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马立名 《四川动物》1992,11(1):13-15
1983—1989年对二齿新蚤和方形黄鼠蚤松江亚种几种吸血习性进行了实验观察。1.新羽化蚤吸血蚤百分率与羽化后时间呈直线正相关。二齿新蚤至30小时左右,方形黄鼠蚤松江亚种至40小时左右,吸血蚤百分率约达90%,相当于繁殖蚤。2.蚤同宿主接触5分钟内即有部份吸血。接触半小时吸血蚤数最多,半小时至1小时吸血蚤数减少,也有少部份蚤至1小时尚未吸血。3.吸血蚤与未吸血蚤均可留于宿主体上,亦均能随时离开宿主体。  相似文献   

方形黄鼠蚤4个亚种在脂肪酸组分和百分含量上具有明显不同,其中雌虫在18个组分上有区别雄虫在14个组分上有区别。此外,雌虫在C16:1和C20:0的含量上,雄虫在C16:1的含量上,4个亚种之间均具有显著性差异。在C12-C22区间内有9个含量较高的主要组分,是4个亚种所共有的。方形黄鼠蚤在我国境内分布有4个亚种即松江亚种、蒙古  相似文献   

蚤蝇是重要的法医昆虫,同时是实验室中遗传、发育和生物测定等研究的重要对象。然而,蚤蝇的昼夜活动节律和睡眠行为及其在脑部的神经网络目前还不清晰。本文通过捕获本地蚤蝇并对其进行分子鉴定,研究了蚤蝇的昼夜活动节律和睡眠行为,同时表征了蚤蝇脑部核心钟神经元和多巴胺神经元。结果表明:蚤蝇在12h光照∶12h黑暗(12L∶12D)条件下不存在对开灯前或关灯前的活动预期,其双峰活动模式是对开关灯的光反应行为。在全黑暗(DD)条件下蚤蝇内源活动周期接近24h。黑腹果蝇神经肽PDF抗体免疫显示蚤蝇脑部核心钟神经元4~5个,不像黑腹果蝇一样存在明显的神经轴突。在睡眠行为上,蚤蝇雄虫和雌虫在整体活动强度、睡眠节律模式、总睡眠上均没有明显差异。相反,雄虫总睡眠次数和晚上睡眠次数低于雌虫,而总睡眠持续时间、晚上睡眠持续时间、总入睡时间和晚上入睡时间高于雌虫。此外,影响睡眠的重要多巴胺神经元在蚤蝇脑部的分布与黑腹果蝇类似。  相似文献   

马立名 《昆虫学报》1994,37(1):44-50
本文对二齿新蚤和方形黄鼠蚤松江亚种侵袭与离开宿主的习性进行了实验研究,结果:(1)蚤攻击宿主距离平均在2cm以内,最大攻击距离不超过10cm。在有效侵袭范围内,蚤与宿主距离近时较距离远时吸血蚤数增多。(2)蚤对宿主的侵袭程度雌蚤大于雄蚤,繁殖蚤大于新羽化蚤,二齿新蚤大于方形黄鼠蚤松江亚种,对小白鼠大于对达乌尔黄鼠。(3)宿主死后一定时间内,仍有部份蚤侵袭其尸体。 死亡时间越长侵袭蚤数越少,呈logY=a-blogX型曲线。(4)蚤离开宿主时间呈偏态分布,温度越高偏态分布越明显。蚤离开死鼠和离开活鼠所需时间很接近。 二齿新蚤和方形黄鼠蚤松江亚种离开宿主时间几乎相同。二种蚤离开宿主平均时间与环境温度呈负相关,且呈曲线关系。  相似文献   

