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衰老往往意味着记忆能力的逐渐丧失。美国科学家近日研究发现。除了影响记忆能力.衰老还会削弱想象力。这一发现为“脑预期”假说提供了支持.该假说认为.想象力与记忆力依赖相同的神经机制。  相似文献   

小型哺乳动物种群周期性波动的自我调节假说   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张志强  王德华 《兽类学报》2004,24(3):260-266
种群调节是种群生态学的一个核心问题。文章主要阐述了小型哺乳动物种群在其低数量期自我调节的4 种可能假说和相关的实验证据。其中, 有关衰老—母体效应假说近年已受到普遍重视, 而支持多态行为假说、社会生物学假说和远交假说的证据较少, 尚需更多的实验来加以验证。衰老—母体效应假说是在应激假说的基础上发展而成的。该假说认为, 母体质量会在整个高峰期的动物中发生改变, 并能够延续到衰减期和低数量期。在低数量期, 种群内的老年个体增多, 导致它们不能维持内分泌的自稳态, 可能通过影响后代的存活和生殖而维持低数量, 进而起到调节种群周期的作用。针对国际上研究的发展趋势, 我们还对未来的研究方向提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

衰老的分子机制复杂,目前的研究尚未能对衰老的关键轴心获得一致而明晰的理论认识,各种衰老假说相继被提出,其中具有代表性的为端粒学说。端粒-p53-线粒体衰老轴线自从被提出,已经获得越来越多的实验论证,较多的研究也表明线粒体DNA突变与衰老有着密切的相关性,但突变与衰老之间的因果关系存在较大争议。我们简要综述了近年来线粒体DNA突变与衰老关系的相关研究进展。  相似文献   

迄今为止,人们对于衰老原因所提出的解释已多达三百余种。但是这些形形色色的理论和假说归纳起来却不外乎两大类观点。第一类观点认为衰老是由于生物体在受到外界环境的各种损伤后缺乏完善的修复机制而引起的,称为衰老的“差错理论”(Error theories);第二  相似文献   

活性氧(ROS)是生物体有氧代谢过程的一种副产品,具有强化学反应活性,在细胞信号传导和保持机体稳定性方面起重要作用,其异常表达常参与生物体衰老生理进程。本文在总结目前各经典衰老假说中ROS相关研究内容的基础上,针对目前研究中存在的各学科、各研究方向难以相互间度量比较的实际问题,提出利用ROS评价,统一建立较明确的衰老研究绩效比较共同评价指标的建议,用以不断拓宽和加深对不同层面衰老研究内容的理解和解读,为衰老研究提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

衰老是细胞的重要生命现象之一,衰老假说之一认为细胞中残留DNA损伤的积累可加速细胞的衰老.因此,细胞内DNA损伤监测及修复系统的正常运行与细胞衰老调控密切相关,DNA损伤监测及修复相关酶如PARP、DNA-PK、ATM、p53等在细胞衰老中的调控作用日益受到广泛关注.研究这些蛋白质分子间的相互作用及其在细胞衰老过程中的调控功能,有利于揭示DNA损伤应激、损伤修复调控与细胞衰老之间的内在联系,为抗衰老研究及从衰老角度治疗肿瘤提供新的思路.  相似文献   

“突变”的概念可以三种方式参与机体衰老研讨:①在衰老过程中突变发生于体细胞的假说;②预测连续世代的生殖细胞系中突变累积的衰老演化说;③通过突变、转化或选择来鉴定在调控动物寿命中起主要作用的基因。在本条目中,“衰老”一词被定义为一种发生于机体内的导致脆弱性升高和活力下降的退化过程。在此种意义上,衰老与变老(senescence)是同义的,因为我们关注的是该过程的退行性方面。根据对衰老演化的研讨,迫使人们思考年龄特异性生存率与年龄特异性生殖率双重下降的问题。在这种情况下,衰老是一种由于体内生理退化所致的年龄特…  相似文献   

李雷  蒋林华 《生物信息学》2019,17(3):175-181
近20年来,斑马鱼逐渐成为研究人类基因功能的重要模型动物。同时,通过对斑马鱼参考基因组序列和10 000多个蛋白编码基因的鉴定,表明斑马鱼至少与人类基因有75%的同源性,进一步验证了斑马鱼基因组序列可以作为衰老的研究模型。此外,其良好保守的分子和细胞生理学的广泛特征使斑马鱼成为揭示衰老、疾病和修复的潜在机制的极好模型。但是斑马鱼衰老的分子机制很少发生分子间的相互作用,因此蛋白质-蛋白相互作用(PPI)网络是非常可取的。本实验描述了斑马鱼这种生物衰老机制的模型,其涵盖了与衰老相关的87种蛋白质之间的767种相互作用。这不仅包含准确预测的PPI,还包含从文献收集以及实验所得的那些分子相互作用。同时,将这些分子相互作用模块化,形成模块化,找到11个中心基因,分析预测其衰老过程。希望能帮助研究斑马鱼的学者研究其衰老过程,提供一些假说和帮助。  相似文献   

