determined.  相似文献   

A group of captiveGalago senegalensis, two males and two females housed under semi-natural conditions, were observed throughout their active periods for 10 days. An additional 100 hours of observation was undertaken during a subsequent 25-day period. The course of group formation was similar to that reported forG. crassicaudatus but in contrast to reports for monkeys. Aggressive interactions occurred primarily between individuals of the same sex and friendly interactions occurred primarily between individuals of the opposite sex.  相似文献   

Although visually transmitted social signals are well documented in many diurnal iguanians, including collared lizards, secretory femoral glands also suggest a role of chemical signals in intraspecific communication. We conducted laboratory trials to test the extent to which male and female collared lizards responded by tongue‐flicking femoral gland secretions, neutral (water), and odoriferous (cologne) control substances, males distinguished self‐secretions from those produced by unfamiliar rival males, and females distinguish secretions from unfamiliar vs. familiar males. Both males and females spent similar amounts of time in four arena quadrants each with a Petri dish treated with one of the four test compounds. Males gave more tongue flicks/trial to secretions produced by unfamiliar rivals and cologne than they tongue‐flicked their own secretions and water. By contrast, the number of tongue flicks by females on control substances and familiar and unfamiliar males was similar. Results support the hypothesis that femoral gland secretions function in intrasexual signaling among male collared lizards, perhaps allowing them to distinguish unfamiliar rivals. Females tongue‐flicked secretions from familiar and unfamiliar males with similar frequency that was high relative to that of males, suggesting a possible role of secretions in assessment of males. Ours is the first evidence of a signaling role of femoral gland secretions in collared lizards and adds to a growing body of evidence that chemical signaling has evolved in diurnal lizards that also have highly developed visual‐based signaling.  相似文献   

In primates, faces provide information about several characteristics of social significance, including age, physical health, and biological sex. However, despite a growing literature on face processing and visual attention in a number of primate species, preferences for same‐ or opposite‐sex faces have not yet been examined. In the current study, we explore the role of conspecific sex on visual attention in two groups of capuchin monkeys. Subjects were shown a series of image pairs on a Tobii Pro TX300 eye tracker, each depicting an unfamiliar male and an unfamiliar female face. Given the behavioral evidence of mate choice in both sexes, we hypothesized that capuchins would preferentially attend to images of unfamiliar conspecifics of the opposite sex. Our alternative hypothesis was that capuchins would preferentially attend to same‐sex individuals to assess potential competitors. Our results provide support for our alternative hypothesis. When comparing attention to each stimuli type across sexes, females spent significantly larger percentages of time than males looking at female photos, whereas males spent significantly larger percentages of time than females looking at male photos. Within each sex, females looked for significantly larger percentages of time to female versus male images. Males also looked for larger percentages of time to same‐sex images, though not significantly. To our knowledge, these data are the first to demonstrate significant sex‐biased attentional preferences in adult primates of any species, and suggest that, for capuchins, potential competitors garner more attention than potential mates. In addition, our findings have implications for studies of visual attention and face processing across the primate order, and suggest that researchers need to control for these demographic factors in their experimental designs.  相似文献   

The role of photoperiod in avian reproductive timing has been well studied, and we are increasingly recognizing the roles of other environmental cues such as social cues. However, few studies have evaluated the extent to which males and females of the same species respond similarly to the same type of cue. Moreover, previous studies have rarely examined how variation in the quality or nature of a given social cue might modulate its effect. Here, we examine the sensitivity of male and female pine siskins (Spinus pinus) to a potential mate as a stimulatory cue for gonadal recrudescence, and we investigate whether variation in the relationship between a bird and its potential mate modulates the effect of that potential mate. Birds were initially housed without opposite sex birds on a 12L:12D photoperiod with ad libitum food. After gonadal recrudescence had begun males and females were randomly paired with an opposite sex bird or housed alone. An additional group of males was paired with estradiol-implanted females. In males, these social treatments had no effect on testis length, cloacal protuberance length, luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, or testosterone levels. In females, presence of a potential mate had a significant and positive effect on ovary score, defeathering of the brood patch, and LH levels. Among paired birds, the degree of affiliation within a pair corresponded to the extent of reproductive development in females, but not males. Thus, reproductive timing in females appears to be sensitive to both the presence of a potential mate and her relationship with him.  相似文献   