迷卡斗蟋和短翅鸣螽的行为谱及交配行为   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
研究了迷卡斗蟋和短翅鸣螽的行为模式及迷卡斗蟋鸣叫的时间分布。结果表明迷卡斗蟋雄虫单独存在时 ,在一昼夜内其鸣叫的持续时间为 668.38± 1 0 9.86分钟 ( 5 ) ,引入雌虫后鸣叫累计时间减少为 1 7.3± 6.7分钟 ( 5 ) ,并产生音调低沉的求偶声。在昼夜鸣叫活动型式中 ,雄虫单独存在时的鸣叫活动集中于夜间 ;引入雌虫后 ,占区鸣叫、求偶鸣唱和交配行为多集中于白天。根据上述结果提出了机会 -风险平衡假说来解释此现象 ,即白天交配有被捕食的危险 ,雄蟋短期内重复交配以保证精液进入雌蟋体内 ,从而保证了交配的成功 ,补偿了雄蟋所冒风险。短翅鸣螽雄性产生较大的精包 ,当雌体取食精包时 ,精液进入雌体内以保证交配成功。  相似文献   

记述从湖北省长江三峡以南巴东县绿葱坡海拔1 750m落叶阔叶林中捕获的猪尾鼠加Typhlomys cinereus体上采到的盲鼠蚤属Typhlomyopsyllus Li et Huang,1980 1 新种,巫峡盲鼠蚤Typhlomyopsyllus wuxiaensis sp.nov..新种以其独特的可动突形态和宽大卵圆形交配囊袋部及环形骨化增厚脊与该属已记录的4种盲鼠蚤均不同,而其它特征♂仅与洞居盲鼠蚤T.cavaticus Li et Huang,1980、♀与刘氏盲鼠蚤T.liui Wu et Liu,2002相近,但依其雌、雄两性变形节的形态可与后2种区别.文后就新种与近缘种的关系和盲鼠蚤属的蚤类地理分布等问题进行了讨论.  相似文献   

【目的】明确不同交配时长对广聚萤叶甲雌虫产卵量和卵的孵化率的影响。【方法】在室内条件下,对不同交配时长下广聚萤叶甲的雌虫产卵量和卵的孵化率进行观察:(1)选取羽化第3d的广聚萤叶甲雌雄虫随机配对,观察24 h,记录交配情况和时长;(2)在交配开始1、5、15、30、60 min时,强行分开雌雄成虫,然后将不同交配时长的雌虫进行单独饲养,以正常交配一次的雌虫作为对照,每个处理选取23组;(3)将15~30 cm健壮豚草小苗插入注满水的塑料小瓶内,将配对的一组雌雄成虫和豚草小苗放入养虫盒中饲养,每天更换带卵的小苗并记录叶片上的产卵量;(4)将上述带卵的小苗至于适宜条件下培养,记录5~7 d内卵块孵化的情况。【结果】广聚萤叶甲正常交配一次的对照组的产卵水平显著高于各处理组,单雌产卵为889粒,交配时间15 min以下各组雌虫的产卵量明显低于交配30 min以上的各组雌虫。同时交配时长5 min以下雌虫产的卵基本不能孵化,而交配时间达到30 min以上的各组卵块的孵化率明显提高。【结论】雄虫转移雌虫受精所需精子量需要耗费的时间为30 min左右,且雄虫有延长交配时间的趋性。该结果为研究广聚萤叶甲的生态特性以及优化种群繁殖提供科学依据。  相似文献   

松褐天牛的交配行为   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用室内试验和野外观察相结合的方法,对松材线虫病的主要媒介昆虫松褐天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope的交配行为进行了研究。结果表明: 松褐天牛一次完整的交配包括相遇抱对、插入输精和配后保护3个阶段,在交配过程中雄虫有多次插入输精现象发生。室内试验中共观察到松褐天牛的交配123次,松褐天牛一次完整的交配过程平均需时63.49 min,其中输精前的抱对时间平均为1.68 min,交配过程中每次输精插入时间平均为57.60 s,配后保护时间为15.18 min。松褐天牛在开始交配的4天内平均交配5.15次,不同雄性个体所获得的交配机会差异很大。松褐天牛的交配行为表现出强烈的雄性竞争现象,雄虫能根据雌虫或自身的交配经历调整交配投入,当雌虫或者雄虫是初次交配时,总输精时间和插入输精的次数显著大于与有交配经历的雌虫或雄虫交配时的输精时间和插入输精次数。田间松褐天牛的交配行为与室内观察结果基本一致。  相似文献   