自70年代在植物衰老研究中引入自由基假说后,国内外不少研究表明在叶片衰老过程中确有自由基的参与,并导致脂质过氧化。近年来,许多研究者在植物生长调节物质延缓或加速植物衰老作用机理的研究中也非常重视自由基的作用。Leopold和Kriedemann〔1〕指出激动素有“基于自身氧化的刹车作用”。Leshem等〔2〕和Dhindsa等〔3〕报告细胞分裂素在延缓植物衰老方面的作用与它能清除自由基、阻止自由基的形成有关。李伯林等〔4〕用燕麦叶片为材料,发现6BA和2,4D在植物体内可作为直接和间接的自由基清除剂而延缓植物的衰老。早在50年代中后期就有报…  相似文献   

乙烯与切花的衰老及保鲜   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
本文内容有四:(1)讨论了乙烯对切花的伤害作用及花瓣中乙烯的生物合成和变化动态;(2)介绍了乙烯作用机理的两种假说;(3)着重评述了乙烯合成抑制剂和作用拮抗剂在切花保鲜上的应用;(4)简述了乙烯和其它植物激素在调控切花衰老过程中的相互作用。  相似文献   

Several hypotheses have been put forward to explain the evolution of senescence. One of the leading hypotheses, the disposable soma hypothesis, predicts a trade‐off, whereby early‐life investment in reproduction leads to late‐life declines in survival (survival senescence). Testing this hypothesis in natural populations is challenging, but important for understanding the evolution of senescence. We used the long‐term data set from a contained, predator‐free population of individually marked Seychelles warblers (Acrocephalus sechellensis) to investigate how age‐related declines in survival are affected by early‐life investment in reproduction and early‐life environmental conditions. The disposable soma hypothesis predicts that higher investment in reproduction, or experiencing harsh conditions during early life, will lead to an earlier onset, and an increased rate, of senescence. We found that both sexes showed similar age‐related declines in late‐life survival consistent with senescence. Individuals that started breeding at a later age showed a delay in survival senescence, but this later onset of breeding did not result in a less rapid decline in late‐life survival. Although survival senescence was not directly related to early‐life environmental conditions, age of first breeding increased with natal food availability. Therefore, early‐life food availability may affect senescence by influencing age of first breeding. The disposable soma hypothesis of senescence is supported by delayed senescence in individuals that started breeding at a later age and therefore invested less in reproduction.  相似文献   

树木根系衰老研究的意义与现状   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
树木根系是树木重要的组成部分,具有养分和水分的吸收、传输和储存、树体的固定与支撑等重要的生理功能.在树木根系形成以后,常常遭遇到养分和水分胁迫,因此,其养分和水分的吸收功能尤其重要,在森林土壤中,养分和水分具有很大的时间和空间异质性,随着养分和水分在时间和空间上的变化,树木及时地主动调整其碳在根系中的分配,从而导致部分根系衰老或死亡,在林学上,树木根系衰老与养分和水分吸收关系密切,因而与树木生产力有直接的关系.在生态系统乃至全球尺度上,树木根系衰老影响碳循环和养分循环,因为根系对碳的消耗占树木通过光合作用所固定的碳的比例相当大,且含有丰富的养分.树木根系衰老受许多环境因子的影响,生物因子有真菌、细菌、病毒、土壤小型动物等,非生物因子有水分、温度、土壤养分、重金属等,这些因子对树木根系衰老的影响机制并不相同,尽管在树木根系衰老研究领域取得了长足的进步,提出了许多不同的假设,但仍有许多问题尚未解决,这些假设也需要更多的实验来验证,运用细胞学、生物化学、土壤科学、遗传学等多学科的交叉研究可进一步揭示根系衰老的本质。  相似文献   

This review examines the hypotheses that developmental programmed cell death in leaves is mediated (i) by sugar starvation in the leaf cells or (ii) by sugar accumulation in these cells. Experimental evidence for both hypotheses is critically discussed and found to be lacking. For example, some papers show that sugars prevent senescence of cut leaves placed in darkness, and prevent low sugar levels in the leaves. In these tests, the sugars seem to replace photosynthesis, hence the results have little relevance to leaf senescence in intact plants in the light. Low nitrogen nutrition and high light results in earlier senescence than the low nitrogen treatment alone. This is accompanied by high sugar levels in the leaves. The results have led to the idea that accumulation of sugars is the cause of the additional effect, or more generally, that sugar accumulation is always the direct cause of leaf senescence. Results from over-expressing, or knocking out, hexokinase genes tend to support the high sugar hypothesis, but pleiotropic effects confound this conclusion. In addition, several experiments show the effects of treatments on senescence without the increase in leaf sugar levels. Nonetheless, sugar levels are usually measured in whole leaves. Such an overall level does not reflect the differences in the onset of senescence between tissues and cells, and can therefore not be used as an argument for or against either of the two hypotheses. It is argued that future work should determine the time line of the concentrations of various sugars in various cells and cellular compartments, in relation to senescence processes in the same cells. Taken together, the data are not decisive. It is possible that neither of the two hypotheses is correct.  相似文献   