The inbreeding avoidance hypothesis predicts that organisms that often encounter relatives as potential mates should evolve behaviours to avoid incestuous matings. Avoidance behaviours have practical importance for small populations because deleterious genetic processes may be less imminent than otherwise expected from genetic models that assume random mating. I used genetic techniques to investigate the extent of inbreeding and inbreeding avoidance behaviours in rare lizards from southern New Zealand. Grand skinks, Oligosoma grande, live in small patchily distributed groups, and have low rates of inter-group dispersal (ca. 3–20% disperse). I used data from 15 microsatellite loci to test the hypothesis that adults are likely to encounter kin as potential mates and will inbreed. These data showed that adult skinks usually inhabited rock outcrops with adult relatives of the opposite sex – up to 35% of potential mates were of equivalent relatedness as half-sibs and 17% were equivalent to full sibs. However, skinks did not preferentially breed with less related mates, and 18.2% of matings were between individuals of equivalent relatedness as full-sibs. Instead, skinks mated with partners of all levels of relatedness, and were promiscuous – almost half of adult females and nearly three quarters of adult males reproduced with multiple partners. In addition, inbreeding had no effect on survival of offspring in their first year. Two other putative mechanisms of inbreeding avoidance, sex-biased and natal dispersal, were not pronounced in this species. This study adds to a growing list of species that inbreed despite the risks.  相似文献   

《Mammalian Biology》2008,73(5):379-387
Olfactory communication has a major role in solitary carnivores, particularly during the breeding season. Scent-marking behaviour in ferret (Mustela putorius f. furo) has been well studied, but not the significance of the deposited odours for the animal. We compared the interest in urogenital, anal and body odours of opposite-sex conspecifics between male and female ferrets and investigated both sexes’ discrimination ability (familiar vs. unfamiliar) for these three opposite-sex odours and the use of its ability by females during the breeding season. Males are more interested than females in the urogenital odour of the opposite sex. Male body odour probably did not interest females and males are somewhat interested in the female one. However, anal odour of the opposite sex is as interesting for males as for females and both sexes are able to discriminate familiar anal odour from an unfamiliar one. Moreover, females could use this ability when they must choose to have some sensory contact between olfactory familiar and unfamiliar males since they prefer to be in contact with the former. These results are coherent with behavioural differences observed between male and female solitary mustelids in the field and in captivity, and the consortship success of resident males compared to roaming males.  相似文献   

In polymorphic damselflies discrimination of females from males is complex owing to the presence of androchrome and gynochrome females. To date there is no evidence that damselflies use sensory modalities other than vision (and tactile stimuli) in mate searching and sex recognition. The results of the present behavioural and electrophysiological investigations on Ischnura elegans, a polymorphic damselfly, support our hypothesis that chemical cues could be involved in Odonata sex recognition. The bioassays demonstrate that males in laboratory prefer female to male odour, while no significant difference was present in male behavior between stimuli from males and control. The bioassays suggest also some ability of males to distinguish between the two female morphs using chemical stimuli. The ability of male antennae to perceive odours from females has been confirmed by electrophysiological recordings. These findings are important not only to get insight into the chemical ecology of Odonata, and to shed light into the problem of olfaction in Paleoptera, but could be useful to clarify the controversial aspects of the mating behavior of polymorphic coenagrionids. Behavioural studies in the field are necessary to investigate further these aspects.  相似文献   