二齿新蚤的吸血活动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马立名 《昆虫学报》1985,(2):188-194
本文在实验室内研究了二齿新蚤吸血活动与环境温度、蚤龄、性别的关系。实验证明,幼蚤吸血最适温度为25℃左右,该温度下吸血率最高;成蚤在各种温度下,吸血率均接近100%。成蚤吸血率高于幼蚤。幼蚤雌蚤吸血率高于雄蚤,成蚤吸血率雄雌均接近100%。蚤吸血量与吸血时温度无关,威蚤吸血量大于幼蚤。雌蚤吸血量大于雄蚤。蚤的血液消化速度,高温时较低温时为快。在温度25℃以下时,成蚤消化速度较幼蚤为快;30℃以上时,成蚤与幼蚤消化速度相近。消化速度与性别无关。  相似文献   

细纹豆芫菁交配与繁殖力的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
将采自野外的细纹豆芫菁EpicautamannerhimiMkl的雌雄成虫各50头在室内进行人工随机配对,共发生75次交配,平均交配1.5次。雄虫1生可交配0~4次,雌虫0~2次。交配持续时间为(188±55)min,交配持续时间与交配次数之间、交配持续时间与繁殖力之间均无相关性。交配次数与两性的繁殖力呈负相关。交配后有36头雌虫43次产卵,其中有35次产卵发生在本次交配后,有8次产卵发生在连续2次交配后。作者认为雌虫在性感受性上的差异,与不育雄虫参与雌虫的前次交配有关。雄虫能否产生足够数量的交配因子来抑制雌虫的性感受性,是决定雌虫在产卵前交配次数的重要因素。  相似文献   

Abstract  The mating behavior of cat flea, Ctenocepholides felis (Bouche) was studied on an artificial feeding device. Male and female can mate repeatedly with same partner or Merent ones. In the situation of male: female ratio of 1 :5, each mating lasted an average of 6.6 min, with a mean interval between matings at 2.5 min., compared to 11. 1 min and 12.1 min respectively in a cell with 5 males and 1 female. As many as 48 mating events were observed for one male during an 8 h period. One female mated 27 times in 7 h with 5 males in the same cell. Newly emerged males and females can not mate before blood meal and about 24 h blood feeding is rewuired for successful mating. Newly emerged males can not mate with fed females (fed for 48 h), but fed males can mate with newly emerged females who are feeding the blood. Significantly more male contacts and male-male mating attempts were observed after the paper treated with female extract was introduced into the cell. The paper contacts and mating attempts were 16.75–32.25 times and 15.75–31.38 times, respectively, on average during a period of 20 min when different doses (FE) of extract were provided.  相似文献   

Optimal male and female mating rates rarely coincide. Males often shift the rate in their favor by either increased signaling and by overcoming female resistance to copulation. The concept of sensory exploitation posits that males produce signals that mimic naturally selected benefits and so deceitfully attract females. However, males also have to overcome female resistance to actual copulation. Males may do so by copulating during situations when the female's ability to resist is decreased because of competing naturally selected demands. Males of the common bedbug, Cimex lectularius , an obligate blood feeder, mate at a rate, and in a manner that is harmful to females. Females have to feed regularly to produce eggs, and during feeding female body volume increases by 300%. Choice trials using unfed and either fed or experimentally enlarged but unfed females showed that the increased postfeeding body volume of females attracted more male mating attempts, strongly reduced female resistance to male mating attempts and resulted in a net increase in female mating rate. Our results, therefore, suggest that males have increased mating success in a situation that females cannot avoid because it is naturally selected. Such "situation exploitation" of low resistance may be a common phenomenon.  相似文献   