The Complex Regulation of Senescence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

There are only a few recent studies that have demonstrated senescence in ungulates and nothing is known regarding how patterns of senescence may vary as a function of density Senescence in general is linked to the cost of reproduction, which probably increases with density in ungulates and may differ between the sexes. Further, senescence in ungulates is also regarded to be a function of tooth wear rates. As density dependence and sexual differences in food choice have been well documented, this may lead to different tooth wear rates and, thus, possibly density-dependent and sex-specific patterns of senescence. We therefore investigated the effects of age, sex, density and their possible interactions on the variability of body weight in 29,047 red deer harvested during 1965-1998 from Norway, out of which 380 males and 1452 females were eight years or older. There was clear evidence that spatio-temporal variation in density correlated negatively with body weights. In addition, there was evidence of senescence in both male and female red deer. Age at onset of senescence in females was after 20 years of age and independent of population density. In males, the onset and rate of senescence increased with increasing population density. The onset of senescence for males was at ca. 12 years of age at low density, but decreased to approximately ten years of age at high density. The pattern of density-dependent senescence in males, but not that in females, can be explained if (i) the cost of reproduction increases with density more strongly in male than in female red deer, and/or (ii) tooth wear rates are density dependent in males, but not in females. We discuss the ability of these two different, not mutually exclusive hypotheses in explaining the observed pattern of senescence.  相似文献   

Long-lived iteroparous species often show aging-related changes in reproduction that may be explained by 2 non-mutually exclusive hypotheses. The terminal investment hypothesis predicts increased female reproductive effort toward the end of the life span, as individuals have little to gain by reserving effort for the future. The senescence hypothesis predicts decreased female reproductive output toward the end of the life span due to an age-related decline in body condition. Nonhuman primates are ideal organisms for testing these hypotheses, as they are long lived and produce altricial offspring heavily dependent on maternal investment. In this study, we integrated 50 years of continuous demographic records for the Cayo Santiago rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta) population with new morphometric and behavioral data to test the senescence and terminal investment hypotheses. We examined relationships between maternal age and activity, mother and infant body condition, interbirth intervals, measures of behavioral investment in offspring, and offspring survival and fitness to test for age-associated declines in reproduction that would indicate senescence, and for age-associated increases in maternal effort that would indicate terminal investment. Compared with younger mothers, older mothers had lower body mass indices and were less active, had longer interbirth intervals, and spent more time in contact with infants, but had infants of lower masses and survival rates. Taken together, our results provide strong evidence for the occurrence of reproductive senescence in free-ranging female rhesus macaques but are also consistent with some of the predictions of the terminal investment hypothesis.  相似文献   

The terminal allocation and senescence hypotheses make opposite predictions about how age-specific reproductive effort should vary during old age. There is empirical support for both hypotheses, although reports on senescence are more numerous. Individual heterogeneity and selective mortality, however, decrease our ability to measure how reproductive effort varies during late life. The damage accumulation model proposes that terminal allocation and senescence could be partly age-independent. Using a reverse-age approach, we analysed an unusually complete record of annual reproductive success for 90 bighorn ewes that died between 7 and 18years of age. We estimated age-specific and age-independent variation of reproductive effort in late-life. Reproductive effort decreased in the two last reproductions, independently of age at death. Fecundity also decreased in the last 2years of life, with a steeper decline for older individuals. Our study reveals that reproductive senescence includes both age-dependent and age-independent components.  相似文献   

Andrew P. Beckerman 《Oikos》2005,110(3):591-601
We studied reproductive and somatic investments in >700 female Richardson's ground squirrels ( Spermophilus richardsonii ) of known age over a 14-year period to evaluate three hypotheses, restraint, senescence, and residual reproductive value, proposed to explain age-specific life history patterns in iteroparous vertebrates. We found that reproductive investment, measured as litter mass at first emergence from the natal nest, did not differ among age classes. Although yearling female Richardson's ground squirrels made a greater somatic investment during reproduction than older females, they produced similar numbers and mass of offspring as older females. Reproductive investment did not decline with age, though active season somatic investment was lowest in the oldest females. Somatic investment during reproduction was highest in yearlings. This combination of age-related changes in somatic investment unaccompanied by changes in reproductive investment was not well explained by any of the hypotheses examined, though the senescence hypothesis best explained the combination of declining somatic investment and declining survival of the oldest females. Our results supported the ideas that reproductive and somatic senescence evolve independently, and that somatic senescence may be more common in relatively smaller species.  相似文献   

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