The existence of a pheromone emitted during copulation has been reported for Rhodnius prolixus (Hemiptera: Reduviidae) Stål. Adults possess one pair of metasternal glands (MGs) from which female R. prolixus release volatiles mainly at night. We investigated whether these volatiles emitted by adult R. prolixus can modulate sexual‐related behaviours of opposite and/or same sex individuals. We first used a shelter bioassay to test if adult activity patterns can be affected by chemical signals emitted by opposite sex conspecifics. We observed that males left the shelter more frequently in the presence of females, showing higher activity and an increase of intrasexual copulation attempts. Females showed no shelter‐related activation in the presence of male odours. Second, we used a locomotion compensator device to investigate whether females or males show oriented responses to odours emitted by adults. We found that males oriented towards air currents carrying female odours but females did not orient towards odours emitted by adults. Finally, we observed that males oriented towards the female MG compounds. Thus, a volatile chemical signal emitted by females from their MGs promoted the activation of sheltered males and modulated orientation to air currents.  相似文献   

Visual stimuli are important determinants of the exact placement of predatory bites by the broad-headed skink (Eumeces laticeps), a member of a varied group of lizards known for their chemoreceptive abilities, the Autarchoglossa. The skinks preferentially attack large larval bess beetles (Popilius disjunctus) just posterior to the head and use visual cues to identify the attack site. Head coloration or contrast between the dark head and light anterior thorax releases attack just behind the edge of the darkly coloured region. Skinks also employ a directional cue to guide attacks to the postcephalic region. This directional stimulus is anterior position with respect to the prey's direction of motion, which is a fairly reliable indicator of head location even in the absence of distinctive head colour. When colour/contrast and directional cues disagree, the end of the prey bearing head-colour stimuli is selectively attacked if the colour cues are strong, but both ends are attacked with nearly equal frequency when coloration is less obvious. An artificially large and brightly painted head appears to function as a supernormal releasing stimulus for attack.  相似文献   

We studied male phonotactic behaviors elicited by acoustic cues that simulate conspecific male songs in the field cricket, Gryllus texensis. Males exhibited significant positive phonotaxis in response to the simulated song stimuli, but showed no such response to atypical song stimuli. We found no significant relationship between males’ own calling behavior and their phonotactic responses to the stimuli. Analyses indicated that larger males exhibited greater phonotactic responses, which may indicate a greater tendency to engage in aggressive interactions if size is an indicator of fighting ability. Male phonotactic responses were significantly weaker than those exhibited by females, and adult males did not exhibit stronger responses with increasing age as has been documented for females. Observed sex differences in the strengths of phonotactic responses may reflect differences in the fitness-payoffs of responding. That is, females are under strong selection pressure to respond to male songs and subsequently mate. In contrast, males responding to acoustic signals from other males need not precisely locate the signaler but would likely move to areas where females are likely to be found. Alternatively, males might benefit from avoiding areas with calling males and establishing their own calling stations away from competing males.  相似文献   

张立  房继明  孙儒泳 《兽类学报》2001,21(4):292-300
研究了成年布氏田鼠在10min内,对不同光照周期下(长光照:LD;短光照:SD)陌生雌/雄个体尿液和粪便两种单一个体气味源的气味行为反应,实验发现:所有雌雄被试鼠对LD气味源比SD气味源表现出更多的嗅闻行为。LD和SD被试鼠对同性/异性尿液气味的嗅闻行为没有表现出明显的差别,但LD被试雄鼠对陌生雌鼠粪便的嗅闻频次显多于SD被试雄鼠,从嗅闻行为特征量(嗅闻行为占所有行为的百分比)来看,所有LD和SD被试雌,雄鼠对尿液的嗅 明显多于粪便,除SD粪便气味外,被试鼠对异性气味源的嗅闻明显多于同性,实验结果表明:作为两种个体气味源,尿液和粪便都带有季节性信息,而且是具有性别特性的。异性的个体气味源比同性的个体气味源更具吸引力;长光照动物的个体气味比短光照动物的气味更具吸引力。  相似文献   

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