Coelopids live in wrack beds consisting of seaweed washed up on beaches. Their mating system is characterized by sexual conflict and convenience polyandry, with females resisting male mating attempts. We estimated the level of harassment by males and the success rate of rejection by females collected from a high density wild population. Males mounted a female every 8.41 min. Of these mounts 35% resulted in copulation. This suggests that females could be mated up to 5 times every 2 h. Females typically live for 3 weeks, and thus, could mate with hundreds of males during their lifetime. We found a 50:50 sex ratio throughout the wrack bed revealing that females do not avoid male harassment by leaving the wrack bed when not ovipositing.  相似文献   

While studies of sexual selection focus primarily on female choice and male-male competition, males should also exert mate choice in order to maximize their reproductive success. We examined male mate choice in mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki, with respect to female size and female dominance. We found that the number of mating attempts made by a male was predicted by the dominance rank of females in a group, with dominant females attracting more mating attempts than subordinates. The number of mating attempts made by males was independent of the female size. The observed bias in the number of mating attempts towards dominant females may be driven either by straightforward male mate choice, since dominance and female fecundity are often closely related, or via the dominant females mediating male mating behaviour by restricting their access to subordinate females.  相似文献   

Bed bugs are cited as exemplars of sexual conflict because mating can only occur via traumatic insemination. However, past antagonistic coevolution between the sexes does not necessarily preclude current female choice. Here, we investigate opportunities for precopulatory female choice in bed bugs. We examined whether females seek out mating opportunities when they gain the most benefit: when females are virgin and/or have recently fed. But, we found that female mating and feeding status had little effect on female attraction to males and male odor. To determine whether females approach male harborages (home crevices) to seek matings in nature, we investigated where matings occurred among unfamiliar pairs of bed bugs. We found that, despite female attraction to male odor, matings were most likely to take place in the female's harborage rather than the male's harborage. We also examined the effect of feeding on male and female ability to mate. Whereas previous research reported that engorgement impaired female ability to refuse matings, we found that male feeding status had a larger effect on the success of mating encounters than female feeding status. Fed males had poor mating success, suggesting that males may be faced with a trade‐off between mating and feeding.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(2):517-528
If females choose breeding situations to maximize their fitness, then those features of the male and/or territory that are important in mate selection by females should affect female fitness, be assessable prior to mating, and vary among males. The purpose of this study was to identify characteristics of male quality and territory quality that fit these criteria for marsh wrens Cistothorus palustris. The male's contribution to nest defence appeared not to affect female success or choice. However, females that received male assistance with feeding young produced more and heavier fledglings than females without assistance. Males that fed young did not attract more mates. Few males in this population fed young, and no relationship was found between feeding effort and physical or behavioural features of the male. Results of multivariate analyses suggest that, within sites, the measures of territory quality used here cannot explain the variance in the number of young fledged per female or male harem size. The examination of arbitrary territories showed that male pairing success, female settlement order and predation patterns were not significantly correlated between years. The results suggest that territory quality does not influence female success or choice. These results are discussed in the light of earlier attempts to relate features of males and territories to mate selection by female passerines.  相似文献   

The guarding of females approaching a limited period of sexual receptivity is a common mating tactic of males. In many decapod crustaceans, such as the shrimp Palaemonetes pugio , females can only copulate during a short period after a reproductive molt. It has been predicted that mate guarding by males (pre-copula) evolves in such species if sex ratios are not highly female-biased and if males can detect the molt stage of the female. The mating tactics of males were investigated in P. pugio . Time-lapse video observations were made on interactions among two males, a pre-molt female, and an inter-molt female (20 replicates). There was no evidence that males recognized a pre-molt female until 24 h before its molt. Significant numbers of male contacts with pre-molt females occurred 1 h before and after the female molt. Copulation took place within 1–3 min of the molt. No behavior commonly associated with mate guarding in decapods was observed – no clasping, agonistic behavior, or close association. It is concluded that the male's mating tactic is pure searching, wherein males haphazardly contact many females in order to find a receptive one. The high encounter rate in nature of these very mobile, aggregated shrimps is proposed as the factor responsible for the evolution of pure searching. It is hypothesized that pure searching is the male tactic of the many species of decapod shrimps with small males, sexually monomorphic cheliped weapons, and aggregated populations.  相似文献   

The first 2-4 days after an Anopheles gambiae female mosquito emerges are critical to her survival and reproductive success. Yet, the order of behavioural events (mating, sugar feeding, blood feeding) during this time has received little attention. We discovered that among female cohorts sampled from emergence, sugar feeding had a higher probability than blood feeding of occurring first, and mating rarely occurred before a meal was taken. The night after emergence, 48% of females fed on sugar in mesocosms, and 25% fed on human blood; in the absence of sugar, 49% of females fed on human blood. After 5 days, 39% of the sugar-supplied females had blood fed and mated, and were fructose negative, whereas only 8% of the sugar-denied females had both blood fed and mated by this time. The model that best explained the transitions suggests that females made use of two distinct behavioural pathways, the most common one being to sugar-feed, then mate, and then seek blood. Other females sought blood first, then mated, and forwent a sugar meal. Lipid levels were higher in females with access to sugar than in females without access to sugar, particularly for those in later gonotrophic stages, while glycogen levels in the sugar-supplied group were higher throughout. In single-night experiments with females having had access to sucrose since emergence, those given a blood meal 1 day before spending a night with males had higher insemination rates than those not receiving the blood meal. These results indicate that the trade-off between survival and immediate reproduction is resolved by young adult females in accordance with availability of resources and gonotrophic state.  相似文献   

The mating strategies of male fiddler crabs are variable and highly flexible within species. In this study I examine three types of mating strategy used by individual male Uca vocans hesperaie. The most common strategy, termed a ‘standard gambit’, where males approached females at their burrow entrance and initiated courtship, accounted for 63% of mating attempts and 75% of successful matings. The rarest strategy (4% of mating attempts) was the ‘dig out’, where males attempted to mate with females whose burrows they had excavated. This strategy accounted for 19% of successful matings. ‘Herding’ behaviour which involved a male attempting to herd a female into a burrow and mate, contributed 33% of mating attempts but were generally unsuccessful, accounting for only 2.6% of successful matings. Males used more than one strategy during the study period. Smaller males used the standard gambit strategy more often than herding or dig outs while larger males used the herding strategy more often. There was no relationship between male size and mating success and males did not preferentially mate with females of a certain size. The predominant strategy adopted by males over the lunar cycle depended on female behaviour. Herding behaviour was induced by female wandering which escalated at full moon. Standard gambits were the commonest strategy adopted at and around new moon. The low success rate of male mating attempts (16%) indicates a reluctance by females to mate multiply. This may lead to conflict between the sexes because in fiddler crabs there is last male sperm precedence.  相似文献   

Females of the dragonfly Erythemis simplicicollis (Say) (Odonata, Libellulidae) store enough sperm to fertilize 6–13 clutches of eggs laid on consecutive days. Nonetheless, they usually mate one or more times per day. Males wait for females at ponds containing surface vegetation on which the females lay eggs. Some males defend vegetation while other act as satellites. After mating, both types of males attempt to guard females against takeover by other males. Sperm precedence by male E. simplicicollis was studied using sterility produced by gamma irradiation to label sperm. After a dose-response analysis, males receiving a dose of 25 kiloroentgens (>99.9% sterile) were returned to their home pond as territory residents and satellites. Both types of males fertilized an average of 99.5% (range 97.3–100%) of the female's remaining clutch. After mating with a sterile male, females were isolated in a large cage, and eggs collected for several consecutive days. These clutches revealed that sperm mixing in the bursa of the females is essentially complete after 24 to 48 h and that the last male to mate had replaced an average of more than 57–75% of the sperm stored by female from previous matings. Thus, the last sperm in is the first sperm out fertilizing essentially all of the eggs laid soon (5–6 min) after the mating. Sperm from the most recent mating competes for fertilizations with sperm stored from previous matings only if the female oviposits on the following day without remating.  相似文献   

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